April 2016: John Clayton
AFM LOCAL 47 Vol. 2 No. 4 April 2016 online John Clayton Playing it Cool NEXT GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Avoid Being Suspended Over Delinquent Monday, April 25, 7:30pm @ Serena Kay & Earl Williams Auditorium Work Dues! Review the Executive Board policy ISSN: 2379-1322 Publisher Editor AFM Local 47 Gary Lasley 817 Vine Street Managing Editor / Advertising Manager Hollywood, CA 90038-3779 Linda A. Rapka p 323.462.2161 f 323.993.3195 Graphic Designer / Asst. Layout Editor www.afm47.org Candace Evans AFM LOCAL 47 EXECUTIVE BOARD Hearing Board & COMMITTEES Allen Savedoff, chair Overture Online is the official monthly elec- Alan Estes, Chuck Flores, tronic magazine of the American Federa- Titled Officers Jon Kurnick, Jeff Lass, tion of Musicians Local 47, a labor union for President John Acosta Norman Ludwin, Marc Sazer Vice President Rick Baptist professional musicians located in Holly- Secretary/Treasurer Gary Lasley Hearing Representative wood. Vivian Wolf Trustees Judy Chilnick, Dylan Hart, Salary Review Board Formed by and for Los Angeles musicians Bonnie Janofsky Stephen Green, chair Norman Ludwin, Marie Matson, over a century ago, Local 47 promotes and Directors Paul Sternhagen protects the concerns of musicians in all Pam Gates, John Lofton, areas of the music business. Our jurisdic- Andy Malloy, Phil O’Connor, Fair Employment Practices Bill Reichenbach, Vivian Wolf Committee tion includes all counties of Los Angeles Ray Brown, Beverly Dahlke-Smith (except the Long Beach area). With more Delegates to AFM Convention John Acosta, Rick Baptist, Grievance Committee than 7,000 members, Local 47 negotiates Pam Gates, Bonnie Janofsky, Ray Brown, Lesa Terry with employers to establish fair wages Gary Lasley, Norman Ludwin and working conditions for our members.
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