PSR Dispatch PACIFIC SOUTHWEST REGION National Model Railroad Association® VOLUME 26, ISSUE 3 — 3RD QUARTER, 2008 © 2008 Pacific Southwest Region, NMRA® From the Hot Seat! Ben Sevier, PSR President
[email protected] Boy, summers seem to go you will be hearing more about over the coming year, by faster and faster. As I including web site changes, new programs to assist the write this, the end of Divisions (that’s you, the member), and a number of other August is visible on the initiatives. By the way, we can’t operate in a vacuum - the horizon, and the local papers are talking “back to school” Board and I need to have your comments and suggestions already! But, then, it’s been a busy, busy summer for the on how we can make this Region better. PSR and many of our members. One of the President’s duties each year is the pleasant The “Anaheim Special” NMRA National one of choosing the PSR Member of the Year, awarded Convention and Train Show seemed to be a great to the member of the PSR that who has contributed the success. Bill Mergard and his team of volunteers worked most to the Region both in the current year, and over their tails off to provide all our visitors a great time, and previous years. It is my great pleasure to announce that I think they pulled it off. My warmest thanks to Bill, the Mary Barstow, MMR, is the Pacific Southwest Region Convention Committee, the LA Division, and everyone Member of the Year.