South Carolina Higher Education Statistical Abstract 2015 A Publication of the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education Gary Glenn Interim Executive Director Mim Armour, Editor This publication provides data concerning higher education in South Carolina. Suggestions for improvement in future editions are welcomed. Send suggestions to: Higher Education Statistical Abstract Suggestions Division of Fiscal Affairs 1122 Lady St., Suite 300 Columbia, SC 29201
[email protected] Page | 1 South Carolina Commission on Higher Education Mr. Gary Glenn 1122 Lady Street, Suite 300 Tel. 803-737-2260 Interim Executive Director Columbia, South Carolina 29201 Fax. 803-737-2297 PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thirty-Seventh Edition The South Carolina Higher Education Statistical Abstract is a comprehensive, single-source compilation of tables and graphs which report data frequently requested by the Governor, Legislators, college and university staff, other state government officials, and the general public. The 2015 edition of the Statistical Abstract marks the 37th year of this valuable publication. This Abstract includes the most recent statistics on enrollment, degrees awarded, faculty, tuition and fees, funding, and other factual data. A glossary of terms is included in the appendix. The Abstract would not have been possible without the assistance of the college and university institutional representatives’ completion of data for Commission reports and the federal Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). The help and support of these individuals is extremely important to the Commission’s data collection process. Their assistance is greatly appreciated. Gary Glenn Interim Executive Director Page | 2 South Carolina Higher Education Statistical Abstract 2015 Available on the web at: Page | 3 Mission, Roles, Functions, and Goals of the Commission I.