CASE STUDY: We took a bold approach to building our national turnout map and focused on reaching voters long before Election Day, when most GOTV campaigns begin. We targeted voters in the “blue wall” states that had previously favored Democrats (Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin), and the increasingly competitive sun-belt states (Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina), whose changing demographics made them newly competitive. This specific turnout program, separate from our registration + persuasion programs, began in July 2020. Driven by internal research that showed our facts-first advertising was most likely to resonate with voters with lower political knowledge, we targeted left-leaning, low political knowledge voters who were infrequent voters or who had never voted before. ✅ 1.8 million low political knowledge left-leaning voters across AZ, GA, MI, NC, PA, WI ✅ 95% infrequent or new voters, 57% had never voted before ✅ 73% Women, 59% POC, 62% Under 35 Research showed that young, low propensity voters were unenthusiastic about voting in 2020 due to a dislike of politics, logistical issues, and a lack of knowledge of or interest in the candidates. 樂 HOWEVER, they retain some optimism: a majority believe the government can be improved despite its flaws, and believe politics can affect their lives 樂 Unfortunately, they are unlikely to think their individual vote affects policy/politics and are likely to believe they’re stuck with the problems past generations or others created 樂 They also had an enthusiasm and knowledge gap when it came to Biden. Our young, diverse audience spent significantly more time on social media + streaming sites.
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