The phpSerialize Package March 9, 2005 Title Serialize R to PHP associative array Version 0.8-01 Author Dieter Menne <
[email protected]> Description Serializes R objects for import by PHP into an associative array. Can be used to build interactive web pages with R. Maintainer Dieter Menne<
[email protected]> License GPL version 2 or newer R topics documented: phpSerialize . 1 Index 4 phpSerialize R to PHP Serialization Description Serializes R objects for PHP import into an associative array. Main use is for building web pages with R-support. Usage phpSerialize(x, file = NULL, append = FALSE, associative = "1D", simplifyMono=TRUE, phpTestCode = FALSE) phpSerializeAll(include=NULL, exclude=NULL, file = NULL, append = FALSE, associative = "1D", simplifyMono=TRUE, phpTestCode = FALSE) 1 2 phpSerialize Arguments x an object file a file name or a connection, or NULL to return the output as a string. If the connection is not open it will be opened and then closed on exit. append append or overwrite the file? associative a character string of "1D" (default), "2D" or "no". For "1D", only scalars and vectors are serialized as associative arrays which can be retrieved by name, while arrays are exported with numeric indexes. For "2D", arrays are also exported by name. For "no", objects are serialized with numerical indexes only, and factors are serialized as integers. simplifyMono if TRUE (default), unnamed vectors of length 1 are reduced to scalars, which is easier to understand in PHP. For simplyMono=FALSE, these vectors are serialized as arrays with length 1. We need another level of indexing ([1]) in PHP, but we are closer to the way R ticks.