QualityQuality ofof EducationEducation inin AfricaAfrica :: Definitions,Definitions, IndicatorsIndicators andand PracticesPractices DayoDayo Odukoya,Odukoya, Ph.DPh.D Education & Development Consultant/Secretary General Educational Research Network for West and Central Africa [ERNWACA], Nigeria
[email protected] 234 -8034730219; 234 -7084887675 © 2010 - All illustrations/sketches by Dayo Odukoya OverviewOverview Quality of Education in Africa -
[email protected] ‘‘QualityQuality ofof educationeducation isis nownow anan issueissue ofof globalglobal concern.concern. WithoutWithout qualityquality education,education, developmentdevelopment willwill notnot occur.occur. OnlyOnly thethe educatededucated peoplepeople cancan commandcommand thethe skillsskills necessarynecessary forfor sustainablesustainable economiceconomic growthgrowth andand forfor aa betterbetter qualityquality ofof lifelife ’’ Barber Conable Former President of the World Bank (1988) Quality of Education in Africa -
[email protected] KwapongKwapong (1988)(1988) observedobserved thatthat thethe mainmain challengechallenge ofof educationeducation inin AfricaAfrica isis toto developdevelop thethe humanhuman resourcesresources thatthat willwill ensureensure acceleratedaccelerated developmentdevelopment andand modernizationmodernization withoutwithout compromisingcompromising AfricaAfrica ’’ss culturalcultural identify.identify. HeHe stressed,stressed, inin orderorder forfor educationeducation toto realizerealize itsits keykey rolerole inin development,development,