Shore Lines Extra Saratoga Lake Association P.O. Box 2152 Ballston Spa, NY 12020 June 10, 2011

Julie Annotto, co-editor Sharon Urban, co-editor [email protected] [email protected] Photo by Eileen Seery

The SLA Board of Directors needs you . . . This fellow looks like he posed for the photo by to step up and get involved! Board members are needed to continue with the puffing his chest and giving us a profile! great strides in bringing our community together. It’s a very worthwhile ser- vice. Volunteer by contacting [email protected].

Bridge Enters Home Stretch!

As the contractor continues to complete the remaining work items, they will have limited crews onsite and in the water over the next few weeks. The repair work on Fitch Road has begun and the main roadbed founda- tion work has been completed. Crews continue to com-

Sidewalk concrete placement across from Point Breeze Marina.

There will be occasional lane closures during the next few weeks and the work hours will be more consistent with a 7:00 am to 3:30 pm work shift. There may however, be an occa- plete the work on the underside of the bridge as place- sional late day for the placement of the final asphalt top pav- ment of sidewalks and remaining granite curbing in the ing course which is expected to occur a few weeks from now. roadway nears completion. (submitted by John V. Nolan, Engineer in Charge) Upon completion of the remaining contract work, they will then enter into the demobilization stage for Father’s Day —- June 19 the project which will include the removal of the tem- porary bulkhead placed at the southwest corner of the On this day the world is celebrating bridge. The special man to whom it’s dedicating A day for praising and appreciating A day for loving and commemorating

HAPPY FATHER’S DAY The Lake Level Initiative

After a wet, early spring with high lake levels, the lake level is currently rather low. As you all are aware by now, SLA monitors lake level and posts the lake level reading daily on the SLA website, If inter- ested, anyone can see there if the lake level is rising, fal- ling, or stable. On Monday the lake level was 203.05, up 0.1 from Sunday. The lake level is managed pursuant to an agreement between SLPID and Enel Green Power, Inc., the owner of the dam at Winnie's Reef. It is my understanding that the target summer range is 203.3-203.7. As you can see, the current lake elevation is outside (below) the target range. Enel is SOLELY responsible for opening and clos- ing the dam to keep the lake level in the target summer range. At the present time however, this management is Riley Cove residents, Marie and Bobbie Daviero, hosted a Memo- not an exact science; The dam is opened and closed based rial Day picnic with family and friends. Photo by Joan Siciliano. on the experience of the local manager and the weather forecast. It is my belief that Enel makes a sincere effort to keep the lake in the target range. Unfortunately, in recent years, new property owners with new, very valuable lake- side year-round homes are often seriously impacted when the lake level is outside the target range, resulting in in- creasing dissatisfaction with the historical (and cur- rent) lake level management scenario. SLA's ongoing Lake level Initiative is designed to make this management a more exact science. Phase 1, con- ducted from 2008-2010, modeled the channel capacity of Fish Creek (including the Enel dam at Winnie's Reef). The final report of this study is posted on the SLA website. Phases 2 and 3, currently underway, will develop a model for predicting lake level rise based on precipita- tion and conditions in the watershed, which encompasses over 200 square miles. SLA and SLPID are partners in this current effort. As you can imagine, this is a complex task Kevin Johnson had friends for brunch over the Memorial Day weekend. that will not be completed overnight. Pictured from left to right: Mike Salvatore, Christina Fitzgerald, Kevin We will continue to keep you informed. (submitted by Johnson, Patti and Art Salvatore, and Nancy and Todd Rasner. Kay Sanford, Chair, Lake Level Initiative) State Boat Launch

Fireworks When the bridge staging area is cleared of equipment July 3 and debris, the parking lot at the Fireworks will be a repeat of launch will be paved. Until then, last year with two displays — launching is free. one at the south end off the Once paved, a new system for col- shore of South Shore Marina lecting fees will be initiated. As more — one at the north end by information becomes available, we’ll pass it on. Water’s Edge. The display is scheduled for dusk. The Welcome Boat Program Sets Sail ...... Bridge Celebration Delayed Until September 10th

The Saratoga Lake Association The Saratoga Lake Association Events Committee made Welcome Boat Committee worked a very hard decision early June to postpone the new bridge very hard during the month of May celebration until the end of summer. We hope to rally eve- gathering an assortment of goodies ryone together to celebrate our annual ‘Bon Voyage Sum- to make beautiful Welcome Home mer Celebration’ this year to mark the first season of the Baskets for our Saratoga Lake Asso- new bridge and finished roadwork around 9P. The Tropic ciation’s new neighbors. Baskets were Hut will host the public address at 1:00 followed by a cere- delivered recently to The Rotundi monial crossing and toast on the bridge. Starting at 1:30 Family, Andy and Amy Bullock, The Park Family, Janet & The Horsin’ Around Trolley will begin running a circuit Joe Equale, Glen and Ann Phillips as well as Mr. Chris around the lake stopping at all restaurants for folks to enjoy Lepkowski and Laura. To all of SLA’s new neighbors we a variety of specials. Saratoga’s own historian Charlie extend a warm welcome! Kuenzel will be on board to the lake’s rich history If you know of a new neighbor moving in next door and more. We hope by The Bon Voyage Summer Celebra- that you might like to hand deliver a basket to, please con- tion all the roadwork will be nicely finished and The Tropic tact the Welcome Boat Committee. The Welcome Boat Hut will be settled once again after a very busy season. program is a nice benefit of being a member and will hope- fully give you, our members a comfortable way to intro- duce yourself to your new permanent neighbors moving Lake Stewards gear up for busy summer . . . in. We also hope it gives new residents a nice introduction to the Saratoga Lake Association and great first impres- You will remember that Cor- sion. Because we are limited to the number of baskets we rie Mercereau (right) was our can physically make and deliver, we are only delivering single (and very busy) steward last baskets by our members’ requests. summer who came to us via the The Welcome Boat Committee is currently seeking Paul Smith’s College stewardship business donations of all kinds for the baskets. If you program. She distributed infor- would like to extend a discount, complimentary service or mation about lake environ- free product, we would welcome your contribution gladly. mental issues and interacted with Please bring all donations to the SLA Annual Meeting in boaters and fishermen. This year July. All inquiries and basket requests may be sent to she is joined by Emily Russell. Diane Fedoronko at [email protected]. SLPID Commissioner Al McCauley will administer the ************************** program and act as advisor to the women. The 3rd Annual Cocktail Party on the Veranda at Emily went to high school at Berkshire School in Massachu- the Saratoga National Golf Club — July 14th setts. She graduated from Bates College with a degree in Envi-

ronmental Studies. She has been an avid squash player in Please join us Thursday July 14th from 6:30-8:30 at the both high school and college. Emily has extensive boating Saratoga National Golf Club for an elegant evening of experience and loves being on the water. One reason that the cocktails and hors d’oeuvres overlooking the beautiful steward position attracted her was its proximity to her parent's green. A cash bar will be available and along with a large home in Queensbury. She would like to involve kids in the complimentary hot and cold selection of appetizers. Please education program on invasive species. Her future plans may RSVP to [email protected] or call (518) 584-3935 include working with the arctic environment, possibly in so we know how many to expect by Alaska. July 7th. Please pay at the door the The Saratoga Lake Association and Saratoga Lake Protec- night of the event- $15 per person. tion and Improvement District welcomes Corrie and Emily Casual cocktail attire (not black tie) and we know that their summer will be very productive and recommended. Guests are not re- help towards preserving Saratoga Lake. quired to be SLA members but we do (submitted by SLPID Commissioner Al McCauley) hope they consider joining.

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5 6 Bridge Opening —- My 27, 2011 Bridge 2011 Opening —- My27,

#1 From left: Mary Ivey, NYSDOT Regional Director; Scott Johnson, Mayor of Saratoga Springs, Senator Roy McDonald, Joan McDonald, NYSDOT Commissioner and Tom Wood, 7 Town of Saratoga Supervisor. #2 From left: Tim Blodgett, Senator McDonald and Nick Annotto discuss the bridge opening. #3 Cars line up as far as the eye can see to be the first to cross the bridge. #4 From right: Ribbon cutting — Mary Ivey, “Flavor,” the Stewart’s mascot, Tom Wood, Senator McDonald, Joan McDon- ald, Scott Johnson, and Town of Saratoga Board member Jim Jennings. #5 First walk over bridge after ribbon cutting. #6 A Quaker Springs fire truck is first vehicle over the bridge. #7 With the new bridge in the background, a young lady opts for fishing during the ceremony. Saratoga P.L.A.N.

2nd Annual Tour de Farm Bike-a-thon Sunday, July 17, 2011

This fun, healthy, family-oriented bike ride highlights the scenic landscapes of the upper Hudson River Valley. The funds raised go to land conservation in that area, and riders will be given the opportunity to learn about interesting farms and historical sites along the way that have been relatively unchanged since the 1777 Battle of Saratoga. Full details and registration information can be found at P.L.A.N’s website, Sara- [email protected]. G. A. Bove Fuels held their 3rd Annual Golf Tourna- ment on May 27th at Airway Meadows in Gansevoort. Stillwater Community Center News About 100 golfers attended and enjoyed golf, a great buffet and raffle items. Sunday, June 19 — Family Fun Warrior Dash to benefit Pictured to the right, John Bove, CFO of Bove Fuels, SACC. Bring the family, and especially dads, to West handed Nicole from Albany Med Children’s Hospital a Mountain for a one mile Family Fun Run complete with check for over $10,000 raised by the tournament. Michael, obstacles and lots of mud. Register on line at Justin, Abby and Matthew, grandkids of Donna and John . Bove, were wonderful helpers! Friday, July 8, 1 p.m. — Jack Zucchini of the Zucchini 4th Annual Saratoga’s All-American Celebration 2011 Brothers will perform at the Center. The show is spon- By Kate Jarosh, President, Board of Directors sored by the Saratoga County Youth Bureau and Stillwa- Saratoga’s All-American Celebration Inc. ter Community Center. It is free and open to the public. For further details call 664-2515, ext. 10. Last call to participate! Saratoga Lake Protection and Improvement District We are looking for community groups to march in the launches new web site . . . . annual All-American Parade, which steps off at 10:00am on Monday July 4th . Visit Visit the site at registration.htm to sign up to march. Deadline is June 15th. Brown Road Development Update th Classic Car owners! There are 10 spaces left in the 4 An- nual Classic Car Show in Congress Park! The Show is Our hydrogeologists, Hansen VanVleet, LLC, have com- th 11:30am-3:30pm on Monday, July 4 . Registration is $5 pleted their evaluation and provided recommendations to and pre-registration is required. Visit us. Our clients have incorporated these recommendations to sign up to into their revised (less dense) PUDD sketch plan. We will th enter. Deadline is June 15 . be submitting this plan to the Town Board this week with a request that the Board review it at their regular monthly Last but not least, volunteers! A few volunteers are needed meeting, then refer the plan to the Planning Board for its th to assist on July 4 . Tasks include assisting with parade review and recommendation. There will be several opportu- line up, car show parking, and manning the gate in Con- nities for interested parties to review and comment on the gress Park. No matter how much time you can spare, we plan beginning with the Town Board meeting on June 13th will find a place for you! Please email and at subsequent meetings of both the Planning Board and [email protected] if you are interested in helping the Town Board. (submitted by Matt Jones out. Jones Ferradino Law Firm

Hope you will join us! City of Saratoga Springs Saratoga Lake Sanitary Sewer System From the “Finance Guy” Kenneth Ivins Jr. Saratoga County Sewer District’s Consultant, McDon- ald Engineering, continues to progress with engineering rd On June 3 , I sent the letter below to our Senators, As- analysis and evaluation of facilities and systems for inclu- sembly members and the Governor in support of S5411, sion in the final design and bid documents for the system Complete Streets legislation. I urge you to do the same. This upgrades. The project will consist of upgrades and im- bill will be coming to the Senate floor soon however there is provements to nine (9) Pump Stations, 170 grinder pumps no “Same As” bill in the Assembly. As you know, both and various sewer lines. houses need to pass such legislation and the Governor has to Field activities in the next several weeks will consist pri- sign it. Legislative Session only last a few more weeks so time marily of obtaining GPS locations for all pump stations, is of the essence! grinder pumps, sewer line structures and various facilities The interaction between motorized vehicles and pedestri- associated with valving, electrical services, air relief valves, ans, bicyclists, horseback, scooters, and other non-motorized etc. Also, an internal TV inspection of sewer lines will be forms of transportation is often tenuous and needs to be ad- conducted in this time frame. dressed. For those of you who are not familiar with this ini- The project remains on schedule; with final design docu- tiative, Complete Streets considers all users when municipali- ments anticipated for completion in October 2011 and ties are constructing or reconstructing roadways. In my opin- bidding of the project in early 2012. The project schedule ion, Complete Streets is a well-rounded approach to this is- indicates actual construction would begin in the Spring of sue. I have been working on this at the City for the last two 2012, continuing through the end of the year. year. I commend the Senate for moving this forward. Thank I anticipate that in July, the design will have progressed you. sufficiently that specific upgrades and site improvements will be identified for presentation. Saratoga County Sewer Letter to State Senate, New York State Assembly, District will be identifying specific improvements to the Governor Andrew Cuomo 170 grinder pumps and communicating this information to property owners in areas which will be affected. As an avid bicyclist, I read with interest that the New York The next design review meeting is scheduled for June State Senate Finance Committee today reported on bill 30, 2011. Updates or changes to this information will be S5411, an act to amend the highway law, to enable safe access forwarded to the community as it becomes available. to public roads for all users by utilizing complete street design As a reminder, SCSD may be contacted 24 hours a day principles. I write you today to urge your support of this im- for situations requiring immediate attention at portant initiative. (518) 664-7396. If you have specific questions or would As a society, we drive fast, sprinting to our next appoint- like additional information, I may be contacted at (518) ment, and expect immediate results. In recent years, between 664-7396 or at [email protected] our economic woes and our Country’s health issues, non- (submitted by James DiPasquale, P.E., Executive Director) motorized transportation has become more popular. All too often, pedestrians and bicyclists are ignored by or are a nui- sance to motorized vehicles who have taken command of our Stillwater Free Library roadways. The two do not mix. History Show-and-tell — Vietnam War In Saratoga Springs, we enjoy being a very healthy, “walk- able” community, boasting many pedestrians, runners, bicy- On Wednesday, June 22, 7 p.m., join others at the li- and even horses on our City streets and intersections, brary for a great look into the past. Bring in your medals, but more and more close calls between car and pedestrian are photos, and stories from the Vietnam War and share with happening. S5411 is a proactive step addressing the need to others who are interested. For more information on this share the roadway between motorized and non-motorized evening or other scheduled events, call 664-6255, or visit users through planning, education and awareness. I thank you for your consideration and support of this very important bill.” The Best Way to Remove Ticks!! It Works!! Apply a glob of liquid soap to a cotton ball. Cover the tick with the soap-soaked ball and swab it for about 20 sec- onds. The tick will come out on its own and be stuck to the cotton ball. Saratoga Rowing Association camps open for registration . . From the Town of Malta Supervisor Malta at Center of “Opportunity Region” Summer Sculling - class sizes of 10 or less: Week 1: July 4-8 “What we have here is a community filled with tal- Week 2: July 11-15 ented people, entrepreneurial small businesses, and world Week 3: July 18-22 -class learning institutions. The ingredients are here for Week 4: July 25-29 growth and success and a better future." These are the Week 5: Aug 1-5 (Filled - waiting list only) words of President Barrack Obama as he described the Week 6: Aug 8-12 (Filled - waiting list only) region that we live in. As the center of this region (or the Week 6: Aug 15-19 “Center of the Universe,” as we jokingly describe our small town), residents, can take pride in our role in host- The cost is $240 per session plus a "one-time" temporary ing the $4.2 billion GlobalFoundries semiconductor/ membership fee of $10. Sign up today - classes are filling nanotech facility; the attractive roads that lead to the fa- fast! cility - lined with trees and sidewalks; the 100 Acre Woods; and the many more transformations that are Learn-to-Row: planned within the Luther Forest Tech Campus. Session A: July 11 - July 22 We have just received additional good news. Global- Session B: July 25 - Aug 5 Foundries will be substantially expanding their office Session C: Aug 8 - Aug 19 space and , DNS Electronics and KLA Session D: Aug 22 - Sept 2 Tencor, major semi-conductor manufacturing suppliers, will be setting up offices in Malta. This type of growth The cost is $195 per 2-week session plus a "one-time" tem- not only brings high quality local jobs to our community porary membership fee of $10. There is also a discount if but it enhances our tax base, adds balance to our subur- you sign up for multiple sessions! There is no limit on the ban residential character and brings excellence to our class size. doorstep in every way. It is high benefit/low impact growth, the very best form of growth that the community For more information or to register, call (518) 587-6697. can be favored with. Office hours are Tuesday and Wednesday from 10:30 am With continued good planning and thoughtful, re- to 6 pm, and Monday and Friday from 8:30 am to 4 pm. sponsible government we can expect to see the emergence of a 21st Century Malta that is the centerpiece of this "opportunity region" in SaratogaCounty. (taken from the Malta town website and written by Paul J. Sausville)

CORRECTION In our last edition we offered a telephone num- ber to call to prevent unsolicited calls to your phones. We have received information that this is not a valid number. Cell phones can be put on the registry, and the web site below will take you to a site owned by the Federal Trade Commission:

Bass season officially opens on June 18. Each Thurs- Regattas have been popular on the lake for many years. This old day, Saratoga Tackle will host a tournament from photo shows fans watching a meet at the north end of the lake. Lee’s Campground, adjacent to the state boat launch. (photo submitted by Al McCauley)