

VeaJL Gueo.t6 ,

The Hyde PaJLk Neighbonhood A~~oeiation ~ pl~ed to weleome you to l:t6 nounth H~to!U..e Homeo T oun, Tw yeaJL the toun and pfioeeed6 -&nom it aJLe decU.eated to the Ney MMeum to cU.d .-i.n l:t6 neotona.:tton, The wonk to be done on the Ney ~ veny exte~i.ve and i.n&udeo eaMeetio~ on ~ome oni.gi.nal pnoblem~ nnom When the ~tnuetune WM bui.U. The ei.ty pia~ to ~taJLt wonk laten t~ ~ummen.

The Ney, built i.n 1892, ~one on Hyde PaJLk'~ oldeot and mMt oni.gi.nal ~tnuetuneo, and we take gneat pni.de i.n doi.ng oun pant to help i.n the neotonation efinon.:U, We want to thank you -&on eomi.ng beea~UJe eveny .:ti.eket ~old mea~ jMt that mueh mane help -&on the Ney. Wi.th tw i.n mi.nd we i.nvi.te you .into oun homeo and neighbonhood, We hope that you wiU leave with a gneaten appneeiation on Hyde PaJLk' ~ LandmaJLk Homeo, and we aUo hope that you leann ~omethi.ng on li.fie i.n AM.:t.in duni.ng the 1890'~. We thank you fion eomi.ng and we hope that evenyone hM a wondenfiul time. y0 uM tnuly' fl \ "\. }3, 5:1\K_ ~ohn B. San-&ond, Pneoi.dent 'yde Pank Nei.ghbonhood A~~oei.ation TtiE tii~TOQY Of


ThM page c.owctuy C--LtizeVIJ.J Nwonai_ Bank 4 The ~e.a now known M Hyde P~k ha4 played a ~lgni6lcant note ln AMlin'~ ~:tony 6nom :the cily' ~ veny be.glnning and wUl be.6one. anyone :thought o6 il M a n~lde.ntial nughbonhood. In 1839, :the Republic_ o6 Te.xM deJ.>lgnate.d :the village o6 Watenloo M :the ~ile. o6 :the young n~on' ~ capilol, and ~oon a cnw WM lay~g :the new cay o6 AMlin. Accondlng :to :the ne.coile.ctioM o6 Ale.xanden WatklM Tennell, an AMtinile. o6 ~:tate and even n~onat"ne.nown dunmg ~ long public cane.e.n, :the bu.ildeM o6 :the 6ill:t govennme.nt o66lceJ.> on Congn~~ Avenue came ou.:t :to :the Hyde P~k ane.a :to cu.:t :tne.~ 6on :thUn Me. Thene. WM a po~:t oak 6on~:t hene. :then, and :the wonkeM, 6~g a:t:tac~ 6nom ne.aJt.by rndia:V!..6, q ~kly 6 elle.d :the :tne.eJ.> and ~e.d :them back :to :town, a couple o6 mile!.> ~ou.:th, :to be dn~~e.d 6on lu.mben. Tennell, who would have ~ own ~maU pant :to play ~ Hyde P~k' ~ lli:tony, ne.caUe.d ~e.e.­ lng :the 6on~:t' ~ old ~:tu.mp~ ou.:t hene. M late M :the Clvil W~ eM.

The 6ill:t maJon u.nden:taklng ln :the vl~y began ln 1857 when :the S:ta:te. "!Mane A~ylu.m WCL6 ~:tabwhe.d. In~M wene. ~lili camplng e.M:t o6 :the A~ylu.m when -U ope.ne.d ln 1860, bu.:t :they ~oon ne.locate.d :to le.avlng :the bnoad plaln between :the ~ylu.m and WaUen Cne.e.k V->~e.~y vacant.

In 1875, an AMlin ongan.iz~on began an annual S.tcae. Ag~cul:tu.Jr..a.,t FUn on :the pnopen:ty now caUe.d Hyde Pank.. The FUn dnw 6ol~ 6nom aU oven who came :to ~ee e.xhlbili o6 :the lat~:t manu6ac:tu.neM and 6anmlng innov~oM, Uv~:tock lnnov~oM, UveJ.>:tock comp~oM, hoMe nac~ and ~hoo~g cont~u. Many ou.:t-o6-:tawn v~iloM camped ovennigh:t ou.:t­ ~lde. :the gat~; lMlde. one could pu.ncha4e. 6ood and ~nk while :tahlng ln :the day'~ eve~. The nace:tnack WM ne.gande.d M one o6 :the fiin~:t ln :the Sou.:th and dne.w ~orne o6 :the mo~:t notable hoMe/.> o6 :the ~e. M cont~:ta~. The 300-6oo:t long, ~hd:tene.d gnan~:tand accommodated :thoMan~ o6 peMoM, and :the pn~e.n:t-day cu.nve o6 EM:t 39th S:tne.e:t ne.pu.:te.dly 6oilowo a cu.nve o6 :the old :tnack. The FUn WM held each 6aU until 1884 when :the state FUn o6 Te.xM opened ln VaUM ln 1886.

The old FUngnound WC<.-6 pne:t:ty qu.le:t 6on :the next 6e.w ye.aM, M gambling on :the hoMe!.> had been de.dane.d illegal ln Tnav~ County. Oc­ cMlo~y, :the N~onal Guand ~:tage.d lange e.ncampme.nU and mock-ba:til~ on :the gnound.t., bu.:t :the Gay '90~ wene. :to change aU :that 6one.ven. In 1890, a gnoup o6 ~pe.c:tatoM ln&udlng A.W. Tennell and :thne.e. KaMM Cdy ln­ veJ.>:toM pu.ncha4e.d :two pancw o6 land :totaling jM:t oven '200 acn~ lylng appnoxlmate.ly between what ane. now 38th and 45th S:tne.w, and Guadalupe and Vuval S:tne.w. T eMell necuved an appo~e.nt M ambM.oadon :to Tu.nke.y ~honily :thene.a6:ten, and :the lnv~:toM de.ude.d :to ~Ul :the pnope.JL:ty :to Monnoe. M. Sti)..pe., a ~ucc~~6ul e.n:tne.pne.neu.n who had jM:t moved :to AMlin 6nom Abilene, KaMM.

Tlli page cou.n:t~y Buddy and Cyn:th-Ut Reed 5 THE HI&TOQY Of Srupe. J.mme.cUate.ly -Ln.volve.d him.6 e.lfi in. Auotin. uv-Lc. a.fi fiahl.-6, a.n.d YU-6 e.fifio!Lt:.6 be.n.e.fiitte.d :the. c.ily -Ln. ma.n.y wa.y.6. Bu:t n.o:thin.g e.xe.mpufiie.d :the. de.:teJUn-Ln.a.tion. a.n.d e.n.:te.Jr.p!Li.6e. a fi Mo Moe. Srupe. mo!Le. :than. YU-6 Jr.e.al u:tate. a.c.tiv;_;U_u. He. .6 old :the. la.n.d :to :the. ML6MuJU.., Ka.11.6a..6 a.n.d T e.xa..6 La.n.d a.n.d Town. Co. , a fi whic.h he. WCL.6 p!Le.-6-lde.n.:t. Some. .6a.y Srupe. ofl.J_gJ.n.a.liy -Ln.:te.n.de.d :to u:ta.bw h a. ma.j o.tt Jta.ilya.Jr.d at :the. fiwgJLoun.d.6 :to .6 e.Jr.v-Lc.e. :the. a.n.tic.J.pate.d ~val ofi :the. MK&T Ra.U!Loa.d. The. Jr.a.ilwa.y' .6 pla.M We.Jr.e. de.­ la.ye.d, howe.ve.JL, a.n.d Srupe. -l11.6:te.a.d e.mba.Jr.ke.d upon. a plan. n.ove.l :to AU.6tin.: :to c.Jr.e.ate. :the. c.Uy' -~ fiill:t pla.n.n.e.d .6ubu.Jr.ba.n. de.ve.lopme.n.:t, n.a.m-Ln.g :the. p!Lo j e.c.:t Hyde. Pa.Jr.k, a.fi:te.JL :the. fia.mou..6 La n.do n. fu:tJLJ_c.:t.

The. p!Lope.JL:ty WCL.6 .6UU, -Ln. 1890, a. good mile. n.o.Jt:th ofi Auotin. ilie.lfi a.n.d, while. o:the.JL a.Jr.e.a.-6 ou:t.6-Lde. :the. ofl.J_gJ.n.al c.liy ha.d a.l!Le.a.dy be.e.n. .6ub­ cUv-lde.d a.n.d bu.il:t-up, n.on.e. ha.d be.e.rL ma.n.a.ge.d by a. .6-ln.gle. de.ve.lope.JL n.o!L ha.d :the.y be.e.n. un.de.JL:ta.ke.n. -Ln. .6uc.h a. c.omp.tte.he.M-Lve. ma.n.n.e.JL. Ofi c.ou.JL.6e., Srupe. kn.e.w :that :to .6e.U :the. p!Lope.Jr.tie.-6, he. ha.d :to make. a at:t!La.c.tive. :to :the. public., .60 he. a.JtJLa.n.ge.d :to p.ttov-lde. e.ve.Jr.y po.6.6-lbte. c.on.ve.n.J_e.n.c.e.. F~:t, he. ha.d YU-6 e.fe.c.;tJLJ_c. .6:t!Le.e.:t c.a.JL .6y.6:te.m, :the. AU.6tin. Ra.p-Ld T!La.l1.6il Co., build a. Jtou:te. n.o.Jt:th fi!Lom :town. along Guadalupe., :tu.Jr.n.J_n.g e.a..6:t -Ln.:to Hyde. Pa.Jr.k a.n.d :the.n. ma.Un.g a. ta.Jr.g e. to a p down. what i.6 n.ow 4 O:th S:t!Le.e.:t, up Av e.n.ue. G, wu:t on. 43Jr.d, a.n.d .6ou:th a.gun. on. Ave.n.ue. B. To fiu.JL:the.JL n.a.JtJLow :the. di-6- :ta.n.c.e. be.:twe.e.n. home. a.n.d woJLk, Srupe. e.x:te.n.de.d a. dfl.J_ve. c.a.lie.d "The. Spe.e.duxx..y" fi.ttom :the. n.o.Jt:the.Jr.n. e.n.d o{J Con.g.tte.-6.6 Ave.n.ue., g.tta.cUn.g down. a. .6:te.e.p J.n.c.Un.e. on. :the. ba.n.k o-6 Wu:t Wa.lle.JL C!Le.e.k, b.JtJ_dgJ.n.g :that .6:t!Le.a.m a.n.d on. n.o.Jt:th :to Hyde. Pa.Jr.k.. Warun. :the. n.ughbo!Lhood, Srupe. gJLa.de.d a.n.d g.tta.ve.le.d ove.JL :th!Le.e. milu a -6 .6.t.tte.e.:t.6, pla.n.tin.g t)a..6:t -g!Lowin.g ha.c.kb~u ala n.g :the. wa.y.6 :to .6ha.de. :the. a.ve.n.uu.

Hyde. Pa.Jr.k 1.6 e.le.va.Uon. above. :the. a..6-ye.:t-un.c.on.:t!Lotle.d Colo.tta.do RJ.ve.JL Wa..6 on.e. ma.jo.tt a..6.6e.:t Srupe.'.6 fiJ_Jr.m e.x:tolle.d -Ln. ma.Jr.k.e.tin.g :the. p.ttope.Jr.tiu. Ga..6 a.n.d e.fe.c.;tJLJ_c.fty we.Jr.e. a.vUla.bte. :to :the. homu, a..6 Wa..6 t)Jr.e.e. mail de.­ uve.Jr.y :tw-Lc.e. daily. Srupe.' .6 fi~.6 u:ta.bwhe.d :the. la.Jr.ge. AU.6tin. Ra.p-Ld T.tta.11.6li Pa.Jr.k in. :the. .6 ou:thwu:t qu.a.JL:te.JL a fi Hyde. Pa.Jr.k a..6 Jr.e.c.Jr.e.a.tio n.al gJLoun.d.6. The. pa.!Lk -Ln.c.fude.d .6ha.llow ta.ke.-6 {Jo!L Jr.owboat.6 with a. huge. pavillion. a.:t :the. .6 ho!Le. a.c.c.o mmo dating da.n.c.u , c. an.c. e.JL:t.6 a.n.d :th~c.a.l p!Lo duc.tio 11.6 • Srupe. wo bu.il:t Hyde. Pa.Jr.k' .6 fi~:t .6c.hoot, e.ve.n. he.lp-Ln.g :to pa.y :the. :te.a.C.he.Jt.6 I /.)afa.fLJ_e_/.) _[~y •

The. MK&T La.n.d a.n.d Town. Co. be.ga.n. ot)fi~n.g lo:t.6 fio!L .6ale. -Ln. e.a.Jtly 1892, a.n.d il :the. above. a.me.~e.-6 We.Jr.e.n.' :t at:t!La.c.tive. e.n.ough, :the. :teJUn.6 ofi .6ale. We.Jr.e.. Lo:t.6 25 fie.e.:t w-Lde. Jr.a.n.ge.d upwa.Jr.d.6 fi!Lom $100 a.:t $10 down. a.n.d $5 a. mon.:th. A pe.!L.6on. buy-Ln.g :two lo:t.6 Jr.e.c.uve.d a. ;thJ_Jr.d fiJLe.e. -lfi a. hou..6e. WCL.6 bu.il:t on. :the. p!Lope.JL:ty wi:tiU.n. on.e. ye.a.JL ofi pu.Jr.c.ha..6e..

The. .6uc.c.e..6.6 ofi Srupe.'.6 ofifi~n.g uxx...6 .6ymbouze.d by :the. e.Jr.e.c.tion. ofi AU.6tin.' .6 fi~:t "Moonlight Towe.JL" -Ln. 1895 n.e.a.JL :the. c.e.n.:te.JL ofi :the. .6:t!Le.e.:t-

6 ean'~ loop. In 1898, the anea nonth on 45th up to 47th~ ~ubdivlded a.6 Hyde Pank. Annex, CJte..ctting an even bnoadeJL nange on invu.tment oppon­ tuJII);tiu .

AnotheJL meMune on Shipe'~ ~ueeeM Wa.6 in the k.inM on buyeM he nound. Soon many on A~Un' ~ mMt pnominent b~inu~men, ueJLgy, ~u, and ~tate and loeal annie~ had utabwhed thw homu in Hyde Pank.. But, on ~ueh ea.6ij teJLm~, Hyde Pank. Wa.6 aUo aeeu~ible to dozeM on namitie~ on mane modenate meaM. The new nuideneu nanged nnom gnand "TexM Vie­ toJU..an" maMiOM to ~malieJL nanm-~tyle nname ho~e~. A~ the ZOth eentuny opened and pnognu~ed, the neighbonhood niffed in with bungalow~ and, mane neeently, naneh-~tyle tnad homu.

Shipe had nillt adve!Lt4ed Hyde Pank. a.6 being non homeowneM only; no nenteM appeaned until anten the tunn on the eentuny. The Gneat Vepnu~ion and Wonld Wan II aeeelenated the eonveMion on homu to invut­ ment pnope.Jr.ti..u. LandowneM nound maintenanee on the aging namily home­ ~teaM inCJteMingly bundeMome, and many opted to neloeate to A~Un' ~ new genenation on ~ubunb~. CoMequently, homU We!Le onten divided into two on mane living uniU ho~ing many on the eity' ~ low-to-modenate ineome nuidenfi.

UndeJL wldupnead negled by ab~entee landlonM, the gene!Lal quality on the neighbonhood eontinued to deeline until the 1960'~. In nad, the nonmeJL ~ubunb Wa.6 noW on the venge on beeoming an inneJL eity ~fum. But a mightien thneat Wa.6 yet to eome: the expaMion on the UniveMily on Texa~ duning the late 1960'~ and eanly '70~ pnodueed an ineentive non developeM to etean away homu and neplaee them with apan.tment eom­ plexu. Not until the mid 197 0~, when univeMity ennoilment ~tanted levelling onn and the Hyde Pank. Neighbonhood A~~oeiation onganized to pnuenve the anea'~ ehanadeJL did t~ thneat ~h.

Although nedevelopment pnu~unu eontinue to e~t today, pnimanily nnom ehuneh and eommeJLeial iMtilutioM, Hyde Pank.' ~ ~tat~ a.6 a matune nuidential neighbonhood hM ~tabilized. A~ enengy eoMidenatioM we and the pubUe'~ attitude towund~ nehabilitating olden homu impnovu, ~o dou Hyde Pank. '~ nutune look. even bnighteJL.

Youn toun t~ yean will pnu ent to you a bnoad ~ampUng on Hyde Pank. anehiledunal henilage. Some olden building~ have ~un­ vived the yeau in nine ~hape; otheM have neeeived on ane now ne­ eeiving the attention neeu~any to thw pnuenvation; ~till otheM bean wilnu~ to the neighbonhood' ~ need non yet mane hand wonk.. A~ nunthen intenut nuutu in the nehabililation on mane and mane on Hyde Pank., we ane eonnident that the neighbonhood' ~ henilage will be pnuenved and that Hyde Pank. may again nightnuUY elaim m plade among A~Un'~ mo~t ouUtanding ne~idential ~tnieU.

T~ page eountuy Abe ZimmeJLman 7 ~ LU LJ l~- J L___ L_J L__ ~ i I ~ i OJ [] ~ [__ ---··-· -··] [. --- ~

liYDE Pi\QK ~ - Tour Landmark- Open + - Tour Landmark- Not Open HI~TOQIC -¢-- Other Hyde Park Landmarks HOME~ ..... - Suggested Tour Route TOUQ lEJ- Tour Parking ~-Old Streetcar Route 1980 8 OPEN/ DATE SEE NO. LANDMARK NOT OPEN ADDRESS BUILT PAGE

1 Elisabet Ney Studio +* 0 Open 304 E. 44th 1892, 1902 10 2 Inshallah 0 Open 602 E. 43rd 1872, 1907 11 3 Morris A. Kopperl Home 0 Open 4212 Ave. F 1896 12 4 Bell-Smith Home Not Open 4200 Ave. F 1895 13 5 Weisiger-White Home 0 Open 4104 Ave. F 1892 14 6 James K. Holland Home Not Open 4100 Ave. F 1893 7 Joseph Sauter Home Not Gpen 4012 Ave. F 1897 15 8 John M. Bell Home Not Open 4101 Ave. G c.l897 9 Zimmerli Home Open 4014 Ave. H c.l904 16 10 Wolf Home Not Open 4002 Ave. H c.l907 11 Clarkson-Crutchfield Home Not Open 4001 Ave. G 1904 12 Page-Gilbert Home 0 Open 3913 Ave. G 1893 17 13 Frank Covert Home 0 Open 3912 Ave. G 1898 18 14 Heierman Home Not Open 3909 Ave. G 1902 19 15 Monroe M. Shipe Home 0 Not Open 3816 Ave. G 1892 20 16 Peter Mansbendel Home 0 Open 3824 Ave. F 1912, 1926 21 17 W. J. Oliphant Home 0 Open 3900 Ave. C 1894 22 18 Marcuse .Home 0 Open 3913 Ave. C 1894 23 19 Hyde Park Presbyterian Church Not Open 40th & Ave. B c.l898 20 Lowry Home Not Open 4001 Ave. C 1903 24 21 State Hospital * Open 4110 Guadalupe 1857 25 ·22 Robert T. Badger Home Not Open 4006 Speedway 1906 23 Moonlight Tower 0 41st & Speedway 1895 26 24 Walter H. Badger Home Not Open 4112 Speedway 1908 27 25 Brownlee Home Not Open 4206 Ave. D 1911 26 Clark-Emmert Home Not Open 4300 Ave. D 1895 27 Avenue B Grocery Not Open 4403 Ave. B c.l909 28 F. T. Ramsey Home Not Open 4412 Ave. B 1893 29 Woodburn ·.Home Open 4401 Ave. D 1909 28 30 Fire Station #9 Not Open 4301 Speedway 1929

+National Register Property *Registered Landmark 0 Austin Landmark

Th.U page. c..owr.:te.J.J !f C,.itize.Ylll National. Ban.k. 9 ELTSABET NEY STUVIO (OPEN)

Ellia.be;t Ney c.tU.6 bonn in GeJtma.ny in 1833. She ha.d wec.ome a. .6uc.c.M.6oui. .6 c.ui.ptoft by the time a 6 the Fna.nc.o- PftuMia.n !AWL and 1 by 18 7 0 .6 he a.nd hen hU.6ba.nd Vn. Montgomeny ha.d immig!ta.ted to Ametic.a.. In 1872 they .6etii.ed in Texa..6 a.nd pU!tc.ha..6ed a.·pla.nta.tion nea.Jt Hemp.6tea.d c.a.lled Liendo. In 1872 Onen M. RobeJtt-6, then a. c.a.ndida.te 6oft govennoft o6 Texa.-6, pa..6.6ed th!tough Hemp.6tea.d a.n,d v-U,Ued Liendo. RobeJtt-6, who rAXtnted to enc.oUJta.ge the gnow:th o6 c.ui.tUJte in the .6-ta.-te, c.tU.6 intftigued by the talented a.nd . .6-tftongwilled .6c.ui.pton. Laten, a.6te.Jt bung etec.ted govennoft, he netUJtned to Liendo a.nd .6a.t 6oft a. bU.6t by Mi-6.6 Ney, whic.h won wide pna.i.6e when cU.6pla.yed in AU.6tin. Robeftt' .6 .6pon.60Mhip hetped hen to win a. momentoU.6 c.ommiMion: to .6c.ui.pt 6ui.i-length .6-ta.-tuM o6 Texa..6 HenoM Sa.m HoU.6ton a.nd Stephen F. AU.6Un 6oft the Chic.a.go Wo!tld'.6 Columbian Expo.6ition in 1893. Ewa.be;t Ney le6t Liendo in Vn. Montgomeny' .6 c.a.Jte a.nd c.a.me to AU.6Un to buA.l.d th.-L-6 .6.tu.dio. Whil-e c.a.Jtpenteft.6 a.nd ma..6on.6 wank.ed .6he c.a.mped i..n 11 tent on the gnound.6, .60 that .6he c.oui.d .6upenvi.6e eveny det.aM. o6 c.on.6tftuc.Uon. The .6.tu.dio, c.a.lled Fo!tm0.6a., c.tU.6 6ini.6hed'in 1892 a.nd U a.ppea.Jted a..6 you .6ee U a.bove. The towen IAXt.6 a.dded in 1902. The Neq S.tu.dio IAXt.6 the 6fut bu.il..ding. enec.ted in Texa..6 .6olei..y 6oft a.Jtil.6Uc. pU!tp0.6e..6, a.nd U i-6 wted on the Na.tiona.l Regi.6te.Jt o6 Hi.6toftic. Pla.c.M.

RMtona.Uon by the CUy o6 AMlin i-6 expected to be unde~t~AXty thi-6 yea.Jt.

Thi-6 pa.ge c.oU!ttMy o6 Hope B. Sa.n6ond 10 "1 NSHALLAH" {OPEN)

On the. gnound6 at} "1VL6hall.ah" .o.tcmd6 a magnit}.ic..ant Uve. oak. ;tne_e_ .that .i-6 a.t le.a.o;t 2. 00 ye.M-6 ·old. Le.g e.nd ha.6 U .that ;the_ ;tne_e_ wcu .tw.i!>.te.d a.o a .oapUng by Comanc..he_ 1nd.iaVL6 to mank. ;th.i-6 .opo.t a.6 a c..amp.ing gnound wUh good t}low.ing wa.te.n. I.t .i-6 al.6o .6a.id that .the. ;tne_e_, c..alle.d ".6.ig nal oak." by e.anly .odile.M a.o wdl a.o .the. 1nd.iaVL6, uJct.6 Me.d a.o a me.U.ing plac..e. to .oe:f.::tte_ d.i6pute..6 be..twe.e.n .the. 1nd.iaVL6 and .the. WhUe..6.

JoMph Luc..k.!>.inge.n bought .twe.nty ac..ne..6 at} .th.i-6 land on Walle.n Cne.e.k. .in 1870 and by 1872. he_ had L. M. A.iVL6won.th build a .two noom log c..ab.in on .th.i-6 .6.i;te.. Luc..k.!>.ingeJt buitt one. at} .the. t}ill;t .olaugh;te_n hou..6e..6 jMt ;to .the. .6outh at} th.i-6 home_ and he. t}unwhe.d me.a.t to mo.6.t at} Tnav.i-6 County and la.te.n to all .the. .6.ta.te. .iM.tUu;t.{_o VL6 .

L.indle.y M. Ke.a.obe.y, a gnand6on at} a U.S. Se.na.ton, wcu a pnot}e..6.6on a.o wdl a.o he.ad at} .the. Sc..hool at} PoUtic..al Sue.nc..e. a.t .the. UYLive.MUy at} Te.xa.o. He. punc..ha.oe.d the. c..ab.in .in 1905 and he_ and h.i-6 w.tt}e. e.xte.VL6.ive.ly ne.mode.le.d the. home_ to ill pne..6e.nt e_x;te_n.ion look.. "1VL6hallah" wcu c..ho.6e.n a.o the. name. by Vn. Ke.a.obe.y be.c..aMe. that wcu .the. .te.nm AMb.6 Me.d to mank. a pune. wa.te_n.ing .6po.t .in .the. de..6e_nt.

The. pne..6e.nt owne.M Jim and Jan.i SmUh have_ jM.t t}.iwhe.d .inte_n.ion ne.modrung at} .the. home_ .th.i-6 ye.an. 1VL6haUah .i-6 zone.d h.i!>ton.ic...

Th.i-6 page_ c..oun.te..6y at} Fnank. &Mango Cann.ic..o and Tom & Ruth Re.e.de.n 11 MORRIS A. KOPPERL HOME (OPEN)

In 1896 H. C. F~h~ eontnaeted with Wiltiam H. Poole ~o build a home in Hyde Pcvz.k. In ~he AU6tin City ViJl.eetony, Poole ~ w~ed a.6 a ecvz.pe~~, eo~aeton, and woodwonk~. He b~ .oev~al homu ~hnoughou:t ~he eity.

In Novemben o6 1896, ~he pnop~y Wtt.o .oold ~o ~he Kopp~ • Mo~ A. Koppenl wa.o ~he .oon o6 Benjamin Koppenl and nephew o6 Monitz A. Koppenl o6 Galvu~on, 6on whom Koppenl Texa.o Wtt.o named. The Kopp~ 6-.vv.,~ appecvz.ed in Au.otin in 1881 with Benjamin openating a book.o~one in ~he 800 bloek o6 Congnu.o. H~ ~o Mn-6, Mo~ and Henman, wonk.ed non rum.

In 1897 Mo~ attained hL-6 attonney'.o enede~ and pnaetieed law in Au.otin, pnuumably onom ~hL-6 home on Avenue F un.:t..il. 1912. ThL-6 home eontinued ~o be owned by Loula Vale Koppenl un.:t..il. h~ dedh cvz.ound 192 0. A~ one time ~he Koppenl 6 owned ~he e~e wu~ .oide o6 ~he 4200 bloek o6 Avenue F exeep~ non ~he home loe~ed ~ 4200. They b~ ne~ homu ~ 4204 and 4206 and ~hey had .omblu b~ wh~e 4210 now .omnd-6.

ThL-6 home Wtt-6 pMeha.oed b!f Gene and Pwy TankeMley in 1978, and ~hey neeuved a building aiAXVLd 6nom ~he H~ge Soeiuy ~hL-6 yecvz.. I~ i-6 zoned hL.o~onie.

ThL-6 page eo~uy Gany &Wanda Penn 12 LELL - SMITH 1-fOfAE

In 1894, Thadde~ and FlonenQe Bell dec£ded ~a move ~a ~he n0Wly-develop~ng ~ubunb at} Hyde Pank, j~~ no~h at} A~~n. Fan $900 ~hey punQh~ed t}oun 25-t}oo~ lo~ t}nom ~he M~~o~, KaMM and TexM Land and Town Company. The lo~ wene loQ~ed ~ ~he no~h­ w~~ Qonnen ofi Avenue F and 41~~ S~ed. WWe ~he BelU uved ~n Hyde PMk, Thadde~ and ~ p~nen J. EdwanM ~enved a.6 V~~& AgenU fion Mutual Ut}e IMunanQe Company at} N0W Yank.

In ManQh 1895, Mn. and MM. Bell QO~&ed v.M;th Lonenzo W. Culven ~a bt.UXd ~hw new home, along wah a ~wble and t}enQe, t}on $7,512. Culven w~ p~dJU.1.y ~nvolved ~n ~he gnoQeny bu~~n~~, but he a.Uo w~ QO~&on and btUlden at} many A~~n hom~ d~ng ~he ·Mnal deQade at} ~he 19~h Qemuny. A fiew mom~ l~en ~n 1895, Culven·had Qomplded ~he .6maU, ~~ngle ~~any, t}name home wah ~gh-pU.Qh noot}. WUh ill pnom~nem ponQh and Qut out ~~aU onnamem, ill v~ed ~unt}aQe ~euune and noot}une, ~he BeiU' n0W home mod~ily ~nQonpona..ted eleme~ at} ~he. populan Queen Anne Qo.t:tage .6~y£.e at} V~&o~n anQhiledune. The BelU uved ~ 4200 Avenue F umil 6~nanc£al pn~~une Qa~ed ~hem ~a ~ell ~n 1901.

S~nQe ~W time ill awneM~p and ~e have manked ~he v~w~Uud~ at} ~he :6UNtoun~ng nughbonhood. VLuzi_ng ~he ea.Uy 20~h Qemuny, ~ev~ t}am~~ owned 4200 Avenue F eaQh t}on a QOM~denable p~od at} time. Hugh B. Sho~ and t}amily n~~ded ~hme d~ng ~he ~e 1920~ and eMly 1930~ wWe he ~mved ~ pn~~~ng judge at} a Comm~~~on at} Appeili. Fan about 75 yea.M d~ng ~he 1950-1960~, ~he ho~e WCt.6 ~ed ~, nen-ta.t pnopeUy. In 1966, U onQe agun beQame oW11m OQQUp~ed, and veny neQe,M nenov~on ·ftM n~~oned U ~o good heaUh. Modmn ad~oM Qan be ~een ~ ~he nean at} ~he ho~e. Sunnoun~ng ~~ £.~e V~&otian ~~u&une ~ a gnaQt}ul vJiJLe t}enQe ~W pned~~ 7977.


In Jul-y 1892, Sa.muel. P. WwigeJt bough-t -th!r.e.e. .tau fitwm -the. M.K. & T. La.nd a.nd Town Co. {}on $750.00. T?U..-6 WCL6 a.mong -the. {)-Uu-t .6a.le..o in. -the. "nw" Hyde_ Pa.tz.k. Ve.vel.opme.n.-t. By AugU6-t -the. Wwige.n' .6 ha.d c.on.:tfc.a.cte.d wUh W.G. EyVL6 -to bu-Lid a. ne..oide_nc_e_ on -the. .6Ue. fion $1700.00. The. Wwige.M Uve.d heJte. un.-tll 1901 when -they .6old -the. hoMe. -to -the. widow, MM. S.A. Vogel.. MM. Vogel. .6hoJLt.e.y ne.ma.JUti..e.d, be.c.oming MM. Robe.Jt-t Emmett While.. .While., ha.ving a..tne.a.dy .6 eJtve.d a..6 .6 he.!U-6 n {)on 12 ye.a.M, ha.d j U6-t be.e.n el.e.cte.d ma.yon a.nd woul-d J?...a;te_n a.ct a..6 Coun.-ty Judge.. Hi-6 {)ou!L .60VI..6 ruo be.c.a.me_ pnomine.n.-t .ta.wme.n. Eye.M, -the. onigin.a.l bu-LideJt, i.6 ruo ne..opoV1..6ib.te_ {)on -the. Jo.6e.ph Sa.u-te.n hoU6e. a-t 4012 Avenue. F a.nd -the_ Ho.tla.nd-Ra.ve.n hoMe. a-t 4100 Avenue. F. The. dia.gon.a..tly onie.n.-te.d maJ..n dooJrWa.y a.nd -the. c.a.npe.n.-teJt-go-thic. bna.c.k.w, dnop.6 a.nd .6pa.nclJr.,U. give. -the. hoMe_ ill "T e.xa.-6 Victonia.n" fila. von. The. Wwige.n-While_ home. ha..6 be.e.n ne..o-tone.d -t:hi-6 ye.a.n wi-th a. .to.a.n t)nom -the. Hi-6-t:onic. Revolving Fun.d whic.h Wa..6 a.dmin.i-6-t:eJte.d by -the. AU6tin Re_de_ve..topme_Vl.-t Au-tho-'U.ty. A .6e.c.ond .toa.n. {)nom -the_ HeJl-U:a.ge. Soudy ofi AU6tin a.ilowe_d -the. owne.M Ja.c.k. a.nd Ve.bbie_ EviVI.-6 -to pu-t -the. t)in.Mhin.g -touehe..o on ~ e.a.n.ty Hyde_ Pa.nk. Re..oide.nc.e.. The. We.Mige.n-WhUe. Home_ i.6 zoned Hi-6-t:o!Uc..

Thi-6 pa.ge_ c.oun-te..oy at) Gna.n.-t & Ma.ngo-t Thoma..6 14 SAUTER-ALLEY HOME

JoJeph A. Saut~ ~ed W. G. Ey~ to build t~ home in 1897. It WttJ the t~d home in a Jz.ow built on Avenue F by IWL. EyeM. T~ home WM the langut ot) the th!c.ee and the moJt c.oM:.l.y to build.

J oJ eph SauteJr. had Uved ln AUJtin Jinc.e 18 8 9 and he owned the 0/r.lgina£. Rac.ket StoJr.e at 916 CongJr.UJ. The Rac.ket JtoJr.e hM been duc.Jr.lbed M "tll.uly a JtoJr.e ot) the 90' J" Jei.Ung d!r.y goodJ, notioM, Jtatlonany, c.Jr.oc.k~y, glMJWCVte, window Jhadu, toyJ, ladlu and genU t)UJr.~hlngJ, and otheJL t)anc.y goodJ.

The home wcw Jold in Januany 1905 to John S. Bonn~. Bonn~ wcw the pubwh~ ot) "K. Lamay' J Hanpoon" whlc.h had the monthly Jub-.:t.Ltte ot) "MlnnowJ ane Jat)e; I am out at)t~ whalu". The Hanpoon, p!r.ln.ted at 107 EMt 1Oth Stll.eet, wcw !JuU ot) Bible Jto!r.lu, expo.6~, and woJr.dJ to Uve by Juc.h M, "It ~ muc.h moJr.e m~c.lfiul to Jtab a man in the boJom wah a dagg~ than to Jtab ~ Jr.eputatlon and good name in the bac.k." (Ap!r.il 1904 IJJue)

In 1920 the home wcw pUJr.c.hMed by the Alley t)am.il.y who owned d t)oJr. oveJL 40 yeaJtJ. The home wcw in a c.ondemned c.ondltion ln 197 6 when d WM pUJr.c.hMed by Blake WilliamJ and Mlke. and Janet Sandidge. The Jr.Utoll.atlon ofi thlJ gJr.and Hyde Pank Vlc.to!Uan home Jhould be fii~hed wdhln the. next t)ew mon.thJ.

T~ page c.ouJr.tuy Rlc.k and Lynn Baudoin 15 ZIMMERLI - ROSENQUIST HOME (OPEN)

Th-U .tuJl.n o 6 .the c..e.n.tu.Jty, ete.gantty p!topoJI:t.to ned home -L6 oWl. mo-6.t Jte.c..e.n.t example ot) a "-6ave.d" Hyde Pa!tk Home. I.t tW..6 {Ji..JrA.t oc..c..u.p.ie.d by Jc.tUu.6 and Ida Zmme.Jl.t.L, who pWl.c..hMe.d U {JJtom MoMoe M. Shipe in 1903. La.teJt .the p!tope!t.ty wa-6 owned by John and Helena Ro-6e.nq~.t and U Jtemaine.d in .the Ro-6e.nq~.t {Jamily c.tn..:til 1937. The hoMe .then be.c..ame. Jte.n:t.a1. p!tope!t.ty and {Jill in.to fuJte.pai!t.

Judy Sandefl.-6 ofi AMtin Vin.tage_ Homei, Inc.. pW!.c..hMe.d .the p!tope!t.ty in Ma!tc..h ofi 1980. The home ha-6 been e.x..te.Vl.-6ivety Jte.modele.d inc..lu.ding .the addi;t{.on ofi a new be.d!toom in .the a.ttic... 06 -6pe.c.i.a£ in.te.Jtu.t -L6 .the neaJt-oc...tagona£. e.n.t.Jty way whic..h fio!tm-6 a vutibu.le. u.nUke. any o.the.Jt in Hyde PaJtk. Ru.toJta.t.ion ofi .the o!t.iginat Jtou.nd c..olu.mn-6 and .thU!t plac..e.me.n.t along .the poJtc..h witt e.nhanc..e. .the gJtac..e.fiu.l, UM-6ic..a.l linu ofi .the fiac..a.de..

Th-U page_ c..ou.Jt.tuy ofi John B. Sa.nfioJtd, Inc.. Re.a.l.toM 16 I'


In 189 3 ChwtopheJL H. Page. drulgne.d and bu,{ft th-i.-6 home. with Will.,la.m J. Su;ton -6upplylng the. lumbeJL. Page. WCL-6 bonn ln. England and c.a.me. to AU-6-Un. ln. the. 1880 '-6 to be. the. c.hle.fi -6tone. mMon. on the. State. CapitoL

Hl-6 -6on, ChCL.!Llru H. Page., wha aU a Uve.d he.ne., he.lpe.d hl-6 6athe.n on the. Capdol Buildlng. ChCL.!Llru be.gan wonk. ln. Anc.hde.c.tuJLe. whe.n. he. WCL-6 .olxte.e.n. and ln. 1907 he. maJUL{.e.d McvU.a.n MaM, daughte.JL o6 Captaln. Loul-6 MCLM, an old plon.e.e.JL c.ltize.n. at} AU-6-Un.. ChCL.!Llru Page. WM an. ac.tive. Anc.hde.c.t ln. AU-6-Un. fion -6lxty-filve. ye.CLM, drulgn.ln.g the. Ame.JU.c.an Statruman Buildln.g (ColoJLCLdo at 7th), the. Tnavl-6 County CouJL.thoU-6e., the. AU-6-Un. NatioYI£t.f. Bank. Buildln.g, the. Te.XM Sc.hool t}on the. Ve.at}, and the. U.S. CouJL.thoU-6e. (18th & ColoJLCLdo) M we.li CL-6 many othe.n buildln.g-6 Mound the. -6tate..

The. John Gilbe.JL.t t}amily awne.d the. home. t}nom 19 33 un:til. 1977. At Jtha.t tlme. d WM puJLc.hMe.d by Wanda and GCLJLy Pe.nn., who have. palM.:tak.lngly nrutone.d thl-6 Hyde. PCLJLk. Lan.dmCLJLk.. It l-6 zon.e.d hl-6to!Uc..

Thl-6 page. c.ouJL.truy o6 Ge.n.e. and Pwy Tan.k.e.Mle.y 17 THE COVERT HOME (OPEN)

FJLa.nk. CoveJtt wa.l.l boJLn in Iowa.. By 1873 lUA {}amily had moved :to AU.6.tin a.nd in 1885 he. maJLJLie.d M~~ Annie. Co:t.tingham, a. na..tive. Te.xa.n a.nd a. da.ughte.JL o{} At{}. Co:t.tingham, who wa./.) a. me.mbe.JL o6 a. Te.xM pione.e.JL {}amily.

By :the. .ta.:te. 1890~ :the. CoveJtt fiamily wa./.) living on ;t~ ~lie., ~:ta.ying in :te.mpoJLa.JLy qua.JL:te.M while. :the. hou.6e. wa./.) bung buiU. TIUA a.JLJLa.nge.me.n:t pe.Jtmu.te.d duigne.JL ·coveJtt ;to ove.Me.e. c..oM.:tfc.uc...Uon. They moved in:to ;t/UA :two-~:toJLy bJLic..k. home. in 1898.

In :the. e.a.nly 1880~ FJLa.nk. CoveJtt wa./.) in :the. ~:ta..tiona.Jty a.nd book. bu.6inu~, bu:t by 7887 he. had u:ta.bwhe.d him~e£-6 in :the. JLe.a£ u;ta.;te. a.nd iMuJLa.nc..e. ~Ul>inU~ a.;t 714 Con.gJLU~ Avenue. He. ~old JLe.a£ u;ta.;te. a.nd iMUJLa.nc..e. in AU.6.tin {}oJL ove.Jt 20 y~ a.nd in 1914, he. fiounde.d :the. CoveJtt Automobile. Company. He. ~o dona.:te.d :the. JLe.nowne.d ov.e.JL.took. o{} Mt. Bonne.U. ;to TJLa.v~ Coun:ty.

The. CoveJtt home. hM be.e.n in a. ~;ta.;te. o{} ~JLe.p~ {}oJL many y~. I;t wa4 puJr..c..hMe.d by :the. pJLue.n:t owne.M in 1979 a.nd a.n e.x:te.Mive. JLUtoJLa..tion e.nfioJL:t ~ ne.a.Jting c..omple..tion. The. CoveJtt home. ~ zoned ~:toJLic...

TIUA page. c..ouJL:tu y A.t O~.:tfc.oo:t, Ca.Jto.t Co.te.nda., Von Ma.JLbuJr..g, Ne.U Te.M, Ken & Page. Ma.JLbuJr..g 18 HEI ERMAN HOME

Cho.Jr1.u A. Hildfte;th fWc.ed c.cvrpenXVt-buil.deJt WUl.-Ulm Vo.M :to buil.d :thM :two ~:to~y fi~ame home. The home Wa4 fii~hed in Januany 1902. In 1904, hM widow, Nanc.y Ann Hildfteth, m~ed Web~:teJt Flanagan. He wa..6 a c.ollec.:to~ fio~ :the InXVtnal Revenue SeJtvic.e wo~IUng ou:t ofi :the FedeJtal Buil.ding a:t Wu:t 6:th and ColoMdo.

In 1929 :the home wa..6 bought by HaMy W. Hej.Vtman. He wa..6 :the ~on ofi John HueJtman who along wU.h hM b~o:theJt, F~ank., fiounded H~an Ind~:ttiu. They opeJta:ted ou:t ofi :the HueJl.man Bu.-Uding a:t 115 Ea4:t 5:th S~ee;t and :they WeJte manufia~~ ofi b~a4~ and ~on c.a4:ting~, deal~ in bagging :tiu. The home ~ ~:t<.ll. owned by :the HueJtman 6amily.

ThM page c.oM:tuy o6 WaUVt & Vo~o:thy Ric.h:teJt 19 SHIPE HOME

Mowwe. M. Stupe. c.ame. fill.om Kavu,cu cu the. age.nt fioll. the. M. K. & T. Land and Town Company, a ";.,yncU.c.ate. ofi nofl.the.Jtn c.a.p~t" who had bought the. land wtuc.h WCL6 to be.c.ome. Hyde. Pall.k.. In 1892, Stupe. had ttu.-6 two ;.,totiy home. blU.U U-6.ing timbe.M fi!tom the. old ;.,tate. fia.Vtgfl.ou.nd-6 gnand-6tand. The. o!Ug.ina.t home. had 19th Ce.ntu.ny g.inge.Jtbfl.e.a.d [cu p.ict~e.d above.) and ttu.-6 c.omb.ine.d wlih a laJtge. ove.Jthang made. the. ;.,tnu.ctu.ne. notably .incLi.v.idu.a.LCAtic.. Stupe. be.c.ame. ve.Jty ;.,u.c.c.u;.,fiu.l cu a Re.a-t' E;.,tate. de.ve..tope.Jt .in Hyde. Pall.k.. He. al-6o WCL6 a bac.k..ing fioJtc.e. fioll. the. fi.i!l.-6t dam ac.fl.o-6-6 the. ColoJta.do Rive.Jt and i)Jtom the. powe.Jt g e.ne.Jl.a..:te.d by the. dam he. WCL6 able. to bn.ing e..te.ctn.ic. ;.,tne.e.t c.aM to .the. Cli.y o 6 AU-6tin. Pe.te.Jt Ma.mbe.nde..t, a ;.,on-.in-la.w on SIUpe., Uve.d .in ttu.-6 home. whe.n i).in-6t ma.M.ie.d. He. WCL6 the. fioJte.mo;.,t wood c.aJtve.Jt .in :ttu.-6 Mea, and lU.-6 ll.e.pu.tat.ion WCL6 k.nown thnou.ghou.t the. countny.

The. Stupe. Home. .i-6 zone.d IU-6tofl..ic. and .i-6 now owne.d by Robe.nt Hill and lUJ., w.ii)e., Pe.nny. The.y plan to fl.Utofl.e. the. home. .in the. ne.afl. t}u.tu.ne..

TIU.-6 page. c.ou.ntuy ofi Joe. & Shcvwn Ma.joM 20 THE MANSBENVEL HOME {OPEN}

ThM home wcu bLUU by Wil.Uam Ku:talek. ln. 1912 {)an ClatJ.i.de MaVL6ben.deL I:t WCt6 bLUU {)nom pcvr:t afi :the old Hyde Pa.Jtk. Sc..haal, whJ..c..h WCt6 n.a lan.gen needed when. :the new Bak.en ~c..haol WCt6 opened a:t 39:th and Avenue B.

Pe:ten Hen.Jty MaVL6ben.del ma.Jr.JL[ed ClatJ.i.de ShJ..pe, daugh:ten a6 Man.Jtae M. Shipe in. 1911. He ~ c..aVL61deJted :to be one afi :the fianema~:t woad c..a.Jtve.M afi hM :time. He wank.ed c..la~ ely wJ.:th many a fi T excu ' ma~:t pnamln.an.:t a.Jtc..hi:tec..u. He WCt6 bonn. ln. Bcuel, SwlizeJtian.d in. 1883. A:t :ten. ye~ a6 age he WM appnen.:tic..ed :to a lac..al mcu:ten named UlJtic..h Huben wlih wham he nemain.ed fian ~ix y~. He immigna:ted :to Amenic..a ln. 1907 an.d :taught c..lay modeling c..lcu~u a:t :the Caapen Union. {)an :the Advan.c..emen.:t a6 Sc..len.c..e an.d M:t. He opened hM woad c..Mvin.g bMin.u~ in. AMlin. ln. 1916. H~ gnea:tu:t laban afi lave WCt6 :the neduign.in.g afi :thM home 6ft fian :the fiin.u:t on sw~~ woad c..a.Jtve.M hene in. Hyde Pa.Jtk.. OuU:tan.din.g examplu on hM wonk. c..a.n. be fiaun.d in. :the daa~ a6 :the San. Ja~e ~~ian. and :the Spa~h Gavenn.an'~ Pa.tac..e in. San. An.:tan.ia cu well cu 6cuhJ..an.able hamu :thnaughau:t :the ~:tate.

ThM home ~ n.aw awned by MMy and WilLtam T. Wil.,Uam~ III. Mn. W1U.iam~ ~ a gnan.Man. afi Pe:ten MaVL6ben.dd an.d a gnea:t gnan.Mon. on Man.Jtae ShJ..pe. The MaVL6 ben.del home ~ zoned hM:tanic...

ThM page c..aun:tuy Geange & Ma.Jt:tha. Boutwell 21 W. J. OLIPHANT HOME (OPEN)

In 1894, WilUam Jam eo O.Uphant, 11M, w£.6 e. We. e., and :thw 6oWt. c.hJ.l..dJte.n move.d 6Jto m F)..6:te.e.nth and Co.toJtado :to :the. newly de.v e..to p),_ng Hyde. PaJtk AdcU:U..o n. Oliphant, gJtand6on o6 LoJtd Oliphant o6 Sc.oti.and, J.>e.Jtve.d )..n :the. Con6e.de.Jta:te. AJtmy 6oJt &oWL ye.aJ1..-6, e.nLLo:Ung whe.n he. wa.o only 6)..6:te.e.n and .o pe.nd;_ng time. )..n a Fe.de.J1.CL.t p!U.6on c.amp. Re.:tUJt.n)..ng :to adu.l;(: li6e. )..n Au.o:Un, he. pWL!.>u.e.d a. pho:togJtaphy c.a.Jte.e/1.. He. wa.o a we-U known pho:togJtaphe.Jt and wa.o JteopoM)..b.te. 6oJt mu.c.h o6 , e.ctll.ty Au.o :Un '.o p),_c.:to!Uai, 11M, :toJty. HM da.u.g h:te11., Jane. EUza.b e.:th, ma.JL!L,{_e.d V.!t. Wa.Ue11. PJteoc.o:t:t We.bb. The. Oliphant¢ c.on:t.lta.c.:te.d w[:th E. A. E.tUng.oon :to build :thw home. &oJt :the .ou.m o6 $1,875. The c.ont.ltac.:t .ope.u6)..e.d "good ma.ooWl.y and o6 :the. ha.!tdeo:t qu.a.U:ty" and c.a.Jtpen:t.lty woJtk :to be. o6 ":the. beo:t qu.a.U:ty fumbe.Jt • • • 6Jte.e. 6Jtom )..njUJt.)..ou.o de&ew. rr The :th.!te.e by .oeve.n &oat 6Jtont dooJt Wa-6 :to be o6 :two )..nc.h wWe p),_ne. 11!.>~ )..n deo)..gn :to Qu.e.e.n Ann VooJt" c.omp.te.:te. w[:th c.oloJted gla.o.o. The. na.:tWt.a.liy MYVL6he.d .otcUtc.c.a.oe. and 6br.e.p.ta.c.e mante..t have. be.en a.:t:tJUbu.:te.d :to Pe.:te.Jt Ma.Yl-6 b ende..t. The. Oliphant home. M zone.d !UA:toJt)..c. and :the. ownert-6, Von and AvM Va.vM, Jtec.uved a bui£d)..ng awaJtd 6Jtom :the. He.tU;ta.ge Soue.:ty o{) Auo:Un )..n 7979.


On May 8, 1894, Geo~ge S. Sm~h p~eha6ed t~ p~op~y n~om the M.K.&T. Land and Town Co. He eon;t:Jza.eted w.£:th John Geggie in Novemb~ on that yeM to eon6~u.et an "ught ~oom hoMe • •• :two J.:do4v., w.£:th neev.,~.>My ••• ad~on6 and appu.Uenanev., th~eto .•• !abo~ and mate!Ua.£..6 not to exeeed $2000."

In 1905, LotU.o MMeMe p~ehMed the home. He wa..6 bo~n in Koenig~.>b~g, P~.6ia in 1849, and he eame to the U~ed S:ta.tv., in 1867. He .6~ved tMee yeM-6 in Cap:ta.in FMnk. Beaeh'~.> Company "C" on the 4th ~egulM U~ed Statv., Alr.:tift~y. He C!!l.JU.v ed in AM tin in 1 8 7 3 and maJl/t..,[ed Emma Sehultz in 18 74 •

LotU.o MMeMe ~.>old g~oc.wv.,, ~y good6, need, wood at 2501 Gu.adaJ.u.pe. He .6~ved ~.>ix y~ on the C..Uy BoMd on Equ.atization. AeeoM-i..ng to ~ ob~u.My, he WM a highly ~egMded gente.eman, and w.i.ddy k.nown in the eommu.~y. The MMeMe he.J.M Uved in the home u.nil£. 1968.

The MMeM e Home 1.6 zoned ~to4e and 1.6 now owned by MMtha and Geo~ge Bou.tweU who have ~v.,o~ed the home to U.6 19th ee~y gMnde~.

T~ page eou.Mv.,y BM/<..6 Rep~odu.eilon 23 LOWRY HOME

In. 1891 .the. t)JJu,;t .oc.hool in. .the. Hyde. PaJLk. AtLe.a. wcw .the. Oa.k. Hill Sc.hool j U6.:t b e.-tow .the S.ta..te. Lun.a.tic. A6 y.twn on. Gua.da.lupe. S.:ttLe.e.:t. Ak.6.6 Ma.Jty LowtLy WM .the. p!L.i.n.upa.l o6 .:th.i.-6 .6c.hool, wiU.c.h WM motLe. c.ommon..ty tLe.t)etLtLe.d ;to cw Sc.o.:t.:t' .6 S;totLe Sc.hool be.c.a.U6e. o6 ..La loc.a..:t.i.on. in. .the. tLe.n..:te.d .6.:totLe..

About .:tha..:t .6a.me. .thne. CoL Shipe. opened IU.-6 own. t)tLe.e. (he pa..i.d .the .:te.a.c.he.tL) e.leme.n..:tcvr.y .6c.hool. I.:t wcw a. .two !Loom .6.:ttLuc..:tutLe. loc.a..:te.d a..:t wtui..:t .i.-6 now 39.:th a.n.d Spe.e.dwa.y. In. 1892 .the. AU6tin. Sc.hool Sy.6.:te.m pU!Lc.hMe.d Shipe.' .6 ..6c.hool building, a.dde.d .:th!Lee. motLe. tLoo~, a.n.d n.a.me.d .i..:t Hyde. Pank Sc.hool. The. .6.:tude.n.t6 t)tLom Oa.k. Hill a.n.d .the. "FtLe.e Sc.hool" WelLe. c.ombin.ed a.n.d M.i.-6.6 MaJLy LowtLy .:ta.ugh.:t .:thetLe.. In. 1894 .6he be.c.a.me .the .6e.c.on.d p!L.i.n.upa.l o6 .:th.i.-6 e.a!Lly Hyde. Pa!Lk. Sc.hool, wiU.c.h in 1902 WM tLe.n.a.me.d VeWW Clin..:ton. Ba.k.etL Sc.hool. She. wcw p!L.i.n.upa.l until 191 o..

MaJLy LowtLy boagh.:t .the. land a..:t 4001 Avenue. C in. 1894 a.n.d by 1903 .6he. ha.d c.on..:ttLa.c..:ted w.i..:th Will.i.a.m Vo.6.6, StL • .to c.oM.:ttLuc..:t a. one .6.:totLy t)Jta.me. hoMe. wiU.c.h wcw .to be. bu-LU t)otL .the. p!L.i.c.e. o 6 "$1 30 0 in. gold c.oin. o 6 .the Un..i..:ted S.:ta..:te.-6 at) Ame!L.i.c.a.." Nwon. LowtLy, hetL nephew, gtLew up in. .:th.i.-6 home.. He WM t)otL a. time. in. .the. Re.a.l E.6.ta..te bU6in.e..6.6 a.n.d la..:tetL he WM a.n. oil opetLa..:totL. About 1906 he. maJL!L.i.e.d Mv.i.n.a. MMc.U6e a.n.d by 1922 .they WelLe. living in. .the. Ma.tLc.U6e. home. a..:t 3913 Avenue C.

The. LowtLy home. wcw putLc.hcwe.d a.n.d tLe..6.:totLe.d by Sc.o.:t.:t Hot)t)etL in. 1979.

Th.i.-6 pa.ge. c.outL.:te..6y J.i.m & Ja.U Sm.i..:th 24 MAIN BUILVING {OPEN)

By 6CUL .the. lcULge..6.t ·and oldu.t /.).tf1_u.c.:twr_e. in .the. Hyde. PcULk. CULe.a M .the. main building o6 .the. AMlin S.ta.te. Ho/.)pftal. "The. S.ta.te. Lunatic. A/.)ylu.m" «Xl.6 au..tho!Uze.d by an. ac..t o6 .the. S.ta.te. Le.gMla.tWLe. in 1856. The. iYI./.).ti...tu.­ lion, MJtvin.g abou..t a doze.n pa.ti..e.n.U, ope.n.e.d in May o6 1861 u.n.de!l. Su.pe.!Un..te.nde.n..t Gftaham who «Xl.6 appoin..te.d by Gove!l.noft Sam HoM.ton. By 1867 .the. building had ac.c.ommoda.ti..oYI./.) 6oft u.p .to 70 pa.ti..e.n.U many o6 whom a.t .thM .time. had fu.te.d M c.aMe. 6oft iYI./.)ani.ty, ";the. WCUL," "6Jtigh.t 6ftom . /.)Oldie.M," and 11 /.)oldie.M mCULau.ding."

ln. .the. 1890/.) .the. building/.) and gftou.n.M We!l.e. e.x;te.Yl./.)ive.ly de.ve.lope.d and .the. mM/.)ive. pilfCUL/.) and 6ac.ade. We!l.e. adde.d .to .the. main building. A pool «Xl.6 6oJtme.d 6ftom an. old CUL.tuian. we.U and a c.hain o6 ~.tic. lak.u and lilly ponM We!l.e. c.Jte.a.te.d. The. pho.to above. «Xl.6 .tak.e.n /.)ho!t.tly a6.te!l. 1896.

The. iYI./.).ti...tu..ti..on wa..6 fte.name.d .the. AMlin S.ta.te. HMpi.tal and .today .theJte. Me. ove!l. 100 /.).tJr.u.c.tu!l.u on .the. gftou.n.M. The. S.ta.te. HMplial employ/.) ove!l. 1400 AMlini.tu. In 1966, U «Xl.6 fte.c.oftde.d M a landmCULk. o6 .the. J.,.ta.te. o6 Te.xM.

ThM page. c.ouJL.tuy o6 Jac.k. & Ve.bbie. EviYI./.) Z5 MOONLIGfff TOWER

Ecvr.£_y Hyde PaJtk. adve!r.Wemen..t6 by .the M. K. & r. Land $ Town Company pnoc.i.cU.m ",U_ghted .6btee;:U" a..6 we..U. a..6 many o.thefl. a.me~u. The "lighted .6btew" ne6eJr., o6 c..ouJL.6e, .to Acud:J..n'.6 6fu.t Moon,U_ght Towefl. w/Uc..h WM opeJc.a.ti.ng a..t 41.6.t and Speedway by May o6 18 95.

The. c..M.t and Wfl..ought J.Jwn .towefl. 1..6 765 6ee.t .t.a..U.. and il «Xt.6 .thought a..t .the .tfure .tha..t one .t.a..U.. .toweJc. wou£d be e.Mi.eJr. .to ma.J..n.ta.J..n .than numefl.OU.6 .6mail. .6btee.t .tamp.6. The c..onbtac...t wah .the Fon.t Wayne E.tec..W.c.. Compang .6.ta..ted .tha..t .the .towefl..6' c..Mbon Me. .tamp.6 wou£d ill.umi.na..te a c..i.Jr.c.i.e 3000 6ee.t J..n di.a.me.tefl. .6o .tha..t ".ti.me c..ou£d be nead on an aveJr.age r..oo..tc..h on .the da.Jr.k.u.t n.i.g ht. " The .towefl..6 have no.t been ma.J..n.ta.J..ned by .the c..ily J..n nec..en..t yea.M, bu.t .the IU.6.toJr.J..c..a..t J..mpon.ta.nc..e o6 AU.6iln' .6 6fu.t Moonlight ToweJc. ha..6 no.t been i0.6.t on .the nui.den..t6 o6 Hyde PaJtk.. The Hyde Pa.Jr.k. Moonlight ToweJc. 1..6 c..o Mi.de.Jr.ed .to be j U.6.t a..6 .6i.g n.J..fii.c..an.t a..6 ouJr. ia.Jr.g u.t VJ..c...toJr.J..a.n Home.

TIU.6 page c..oun.tuy o6 AU.6.ti.n VJ..n.ta.ge Homu, Inc... 26 WALTER H, BAVGER HOME

WaLte.Jt Badge.Jt, a na;Uve. o{, GonzaJ.e.o. ptVtc.ftai>ed ;thil; home. fitwm .the. M.K. & T L~nd and Town Company in 1908 {,oJt $3,500. The. p!Uc.e. i.nci.ude.d .thJte.e. addi­ tionat lou ;to .the. .6outh ot) .thi.-6 pltopefdy. The. Badge.Jt {,amily .oold whole.oale. moun.tai.n c.e.daJL unde.Jt .the. name. ot) B. Badge.Jt & ~o~ w.U.h an ofifiic.e. loc.a.te.d a.t 806 CongJte-6.6 ar;d ~0: in ~lie. u.t:tle.fiie.ld Bu..Le.ding. WaLte.Jt Badge.Jt, one. ot) .the. .60n.6 wa..6 -tde.n;ti{,-te.d wLth Ce.n..tJz..at Te.x~ 6Min~.6 a{,{,o.JJL.6 {,oiL OVVl. {,i{,.ty ye.aM. He. Wa.6 a cUJt~c..tOfl: ~b .the. Ame.Jt,(_c.an Na;ti.onat Bank.. He. .6e.Jtve.d a.6 c.haJJunan o-6 .the. Au.oftn CLU.ze.n-6' Comrn

27 TliM page. c.oWL.te.oy o-6 Ted & Sha!ton Com.6udi. WOOVBURN HOME (OPEN)

In 1909_ rJta.nw H, WagneJt c.ontJLac;ted with John B, Headopuh :to ouild ;th,.W lctJr..ge :two -6:toJty home a:t 40:th and Avenue P. HeacLspuh wa.o a buildeJt ~n AMtin fioJt oveJt fio!t:ty yeaM and he i-6 c.JtecLL:ted wah building many 19;th and ectJtly ZO:th c.en:tuJty -6.:tJtuc;tuJte-o, In 1'120 :the home wcu -6old :to Be;t;t{e Harn.,LU:on WoodbuJtn, daugh:teJt o6 Jac.k HarrUUon, ptwvi-o~onal goveJtnoJt o6 Texcu d~ng w ectJr..Ue-o:t -6bwggle-o ~n "c.ctJr..pubaggeJt" Jtule. A pe.Monal fi~end ofi Unc.oln, GoveJtnoJt H~on wcu a .o:t!Long UMon -6ympa:thlzeJt and afi:teJt .oec.e-0-6~on he wcu fioJtc.ed :to hlde ou:t a:t HarrUlion'.o Pool and MnaUy :to leave Texa.o. He JteXU!tned cu GoveJtnoJt, a U.S.A, appo~n:tmen:t by PJte.o~den:t Avu:lJtew Jac.k.oon. Be;t;t{e WoodbuJtn i-6 c.Jr..edlied with ~ng and p!toofiJteading many ofi hi-6 .opeec.he.-6.

In 197 8 :the Hyde PctJr..k Bapw:t ChuJtc.h puJtc..ha.oed :the p!tope!t:ty and a:t:temp:ted :to move :the home ou:t!.s~de o-Q :the c.liy ~· even :though U wcu zoned hiA:to!U_c., Afi:teJt a yectJr.. long .o:tJtuggle with :the Hyde PctJr..k NughboJthood A-6-6ouation, :the Bapw:t ChuJtc.h c.on.oen:ted :to allow GeoJtge Bou:twell :to move :the WoodbuJtn Home fiJtom ZOO Ecu:t 40:th :to w pJte.oen:t loc.a:tion. The WoodbuJtn Home will be c.ompluely Jte.o:toJted la:teJt :thi-6 yeaJt.

Thi-6 page c.ou!t:te.oy ofi Be!t:t and Cele.o:te CJtomac.k Z8 AQCtiiTECTUQAL

By Khn A. Wil-Uam-6. c3TYLEc3 IN tiYDE PAQK The buA.Lt en.vvwn.meM. a.t}6ew a..U o6 M. I:t in.6Lu.en.c.u M phy,oic.a..Uy, ,ooc.ia..Uy, p,oyc.hologic.a..Uy, ec.on.omic.a..Uy a.n.d ,opinitu.a..Uy, bu.:t mo,o:t o6 a..U, pen,oon.a..Uy. When one Look..6 a.:t :the :to:ta.L en.vvwn.meM., nuide~ a.nc.J..;tec.:tu.JLe i-6 pnoba.bly :the 6iM:t a.n.d mo,o:t -UnpofL:ta.M. -Una.ge :tha.:t c.omu :to mind. Ma.n.y people ha.ve ,o:t.JLon.g emolioVl.-6 a.bou.:t :thei!L home a.n.d n.eighbonhood, a.n.d :thi-6 i-6 pnopen, 6on we !.lpen.d a.n. immel1-6e a.mou.M. o 6 :time living, wonfUn.g a.n.d nda.un.g in :thi-6 en.vi!Lo n.meM.. Bu.:t u.n.Ltk.e :the ena. o6 ou.JL 6one6a.:theM, :toda.y :thene i-6 c.oVl.-6idena.bLe di66enen.c.e o6 opinion a.bou.:t wha.:t ma.k.u a. dui!La.ble home, n.eighbonhood, even. c.i:ty. Tho,oe di66enen.c.u ma.y be in.evaa.ble when one c.oVl.-6ideM :the· ma.n.y 6a.c.:toM :tha.:t iM.ena.c.:t in :the p!Loc.u,o o 6 ,o dec.lin.g a. dui!La.ble ha.balit. Su.c.h fia.c.:toM in.ctu.de a.nc.hi:tec.:tu.!La.L ,o:tyle, ,o ec.u.!Li:ty, e66ic.ien.c.y, La.n.d!.lc.a.pe, geogna.phic.a.L pMilion., ,ooc.ia.L a.men.iliu, a.n.d o:theM. The pu.!Lpo!.le o6 :thi-6 n.ughbonhood a.n.d home :tou.JL i-6 :to pnueM. one .e.xa.mple o6 a. nuiden.­ lia.L a.L:t.enn.a.live. I:t ,oeem,o i!Lon.ic. :tha.:t Hyde Pa.nk., hi!.l:to!Lic.a..Uy one o6 AMlin' ,o ea.!Lliu:t a.n.d 6in.u:t ,ou.bu.JLb-6, now ,o:t.JLu.ggLu :to exi!.l:t M one o6 i:t.-6 in.n.en c.i:ty n.eighbonhood-6. Yet. :thi-6 evolu.lioVl.a.!Ly p!Loc.U-6, a.:t :timu !.lomewha.:t du:t.!Lu.c.live, givu we :to :the iM.!Ligu.e a.n.d a...t:tJta.c.lion. 6on :toda.y' -6 pnuenva.lion./nevi:ta.Liza.lion. movemeM.. I:t i-6 impofL:ta.M. :to nea.Uze :tha.:t :th!Lou.gh .:thi-6 pa.na.douc.a.L evoLu.lion. a. n.ughbonhood i-6 bonn -- one wah a. vo.Jl.ie:ty o 6 a.nc.hi:tec.:tu.!La.L ,o:tylu, a. ma.:tu.!Le a.n.d diveM e La.n.d!.lc.a.ped ,o e:tlin.g, a. !.lign.iMc.a.M. c.u.Uu.JLa.L he!Li:ta.ge, a.n. en.engy-e6fiic.ieM. Loc.a.lion. a.n.d a. !.lpec.ia.L ,ooc.ia.L c.ohe,oiven.U-6. Thi-6 6onmu.La. i-6 n.o:t u.n.iqu.e. Ma.n.y ,oimila.n en.vi!Lon.meM.-6 exi!.l:t in hi-6- :to!Lic.a.L n.ughbonhood-6 :tti!Lou.ghou.:t. :the U.S. The impo!L:ta.M. poiM., howeven, i-6 :tha.:t :to AMlin a.n.d i:t.-6 vi!.laoM, ou.JL n.eighbonhood i-6 bo:th u.n.iqu.e a.n.d .opec.ia.L. Sin.c.e :the mM:t c.ha.na.c.:te!LMlic. 6ea.:tu.JLe o 6 Hyde Pct!Lk. i-6 i:t.-6 9 5 yea.M o6 va.!Lied a.nc.hi:tec.:tu.JLe, :thi-6 ,oec.lion pnovidu a. bnie6 ovenview o6 :the ,o:tylu a.n.d :thei!L pa.!Llic.u.La.n ,oigni6ic.a.n.c.e. The begin.n.in.g,o o6 Hyde Pa.nk. in :the 1890-6 wene noo:ted in :the Texa.-6 Vic.:to!Lia.n. E!r..a.. Thi-6 pe!Liod evoLved iM.o :the next. ena., 1900-1910, whic.h nevened ,oeve!La.L :typu o 6 neviva.L on "n.eo" ,o:tylu, wah pa.!Llic.u.La.n empha.!.li-6 on. "c.,ta.,o,oic.a.L neviva.L" a.n.d "c.olo n.ia.L neviva.L". The .6 ec.o n.d a.n.d :thi!Ld dec.a.du o 6 :the 2 O:th c.eM.u.JLy va.Lu.ed a. new J:,:tyle o6 Ame!Lic.a.n. a.nc.hi:tec.:tu.JLe -- :the Bu.n.ga.Low. A devdopmeM. o6 :the n.ewly-6ou.n.ded Am a.n.d Cna.6u MovemeM. (1900-1920), :theB.u.n.ga.Low,o:tyLe pnovided a. pnoUfiic. building voc.a.bu.La.ny 6ou.n.d in ma.n.y Hyde Pa.nk. homu. Thi-6 ,o:tyle, whic.h c.on.lin.u.ed u.M.il :the begin.n.in.g-6 o6 Wodd Wa.n II, ended wha.:t i-6 gen.ena..Uy c.oVl.-6idened hi!.l:to!Lic. ,o:tywlic. examplu o6 Ame!Lic.a.n. a.nc.hi:tec.:tu.JLe. Pneoc.c.u.pa.lion. wah :tha.:t Wa.fL a.n.d :the ,ou.b,oequ.eM. ec.on.omic. a.n.d in.dM:t.JLia.L c.ha.n.gu c.a.Med nuide~ .o:tylu :to blend iM.o a. mone gen.ena.Uzed :type, a.n.d by :the mid-1930-6, :the na.n.c.h ,o:tyle home bec.omu c.ommon.pla.c.e :th!Lou.ghou.:t Ame!Lic.a. a.,o well a.,o in Hyde Pa.nk.. Thi-6 i-6 n.o:t :to ,oa.y :tha.:t a.nc.hi:tec.:tu.JLa.L duign. died in 1936. Ra.:then, :the ,oign.i6ic.a.M. duign. :typu ne6Lec.:ted in :the PncU.Jtie, Modenn. a.n.d IM.enn.a.lion.a.L Sc.hooa wene n.o:t exhibaed in Hyde. Pa.nk.. Toda.y, :the need 6on new c.oVl.-6:tfLu.c.lion. ha.-6 gen.ena.:ted a. wa.ve o6 a.nc.hi:tec.:tu.!La.L nevi:t.a.U-6m in Hyde Pa.nk.. Some o6 :thi-6 devuopmeM. nupew :the a.nc.hi:tec.:tu.JLa.L in.:teg!Li:ty o6 :the n.eighbonhood a.n.d ,o:t.JLivu :to ne6Lec.:t :the a.nc.hi:tec.:tu.JLa.L ,o;ty,te,o a.n.d ambien.c.e o6 pnevioM ena.,o. Thou.gh :the a.c.:tu.a.L duign. 6onmu.La.,o va.ny, :the e,o,oen.c.e o6 :the Vic.:to!Lia.n. ,o:tyle a.n.d :the bu.n.ga.Low 6onm,o a.ne ne-!.lu.JL6a.c.in.g in new a.n.d c.JLea.live wa.y,o. The 6ollowin.g examplu ilLM:tfLa.:te :thue vo.Ji.ioM hi!.l:to!Lic. a.nc.hi:tec.:tu.JLa.L ,o:tylu a.n.d o 66 en a. b!Lien du c.!Liplio n. o 6 :thei!L nu pec.liv e c.ha.na.c.:t.e!LMlic.-6.

29 Vic;to!Ua.n. The. Wo!td Vic;to!Ua.n. deJ.Jc.JtibeA a. va.Jtie.d a.Jtc.h-Ue.c;twr.e., UneJ.J:tyte., a.Jt:t a.n.d !te.Ugiou.6 doc;t~tin.e. on a. c.olo!tnul e.Jta. in. lli:toJty. Tlli e.xube.Jta.n.:t, on:te.n:V.me-6 c.ha.otic., pe.Jtiod nJtom a.pp!toxima.:te.ty 1837 :to 1901 in.ntue.n.c.e.d Te.xcu ,o:tyleA in. a. va.Jtie.:ty on no!tm-6' bu:t ili e.nne.c;t OVI. Hyde. Pa.Jtk oc.c.WVl.e.d du!tin.g :the. n.e.ighbo!thood I f., e.a.!tUeA:t de.vuopme.n.:t in. :the. 1890-6. Ma.n.y na.doM c.on.:t!tibu:te.d :to :the. -6pe.unic. "Vic;to!tia.n." f.l:tyleA Jte.nle.c;te.d in. :the. n.e.ighbo!thood 1 -6 JteAide.n.c.eA. Adva.n.c.e-6 in. :the. buildJ..n.g in.du.6:t!ty, a. n.e.w p!tof.Jpe.Jti:tq, a.n.d :the. a.va.ila.biU:ty on hou.6e.-pta.n. book-6 a.n.d de.:ta.il-6 a.U c.o n.:t!tibu:te.d :to :the. !tic.h va.i!te.:ty a.n.d na.n.unu.t c.Jte.a.tivi:ty on :the. time.. While. :theJ.Je. homeA ma.y f.Je.e.m f.Jome.wha.:t n!tivof..oL/..6 :to u.6 :toda.y, :theJA nloo!t pla.M, -6pa.:tia.t c.on.nigwr.a.tioVI.-6, a.n.d c.oM:t!tuc.:tion. :te.c.hn.ique-6 we.Jte. a.U c.oMide.Jte.d nun.c.:tion.a.t a.n.d e.nniue.n.:t :to :thw builde.!t6. The. pa.Jttic.ula.Jt "Vic;to!Ua.n." f.J:tyle-6 illM:t!ta.:te.d in. Hyde. Pa.!tk -6 hou.td a.U be. ua.Minie.d cu loc.a.Uy in.6f..ue.n.c.e.d "Vic;to!Ua.n.", o:the.JtWif.Je. a.nne.c.:tion.a.:tuy known. cu "Te.xcu Vic;to!Ua.n.". Howe.ve.Jt, popu.ta.Jt in.nlue.n.c.e-6 f.Juc.h cu :the. "Ma.n6a.Jtd", e.xe.mpUMe.d in. :the. o!tigin.a.t pa.viUon. (de.moliohe.d tong a.go), a.n.d a. mo!te. popu.ta.Jt va.nia.:tion. on :the. Vic;to!Ua.n. "Que.e.n. Anne.", e.xe.mpUnie.d in. :the. OUpha.n.:t HoMe., dJ..d eA:ta.btioh a. Jte.la.tioMhip :to :the. ta.Jtge.Jt Vic;to!Ua.n. move.me.n.:t. TheAe. f.J:t!tuc;twr.eA ue.a.Jtty Jte.nle.c;t a.n. impo!t:ta.n.:t Un.k :to OWl. a.Jtc.h-Ue.c;twr.a.t pcu:t a.n.d owr. c.u.t:twr.a.t a.n.d f.Joc.ia.t lli:to!ty cu we.U. The.y a.tf.Jo give. u.6 iMigh:t in.:to a.n. in.:t!tigui11g, c.olo!tnul, a.n.d f.lome.wha.:t n!tivof..oL/..6 pcu:t.

Vic.:to!tia.n. Co:t:ta.ge. - 4206 Ave.. F

Tlli pa.ge. c.oUJdeA y Un.ive.Jt6i:ty Co-op No!t:th 30 ClM~ieal Rev~val The. ~e.c.ond a.n.d .tJWuJ. de.c.a.de. on Hyde. PaJLk. I~ gJt.owth ( 1900-1920) wlin.u~ed a. ~odal a.n.d aJLc.hlie.c..tWLal movement awa.y nJt.om .the. exc.U~U a.nd gcUti.U on .the. Vhlo~n. EJt.a.. EWLopea.n. aJLc.hlie.c..tWLe., noJt.me!t.ly hdd ~n. ~u.c.h high Jt.e.pu..te., n.o lon.geJt. m~n.e.d W exc.l~~ve po~~OYI. on ~Mp-i.Jr.a.:ti..on.. AmeUc.a.M be.ga.n. .to look. .to o.theJt. ~OWLC.U noll.. du_,[gn. ~Mp,{}w;Uon. a.n.d nou.n.d it withi.rz. .thUJt. c.ou.n..tlt.y 1 ~ aJLc.hi.­ .te.c..tuJLa.l e.xhi.b~oM M wdl M .th!t.ou.gh ~pJt.ove.d ~on.al .tlt.a.vel, .to~m, a.n.d .the. mM~ me.Ma.. The. ge.n.elt.al public. ~ pa!Ltic.u.la.Jt.ly e.n.a.moJt.e.d with .the. c.lM~ieal ~.tylu ofi .the. Roma.n. a.n.d GJt.e.e.k. peUo~. S~n.c.e. .thue. ~.tylu ha.d been. Jt.ev~ved ~n. c.oloMal timU, ma.n.y e.xa.mplU on c.lM~ieal aJLc.hftec..tuJLe WeJt.e. nou.n.d Withi.n. .the. c.olonial. ~U on .the. e.M.teJt.n. ~ea.boJt.a.d. The. ?.O.th c.e.ntWLy Jt.ev~val Wa..6 .to be. labeled .the. "n.e.o-cta..M~c.al movement" oft., ~n. .the. Jt.U~e.~ ~nd~.tJt.y, "c.olorUal. Jt.ev~val move­ ment". M..c.hlie.c..tWI.al c.on.c.e.pu ~u.c.h M ~ymm~c.al 6a.c.a.du, filooJt. pla.M, a.n.d ~eM~Ve p!t.opo~on. p!t.OV~de.d .the. bM~C. noJt.mu.fu noll.. ma.n.y homU on .thih peUod. A.Jt.c.hlie.c..tuJLa.l detai1...6 c.ompo~ e.d on c.iM~~c. c.olu.mM, plt.o~n.e.nt poJL.tic.o U, g e.om~c. pa.:tteJt.M, Jt.e.c..ta.n.gu.la!L window~ with ~mall, muLt.i.Li..gh.t ~Mh, a.n.d c.lM~~c.al e.n..tJt.y­ IIJa.Y~, aJLe. ~till v~~ble .toda.y a.n.d .typ~6Y .the. n.e.o:-c.lM~~c.al voc.a.bu.la!Ly. Vu.Ung .the. ea.Jt.ly yeo.Jl.-6 o6 .t~ movement, .the. la!Lge. .two-~.toJt.y "ClM~~c.al Box", ~u.c.h M .the. WoodbWLn. Ho~e. (pg. ) , Wa..6 a. popu.laJL e.xplt.U~~on. o6 .the. n.e.o-c.lM~~c.al movement. A la..teJt., c.lM~~c.al qeUv~on. Wa..6 .the. ~malleJt., moJt.e. e.c.on.o~c.al "ClM~~c.al Rowho~e.", ~till embody~n.g .the. bM~c. e.leme.n.U on .the. ~.tyle.. The. 6oUowin.g ~k.e..tc.h m.~.tJt.a..tu one. o6 Hyde. Pa.Jt.k. I~ bet.teJt. e.xa.mplu on .thih c.a..te.goJty. Toda.y 1 ~ e.x.ta.nt e.xa.mplu ofi .thue. ~.tylu c.on..tmu.e. .to onfieJt. ~poJt..ta.n..t ~.ta..teme.n.U o6 OWL ~oUal, c.u.l.tuJLal, a.n.d aJLc.hfte.c..tuJLa.l heJt.lia.ge..

ClM~~c.a.l Re.v~va.l Rowho~e. - 4106 Ave. V

31 Cnau~man Movement The movement awo..y finom the onna:te Vic.:to!tia..n and the nev-i.val -6tylv., fi-i.nally evolved -i.nto a new and un-i.que -6tyle -6pawned by the AJr.:t.6 and Cna.fi~ Movement ( 797 0- 1930 I. Th-<.6 movement, -6ometi.mv., nefieNLed to M the Cnafi~man Style, ma.-i.nta.-i.ned two bM-i.c. pn-i.nuplv.,: 11 To expneA-6 the -6:tnuc.:tu.ne honv.,ily -6o that the -6:tnuc.:tnu.al eleme~ c.ou.ld al-6o be dec.ona.tive lun.U.k.e the Vic.:to!tia..n on c.iM-6-i.c.al c.ountenp~ I, and 21 the honv.,t u.-6e ofi ma:te.tUa..t6 -6uc.h M fi-i.eld-6lone, ha.nd-6pW -6ha.k.v.,, WJLough:t­ -i.non ha.ndwa.tl.e, etc.. The Cna.fi~man dv.,-i.gh fiound pnedom-i.nanily -i.n Hyde Pank. -i.-6 the Cna.6~man Bungalow and many c.lo-6e den-i.vativv.,. Th-<.6 dv.,-i.gn Wa.6 typ-i.c.ally a -6-i.ngle -6tony hou.-6e wU.h one on mane bnoadly pilc.hed, ovenha.ng-i.ng gable;.,. A -6mallen gable c.ap c.ovened the en:tny ponc.h; bna.c.k.~ ofifiened -6uppon:t fion the bnoad gable ovenha.ng-6, and -6tone fioundation-6 and 6-i.neplac.v., wene mo typ-i.c.al. The ex:ten-<.on wall-6 wene u.-6uilly c.fud wU.h a na.nnow, dnop patienn c.fupboand on wilh a na:tu.nal -6tuc.c.o -6km. The bM-i.c. dv.,ign, whic..h adapted to the Ca.lifionn-i.a c.l-i.ma:te, Wa.-6 fUAton-i.c.ally -6.unJ.l.aJt to the noad-hou.-6eA o6 Ind-i.a. and Wen (..{]a)., a highly ,oenv-i.c.ea.ble dv.,-i.gn -i.n the hot and humid TexM c.l-i.ma:te. And today'-6 extant example;., ofi th-<.6 J.Jtyle c.ont-i.nue to ofifien a mo,ot fiunc.:t-i.onal and weli-dv.,-i.gned nv.,-i.denc.e. Example;., ofi th-<.6 -6tyle c.an be v-i.ewed thnoughou.:t Hyde Pank., notable at 4301 Avenue V, 4103 Avenue C, and 4110 Speedway !-i.nc.luded hene M the ,ok.e:tc.h below).

Cnafi~man Bungalow Style- 4110 Speedway

T h-i.-6 page c.o u.n:tv., y CA.;ti,_z en-6 Na-La nal Bank. 32 Re.c..e.n.t Timv., The. Gne.a;t Ve.p!te..6.6ion at) .the. twe.n;tiv., a.nd WotLtd WM II p.ia.c..e.d a. da.mpe.Jt on .6.tyli-6.tic.. dv.,ign e.t)t)ofl..t.6 duning .the. de.c..a.dv., ot) .the. 1930.6 a.nd 1940.6. Following .the. WM, .the. c..onc..e.Jtn t)ofl. hoU.6ing .6e.e.me.d .to move. .towand-6 .tfl.a.c...t home..6 t)ound .typic..a.iiy in .the. ne.w .6ubc.ifl.ba.n mQve.me.n.t. Ne.w indU.6.tfl.ia.i bne.a.k.thfl.ough-6, inc..Jte.Me.d ma.-6.6 pnoduc...tion, a.nd a. mane. in.te.YI..6e. hoU.6ing de.ma.nd be.ga.n .to a.t)t)e.c...t aiR. U.tiv.,, inc..iuding AU.6tin a.nd Hyde. PMk.. The. ba..6ic.. dv.,ign at) .thv.,e. .tJta.c...t home..6 wa..o ge.ne.Jta.Uy ne.t)e.JtJte.d .to a..6 .the. Ra.nc..h S.tyle.. In pa.Jt.t, .thi-6 dv.,ign wa..o a. gf1.0.6.6 ove.!t.6impUt)ic..a.Uon on .the. bygone. . Cna.t).t.6ma.n S.tylv., a.nd .the. c..o n.te.mpofl.My dv.,ig Y1..6 o t) .the. Pno.))U_e_ Sc..ho ol {F na.nk. Uo yd Wftigh.t). Subdivif.Jion nv.,.tnic...tion.6, a..6 vw.te.d in .the. Shadow La.wn .6ubdivid.6ion at) Hyde. PMk., .typit)ie.d .thv.,e. c..oming .6.tylv., with ne.guia.Uon.6 .6uc..h a..6 pnv.,c..JtiptioYI-.6 at) .6.tone. ve.ne.e.Jt, minimum .6quMe. t)oo.ta.gv.,, .6e..tba.c..k..6, a.nd o.the.Jt dime.n.6iona1. pnv.,c..Jtip- tio Yl..6. Va.Jtia.Uo Yl..6 o t) .thv., e. J.J.tylv., c..o n;tinue.d in.to .the. 19 5 0.6 a..t wJU.c..h time. .6ingle. t)a.mily de.ve.iopme.n.t in Hyde. PMk. de.c..Une.d with .the. inc..Jte.Ming in.te.Jte..6.t in .6ubunba.n .6pJta.wt. ApM.tme.n.t de.ve.iope.!t.6 .6oon be.ga.n .to c..a.pita.lize. on .thi-6 .6i.tua.Uon a.nd non­ dv.,c..Jtip.t a.pM.tme.n.t c..omple.xv., quic..k.ly inunda..te.d a. ne.ighbonhood .tha..t boM.te.d t)ive. de.c..a.dv., ot) a. futinc...tive. t)a.mily-ofl.ie.n.te.d Mc..hile.c...tune.. VU!ting .the. la..te. 196 0.6 a.nd pa.Jttic..uia.Jr..ty in.to .the. 197 0.6, a. ne.na.i-6.6a.nc..e. o t) .6 ofl..t.6 oc..c..Ufl.fl.e.d bt Hyde. Pa.nk.. ·Fan vMioU.6 Jte.MoYI-.6, .the. move. a.wa.y t)nom inne.Jt c..Uy ne.ighbon­ hood-6, .6uc..h a..6 Hyde. PMk., .6.taJ,r;te.d .to ne.ve!Ul e., a.nd inte.Jtv.,.t wa..o a.ga.in given .to .the. ma.ny a.me.nitiv., a..6.6oc..ia..te.d with .6uc..h a. nughbonhood. Rv.,ide.n.tial. nv.,.tona..tion, ne.nova.­ tioYI-.6 a.nd o.the.Jt ne.de.ve.iopme.n.t a.c..tivliy hM .6.te.a.dily ne.vive.d .the. Hyde. Pa.nk. ne.ighbofl.­ hood. Additiona.iiy, ne.w nv.,ide.n.tial. .6.tftuc...tuJte., dv.,ig ne.d in .6.tylv., c..ompa.tible., with .the. olde.Jt .6.tfl.uc...tuJte..6, ot)t)e.Jt ne.w hope. .tha..t .the. ima.ge. a.nd e..6.6e.nc..e. ot) .the. ofl.igina.l Hyde. PMk. will c..on;tinue. .to ot)t)e.Jt ili nv.,ide.n.t.6 a.n unique. living e.nvifl.onme.n.t. The. t)oUowing .6k.e..tc..h iUU.6.tfl.a..te..6 a. new nv.,ide.nc..e.c..ompa.tible.. in dv.,ign with .the. olde.Jt Vic...tofl.ia.n home..6 ot) Hyde. PMk..

New "Vic...tofl.ia.n" Ima.ge. 205 E 43nd S.t.

Thi-6 pa.ge. c..oun.tv.,y Ge.onge. &Ma.Jt.tha. Boutwe.li 33 The. .in. -6 oJtma.lio n. on. .the. J.dJtuc;tu!t

La.y ou.t a.n.d du.ign. by Ge.oJtge. Bou:twe.ll. Hyde. PMk. H..W.toJty a.n.d TouJt Ma.p by Jaek. Ev.iM. AJtc.hJ.:te.c..tuttal S.ty.tu w!U.:tte.n. a.n.d dJw.wn. by K.im W.ilLi.cun.6 •

Ave. B GJtoc.e.Jty J.>ome,Ume. a.fi.te.Jt 1910.



In. Ma.y o6 1892 .:the. c.J.tize.ru, ot) ALL6tin. Welte. a.n.wu.6.ty a.I!Ja..,{;(:in.g .:the. c.omp.te.tion. o6 .:the. .taJLge. Hyde. Pan.k Pa.vil.ion.. The. t)Jr.a.me. blLil.cUn.g wa..6 60 by 132 t)e.e..:t ~n. ~~ze. a.n.d c.o~n.e.d a. da.n.c.e. t).too!L (60 t)e.e..:t ~qua.Jr.e.l ma.de. ot) n.a.Mow ha!Ld ma.p.te. ~:t.JU..p~. FalL da.n.c.illg pWLpM ~ .:t~ {).to alL wa..6 c.oJtUJ~elte.d flaJL ~upe.JUoJL .:to a.n.y o.:thelt {).to alL ~n. .:the. c.Uy.

The. Ra.p~d TJr.a~i.:t Compa.n.y, blLil.delt o6 .:the. pa.vil.ion., p!Lom~e.d .:to p!Lov~de., "e.n..:teJLtai..n.me.n.U o 6 a. h.tg h gJr.a.de. du.Un.g .:the. c.om~n.g ~ u.mm elt rna n..:tM a..:t a. .:tfrJ..6Un.g c.M.:t .:to .:the. public.." The. g!Loun.~ Welte. e.n.c.iMe.d I.!Jli.h a. n.e.a..:t p~c.ke..:t fie.n.c.e..a.n.d .:the. .toc.a.tion. n.e.x.:t .:to .:the. Hyde. Pan.k Pond ma.de. .:the. pa.v~n. .:the. ~oc.ia.t "ho.:t ~po.:t" ofl .:the. 18 90 '~ a.n.d e.a!L.ty 1900 '~.

The. Thu.Mda.y nigh.:t dane.~ c.a.Ue.d "geJtma.M" Welte. ~pe.Ua.Uy popu..tan. I.!Jli.h .:the. young pe.op.te., a.n.d by Se.p.:te.mbelt o6 1892 it wa..6 Jr.e.poJL.:te.d by .:the. ALL6tin. Va...Uy S.:ta..:t~ma.n. .:tha..:t, ".:the. young fucU~ ofl ALL6.:till, alL a..:t ie.M.:t 25 ofl .:the.m aJLe. 6o~ng wha..:t m..i..gh.:t be. .:teJtme.d a. 'c.Uc.k' .:to pelt6e.c..:t a. move.me.n..:t .tooun.g :to :the. g~v~ng on "geJtmaM" tw.ic.e. a mon..:th du.tin.g :the. w-i..n..:telt ~e.Mon.."

The. young i.a.cU~ Welte. ~n. :the. p!LOC.~~ on ~de.c.tin.g .:the. b~:t. "noo:t. maMpu.i.a..:toM" :to ac.c.ompan.y :t.he.m :to .:the. da.n.c.~, a.n.d :t.he.y had dJr.awn. up by-law~ w~h ~tipu.i.a..:te.d :t.ha..:t :the. young me.n. c.ho~ e.n. :to a:t.:t.e.n.d :t.h~ e. "g eltman-6" would be. "e.xpe.c..:te.d :to pay :t.heJJr.. p!Lo Jr.a.:ta nolL :the. ha.U." Thelte. c.an. be. n.o doubt :t.ha..:t a Uve..ty ~oUa.t ~e.Mon. wa..6 e.n.joye.d by ali.

- .

T~ page. c.oWl.:t.~y The. EJvta.n.d Seltv~e. 36