OPEN OLD 500 Attend Convocation Community
mi . • t FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1861 Average Daily Net Press Ron The Weather For the Week Ended Foreeaat of U. a Weather Bureau PAGE EIGHTEEN Hanrbf0tfr lEngitittg Hgralit Septernber 7, 1968 Clear and cool tonight with acat- A D M T n raD TODiAlC: N o n »M l slight, and nrtther Parent, his two 13,560 tered frost. Low In the. 80’a. Son- ^ t e r t o w n , Maaa., P“ *“ **®**C^^f The tTFW Ladles Auxiliary will Miss Kathleen A. Smith, daughter Luck, RFID 1, Manchezter. Member of the Audit day aunny, high 'in 70’s. of Mr. and Mrs, George J. Smith, Hospital Notes ■ BIRTHS YMBTI’E R P A Y i^ A Joseph Gagne, 38, of FOx Trail, i m n c h e s t e d Bureau of drcnlatlMi entertain Gold Star Miotiieni at a Coventry, driving the truck, were Manchester— -A CUy of Village Charm About Town dinner Sept. 24 at 6 p.m. at Miller’s 27 Madison St., and Miss Paulette daughter to Mr. and Mna Robert J. SabUtZ, daughter of Mr. and Restaurant. Any member that Boynton, Storrs; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Jwm Sablltz, 79 Trebbe Dr., Visiting hours are 2 to 8 p.m. was iaaued » The Italian American Society of wishes to attend may call Mrs. Mrs. Terrance WilUanui, 48 Sea will enter Becker Junior College, for all areas, except maternity wanting for failure to yield the (Classified Adverttstng on Page 9) PRICE SEVEN CENTS lancheater vrill hold Ita first meet- John Vince, 227 McKee St., or man Circle: a daughter to MC- ^ VOL.
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