Assessment of the palatability of antibiotic oral suspensions: a literature review S. ROBERT1, Y-E NISSE1, B. DEMORE1,2 4CPS-205 1 Pharmacie, CHRU Nancy, Nancy, France ; 2 APEMAC, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France Corresponding author:
[email protected] Background Non adherence to a full course of antibiotic occurs in approximately one-quarter of paediatric patients. The child’s refusal to take the drug is the second most common reason for non-adherence. Palatability is the third most important antibiotic feature for parents after effectiveness and safety Objective Review the literature for assessments of the palatability of antibiotic oral suspensions to inform physicians in their daily practice and consequently improve adherence Materials & methods Research date Inclusion criteria Results reporting august 2019 study reporting an assessment of palatability lowest score = poor palatability of one or more antibiotic suspensions highest score = excellent palatability Database with any assessment scale pubMed Database Data extracted all results are expressed on a 10-point scale for comparison purposes Population study characteristics population demographics separate averages were calculated for adults and/or children palatability assessments adults and children Results Palatability of antibiotic oral suspensions in children and adults Study characteristics Adults Children 9 9 studies identified 8 8 only blind studies 7 7 9/10 with healthy volunteers 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 adults only children only 2 1 1 SU RIF CLI FA LEX SXT CLR CEC ERY CTB CPR LZD CPD LOR DCX CFM LEX OXA CLR CXM ERY AMP CPR AMX AZM AMC CPD DCX CDR CFM CXM AMX AZM AMC PEN V PEN VK ERY/SU ERY/SU For a given antibiotic, each bar represents a study.