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p a g e s ix t e e n — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester^Conn., Tues.. Jung^lT, 1975 .a' _____ sssssssssssssss:^^^^^^ OBITUARIES Boys East Catholic Wins State Class B Baseball Championship (Continued from Page One) named said Scott’s eye control is im day in his room, said her son took the proving now even before a regular therapy whole ordeal with good humor. program has begun. Gordon Getchell Dies; "If I have to have (the surgery), then I He is more concerned about his learning have to have it,” he told her. how to walk again, he said. Principal at Ellington Except during the worst fevers, he tried “It’s hard to say what the future holds to laugh and joke with his mother and for Scott. Only time will tell,” he said. visitors. If Scott improves as well as he did in the E L L IN G T O N - Gordon named principal of the elemen first few days after conquering the fevers, iianr^Bter lEumng Beralh Mrs. Wilkinson said Bob has also shown Getchell, 59, of Mountain St., tary and junior high schools. he suggest^ he might be able to attend Bom in Pittsburgh, Pa., May good spirit. He was afraid at first, she principal of Ellington High said. But he now takes it all in stride. school again sometime next year. School, was dead on arrival ear 2, 1916, he received his B.A. Bob’s mother was told the radiation MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1975- VOL. XCIV, No. 220 Manchester—A City of Village Charm THIRTY-TWO PAGES - TWO SECTIONS PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS degree from State Teachers Letters From Friends ly this morning at Rockville Both mothers said the letters and cards therapy appears to be working with him General Hospital after suf College College, Salem, Mass., without hurting him.
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