iOS 7 – Features for iPad

The iOS 7 Operating System for iDevices added new features and improved old ones. Some of the features we liked with the old iOS are still there, but work differently or are found in a different location.

Some of the differences are: the Search Feature, Control Panel, Taskbar, Shutting the Apps Down as well as App and Folder Appearances. An added feature with iOS 7 is sharing via AirDrop. With this AirDrop we are now able to share files between devices wherever the AirDrop feature appears.

Some of the hidden improvement and features are within the Apps themselves. Developers have been able to incorporate more “sharing” features within their Apps.


Search……………….p. 2 Shutting Down Apps…p. 3-4 Control Panel….p. 3 Folders…………….p. 4 AirDrop…………p. 4-5

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SEA RCCDSB – Jan 17/14

Search Feature

The search feature is now made available from any page. Simply touch, hold on the screen and pull it down. The search widow appears across the top of the screen.

On any page tap on and hold screen.

Do not:  Tap on a folder or App  Tap above the top row

Pull down with finger to reveal the search window.

By typing a few letters, the Apps starting with and containing those letters will appear.

Tap on the desired App when it appears in the list.

Searching the Internet or Wikipedia can also be done.

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SEA RCCDSB – Jan 17/14

Control Panel

The control panel is at the bottom of the iPad screen. It allows quick access to the Volume Control, AirDrop, AirPlay, Screen Orientation Lock, Screen Brightness and Camera.

Tap and hold below the bottom of the screen.

Swipe finger up.

To close, swipe back down, tap on the screen or press the home button.

Shutting Down Apps

After using an App closing it with the Home Button does not shut it down. The App remains running in the background. To shut down theses Apps push the home button twice or the four-finger swipe up.

Press the home button twice.

Or 4-fingers on screen and slide up.

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SEA RCCDSB – Jan 17/14

The running Apps now appear.

To select an App touch the screen or the icon.

To close use 1-finger swipe up.

Home screen cannot be closed.

More Apps can be seen by swiping from the right to the left.

As one App is closed, another one will move in from the right.

To close, press the home button or tap on the home screen.


Folders can now contain 14 of Apps. Each page can contain 9 Apps for a total of 126 Apps per folder.


AirDrop is a valuable feature for transferring files via . Using Bluetooth requires that the iDevices be in the same room, turned on, and not in lock mode.

Turning AirDrop On and Off:

From the Control Panel, tap on AirDrop and select Everyone.

Note: This feature can also be restricted from settings.

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SEA RCCDSB – Jan 17/14

Accessing AirDrop:

AirDrop is accessed from the Sharing / Open in… icon from within an App. This icon appears on the top left or right of the screen; basically it is a square with an arrow exiting it.

From this App (i.e. Readiris) the blue AirDrop symbol is visible.

Note: The devices must be in close proximity of each other for AirDrop to work. After waiting, “Sea Sert-15” appears in this example and can be selected.

Note: Numerous devices can show up as long as they are within range. Has been tried with about 20 devices and it worked.

The receiving device will receive a notice to Decline or Accept a file.

The notice will identify the file type with the extension, “….PDF.”

The invite can be declined or accepted.

Once accepted, the “Open with…” options will appear. i.e. This file was sent from Readiris as a PDF, thus it could be opened in iBooks.

Being in the same room it will be easy to communicate which App to Open with….

i.e. SCR-2 declined and SCR-3 accepted the file.



SEA RCCDSB – Jan 17/14