NBC Transmitter
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) . RECEPTION STAFF REVIEW Mr. Moll Published by Reception Staff of Rockefeller Plaza, Radio City Vol. 1 No. NBC, 30 Jon. 9, 1935 SIX HOUR HOOK-UP BURKE BOYCE OPENS CLASSES FOR NEW YEAR’S EVE IN CONTINUITY WRITING From 10:30 PM on New Year's next Eve, until 4:30 AM the "DIALOGUE IS NOT DRAMA" STATES day, on a coast-to-coast hook- up, the "Let's Dance" program, HEAD OF DEPARTMENT AT sponsored by the National Bis- INITIAL LECTURE cuit Company, was broadcast. Unquestionably, the high On Wednesday, December twelfth, very spot of the program came when a important step was taken by some fifty pages and guides with literary Maria Jeritza offered a few aspira- tions. These men accepted the invitation Mr appropriate songs as her con- proffered by Burke Boyje to attend the first of a series of lectures on tribution to the studio party. continuity-writing. The hour between three and four She sang just before midnight o'clock was selected as the coefficient of possibi 1 ity by for Eastern and Mid-Western the staff officers. Also listeners, and later repeated present at the meeting were her performances for the Moun- FIRST KDKA TRANSMIT- Mr Carey and the Reception tain and Pacific Coast audi- TER INCLUDED IN Supervisors, Mr Tart and Mr ence. CLOVE R LEAF EXHIBIT Zabsk i Tne New Year's Eve "Let’s "The Continuity Department Dance" went on tne air just The Fall edition of the Radio TART’S EFFICIENCY Museum will, when this is primarily a dramatic unit, 43 nours after the regular issue for drama is the basis and Saturday night broadcast and PRAISED BY CAREY goes to press, in all proba- bility, be complete. Exhibits, background of continuity," thereby abbreviated very de- Dear Nr Tart: nee the World's Fair, will be began Mr Boyce. He then dem- finitely the holiday celebra- It i s a f ee 1 i of deep ad- ng on display. onstrated that the fundamen- tions of eng i neers, announcers miration for your splendid Concurrent with the inter- tals of play and short-story and three orchestras. work that prompts me to write national broadcasts that are writing were dissimilar —men- Tne orchestras are under this ietter. soon to be a reality, will be tioning that many authors of the supervision of Joseph Your aid as one of my as- placards and technical appar- the world's best Fiction Bonime, ieader of the Death sistants during our move from atus of the country from which proved incompetent at radio Talley Days musical aggrega- 711-5th Ave to Radio City, and we are receiving the program writing. Likewise, composers tion. He, as generalissimo, your energetic cooperation in at that time, whether it be of good dialogue frequently, decides what pieces snail be helping us get settled in our Poland or Germany or Italy to their sorrow, find that played by eacn orcnestra. Tne new home vyere great ly appreci- or any of the more remote (Continued on pagei ) sweet, enticing rnytnms, for ated. Finally, with your sections of the globe. instance, are assigned to Kel appointment as head of the Among the first of the addi- NBC DEPT. HEADS Murray's group, wnicn is com- Reception you have more than tions will be a replica of the PLAN TRAINING COURSES posed mainly of string in- made good. I am happy to say originai KDKA. This model of struments; tne majority of that the entire Reception Div- FOR PAGES AN D GUIDES the first transmitter to be tne faster, "brassy" fox ision under your direction has continuously on the air is Training classes for the trots are referred to tne ca- made us feel proud of the ef- being reassembied and will be Reception StaFf have begun in pable interpretations of ficient manner in which our presented to the National earnest. Wednesday, December Benny Goodman's music makers; visitors and guests have Broadcasting Company by the 19th, under the supervision of Xavier Cugat, wno, on tne been received. West inghouse Company. Then, Mr Burke Boyce, head of the Saturday program, commutes Sincerel y to further elaborate on the Continuity Department at NBC, from tne Wal dorf-Astori a to JOHN R CARET first stages of commercial the second in a series of 8H twice every broadcast, radio, Mr D'Agostino is lectures was held in Studio pleases music lovers witn his NEW PHONE SYSTEM arranging to include in the 3B, which was temporarily con- iilting rnytnms of tangos and AIDS P RODUCTION MEN Museum the WEAF transmitter verted into a lecture room. rnumbas. The TOAE Department has in- of the early 20's. A class in announcing is also stalled an intercommunicating RECOGNIZED Lest we forget, there is being conducted by Commander PAGES system in studios RG and 8H something that precedes, his- E.V.Cusachs, Famous linguist DISCARD UNIFORM which will probably supplant torically, the first trans- and authority on diction. The FOR OFFICE CHAIRS the current hand signaling mitting station. This "some - course has been in progress between the product ion man and Congratulations and bon thing" could only be the first these past Four weeks. Those his cohorts. voyage to Messrs Thompson, transmitter and receiver which permitted to attend the Under the Leonard, Sneii, Pawlek, and new arrangement make up Marconi's original classes have been especially is a telephone Dunleavy. These alumni of the there attached "wireless’. This great grand- selected as having ability to the conductor’s stand and page staff have matricuiated father of modern radio was born worthy oF development. Under a light over the music sheets. in the Service and TOAE Depart- in 1901. Although its life was Commander Cusachs’ instruction, At the base of the phone, ments, bartering their brass short, the little unit has an they are required to take where the dial normally is to Four buttons of apprenticeship for historical 1 ife of immortality. courses which include be found are six buttons. English, elocution, the long anticipated cloaks , However, there are modern, pronunci- Five of them have thus far of authority. as well as ancient, exhibits ation, and a foreign language. found significance in rG- Mr in the new Museum. The unit Next, Shaw, of our Sales When the conductor wants to MAN BITES DOG! which illustrates how the Department, will assume the speak to the production man superhetrodyne works is very role of lecturer and instruc- That's News! All right what in the monitoring booth, he In vivid and self-explanatory. tor. his series of ad- do do after the incident pickajp.^he phone and presses dresses, many enlightening you Nine Cathode Ray Tubes are in- happens"^ Those responsible for button number two. This op- demonstrations of the impor- cluded in the attempt by the this newspaper have a sugges- eration causes the light in tant part in RCA-Radiotron Company to por- played by sales tion to offer which might great- the monitoring booth to flash the daily life of the National tray the reception of a signal ly fac i 1 itate the work of news on. The other buttons, when by such a set. Broadcasting Company will be gather i pressed, cause similar lights ng. Through the courtesy of Mr portrayed. Merely pick-up to flash on the announcer's a near-by E.P.H. James, head of the It is the desire of those delite, in the electricians' phone, dial 531 or 542, and Sales Promotion Department, sponsoring this movement to pass along and engineers' booths. The your contributions, the illuminated NBC network map eventually enlist someone with name of sender, to the fifth button is the conduc- from each department at has been loaned to the Museum. NBC office man. Upon receipt of tors'. There are phones with to deliver a group of lectures This map is now up to date. your item, the O.M.will treat corresponding buttons at each on the Function, purpose, and It should prove of much interest same as exclusive property of of these points so that the value oF his immediate depart- to the visitors and of great the RECEPTION STAFF REVIEff.''- procedure may be reversed. , value to the employees of NBC. ment. (Continued on Page u. Col H i 2 RECEPTION STAFF REVIEW Editorial STAFF POSITIONS T E-LE-T V RECEPTION STAFF REVIEW OPEN ^ BY ENQUIRER Published Monthly by the There are on this paper, as Dame Rumor it Reception Staff of the on any other embryonic news— has that Gene and Glenn, accompanied by ^tiric Madriguera s musicians and announced by Edith Jbmes, will National Broadcasting Co. paper, many incumbencies a— vailable. The Editors invite a new series in January advertisino a wonnan's product, any member of the Reception sports commentators once won $42 from a F. C. Lepor« Staff whose talent has thus pi'esident of the United States’. .. .What NBC announcer who “ reputed authority (on basebaU) always runs a high Editor-in-Chi«( far remained latent, to apply for the position which he be- f®"'P®rature when Countess Albani is in close proximity’, Gene Carroll has a cork-centered sphere that grazed the Frederic M. KirIclend . NeM lieves himself best qualified hickory stick wielded by the King of Swat, Babe Ruth,, and Feeturei to fill. All the unsigned Adele 8. Fort .... also autographed by every member of the Chicago Cubs and articles and columns in this lluuell E. Ahibum .. Male-Up issue were written by the editors, and it is our hope That trio of feminine pulchritude, the Pickens sisters, Contributor* that some of our readers will will in in .