FREE monthly community magazine for and district

Fresh police warning after garden shed raids Ponteland schoolchildren Sun shines on perform for the Queen school sports day Bar bistro appeal rejected by Government inspector Pont News and Views is published by Ponteland Town Council in conjunction with Ponteland Community Partnership. If you would like to submit an article, feature or advertise in the magazine, contact: Tel: (0191) 3408422 Mob: 07954 157939 Email: [email protected] Write: Cian creative pr, 5 East Boldon Road, Cleadon Village, SR6 7SH 2Produced bypont Ciannews creative&views pr email: [email protected] TV weatherman brings the sunshine to park party

Hundreds of families enjoyed a sunny evening of entertainment in Ponteland Park hosted by BBC weatherman Paul Mooney.

The Look North weather presenter brought on the night saw £400 raised for the ex- donations to Help for Heroes. Special the sunshine as he compered the event on servicemen’s charity Help for Heroes. thanks should also go to volunteers who Saturday July 2. helped in the building of the marquee and Coun Peter Cowey, Mayor of Ponteland, stage and then dismantled it after the An estimated 300 people came along to be said: “Paul Mooney couldn’t have forecast show.” entertained by singer Katy Reilly, Dunston better weather for us – it was a lovely Silver Band, St John’s Singers from balmy evening. I’d like to thank Paul and all Music in the Park is one of a number Wideopen, and Ponteland Community our performers for putting on such a great of new community events launched Band. programme of entertainment. as part of the Town Council’s vision of giving residents a real sense of pride in The event, organised by Ponteland Town “We were delighted to see so many people Ponteland. Council, the Lions Club and Ponteland of all ages enjoying a fantastic community Rotary, was free but generous donations event, and very grateful for the generous Photos by Trevor Walker www.pontelandtowncouncil.co.uk pontnews&views 3 Drivers need to watch out for the reds By Peter Curran

The red squirrels on the golf course seem to be thriving this year and, as our garden backs onto the course, we are seeing them every day - sometimes there are four or five of them running around at the same time.

We have three squirrel feeders and we have to fill them up every day. They are delightful creatures, an endangered species, so we are very fortunate in Ponteland to have this healthy colony. However it is not all good news. As I write we have had four red squirrel road kills reported in Ponteland within the past week on Main Road, North Road and Eland Road. This is very sad news. I think they must be young squirrels dispersing from the golf course. I think we need to alert the people in this area, possibly by erecting red squirrel road signs, but would like to ask all Pont News readers to alert Sally Hardy of Ponteland Red Squirrels on 07878 061880 if they spot red squirrels but, more importantly, if they see a grey squirrel in the area. The photo here was taken in our garden.

4 pontnews&views email: [email protected] Dobsons A4 PN Aug:Layout 1 20/7/11 11:20 Page 1

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Why not download our new iPhone app! www.pontelandtowncouncil.co.uk pontnews&views 5 2011/12 PROJECTS temporary works using sandbags pontelandtowncouncil.co.uk or Joint meetings of The list of projects included be carried out in the meantime. by post to the Clerk, Ponteland County Council within the budget for 2011/12 The work would have to be carried Town Council, Unit 1 Meadowfield and Parish and Town Councils was circulated. Some of the out before the end of August and Court, Meadowfield Industrial A letter had been received from projects such as the speed display the Council agreed to delegate Estate, Ponteland, NE20 9SD. An NCC highlighting dates for the next signs and floral display stands at authority to the Town Clerk to evening meeting will be held at the round of joint meetings. The West Broadway are already in progress process this work immediately. beginning of September to discuss area meeting would be held on and would be completed shortly. these items. Tuesday 11 October in Modified entrance to the Park – – the venue to be confirmed. Reports were submitted on three West Road further projects: Councillor Richard Dodd stated A copy of the proposal to modify HIGHWAYS WORKING that he had a meeting the following Signs and maps for Ponteland the entrance at the West Road PARTY day to discuss issues at Thornhill Councillors agreed to proceed was circulated. The arrangements The Working Party met on Road which was an ongoing with a project to provide two had been agreed with the owners June 15 and made several problem that he would continue to heritage frames and a street map of Park House. Details of the recommendations. Councillor work on. quotations received were reported of Ponteland. It is hoped that Richard Dodd agreed to see if he MAYOR’S REPORT companies may provide some and it was agreed that this project could fund any improvements from The Mayor reported on several sponsorship for the maps. The should proceed and the lowest his small scheme allowance to events that he had attended in the Highways Working Party will quote be accepted. the pedestrian walkway between last few weeks. The annual bowls determine the exact locations BUDGET WISH LIST Kirkley Drive and Meadowfield. evening between the Bowling Club within the village and Broadway. It was agreed to carry out some and the Town Council had been Councillors were asked to work at the bus stop in Medburn to Park Bridges – Abutment held on June 17 and had been submit items they wished to see improve safety, to include moving protection most enjoyable. He thanked the included within the budget for the notice board into the bus stop Members were reminded that some Bowling Club for their hospitality. next year, if they had not already and attempting to get the hedging repairs to the bridge abutments in He had also attended the Royal done so. There is still time for cut back. The Working Party was the park required attention. A long Visit at Castle on June the public to submit ideas for the authorised to process the request term solution to the problem was 22 which had been a great day, Council’s budget for next year. for some junction improvements currently being examined however, despite the weather. The Music Suggestions should be submitted between Broadway and Middle it was recommended that some in writing by email to enquiries@ in the Park event had been held Drive, including the continuation of on July 2. The weather had been yellow lines to discourage parking very good and it had proved to in certain areas and a request for be a most enjoyable evening. He bus stop markings to be added to thanked all of those who had taken the Woodside bus stop. part and those who had helped to organise the event which was NORTHUMBERLAND held in aid of ‘Help for Heroes’ and had raised nearly £400. The COUNTY COUNCIL Mayor had been delighted to REPORT attend a ‘Strawberries and Cream’ event held at the Grange Lea care Review of Polling Stations home on North Road. He had also attended the opening of the The Town Council was invited to new Outdoor area at the Darras submit representations in relation Hall First School on July 4 which to a review of polling stations he had been most impressed currently being carried out. It was with. The Mayor had also been agreed there were several viable pleased to represent the Council alternatives to using schools, which at the induction of the Reverend was a disruption to the education Philip Gray at the United Reformed of pupils. Ponteland had several Church at Broadway. halls that could be used as polling stations and it was agreed that This column is based on the these views be conveyed to the minutes of the Town Council held County Council. on July 13.

ME & MY GIRL NEED YOU Ponteland Repertory Society is producing the musical “Me & My Girl” from November 29 to December 3 in the Memorial Hall. This is a great “feel good” show for cast and audience alike and we’d love you to join us. Rehearsals will commence on Thursday September 1 at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall. If you are interested please ring our Chairman or Secretary and they will be happy to have a chat and answer any questions you may have. If you can sing, act or dance and would like to be involved, then please contact either Gill on (01661) 822854 or Carole on (0191) 250 1818.

6 pontnews&views email: [email protected] Darras Hall First School opens outdoor classroom

Derelict ground has been turned into a stimulating outdoor classroom at Darras Hall First School. The new Quiet Area is a place where the children can find an alternative to the hustle and bustle of playtime. The school came up with the idea after a survey into what the children thought about their outside space. Suggestions were made in school and online and the Year 3 classes used these to come up with some inspiring ideas which were incorporated into a final design for the new ‘Quiet Area’. The whole project has had great community support. Two parents have worked with the school throughout the process, from initial consultation to final build - Anita Foster from School Grounds North East, and Keith Errington of Just Stumps Ltd. Funds raised by the PTA, along with contributions from local businesses, have helped to transform the children’s ideas into a space the whole school community can enjoy. Headteacher Peter Tincombe said: “This project to transform a section of derelict land has been a wonderful example of children, staff, parents and the community working together to produce an inspiring outcome and a facility which will add greatly to our work and Morpeth - Barclays Bank, Ponteland - Waitrose, Ponteland - with children. I am particularly grateful to Mrs Foster, Mr Errington Sainsbury’s, Ponteland - Lintzford Garden Centre, Rowlands Gill and Mr Hiles for their tireless efforts to complete this project.” - Ponteland United Football Club - Newcastle Airport - Major Law Firm - Ponteland Town Council. The firms which supported the project were: Just Stumps, Woolsington - Holystone Skip Hire - MAXHIRE Ltd, Brunswick Photo by Keith Robertson

Lib Dem MEP for Fiona Hall MEP the North East

How to contact me: By post: 55a Old Elvet, Durham, DH1 3HN By email: [email protected] By phone: School’s charity bike 0191 383 0119 ride raises over £2,000 www.FionaHall.org.uk By Peter Tincombe Headteacher, Darras Hall First School As a staff we have recently known three youngsters who have been diagnosed with leukaemia. We decided we would like to do something practical, albeit small, to help. As three of our staff are keen cyclists we undertook to complete a sponsored bike ride from school to St. Mary’s Lighthouse, Whitley Bay, on Saturday July 9. Eleven staff, and three sons and three husbands of staff who could not ride, took part. We have currently raised just over £2,000. Photo by Keith Robertson

www.pontelandtowncouncil.co.uk pontnews&views 7 Ponteland schoolchildren perform for The Queen By Muriel Sobo

The children from Ponteland Middle School in their at sports days, the prefects and Head boy and girl. This was their distinctive red tops were instantly recognisable reward. at Alnwick Garden when the Duchess of Headteacher Caroline Pryer, who is a deputy Lieutenant of the Northumberland played host to the Queen and the County, was involved in the massive organisation of the event. Duke of Edinburgh. She said: “I am very privileged and honoured and so proud of the children. I was close to tears when the Queen and her party The Duchess, the Lord Lieutenant, had organised a big party for walked down to the cascade and I could hear the drums of the carers and volunteers from all over the county in appreciation of Bongo Band in the background.” their roles and all their hard work. Many Ponteland people were at the event, not only A very wet start to the day did not dampen the enthusiasm and who is also a deputy Lieutenant, but carers and volunteers in their good nature of the crowds in the Alnwick Garden and the 136 many different roles. Middle School pupils all have happy memories and lots of photos Alan and Sheila Pagan, who have helped to organise the of a right royal event. fundraising charity ball in Newcastle for decades, wrote to There were Eco-warriors, the green-fingered bunch who look after Caroline: “The Duchess has been truly inspirational and gave us the ‘green sanctuary’ in the science quad and tidy up the school access to the fabulous gardens and castle, her home. It was a surroundings by weeding and pruning; peer mediators who are most enjoyable and wonderful day.” trained to appreciate problems between pupils and deal with Sentiments echoed by all who were there! them; sports leaders who support fixtures and festivals and help

SCHOOLS UNITE FOR SAGE GATESHEAD VISION EVENT Hundreds of first, middle and high school students from the Ponteland Partnership of Schools united for a good old fashioned North-East sing-along at The Sage Gateshead. Young singers and musicians from the nine schools - Belsay First School, Darras Hall First School, Heddon On The Wall St Andrew’s Church of First School, Ponteland First School, Ponteland High School, Ponteland Middle School, Richard Coates Church of England Middle School, Stamfordham First School and Whalton Church of England Aided First School - came together to mark the launch of the Partnership’s joint vision of how they will work to improve further the school experience for local children and young people.

8 pontnews&views email: [email protected] Sun shines on Planning inspector dismisses appeal on controversial bar school sports day bistro plan

An appeal against a council decision to reject a controversial plan for a bar and bistro in Ponteland village centre has been rejected by a Government planning inspector.

The proposal for the two-storey bar and restaurant on the site of the former Co-op store and Wine Rack off-licence in Bell Villas, which would have been able to cater for up to 96 people, generated several objections.

They included Ponteland Town Council, Civic Society and Methodist Church, Northumberland Fire & Rescue Service, and 15 neighbouring homeowners from the Ryehaugh Estate.

Concerns include potential noise nuisance from music and waste disposal operations and drinkers leaving the premises late at night.

Applicants Tyneside-based Newco (Ponteland) Ltd were granted a premises licence by Northumberland County Council at a hearing in April, but their bid for planning permission had already been refused. Children from classes one and two at Darras Hall First School enjoyed great weather for their annual sports day Dismissing the appeal, planning inspector Ian Jenkins said he last month. agreed with the authority that the firm had not tried hard enough to market the building for retail use and that a bar/bistro would Cover shot by Keith Robertson cause “unacceptable harm to the viability of Ponteland centre”.

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Reaction to last month’s article on school run drivers in this month’s letters...

Grandfather volunteers daily traffic congestion and dangerous parking so disgusted with the sheer carelessness of as traffic warden to tackle is largely due to the fact that Ponteland has one of our local residents. an excessive number of school places than is It is unbelievable to think that someone school run drivers required to meet the needs of its catchment would let their dogs loose on more than one Reading your article about the Thornhill area. occasion, especially when they are clearly not Road school run traffic problems, these Several schools have approximately 50% of fit to be away from their owners in a public abusive and inconsiderate parents cause their intake made up of pupils from outside of environment. trouble all over the place. And, as Janet the catchment area. While some of these use I feel extremely sorry for the Park family, as 20 Dakers says, nothing will happen until buses to get to and from school, many are years with a pet whom you have grown to love somebody gets killed. driven in and out each day - thus adding to the should not end in this way. village congestion. My grandson goes to the infants’ school on It is about time people took some Broadway and it’s the same there. Outside the Parental laziness and general inconsiderate responsibility; if it was two children that had school is a bay with double yellow lines and ignorance to pavement users results in the roamed from home and done this act it would the words “do not park here” or similar. Yet problematic parking. be a completely different story. So why should constantly people park in this space to drop A rationalisation of school places to provide two untrained and unsociable dogs be allowed their kids off or park there and go to the shops, adequate places to meet the needs of the local to escape punishment? and most of these are high profile celebrities in population only would stop the congestion, their white Range Rovers etc. I hope the Park family are able to feel due to the hundreds of ‘out of catchment comforted by the thought of local people in the Also there is an abundance of Transit vans and area’ children being ferried daily to and from area who have social skills and morals thinking they like parking there and going to the shops Ponteland, and make life for those living in the of them and feeling empathy for them through to buy newspapers, pies and pop and sit there catchment area much more pleasant. this truly horrible experience. and have their breakfast, lunch or tea. It makes The current 3 tier system in this area directly my blood boil. JW contributes to excessive school places, which Ponteland My grandson was nearly run over the other in turn are filled by ‘out of catchment’ pupils week coming from between these vehicles. some of whom have ignorant parents whose Not only do the three, four and five year kids driving and parking irritates local residents. Has anyone else been have to put up with this, there is also the A reduction of the grossly excessive number of a victim of flytipping? problems of cars and vans roaring fast up and school places would overnight remove much down Broadway. of the twice daily congestion and ignorant/ As a resident of Kirkley Drive in Ponteland, I One idea I like is the Hartlepool idea (camera dangerous parking. It would not, of course, have recently been the victim of a flytipping car with offending drivers prosecuted). But I stop the stupid parking of parents who live incident. will go one further - put a traffic warden there locally. I arrived home on Thursday July 9 to find soil, or, if it cannot be met out of the public purse, Ross Shepherd rubble, cinders, clinker, glass and tiles had go for voluntary traffic wardens or community North Road been dumped along the length and back of my wardens who have the power to make Ponteland front flower border. The depth was up to 4cm enforcement orders. As I say it’s got to stop in places. before it’s too late. Several young helebores were covered I am volunteering myself to be the first.... School run chaos not just a completely and subsequently died. The Terry Parkinson problem on Thornhill Road long term effect on other plants such as rhododendrons is not yet known. It took me Edge Hill Close It’s not only a problem on Thornhill Road. Darras Hall two-and-a-half hours to remove the rubble, Parts of Middle Drive for example are reduced filling two large compost bags which remain on to one way traffic at school times. It might not my drive. Schools should stop accepting be illegal parking, but it is certainly anti-social The police have been very helpful, calling in and a public nuisance. pupils from outside the area and updating me on progress; the council less Keith Melton so. My neighbour was informed by a council I would like to wholeheartedly support the Eastern Way gardener that I have ‘the wrong types of plants comments from Councillor Dodd regarding Darras Hall to be killed from this type of rubble.’ the nuisance drivers seen at all schools in Ponteland dropping off and collecting their No proof of origin has yet been found. Have children. any other residents suffered from a similar Extremely sorry to owner of nuisance during recent footpath improvements In addition there are several local residents savaged cat in the area? actively challenging dangerous parking and passing registration numbers to the police I felt a strong need to write this letter after Gillian Armstrong assisting in securing penalties against some of reading Beryl Park’s letter in the July issue Kirkley Drive the more persistent offenders who I would like of Pont News. Ponteland to thank and support. I have lived in the area since the age of three Might I suggest that the real cause of twice and am now nearing 30, and never have I been

Letters on all issues are welcomed by Pont News & Views but the views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. The Editor reserves the right to amend any submitted letters for legal or other reasons. All letters submitted should include the writer’s name and address.

September issue deadlines: The September issue will be delivered on September 1 and 2. Deadline for all copy and adverts is Monday August 15. Businesses should be aware that all bookings for advertisements must be paid in full by the deadline to ensure placement in the September issue.

10 pontnews&views email: [email protected] 22 from 10.30am – 12noon at Ponteland Library. For children aged four to 10 years. What’s on... Tickets £2, places limited. To book, please contact Ponteland Library in person or on County Council surgeries Ponteland Library. Tel. (01661) 823594. 01661 823594 Your local Northumberland County Part of the Ponteland Festival. Councillors Richard Dodd, Peter Jackson, Ponteland Embroiderers’ Guild Veronica Jones and Eileen Armstrong are Northumberland The National Embroiderers’ Guild has a available to meet constituents on the first Fuchsia Society project for the 2012 Olympics in London. Saturday of every month from 10am-11am Every Guild branch in the country has been Our next meeting is on Thursday August 4 at Waitrose supermarket, Ponteland. Their given a competing nation. Ponteland has from 7.30pm at St. Matthew’s RC Church next surgery is on August 6. been allocated Aruba. Come and find out Hall, Ponteland. about Aruba and see what we are doing Ponteland’s weekly market for our Olympic postcards. Curious? Bring Ponteland’s weekly market at Merton Way Ponteland History your sewing equipment and meet us at shopping centre is on between 9am and Society Help Desk St Mary’s Church Hall, Thornhill Road, 4pm each Friday. Are you doing a school project, researching Ponteland from 2pm to 4pm on Monday family history, needing historical information August 22. Everyone welcome. Tea or on a date, building or person in the coffee and biscuits available at the end of St Mary’s Summer Festival Ponteland area, or looking for an old local the meeting. More information from Sheila Saturday July 30 to Saturday August photograph? Then perhaps we can help. Armstrong on (0191) 2667873. 6. See the church website for more Our free help desk is open at Ponteland information on the festival programme at Library from 2.15pm to 5pm on Friday www.pontelandstmary.co.uk/news-and- August 5, where we can give access to our festival/summer-festival.html own archives. For more information see If you have an item for www.ponthistsoc.freeuk.com/page12.html the What’s on column, please email Monkey Business [email protected] or write to Pont News & Views, 5 East at a Medieval Abbey Circus stories and crafts at Boldon Road, Cleadon Village, A talk by archaeologist Barry Mead at St Ponteland Library SR6 7SH. Mary’s Church, Ponteland, on Thursday The return of the amazing duo Twottodo. August 4 at 7.30pm. Booking is advisable Circus stories and crafts. Monday August - tickets costing £2 are available from

Hello Suzi - goodbye David By Muriel Sobo We welcome the new owner of the Deli on Broadway, Suzi Holden, who took over the shop last month. She says there is a good brand and a loyal customer base and she hopes to continue and improve the retail offer. Suzi came from Sandhurst in Berkshire to Newcastle last year; obviously there are other attractions beside the scenery in the North-East! She has worked in business all her life and was looking for a change, a new challenge, and is delighted to be running the Deli. David Urwin had run the shop, always welcoming and friendly, for nine years and built up a great range of brand names, many of them local. He too is looking for a change of direction and we wish him well.

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www.pontelandtowncouncil.co.uk pontnews&views 11 T Geoffrey Willey – centenarian and photographer By Muriel Sobo

Geoff Willey, man about town, seen recently shopping at Waitrose, was born in 1911 in the small mill town of Honley.

The family moved to Scarborough where his father kept a grocer’s shop and one of Geoffrey’s first jobs was delivery van driver. He was a technical man, uninterested in groceries, but he was given a Kodak Box Brownie when he was 11 and his life-long obsession started.

He built a crystal set in the 1920s for which he had to get a licence and later became a radio ham. Geoff built one of the earliest television sets in the 1930s when he couldn’t even receive a signal!

Failing his medical for the armed forces, he was taken on by the Ministry of Information and spent the war years touring the Yorkshire countryside and showing propaganda films.

He loved the remote village communities and was happy to set up generators where there was no electricity to provide his show. For relaxation he walked miles in the dales with his dog and his camera, always very interested in the wildlife. He got to know the county well and particularly Ryedale, where he made friends who shared his interests.

How can 100 years be compressed into a couple of paragraphs? Geoffrey, with the assistance of a memoir writer, produced his own book last year covering his working life and friendships and it makes a very interesting and well-illustrated read.

After the war he trained as a frogman to take underwater shots for seaweed research off Musselburgh and Orkneys; next it was the Blue Streak rocket programme at Spadeadam and before retirement he worked at the RVI in Newcastle.

Geoff married a long-term friend and farmer’s daughter – a real country girl - in 1964 and moved to Ponteland. Sadly, Daphne developed a terminal illness and Geoff was her devoted carer till her death. He established a local reputation as a first class photographer and was attending weddings, social events and taking commissions.

He was an early member of the Northumberland Wildlife Trust and donated a cup to be awarded annually for the best wildlife photograph. This year he attended the awards ceremony as the guest of honour and was presented with a cake. Geoff was founder of the Ponteland Photographic Society and he also donated a cup for the best photograph in the Ponteland Parish Show.

Geoff has many friends at the Ryedale Folk Museum at Hutton-le- Hole in North Yorkshire, where he has made photographic records of its growth. He is spending time with them this month while celebrating his birthday.

Geoff’s book ‘Ryedale in My Heart’ is available from the Ryedale Folk Museum, (01751) 417367 or www.ryedalefolkmuseum.co.uk

Geoff Willey was a leading exponent in the operation of this early cine projector. Picture by Douglas Hogg.

12 pontnews&views email: [email protected] ADVERTISEMENT Coming soon, a new concept in retirement living

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Pontnews&ViewsAug2011 Postcode Email Tel Enquiring on behalf of? Yourself Other www.pontelandtowncouncil.co.uk pontnews&views 13 Now available in Ponteland

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There have been a total of seven crimes reported burglaries this month occurred to insecure in the Ponteland area in the period from June 24 properties. Remember to fit a good lock, invest in some security lighting or consider a shed alarm. to July 15. The neighbourhood policing team offers free crime prevention They break down as follows: advice at any of our community engagement days. • four burglaries to non dwellings • three criminal damage (one to a house the other two to cars). Enquiries into these offences are ongoing and arrests may result. Darras Hall road closure The next Local Multi-Agency Problem Solving (LMAPS) meeting next week will be held at the East Centre, on Tuesday August 12 at 9.30am. Part of Darras Hall’s Eastern Way is to be closed for five days next week for resurfacing works. The next Police surgery is at Ponteland Library between 11am - 12noon on Friday August 5 and then at Merton Hall between Northumberland County Council has announced the temporary 10am - 11am on Saturday August 20, both with CSO Ruddick. road closure order for a 350m stretch of the road. There has been a vast reduction in crime throughout the East This work will be carried out in two stages; the first between Tynedale sector, although we would still remind the public that Runnymede Road and Darras Road which will mean a diversion the theft of metal is still prevalent. Please report any suspicious via Runnymede Road Moor Lane and Darras Road; the second vehicles to the police on 03456 043 043 or ring Crimestoppers on between Middle Drive and Edge Hill meaning a diversion via Middle 0800 555 111. Drive, Whinfell Road and Edge Hill. Additionally we would remind residents in Ponteland in particular The closure is scheduled between Monday August 8 and Friday to remember to lock their property at all times. Three of the four August 12.

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