Chapter XVIII – De Bello Gallico 479 Book IV EKPYROSIS 480 Chapter XVIII – De Bello Gallico Chapter XVIII - De Bello Gallico 481 DE BELLO GALLICO War is the orgasm of universal life which fructifies and moves chaos, the prelude for all creations, and which like Christ the Saviour triumphs beyond death through death itself. P.J. Proudhon, French theorizer (1846) If there is ever another war in Europe, it will come out of some damned silly thing in the Balkans. Otto von Bismarck, German practitioner, probably apocryphal (1877) Beyond the mistakes of individuals, the outbreak of the Great War may be seen as a result of the self-aggravating interplay of three processes: the ruin of the balance of powers, i.e., the replacement of the concert-of-powers by two antagonistic alliance systems, the rise of liberalism and nationalism, and rapid industrialization, which, for purposes of war, made available railways, telegraphs, and improved gun technology. The improvement of agriculture also allowed to feed more conscripts. We recall that the last two major reorganizations of the continent's political order had occurred at the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, which, ending the Thirty-Years War together with most of the former imperial prerogatives, augured in the eventual collapse of the Holy Roman Empire, and within the structure formalized at the Congress of Vienna, which administered the receivership of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. Both designs accelerated the demise of feudalism, even if monarchical decorum was often maintained, and the rise of the bourgeoisie; the replacement of the divine authority of the kings with the cooperative structures of the modern nation-state.
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