Westwood's Parochial Directory for the Counties of Fife and Kinross
^ National Library of Scotland BOOO 192299* 'WESTWOOD'S PAEOCHIAL DIRECTORY FOR THE COUNTIES OF FIFE AND KINROSS, CONTAINING THE MIES AND ADDRESSES OF GENTRY, AND OE PERSONS IN BUSINESS, e^c. CUPAR-FIFE: A. WESTWOOD. EDINBURGH : JOHN MENZIES. jJM^. A. WESTWOOD, PRINTER, CROSS, CUPAR. PREFACE. In introducing to the public the First Edition of the Parochial Directory of Fife and Kinross, the Publisher begs to state that the work has been in contemplation for several years ; and that nothing but a deep sense of the labour and responsibility attending such an undertaking, has prevented its earlier appearance. Now, that the intention has been matui'ed, he hopes that his labours will be generally appreciated. The Publisher expects that a work of such general utility as a Parochial Directory for the two Counties, will commend itself to the patronage of the public. Indeed, the interest taken in the under- taking, and the assistance so heai'tily rendered by all classes, place its success beyond a doubt ; and he embraces this opportunity of returning his thanks to those gentlemen who gave their aid in getting up the various Parochial Lists, and correcting the Proofs, In particular, he begs to express his special thanks to William Patrick, Esq., Assessor of Lands and Heritages for the County of Fife, who most matei-ially lessened his labours by placing at his disposal the Valuation Rolls made up by him ; and otherwise tendered such help as only one having a thorough knowledge of the County could give. The Publisher is aware that, although every effort has been made to secure such a measure of accui'acy as to make the undei-taking worthy of the two Counties, some typographical and other errors will be found in the body of the work ; but he hopes that they will not interfere with its general usefulness ; and he rests satisfied that those who can best appreciate the difficulties attending the getting up of such a work, will be the most ready to overlook those minor faults which could scarcely be avoided in the first issue of such a publication.
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