Review Acta Neurobiol Exp 2008, 68: 264–288

Molecular basis of dendritic arborization

Malgorzata Urbanska1,2, Magdalena Blazejczyk1,3, and Jacek Jaworski1*

1International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Warsaw, Poland, *Email: [email protected]; 2Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Warsaw, Poland; 3Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology, Nencki Institute, Warsaw, Poland

The pattern of dendritic branching along with the receptor and channel composition and density of synapses regulate the electrical properties of neurons. Abnormalities in dendritic tree development lead to serious dysfunction of neuronal circuits and, consequently, the whole nervous system. Not surprisingly, the complicated and multi-step process of dendritic arbor development is highly regulated and controlled at every stage by both extrinsic signals and intrinsic molecular mechanisms. In this review, we analyze the molecular mechanisms that contribute to cellular processes that are crucial for the proper formation and stability of dendritic arbors, in such distant organisms as insects (e.g. Drosophila melanogaster), amphibians (Xenopus laevis), and mammals. Key words: dendritic arbor, signal transduction, cytoskeleton dynamics, protein synthesis, membrane trafficking

INTRODUCTION into several different, although partially overlap- ping, stages: (i) neurite initiation, outgrowth and Dendrites are the main site of information input guidance; (ii) branching and synapse formation, and into neurons, and different type of neurons have dis- (iii) stabilization (Kossel et al. 1997, Wu et al. 1999, tinctive and characteristic dendrite branching pat- Portera-Cailliau et al. 2003, Williams and Truman terns. Advances in electrophysiology and computa- 2004; for review see: Scott and Luo 2001). Although tional modeling have clearly shown that dendritic the time scale of these steps differs between species, arbor shape is one of the crucial factors determining the sequence of events seems to be very similar. how signals coming from individual synapses are Initial dendrite growth is relatively slow, and a very integrated (Segev and London 2000, Gulledge et al. fast period of dendritic extension follows. For exam- 2005). Several neuropathologic conditions are charac- ple, total dendritic length increased from ~50 to 100 terized by abnormalities in dendritic tree structure, µm during first 24 h of X. laevis tectal neurons den- including a number of mental retardation syndromes dritic arbor development but almost 4-fold increase (such as Down’s, Rett’s as well as Fragile X syn- was observed during the next 48 hours (Wu et al. drome; for review see: Kaufmann and Moser 2000), 1999). Subsequently, dynamic dendritic branching schizophrenia (Harrison 1999), and neurodegenera- occurs, which combined with neuronal activity and tive diseases (for review see Anderton et al. 1998). In synapse formation, leads to the establishment of a addition, animal studies reveal that even mild, pro- well-developed dendritic arbor. Stabilization of the longed stress can induce the shrinkage of hippocam- dendritic arbor occurs over a long period of time pal dendritic fields, dendritic regression and loss of (Wu et al. 1999, Williams and Truman 2004). While dendritic spines (Wood et al. 2004, Chen et al. 2008). the development of dendritic tree associates with Dendritic arbor development is a complex, multi- high rates of branch additions and retractions, the step process (Fig. 1), which generally can be divided, mature dendritic arbor is less plastic with a very low branch turnover under basal conditions (Wu et al. Correspondence should be addressed to J. Jaworski, 1999). Nevertheless, dendritic arbors in the mature Email: [email protected] nervous system preserve some degree of plasticity. Received 9 April 2008, accepted 12 May 2008 Increased branching was observed in the nucleus

© 2008 by Polish Society - PTBUN, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology Molecular basis of dendritic arborization 265

Fig. 1. Development of dendritic arbor consists of several overlapping stages

Fig. 2. Dendritogenesis is a process strictly controlled by the combination of an intrinsic genetic program and extracellular signals causing changes in the cytoskeleton, macromolecule synthesis and membrane turnover. Several changes occur either globally or only locally in dendrites. 266 M. Urbanska et al. accumbens and the caudate-putamen upon repeated istic of multiple dendrite (md) neurons. Knockdown cocaine administration (Zhang et al. 2006), and in of hamlet in precursors of the es neurons results in the spinal cord in response to a long-term locomotor transformation of these cells to the md neurons with training accompanying recovery after spinal cord complex dendritic trees. Conversely, overexpres- injury (Gazula et al. 2004). sion of Hamlet in the md neurons causes growth of The complex processes of dendritic arbor devel- only a single dendrite. Hamlet can act alone, but the opment and stabilization must be highly orchestrated complex pattern of the dendritic arborization (da) at the molecular level. Recent advances in genetic subclass of the md Drosophila neurons requires the manipulations of neuronal cells helped to reveal a concerted action of several TFs. Combinatorial complicated interacting network of dozens, if not expression of Cut, Abrupt, and Spineless define hundreds, of proteins involved in signal transduc- dendritic arbor complexity in the da neuron sub- tion, macromolecule synthesis, cytoskeleton rear- classes. Class I neurons, with relatively simple den- rangements and intracellular trafficking of proteins dritic arbors, express high levels of Abrupt and and membranes (Fig. 2). These processes are regu- Spineless but no Cut. Highly-branched Class IV lated by both an intrinsic genetic program and a neurons express intermediate levels of Cut, high wide variety of extracellular signals, either globally levels of Spineless, and lack expression of Abrupt at the whole-cell level or locally in dendrites. (Parrish et al. 2007). Recent work by Parish and The aim of this review is to present readers, espe- coauthors (2006) identified dozens of TFs that are cially those not familiar with topics of neuronal critical for proper dendritic arborization of the development and morphology, selected aspects of Class I da neurons; however, it is difficult to distin- the molecular biology underlying the complex pro- guish which of them act autonomously, executing cess of dendritic arbor formation. First, we discuss the intrinsic genetic program independently from the impact of a genetic program and signals from the extracellular cues, and which respond to extracel- extracellular environment on a dendritic arboriza- lular instructions. For example, BAP55, Brm, tion. Second, we describe a role for intracellular BAP60 and Snr1, proteins identified during this events such as signal transduction, cytoskeleton screen are elements of Brg/Brm associated factor dynamics, transcription, translation, and cellular complex that regulates transcription and dendritic membrane turnover in translating genetic and envi- branching in an activity-dependent manner (Wu et ronmental instructions to the final shape of a den- al. 2007). dritic arbor. Despite examples of autonomously acting TFs in Drosophila during specification of dendritic arbor GENETIC PROGRAM AND EXTRINSIC morphology, less is known about similar proteins in CUES IN DENDRITIC ARBOR the mammalian nervous system. One example is DEVELOPMENT Neurogenin 2 (Ngn2), a basic helix-loop-helix factor that defines a specific pattern of dendritic arboriza- Genetic program – role of transcription tion in pyramidal neurons in cerebral cortex (Hand factors in dendritogenesis et al. 2005). Cobos et al. (2005, 2007) showed that Dlx homeobox transcription factors regulate, cell The genetic program is executed by transcription autonomously, dendritic arborization of cortical factors (TFs), several of which determine dendritic interneurons. Interneuron precursors, derived from patterning independently from extracellular cues. the Dlx1 knockout mice, grafted to the brains of The best examples come from developmental stud- wild-type mice, developed about 40% less dendritic ies of the Drosophila melanogaster neurons. Hamlet branches, which suggests that even in a normal envi- is a TF expressed during development in the exter- ronment the Dlx1 -/- interneurons do not develop nal sensory neurons (es) of the Drosophila periph- properly (Cobos et al. 2005). In double Dlx1/2 eral nervous system (Moore et al. 2002). Neurons mutants, long and poorly branched dendrites and belonging to this particular class develop only a develop prematurely, disturbing migration and single dendrite and Hamlet expression prevents the proper positioning of the interneurons (Cobos et al. es neurons from acquiring a morphology character- 2007). Molecular basis of dendritic arborization 267

Table I

Extracellular signals controlling shape of dendritic arbor

Effect on dendrites Nervous Reference Protein/Protein system complex structure /Species

Neuronal activity related

AMPAR DN-Ox – decreased TDL, TDBTN and dendritic optic tectum Haas et al. 2006 arbor (ShA) simplification /X. laevis Sin et al. 2002 Inh - decreased branch addition after light exposure

NMDAR Inh - decreased branch addition after light optic tectum Sin et al. 2002 exposure /X. laevis

VGCC KCl application – increased TDL, TDBTN, hippocampus, Redmond et al. 2002, Yu complexity cortex, and Malenka 2003, cerebellum/rat, Gaudilliere et al. 2004, mouse Chen et al. 2005, Wayman et al. 2006, Wu et al. 2007

GABAR GABA application – increased TDL and number cortical Gascon et al. 2006 of primary dendrites subventricular Inh – decreased TDL and number of primary zone-derived, dendrites olfactory bulb /rat

CaSR DN-Ox – decreased TDL, dendritic arbor hippocampus Vizard et al. 2008 simplification (ShA) /mouse

Diffusable cues agrin Agrin application – increased TDL and number hippocampus Mantych and Ferreira of 2nd order dendrites /rat 2001

BDNF BDNF application – increased TDL hippocampus, Wirth et al. 2003, Dijkhuizen WT-Ox – increased dendritic arbor complexity cortex/rat and Ghosh 2005, Jaworski et (ShA) al. 2005, Takemoto-Kimura et al. 2007

BMP BMP7 application – increased TDL, number of SCG, Withers et al. 2000, Guo et dendrites, TDBTN hippocampus al. 2001, Lein et al. 2007 /rat cpg15 WT-Ox – increased TDL, complexity (ShA), optic tectum Nedivi et al. 1998 growth rate /X. laevis

Semaphorin3a Sema3A application – increased DBPN cortex/mouse Morita et al. 2006 268 M. Urbanska et al.

Slit Slit1 application – increased TDL, number of cortex Whitford et al. 2002 dendrites, DBPN /rat, mouse

Reelin Reelin application – increased TDL and number hippocampus Jossin and Goffinet 2007 of branches /mouse

Cell contacts

Celsr-2 KnD - dendritic arbor simplification (ShA) cortex, Shima 2007 hippocampus /rat

Celsr-3 KnD – increased dendritic arbor complexity cortex, Shima et al. 2007 (ShA) hippocampus /rat

Delta-Notch DN-Ox - decreased DBPN, increased average cortex/rat Redmond et al. 2000 dendrite length CA-Ox - decreased average dendrite length KnD – decreased DBPN, increased average dendrite length

Dscam KO – lost self-avoidance da Hughes et al. 2007, /D. melanogaster Matthews et al. 2007, Soba et al. 2007

EphrinB-EphB KO – decreased TDL, number of primary hippocampus Hoogenraad et al. 2005 dendrites and complexity /rat, mouse Inh – reduced number of primary dendrites

N-cadherin WT-Ox - increased TDBTN hippocampus Yu and Malenka 2003 DN-Ox – decreased TDBTN /rat

(ADL) average dendrite length; (CA-Ox) overexpression of constitutively active mutant; (DBPN) dendritic branching points number; (DN-Ox) overexpression of dominant negative mutant; (Inh) non genetic inhibition; (KO) knockout; (Knd) knockdown; (SCG) superior cervical ganglion; (ShA) Sholl analysis; (TDBTN) total dendritic branch tip number; (TDL) total dendritic length; (WT-Ox) overexpression of wild type protein

Role of extracellular signals in the control of Diffusible cues are numerous and a few examples are dendritic arborization agrin (Mantych and Ferreira 2001), brain-derived neu- rotrophic factor (BDNF) (McAllister et al. 1995, Horch Evidence for the importance of extracellular guid- and Katz 2002, Tolwani et al. 2002, Wirth et al. 2003, ance for dendritic arborization is overwhelming. Jaworski et al. 2005), bone morphogenetic protein fam- Depending on the developmental stage, combinations ily members (Withers et al. 2000, Beck et al. 2001, Guo of (i) diffusible cues, (ii) cell contacts, and (iii) neu- et al. 2001, Lein et al. 2007), cpg15 (Nedivi et al. 1998), ronal activity were shown to control dendritic arboriza- reelin (Jossin and Goffinet 2007), semaphorins (Polleux tion, plasticity and stability (for review see: McAllister et al. 2000) and Slits (Whitford et al. 2002) (Table I). 2000, Wong and Ghosh 2002, Jan and Jan 2003, Interactions of cell surface proteins like contactin Parrish et al. 2006) (Table I). (Berglund et al. 1999), Delta and Notch (Sestan et al. Molecular basis of dendritic arborization 269

1999, Redmond et al. 2000), ephrinB and EphB ment. Neuronal transmission can either increase or (Hoogenraad et al. 2005), cell adhesion molecule L1 decrease dendritic arborization (for more thorough (Demyanenko et al. 1999), N-cadherins (Yu and review see McAllister 2000). A very elegant example Malenka 2003, Zhu and Luo 2004) and seven-pass demonstrating the neuronal activity-dependent posi- transmembrane cadherins (Flamingo, Celsr2 and tive effects on dendrite growth comes from time-lapse Celsr3) (Gao et al. 2000, Shima et al. 2007) are addi- in vivo imaging of dendritic arbors of developing neu- tional important factors, which can accelerate or rons in the optic tectum of Xenopus laevis. Sin and inhibit dendrite growth and branching (Table 1). For colleagues (2002) showed that dendritic arbors of the example, Notch and Celsr3 suppress growth and developing tectal neurons are regulated by visual branching of dendrites of cortical pyramidal neurons input. A four-hour light exposure resulted in substan- (Sestan et al. 1999, Redmond et al. 2000, Shima et al. tial increases in dendrite growth dynamics and total 2007). On the other hand, N-cadherin, Celsr2 and dendritic length. This dendritic arbor reaction to the EphrinB-EphB enhance dendritic arborization of hip- light was blocked by inhibition of the alpha-amino-3- pocampal, as well as, cortical (Celsr2) neurons (Yu and hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) Malenka 2003, Hoogenraad et al. 2005, Shima et al. and N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptor- 2007). mediated glutamatergic transmission. Indeed, Ewald In addition to defining dendrite length and com- and coworkers (2008) showed that precise subunit plexity, cell surface proteins ensure proper dendrite- composition of NMDA receptors (NMDARs) is impor- contacts and suppress dendrite crossing (Parrish tant for proper dendritic architecture in tectal neurons. et al. 2007). Recently, Down’s syndrome-related cell Furthermore, overexpression of peptides interfering adhesion molecule (Dscam) attracted attention due to with AMPAR function led to decreased dendritic revealed participation in dendrite self-avoidance, a branch lifetime and an overall decrease in dendritic mechanism by which dendrites of a particular neuron arbor complexity (Haas et al. 2006). avoid contact with one another, which presumably In addition to glutamatergic transmission, voltage- ensures proper coverage of a dendritic field (Zhu et al. gated calcium channels (VGCCs) play a role in den- 2006, Hughes et al. 2007, Matthews et al. 2007, Soba dritic arbor development. Numerous examples from et al. 2007). Dscam is especially well-suited for this hippocampal, cortical and cerebellar in vitro cultures job because of the enormous variability of its isoforms. show that depolarization of neurons by an application In Drosophila, the alternative splicing of Dscam may of KCl leads to increased dendritic growth that can be result in over 35 000 various isoforms. Indeed, it was inhibited by nimodipine, an L-type calcium channel shown for several types of Drosophila neurons that blocker (Redmond et al. 2002, Yu and Malenka 2003, neighboring dendrites expressing the same isoform of Gaudilliere et al. 2004, Chen et al. 2005, Wayman et Dscam repulse based on a homophilic Dscam isoform al. 2006, Wu et al. 2007). Furthermore, the interaction (Zhu et al. 2006, Hughes et al. 2007, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-based transmission Matthews et al. 2007, Soba et al. 2007). increased dendritic growth of young interneurons (in In addition to interneuronal interactions, interac- which GABA application results in neuronal depolar- tions between neurons and glial cells ensure proper ization and consequent activation of VGCCs) (Gascon dendritic arborization. Yamamoto and colleagues et al. 2006). Application of a GABA-A receptor antag- (2006) presented evidence that a neuro-glial interac- onist, bicuculline, caused decreases in dendrite length tion via Neuroglian (Nrg), a member of the Ig super- and in the number of primary dendrites on subven- family, is important for the proper dendritic arbor tricular zone-derived neurons. Time-lapse imaging shaping of selected da neurons (ddaE) of Drosophila. experiments showed that GABA acts by stabilizing Nrg knockdown resulted in formation of ectopic den- newly formed dendritic branches. Nevertheless, there drites by ddaE neurons, the process that could be are also reports of increased dendritic growth under reversed only by expression of Nrg in both the ddaE conditions of neuronal activity inhibition. It was shown neurons and the accompanying glial cells (Yamamoto that inhibition of the glutamatergic transmission or et al. 2006). blockade of the VGCCs led to increased dendritic Neuronal activity is the third category of the extra- growth in slices from ferret visual cortex (McAllister cellular signals important for dendritic arbor develop- et al. 1996, Baker et al. 1997). 270 M. Urbanska et al.

It is now widely accepted that the effects of neuronal and Brambilla 2000, Tada and Sheng 2006). Dendritic activity on dendritic arborization are due to elevated arbor growth is also heavily regulated by the Ras fam- cellular concentrations of calcium (for review see: ily proteins, particularly Ras, Rap, and Rit (Table II). Konur and Ghosh 2005, Redmond and Ghosh 2005). Jaworski and coauthors (2005) and Kumar and others Lohman and coworkers (2002) showed that Ca2+- (2005) investigated signaling pathways involved in induced Ca2+ release (CICR), locally in dendrites, pre- neurotrophic factor-dependent dendritic branching vented retraction of dendrites of the chick retinal gan- and development, and showed that glion neurons. Gascon and others (2006) presented increased Ras activity led to an increase in the total evidence that application of BAPTA-AM, a calcium number of dendrites and the overall complexity of chelator, resulted in dendritic growth cone destabiliza- dendritic arbors of hippocampal neurons in culture. tion. Inhibition of an endogenous Ras by overexpression of But not only intracellular calcium concentration a dominant negative (DN) mutant, RasN17, blocked regulates dendritic arbor development. Recent studies dendritic growth induced by both BDNF and calcium/ showed that extracellular calcium can directly influ- calmodulin-dependent protein kinase I (CaMKI), ence dendritic morphology by activating extracellular which is regulated by neuronal activity (Kumar et al. calcium sensing receptors (CaSR) (Vizard et al. 2008). 2005, Wayman et al. 2006). Looking for signaling Overexpression of a dominant negative mutant of cascade members acting downstream of Ras, Jaworski CaSR, in hippocampal neurons led to decreased den- and colleagues (2005) showed that the Ras effect on dritic arbor complexity. dendritic arbor depended on phosphoinositdide-3’ kinase (PI3K), extracellular signal-regulated kinases INTRACELLULAR MECHANISMS (ERKs), phospholipase D, and mammalian target of UNDERLYING DENDRITIC ARBOR rapamycin (mTOR) kinase. Ras is also important for FORMATION AND STABILITY dendritic development in vivo as mice overproducing a constitutively active (CA) mutant of Ras, RasV12, Extracellular factors need intracellular messengers had more elaborated dendritic arbors (Alpar et al. to affect dendritic arbor development. In the second 2003). Although most of the work published so far part of this review we present recent developments in documents the positive effects of Ras activation on our understanding of the molecular mechanisms under- dendritic arborization, recently Huang and others lying a conversion of those extracellular signals to (2007) presented evidence that overexpression of changes in a dendritic arbor morphology. We focus on v-KIND, a Ras guanine exchange factor (GEF) lead- four crucial aspects: signal transduction, cytoskeleton ing to Ras activation, inhibited dendritic arbor growth. dynamics, gene expression and membrane trafficking. The potential of v-KIND to decrease dendritic growth and arborization depended on its ability to bind to and Major signal transduction pathways in the increase threonine phosphorylation of microtubule control of dendritic branching associated protein 2 (MAP2). This behavior may sug- gest that, under certain conditions, Ras is involved in Extracellular signals activate a myriad of intracel- protein complexes that can have either permissive and lular signaling pathways. Major players in cellular inhibitory effects on dendritic arbor development and/ signaling include small G-proteins of the Ras family, or stability. protein kinases and protein phosphatases (Table II). In Additional members of the Ras family, Rap1, Rap2 what follows, we will focus on signaling proteins that and Rit, are involved in shaping the dendritic arbor are among the most well-documented. (Table II). Overexpression of a constitutively active form of Rap1 (Rap1V12) in cortical neurons in vitro The Ras family of small GTPases increased the number of dendritic branches, especially those in close proximity to the cell soma (Chen et al. Small GTPases of the Ras family play a central role 2005). Overexpression of Rap1N17, a dominant nega- in a neuronal signal transduction and are crucial for tive mutant of Rap1 resulted in opposite effects, both several aspects of neuronal development, synaptic in dissociated and organotypic neuronal preparations. plasticity, and learning and memory (Mazzucchelli Moreover, overexpression of either Rap1N17 or Molecular basis of dendritic arborization 271

Table II

Proteins involved in intracellular processes underlying dendritic arborization

Protein/ Effect on dendrites Nervous system Reference Protein structure/Species complex

Signal transduction

Ras CA Ox – increased complexity (ShA) hippocampus, cortex Jaworski et al. 2005, Kumar Tg – increased total dendritic tree surface /rat, mouse et al. 2005, Alpar et al. 2003

Rap1 DN-Ox – decreased complexity; prevented cortex/rat Chen et al. 2005 KCl-induced complexity increase CA-Ox – increased number of proximal branches

Rap2 DN-Ox – increased TDL hippocampus/rat Fu et al. 2007 CA-Ox – decreased TDL

Rit DN-Ox - increased TDL hippocampus/rat Lein et al. 2007 CA-Ox - decreased TDL

CaMKI CA-Ox – increased TDL hippocampus/rat, Wayman et al. 2006 DN-Ox – prevents KCl-induced TDL increase mouse KnD - prevents Bic-induced TDL increase

CL3/CaMKIγ WT-Ox – increased TDL cortex/rat Takemoto-Kimura et al. KnD, KO – decreased TDL and TDBTN 2007

CaMKIIα KnD - decreased TDL cerebellum/rat Gaudilliere et al. 2004

CaMKIIβ KnD – decreased dendritic arbor perimeter hippocampus/rat Fink et al. 2003

CaMKIV CA-Ox – increased TDL, TDBTN cortex, hippocampus Redmond et al. 2002, Yu /mouse, rat and Malenka 2003

ERK1/2 Inh. - prevents BDNF-induced primary cortex/rat Dijkhuizen and Ghosh 2005 dendrites growth

JNK1 DN-Ox; KO – increased DBPN and ADL cerebellum/mouse

PI3K WT-Ox – increased TDL hippocampus, cortex Jaworski et al. 2005, Kumar DN-OX & Inh. - decreased TDBTN /rat et al. 2005, Dijkhuizen and CA-Ox – increased TDL, TDBTN, Ghosh 2005 complexity (ShA) Inh. - BDNF-induced primary dendrites growth inhibition 272 M. Urbanska et al.

Akt DN-OX & Inb - decreased TDBTN and hippocampus/rat Jaworski et al. 2005, Kumar dendritc arbor simplification (ShA) et al. 2005 CA-Ox – increased TDBTN, complexity (ShA)

mTOR KnD, Inb - decreased TDBTN and dendritic hippocampus/rat Jaworski et al. 2005, Kumar arbor simplification (ShA) et al. 2005

p70S6K KnD – decreased TDBTN and dendritic arbor hippocampus/rat Jaworski et al. 2005 simplification (ShA)

GSK3β Inh. – increased number of dendrites, TDL and SCG, hippocampus, Naska et al. 2006 dendritic arbor complexity (ShA) cortex/rat

Fyn KO – decreased DBPN cortex/rat Morita et al. 2006

Abl CA-Ox – increased number of primary hippocampus/rat Jones et al. 2004 dendrites and length Inh. – decreased number of primary and secondary dendrites and length

Par1b/MARK2 WT-Ox – decreased TDL and TDBTN hippocampus/rat Terabayashi et al. 2007 KnD - increased TDL and TDBTN


RhoA CA-Ox – decreased number of dendritic hippocampus/rat, Nakayama et al. 2000, Sin segments, TDBTN, dendritic arbor optic tectum/X. laevis et al. 2002, Yu and Malenka simplification (ShA) 2003 CA-Ox – decreased branch additions after light exposure

Rac1 DN-Ox - decreased number of primary cortex/rat, Threadgill et al. 1997, Lee dendrites, decreased TDL, TDBTN da/D. melanogaster et al. 2003, Rosso et al. CA-Ox – increased number of primary 2005 dendritesKO – decreased number of terminal branches

Cdc42 DN-Ox - decreased number of primary cortex/rat Threadgill et al. 1997 dendrites CA-Ox – increased primary dendrites number

Tiam-1 KnD – dendritic arbor simplification (ShA) hippocampus/rat Tolias et al. 2005

Kalirin-7 KnD – decreased TDL and dendritic arbor hippocampus/rat Ma et al. 2003 simplification (ShA)

Lfc WT-Ox – decreased number of dendritic hippocampus/rat Ryan et al. 2005 segments Molecular basis of dendritic arborization 273

N-WASP WT-Ox – increased number of neurites and hippocampus/rat Pinyol et al. 2007 DBPN

Cobl WT-Ox – increased DBPN, number of hippocampus/rat Ahuja et al. 2007 dendrites, decreased dendrite length KnD - decreased DBPN

Pak1 DN-Ox - decreased number of dendrites cortex/mouse Hayashi et al. 2002 CA-Ox – increased number of dendrites

ROCK CA-Ox - decreased number of dendritic hippocampus/rat Nakayama et al. 2000, Sin segments optic tectum/X. laevis et al. 2002 CA-Ox - decreased branch additions after light exposure

MAP1 & KO – decreased length of dendrites hippocampus/mouse Teng et al. 2001 MAP2

CHO1/MLKP1 KnD – increased dendrite length; dendrite hippocampus/mouse Yu et al. 2000 straightening

CRMP3 KO – decreased DBPN and TDL hippocampus/mouse Quach et al. 2008

Lis1 KO – decreased total number of segments mushroom body Liu et al. 2000 /D. melanogaster

Kakapo KO – reduced lateral branches md/D. melanogaster Prokop et al. 1998, Gao et al. 1999

Septin-7 WT-Ox – increased TDBTN and complexity hippocampus/rat Tada et al. 2007, Xie et al. (ShA) 2007 KnD – decreased TDBTN and complexity (ShA)

Transcription, mRNA transport, translation

BAF53 KO - decreased number of dendrites and TDL hippocampus, cortex, Wu et al. 2007 cerebellum/mouse

CREST KO – decreased TDL (hippocampus, cortex) cortex, hippocampus Aizawa et al. 2004 and DBPN (cortex) /rat

MECP2 WT-Ox - dendritic arbor simplification (ShA) hippocampus/rat Zhou et al. 2006 KnD – dendritic arbor simplification (ShA)

CBP Inh - decreased TDL and KCl-induced growth cortex/rat Redmond et al. 2002

CREB CA-Ox – increased TDL cortex, hippocampus Redmond et al. 2002, DN-Ox – decreased complexity, KCl-induced /rat Wayman et al. 2006 growth inhibition, KnD - KCl-induced growth inhibition 274 M. Urbanska et al.

NeuroD KnD - decreased TDL and KCl-induced cerebellum/rat Gaudilliere et al. 2004 growth inhibition

c-Fos KO – cocaine induced TDBTN increase nucleus accumbens, Zhang et al. 2006 inhibition caudate putamen/ mouse

Pumilio WT-Ox – decreased number of higher order da/D. melanogaster Ye et al. 2004 branches KO – higher order branch number reduction of class IV da neurons

Nanos WT-Ox - decreased number of higher order da/D. melanogaster Ye et al. 2004 branches KO – higher order branch number reduction of class IV da neurons

FMR1 WT-Ox – decreased number of dendritic ends da/D. melanogaster Lee et al. 2003 per 1000 μm2 KO - increased number of dendritic ends per 1000 µm2

Me31B WT-Ox – decreased number of higher order da/D. melanogaster Barbee et al. 2007 branches KO – increased number of higher order branches

4E-BP1 WT, CA-Ox – decreased TDBTN and hippocampus/rat Jaworski et al. 2005 complexity (ShA)

Membrane turnover

Protein kinase DN-Ox – decreased TDL, TDBTN and hippocampus, cortex Horton et al. 2005 D complexity (ShA) /rat

GRASP65 WT-Ox – disruption of polarized dendrite hippocampus/rat Horton et al. 2005 growth

SNAP-25 Botulinum A application – hippocampus/mouse Grosse et al. 1999 decreased TDL

TI-VAMP WT-Ox – decreased dendrites length and hippocampus/rat Martinez-Acra et al. 1999 number

Sar1 KO – decreased TDL da/D. melanogaster Ye et al. 2007 KnD - decreased TDL hippocampus/rat

(ADL) average dendrite length; (Bic) bicucculline; (CA-Ox) overexpression of constitutively active mutant; (DBPN) number of branching points; (DN-Ox) overexpression of dominant negative mutant; (Inh) non genetic inhibition; (KO) knockout; (Knd) knockdown; (SCG) superior cervical ganglion; (ShA) Sholl analysis; (Tg) transgenic animal; (TDBTN) total dendritic branch tip number; (TDL) total dendritic length; (WT-Ox) overexpression of wild type protein Molecular basis of dendritic arborization 275

Rap1GAP (a GTPase-activating protein for Rap1, a CaMK natural inhibitor of Rap1 activity) blocked induction of dendritic arbor growth caused by activation of CaMKs are serine/threonine protein kinases, pri- voltage-gated calcium channels (Chen et al. 2005). In marily regulated by the Ca2+/calmodulin complex, that terms of downstream cellular mechanisms, more have many functions in neuronal morphogenesis and detailed analyses suggest that Rap1 acts via ERK plasticity. In 1998, Wu and Cline, presented evidence kinases and activation of CREB-dependent transcrip- that, in developing tectal neurons of X. laevis, CaMKII tion (Chen et al. 2005). Work by Ghosh group, per- is expressed only in more mature neurons with elabo- formed on neurons transfected at relatively early rated and stable dendritic arbors in vivo (Wu and Cline stages of development, led to a conclusion that Rap1 is 1998). Younger neurons, characterized by very dynam- permissive for dendritic growth. Opposite results ic dendritic growth, high rates of dendritic branch were obtained by Fu and coauthors (2007) in a study additions and retractions, did not express that enzyme. of the role of Rap1 and Rap2 in more mature (DIV10-15) Consequently, overexpression of CaMKII in the young- hippocampal neurons. Overexpression of the Rap1- er neurons led to premature stabilization of the den- DN mutant resulted in increased total dendritic length dritic arbors (longer branch life time) and a lower net (Fu et al. 2007). Moreover, in more mature neurons, increase of total dendritic length. Application of a overexpression of Rap2V12 resulted in a substantial CaMK inhibitor, KN93, resulted in increased dynam- decrease in the total length of dendritic branches due ics of dendritic arbor of neurons already expressing to dendrite retraction (Fu et al. 2007). On the other CaMKII and having established complex dendritic hand, overexpression of Rap2-DN as well as Rap1-DN arbors (Wu and Cline 1998). CaMKII was shown to increased total dendrite length. The authors concluded control processes of dendritic arbor growth in several that, in mature neurons, Rap2 restricts dendritic different ways. Gaudilliere and others (2004) showed growth (Fu et al. 2007). Taken together, the data sug- that CaMKIIα controls neuronal activity-dependent gest that Rap proteins can act differently during devel- growth of dendrites of cerebellar neurons by phospho- opment to stabilize the dendritic arbor. Apart from rylation of NeuroD at S336. Fink and colleagues (2003) Ras and Rap, Rit, another member of the Ras family, revealed that CaMKII is important for dendritic influences dendritic growth. Its activation in hip- arborization of hippocampal neurons; however, their pocampal and sympathetic neurons promotes dendrite results point to CaMKIIβ as a major regulator of this growth (Lein et al. 2007). process. Only overexpressed wild-type CaMKIIβ was able to bind to and regulate the actin cytoskeleton and  Protein kinases increase dendritic arborization. Finally, Hoogenraad and coworkers (2007) showed that CaMKII controls All major protein kinases known to be active in dendritic arborization through degradation of liprin1, neurons influence dendritic arbor development a protein critical for cellular localization and activity (Table II). These enzymes include CaMK (Wu and of a tyrosine phosphatase LAR1. Cline 1998, Redmond et al. 2002, Fink et al. 2003, In addition to CaMKII, CaMKIV and CaMKI were Yu and Malenka 2003, Gaudilliere et al. 2004, shown to control dendritic growth and arborization Wayman et al. 2006, Hoogenraad et al. 2007, induced by either BDNF or neuronal activity (Redmond Takemoto-Kimura et al. 2007), mitogen-activated et al. 2002, Yu and Malenka 2003, Wayman et al. protein kinases (MAPK) (Bjorkblom et al. 2005, 2006, Takemoto-Kimura et al. 2007). Both CaMKs Dijkhuizen and Ghosh 2005), protein kinase A control dendritic arbor growth at a transcriptional level (PKA) (Leemhuis et al. 2004), PI3K (Dijkhuizen and (Redmond et al. 2002, Wayman et al. 2006) (see Ghosh 2005, Jaworski et al. 2005, Kumar et al. below). Yu and Malenka (2003) additionally showed 2005), mTOR (Jaworski et al. 2005, Kumar et al. that CaMKIV required N-cadherin and non-nuclear 2005, Brandt et al. 2007, Jossin and Goffinet 2007), functions of β-catenin to promote dendritic arbor glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK3β) (Naska et growth. Recently, Takemoto-Kimura and colleagues al. 2006), and non-receptor (Fyn, Abl) (Jones et al. (2007) presented evidence that the membrane-anchored 2004, Morita et al. 2006) and receptor tyrosine neuronal CLICK-III(CL3)/CaMKIγ promoted BDNF- kinases (TrkB) (Yacoubian and Lo 2000). induced dendrite extension of young (1–3 days in vitro) 276 M. Urbanska et al. cortical neurons, by acting upstream of SIF and Tiam stream targets p70S6 kinase (p70S6K) and eIF-4E 1-like exchange factor (STEF), a Rac1 GEF. CL3 binding protein 1 (4E-BP1) (Burnett et al. 1998). knockdown using RNAi led to decreased length and Importantly, knockdown of p70S6K by means of number of dendrites of both BDNF-treated and control RNAi, like mTOR knockdown, led to a severe simpli- cells, probably due to downregulation of Rac1 activity fication of dendritic arbors in hippocampal neurons and changes in the actin cytoskeleton (Takemoto- (Jaworski et al. 2005). Overexpression of a constitu- Kimura et al. 2007). tively active form of 4E-BP1 (activity of which could not be turned off by the PI3K-Akt-mTOR pathway) Class I PI3K completely blocked dendritic growth and arborization induced by PI3K-CA (Jaworski et al. 2005). These Recently several reports addressing the role of PI3K results suggest that, at certain stages of dendritic arbor in dendritic arbor development have been published. development PI3K regulates this process by control- Class I PI3K is a lipid kinase that phosphorylates phos- ling protein translation. phatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) to phosphati- Nevertheless, the effects of PI3K on the dendritic dylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP3). Increased levels arbor cannot be solely attributed to protein synthesis. of PIP3 results in activation of several PI3K effectors, Dijkhuizen and Ghosh (2005) showed that BDNF- including Akt kinase, several GEFs and GAPs for induced growth of primary dendrites is insensitive to small GTPases (RhoA, Rac1 and Arf6) (Rodgers and cycloheximide, a general protein translation inhibitor. Theibert 2002). Jaworski and others (2005) and Kumar PI3K can also regulate actin cytoskeleton dynamics by and colleagues (2005) showed that overexpression of a enhancing Rac1 activity, probably via recruitment of constitutively active form of PI3K led to increased PI3K to the Rac1-activating molecular complex Eps8– dendritic arbor complexity and expansion of dendritic Abi1–Sos-1 (Innocenti et al. 2003). But it is important fields of hippocampal neurons in vitro. Inhibition of to stress that overexpression of Abi-1 results in a PI3K activity, either genetically or pharmacologically, decrease, and its knock down by RNAi in an increase, had opposite effects (Jaworski et al. 2005, Kumar et al. of dendritic arbor complexity of hippocampal neurons 2005). Dijkhuizen and Ghosh (2005) used preparations (Proepper et al. 2007). That suggests a more complex of cortical neurons and showed that PI3K, along with role of Abi-1 during dendritic arbor development, ERK and phospolipase Cg1, are crucial for BDNF- potentially due to additional nuclear functions of this induced growth of primary dendrites. Moreover, over- protein. Another possibility is that PI3K can exert expression of PI3K-CA alone was sufficient to induce positive effects on dendritic growth by suppressing growth of primary dendrites (Dijkhuizen and Ghosh inhibitory effects of RhoA on branch formation and 2005). Leemhuis and coworkers (2004) studied the extension (Leemhuis et al. 2004) (see also below). effects of PI3K inhibition by wortmanin on the dynam- ics of dendritic arbor growth of hippocampal neurons Protein kinases regulating MAP2 phosphorylation in in vitro culture. Time-lapse microscopy, over a period of 8 h, revealed that PI3K inhibition completely Although particular kinases regulate dendritic arbor abolished retractions of existing branches and decreased growth influencing several cellular processes, various additions of new branches by 50%. protein kinases may also converge on a common Molecular mechanisms downstream of PI3K, downstream effector protein. MAP2, a protein marker involved in dendritic arbor development and stability, for dendrites, can serve as a good example. MAP2 is a are diverse and involve both de novo protein synthesis microtubule-stabilizing protein; its phosphorylation by and the regulation of actin cytoskeleton dynamics. different kinases can exert opposite effects on den- Work by Jaworski and coauthors (2005) and Kumar dritic arborization. For example, phosphorylation of and others (2005) showed that a constitutively active MAP2 in a C-terminal proline-rich region by c-Jun Akt mutant mimicked the dendritic branching effects N-terminal kinase 1 (JNK1) contributes positively to of increased PI3K activity. Both, PI3K-CA- and Akt- dendrite elongation (Bjorkblom et al. 2005). Lack of CA-dependent dendritic branching were blocked by JNK1 in cerebellar granular neurons results in dephos- inhibition of mTOR kinase. mTOR kinase is a well phorylation of MAP2, shortening of dendrites, and known regulator of protein synthesis via its down- increased dendritic branching. Coexpression of a JNK Molecular basis of dendritic arborization 277 activator, δMEKK1, with MAP2 resulted in elongation the Rho GTPases during dendritic branching. For of dendrites. example, activation of RhoA blocked dendritic growth Another kinase capable of phosphorylating MAP2 induced by Rac1-CA overexpression. In addition to is Polarity-regulating kinase partitioning defective 1/ electrical and neurotransmitter stimuli, other extracel- Microtubule affinity-regulating kinase 2 (Par1b/ lular signals such as BDNF, Wnt-7 and EphrinB-EphB MARK2) (Terabayashi et al. 2007). Overexpression of interaction, control dendritic growth employing the this kinase, leading to phosphorylation of a KXGS Rho GTPases (Penzes et al. 2003, Rosso et al. 2005, motif in MAP2, had opposite effects on hippocampal Takemoto-Kimura et al. 2007). neuron dendritic arbor development, causing a decrease of total dendritc length and dendritic branching. Guanine nucleotide exchange factors and GTPase- Knockdown of Par1b/MARK2 by RNAi increased activating proteins for Rho GTPases both dendritic length and branching. How is the activity of Rho GTPases regulated dur- Role of actin and microtubule cytoskeleton in ing dendritogenesis? Small GTPases cycle between an dendritic arbor development and stabilization active (GTP-bound) and an inactive (GDP-bound) states (for review see Etienne-Manneville and Hall A very tight control of actin and microtubule 2002). In the GTP-bound form, active GTPases bind to cytoskeleton organization is indispensable for the for- and regulate the activity of several downstream effec- mation of proper cell morphology (Table II). The best tors. Activation of small GTPases depends on the bal- known regulators in this context are RhoA, Rac1, ance between guanine nucleotide exchange factors Cdc42 (cell division cycle 42), regulators of cytoskel- (GEFs) and GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs), which eton dynamics that belong to the Rho family of small is regulated by extracellular signals important for den- GTPases (Burridge and Wennerberg 2004, Jaffe and dritic arbor development and stabilization. Hall 2005). Some mammalian Rac1 GEFs, such as Tiam-1 and In most studies published thus far, increased activity Kalirin-7, interact with glutamate receptors or/and of RhoA and inhibition of Rac1 or Cdc42 resulted in postsynaptic density proteins involved in glutamate significant simplification of the dendritic trees in receptor anchoring and turnover, linking glutamater- many neuron types (Threadgill et al. 1997, Nakayama gic neurotransmission to Rac1 activation. Both et al. 2000, Hayashi et al. 2002). In contrast, activation Kalirin-7 and Tiam-1 were shown to be necessary for of Rac1 or Cdc42 caused an increase in the number of NMDA-induced Rac1 activation (Tolias et al. 2005, dendrite branches (Threadgill et al. 1997, Nakayama et Xie et al. 2007b). Kalirin-7 is a multidomain protein al. 2000, Hayashi et al. 2002). that interacts with multiple Rho proteins, and is pre- Several extracellular signals are involved in the dominantly expressed in the brain, localizing to den- regulation of the Rho GTPases during dendritic arbor dritic spines where it was shown to interact with sev- formation. Li and coauthors (2002), developed a meth- eral postsynaptic density scaffold proteins including od for the detection of Rho GTPase activity in situ in PSD-95 (Penzes et al. 2000, 2001). RNAi-mediated the optic tectum of Xenopus and showed that electrical knockdown of Kalirin-7 led to a simplification of hip- stimulation of an optic nerve led to increased activity pocampal neuron dendrites in both dissociated and of Rac1 and decreased activity of RhoA, in an organotypic cultures (Ma et al. 2003). Tiam-1, like NMDAR- and AMPAR-dependent manner. Studies by Kalirin-7, is widely expressed in the brain and local- Sin and colleagues (2002), indicated that accelerated izes to dendritic spines where it interacts with the dendritic arbor development of the Xenopus optic tec- NMDA receptor subunit NR1 (Tolias et al. 2005). tum neurons induced by 4h light exposure depended Transfection of hippocampal neurons with siRNA on the Rho GTPases. Overexpression of RhoA-CA in against Tiam-1 resulted in decreased dendritic com- tectal neurons blocked light-induced development, as plexity. BDNF regulates Rac1 activity, recruiting did a genetic decrease of Rac1 and Cdc42 activity. GEFs. Recently, Rac1 GEF, SIF and Tiam 1-like Inhibition of RhoA occluded the effect of light on den- exchange factor (STEF), has been described to act dritic arbor growth. Li and coworkers (2002) also pre- downstream of BDNF and CLICK-III(CL3)/CaMKIγ sented evidence for an extensive cross-talk between during dendritic growth (see above). For example, 278 M. Urbanska et al. application of either a dominant interfering fragment ends, can promote both filament assembly and disas- (PHnTSS) of STEF or Rac1-DN blocked the positive sembly. effect of CL3 overexpression on dendrite length Rac1 and cdc42 activate Arp2/3 (and consequently (Takemoto-Kimura et al. 2007). Lee and colleagues actin polymerization) indirectly via Wiskott-Aldrich (2003) revealed that Rac1 protein levels can be con- syndrome (WASP) family proteins, WAVE and trolled during dendritic arbor development by transla- N-WASP, respectively, leading to formation of a tional inhibition by Drosophila Fragile X-related pro- branched filament network (for review see Etienne- tein (FMR1). mRNA encoding Rac1 was found in Manneville and Hall 2002, Burridge and Wennerberg FMR1-containing ribonucleoprotein particles (RNPs, 2004, Jaffe and Hall 2005). Both N-WASP and Arp2/3 see also below) and overexpression of Rac1 partially play important roles in the proper shaping of the den- rescued detrimental effects of FMR1 overexpression dritic arbor (Pinyol et al. 2007, Rocca et al. 2008). on the da neurons dendritic arbor complexity (Lee et Overexpression of N-WASP increased the number of al. 2003). All of these observations show that both the neurites and branch points in developing hippocampal expression level and activity of Rac1 are under strict neurons in vitro; these effects depended on cdc42 and local control in dendrites. activity (Pinyol et al. 2007). Recently, Rocca and coau- Rho GEFs also regulate dendritic arbor growth. Lfc thors (2008) showed that Arp2/3 actin nucleation is a Rho-GEF abundantly expressed in the brain that activity is important for proper dendritic branching localizes to dendrites (Ryan et al. 2005). Lfc redistrib- patterns in developing hippocampal neurons. A synap- utes from a dendritic shaft to dendritic spines upon tic protein that binds Arp2/3, PICK1, disrupts Arp2/3 NMDAR and VGCC stimulation, and Ca2+ influx into binding to N-WASP and inhibits Arp2/3-mediated cells. Consistent with the role of activated RhoA in actin polymerization. PICK-1 knockdown caused dendritic growth, long-term overexpression of Lfc in increases in proximal dendrite branching and decreas- hippocampal neurons in vitro caused a significant es in distal arborization. The effects of the PICK-1 decrease of the number of dendritic segments, in a knockdown were reversed by overexpression of PICK-1 Rho-GEF activity-dependent manner (Ryan et al. resistant to siRNA. Taken together, these data empha- 2005). Certain signaling pathways impinge their effects size the importance of actin nucleation for proper den- on dendritic arbor growth by inhibiting RhoA activity. dritic arborization. For example, Abl, a non-receptor tyrosine kinase, RhoA regulates actin polimerization, directly bind- stimulates extension and branching of dendrites via ing a formin, mDia, and inducing the linear elongation inhibition of RhoA. Inhibition of Abl kinase leads to of actin filaments. A role for this formin has not been increased RhoA activity and significant simplification studied in the context of dendritic development, but of dendritic arbors in hippocampal neurons (Jones et mDia activation via RhoA was found important for al. 2004). On the other hand, Abl-CA expression neurite elongation in PC12 cells upon NGF exposure results in new dendrite formation and branching, (Nusser et al. 2006). which can be suppressed by RhoA-CA (Jones et al. Recently, Cordon-Bleu (Cobl) protein was identified 2004). as a new actin nucleation factor enriched in the brain (Ahuja et al. 2007), which acts independently from the Regulation of the actin cytoskeleton during Arp2/3 complex. Cobl promotes formation of long, dendritic arborization is dependent on Rho unbundled and unbranched filaments, gives rise to GTPases plus-end (barbed–end) growth and localizes to sites of high actin dynamics. In primary hippocampal neurons, The Rho GTPases are regulators of actin polymer- overexpression of the Cobl C-terminal domain, con- ization rates and spatial organization (Etienne- taining all WASP homology 2 domains necessary for Manneville and Hall 2002, Burridge and Wennerberg its activity, induced formation of highly branched den- 2004, Jaffe and Hall 2005). In eukaryotic cells, down- dritic arbors built of short dendrites whereas RNAi- stream effectors of the Rho GTPases, Arp2/3 and mediated knockdown of Cobl resulted in a significant mDia, are two major factors involved in actin polym- reduction in the length and branching of dendrites. erization. The activity of cofilin, an actin severing The Rho GTPases also influence the dendritic factor which increases the number of uncapped, barbed arborization activating proteins that are not directly Molecular basis of dendritic arborization 279 involved in actin nucleation. p21-activated kinase Septins (Pak1) acts downstream of Rac1, and through effector proteins, such as filamin or LIM kinase (LIMK), to Septins are another cytoskeletal component identi- stabilize actin filaments. A constitutively active form fied to play a role in dendritic branching. They are of Pak1, when expressed in immature cortical neurons, evolutionary conserved proteins with essential func- increased the number of apical and basal dendrites. tions in cytokinesis, membrane trafficking, and scaf- Disruption of endogenous Pak1 activity by a dominant folding for the assembly of cellular factors (Kinoshita negative mutant had an opposite effect (Hayashi et al. 2006). In the rat brain, expression patterns of members 2002). In cultures of hippocampal neurons, either of the septin family are cell-type specific and change hyperactivation or loss of Pak1 lead to disruption of during development (Tada et al. 2007). Overexpression neuronal morphology and neurite differentiation to an of neuron specific isoforms, Septin2, Septin6 or axon and dendrites (Jacobs et al. 2007). Septin7 increase dendritic arbor complexity (Tada et Rho kinase (ROCK) is a downstream target for al. 2007, Xie et al. 2007a), and RNAi-mediated knock- RhoA. Activation of ROCK has complex cellular con- down reduces dendritic branching. In cultured hip- sequences, including a myosin contraction of actin pocampal neurons, Septin7 is localized at dendritic filaments and an activation of LIMK. Overexpression branch points and at the base of dendritic protrusions of ROCK-CA (ROCK∆3), in rat hippocampal neurons (Tada et al. 2007). in organotypic culture, caused simplification of den- dritic trees (Nakayama et al. 2000). Consequently, Transcription and translation inhibition of ROCK by a specific inhibitor, Y-27632, prevented dendritic arbor simplification caused by Transcription RhoA-CA overexpression or by suppression of Abl kinase which leads to RhoA activation (Nakayama et Transcription plays an important part in intrinsi- al. 2000, Jones et al. 2004). Overexpression of ROCK- cally driven genetic program-based dendritic CA in vivo in the Xenopus optic tectum neurons pre- arborization (see above). Nevertheless, in mammali- vented changes in dendritic arbor triggered by light an neurons, transcription factors, cofactors and chro- exposure (Sin et al. 2002; see also above). matin-modifying proteins are studied mostly in the context of dendrite development induced by extracel- Microtubule cytoskeleton lular factors. A general necessity for transcription during neuronal activity-dependent dendritic arbor Besides involvement in the control of actin cytoskel- growth is well-exemplified in the recent work of Wu eton, Rho GTPases regulate microtubule dynamics and others (2007) on chromatin remodeling com- and interactions of actin and microtubules (for review plexes in neurons. They showed that BAF53b is see Jaffe and Hall 2005). Rac1 stabilizes microtubules a crucial protein for ATP-dependent remodeling of via JNK1-dependent phosphorylation of MAP2 (see chromatin, a process that makes promoters of certain above). RhoA alters the microtubule cytoskeleton by genes accessible to transcriptional machinery. decreasing levels of cypin (Chen and Firestein 2007). Hippocampal neuronal cultures derived from mice Since, cypin binds to tubulin heterodimers and pro- lacking BAF53b had deficits in KCl-induced den- motes the assembly of microtubules (Akum et al. dritic arbor growth. BAF53b acts in concert with 2004), a decreased cypin levels, resulting from RhoA transcriptional coactivator CREST, which was previ- activation, results in a decreased dendrite number ously identified as a calcium-responsive transcription (Chen and Firestein 2007). The development and sta- coactivator important for neuronal activity-induced bility of a proper dendritic arbor morphology depend dendritic arbor growth in hippocampal and cortical on several, non-Rho GTPase-related microtubule neurons (Aizawa et al. 2004). binding proteins, including MAPs, microtubule plus- Methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2) is a pro- end tracking proteins, and motor proteins. CHO1/ tein that binds to methylated DNA and functions as MKLP1, CRMP3, Lis1, MAP1b, kakapo are a few a transcription repressor. Overexpression of MECP2 in examples (Prokop et al. 1998, Liu et al. 2000, Yu et al. organotypic hippocampal cultures, as well as knock- 2000, Teng et al. 2001; Quach et al. 2008). down of MECP2 by RNAi, resulted in simplification 280 M. Urbanska et al. of the dendritic arbor (Zhou et al. 2006). These find- Wnt-2, expression of which depends on CREB, is ings suggest that proper neuronal development requires another important gene for activity-driven dendritic a very precise set point for MECP2 expression. Indeed, growth (Wayman et al. 2006). Overexpression of overexpression of an siRNA-resistant form of MECP2 Wnt-2 in neurons in organotypic cultures is sufficient that could be phosphorylated by CaMKII reversed the to increase both total dendritic length and number of detrimental effects of RNAi. branches. On the other hand, expression of Wnt antag- CREB-binding protein (CBP) is another general onist, Wif, led to inhibition of KCl-, bicuculline- and chromatin modifier and transcription coactivator shown CaMKI-induced dendritic growth. to play a pivotal role in dendritic arborization. Lastly, analysis of target genes for the Drosophila Overexpression of a mutant form of adenoviral E1A transcription factor Knot/Collier revealed a gene protein, which inhibits CBP, blocked CaMKIV- encoding a microtubule severing protein, Spastin dependent and KCl-induced dendritic growth of corti- (Jinushi-Nakao et al. 2007). In the class IV da sensory cal neurons in vitro (Redmond et al. 2002). CBP is neurons of Drosophila, overexpression of Knot/Collier c r u c i a l f o r C R E B t r a n s c r i p t i o n a l a c t i v i t y. O v e r e x p r e s s i o n increased expression of Spastin and promoted dendrite of various forms of dominant negative mutants of arborization that was inhibited by knockdown of CREB or siRNA also prevented KCl-, CaMKIV- and Spastin (Jinushi-Nakao et al. 2007). CaMKI-induced dendritic growth in cortical and hip- pocampal neurons (Redmond et al. 2002, Wayman et mRNA dendritic transport and local protein al. 2006). Overexpression of a constitutively active translation CREB mutant was sufficient to increase total dendritic length (Wayman et al. 2006). Given that transcription is crucial for dendritic Other transcription factors control neuronal activity- arbor growth, protein translation must be also involved. driven dendritic arbor growth. Gaudilliere and col- We already mentioned the importance of mTOR, leagues (2004) showed that removal of NeuroD by p70S6K, and 4E-BP1 in the translational control of RNAi from cerebellar granular neurons inhibited den- dendritic branching (Jaworski et al. 2005). Moreover, dritic growth induced by both neuronal activity (KCl, recently Chihara et al. (2007) defined a crucial role of biccuculine) and CaMKIIα. c-Fos, a product of an protein translation in proper dendritic arborization of immediate early gene c-fos, is a TF induced by expo- the Drosophila olfactory projection neurons and the sure of animals to cocaine (Zhang et al. 2006). One of mushroom body γ neurons. This was done by knock- the morphological effects of repeated cocaine adminis- ing down genes encoding various aminoacyl-tRNA trations is increased dendritic branching of the caudate synthetases, enzymes catalyzing attachment of amino- putamen and the nucleus accumbens neurons (Zhang et acids to their corresponding tRNAs, which is indis- al. 2006). This particular morphological change is pensible for translation. missing in c-fos knockout mice, demonstrating the role The discovery of the requirement for protein trans- for transcription in neuronal plasticity-dependent den- lation in dendritic arbor development raises questions dritic arbor remodeling in vivo (Zhang et al. 2006). about the specific locations of protein translation in Although the participation of TFs in dendritic arbor neuronal cells. It is worth stressing that translation in growth is well-documented, only a few downstream neurons can take place at various locations and there- genes important for dendritogenesis have been identi- fore can be divided to general and local (Kindler et al. fied. Recent examination of BAF53b target genes by a 2005, Skup et al. 2008, this issue). The latter one chromatin precipitation method revealed several genes occurs at several discrete locations along dendrites, in important for neurite outgrowth. In neurons from proximity to synapses and in the growth cones of BAF53b knockout mice, transcription of ephexin-1, axons, and is independent from the general translation GAP43, Stathmin, Gelsolin and Rap1A were down- in the cell soma (Kindler et al. 2005, Skup et al. 2008, regulated while RacGAP1 was upregulated (Wu et al. this issue). mRNAs transported to dendrites and 2007). More detailed analysis revealed that overex- axons as ribonucleoprotein particles and their transla- pression of ephexin-1 in neurons lacking BAF53b tion are activated by extracellular signals such as restored responsiveness of the dendritic arbor to depo- BDNF or specific patterns of neuronal activity (Kindler larization (Wu et al. 2007). et al. 2005). mTOR, p70S6K and 4E-BP1 were shown Molecular basis of dendritic arborization 281 to control translation locally in dendrites and axons Organellar protein translation may also contribute during long-lasting long-term potentiation (L-LTP) to dendritic arbor development and stability. Chihara and axon guidance, respectively (for review see: and coauthors (2007) showed subtle differences Jaworski and Sheng 2006, Swiech et al. 2008), but between the effect of translation taking place in cyto- direct evidence is missing for local translation in the plasm and mitochondria on dendritic arbor. They took process of dendritic arbor development. Nevertheless, advantage of the existence of cytoplasmic- and mito- several indirect findings suggest such a possibility. chondria-specific isoforms of several aminoacyl-tRNA There is compelling evidence from Drosophila synthetases (see above). When genes encoding the models that translational repressors that are compo- cytoplasmic forms of either tryptophanyl-tRNA syn- nents of dendritic RNPs such as Pumilio, Nanos, thetase or glutaminyl-tRNA-synthetsase were knocked FMR1 and Me31B regulate proper dendrite growth down in the Drosophila olfactory projection neurons (Lee et al. 2003, Ye et al. 2004, Barbee et al. 2006). or the mushroom body γ neurons, dendritic and axonal Overexpression of Pumilio, Nanos, FMR1 and Me31B terminal arborization was impaired (Chihara et al. in the class IV da sensory neurons, reduces higher 2007). When mitochondrial protein synthesis was order dendrite complexity (Lee et al. 2003, Ye et al. impaired by removal of the gene encoding mitochon- 2004, Barbee et al. 2006). Overexpression of RNP- drial ribosomal protein S12, dendrites of DL1 projec- related translation repressors has consistent inhibitory tion neurons reached their target (DL1 glomerulus) but effects on dendritic branching, but knockdown of dendritic density was decreased and this effect was those proteins led to diverse effects on dendritic increasing with age. Based on these data, Chihara and arbors. Inhibition of Nanos and Pumilio resulted in others (2007) concluded that cytoplasmic protein reduced higher order branches in the class IV da neu- translation is crucial for dendritic arbor development, rons and incomplete coverage of epidermis by the and the mitochondrial protein translation controls the dendritic arbors by 15% and 20% in neurons lacking stability of mature dendrites. Nanos and Pumilio, respectively (Ye et al. 2004). Knockdown of fmr1 increased the number of higher Membrane trafficking order branches (Lee et al. 2003). Inhibition of Me31B, by RNAi, substantially increased higher order branch Extensive dendritic growth during development complexity similarly to effects of fmr1 knockdown requires constant additions of membrane to the cell (Barbee et al. 2006). Nevertheless, the more branched surface. Moreover, activity-dependent branching dendritic arbors of class IV da neurons showed incom- depends on the presence and activity of neurotransmit- plete dendritic field coverage as in the case of remov- ter receptors that need to be delivered to and removed ing Nanos and Pumilio (Barbee et al. 2006). There are from the cell surface. Quite surprisingly, membrane several unclear issues remaining: (i) where do the dif- trafficking only recently took a central stage in ferences in observed phenotypes arise from, (ii) why research directed at understanding dendritic arboriza- do dendritic arbor phenotypes of different classes of tion mechanisms. Dendrites are endowed with mem- the da neurons vary substantially in response to the branous organelles, including both rough and smooth same genetic manipulations, and (iii) how does the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), the ER–Golgi intermedi- morphology of mammalian neurons depend on RNP ate compartment, and Golgi outposts that have no components? The role for local protein synthesis in membranous connections with the somatic Golgi. mammalian neurons is supported by several lines of Golgi outposts presumably serve both general and spe- evidence, including those discussed above. Some cific local trafficking needs, and could mediate mem- experiments designed to identify dendritic mRNAs brane trafficking required for polarized dendritic showed that several proteins important for control of growth during neuronal differentiation (Horton and dendritic branching, for example CaMKIIα, glutamate Ehlers 2003, Horton et al. 2005). Disruption of the receptor subunits, BDNF, TrkB, GRIP1 and PSD95, Golgi apparatus by GRASP65 overexpression (Barr et are translated locally in dendrites, often in a neu- al. 1997) abolishes the asymmetry in Golgi orientation rotrophic factor-, neuronal activity- and mTOR-depen- observed during dendritic growth, which results in a dent fashion (see review by Swiech et al., 2008, for marked reduction in dendritic polarity. Moreover, more detailed discussion). selectively blocking Golgi outpost trafficking halts 282 M. Urbanska et al. dendrite growth in developing neurons and causes PI3K can induce dendritic growth only in a certain shrinkage of dendrites in mature pyramidal neurons timeframe during development, but is constantly need- (Liljedahl et al. 2001, Horton et al. 2005). ed for preservation of the already formed tree (Jaworski Recent findings suggest that dendritic growth heav- et al. 2005). Another problem that emerges from the ily relies on classical exocytic traffic. Membrane pro- use of such distant organisms as flies and rodents, teins and secretory cargo are targeted to the ER of the which have very different spatial organization of den- exocytic pathway extending from the soma, and are dritic arbors, is inaccurate generalizations of experi- then routed to the cell surface through multiple rounds mental observation. Another issue is the identification of vesicle budding and fusion. These processes are of executor proteins, the expression of which is con- mediated by an evolutionarily conserved set of coat trolled during dendritic development by transcription proteins such as the SNARE complex (soluble factors and local translation. Finally, much more work N-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor (NSF), SNAP-25, needs to be done in mammalian in vivo models to syntaxins, TI-VAMP, etc.) (Cai et al. 2007, Tang 2008) extend our understanding of the molecular mechanisms and the Rab family GTPases (Bonifacino and of dendritic arbor dysfunctions that may contribute to Lippincott-Schwartz 2003). There is evidence for Rab8 human nervous system disorders. Hopefully with (Huber et al. 1995), SNAP-25 (Grosse et al. 1999), growing interest in molecular biology of neuronal TI-VAMP (Martinez-Arca et al. 2001) and the SNARE development these issues can be solved in a reasonable complex (Vega and Hsu 2001) being involved in exo- time scale. cytosis-mediated dendritic extension. Moreover, Jan and colleagues (Ye et al. 2007) isolated Drosophila ACKNOWLEDGMENTS mutants with defects in dendritic, but not axonal, growth in a genetic screen. Isolated mutations were M.U. is a holder of a scholarship of Polish Ministry present in genes encoding Drosophila homologues of of Science and Higher Education. Work of M.B. has Sec23, Sar1 and Rab1, all of which function in the early been financed from NovelTune 6FP EU grant (LSH- secretory pathway, (ie, in ER–Golgi transport). CT-2006-037378). This work has been financed by Another way whereby membrane materials can be Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (N incorporated into the cell surface is through the recy- N301 3147 33) to J.J. We thank Marta Miaczynska, cling of internalized proteins via recycling endosomes Elizabeth Nolan and Malgorzata Skup for very helpful (Maxfield and McGraw 2004, van Ijzendoorn 2006). comments on this manuscript. The requirement of Rab11 (Shirane and Nakayama 2006), NSF (Guo et al. 2001, Isaac et al. 2007) and References syntaxin (Simonsen et al. 1998, Hirling et al. 2000) mediated-processes have implicated recycling endo- Ahuja R, Pinyol R, Reichenbach N, Custer L, Klingensmith some function in neurite outgrowth. For example, J, Kessels MM, Qualmann B (2007) Cordon-bleu is an overexpression of Syntaxin 16, a protein involved in actin nucleation factor and controls neuronal morpholo- Golgi-endosomal trafficking, moderately stimulates gy. Cell 131: 337–350. neurite outgrowth in primary mouse cortical neurons Aizawa H, Hu SC, Bobb K, Balakrishnan K, Ince G, (Mallard et al. 2002, Chua and Tang 2008). Gurevich I, Cowan M, Ghosh A (2004) Dendrite devel- opment regulated by CREST, a calcium-regulated tran- CONCLUSIONS scriptional activator. Science 303: 197–202. 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