You Belong With Me By: Sarah E. Y. Miller WGA Registration #1473031 Copyright (c) 2011 This screenplaymay not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.
[email protected] FADE IN: INT. LA BELLE ROSE PETER WINSLOW, a thirty something semisuccessful business man, waits at a table in the trendy French restaurant, dressed for a night out on the town. The MAITRE D leads EVELYN SEWELL-BRYCE, a late twenty something society heiress who is dating Peter, over to the table. Peter stands and holds the chair out for her. EVELYN Sorry I'm late, darling . She brushes a kiss across his cheek as she sits. He scoots her chair in, moves around the table and takes his seat. EVELYN (CONT'D) Cher was absolutely swamped. I had to wait more than half an hour for my appointment. Then she used pale peach pearl instead of peach pale pearl. There is a difference, believe you me, so I had to have my nails redone. It was a drama filled afternoon. Evelyn picks up the menu. EVELYN (CONT'D) So how was your day? PETER Busy. The new assistant-- EVELYN That's nice. CLAUDE, the native French sommelier, comes over. CLAUDE Monsieur Winslow, good to see you again. PETER It's been a while but I thought the occasion justified the setting. CLAUDE Oh, it is an occasion, is it? You Belong with Me 2. PETER It is. Bring a bottle of your best Champagne. CLAUDE Certainly. Claude bustles away. Evelyn sets down the menu. EVELYN What occasion, darling? Peter pulls out a small velvet covered box from his pocket.