THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 2012 GILFORD, N.H. - FREE First Lady makes an impression on local audience BY DONNA RHODES tion, family values and the Among the local politi-
[email protected] chance to work hard and re- cians in attendance were LACONIA — Michelle tire with dignity are some of some political hopefuls. Obama was at Memorial the values her husband be- Ian Raymond of Sanborn- Middle School in Laconia lieves in as well and, as the ton, who is running for a seat last week to drum up support son of a single mom himself, in the New Hampshire for her husband’s re-election he understands the struggles House of Representatives, campaign, and to spread families face in today’s said he was very impressed their joint message, “It Takes world. by Mrs. Obama’s speech, and One” — one person, one deed “He knows the American glad for the opportunity to to make a difference in Dream. He’s lived it, and be there for her appearance. America. She urged every- when you walk through the His son Dylan was selected one in the crowd to reach out Door of Opportunity, you to stand behind her at the to just one person in their don’t slam it. You reach back podium with a group hold- lives as the November elec- to help others,” Obama said. ing campaign signs for the tions draw near. The First Lady touted her President, and Dylan was “That one new voter, that husband’s stand on women equally excited about what one person you gave a ride to having access to birth con- he heard that day.He said he the polls — that could be the trol and the right to make de- recently turned 18, and will one that makes a difference.