
by Plot Summary Activity When developing our understanding of a , it is useful to break it down into a 10 key point summary. From here you can explore which characters are involved at the significant moments and identify the key themes being explored ahead of the examination. Try completing the table below with the characters, Act/Scenes and key themes. You could also explain how the themes are explored in each part. Plot Summary Act/Scene Characters involved Key themes On their return journey from triumph in battle, Macbeth, , three Macbeth and Banquo are told a prophecy witches Supernatural

King Duncan names Macbeth of Cawdor and proposes a visit to Macbeth’s castle

On return to his castle, convinces him to believe the prophecy and promises to help him become King Macbeth murders in his sleep – immediate regret from Macbeth Greed and ambition

Macbeth becomes King of , however in paranoia arranges for Banquo and his son to be killed Banquo, Macbeths dear friend, is murdered but Fleance escapes.

At a state banquet, Macbeth see the of Banquo and Lady Macbeth dismissed the court from the banquet as he will not calm down

Macbeth goes in search of the witches who prophesise he does not fear anyone ‘born of a woman’ and that Banquo’s son is still a successor to the throne Macbeth has ’s family killed

Having been persuaded by Macduff, (one of Duncan’s young sons) leads an army to battle at Macbeths castle. During which, Lady Macbeth commits suicide and Macbeth himself is killed by Macduff, leading Malcom to leave for Scone to be crowned King

You could now try creating a table for another play you are studying.

2018 Production at Garrick Theatre. Photography by The Other Richard