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1 Credits Writers: Wyatt Trull & Vall Syrene Editor: Laura Hirsbrunner Graphic Designer: Steve Fidler Producer: Wyatt Trull Cover Illustrator: Molino Davide Additional Illustrators: Anastasiya, Андрій Берекеля, b-design, Bob Greyvenstein, Dean Spencer, Dominick, James Webster, Konstantin Gerasimov, Luigi Castellani, Quico Vicens Picatto, Wizards of the Coast, Vecteezy

Some artwork © 2015 Dean Spencer, used with permission. All rights reserved.

On the Cover An ambushed werecrocodile stalks the hunter that failed to slay the beast. This scene was brought to life by Molino Davide.

Disclaimer: If you are reading this research on the night of the full moon, I fear it is too late for you. Find yourself silver and courage, then prepare to face the creatures of the night.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, , Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other D&D authors. SuchSample material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. All other original materialfile in this work is copyright 2021 by Wyatt Trull & Vall Syrene and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

2 Player Characters Werebear Apex...... 89 Wereboar 90 as Lycanthropes . . . . . 64 ...... Contents Wereboar Marauder 91 Lycanthropy as an Ancestry. . . . 64 . . . . . Wereboar Apex 92 Introduction ...... 4 Lycanthropy as a Curse. . . . . 64 ...... Werecat 93 Design Philosophy...... 65 ...... Werecheetah 93 Preface...... 5 True Lycanthropes...... 66 ...... Werejaguar 95 The Beast Within...... 66 ...... Werelion 97 Lycanthropy: Dark Inheritance...... 66 ...... Weretiger 99 The Dread Affliction. . . . . 6 Bestial Appearances . . . . . 67 ...... Werecrocodile 101 Overview of Lycanthropy. . . . . 7 True Lycanthrope Personality. . . 67 ...... Werecrocodile Menace 102 Lycanthropic Strains...... 7 True Lycanthrope Names. . . . 67 . . . . . Werecrocodile Apex 103 The Beast Within...... 10 True Lycanthrope Traits . . . . 67 . . . . . Regional Effects 103 The Transfiguration . . . . . 10 Werebat...... 68 ...... Werefox 105 Bloodlust...... 11 Werebear...... 68 ...... Werefox Puppeteer 105 Transfiguration Triggers . . . . . 11 Wereboar...... 68 ...... Werefox Apex 107 A Lycanthrope’s Diet. . . . . 12 Werecat...... 69 ...... 108 Hunting Lycanthropes . . . . . 13 Werecrocodile...... 69 ...... Werehyena Chillcackle 109 Environments...... 13 Werefox...... 69 . . . . . Werehyena Apex 111 Lycanthropic Vulnerabilities. . . 14 Werehyena ...... 69 ...... Wererat 112 Against the Affliction. . . . . 15 Wererat...... 70 ...... Wererat Brute 113 Transmitting Lycanthropy . . . 15 Wereraven...... 70 ...... Wererat Mastermind 114 Symptoms of Lycanthropy. . . . 15 Wereserpent...... 70 . . . . . Wererat Apex 114 Preventative Measures . . . . 16 Wereshark...... 71 ...... Wereraven 116 Curing Lycanthropy . . . . . 18 Werewalrus...... 71 ...... Wereraven Spy 117 Werebeast Phenotypes . . . . . 21 ...... 71 ...... Wereraven Seer 118 Werebats ...... 22 Racial Feats...... 72 ...... Wereraven Apex 119 Werebears...... 23 Infected Lycanthropes . . . . . 73 ...... Wereserpent 120 Wereboars...... 26 Universal Lycanthrope Features. . 74 ...... Werepython 121 Werecats ...... 28 Phenotype Features. . . . 75 ...... Werepython Apex 122 Werecrocodiles ...... 30 Werebat Features. . . . . 75 ...... Wereviper 123 Werefoxes...... 33 Werebear Features. . . . . 75 ...... Wereviper Apex 124 ...... 36 Wereboar Features. . . . . 76 ...... Wereshark 125 Wererats ...... 39 Werecheetah Features . . . . 76 ...... Wereshark Messiah 126 Wereravens...... 41 Werecrocodile Features. . . . 76 ...... Wereshark Apex 127 Wereserpents ...... 43 Werefox Features. . . . . 77 ...... Werewalrus 129 Weresharks...... 46 Werehyena Features . . . . 77 ...... Werewalrus Frostbiter 130 Werewalruses...... 49 Werejaguar Features. . . . 77 . . . . . Werewalrus Apex 131 ...... 51 Werelion Features . . . . . 77 . . . . . Werewolf 132 Werepython Features. . . . 78 ...... Werewolf Beta 133 Lycanthropy Rules. . . . 53 Wererat Features. . . . . 78 ...... Werewolf Alpha 134 Infection ...... 53 Wereraven Features . . . . 78 ...... Werewolf Apex 135 Transmission ...... 53 Wereshark Features . . . . 78 ...... Infection Progression. . . . . 54 Weretiger Features. . . . . 79 The Hunter’s Arsenal 136 Curing Lycanthropy . . . . . 55 Wereviper Features. . . . . 79 . . . . Mundane Items 136 Lycanthropic Behavior . . . . . 57 Werewalrus Features. . . . 79 ...... Alchemical Elixirs 136 Bloodlust...... 57 Werewolf Features. . . . . 79 ...... Anathemas 138 Confronting the Curse . . . . 59 ...... Traps & Restraints 143 Diet...... 60 Bestiary ...... 80 ...... Weapons 144 Downtime Activity: Hunting . . 61 Symbolic Monsters. . . . . 80 ...... Magic Items 146 Countering Lycanthropes. . . . 62 Transmitting Lycanthropy . . . 81 ...... Anathemas ...... 62 Lycanthrope Strains . . . . . 81 Glossary 148 Lycanthropic Immunity. . . . 62 True Lycanthrope . . . . . 81 ...... Transfiguration and Armor . . . 63 Purestrain Lycanthrope. . . . 81 Quick References 149 Encounter Icons...... 82 . . . . . SampleEncounter Icon Descriptions 82 Stat Blocksfile by Challenge Rating . 149 . . . Lycanthropes by Alignment 149 Creature Rarity ...... 83 . . . . Lycanthropes by Environment 150 Werebat...... 84 . . . Lycanthrope Vulnerabilities 150 Werebat Apex ...... 86 . . . . Phenotypical Flaws 151 Werebear ...... 87 . . . . . 3 Introduction

an Richten’s Treatise on Lycanthropy expands on the lycanthrope rules, lore, and CONTENT WARNING statistics from the core rules, including new Any supplement that explores the curse of lycan- andV improved resources for player character lycan- thropy is likely to delve into dark, challenging topics. thropes, cures, and NPC statistics This guide features According to the core fifth edition books, lycan- eight new types of lycanthropes in addition to the five thropy destroys a person’s values, personality, and originals from the Monster Manual, and incorporates the ability to reason, essentially turning them into a werebat and wereraven from other official modules. monster without free will. By contrast, this supple- ment—most notably in the player character options in Chapter 1 features the personal research of Dr. Rudolph chapter 4—presents the view that a cursed humanoid van Richten, describing the science and lore of lycan- can retain their own alignment and morality (if they thropy. It is written in-character from van Richten’s so choose), though they constantly feel the urging of point of view—and notably, like any emerging a dark entity, the Beast Within, that influences their science, not all of his research is accurate. It is, effec- personality and tempts them to surrender control. tively, an in-game thesis that the adventurers can This supplement also seeks to lessen the assumed get their hands on, and is intended to be communi- ties between lycanthropy and madness (and simi- cated with the players as an aid in their characters’ lar negative stereotypes related to mental health). fight against lycanthropy. A print-friendly copy of Despite this shift in default lore, however, lycanthropy this chapter is included in your DMsGuild download is still treated as a horrible curse that has enormous as a standalone PDF, which you are free to provide to impact on the infected humanoid’s physical and men- each of your players. tal state—one which, if willingly succumbed to, will Chapter 2 contains rules regarding lycanthropy, from indeed transform the lycanthrope into a creature who infection to transfiguration. Unless stated otherwise, follows the every urge of their Beast Within. all lycanthropes (be they nonplayer characters or This supplement touches on many potentially trig- player characters) must obey these rules. gering topics, which both Dungeon Master and players Chapter 3 presents rules for player character lycan- should be aware of before encountering any of the fol- thropes, including a true lycanthrope ancestry which lowing material. These topics may include body hor- can be chosen at character creation, racial feats for ror, murder, mutilation, blood drinking, corpse eating, true lycanthropes, and rules for infecting characters cannibalism, starvation, ritual sacrifice of humanoids, with the curse of lycanthropy during your campaign. cancer, infertility, non-consensual body modification, Chapter 4 is a bestiary of NPC lycanthrope statistics, death of and violence against loved ones, mental including new lycanthropes (such as werecrocodiles) illness, physical and psychological pain and trauma, as well as more formidable versions of each type of mind control, trauma-induced personality changes, werebeast (e.g., the infamous werewolf alpha and self-harm, sadism, and emotional manipulation. legendary werewolf apex). Before using this (or any) supplement in your Chapter 5 provides items of magical and mundane adventures, we encourage using safety tools such origin used by lycanthrope hunters or those that as the TTRPG Safety Toolkit (by Kienna Shaw and wish to inure themselves against the contagion. Lauren Bryant-Monk) or Consent in Gaming (by Sean Appendix A is a glossary of terms that van Richten has K. Reynolds and Shanna Germain) to discuss your coined in his research, which are used throughout group’s boundaries and comfort level with these and the supplement. other challenging topics. Appendix B is a set of quick references that detail a lycanthrope’sSample typical alignment, flaws, and file vulnerabilities, which are referred to throughout this supplement. 4 Preface

Greetings and Salutations, to embers beneath a cold moonless sky. It For decades now, I have prowled the world is common to say Darkon has no citizens, in pursuit of two ideals: bringing the light only ambulant ghosts still clinging to a of hope to the dark recesses of the world, fragment of civilized life. Yet they cling to and gathering knowledge on the monstrous hope, gathered around their priests and beasts lurking within—so we may best their holy ones and making their plans to learn how to defeat them. best the horrors of the night. It is these brave souls, the people of Darkon, that shall be its I am known by many names, some salvation. Yet without the proper knowledge earned, some slanderous, but I was born to at their disposal, even the greatest smith can two loving parents as Rudolph van Richten. only create meager tools. This is where my In my long and graying life, I have served story begins, dear reader. I welcome you to as a healer, a dutiful husband, and, most join me in it, exploring my findings to better importantly, a father. This last title is both arm yourself against the machinations of a my greatest pride and my greatest shame, cruel and dismal world. for I could not keep my son—or his beloved mother—safe from the horrors of the night. This, my Treatise on Lycanthropy, is my If the gods were truly just, the son would gift, a weapon of knowledge I hope the never have to pay for his father’s sins, but bearer can wield against the dark. It is a alas, we live in a cruel, unjust world; the shield, a sword, and a torch with which to dark forces dwelling within it care not for the light the way into the darkest reaches of muddy waters of responsibility, only that Darkon and beyond. Read my research blood be served when blood is demanded. thoroughly, hold it close to your chest as you explore these miserable lands. Use it Now, in the twilight of my life, I have to arm yourself against the beasts of fear become a hunter of the very creatures that and give life to the embers still glowing in stole my beloved wife and son, the very the souls of these determined folk who call creatures that terrorize innocents across this place home. the realms. Vampires, ghouls, spirits, and werebeasts—I have hunted them all, but This, my life’s work, is the legacy I leave my work is not yet complete. behind for those following in my footsteps. Let it birth a fire from the embers of hope, My story begins in the land of Darkon, a let it be a beacon to follow in times of strife. place of terror and woe, ruled by suspicion Take care, dear reader, and tread with and infested with bestial denizens of the purpose. For the world is bleak and cursed night. There is but the faintest light of hope with horrors. here—feeble,Sample fragile light, kindled in the file hearts of pious folk, but waning, dwindling —Rudolph van Richten, Ph.D.

5 Chapter 1 Lycanthropy: The Dread Affliction

lycanthropy - ymous with terror, fear, and dread. But for myself,o many, the the word word is but an intricate tale, is synon buried Tin history and rooted firmly around the machinations of Reader beware. I, a peer of the esteemed the vampiric undead. In my travels across the domains, Dr. van Richten, have fought beside the good I have come across many forms of lycanthropy, from the traditional wolf of legend, to the hulking, brutish doctor on many a moonlit night and found his forms of the crocodile and shark. The term lycanthropy research—and his superstitions—often correct. is used to describe any creature capable of transforming However, I must stress that my mentor is themselves into a beast, though the most commonplace creature ingrained into folklore is that of the werewolf: human and the times are always changing. a humanoid-wolf hybrid birthed from a terrible curse. There is no research I would trust more than Lycanthropy is both a curse and a disease, and just Dr. van Richten’s—but you would be a fool to like any other magic, it is ruled by symbolism. This trust it wholeheartedly. Every werebeast can much is evident in a lycanthrope’s strengths and weak- nesses. Most lycanthropes are famously harmed by prove to be the exception to his rules. silver—which is in itself symbolic of the moon that has I discovered the fallibility of his work wrought their latest transfiguration. Some are harmed myself when my cousin was set upon by a by weapons far less impressive. Take the ignoble wereboar, who is harmed not just by silver but simple wereboar. Having studied his work well, I sharpened wooden sticks. How can this be? How can immediately poulticed the wound with juniper a mere spear of wood, absent of iron or flint, harm and holy water, as van Richten advises—but a creature that shrugs off steel? Symbolism. It is all it was to no avail. The infection set in with because of symbolism. The ancients hunted boar with nothing but sharpened wood, pitting their unarmored a vengeance as if I’d done nothing at all. hunters against a fearsome killer—and so, the dreaded Did an unusual phenotype or strain render wereboar is just as susceptible to the same weapon that it ineffective? Or was van Richten simply felled the animal it is symbolic of. I have taken to studying lycanthrope as a scholar—a wrong? I hope to never have the chance to man of philosophy and science. What I have learned, find out, but I shan’t be relying solely on that however, is that magic does not always yield to reason poultice again. and logic. Throughout my career, I have found that ~Ezmerelda d’Avenir, monster slayer symbolismSample governs the many strengths and weaknesses file of lycanthropes, as well as their behavior. Knowing this is the key to standing against the beasts at our door.

6 Lycanthropic Strains Overview of Much like there are many lycanthrope phenotypes, Lycanthropy in my research, I have also discovered there are many Lycanthropy is pathologic in nature and werebeasts share different methods to become one. I have broken down many characteristics, regardless of how they became most of these into four distinct categories, which I call afflicted. All hunger for the flesh of beasts and men. All strains: the purestrain lycanthrope, “true” lycanthrope, are corrupted by the curse’s malign influence. All are infected lycanthrope, and most commonly encoun- harmed by silvered weapons in some capacity, and thus, tered, the maledictive lycanthrope. There is another, such a weapon is your greatest tool against the beasts. far rarer lycanthrope type known as the apex strain; I delve deeper into these characteristics later in this fortunately, it is so rare, I’ve only ever had the displea- treatise, but the rushed reader must be made aware of sure of encountering it a handful of times in my years of these core concepts now—before rushing into the night. hunting—and certainly do not wish to do so again. Transfiguration. Lycanthropes shapeshift into beasts or gruesome hybrid forms. This act of shape- Maledictive shifting is what I call the transfiguration; for most Lycanthropes lycanthropes, it is brief but agonizing. Truly, if there The most commonplace lycanthrope one may were ever a time to strike, it is when the beast is in the encounter, a maledictive lycan is the result of a magical grips of transfiguration! curse, item, or unholy artifact enchanting an unfor- Triggers. A lycanthrope is triggered into transfigu- tunate individual with bestial power. Such a creature ration by hunger, emotional stress, danger, and great rarely remains cognizant of its personhood, often change—adolescence, the full moon, an eclipse, or even succumbing to the curse’s endless hunger and rage and a meteor shower. becoming feral in a matter of hours—or days, should Phenotypes. Each sort of lycanthropy is symbolic the creature be of strong enough will to temporarily of an ordinary beast—a carnivore or omnivore, never resist the curse’s encroaching effects. pure herbivores. These differences, I have labeled pheno- Maledictive lycanthropes are the simplest to cure, as types. And so, the infamous werewolf is distinct from the removing the cursed item generally removes the curse dreaded werewalrus. Although both hunger for flesh as well—and praise be to their vulnerability to silver- and transmit their curse in the same way, they have laced weaponry (or crockery, as it happens, though that different vices. No person can be afflicted by two pheno- wasn’t one of my more valiant fights...). Such creatures types at once. cannot reproduce, however, and rely on spreading their Strains. Lycanthropes are further classified by curse through bites and scratches in order to spread strains—the origin or result of their lycanthropy. Those their influence. born as lycanthropes are true lycanthropes; those If left unchecked, even a single maledicted lycan can cursed with it by powerful magic are maledictive lycan- prove problematic in large settlements, as those who thropes, and so on. fall victim to its scratched might not show symptoms of The Beast Within. Every lycanthrope is hounded infection for a number of days—plenty of time for one by a dark and demanding entity known as the Beast to accidentally spread to curse to an unborn child, thus Within—the personification of a lycanthrope’s most developing the first of a new line of “true” lycanthropes. bestial urges. Although individual lycanthropes differ in heart and mind, a phenotype’s Beast Within is patho- Infected Lycanthropes logic. Two werewolves, for example, are stricken with When a person is bitten or scratched by a lycanthrope, similar urges and flaws. they’ve most likely been infected with the lycan’s curse, Anathemas. Every werebeast phenotype has thus becoming an infected lycanthrope—but while they an anathema—a herb or chemical that is lethal if harbor the lycan’s curse, these victims often don’t show ingested. Some are perfectly safe for an ordinary person symptoms until hours or days after the incident took to consume, such as juniper berries (deadly to the place. Infected lycanthropes hold little power over their werefox),Sample whereas others, like wolfsbane, are toxic to transformations and have beenfile known to shift into their any creature. hybrid bestial forms under light from the full moon, as

7 a natural response when undergoing trauma, or simply True Lycanthropes from an accelerated heart rate due to anger or stress. A true lycanthrope is not infected, nor cursed like their While infected lycanthropes aren’t usually as powerful maledicted and infected kin—but instead, born to an as other lycans, their sudden transfigurations are a infected parent. From my understanding, a true lycan- threat—and prove especially problematic if they occur thrope is far more likely to be born if the mother was in a large crowd of people. infected than the father, but nonetheless, there is no Infected lycanthropes can be cured—as long as it’s other way a true lycanthrope can be made. done quickly, before the subject undergoes their first When a true lycanthrope is born, the child usually transformation—by means of the remove curse spell or bears a birthmark resembling the scars left on the various herbal remedies. Naturally, however, the stress infected parent. While some see this as an ill omen and of realizing one has been infected is usually enough raise the child in secret, distancing themselves from to induce the transfiguration itself, so it’s always villages and hamlets in the hopes that their child might wise to approach such a situation with a calm and one day be able to rejoin society after gaining control of cautious hand. their transformation, others believe the birthmark to A hunter can also kill the purestrain responsible for be a sign of great power, that the child is destined for the infected lycanthrope, though tracking down such glory in battle or adventure. These children are revered a source is often all but impossible—and convincing in their communities and trained in the art of battle, the unwitting victim to drink their sire’s blood can usually raised by wealthy nobles with the funds to help prove rather difficult as well. From my experience, it temper their bestial aggression and eventual phenotype is best to cure those infected with other means, rather transfigurations once they come of age. than leave them to fester while tracking down the True lycanthropes retain control of their transforma- original purestrain. tions after reaching puberty, but a fragment of the curse that first infected their parents still lurks within them as a shuddering bloodlust, leading them to lose control during the light of a full moon. To end the curse afflicting a true lycanthrope, one Infected lycanthropes are, in my opinion, the must first locate and kill the infected lycan who bore worst lycanthrope strain to deal with, mostly due the initial curse—in my own experience, this never to the human hosts the infection so often prefers. fails if they’re killed using fire lit from a lock of the Have you ever tried to organize an entire village of infected parent’s hair, though this may be an unnec- terrified commoners in the wake of a lycan attack essary precaution. Many trueborn lycan cults ensure and have them examined for any signs of infection? their legacy cannot be ended in such a way—first by It is a difficult, grueling process, exacerbated by the drowning the aforementioned lycan in a saltwater lake, fear that discovery might lead to their execution. then drying out and burning the body to ensure nothing Admittedly, sometimes the easiest method of culling but the creature’s scorched bones remain. These bones the infection is to simply kill the host before they are safeguarded behind iron safes or buried deep in transform, but such recourse is rarely needed by the heart of forgotten dungeons to ensure there is little someone of my ability. Yet no matter how many chance for their lycan heritage to be destroyed. times you tell someone the fire spell you’re weaving is to remove a curse and not to immolate them, some Why go to all the trouble burying the bones still decide fleeing and hiding in terror is somehow instead of simply grinding them up, you say? Well, better for their community and livelihood. that’s simple: power. Many cult leaders retain a lock of their progenitor’s hair as a measure of retaining control over unruly phenotypes in their pack. Should an uprising occur, the leader can use the strand of hair as leverage, threatening to Sampleset it aflame over the capturedfile bones unless a deal can be made.

8 Purestrain Apex Lycanthropes Lycanthropes There exists one last lycanthropic strain—the apex Ah yes, the purestrains. The most terrifying, monstrous strain. Apexes cannot be born, only created through incarnations of lycanthrope with whom I’ve ever esoteric means, although it does seem logical that a had the misfortune of crossing paths. These devilish lycanthrope born to two purestrain lycanthropes might creatures are unlike any other lycanthrope that came achieve apexdom far more easily. The apex strain is a before them—faster, stronger, more intelligent, and mutation; it matters not if the lycanthrope’s curse origi- capable of triggering their transfiguration at will, with nates from magic, infection, or ancestry. Those strong of full control of the beast that resides within. Thankfully, arm and strong of will can become terrifying monstros- such a potent creature only appears in rare circum- ities that give even vampires pause. An apex commands stances, born of the union between two trueborn legendary strength and is cursed with terrible rage. lycans. A purestrain understands its strength at birth, In my research, I have confirmed that every lycan- awakening its power at an extremely young age and thropic phenotype can become an apex, although the demonstrating great feats of strength and agility in the methods vary. The process is intensely personal and body of a mere child. Its wounds rapidly heal and even requires extraordinary circumstances. The werewolf silver scarcely concerns them. apex—truly the most horrifying beast in existence— These children grow to become leaders in their own devours their Beast Within, whereas the dreaded right, whether as politicians, bandits, pirates, or even wereviper apex, I have heard, is born from devouring a leaders of their own noble houses—and kingdoms. trusted friend. Apexes are more often than not born out Other lycans see a purestrain as the greatest form of of acts of evil or extreme determination. All share an lycanthrope there is, capable of harnessing the full insatiable hunger that should give any ruler pause. potential of the curse which bore them many genera- Killing an apex requires months of meticulous tions ago, and also immune to its destruction through planning, subterfuge—especially if the creature is the bone-and-hair technique I previously described. leader of a pack—and more bravery than all the valiant The purestrain is capable of inflicting its own curse souls I have ever met combined. I myself have not dared onto its victims with alarming efficiency, creating a face one in single combat, and only managed to defeat new breed of infected lycanthropes over which it has them with the combined efforts of many soldiers and command, and thus beginning the cycle of infection, spellcasters by my side. The apex is immune to conven- birth and eventual purestrain creation anew. tional weaponry, even going so far as to be resilient to Killing a purestrain is a challenging task for several all but the most powerful spellcasting. They are not reasons. Firstly, you must find that creature’s partic- linked to the lycan’s curse through their heritage and ular vulnerability, which I believe is nature’s attempts have no fear of death or defeat. Magical weapons are to right the wrong it created—such vulnerabilities essential to inflict even the slightest of scratches on range dramatically, from placing crushed salt in their such a beast—that is, of course, if you can steel yourself eyes to binding them with iron chains, or even infecting hard enough to step toward their ravenous maw and a wound with a paste concocted from lemon juice and diamond-hard claws. Should you meet an apex, they crushed swampwort. Secondly, I always burn the body will challenge every tactic presented in this tome, using consecrated fire to ensure no part of the lycan’s awarding the slightest mistake with a quick and messy soul escapes to wreak havoc elsewhere. After setting death. Consecrated fire, blessed swords, and powerful the fur alight, the creature can be struck with silvered allies are your key to success. Make no mistake: weapons, and eventually killed. Should you wish to your experience, much like my own, will be one of end the purestrain’s legacy for good, salt the body and raw survival. set it alight with the burning ashes of a trinket from its childhood. Killing the purestrain in such a way ensures any lycans that it previously infected are freed from its curse,Sample thus ending the lycanthrope’s cycle permanently. file

9 The Beast Within I remember that night well indeed. How could I The curse of lycanthropy imparts an entity that, I forget? Those serrated, jagged fangs glinting from believe, shares the same space as a person’s soul. Many beneath a bestial leathery snout, and those bloodshot believe it is the personification of the curse; I believe it is eyes, red with rage around soulless black pupils that the heightening of one’s id—that nest of impulses and bored into me, seeking the softest part on which to desires that would normally be tempered by one’s ego. feast. And the sounds, the cracking of bone, the sticky, It is known as the Beast Within. This demanding entity wet thud of flesh shedding onto a creaking wooden is concerned only with satisfying its abominable hunger floor—it was like stepping on shifting mounds of and other instincts. The Beast Within incubates within autumn leaves, bathed in freshly drawn blood. I infected lycanthropes shortly after transmission of the remember watching, transfixed, at the hulking shape curse, whereas true and purestrain lycanthropes are which grew before my eyes, towering far taller than born with the Beast Within; the two effectively are one. the man who first invited me inside this stony tomb to What the Beast Within demands beyond satisfying die. What transpired in mere seconds felt like several its hunger for flesh is largely determined by a were- minutes, the transfiguration from humanoid man to beast’s phenotype—which I will elaborate upon further ravenous beast a cascade of horror upon my senses, in a later section. The werebear, for instance, is driven like a nightmare one could not simply awake from. toward good, although its Beast Within heightens its And yet, I had no time to process it before the beast pride. The infamous werewolf sports a violent temper, was upon me. and the werecat’s Beast Within hones its vanity. With a monstrous howl, the creature lunged, and our While an individual might master their Beast fight began, with myself barely emerging the victor. At Within—or embrace it—I have observed similar the time, had I known such a creature existed, I would traits in numerous unrelated werebeasts of the same have surely come more prepared—but had I known it phenotype. Nearly every wereserpent I have met is was merely an infected strain, and there were bigger nihilistically empty-hearted; just about every wereraven creatures seeking to take my flesh that night, I might I have met is good of heart but extraordinarily paranoid. have immediately been overwhelmed by fear and given I have come to this conclusion: these traits are up, and this book might never have been written at all. symptoms of the disease and curse that is lycanthropy. To witness the lycan’s transfiguration up close is to No two lycanthropes are the same—but their Beasts subject oneself to a torrent of sounds, sights and smells Within are. The Beast’s urges, vices, demands, and which hound and scramble the senses, creating an over- hatreds are pathologic. whelming sense of dread the beast can easily prey upon. Should you ever hear the telltale snapping of bone in The Transfiguration the darkness of the forest, or hear the screeching roar of Dearest reader, you may have heard me mention a pain transition into a furious howl, do not dwell upon lycan’s ability to transfigure oneself from a humanoid its manifestation. You must react to it with holy fire, form into that of the beast. Make no mistake, this is silver, and steel. Observe your allies: do they appear a foul, painful process—one I have been subject to fearful? Stand beside them, for together you are strong. watch far too many times in my expeditions to purge Consider your senses: are they dull? Sharpen them, lest the beasts from Darkon. I recall my first encounter with the beasts find weaknesses in your sights. And finally, such a creature many moons ago, in a small, dimly dear reader, remember: fear not the Beast Within, for it lit stone house set against the backdrop of a forested most certainly does not fear you. Manipulate its hunger hillside, bathed in silver moonlight. I recall witnessing with freshly cut bait, dull its senses by bathing in wet a man growl and shudder in front of me, his bones mud, and do not show it your silver until it is ready shifting and breaking under the weight of muscle that to meet flesh. was not his. I remember his skull warping inwards, then bulging out as if molded from wet clay, tearing away his weathered skin and revealing a mass of bloodied, dark fur beneath.Sample His shoulders buckled, the joints snapping file apart to make way for the larger frame which now stood hunched in front of me, its shadow a dark, looming manifestation of horror cast by the firelight. 10 Bloodlust reminder as to why additional measures must be taken Lycanthropes often succumb to periods of wild ferocity, should travel be required in such circumstances. which I have named bloodlusts. A creature afflicted with Unlike what some fools suggest, a lycanthrope bloodlust struggles to discern friend from foe, attacking does not need to personally witness the full moon to both in equal measure until their hunger is sated. I have be triggered into a bloodlust. So long as it happens in seen many creatures ignore even the most grievous their corner of the world, the lycanthrope is affected. of wounds while lost to a bloodlust, pressing on in an Likewise, I have observed other phenomena of great adrenaline-fueled rampage. Sometimes, a lycanthrope change to trigger lycanthropes: the solstice, the can even enter this state through extreme emotional equinox, an eclipse, and even a meteor shower. I am led and physical trauma, their fight response accelerating to believe that change—great, overwhelming change— to ensure their survival by any means necessary. is what forces the lycanthrope to transfigure. One A lycan lost to a bloodlust is an extremely dangerous must remember that lycanthropy’s magic is rooted foe to face. Such a creature is not mindless, nor tacti- in symbolism. It is perhaps this reason that silver— cally inept like one would expect, and instead becomes symbolic of the moon, and therefore, change—can a reckless killing machine intent on tearing apart any harm a lycanthrope. creatures in its vicinity with a rage-induced focus. Although frenzied, the lycanthrope is still armed Danger with all the knowledge it possessed outside of the Not unlike any other animal, a creature infected with bloodlust—even if the lycanthrope themselves is lycanthropy is most likely to react in the same manner unaware that they are cursed with the dread affliction! as any other beast, should a dagger be plunged into its Silvered weapons, while the most effective means to torso. First, naturally, is a recoil of pain, followed shortly counter such creatures, are met with a wild-eyed adren- by a fight-or-flight response. Werewolves, however, aline-fueled anger, and these weapons—and those who don’t appear to possess such a flight response, instead wield them—become targets for the beasts’ ire. replacing it with an unbridled aggression toward their attacker. An easy way to trigger a lycanthrope trans- Transfiguration formation (when not in the light of a full moon) is to Triggers induce some sort of sharp, short pain response, be it There are many events that can trigger a lycanthrope with a silvered blade or a blunt instrument, hurled into a bloodlust. I have found the most common four to heavily enough to draw blood. Suffice to say, out of be a full moon, danger, such as that of a sudden dagger Moon, Danger, Emotion, and Hunger, Danger remains in the back, sheer hunger, and strong emotion—fear, the most efficient method of inducing the transfigura- hate, and, tragically, love. I have found these classifica- tion of an infected party at will. However, dear reader, tions, Moon, Pain, Hunger, and Emotion, to be the most be sure to prepare yourself before attempting such a efficient method of identifying the likelihood a lycan- blunt-force method, lest the beast’s sudden offensive thrope will succumb to their bestial counterpart. nature separate your head from its shoulders. The Full Moon Hunger I have yet to understand exactly why the lycanthrope Lycanthropes hunger for the flesh of men, but they can curse cannot resist the power of lunar light, though also subside on the flesh of beasts. None, however, can make no mistake—the folklore surrounding the crea- derive nourishment from other food. Should an infected ture’s vicious, unbridled transformations is as true as it individual struggle to find sustenance for any great sounds, at least from my comprehensive studies on the length of time, the Beast Within grows increasingly matter. Whilst yes, as described previously, my studies more desperate in its need to feed. Notably, a Hunger have yielded various strains that have the ability to transfiguration occurs most often among infected shrug off the temptations of monthly lunar events, the members of the peasantry or struggling communities most commonplace lycans one is likely to encounter where food is already scarce. When one is infected with cannot:Sample thus, it is an easy way to out any would-be lycanthropy, one finds themselvesfile far hungrier than harborer of the disease, and also stands as a stark one of their species would expect to be. Thus, when food is already short, the introduction of a lycanthropic

11 infection can very quickly devolve entire villages into A Lycanthrope’s Diet sudden throngs of monstrous beasts, both feeding on A lycanthrope diet consists mostly of red meat, though the uninfected and spreading the curse further afield in poultry is commonplace enough to be considered a equal measure. staple in larger cities, especially among infected nobles. Few lycans can resist the Hunger trigger. Even those Those infected with lycanthropy early on exhibit capable of managing their curse throughout the lunar a requirement for more meat, cooked rarer as each cycles or sudden pain cannot escape the soft, grinding day goes one, until eventually, a horrified bystander choke of malnutrition. discovers a newly infected lycanthrope feasting on the raw remains of some unfortunate specimen—and Emotion thus, the curse is revealed. Nobles and cults seeking to Interestingly, though many lycanthropes devolve from hide their afflictions in polite company often do so by intelligent mortal beings to base demonic beasts upon feasting on raw vegetables alongside a platter of various their transfigurations, it is the mortal aspect, Emotion, cooked meats, though a quick investigation of their that can be one of the strongest triggers. Hatred, the food stores often reveals the truth—hanging carcasses, most common trigger, exists most notably in those still bloody from the field, sporting deep gouges left by infected with lycanthropy and unable—or unaware— claw and steel. of the Beast Within’s existence. Such a trigger is excep- These storehouses of the wealthy can usually be tionally easy to induce, especially if the subject at hand found hidden beneath the grounds, in cellars designed already struggles with their own internal demons. to maintain extremely cold temperatures. As many Fear has a similar effect, though such transformations lycans I have come across dislike salt, this is an efficient usually occur only once or twice at the beginning of the method for them to ensure their meat remains fresh, lycan’s lifetime, eventually being replaced with rage at though to a trained nose like myself, it is easy to distin- an individual, hatred of a particular event, or simple, guish the smell of blood staining the halls leading undiluted anger at a situation beyond their control. toward the cellar door once a carcass has been ripped Purestrain lycanthropes rarely succumb to such into once or twice. basic triggers, however; such beasts maintain mastery Although lycanthropes can survive off of the meat of over their emotional states as nobles, kings, and other beasts, they always hunger for humanoid flesh. From high-born individuals are trained to do. To force a lycanthropes I have interviewed—sometimes at sword- lycanthrope of such experience to reveal themselves, point, admittedly—I can confirm that a werebeast especially in other company, requires a more… delicate derives less nourishment from beasts than people. So hand. Most notably, one of Love. take heed, reader, for the largest purchasers of poultry Should a loved one be in danger, harmed, or and beef may have more than just a taste for meat. otherwise cause distress to the infected individual, it can induce a trigger in even the most self-controlled lycanthrope. Though, should you intend to cause such an emotional response, take care. While yes, it is almost always guaranteed to be successful, expect for the lycan in question to not forget such a transgres- sion readily. Take heed of this and learn it well. I expe- rienced the wrath of Love myself many moons ago, and the transfigured pack hunted me relentlessly for weeks at a time after my plan to oust them came to fruition. I believe they’re still trying to clear up the destruction the fightingSample wrought upon their manor to this day. file

12 Environments Hunting Werebeasts appear to haunt the same environment of Lycanthropes their symbolic animal. An individual may break the I have spent many years studying each lycanthrope in norm, of course, but many individuals follow a pattern. its natural habitat, tracking the meddlesome beasts Just as the cheetah prowls the savannah, so too does its across rolling hills, treacherous mountain peaks, and lycanthropic counterpart. I believe a lycanthrope—or even into the very depths of the bleakest jungles. The rather, the Beast Within—finds comfort in such familiar most important hunting discovery I can present to you, terrain. However, the survivors I have managed to inter- aspiring hunter, is that each phenotype, while often rogate have offered no confirmation to my theory, as if sharing similar vulnerabilities to silver, appears to have they were unaware of this preference. Perhaps such a their own unique weaknesses. Taking advantage of such preference is not a conscious decision, instead mani- weaknesses greatly increases your chances of survival, fested by the transfiguration itself. Below is a helpful though some materials might be more difficult to guide one should consult when hunting the trail of a obtain than others. potential lycanthrope through these environments. In this section of my illustrious tome, I have provided detailed entries on each lycanthrope type and their Lycanthropes by Environment preferred environment, as well as notes on a partic- Lycanthrope Preferred Environments ular phenotype’s personal anathema and any particular werebat forests, countrysides weapons I have found to be particularly effective in my own encounters. werebear arctic, forests, mountains, sacred or forbidden places wereboar forests werecat varies (see below) werecheetah savannas werejaguar jungles werelion savannas weretiger jungles werecrocodile jungles, swamps werefox civilization, forests werehyena savannas wererat civilization wereraven forests, civilization wereserpent civilization, jungles wereshark coasts, sea werewalrus arctic, sea Samplewerewolf varies file

13 Lycanthropic Weaponry Vulnerabilities The lycanthrope is legendary among all monsters for its Lycanthropes are not all-powerful killers; they exhibit supernatural resilience against conventional weaponry. weaknesses that any diligent hunter must take That silver is often required to harm a werebeast is no advantage of. myth, but a fact I have ensured to put to the test many a time before. I believe that this immunity is symbolic: Anathema werebeasts are the bane of mortal creatures after all, Every lycanthrope has a particular anathema—a herb or thus weapons crafted by outsiders, such as fey, fiends, chemical that proves fatal when ingested, even in small or celestial beings, undermine the beast’s resilience doses. Anathemas are determined by a lycanthrope’s rather effectively. phenotype, which I have classified in the section below. However, not all lycanthropes and their pheno- One must be wary when trying to poison a lycan- types maintain this silver weakness. Though most are thrope; the Beast Within can detect the anathema, sensitive to it, certain beasts—such as the infamous even if the substance does not ordinarily give off any werejaguars native to the realms of Chult—can only scent. I have found that, even when mixed into ale or be harmed by weapons crafted of particular ore. In baked into food, a lycanthrope is likely to notice such a the werejaguar’s case, the beast appears immune to scent and react accordingly. Some creatures might feign silver, but flees at the sight and taste of obsidian-edged ignorance, pretending to ignore it and continue their blades. In my research, I have taken to noting down masquerade, whereas others might lunge in for the kill these particular oddities, lest the discovery be made before the anathema has a chance to be anywhere near in the field of battle (an event which, fortunately, only their lips. However the beast might react, it is important plagued me during that experimental year of coastal to understand that presenting an anathema to a lycan- travel aboard the Wind’s Hope.) thrope, first and foremost, sends the creature a very clear message: their would-be prey is educated and prepared for combat.

While ferocious and cunning creatures, many lycans exhibit little forethought past a creature’s initial intentions when it is presented with an anathema. This gap in the beast’s psyche is a marvelous tool to be exploited, should the hunter be able to utilize it effectively. For example, I myself planned to be ‘caught’ wielding an anathema by a group suspected of harboring a lycanthrope in order to uncover whether or not the rumors were true. As it turned out, they were, in fact, true— fortunately the beast’s supernatural strength was no match for the concocted batch of dusted belladonna I’d already set up in a cave mere minutes before approaching their camp, and, so focused as it was on discovering the sprig of the plant clutched in my hand, it left no time before it gave chase to relieve me of it. As the pursuit ensued, I allowed the foolish creature to ‘corner’ me in said cave, igniting the belladonna as we crossed its threshold.Sample Once the beast had inhaled the airborne file anathema, a single bolt to the chest was all it required to fell it. 14 such as a bar brawl, there is a chance for the disease to Against the spread, thus transforming an innocent town into an Affliction epicenter of ravenous beasts overnight. As my research into killing lycanthropes grew, so did my One must always take care when encountering interests into the affliction itself. What is lycanthropy? lycanthropes, as even the smallest scratch might yield Is it a curse? A disease? As it turns out, it is both. My enough of a mark for the disease to change hands. research began when I fought alongside my late friend, Should a creature be subject to wounds from a lycan- Sir Roberte Du’poie, on a hunting trip to a solitary isle thrope, a quick method of dispelling the evil from the in southern Darkon, some three day’s journey from wound is to sear it closed through the heat of a silvered the nearest fishing settlement. He was a magnificent blade. Should silver not be available, a poultice of mountain of a man, with a powerful build capable of juniper berries and holy water applied and bandaged defeating any foe in single combat. His true strength, over the wound should also suffice. There is also the however, lay in his unshakable faith in the divine. That option of removing the wounded limb shortly after the faith never faltered, even as I saw the lycanthrope we so strike took place, though most individuals seem rather carefully stalked leap from the shadows and plunge its averse to the idea, so is best left as a last resort. fangs into Sir Roberte’s plated arm. I loosed a bolt from my crossbow into the beast, then stepped back to allow Symptoms of the knight to net the decisive blow, severing its head Lycanthropy from its shoulders. Be ever vigilant when approaching a wounded At the time, I believed lycanthropy a blighted soldier or sickly hamlet, for any one of them might be disease, an untreatable infection curable only by death. harboring the lycanthropic disease. While the infection It is also why Sir Roberte joined me on the unfortunate can show differently in each individual, I have learned venture, for he was a paladin, sworn to the divine and of a number of commonplace symptoms infected immune to the voracious disease. Or so we thought. creatures exhibit, many of which can’t be hidden It took nought but a day before I was facing down easily. Take note of these symptoms, and ensure each my old friend, now a twisted mass of hair, muscle, suspected of playing host to the Beast Within be tested and fury, in single combat. Fortunately, I was able to through at least three of the following measures: trap him long enough for him to regain control of the 1. The Spoon Test. Place a silver spoon atop the arm, Beast Within, and together we sought the help of a forehead, or chest of the accused. Should the spoon local wizard to discover why Sir Roberte’s immuni- leave a raised red or yellowing mark upon their skin, ties failed him. After many sleepless nights, we discov- it is a likely symptom of lycanthropic infection. One ered the missing link: lycanthropy infects others like a might also use any other method of silver in order to disease, and can be transmitted as such, but as its core, perform this test, though I have found spoons easiest it is a vile, malevolent curse. One which, fortunately, Sir to come by, and by far the least conspicuous to have Roberte was able to be relieved of, though I couldn’t say on one’s person. the same for many of the other creatures of whom faced 2. Sudden Fevers. Has the individual been exhibiting a my blade over the years. fever since returning from their recent expeditions? A cold sweat, high pulse, and increased body tempera- Transmitting ture are all symptoms of a possible lycanthrope Lycanthropy infection. If the fever subsides over the course of a Like any disease, lycanthropy can be transmitted to night’s rest, it is likely the victim has been subject to a other creatures by means of a scratch, bite, or other recent infection. open wound. Should a victim be bitten by a lycan- 3. Check for Marks. An obvious one, but an easy one thrope, it is only a matter of time before the infection for a guilty party to hide, wounds caused by a finds its way inside, binding with the target’s blood lycanthrope have been known to leave behind a and corrupting their soul. Should an infected creature residue which makes the edges of the skin appear form aSample union with an uninfected individual, or engage scorched. On darker skin, thisfile can instead appear as in an act that would risk spreading its blood to another, a whitening of the skin around the wound, which

15 glimmers when held in the light of a lantern. The appearance on the wound can develop over a number of hours, so it is wise to maintain observations Van Richten’s Beast Bane Tonic overnight if looking for signs of infected wounds. Ingredients 4. Bloodshot Eyes. An infected individual exhibits For land-based tonic: bloodshot eyes after an infection has progressed 3 lbs Ground Fern for more than eight hours without detection or 5 lbs Garlic treatment. Most of the time, this symptom vanishes 3 lbs local Sun-Dried Earth after a night’s rest and a hot bath, granting a small 1 lb Crushed Oak leaves window of time in which to spy it. A victim’s eyes can 1 lb Dried Tree Bark also become bloodshot again after eating meat, such 3 drops Wolf ’s Blood as that of a chicken or fish, and this becomes more 1 cup of local Rainwater evident the further along the infection is in develop- Silver pestle and mortar ment. A victim left untreated for a number of days, Iron cup for example, is more likely to exhibit bloodshot eyes Empty Waterskin upon waking of a morning, than one who faced their infector a day prior. For ocean-borne tonic: 5. Lavender Scents. Some creatures infected with 3 lbs Ground sand or clay lycanthropy emit a strange scent of lavender, which 5 lbs Garlic increases in strength upon being submerged in water 1 cup of local Swamp, Sea or Ocean water for ten minutes or more. Much akin to the low odor of 2 lbs Crushed Swamp Weed or Seaweed a wet mongrel, an infected creature is unable to mask 1 lb Salt, preferably from the waters upon this scent effectively when damp. A lycan, wishing which you travel to hide this symptom, might refuse to bathe when 3 drops Seal’s Blood, Shark’s Blood, or others are nearby, or ensure they dry off near an open Crocodile’s Blood window or outside on a breezy day. Silver pestle and mortar 6. Shortness of Breath. The infection can show as a Iron cup shortness of breath, a symptom that goes hand-in- Empty Waterskin hand with the aforementioned fevers. Such shortness of breath begins with a slight tachypnea, followed by Light a fire atop the ground sand or clay, then a continuous struggle to maintain a normal respira- boil the water in the iron cup until bubbling and tory rate. This dyspnea can also be aggravated further leave to simmer throughout. Mix the garlic and upon exposure to raw meats, such as freshly cut crushed swamp weed or seaweed in a silvered venison or gutted fish. pestle and mortar until pasted, then add 1 drop of blood and mix well. Set aside add the salt to the Preventative simmering water. Mix until dissolved, then add 2 Measures drops of blood. Continue to mix until water turns While traveling in the wilderness where lycanthropes light red. Mix in the garlic seaweed paste and cover are commonplace, it is wise to bring with you a beast’s for 5 minutes, or the remaining water evaporates, bane tonic. This pale green paste isn’t a permanent leaving behind a sticky paste. Fill into a waterskin. solution to a potential infection, but when consumed Once filled and sealed, the mixture can last up to a or applied to a lycanthrope wound, it draws the disease tenday before expiring. from the bloodstream and helps to delay onset infec- Apply to the affected wound and cover for tions until further removal methods can be applied. 8 hours to reduce the infection. Alternatively, The tonic can be crafted in one of two ways. I have consuming half the mixture can provide resistance developed both a land-based tonic, and one that helps to oceanic or water-based lycanthropic infection for betterSample protect against ocean-borne creatures of the file up to 8 hours. night, though the methods for the tonic’s creation are the same. 16 Confronting Acceptors of the Curse Lycanthropy Most lycanthropes I have encountered are those formed A creature that becomes infested with the lycanthropic from cults to a particular dark god, or those indoctri- disease also becomes host to a dark entity I have named nated into a family of lycans through a noble house. the Beast Within. Through my studies of this strange Wherever these creatures lurk, death and destruc- phenomenon, I have come to the conclusion that the tion are sure to follow, as the Beast Within has far Beast’s foremost goal is to feed, be it upon humanoid more control over their minds and actions. Should a flesh or some other creature. creature succumb to their curse, they exhibit a number If an individual is infected with lycanthropy, their of noticeable changes, even before their transfigura- mannerisms, as described earlier in this guide, change. tion or symptoms begin to show. I have both read and However, what isn’t clear is how the Beast Within experienced for myself the sadness such a corruption effects these changes. It appears each Beast has its exudes—families broken apart as a loved one suddenly own personality—or goals, at least. While some vanishes from a village, never to return, or abject horror Beasts Within seem to focus entirely on their over- upon discovering a recent, well-loved member of a whelming need to feed, other subjects have exhibited community was behind a senseless murder, of which a need to form bonds with others of their kind, going they appear to hold no remorse. Many who accept the so far as to infect new hosts, should they be unable to curse also actively choose to avoid cooked meats, taking achieve the former. jobs as hunters for nearby towns as a means to sate A creature can choose to confront the curse, should their hunger while remaining undetected. Such individ- they have the mental fortitude to do so, or accept it, and uals have shown to be unable to trigger their transfor- allow the Beast Within to dominate its will for a time mation by sudden jolts of pain, and sometimes even can before the two minds find an amicable balance. ignore the moon itself. But as the Beast Within grows, so does its hunger—rare is the lycanthrope who has Fighters of the Curse succumbed to the curse and is not triggered by the sight While rare, I have come across those who have managed and smell of a fresh kill. to resist the curse’s effects, and continue to spend their lives doing so. Some allow the Beast Within a meager glimpse of freedom, becoming their lycanthrope form in situations where those they care about are in danger. Should you come across a new town or village, first Others mask the disease entirely, choosing to live apart check the blacksmith’s. Do they offer the service of from their communities or harboring a deep-seated silvering weapons? If not, why? Secondly, observe secret that, if exposed, could ruin their family name. the method of food delivery. Does a port town have These brave souls who continue to fight against this a particularly large wealth of fisherfolk but only malevolent illness exhibit certain particular traits, most a dozen boats? Perhaps a few hunters live away commonly that of needing to consume nothing but from the town in woodland shacks, only to arrive meat, or being unable to recall dreams—or sleep at all, every few days with slaughtered deer? While for that matter. these individuals may simply be exceptionally Such hosts have also managed to sate the Beast efficient at their labor, or eccentric members of the Within’s need for food, ensuring that, even if they were community, there is a larger chance a lycan may to starve for several days, a bloodlust transformation be lurking among them. could not be triggered by malnourishment. However, such individuals almost always show a great mental and emotional strain on their well-being, making bloodlust transformations due to sudden, intense pains more likely.Sample file

17 Curing Lycanthropy Firstly, the lycan must be forcibly removed from Being both a curse and a disease, lycanthropy is not easy their pack for at least a tenday. If the moon has risen to cure. As mentioned in my studies into the various the night before the abduction, the Beast Within is least types of lycanthropes, the most efficient method of likely to be able to manifest itself again, and so, should removing the curse is to slay the progenitor lycan, you be able, striking immediately after a full moon is though depending on the strain of the creature you are highly recommended. dealing with, this might not be a viable option. Certain Once captured, the lycan must be locked in a stone spells, such as remove curse, cast with enough potency, structure that measures at least 10 feet in all dimen- have proven to be effective in certain cases of lycan- sions. The mortar must be laced with flecks of silver thropic infection; however, only the mythical wish spell and wolfsbane before being applied, both ensuring is guaranteed to destroy the disease without immedi- the structure is warded against outside intrusion, and ately killing the host or leaving them with remnants of preventing the Beast Within from manifesting itself at the Beast Within’s personality (which otherwise fade inopportune moments. Creating such a bunker in an over time, but can have long-lasting effects on an indi- underground location, such as a cave by the sea or an vidual’s psyche). excavated area of mountainous terrain, is also highly recommended. Exorcizing The Curse Secondly, the host must be fed a liquid concoc- Through my travels across the many planes of existence, tion each day for the duration of their captivity, I have developed a specialized ritual to be used against which includes at least half a pound of that pheno- those infected with lycanthropy, which I have named type’s anathema, ground into a paste and blended the Ritual of Cleansing. I have taught this ritual to as to be as obscure as possible in the taste. The Beast many clergy as will listen, and thusly, should you step Within is still likely to detect it, but—providing the into the halls of Selûne or another well-worshiped aforementioned structure has been correctly rein- deity, it is likely you may find a member of the devout forced—the host, if willing, should be able to ignore able to assist you in amassing the required ingredients their disgust and consume the liquid with little diffi- and reciting the correct incantations. culty. For more unwilling hosts, it is best to utilize spells such as command or suggestion, as opposed to causing unwarranted stress and accidentally inducing a While I have tried to explore an alternative ritual transformation. one can use on themselves to prevent a permanent Thirdly, 24 hours before the ritual can begin, the lycanthropic infection, I have yet to be successful. host must be exposed to holy unguents and be washed It appears that such magic can only remove (or at least covered) in holy water mixed with blessed an infection once it has taken hold, and is not a oils. Within the structure, a potent spellcaster with preventative measure, but a vaccine that requires knowledge of the hallow and dispel evil and good spells a live infection to combat. Thus, to successfully must draw out a sacred circle of binding with powdered become immune to lycanthropy through this ritual, silver and iron in a 5-foot radius around the center of one must first be cursed by it. A necessary evil, some the structure, ensuring the lycanthrope is within it, might say, to ensure a hunter never need fear the bound in silver or iron chains. Twenty-three candles mark of a werewolf again. must then be placed evenly around the circle’s edge and infused with a portion of the ritualist’s divine strength. If performed correctly, the symbols shown in the diagram below should emit a warm blue hue, and thus the Ritual of Cleansing can begin. The ritual takes 1 minute to complete, and requires the following spells be cast, in this order, one after the other: protection from evil and good, lesser restoration, and Sampleremove curse. file

18 The caster who drew the circle must remain focused For the duration of the ritual, a reading must be on the circle’s channeling for the duration of the ritual, spoken aloud by a third party, one who possesses no though a secondary spellcaster can share the weight of magical power of their own, but holds conviction in this magic. Should their concentration be broken, the the ritual’s righteousness and necessity, even when ritual fails and the candles explode in an almighty burst faced with pleas of mercy and screams of pain from of blue flames (which is not pleasant for any member the exorcized individual. Such screams are not always involved, let me assure you). featured during a channeling, but it is important to remember: any distractions or outbursts made by the host are not of their doing, but of the Beast Within. It is advisable to employ multiple spellcasters to These are foul and underhanded attempts at disrupting ensure the spells are successful, as should the lycan the ritual to gain freedom, but one that, in my experi- escape their chains, they are not bound to the circle. ence with emotional aids, can prove to be extremely Provided the ritual is complete and the lycanthrope effective if given attention. remains within the stone structure, the ritual is I have attached the reading here. Commit it to still able to successfully eliminate the curse and memory and recite it daily. If you lose this book, this the Beast Within from the host completely, and in recital might well save your life, should you find its entirety. yourself facing the Beast Within with no tools other than your conviction and a friendly (or hostile, as the case may be) ear. The lycanthrope, upon being exposed to the divine Upon the completion of the ritual and the final magic of cleansing, then transfigures into their hybrid verses being spoken, there is a chance for the Beast or bestial form. Like poison drawn from an infested Within to dominate the host entirely. If this proves to be wound, the Beast Within is dragged out of the host, the case, the ritual has failed, and the host shall remain forcing the unfortunate soul to endure one final trans- forever as a predatory, hateful beast, and must be dealt formation before being cleansed of their nightmarish with by silver and steel. disease once and for all. It is important, during this However, should the host’s will prove strong enough time, to ensure the ritual caster maintains their control to counter the domineering demands of the Beast over the circle, and have ample arms at the ready to fend Within, they shall eventually transform back into their off the beast’s inevitable attempts to escape the circle. original mortal form—usually within the hour, though I’ve found cases in my travels where transformation took up to eight hours or longer. Once the curse is removed, a fragment of holy magic sears the host’s soul, During this transformation, I have noticed a preventing them from being corrupted by the lycan- frequent increase in the beast’s severity of attacks thropic disease again. and overall strength of will. Perhaps this is a mere side effect of channeling such potent magical energy into their surroundings? Or perhaps, might it be a sudden jump in the curse’s own strength, While this ritual is extensive, when performed knowing its time is coming to an end? correctly, it proves very successful in the removal This is something I have yet to decipher, but is of weaker strains of lycanthropy. Those who have important to note, nonetheless. bonded with their Beast Within can prove more… difficult. Thus, it is advised to apply reason and logic to the host before applying aggressive tactics while in captivity. Should the host see through the veil of evil cast upon them by their predatory alter-ego, Samplethe ritual is far more likely tofile result in success.

19 Audire bene, tu fiendish amicorum! Excitare ad me, tuam praedam, et raptor, et ortum est loqui cum me, Bestia Intra Animalia!

Vos tenere non potentia sub oculis Domini mei, et Domina, Sensus erit, erit nil, sed caduca lux Sub divini ritus, et per fidem meam ut Ego, mitte te de hoc carcere carnis! Ego, mitte te de hoc cubiculum lapis! Vos sunt ingrata hic, in hanc domum et domum! Accumsan hoc corpus! Accumsan imperium! Accumsan tuum fames! Accumsan hoc anima!

Accumsan hoc corpus! Accumsan imperium! Relinquish tuum fames! Relinquish hoc anima!

Accumsan hoc corpus! Accumsan imperium! Accumsan tuum fames! Accumsan hoc anima!

vide videre errare non est in translatione tua

Listen well, thou fiendish of fiends! Awaken unto me, your prey and captor, and rise to speak with me, Beast Within Beasts!

You hold no power under the eyes of my Lord and Lady, Your sense of will shalt be naught but a fading light Under my divine rite, and through my faith’s might I banish thee from this prison of flesh! I banish thee from this chamber of stone! You are unwelcome here, in this house and home!

Release this body! Release control! Release your hunger! Release this soul!

Release this body! Release control! Relinquish your hunger! Relinquish this soul!

Release this body! Release control! SampleRelease your hunger! Release this soul! file