49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2018 (LPI Contrib. No. 2083) 2889.pdf INSIGHTS INTO THE FORMATION OF GULLIES IN ASIMOV CRATER, MARS. Tyler Paladino1,2, Virginia Gulick3, and Natalie Glines3 1NASA OSSI Internship program/NASA ARC, 2University of California Santa Cruz, 1156 High St, Santa Cruz, CA 95060.
[email protected], 3NASA Ames Research Center/SETI Institute, MS 239-20, Moffett Field, CA 94035.
[email protected]. Introduction: The origin and ongoing formation of Martian gullies has been intensely debated among planetary scientists, as they have implications for both the current and past Martian climate. These gullies are geologically young, likely formed during the Amazonian [1,3] and are located in mid to high latitudes (30° to 70°) in both hemispheres [2]. This latitudinal dependence implies that a change in climate and a redistribution of ice (caused by a change in obliquity) was important in the formation of these gullies [3]. In this study, we analyzed the morphology of five gully systems in Asimov located on the eastern central pit and on the SW crater slope (outer trough). We used two unreleased HiRISE DTMs: DTEEC _013835_1330_013189_1330 and DTEEC_012912_ Figure 2: Right- orthographic image of Asimov D with color coded transects. Left-Transects in profile with shaded regions 1320_012767_1320. Both DTM’s cover an area in representing areas calculated using Python. Asimov crater, an infilled Noachian aged crater in the Noachis Terra region in Mars’ southern hemisphere. Volume Approximation: ENVI Method. We used Gully Measurements: two separate methods to estimate gully volumes, the Drainage Network Delineation. We delineated first of which utilized ENVI software and Python drainage maps of five gullies with ArcMap using high- scripts.