United States Patent [191 [11] 4,081,853 Wickson [45] Mar
United States Patent [191 [11] 4,081,853 Wickson [45] Mar. 28, 1978 {75154 IOVERCURRENT PROTE CT ION ISYSTEM ' FOREIGN PATENTI DOCUMENTS nventor: Arthur K. Wickson Pa os Verdes Estates, Calif‘ ’ 476,607 8/1915 France ............................... .. 361/104 - _ . Primary Examiner-Harry E. Moose, Jr. [73] Asslgnee‘ it: gzgr%glicforporanon’ LOS Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Joel D. Talcott; Frank J. g ' ' Kowalski; Albert J. Miller [21] Appl. No.: 669,790 [57] ABSTRACI. [22] Flled: Mar‘ 23’ 1976 A plurality of fuses are connected in a general parallel [51] Int. C13z ................................... .. H02H 3/08 con?guration for protecting a circuit, the fuses being [52] US. Cl. .......................................... .. 361/104 serially connected with inductances of varying magni [58] Field of Search ................... .. 317/15, 14 B, 40 A, tude such that steady state current may be divided 317/50; 337/4, 6, 161, 162, 293; 361/104 equally among the fuses permitting the use of fuses of [5 6] References Cited lower rating. During an overcurrent surge, substantially the entire current overload is applied to each fuse in US PATENT DOCUMENTS turn so that the total elapsed time for opening the circuit 835,388 11/1906 Berg ........ .. 317/40 AX is less than with fuses alone 2,284,1l4 5/1942 Weichsel 317/40 A 2,672,540 3/1954 Dewey ............................... .. 337/293 11 Claims, 4 Drawing Figures Over current Protection US. Patent March 28, 1978 4,081,235 3 Fig. 1. Over current Protection 3s 42 32 BW/40 4e 48 14%,50 34 I g . 54 56 52 : 20 so 30 ‘0A 29 24 / ,4 / 74 42 68\ M /76 62 Flg- 3 662% so Zea/‘65o 64 7o __rY4\72 £56 2e /20 L4“ - {F2 Fig.
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