1980 Historic Hyde Park Homes Tour

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1980 Historic Hyde Park Homes Tour HYDE Q K HI0TOQIC HOME0 TOUQ 1980 VeaJL Gueo.t6 , The Hyde PaJLk Neighbonhood A~~oeiation ~ pl~ed to weleome you to l:t6 nounth H~to!U..e Homeo T oun, Tw yeaJL the toun and pfioeeed6 -&nom it aJLe decU.eated to the Ney MMeum to cU.d .-i.n l:t6 neotona.:tton, The wonk to be done on the Ney ~ veny exte~i.ve and i.n&udeo eaMeetio~ on ~ome oni.gi.nal pnoblem~ nnom When the ~tnuetune WM bui.U. The ei.ty pia~ to ~taJLt wonk laten t~ ~ummen. The Ney, built i.n 1892, ~one on Hyde PaJLk'~ oldeot and mMt oni.gi.nal ~tnuetuneo, and we take gneat pni.de i.n doi.ng oun pant to help i.n the neotonation efinon.:U, We want to thank you -&on eomi.ng beea~UJe eveny .:ti.eket ~old mea~ jMt that mueh mane help -&on the Ney. Wi.th tw i.n mi.nd we i.nvi.te you .into oun homeo and neighbonhood, We hope that you wiU leave with a gneaten appneeiation on Hyde PaJLk' ~ LandmaJLk Homeo, and we aUo hope that you leann ~omethi.ng on li.fie i.n AM.:t.in duni.ng the 1890'~. We thank you fion eomi.ng and we hope that evenyone hM a wondenfiul time. y0 uM tnuly' fl \ "\. }3, 5:1\K_ ~ohn B. San-&ond, Pneoi.dent 'yde Pank Nei.ghbonhood A~~oei.ation TtiE tii~TOQY Of I ThM page c.owctuy C--LtizeVIJ.J Nwonai_ Bank 4 The ~e.a now known M Hyde P~k ha4 played a ~lgni6lcant note ln AMlin'~ ~:tony 6nom :the cily' ~ veny be.glnning and wUl be.6one. anyone :thought o6 il M a n~lde.ntial nughbonhood. In 1839, :the Republic_ o6 Te.xM deJ.>lgnate.d :the village o6 Watenloo M :the ~ile. o6 :the young n~on' ~ capilol, and ~oon a cnw WM lay~g :the new cay o6 AMlin. Accondlng :to :the ne.coile.ctioM o6 Ale.xanden WatklM Tennell, an AMtinile. o6 ~:tate and even n~onat"ne.nown dunmg ~ long public cane.e.n, :the bu.ildeM o6 :the 6ill:t govennme.nt o66lceJ.> on Congn~~ Avenue came ou.:t :to :the Hyde P~k ane.a :to cu.:t :tne.~ 6on :thUn Me. Thene. WM a po~:t oak 6on~:t hene. :then, and :the wonkeM, 6~g a:t:tac~ 6nom ne.aJt.by rndia:V!..6, q ~kly 6 elle.d :the :tne.eJ.> and ~e.d :them back :to :town, a couple o6 mile!.> ~ou.:th, :to be dn~~e.d 6on lu.mben. Tennell, who would have ~ own ~maU pant :to play ~ Hyde P~k' ~ lli:tony, ne.caUe.d ~e.e.­ lng :the 6on~:t' ~ old ~:tu.mp~ ou.:t hene. M late M :the Clvil W~ eM. The 6ill:t maJon u.nden:taklng ln :the vl~y began ln 1857 when :the S:ta:te. "!Mane A~ylu.m WCL6 ~:tabwhe.d. In~M wene. ~lili camplng e.M:t o6 :the A~ylu.m when -U ope.ne.d ln 1860, bu.:t :they ~oon ne.locate.d :to Mount Bonnell le.avlng :the bnoad plaln between :the ~ylu.m and WaUen Cne.e.k V->~e.~y vacant. In 1875, an AMlin ongan.iz~on began an annual S.tcae. Ag~cul:tu.Jr..a.,t FUn on :the pnopen:ty now caUe.d Hyde Pank.. The FUn dnw 6ol~ 6nom aU oven who came :to ~ee e.xhlbili o6 :the lat~:t manu6ac:tu.neM and 6anmlng innov~oM, Uv~:tock lnnov~oM, UveJ.>:tock comp~oM, hoMe nac~ and ~hoo~g cont~u. Many ou.:t-o6-:tawn v~iloM camped ovennigh:t ou.:t­ ~lde. :the gat~; lMlde. one could pu.ncha4e. 6ood and ~nk while :tahlng ln :the day'~ eve~. The nace:tnack WM ne.gande.d M one o6 :the fiin~:t ln :the Sou.:th and dne.w ~orne o6 :the mo~:t notable hoMe/.> o6 :the ~e. M cont~:ta~. The 300-6oo:t long, ~hd:tene.d gnan~:tand accommodated :thoMan~ o6 peMoM, and :the pn~e.n:t-day cu.nve o6 EM:t 39th S:tne.e:t ne.pu.:te.dly 6oilowo a cu.nve o6 :the old :tnack. The FUn WM held each 6aU until 1884 when :the state FUn o6 Te.xM opened ln VaUM ln 1886. The old FUngnound WC<.-6 pne:t:ty qu.le:t 6on :the next 6e.w ye.aM, M gambling on :the hoMe!.> had been de.dane.d illegal ln Tnav~ County. Oc­ cMlo~y, :the N~onal Guand ~:tage.d lange e.ncampme.nU and mock-ba:til~ on :the gnound.t., bu.:t :the Gay '90~ wene. :to change aU :that 6one.ven. In 1890, a gnoup o6 ~pe.c:tatoM ln&udlng A.W. Tennell and :thne.e. KaMM Cdy ln­ veJ.>:toM pu.ncha4e.d :two pancw o6 land :totaling jM:t oven '200 acn~ lylng appnoxlmate.ly between what ane. now 38th and 45th S:tne.w, and Guadalupe and Vuval S:tne.w. T eMell necuved an appo~e.nt M ambM.oadon :to Tu.nke.y ~honily :thene.a6:ten, and :the lnv~:toM de.ude.d :to ~Ul :the pnope.JL:ty :to Monnoe. M. Sti)..pe., a ~ucc~~6ul e.n:tne.pne.neu.n who had jM:t moved :to AMlin 6nom Abilene, KaMM. Tlli page cou.n:t~y Buddy and Cyn:th-Ut Reed 5 THE HI&TOQY Of Srupe. J.mme.cUate.ly -Ln.volve.d him.6 e.lfi in. Auotin. uv-Lc. a.fi fiahl.-6, a.n.d YU-6 e.fifio!Lt:.6 be.n.e.fiitte.d :the. c.ily -Ln. ma.n.y wa.y.6. Bu:t n.o:thin.g e.xe.mpufiie.d :the. de.:teJUn-Ln.a.tion. a.n.d e.n.:te.Jr.p!Li.6e. a fi Mo Moe. Srupe. mo!Le. :than. YU-6 Jr.e.al u:tate. a.c.tiv;_;U_u. He. .6 old :the. la.n.d :to :the. ML6MuJU.., Ka.11.6a..6 a.n.d T e.xa..6 La.n.d a.n.d Town. Co. , a fi whic.h he. WCL.6 p!Le.-6-lde.n.:t. Some. .6a.y Srupe. ofl.J_gJ.n.a.liy -Ln.:te.n.de.d :to u:ta.bw h a. ma.j o.tt Jta.ilya.Jr.d at :the. fiwgJLoun.d.6 :to .6 e.Jr.v-Lc.e. :the. a.n.tic.J.pate.d ~val ofi :the. MK&T Ra.U!Loa.d. The. Jr.a.ilwa.y' .6 pla.M We.Jr.e. de.­ la.ye.d, howe.ve.JL, a.n.d Srupe. -l11.6:te.a.d e.mba.Jr.ke.d upon. a plan. n.ove.l :to AU.6tin.: :to c.Jr.e.ate. :the. c.Uy' -~ fiill:t pla.n.n.e.d .6ubu.Jr.ba.n. de.ve.lopme.n.:t, n.a.m-Ln.g :the. p!Lo j e.c.:t Hyde. Pa.Jr.k, a.fi:te.JL :the. fia.mou..6 La n.do n. fu:tJLJ_c.:t. The. p!Lope.JL:ty WCL.6 .6UU, -Ln. 1890, a. good mile. n.o.Jt:th ofi Auotin. ilie.lfi a.n.d, while. o:the.JL a.Jr.e.a.-6 ou:t.6-Lde. :the. ofl.J_gJ.n.al c.liy ha.d a.l!Le.a.dy be.e.n. .6ub­ cUv-lde.d a.n.d bu.il:t-up, n.on.e. ha.d be.e.rL ma.n.a.ge.d by a. .6-ln.gle. de.ve.lope.JL n.o!L ha.d :the.y be.e.n. un.de.JL:ta.ke.n. -Ln. .6uc.h a. c.omp.tte.he.M-Lve. ma.n.n.e.JL. Ofi c.ou.JL.6e., Srupe. kn.e.w :that :to .6e.U :the. p!Lope.Jr.tie.-6, he. ha.d :to make. a at:t!La.c.tive. :to :the. public., .60 he. a.JtJLa.n.ge.d :to p.ttov-lde. e.ve.Jr.y po.6.6-lbte. c.on.ve.n.J_e.n.c.e.. F~:t, he. ha.d YU-6 e.fe.c.;tJLJ_c. .6:t!Le.e.:t c.a.JL .6y.6:te.m, :the. AU.6tin. Ra.p-Ld T!La.l1.6il Co., build a. Jtou:te. n.o.Jt:th fi!Lom :town. along Guadalupe., :tu.Jr.n.J_n.g e.a..6:t -Ln.:to Hyde. Pa.Jr.k a.n.d :the.n. ma.Un.g a. ta.Jr.g e. to a p down. what i.6 n.ow 4 O:th S:t!Le.e.:t, up Av e.n.ue. G, wu:t on. 43Jr.d, a.n.d .6ou:th a.gun. on. Ave.n.ue. B. To fiu.JL:the.JL n.a.JtJLow :the. di-6- :ta.n.c.e. be.:twe.e.n. home. a.n.d woJLk, Srupe. e.x:te.n.de.d a. dfl.J_ve. c.a.lie.d "The. Spe.e.duxx..y" fi.ttom :the. n.o.Jt:the.Jr.n. e.n.d o{J Con.g.tte.-6.6 Ave.n.ue., g.tta.cUn.g down. a. .6:te.e.p J.n.c.Un.e. on. :the. ba.n.k o-6 Wu:t Wa.lle.JL C!Le.e.k, b.JtJ_dgJ.n.g :that .6:t!Le.a.m a.n.d on.
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