IBSTAGE INTERNATIONAL SUMMER PROGRAM Barcelona Opera House 12th August - 31st August | 2019

The Royal - Lauren Cuthbertson and Vadim Muntagirov in Ashton's The Two Pigeons. © Emma Kauldhar by courtesy of the ROH

Contents People Features 16 Maria Khoreva 22 Focus on the Role: EMMA KAULDHAR meets the Mariinsky Nikiya, Gamzatti, Solor Ballet's first CATHERINE PAWLICK asks Natalia Osipova, Maria Alexandrova and Vladislav Lantratov 28 Héloïse Bourdon about their approach to the roles FRANÇOIS FARGUE meets the newly appointed premiere danseuse at the Paris Opera 78 Auditions: How to Get a Job VIKI WESTALL asks some graduates for advice 50 Germaine Acogny on how best to survive and succeed GERARD DAVIS talks with the legendary IBStage Galas 2018 Senegalese dancer on an upcoming collaboration Performances © Sila Avvakum with the Pina Bausch Foundation 10 The Two Pigeons/ 67 Obituary Asphodel Meadows Scottish ballerina Elaine McDonald remembered. AMANDA JENNINGS appraises an early Liam Scarlett ballet and an Ashton classic 70 Herman Cornejo GERARD DAVIS catches up with the ABT 38 Les Patineurs principal in AMANDA JENNINGS welcomes 's varied triple bill Premiere 44 Tchaikovsky in Berlin Front cover: - 34 A Midsummer Night's Dream LUCY VAN CLEEF reviews performances by Maria Khoreva and Kimin Kim in © Emma Kauldhar ALISON KENT rates Goyo Montero's the Shanghai Ballet and the Staatsballett Berlin latest creation in Nürnberg www.ibstage.com 6 Entre Nous 85 Auditions 87 Summer Courses 101 What's On 106 People Page >>>

Dance Europe - February 2019 3 Dance Europe Performances FOUNDED IN 1995 Mariinsky Ballet in Japan P.O. Box 12661, London E5 9TZ,UK 54 Tel: +44 (0)20 8985 7767 YUKI NAGANO welcomes the St Petersburg www.danceeurope.net company to Tokyo Editor/Photographer Emma Kauldhar [email protected] mobile/text: +44 (0)7983 608544 56 TRIOConcertDance ROBERT PENMAN savours an intimate Advertising Manager Naresh Kauldhar [email protected] performance in the new Linbury Tel: +44 (0)20 7682 1733 mobile/text: +44 (0)7981 945320 62 Furioso Editorial Consultant Clare Taylor GERARD DAVIS checks out unseasonal fare in Gent Administrator Katie Harrington Herman Cornejo.© Lucas Chilczuk [email protected] 64 Listings and Videos ROBERT PENMAN considers Derek Deane's [email protected] staging for ENB Critics & Writers 68 Don Q in Toulouse FRANÇOIS FARGUE rates Kader Belarbi's Mark Baird, Pandora Beaumont, Luke Bradshaw, Ellie Carr, Gerard Davis, Mike Dixon, Valery production for Ballet du Capitole Dmitriev, François Fargue, Jesús R. Gamo, Maina Gielgud, Amanda Jennings, Altin Kaftira, Alison Manon Kent, Ali Mahbouba, Trina Mannino, Bruce 74 Michelson, Yuki Nagano, Catherine Pawlick, AMANDA JENNINGS reviews ENB's production Robert Penman, Susan Pond, Lydia Radetsky, Oli of MacMillan's Manon Speers, Jessica Teague, Philip Tunstall, Lucy Van Cleef, Viki Westall. Reviews Freelance Writers Birmingham Royal Ballet The editor welcomes applications from new 92 Ballet du Capitole - Julie Charlet in . © David Herrero The Nutcracker at the Royal Albert Hall writers with significant dance backgrounds, especially from former professional dancers. In the first instance, interested parties are invited to Umanoove/Didy Veldman submit a sample review of a recent performance The Knot and a comprehensive CV to the editor.

Olivier de Sagazan Distribution Transfiguration

Dance Europe is published 11 times a year in London and distributed worldwide by: UK - Vincent Dupont Intermedia, London; Austria - Morawa & Co. Refuge Ltd; Australia/New Zealand - Gordon & Gotch; Canada - LMPI; Croatia - ANGCRO; Germany - We Saarbach GmbH; Iceland - Innkaupasam band Dance Boksala; South Africa - Magscene (Pty); Sweden Mixed programme at the Joyce - Svenska Interpress AB; Poland - Ingland Co. Ltd; Croatia, Slovenial - Levant Dist; Portugal - International News; Trieste - EST; Finland - Paris Opera Rautakirja Oy; Poland - Ingland Co. Ltd; Sweden Cinderella - Sevenska Interpress; U.S.A. - SEMAJ INC/ Germaine Acogny. © Antoine Tempé IPD/; Spain - SGEL; Belgium - AMP; Hungary - Libropress 2000; Taiwan - Multi-Arts Enter- prise; Singapore - Borders/STP; Japan - Yohan ; Media Malaysia - STP; Italy - Intercontinental (FE) and in France by the publisher +44 20 8985 7767. 98 Roberto Bolle Dance Europe is published in both printed paper Danza con me and digital editions. Subscriptions, single and back issues and library and institution subscrip- tions online at www.danceeurope.net. Sleeping Beauty screening ISSN: 1359-9798 Mark Baldwin The content of Dance Europe is copyrighted and Embodied Knowledge may not be freely reproduced in any medium whatsoever, including on the internet. The scan- ning and posting of articles published in Dance Japanese Europe online is strictly forbidden and constitutes a breach of copyright. 100 ロ イヤ ル・バレ エ のトリプ ル・ビル © Dance Europe 2019 Paris Opera - Héloïse Bourdon in Neumeier's La Dame aux camélias. © Emma Kauldhar

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