Hydrated Minerals on Asteroids: The Astronomical Record A. S. Rivkin, E. S. Howell, F. Vilas, and L. A. Lebofsky March 28, 2002 Corresponding Author: Andrew Rivkin MIT 54-418 77 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge MA, 02139
[email protected] 1 1 Abstract Knowledge of the hydrated mineral inventory on the asteroids is important for deducing the origin of Earth’s water, interpreting the meteorite record, and unraveling the processes occurring during the earliest times in solar system history. Reflectance spectroscopy shows absorption features in both the 0.6-0.8 and 2.5-3.5 pm regions, which are diagnostic of or associated with hydrated minerals. Observations in those regions show that hydrated minerals are common in the mid-asteroid belt, and can be found in unex- pected spectral groupings, as well. Asteroid groups formerly associated with mineralogies assumed to have high temperature formation, such as MAand E-class asteroids, have been observed to have hydration features in their reflectance spectra. Some asteroids have apparently been heated to several hundred degrees Celsius, enough to destroy some fraction of their phyllosili- cates. Others have rotational variation suggesting that heating was uneven. We summarize this work, and present the astronomical evidence for water- and hydroxyl-bearing minerals on asteroids. 2 Introduction Extraterrestrial water and water-bearing minerals are of great importance both for understanding the formation and evolution of the solar system and for supporting future human activities in space. The presence of water is thought to be one of the necessary conditions for the formation of life as 2 we know it.