Churchill Sees Axis ^Act Iation
Average Daily drcalation The Weether For tha Moath af Pabraary, IM l Fsieeast of O. S. WeeOM 6,677 Fair toalfht aad PrMay. Fri- day eloody, TlgM raia at aiglit. aot Member of tiw AadH mach chaage hi temperatersw ^ Btireae of OIrealattoaa Mancheoter—-A City of Village Charm - -V.V VOL. LX., NO. 151 (Ctasatfied Advertlslag Oa Page U ) , MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY 1941 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CE ■--------------------------------------- Churchill Sees Axis ^act iation Allis-Chalnijers r Night Sticks Swing in Strike Clash Police Raid Union’s King Peter Assn Workers Told Quarters; Leaders Plaiit to Open Control in Couritry; Company Instructs Pro- H^ld After Battle duction Etnployes to Report for Duty So Hopeful of Defense "S ;. :i^t!,t‘:f ffigherP lane Output Can Start. Richmond, Ind., Plant! Qulnut Post^ Milwaukee, March 27— (O —The Premier Tells Conserva- n ___ Military Coup d’Eut O f International Har- ^ Allls-Cbalmers Manufacturing Co., strikebound since Jan. 22, today tive Party C o m m i t t e e BOSOS Executed Amidst Riot vestcr Plant Today as Two Months instructed some of its production ous Disapproval oi workers to report for duty this af- Yugoslavia Has Toiind TrOOtV Sont Factory Is Reopened. | ____ ternoon in order that full opera- Soul’ in ^Revolution’ Two-Day Old Pact; tions on 145,000,000 worth of na- Richmond, Ind., March 27. Stimson Reports *Satis- In Belgrade; Rejoices New Government, of tional defense orders can be re- To Congress —(yP)— A fter a bloody, head- factory Increase* in sumed tomorrow morning. To Hear Ministers Who Anti-German Complex- bashing battle between local This was the company’s answer police and pickets at the gates February and March; to the Federal government’s de- Signed Axis Agreements Submitted ion Orders New Meaa* mand for immediate cessation of of The International Harvest- Situation Is Improved.
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