1923-01-00 Index
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THE CITY RECORD. INDEX FOR JANUARY, 1923. APPROVED PAPERS- ACCOUNTS, COMMISSIONER OF- ALDERMEN, BOARD OF- Results of examination of receipts and disbursements Queens, President, Borough of, 431. City Clerk authorized to subscribe for Legislative Ser- of Office of Chamberlain for 3d Quarter of 1922, Richmond, President, Borough of, 606. vice, Session of 1923, 47. 80. Sheriff, Richmond County, 606. City Surveyors, appointment of, 470. Public Administrator, Bronx County, report for the Deeds, Commissioners of, resolution appointing various ALDERMEN, BOARD OF- year January to December 31, 1922, 270. persons, 133, 469, 472. Authorized to purchase various articles without public Establishing grades of position- letting- Petition for selection of a site for a public library building in Ridgewood, Queens, 265. Estimate and Apportionment, Board of, 134. Brooklyn, President, Borough of, 275. Plant and Structures, Department of, 133. Police Commissioner, 97. Request for an authority to draw on contingent ex- Public Welfare, Department of, 134. Plant and Structures, Commissioner of, 601. penses- Accounts, Commissioner of, 269. Granting permission to the Armenian Evangelical Purchase, Board of, 601. Church to construct a vault without payment of the Art Commission, 266. Richmond, President, Borough of, 275. 'usual fee, 134. Board meetings, 87. Bronx, President, Borough of, 100. Brooklyn, President, Borough of, 99. Granting permission to the Minsker Congregation to Communications from- Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, 268. construct a vault without payment of the usual fee, Breitigan, Gerald B., 97. City Clerk and Clerk of the Board of Aldermen, 101. 134. Brady, Walter A., 429. City Clerk, New York County, 431. Granting permission to the Little Mount Zion Baptist Campbell, Marian, 97. County Clerk, Bronx County, 266. Church to construct a vault without payment of the King, Robert N., 97. Chief Clerk, Court of Special Sessions, 99. usual fee, 134. Ridgewood Community Council. 601. Chief Clerk, City Magistrates' Court, 100. Granting permission to the Seventh-Day Adventist Tem- Society for Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents, 429. Chief Clerk, Children's Court, 268. Th,' Marx Fraternity, Z65. ple to construct and maintain a vault without payment Correction, Commissioner of, 98. of the usual fee, 134. Code of Ordinances. amendments of, relating to- Dock, Commissioner of, 268. Control of gas in certain buildings in case of fire, District Attorney, Kings County, 431. Granting permission to the Ward Baking Company to parade advertising automobiles, 133. 431. District Attorney, Richmond County, 100. Carriageways over sidewalks, 276. Elections, Board of, 270. Granting permission to the Trustees of the Third Church Hacks, cabs and taxicabs, by amending section, 88, Fire Commissioner, 99. of Christ Scientist to construct and maintain a vault 102, 103, 106, 277. General Clerk of the Supreme Court, 103. without payment of the usual fee, 133. Peddlers, 608. Jurors, Commissioner of, Bronx County, 265. In memoriam-Max J. Porges, 472. Restricted streets, 607. Jurors, Commissioner -of, Kings County, 277. Request to draw on account of contingent expenses- City Clerk authorized to subscribe for Legislative Ser- Parks, Commissioner of', The Bronx, 98. Accounts, Commissioner of, 472. vice. Session of 1923, 101. Parks, Commissioner of, Brooklyn, 430. Art Commission, 471. Parks, Commissioner of, Queens, 265. Deeds, Commissioners of, resolution appointing various Bronx, President, Borough of The, 470. 432, 609. Parks, Commissioner of, Richmond, 268. Brooklyn, President, Borough of, 469. persons, 276, Plant and Structures, Commissioner of, 268. Decker, Harry W., appointed City Surveyor, 278. Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, 471. Parole Commissioner, 266. City Clerk and Clerk of the Board of Aldermen, 470. "Ahearn Park," Manhattan, 276. Designating Purchase, Board of, 269. County Clerk, Bronx County, 471. Elections, Board of, certificate of Election of members Queens, President, Borough of, 100. 97. Chief Clerk, Children's Court, 471, of the Board of Aldermen, Richmond, President, Borough of, 100. Chief Clerk, City Magistrate's Court, 470. Examining Board of City Surveyors, certifying that Standard and Appeals, Board of, 99. persons have qualified for appointment, 98. Chief Clerk, Court of Special Sessions, 470. certain Surrogate, Kings County, 277. Clerk of the Surrogates' Court, New York County, Estimate and Apportionment, Board of, resolution fixing Street Cleaning, Commissioner of, 100. 471. compensation of Charles A. Marshall, as official Tenement House, Commissioner, 269. cunni;lier of title, 602. Various City, County and Borough Offices, 99. Correction, Commissioner of, 470. Establishing grades of position- Docks, Commissioner of, 471. Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Department of, District Attorney, Richmond County, 470. _Architectural Draftsman, Department of Parks, The 269. Bronx, 609. Elections, Board of, 472. Bookkeeper in the New York City Employees' Retire- Register, Bronx County, communication relative to ex- Fire Commissioner, 469. tension of tax exemption ordinances beyond April 1, ment System, 603. General Clerk, Supreme Court, 470. Commissioners for various departments, 603. 1923, 273. Jurors, Ciainmissioner of, Bronx County, 471. Licenses, Commissioner of, 609. Resolution, request of Board of Estimate and Apportion- Jurors, Commissioner of, Kings County, 472. Various grades of positions, Department of Plant and ment to change title of the position of Resident Cus- Justices of the Supreme Court, First Judicial District, Structures, 603. todian in the Board of Child Welfare to Caretaker, 101. 470. Finance, Committee on, reports relating to- Resolution for special revenue bonds to provide for pay- Parks, Commissioner of, Manhattan, 470. Public Welfare, Commissioner of, Salary of Deputy ment of back pay to employees in operation of munic- Parks, Commissioner of, The Bronx, 470. Lay Superintendent and Steward, 605. ipal ferries from November 1, 1917, to July 1, 1918, Parks, Commissioner of, Richmond, 471. Trustees, New York Public Library, 604. 433. Plant and Structures, Commissioner of, 471. ;t1 Memoriam-Max J. Porges, 277. Resolution, requesting to appoint a committee to corn- Parole Commission, 471, 'M inutes of stated (annual) meeting of January 1, 1923, metnorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of important Purchase, Board of, 472. 97. event in connection with the Spanish-American War, Queens, President, Borough of, 470. Minutes of stated meeting of January 9, 1923, 265. 433. Richmond, President, Borough of, 470. Minutes of stated meetings of January 16, 1923, 429. Resolution appointing Stephen J. Reid a City Surveyor, Surrogate, Kings County, 472. Minutes of stated meetings of January 23, 1923, 601. 433, SupervisOr of the City Record, 470. Notices of nublic hearings, 689. Resolution changing the name of Osborne place, The Standard and Appeals, Board of, 469. Ordinance selecting a site for a public library in Bronx, to Winik place, 433. Resolution designating "Ahearn Park," Manhattan, 471. Jamaica, Queens, 603. Resolution changing the name of Lawrence street, Man- Resolution designating "Wynn Circle," Brooklyn, 135. Ordinance, providing for an issue of corporate stock hattan, to \Vest 126th street, 433. Resolution for special revenue bonds- of The City of. New York in an amount not exceed- Resolution calling on the Fire Commissioner to appear County Court, Kings County, 133. ing two million one hundred and seventy-five thousand before the Board of Aldermen to answer certain ques- Parks, Commissioner of, Manhattan, 133. dollars ($2,175,000) for the purpose of installing the tions, 609. Register, Bronx County, 134. mains, with connections to existing Sheriff, New York County, 134. necessary trunk Resolution granting permission to Lillis Colligan to mains, to deliver water supply from the municipal parade advertising automobiles, 610. Sheriff, Richmond County, 133. system to the 5th Ward, Queens, under the direc- Resolution requesting Board of Estimate and Apportion. Selecting a site for a proposed pipe yard for the De- tion of the Commissioner of Water Supply, Gas and partment of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, 134. Electricity, 432. ment to establish a motor bus route from Washington Heights to \Vashington Square, Borough of Man- ART COMMISSION- Ordinance providing for an issue of corporate stock hattan, and to authorize issue of necessary permit for Minutes of meeting of December 11, 1922, 441. of The City of New York in an amount not exceed- operation thereof, 101. ing one million one hundred thousand dollars Salaries and Offices, Committee on, Reports of- ASSESSORS, BOARD OF- ($1.100,000) to provide means for the installation of Annual apportionments and assessments, 480. additional water mains and appurtenances in the Lincenses, Commissioners of, 609. Boroughs of Manhattan, The Bronx, Brooklyn, Parks, Commissioners of, 608. Assessments and awards, completion of- Queens and Richmond, under the jurisdiction of the Special revenue bonds, requests for- Bronx, Borough of The, 4. Commissioner of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Chief City Magistrate, 601. Brooklyn, Borough of, 4, 480. 432. Chief Medical Examiner, 602. Manhattan, Borough of, 4, 480. Queens, Borough of, 4, 480. Ordinance providing for an issue of corporate stock of Manhattan, President, Borough of, 606. The City of New York to an amount not exceeding Mayor's Committee of Women, 605. Notice to present claims for damages- eighty-five thousand seven hundred and sixty nine dol- Plant