Summary Recommendation: Approve with Conditions
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Report to: PLANNING COMMITTEE Date of Meeting: 17th January 2018 Subject: DC/2017/01460 30 Cambridge Road Formby Liverpool L37 2EL Proposal: Change of use from residential (C3) to children's care home (C2) Applicant: Family Care (Group) Ltd Agent: Mr Stuart Thomas Berrys Ward: Harington Ward Summary This application seeks planning permission for the change of use of an existing detached residential property to a children’s care home. The main issues to consider are the principle of the use, impact on the living conditions of existing and future residents, impact on the character of the area and highway safety. Recommendation: Approve with Conditions Case Officer Mr Stephen O'Reilly Email [email protected] Telephone 0345 140 0845 (option 4) Application documents and plans are available at: Site Location Plan The Site The application property is a large two storey detached property located within a primarily residential area. The property has a rear garden and front paved drive accessed off Cambridge Road. A similar detached property sits immediately east of the application property with residential beyond, whilst residential properties side face the application property from the south and north. Cambridge Field bounds the site to the west. History There is no relevant planning history to this application. Consultations Environmental Health No objection. Highways Manager No objections subject to a condition requiring provision for cycle parking. Building Control Advise that a building regulation application will be required. Police Liaison Officer No comments received to date. Neighbour Representations Correspondence received from 76 residents in Cambridge Road, Stapleton Road, Mayfield Avenue, Elm Drive, Beechwood Drive, Jubilee Road, Sycamore Grove, Dickinson Road, Chestnut Way, Marina Road, Thirlmere Avenue, Cedar Drive, Orwell Close, Pinewood Avenue, Maple Close, Aspen Grove, Meldreth Close, Seymour Road (Liverpool) and Chestnut Way objecting to the scheme for the following reasons: Principle - Formby needs housing, turning this property into a business seems contrary to local needs; Loss of private housing; Contradicts the local plan, the Formby Neighbourhood Development Plan and corporate objectives; Already have an abundance of care homes in the North West; Already existing facilities in the area that could accommodate the occupants; Council should support the residents by allowing the facility to stay indefinitely at its current premises; Homes are disproportionately placed in the North West and Formby; Other options in more cost effective areas are available; Common sense and economic rationale would indicate that rather than just help four individuals in an expensive area, more individuals can be helped in a less expensive region and would be far more beneficial; Proposal would result in too much flexibility being given to the applicant to the type of occupants. Living conditions of existing and future residents - Road is in a quiet residential area where a business is inappropriate; Change of use to a business does not benefit existing residents; Bringing in disadvantaged young people with difficult backgrounds will cause tensions and will affect neighbours in the vicinity; Will be a need for close supervision, there is no recognition or reassurance of this in the supporting documentation; Children will be seen as intimidating by the local residents many of whom are elderly; No consideration given to local residents; Not immune to experiencing unsociable poor behaviour by children and youngsters in the area, therefore, remain concerned and unconvinced that such would not arise from the application property; Such accommodation should be through purpose built care homes not by buying up house properties without any consideration to local residents; No confidence in the law to protect staff in order to manage its residents effectively; Will increase anti-social behaviour in the area; Safety of local children may be put at risk by the occupants of the proposed care home; Health risks to children who walk to and from school past the property; Don’t know what problems will be coming and going; Increase crime; Need for increased policing in the area;; Increase in pollution; Invasion of privacy; Increased disturbance may lead to decline in living standards; Safety and security will be compromised; Occupants could easily influence other children in the area; Will alter the safety of the local area; Record shows that crime has increased in areas around these children’s home and has been of a violent nature; Fear of crime and safety; Detrimental to the safety and security of local children; Increased risk of antisocial behaviour; Could be used for any type of care home, could be sold on to another care home institution which could be used for other care provision which could present an even greater risk; Crime rates from the current provision in Links Avenue are high; Children with emotional and behavioural difficulties are known to present an unacceptable danger to local children and the neighbouring community; Will draw troublesome children into the area; Decline in living standards; Feeling of harassment, feeling alarmed or distressed; Will lead to the loss of the neighbouring open space; Increase in noise and disturbance. Character of the area - Introducing a business within a primarily residential area goes against policy and is incongruous with the neighbourhood; Out of character with the local environment; Area is not appropriate for such services; Change the character and dynamics of the road; Would result in a significant level of movement, significantly different to surrounding dwellinghouses; Will have a direct impact on the ambiance of the local area. Highway safety - Insufficient space for parking to cater for the needs of the business; The bend has a history of traffic collisions, staff associated with the business will increase potential highway risk increasing danger to children, cyclists and motorists; Will extend travel time to existing school for pupils not less as suggested; Better locations closer to transport routes for trains and buses. Other matters - Would make it difficult to oppose other similar applications; Will add an additional burden to the local school and social services and infrastructure with no benefit to the local community; Operator has not shown sufficient skill and diligence in delivering these services; Cambridge Field is not a safe place for the children; Will set precedence for other businesses; Will lower house prices; Local residents have not been informed of the proposals; Park and alleyways will be a good area for teenagers to hang around and cause trouble; Use of amenity may be lost due to a change in demographics; Fields will provide ideal cover for those engaging in substance abuse; Business has had a low Ofsted report with high turnover of staff; Will lead to problems with local schools; The risk of a local ecological disaster would be greatly increased if this is allowed; Children will not have access to local schools keeping them from getting to know children and young people in the area, encouraging segregation rather than integration; Occupants could find themselves lost if they walk off into the field; No control over future change of ownership, business takeover, internal staff changes, etc. In addition a petition containing 65 signatures has been received, endorsed by Cllr Jamieson. A further petition containing 55 signatures has also been received but which has not be endorsed. Correspondence received from a resident in Jubilee Road supporting the scheme for the following reasons: - Formby is a wonderful area to raise children with excellent schools for all types. - Supportive environment in which children can thrive, especially those with additional needs or challenges. - Legitimate complaints or concerns should be given consideration but critical of content of the local leafleting. - Hope the children benefit and thrive in this lovely area. Policy Context The application site lies within an area designated as primarily residential in the Sefton Local Plan which was adopted by the Council in April 2017. Assessment of the Proposal The main issues to consider are the principle of the use, impact on the living conditions of existing and future residents, impact on the character of the area and highway safety. Principle Policy HC3 (Primarily Residential Areas) of the Sefton Local Plan advises that new residential development will be permitted in Primarily Residential Areas where consistent with other Local Plan policies. Although classified as a C2 use, given the nature of the proposed use, it is consider that policy HC4 (House Extensions, Houses in Multiple Occupation and Flats) is also of relevance. This permits the change of use of a house into multiple occupation where the proposal would not cause significant harm to the character of the area or the living conditions for either the occupiers of the property or for neighbouring properties. It is therefore considered that the principle of the development is considered acceptable in land use terms, subject to compliance with other planning policies and material considerations. Residents have suggested the scheme would not be compliant with the draft neighbourhood plan. However, this document is still in draft and currently carries little weight in the determination of planning applications. Living