The online magazine of Darlington Cricket Club 2013 Volume 4 Issue 6 TEAMS MUST BE OF 11 PLAYERS After requests to do a wicket keepers Value Team value must not be more than 50 Fantasy league again, here James Dobson 7.5 teams must have no more than; it is. Your chance to test your skills and pick the Andrew Sturgeon 6 2 all rounders, best team you can costing Jack Hardy 4 5 batsmen, no more than 50 points. 3 bowlers Tom Sowerby 2 1 wicket keeper Batsmen Bowlers Value Entry is free. A prize will be sought for the winners. Callum Lethbridge 7 Steve Lethbridge 4 Finalised teams emailed to
[email protected] Adam Baldwin 6 Tom Pickering 2 keith Barker 6 Olly King 4 (For attention of Tim and Carl DSM Cricket) Matty Wheeler 5 Shaughn Russell 5 Teams to be in before 1pm on Saturday 20TH April Lee Hutton 6 David Evans 3 Peter Armstrong 7.5 allrounders Value Roger Briddock 4 Jamie Kirkbride 1 Doug Mulholland 8.5 Select your Colin Biglin 6 Daniel Carr Jon Barnes 8.5 teams using Simon Lee 5 1 Sam Leeming Alex Simpson 3 Sam Gell 2 1 the players Dan Baldwin 6.5 Liam Coates 8 Nigel Fenwick 3 shown on Paul Raine 6 Danny Morgans 4 Jamie Watson 3 Mickael Lunn 2 Sam Hardy 3 the four Andy Peacock 2 Grant Sowerby 2 Lee Craggs 4 lists. Ellis Horner 1 James Atkinson 1 Mark Stainsby 5 Tom Mason 1 Steven Lister 4 Harry Linton 5 Dan Lee 4 Ben Wicling 5 Alan Harwood 4 Fill your team in and make sure it adds up to a value of no more than 50 Make sure you Tom Chapman 5 have 2 allrounders, 5 batsmen, 3 bowlers and a wicket keeper.