A n n u A l R e p o R t 2008-2009 national humanities center 4 national humanities center celebrates First thirty Years 6 report from the President and Director 14 Work of the Fellows 32 statistics 34 Books by Fellows 40 education Programs 42 autonomy, singularity, creativity initiative 44 Financial statements 48 supporting the center 58 staff of the center 60 Board of trustees The NaTioNal humaNiTies CeNTer does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national and ethnic origin, sexual orientation or preference, or age in the administration of its selection policies, educational policies, and other Center-administered programs. ediTor: Donald Solomon / CopyediTor: Karen Carroll / images: Ron Jautz, Kent Mullikin / desigN: Pandora Frazier Copyright ©2009 by National Humanities Center, 7 T.W. Alexander Drive, P.O. Box 12256, RTP, NC 27709-2256 Tel: 919-549-0661 / Fax: 919-990-8535 / e-mail:
[email protected] / Web siTe: nationalhumanitiescenter.org The National Humanities Center’s Report (ISSN 1040-130X) is printed on recycled paper. national Humanities Center / Annual Report 2008-2009 3 C e l e b ra t i n g Past anD Present FelloWs, trustees, and staff gathered with n HC friends for a two-day celebration marking thirty years since the y e ar s 1979 / 2009 dedication of the Archie K. Davis building, home to the national humanities center, on april 7, 1979. since that first year of opera- tions, the center has welcomed over 1,100 Fellows representing 44 academic disciplines and 320 institutions, from 45 states and 35 foreign countries.