22 November 2013 Page 1 of 9 SATURDAY 16 NOVEMBER 2013 Kate Gets Some Troubling News That May Cut the Journey Short, Mainwaring's Own Battle of Waterloo
Radio 4 Extra Listings for 16 – 22 November 2013 Page 1 of 9 SATURDAY 16 NOVEMBER 2013 Kate gets some troubling news that may cut the journey short, Mainwaring's own Battle of Waterloo. and her mum has a surprise waiting for her. Stars Rebecca Starring Arthur Lowe as Captain Mainwaring, John Le SAT 00:00 HG Wells (b007jzbk) Smart. Mesurier as Sergeant Wilson, Clive Dunn as Corporal Jones, The New Accelerator SAT 04:15 The Charm Factory (b03h849l) John Laurie as Private Frazer, Ian Lavender as Private Pike, In the name of science, HG Wells agrees to sample a new drug Series 2 Arnold Ridley as Godfrey and Bill Pertwee as Hodges. designed to speed up both body and mind. Read by Robert I Still Believe Adapted for radio from Jimmy Perry and David Croft's TV Bathurst. 1950s London, and film star Alex is back from Hollywood, scripts by Harold Snoad and Michael Knowles. SAT 00:30 Jenny Stephens - Jefferson 37 (b007k4s9) missing Irene. News forces him to change direction. With Giles Producer: John Dyas Episode 4 Thomas. First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in April 1975. Dr Abbotts finds his 'party trick' used against him, and Paul SAT 05:00 Beachcomber... By the Way (b008g29h) SAT 14:30 The Navy Lark (b0084rjj) Smith takes full advantage of the chaos. Stars David Birrell. Series 2 Series 9 SAT 01:00 Detective (b03h828w) Episode 4 Have Been Towing Series 1 JB Morton's whimsies as performed by Richard Ingrams, HMS Troutbridge comes home, dragging vessels from around The Coming Out Present Patricia Routledge, John Sessions and John Wells.
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