NATIONAL NATIONAL Vice President U Myint Swe arrives Nanning to Farmers to gain benefits from seeds, attend 15th CAEXPO, sideline business event farm inputs from government PAGE-3 PAGE-3

Vol. V, No. 149, 3rd Waxing of Tawthalin 1380 ME Wednesday, 12 September 2018 State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi arrives in Hanoi to attend 27th WEF on ASEAN

State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi reviews the honor guards upon arrival at the Hanoi Noi Bai International Airport in Hanoi, Viet Nam on 11 September. The State Counsellor plans to attend the 27th World Economic Forum on ASEAN in Hanoi. PHOTO: MNA

T the invitation of Prime Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu and officials. the Ministry of Foreign Affairs formation and Communications, AMinister Nguyen Xuan Kyi, was seen off at the Nay Pyi State Counsellor Daw Aung and other officials. Myanmar Ambassador to Viet Phuc of the Socialist Republic of Taw International Airport by Nay San Suu Kyi was accompanied State Counsellor Daw Aung Nam U Kyaw Soe Win and wife, Viet Nam, State Counsellor Daw Pyi Taw Council Chairman Dr. by Union Minister for the Of- San Suu Kyi and party arrived in and officials from the Myanmar Aung San Suu Kyi left Nay Pyi Myo Aung, Deputy Minister U fice of the Union Government Hanoi at 11:40 a.m. local stand- embassy. Taw for Hanoi by special flight Min Thu of the Office of the Pres- U Thaung Tun, Union Minister ard time and were welcomed at The State Counsellor and yesterday morning to attend ident, Myanmar Police Force Po- for International Cooperation the Hanoi Noi Bai International party then went to Hanoi Dae- the 27th World Economic Forum lice Chief Lt-General Aung Win U Kyaw Tin, Deputy Minister Airport with a Guard of Hon- woo Hotel, where they will (WEF) on ASEAN in Hanoi. Oo, Vietnamese Ambassador to for Planning and Finance U Set or by Acting Minister Nguyen be staying while in Viet Nam. The delegation, led by State Myanmar Dr. Luan Thyu Duong Aung, high ranking officials from Manh Hung of Ministry of In- — MNA


NATIONAL PARLIAMENT NATIONAL NATIONAL Fatal disease outbreak in Second Pyidaungsu Myanmar Post to launch Additional statistical Nanyun, Naga SAZ assumed Hluttaw’s ninth free delivery service for bulletin on drug as acute pneumonia related regular session holds books donated to libraries seizures, acting on with seasonal flu 20th-day meeting nationwide beginning 1 Oct information PAGE-7 PAGE-2 PAGE-10 PAGE-11 12 SEPTEMBER 2018 2 PARLIAMENT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Second Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s ninth regular session holds 20th-day meeting

THE 20th-day meeting of the Sec- ment the 230 KV Mawlamy- Maung Win explained that the ond Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s ninth ine-Ye-Dawei power line from implementing ministry for the regular session was held at the January 2019 to December 2021, project is Ministry of Electrici- Pyidaungsu Hluttaw meeting 230 KV Ahlon-Thida power line ty and Energy and the project hall yesterday morning where and substation from April 2019 will have two parts – electricity the National Planning Bill for to March 2023. transmission and electricity dis- Fiscal Year 2018-2019 was ap- The electricity distribution tribution. As of 30 June 2018, proved and Asian Development part will be implemented from Ministry of Electricity and En- Bank (ADB) loan for electricity April 2019 to June 2025, comput- ergy had an outstanding loan of network development project erized electricity management US$3,112.996 million that need was explained. and bill collection system from to be repaid. July 2020 to June 2025 and all The last repayment of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw approve works to be completed by 2025 loan is on 2050, and according National Planning Bill for Fis- December. The project imple- to the planned loan amount to cal Year 2018-2019 mentation period is 72 months be taken out during the grace First, Pyidaungsu Hlut- from April 2019 to June 2025 and period, interest during grace taw Joint Bill Committee joint the estimated completion of the period will be from US$ 0.8 secretary Dr. Myat Nyana Soe Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat. PHOTOS: MNA project is December 2025. million to 3 million per annum. and secretary U Kyaw Soe Lin The project will increase After the grace period, annual tabled a motion to approve by loan repayment is US$12 million paragraph legal and project and annual interest payment matters related to National is about US$4 million. Annual Planning Bill for Fiscal Year interest and loan repayment 2018-2019. Officials from union will be made from the Minis- level organisations explained try of Electricity and Energy’s about the matter and obtained increasing revenue from the the decision of the Hluttaw to electricity distribution. approve it. The Government had an Deputy Minister for Plan- outstanding foreign loan repay- ning and Finance U Maung ment of about US$10.2 billion Maung Win then tabled a motion and foreign loan to GDP ratio for the Hluttaw to approve the Deputy Minister for Electricity and Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Joint Bill Deputy Minister for Planning and is about 15.45 per cent. This is entire National Planning Bill Energy Dr. Tun Naing. Committee joint secretary Finance U Maung Maung Win. within the bearable debt burden Dr. Myat Nyana Soe. for Fiscal Year 2018-2019, and and is also in accord with 2018 Hluttaw announced its approval. Union Budget Law, Public Debt eyawady, Taninthayi and Bago ment’s budget. The project electricity distribution by using Management Law, 2017 mid- Explanation on ADB loan for regions, Mon, Kayin and Ra- will have two parts, electricity US$23.461 million in Ayeyawady term loan management strategy electricity network develop- khine states. The loan amount transmission and electricity dis- Region benefiting 84,850 house- and developmental aid policy, ment project is US$298.9 million, the project tribution. Electricity transmis- holds, US$7.321 million in Bago explained the Deputy Minister Next, Deputy Minister for duration is six years from 2019 sion part is US$ 143.11 million, Region (east) benefiting 41,012 for Planning and Finance. Electricity and Energy Dr. Tun to 2025, and the loan period is electricity distribution part US$ households, US$12.002 million in After the explanations Naing and Deputy Minister for 32 years, including 8 years grace 98.94 million, project consultant Bago Region (west) benefiting by the Deputy Ministers, Py- Planning and Finance U Maung period and 24 years repayment fee US$ 10.48 million, contin- 110,655 households, US$12.73 idaungsu Hluttaw Speaker U Maung Win explained about period. Interest is 1 per cent gency fee US$ 38.6 million and million in Mon State benefiting T Khun Myat announced for Ministry of Electricity and En- during the grace period and 1.5 interest US$ 7.77 million will 42,747 households, US$23.315 Hluttaw representatives who ergy obtaining US$ 298.9 million per cent during the repayment be from ADB loan. Social, en- million in Kayin State benefit- wanted to discuss the matter ADB loan for electricity network period and the loan terms are vironmental, land acquisition ing 27,820 households and US$ of Ministry of Electricity and development project sent by the similar to previous ADB loans. and project management fees 20,992 million in Rakhine State Energy obtaining US$298.9 mil- President. The project amount is US$ totaling about US$ 10 million in benefiting 27,820 households, lion ADB loan for electricity net- Deputy Minister for Elec- 308.9 million of which ADB loan local currency, will be from My- explained the Deputy Minister work development project, sent tricity and Energy Dr. Tun Naing is 298.9 million and Myanmar anmar Government’s budget. for Electricity and Energy. by the President, to register explained that the project will currency equivalent to US$ In the electricity transmis- Deputy Minister for Plan- their names. — Min Min Zaw, be conducted in Yangon, Ay- 10 million is from the Govern- sion part, the plan is to imple- ning and Finance U Maung Hmwe Kyu Zin Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Joint Bill Committee holds meeting

THE Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Joint Speaker and Joint Bill Commit- Commission members, Office Bill Committee held a meeting tee Chairman U Tun Aung @ U of the Supreme Court of Myan- over Tax Administration Bill Tun Tun Hein, deputy chairmen, mar, officials from Ministry of sent by Union Government and secretaries, joint secretary and Natural Resources and Envi- Forest Bill sent back with re- committee members from Joint ronmental Conservation, Min- marks from President U Win Bill Committee and Joint Public istry of Finance and Planning, Myint at the Pyidaungsu Hlut- Accounts Committee, Natural Union Attorney General Office, taw Building D, second floor Resources and Environmental the Republic of the Union of meeting hall, yesterday after- Conservation Committee mem- Myanmar Federation of Cham- noon. bers from Pyithu Hluttaw and bers of Commerce and Indus- Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Deputy Speaker U Tun Tun Hein attends The meeting was attended Amyotha Hluttaw, Legal Affairs try (UMFCCI) and Pyidaungsu Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Joint Bill Committee meeting in Nay Pyi Taw by Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Deputy and Special Cases Assessment Hluttaw Office.—MNA yesterday. PHOTO: MNA 12 SEPTEMBER 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3 Vice President U Myint Swe arrives Nanning to attend 15th CAEXPO, sideline business event

VICE PRESIDENT U Myint Swe culture, trade and investment, and party who were in the Peo- peace process and socio-eco- ple’s Republic of China, Yunnan nomic development of the people Province, Kunming, left Kun- were discussed. ming by air and arrived in Nan- Present together with the ning at 9:40 am local standard Vice President in the meeting time. were Union Minister for Com- The Vice President and par- merce Dr. Than Myint, Myan- ty were welcomed by Guangxi mar Ambassador to China U Zhuang Autonomous Region Thit Lin Ohn, Ministry of Com- Communist Party Permanent merce Director General U Aung Committee member, political Soe, Myanmar Consul-General and legal affairs committee sec- in Nanning U Soe Thet Naung retary H.E. Mr. Huang Shiyong, and officials. Myanmar Ambassador to the After the meeting, the Vice People’s Republic of China U President attended the tree Thit Lin Ohn, Myanmar Con- planting ceremony held inside sul-General in Nanning U Soe the Liyuan State Guest House Thet Naung and officials at the compound in commemoration th anniversary of Chi- Nanning International Airport. Vice President U Myint Swe meets with Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Governor Mr. Chen Wu at Liyuan of the 15 The Vice President and par- State Guest House in Nanning yesterday. PHOTO: MNA na-ASEAN strategic partnership ty then went on to Liyuan State and planted a commemorative Guest House where they will be tourism sectors were discussed. ident attended the luncheon Committee, Politburo, Standing tree. staying and received Guangxi Present at the meeting were Un- hosted by Guangxi Zhuang Au- Committee member and First Later in the evening, the Zhuang Autonomous Region ion Minister for Commerce Dr. tonomous Region Communist Vice Premier of the State Coun- Vice President attended the din- Governor H.E. Mr. Chen Wu. Than Myint, Myanmar Ambas- Party Permanent Committee cil H.E. Mr. Han Zheng and party ner hosted by People’s Republic During the meeting, matters re- sador to China U Thit Lin Ohn, member, political and legal af- at Liyuan State Guest House. of China First Vice Premier H.E. lating to increasing cooperation Ministry of Commerce Director fairs committee secretary H.E. At the meeting, matters re- Mr. Han Zheng. between Myanmar and Guangxi General U Aung Soe, Myanmar Mr. Huang Shiyong. lating to bilateral friendship, in- After the dinner, the Vice Zhuang Autonomous Region in Consul-General in Nanning U Later in the afternoon, the creasing friendly visits between President and party visited economic, social, education, in- Soe Thet Naung and officials. Vice President met with Com- the leaders of the two countries, the ASEAN cultural garden. vestment, agriculture, trade and Afterwards, the Vice Pres- munist Party of China Central increasing cooperation in agri- — MNA Farmers to gain benefits from seeds, farm inputs from gov’t

FARMERS whose crops were which is largely hit by disasters stressed the need to quickly overflow caused by the collapse Departmental officials and destroyed by disasters in 2018 every year, and for providing and effectively implement the of the Swa Dam’s spillway, recla- representatives of the Myanmar would be given seeds and inputs, remedies to the country’s basic outcomes of the meeting, saying mation and distribution of seeds Rice Federation and Myanmar such as fertilizer, worth billions of production sector. More than that the Farmers Rights Law to farmers. Agribusiness Public Corporation kyats in a timely manner under a 600,000 acres of vegetable crops has guaranteed providing aid to Afterwards, Union Minister made suggestions and discussed scheme to get them back on their and nearly 400,000 acres of pad- the farmers when they suffered for Electricity and Energy U Win requirements and challenges in feet in terms of food security. dy were destroyed by disasters losses due to disasters. Khaing, Union Minister for Social helping the farmers. “The Union Government is in 2018. Following the opening Welfare, Relief and Resettlement In his concluding remarks, taking measures to distribute “We need to find a system speech of the Vice President, Dr. Win Myat Aye and Union At- the Vice President urged the rice seeds, fertilizer and cash or a scheme which can provide Union Minister for Agriculture, torney-General U Tun Tun Oo state and regional authorities, aid to farmers so that they can a sustainable solution to prevent- Livestock and Irrigation Dr. Aung reported on preparedness for private associations and farm- re-grow rice on their farmlands ing losses caused by disasters Thu reported on the ministry’s quick response to disasters, ers to cooperate among each which were destroyed by flooding instead of annually providing current efforts for ploughing and emergency funds and National other to overcome the current recently,” said Vice President U aid to farmers in the aftermath,” land preparation in farmlands Disasters Management funds challenges and to give prior- Henry Van Thio yesterday. said Vice President U Henry Van with machinery, dredging silt and preparation for providing ity to rice rather than other “It has been found that or- Thio. and sand left by recent water aid to farmers. crops.—MNA ganizations are also giving a help- He urged participants at the ing hand in providing assistance meeting to find possible ways for in the form of seeds and fertilizer the system, including reviewing to farmers, but the supply doesn’t the volume and repayment peri- meet the current demand,” said od for agricultural loans, imple- the Vice President. menting the weather-based crop The Vice President disclosed insurance system, establishing the scheme, in his capacity as the funds by the government and leader of the Steering Commit- private associations. tee for Protection of Farmers’ U Henry Van Thio also Rights and Promoting Interests, called on officials concerned to at a meeting with ministries con- set sectors to be carried out by cerned in Nay Pyi Taw. Union-level, state- and region- The meeting was held to al-level authorities and private seek ways for effectively deal- associations. Vice President U Henry Van Thio meets with officials at a meeting concerning agricultural sector and providing ing with the agricultural sector, The Vice President also remedies to the country’s basic production sector in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MNA 12 SEPTEMBER 2018 4 LOCAL NEWS THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR WWF-Myanmar to support renewable

DEPUTY CHIEF EDITOR Aye Min Soe energy in Kayin State [email protected]

SENIOR EDITORIAL CONSULTANT THE World Wildlife Kyaw Myaing Fund-Myanmar (WWF-My-

SENIOR TRANSLATORS anmar) signed a Memoran- Zaw Min, dum of Agreement (MoA) [email protected] with Kayin State govern- Win Ko Ko Aung, ment for renewable energy [email protected] support in Kayin State at the INTERNATIONAL NEWS EDITOR state government office on Ye Htut Tin, 10 September, according to [email protected] WWF-Myanmar. LOCAL NEWS EDITORS According to the MoA, Tun Tun Naing (Editor), WWF-Myanmar will conduct [email protected] surveys to explore possible Nwe Nwe Tun (Sub-editor), [email protected] places to produce renewable energy, assist in connecting TRANSLATORS with investors to enter into Khaing Thanda Lwin, Hay Mar Tin Win, renewable energy sector Ei Myat Mon and in producing electricity Zaw Htet Oo at a lower price. Kyaw Zin Lin According to a news Kyaw Zin Tun release by WWF-Myanmar, A woman installs a solar panel at her home in Kayin State. PHOTO: WWF-MYANMAR REPORTER the governments of Den- May Thet Hnin, mark and Sweden and Eu- electricity. For the state to de- Nang Khin Htwe Myint. In its To supply solar power [email protected] velop, there must be sufficient news release, WWF-Myanmar electricity to over 200 houses in [email protected] ropean Climate Foundation will provide assistance to electricity. We welcome any quoted 2014 census statistics three villages, WWF-Myanmar PHOTOGRAPHER implement the project be- technology, including renewa- and said over 1.5 million people sent five women from those Kyaw Zeya Win @ Phoe Khwar tween Kayin State govern- ble energy and solar energy, if live in Kayin State and only 26 villages to India for six months

COMPUTER TEAM ment and WWF-Myanmar. it increases electricity supply,” per cent had access to elec- to learn solar technology, it is Tun Zaw, Thein Ngwe, “Kayin State mainly needs said Kayin State Chief Minister tricity. learnt. —Min Thit (MNA) Zaw Zaw Aung, Ye Naing Soe, Hnin Pwint, Kay Khaing Win, Sanda Hnin, Thein Htwe Discussion held to standardize gold weight throughout Myanmar EDITORIAL SECTION By May Thet Hnin tical) is calculated only with “Difference in weight are traded, it is very controver- (+95) (01)8604529, seven and half yway (yway lay measurement causes a price sial”, said U Myo Myint, chair Fax — (+95) (01) 8604305 A DISCUSSION concerning equals 136.078 mg or 2.1 grain) gap when gold from Manda- of Yangon Region Gold Entre- CIRCULATION & DISTRIBUTION matters to keep a local stand- in Mandalay and Sagaing re- lay are sent to Yangon market. preneurs Association. San Lwin, (+95) (01) 8604532, ard in measuring gold weight gions, Kachin and north Shan Those traders from upper My- According to this discus- Hotline - 09 974424114 in the entire gold industry was states, unlike the remaining anmar are affected from this. sion, eight yway will be official- ADVERTISING & MARKETING held at Wilson Hotel, Mandalay regions and states. Therefore, This is why we held this event ly set for measurement of pe ( +95) (01) 8604530, on 9 September. gold traders from those regions to standardize the gold weight starting from 1 January 2019. Hotline - 09 974424848 Officials from Myanmar and states were urged to stand- unit the whole country”, said Gold and jewellery prod- [email protected] [email protected] Gold Entrepreneurs Associa- ardize gold weight in the entire U Tin Tun, chair of Mandalay ucts are officially allowed for tion and Yangon Region Gold gold industry in the country at Gold Entrepreneurs Associa- import and export, according Printed and published at the Global New Entrepreneurs Association, the event. tion. to a 22 January notice of the Light of Myanmar Printing Factory at gold traders from Kachin, Chin A tical (16.4 gm) is normal- “The entire gold industry Ministry of Commerce. The No.150, Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, by the Global New Light and Shan states and Mandalay ly measured as 128 yway, but throughout the country needs import/export businesses are of Myanmar Daily under Printing Permit No. and Sagaing regions attended only 120 yway are calculated to keep standard weight meas- soon to start operations. In a 00510 and Publishing Permit No. 00629. this discussion. per tical in those regions and urement. Difference in weight bid to connect with internation- [email protected] Local gold measurement states, due to different meas- causes unfavourable problems. al market, measurement unit term pe (one sixteenth of a urement in gold weight. When large volumes of gold needs to be the same. Myanmar cotton cultivation rises due to high demand from China

MYANMAR cotton cultivation fice), officials from Mandalay We should not only plant but go strategy, we will submit to is on the rise because of high Region agricultural depart- into increasing yield, and en- the higher authorities. With demand from China, said U ment, experts and local cotton ter into value added finished feedback from them, the strat- Zaw Tun Myint, deputy direc- cultivators. products,” he added. egy will be finalized and once tor general of industrial crops “The production of cotton At the moment, yarns and agreed upon, it will be distrib- development at a workshop on plantation has increased in threads are imported from uted to all and implemented,” Write for us discussing the third draft of our country. Previously, the abroad. To reduce the usage he added further.

We appreciate your feedback and cotton plantation development price of cotton was between of foreign exchange, the coun- At the workshop, local contributions. If you have any comments strategy. Ks 1,100 and 1,200 per viss (3.6 try needs to establish finished farmers presented and dis- or would like to submit editorials, analyses or reports please email The workshop was held lb). Now, the price of cotton is products factory that produc- cussed the condition of cotton [email protected] at Agricultural Department over Ks 1,500 per viss. Also, es yarns and threads. It is for crops production, development with your name and title. Due to limitation of space we are only Office meeting hall in Manda- cotton demand from China has this that a development strat- of the crops plantation, long able to publish “Letter to the Editor” lay Region on 10 September increased. China will contin- egy is being drawn up with term and short term require- that do not exceed 500 words. Should you submit a text longer than 500 words and was attended by repre- ue to purchase cotton in the entrepreneurs, farmers and ments and types of funding please be aware that your letter will be sentatives from cotton and future. So, the plantation of merchants. used.— Min Htet Aung (Man- edited. jute crops branch (head of- cotton can make huge profits. “Upon completing the dalay Sub-Printing House) 12 SEPTEMBER 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 5 Myanmar workers to be legally sent to Thai fishery industry

UNION MINISTER for La- mar marine workers whose bour, Immigration and Popu- Certificate of Identity and lation (MOLIP) U Thein Swe visa are going to expire will discussed sending Myanmar be legally sent to Thailand marine workers to Thai- under MoU system again. land’s fishing industry with Therefore, a labour of- Myanmar Overseas Employ- fice has been opened in Thai- ment Agencies Federation land-Myanmar border town Senior General Min Aung Hlaing encourages a patient in Bawlakhe Station. PHOTO: COMMANDER-IN- CHIEF OFFICE (MOEAF) at 1 pm yesterday of Kawthoung, which is home at the office of Ministry of to a majority of Myanmar Labour, Immigration and marine workers, providing Senior General Min Aung Hlaing Population in Nay Pyi Taw. one-stop service. Being an A cordial discussion MoU system, the ministry meets with Tatmadaw members from on worker affairs between needs to discuss with Myan- Myanmar and Thailand was mar overseas employment Bawlakhe, Phruso stations seperately held on 16 and 17 July and agencies. Thailand expressed labour Fishing industry and COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF of There is no discrimination law is within the law and taking requirements of 42,649 work- marine workers have many Defence Services Senior General among ethnic national races actions against those who break ers to work for Thailand’s risk factors. Therefore, work- Min Aung Hlaing met with fam- living in regions and states and the law. fishing industry under a legal ers need to take special care ilies of officers and other ranks enjoying equal opportunity, said In his concluding remarks, labour exchange manage- to take up the job. The doc- from Bawlakhe Station and from the Senior General, adding that the Senior General has called on ment system, signing a Mem- uments set for employers, the Tatmadaw advanced training the members of the Tatmad- the members of the Tatmadaw orandum of Understanding fishery businesspersons and school of Phruso Station sepa- aw are to keep its works to be to strictly observe the military (MoU), the Union Minister vessels are need to be fully rately yesterday. reliable for the people and to rules as it is the lifeblood of the mentioned in his speech. submitted. At the meeting, the Sen- gain trust from the people while Tatmadaw. Most of Myanmar ma- In addition, employers ior General has stressed the making efforts for gaining the At the meetings, Senior rine workers from Taninthayi and workers also need to importance of the Tamadaw’s eternal peace in the country. General Min Aung Hlaing and and Ayeyawady regions and comply with rules embodied members’ voluntary services The members of the Tat- wife Daw Kyu Kyu Hla present- Mon and Kayin states are in the employment contract. for education, health and de- madaw are to work for securing ed food and cash assistance to migrating to work in Thai- The Union Minister velopment of the people to gain peace and stability guaranteed the members of the Tatmad- land’s fishing industry. Ac- urged employment agencies trust from the people, urging by the constitution which is aw and the Maternal and Child cording to a list sent by Thai- to strictly follow regulations them to promote their calibre adopted by the majority of the Welfare Association of the two land, there are over 40,000 while creating job opportuni- while carrying out their main people. stations, according to the news Myanmar marine workers, ties for the citizens. duties of defence, training and The Tatmadaw which was release of the Office of the Com- over 45,000 workers in fish- Overseas employment public welfare services. formed in accordance with the mander-in-Chief.— MNA ing and related enterprises, agencies also mentioned over 51,000 in fishery prod- difficulties faced by marine ucts processing factories, workers and they closely totaling over 145,000 work- discussed with the ministry. MIC issues permits, endorsements ers. Additionally, Thailand Also, the Union Minister ad- mentioned that they want to dressed to fulfill their needs. to 19 local, foreign projects employ over 40,000 Myanmar Present at the meeting marine workers. were the Union Minister, TEN foreign and nine domes- dalay regions and Mon and Kayin tember, 82 domestic enterprises The ministry will initially permanent secretary, di- tic investment projects received states. They will be involved in made investments of $185.6 mil- conduct sending Myanmar rectors general and officials permits and endorsements at the manufacturing, electricity, hotel lion and Ks903 billion. Total do- marine workers to Thailand concerned from MOLIP, and Myanmar Investment Commis- and other sectors, creating over mestic investment flow exceeded as a pilot project, respond- chair, deputy chair, gener- sion (MIC) meeting 14/2018, held 1,130 job opportunities for local $212.9 million and Ks968.86 billion. ing to Thailand’s govern- al secretary and executive on 7 September. people. According to the new My- ment implementing labour members from MOEAF.— Those foreign enterprises MIC targets US$3 billion anmar Investment Law, region protection activities. Myan- MNA were approved with permits and during mini-budget period (from and state investment committees endorsements by MIC and re- April to September) but is facing are authorised to grant endorse- spective investment committees difficulties to meet the target with ments of an investment proposal of Yangon, Bago and Magway re- the current inflow of foreign in- with a capital of not more than gions and Mon State, bringing vestments. $5 million (Ks6,000 million), with in a capital of US$119.39 million. A total of 75 foreign enter- an aim to facilitate the verification They are to be engaged pri- prises received permits and en- process of investment projects. marily in manufacturing, elec- dorsements, bringing in a capital At present, 60 per cent of tricity and other sectors, creating of $889 million, as of 7 September foreign investments are in Yan- 4,420 local employment oppor- in mini-budget period. Overall gon Region. Mandalay attracts tunities. foreign direct investments of $1.6 30 per cent of investments. Other Meanwhile, nine domestic billion flowed into the country so regions and states attain only a enterprises with an estimated far, including increased invest- small portion of investments, ac- capital of Ks40.4 billion, includung ments and investments of over cording to the statistics released US$9.1 million, were approved by $171 million in Thilawa Special by the Directorate of Investment Call 09251022355, MIC and respective investment Economic Zone. and Company Administration. Thin Thin May, 09974424848 committees of Yangon and Man- Between 1 April to 7 Sep- —Nyein Nyein 12 SEPTEMBER 2018 6 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Democracy Party for Myanmar New Society presents its policy, stance, program

and the Amyotha Hluttaw should be held every two and a half years, and this aim is to be carried out with the strength of the people. Voters have the right to choose the respective representatives as lawmakers, and they have the right to recall back the representatives and revoke them from their duties. These rights have been stipulated in the constitution. However, nec- Party logo. essary by-laws have not been regu- responsibility. In the task of national on human resources policy. As the lated by the previous Hluttaws, and reconciliation, the transition period economic sphere is to be concen- the current Hluttaw also neglected must uphold the values of justice, trated on human resources, skilful Chairman U Zin Aung. to bring in the by-laws resulting in as this is the culture of a civilized and talented persons would be giv- the deprivation of the original rights nation. Moreover, responsible and en priority. In a way, it would end Chairman U Zin Aung of the De- theory, we preferred the consti- of the voters. accountable political leaders must the conflict of interest between the mocracy Party for Myanmar New tutional rather than the military Moreover, Chapter 9, article look for ways to trim down the role lands and the resources, enhancing Society presented the party’s policy, administration, and therefore, we 397 of the Constitution states that of the Tatmadaw in the 25 percent the value of human being with the stance and work program on radio decided to form a party. necessary laws should be enacted representation. view to ending the armed conflicts in and television on 11 September. Today, we wish to ease food, regarding electoral matters of the In the political, economic and the midst of economic development. Following is a translation of the clothing and shelter conditions of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw. This should social sectors, justice is needed. The In our industrial sector, empha- presentation: the people, to be under just laws, to be implemented without delay by process of democratic transition sis would be given on better and own individual rights. With a view the representatives. These respon- and the peace process in the nation enhanced quality. Respected and esteemed people, to fulfilling these necessities, politi- sibilities have been forgotten and is like the head and tail of a coin, and All agricultural lands must be Born together with the 8888 de- cians and people should endeavour obliterated by the representatives. it is the aspiration of the people. In owned by citizens who work in the mocracy movement in Myanmar, hand in hand. In a democratic system, pro- attaining to reach the destination, farm lands. The agriculture pro- the Democratic Party for a New Today, the majority of the people posals are decided by the majority; only the Hluttaws and the govern- duction cost would be lowered in Society was an organization with are those who extremely suffered however, the desire of the minority ment which value justice should conjunction with elevated crops the second largest force in the dem- under political conflicts. For many is never to be neglected. There must lead the way. Justice in the time of production rate. A banking system ocratic revolution. decades, people remained silent, be a guarantee for equal rights of transition should be endeavored. owned by farmers and peasants After the general elections in and therefore, people today should expression. Liberty, equality and The above tasks are the aims and would be created to protect them- 1991, the State Law and Order Res- have more freedom to express. justice are the hallmarks of genuine objectives of our party. selves from the exploitation and mo- toration Council declared our party The essence of democracy is democracy, and politicians must By supporting national recon- nopoly by some groups from inside unlawful. Those colleagues that re- checks and balances among the embrace the people as co-workers ciliation, it could create solutions the country and abroad. Peasants’ mained above ground endeavoured three pillars -- administration, leg- in the tasks for realizing these as- for political conflicts and problems, Unions and organizations would be and struggled continuously for de- islation and judicial, in accordance pirations. resulting in good outcomes. Finding legally allowed and considered as mocracy in a multifaceted form, with the law. We are neither the servants solutions and taking responsibility colleagues and partners. sacrificing sweat, blood and life. Due to a mess up of the three nor the masters of the people, and under the theme of national recon- Multipurpose educational sys- Among them, we ourselves pillars caused by some people and therefore, we are ready to join ciliation are our commitment, and at tem will be implemented through remained above ground in the po- institutions, the democratic system hands with the people as co-work- the same time we continuously urge theory and practice. With adequate litical war arena in continuity and could be destroyed. Therefore, it ers. During the current transitional responsible persons to do the same. teaching aids, pragmatic approach journeyed the rough road for twenty is time to check and balance the stage for democracy, transitional The existing political problems would be applied in nurturing skil- years, still carrying on the democ- three pillars through a transparent justice is needed. Internationally, may show the pathway for a dem- ful scholars. As it is intended for a racy struggle and laying down the approach by the fourth pillar – the during transition from one system ocratic understanding in future. At multi-dimensional education, all the following strategy: media. Consequently, all hindrances to another, there are means to treat this juncture, we need to contem- policies that stand as barriers and (1) For the legitimate and on the freedom of media must be and console the mental trauma and plate on topics, such as that of the hurdles would be abolished. Inde- lawful revival of the Democratic eliminated with the strength of the sufferings of those people sustained national races, that of the ways and pendent students’ unions must be Party for a New Society that we people. from the past system. This is to be means to address the desire of the allowed. Compulsory free education have valued; In a democracy, people entrust undertaken as a responsibility by ethnic armed groups, that of the system would be introduced. (2) For the lawful repatria- others to administer and govern persons who are leading the new construction of federal system, that Persons attaining the age of 18 tion with dignity of our colleagues the country. Therefore, the transfer system, giving guarantee that the of to stand tall among the nations with adequate qualifications would who are left behind in some foreign of power must be strong. In some same thing would not happen again. of the world, and that of the way be assigned with party responsibili- lands; developed countries, the terms of In this transition period, those forward in the future. As we are ties, whether adults or youths. (3) For the release of our lawmakers are fixed for four years who have suffered in the past should heading towards a democratic sys- In a democratic system, the colleagues from detention centres, and the upper and lower house be entitled for rehabilitation and tem, the participation of the people people possess the highest power. now for many years, and to let them meetings are held two years alter- treatment legally, especially political and the political leadership must be In order not to forget that factor of participate in the democratic tran- natively. prisoners and long-term detainees in harmony and accord to overcome people’s power, the existing time- sition. This creates close intimacy through human rights violations. the problems and hurdles. frame of holding general elections With these aims, the Democra- among voters, political parties, and In the Philippines, some years We based ourselves in the in- once every five years should be cy Party for Myanmar New Society the politicians. Moreover, it brings ago, a rehabilitation law was enact- terest of the nation and the people, changed into a new election sys- has been legally formed and consti- in the skilful lawmakers and repre- ed in the parliament. Other nations and embrace the people as associ- tem, and to hold general elections tuted. As a political party, it does sentatives from many fields to the in transition also managed to have ates and teammates in tackling the twice for parliamentarian term. If not count just by competing in the parliament. justice for their victims. Political general crisis, problems, difficulties you agree, please vote for our party. general elections, but to get ahead In our current system, elections leaders and lawmakers in our coun- of the workers and farmers. The People have the rights to choose on the journey with the aims and are held for Pyidaungsu Hluttaw try should follow suit. We would do democratic values such as liberty, lawmakers by vote, and we all need objectives laid out. and regional Hluttaws once every our best in the implementation of equality and justice would be up- to have the rights to recall the rep- The revolutionary journey is five years at the general elections, the same. held, and that priority would be giv- resentatives. If you agree, please long and the 1988 democracy and with the winning party sitting in Political parties must take re- en for the production of machineries vote for our party. human rights struggle was like power for a long term and the losing sponsibility and accountability in and support for better agricultural We must have justice in the a strategy to gain independence party being knocked down. As vot- consoling the trauma of the victims, produce. Moreover, meritocracy political, economic and social sec- again, resulting in suffering, an- ers have no opportunity to choose for which we advocate for imple- would be applied in recruiting skil- tors. If you agree, please vote for guish and agony. and create new situation, the cur- mentation. In a civilized society, peo- ful persons from various fields and the Democratic Party for Myanmar In the first independence strug- rent system needs to be amended. ple and politicians do not neglect the the party would lay down a policy New Society. gle, it was to fight and drive out the Since it is drafted and enacted by injustices, but redress them. combining talented and good people We consider the people as our British colonialist and the Japanese human beings, there is no consti- Moreover, politicians in the new to forge ahead. colleagues and partners, and there- fascists. While struggling, we have tution in the world that could never society needs to act and show ide- Market oriented economic sys- fore, our party vows and pledges to formulated democracy practices in be revised. Therefore, in making the als and values in redressing the tem would be visibly practised. The outshine in the democratic transi- our strategy. multi-party system stronger, the problems. This is nothing to do with nation’s economic system would not tion together with the people. With the approach of a win-win general election of Pyithu Hluttaw the notion of revenge, but to take be based on land and resources, but Translated by UMT (HK) 12 SEPTEMBER 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 7 Top leaders from NCA signatories hold 3rd summit

DISCUSSIONS with government, the ethnic people. Tatmadaw leaders on non-sig- The summit was attended natories’ affairs, differences be- by 49 representatives from the tween groups continue. 10 EAO signatories to the NCA. The third Summit of Ethnic On the last day of the sum- armed forces signatories to the mit, an announcement containing Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement five principles was released. (3rd NCA-S EAO Summit) was The announcement called held for four days in Chiang Mai, for a tri-party meeting between Thailand from 8 to 11 September. leaders of the government, Tat- Attending the summit were madaw and EAOs to set a politi- top leaders from the 10 NCA EAO cal agreement to address the hes- signatories and relevant repre- itations in the political dialogues sentatives. of the peace process. Saw Mutu Assuming the role of panel Say Poe is elected as the leader of chairs on the fourth day were the Peace Process Steering Team Saw Mutu Say Poe, Ywat Sit and (PPST) and the deputy leader Kyar Kun Sar. The summit dis- and members were chosen as cussed the Joint Ceasefire Mon- well. The New Mon State Party itoring Committee’s reports, the (NMSP) and Lahu Democratic Third summit of Ethnic armed forces signatories to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement held in Chiang Mai NCA-S EAO’s operations, and the Union (LDU), who have recently on 11 September. PHOTO: AUNG AUNG (CHAING MAI) non-signatories. signed the NCA, will be included Karen National Union (KNU) We need to base our debates Union Peace Conference - 21st coupled with unity, on the path as PPST+2. Chairman Saw Mutu Say Poe and discussions on generosity, Century Panglong and the frame- to the federal democratic union The announcement con- delivered the opening speech at open-mindedness and national work for political dialogue, the everyone wishes for. He said the tinued that PPST will discuss the summit, saying that he felt reconciliation, said Saw Mutu Joint Ceasefire Monitoring Com- nationalities have no desire to and negotiate between the NCA gratified observing the serious Say Poe. He said that all three mittee’s operations, off the record break away from the nation. He signatories and non-signatories discussions on peace in the past days discussed that the stake- discussions, and the future peace said even though Bogyoke Aung for a common agreement and three days of the summit. He said holders held different funda- process operations of the EAOs San wrote in the 1947 Panglong objectives for the future reconcil- it was a good sign that a com- mental understandings and had who have signed the NCA. agreement that any who do not iation of Myanmar based on de- mon agreement could be reached deep disparities. He said there Saw Mutu Say Poe also de- like associating with the Bamar mocracy and the federal system from the different perspectives, are hesitations in the political livered the closing speech, say- can leave, they discussed attain- and national reconciliation. The considerations and standpoints dialogues because there are no ing there are now 10 signatories ing true federalism in a meeting PPST will endeavor to convene discussed. He said it is their policy set agreements concerning the to the NCA and he is delighted in . He said the Taung- a meeting with top leaders from to practically accept these dif- political sphere. He said the last to see the step by step process gyi meeting records can be read. all EAOs. The announcement ferences. He added that if unity day of the summit will focus on the summit has taken regard- Non-dissolution of the union and also contained the five points exists between all of us then it will finding solutions to this. ing future operations and nego- realizing a true union were the discussed between the State be that much easier to attain the The four-day summit dis- tiating perspectives. He urged basis for their actions, said Saw Counsellor and the EAO signa- lasting peace and federal demo- cussed and reviewed such mat- all 10 NCA signatories to foster Mutu Say Poe. He added that it tories to the NCA on 23 July 2018. cratic union we all wish for. ters as the third session of the generosity and an open mind, has and still is the perspective of — Ye Kaung Nyunt

Fatal disease outbreak in Nanyun, Naga SAZ assumed as acute pneumonia related with seasonal flu

AN OUTBREAK of disease ical teams to the areas, and a team were providing health care children in the first time but by four from Lanthan Village and which killed seven children in team led by Dr. Tun Tun Naing services to local villagers, more the third time it only covers 33 one from Pawkun village died villages in Nanyun Township, made a field trip to the areas children were found to be suf- and 14 per cent only. with symptoms of acute lung in- Naga Self-administered Zone, from 29 August to 2 September fering from acute inflammation Samples from the deceased flammation following seasonal is assumed as the acute pneu- and another team led by U Myo of lung and three children were were collected to conduct lab test influenza. Two children undergo- monia, by the Ministry of Health Myint Thein of Nanyun Town- transferred for further treatment, to confirm the illness, accord- ing treatment after being trans- and Sports. ship conducted a field trip and one to Lahe Township People’s ing to the Ministry of Health ferred to from Lanthan Village to The announcement of the monitoring works from 3 to 5 Hospital and two to Nanyun and Sports. On 7 September a Nanyun Hospital were recover- ministry said the children who September respectively. Township People’s Hospital. month old child from Pawkun ing well and initial Rapid Test Kit did not receive a pentavalent The teams opened tempo- The one year and three month Village near Lanthan Village was result of the two children didn’t vaccine are more likely to suffer rary clinics to provide treatment, old child who was transferred to reported to have succumbed to show symptom of seasonal influ- the acute pneumonia following monitoring and health care ser- Lahe Township People’s Hospital illness and the field group went enza. However, arrangements a seasonal flu. The ministry put vices to Lanthan Village and passed away on 2 September. to Pawkun Village to find out are made to conduct lab test to the blame on uneasy access to nearby villages. The medical The teams found out that the reason of the fatality, open a confirm the illness while the two the areas, lack of timely treat- teams confirmed that from 25 fatalities were children aged temporary clinic to provide treat- children were undergoing treat- ment, malnutrition, lack of gen- to 26 August, three children died between 28 days to 10 years ment, monitor and provide health ment it is learnt. eral knowledge on health and air with symptoms of acute lung in- and they were living in remote information/instruction. Only pa- Ministry of Health and pollution caused by cooking fire at flammation following seasonal villages which cannot be easily tients suffering from normal cold Sports had dispatched another homes for the death of children. influenza and provided treat- accessed. and illnesses were treated and team via Khamti to monitor and Following reports of fatali- ment to 64 patients showing Pentavalent vaccination there no symptoms of season- conduct health care services ties among children with symp- symptoms of seasonal influenza. programs were conducted three al influenza were found. There but landslides forced the team toms of illness and coughing The patients were between the times for children under 4 years were also no irregular death of to stop overnight in Khamti on 9 in Lanthan Village in Nanyun age of 3 months to 50 years old in 2017 in the areas. It is found chicken, birds and animals. September. The team went on to Township, Nanyun Township and all were recovering well. that the vaccination programs From 25 August to 7 Sep- Lanthan Village on 10 Septem- Health Department sent med- While the field group and covered 96 and 91 per cent of the tember a total of five children, ber. — MNA 12 SEPTEMBER 2018 12 SEPTEMBER 2018 8 OPINION THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR OPINION 9 Beware of gusts,

lightning when Central Body for Suppression of Trafficking in Persons

Myanmar Anti-Trafficking in Persons Day monsoon retreats 13th September The entire public needs to participate, HE monsoon is expected to retreat by mid-September and Trafficking in persons to eliminate… people should be alerted to the possibility of thunderstorms, isolated heavy rain, lightning, and gusts which are usually 2018 Anti-Trafficking in Persons Day’s Objectives Tbrought by the retreating monsoon. v To mobilize the participation of all citizens in combating The damaging weather patterns which we have faced in May and human trafficking as a national duty; April during the pre-monsoon and when the monsoon finally entered v To have the public instilled with awareness about and can repeat due to atmospheric instability when the monsoon retreats. knowledge of trafficking in persons; Atmospheric instability can trigger rain clouds and the formation v To protect and care trafficked victims with empathy; and of rain clouds will be accompanied by thunder, lightning, heavy rain v To strengthen cooperation and coordination among all and strong wind in many regions and states. counter trafficking stakeholders – government agencies, Strong rain clouds will come with lightning strikes, hailstones civil society organizations, UN agencies, international and twisters. organizations and general public. Lightning killed at least 70 people and the strong winds destroyed about 10,000 houses during the period from pre-monsoon to May, according to the Disaster Management Department. Myanmar Daily Weather Report The death toll from lightning strikes is expected to continue (Issued at 7:00 pm Tuesday 11September 2018) to rise year by year. There were also fatalities and injuries from U Myo Aung U Zaw Aye Maung U Tun Tun BAY INFERENCE: Monsoon is moderate over the Anda- strong winds. Most ar- man Sea and South Bay and weak elsewhere over the Bay eas across the country of Bengal. have experienced light- FORECAST VALID UNTIL AFTERNOON OF 12 Septem- ning and strong winds Business talk on employment opportunities, ber 2018:Rain or thundershowers will be isolated in Lower Rain fall is during the day due to Sagaing Region, scattered in NayPyi Taw, Mandalay, Magway, high temperatures. Ayeyawady and Taninthayi regions, Eastern Shan, Rakhine expected to Since 1980, the and Kayahstates, fairly widespread in Bago and Yangon country has seen an regions, (Northern and Southern)Shan and Chin states and decrease in the increase in the number boosting productivity widespread in the remaining regions and states with isolated of thunderstorms. heavy falls in Kachin State. Degree of certainty is (100%). coming days due When there are By Khin Yadana, Photos: May Oo Moe STATE OF THE SEA: Sea will be slight to moderate in rainstorms with thun- Myanmar waters. Wave height will be about (3 - 6) feet in to the withdrawal der and lightning, off and along Myanmar Coasts. people in these areas CONOMIC devel- problems, resulting in negative Convention 182, calls have been plays a critical role in increas- Efficiency is a core factor its out of their businesses. OUTLOOK FOR SUBSEQUENT TWO DAYS: Weak monsoon. of the monsoon, should switch off elec- opment plays a vital consequences, especially in the made on the prohibition and ing productivity. Workers must in ensuring productivity. Em- Solving problems FORECAST FOR NAYPYITAW AND NEIGHBOURING trical appliances such role in the progress agricultural sector. Also, due to elimination of the worst forms be happy in their workplace, ployees must put out their best By easing restrictions on AREA FOR 12 September 2018: Isolated rain or thunder- but we can see rain as television and mobile E of the State, and pro- growing number of conflicts, of child labour, as a matter of resulting in an increase in pro- during the eight-hour work day foreign direct investments so showers. Degree of certainty is (100%). phones. ducing labour resources can people migrate from their orig- urgency. Authorities concerned duction. Moreover, employers to increase production. as to attract big businesses, FORECAST FOR YANGON AND NEIGHBOURING AREA due to possible Gale-force winds boost a country's economy. A inal places, looking for better have made arrangements to should create a better work Employers also need to authorities concerned have FOR 12 September 2018: Isolated rain or thundershowers. tend to follow heavy roundtable business talk was living conditions. When they tackle child labour problems. environment for their employ- conduct technical training made efforts in supplying Degree of certainty is (100%). depression which rainfall and can destroy held at MRTV in Nay Pyi Taw move to other places, parents Likewise, the Vice President 1 ees. In order to be successful, courses that can enhance their skilled employees to prospec- homes and toppled on August 21. Following are dis- are often accompanied with heads a national-level commit- it is needed to reduce logistic staff performance. Employ- tive manufacturing industries EARTHQUAKE NEWS can happen in trees. cussions by U Myo Aung, Per- their children. tee to eradicate child labour. expenses, including expendi- ers need to allow workers to that would create job opportu- Tuesday, 11 September 2018 - 00:30 Rain fall is expect- manent Secretary for the Minis- tures on transportation, energy, attend training courses, while nities in the country. Moreover, A slight earthquake of magnitude (4.7) Richter Scale with its the Bay of Bengal ed to decrease in the try of Labour, Immigration and Child labour Eradication of child labour infrastructure, etc. When inves- employees should put their efforts should be made to take epicenter in inside Myanmar (about (22)miles east-southeast of coming days due to Population, U Zaw Aye Maung, It will be seen that these In doing so, the main thing tors work with the Myanmar heart and soul in learning new a pragmatic approach in pro- Kalewa), latitude 23.15°N, longitude 94.64°E, depth (92) kilometers in October and the withdrawal of the Yangon Regional Minister for children find it hard to pursue is that we should first know what Investment Commission (MIC), techniques. Creating a sound ducing more skilled workers in about (55) miles west of Kanbalu, seismological observatory was monsoon, but we can Rakhine Ethnic Affairs, and U their studies, and soon, they are types of labour are harmful to they are allowed to import some and efficient work environment, Myanmar, so that they can meet recorded at (23)hr (27)min (40)sec MST on 10 September 2018. November. see rain due to possible Tun Tun from the Republic of helping out their parents. Many children. We are trying to des- products duty-free, such as together with good manage- the changing requirements of depression which can the Union of Myanmar Federa- countries in the region face sim- ignate these types, especially in sewing machines, generators, ment and strong employer-em- the labour market in competing Flood Bulletin happen in the Bay of tion of Chambers of Commerce ilar issues, and it is necessary to the agricultural and construc- trucks, and so on. The MIC ployee relations can definitely with regional countries. (Issued at 14:00 hrs MST on 11-9-2018) Bengal in October and November. and Industry. know the complexities of child tion sectors. In short, it is of has prescribed that some local bring success to a business. To upgrade the skills of Flood condition of Sittoung River Meanwhile, it is found that cumulus clouds which cause the labour. There are some children vital importance to combat child and foreign investment busi- Thanks to changes, em- workers, it is important to According to the (13:30) hrs MST observation today, the lightning strikes and tornadoes have been forming over the country, Q: Talking about labour re- who work, because they are al- labour and create a brighter ness categories be exempted ployees are now also entitled open technical and vocation- water level of Sittoung River has exceeded by about (2) feet at and people in Magway, Mandalay, Bago and Yangon regions should sources, we should also dis- lowed to do so. future for them, through coop- or given relief from commercial to medical treatment and cash al schools around the coun- Madauk above its danger level. It may fall about (1) foot from be alert to possible dangerous weather patterns. cuss the role of child labour. In Myanmar, with some re- eration among the Government, tax and custom duties. If inves- benefits for occupational in- try. The government is also the present water level during the next (2) days and may remain We should switch off electrical appliances such as televisions Could you elaborate on what strictions, children aged 14 to the NGOs and employers. tors do their business outside of juries and illnesses. Medical striving to produce ASE- above its danger level. and mobile phones when there are rainstorms with thunder and measures are being taken to 18 are permitted to work. For Yangon, where there is an ur- treatment, social security that AN-level skilled workers. As Flood condition of Thanlwin River lightning. tackle this issue? instance, with the recommenda- Q: The Government is striv- gent need, they can receive tax includes insurance schemes for employers, they have an According to the (13:30) hrs MST observation today, the Operators of vessels in rivers in those areas should be alert to Permanent Secretary U tion of a doctor, they are permit- ing to boost productivity at exemptions of up to five years. If would give them easy access option of sending their staff water level of Thanlwin River has exceeded by about (2½) feet tornadoes that can occur during thunderstorms. Myo Aung: Regarding child ted to work four hours a day. No factories amidst an environ- they make investments in some to healthcare services. to training centres for inter- at Hpa-an above its danger level. It may fall about (1½) feet We cannot completely predict disasters, but early preparedness labour, we can consider this child shall be required to work ment of peace and tranquility. townships, such as Hlinethaya, nationally-recognized skills from the present water level during the next (2) days and may can help mitigate the damage. problem as a challenge as well in hazardous conditions. Child Could you discuss what sec- Shwepyitha, or Mingaladon In- Q: What would be the biggest standard certificates, as these remain above its danger level. The weather bureau has been providing weather updates to as an opportunity for us. Child labour means making children tors should be encouraged to dustrial Zone, they can get tax productivity challenges? employees will need to prove Advisory the public in a timely manner through state-run radio, television labour is still a major issue in under 14 work and in hazardous make progress? relief up to three years. U Tun Tun: The reason we their skills to foreign and local It is especially advised that people who have settled near and newspapers. many countries. At present, conditions. We still have child Regional Minister U Zaw want to improve productivity investors. the river banks and low lying areas in Madauk and Hpa-an People, on their part, are urged to keep a close watch on weather due to climate change, people labour in our country for vari- Aye Maung: In order to become Improving one’s skill is because every enterprise Translated by Township, to take precautionary measures. updates and warnings during the rainy season. It pays to be prepared. are facing major agricultural ous reasons. According to ILO a developed nation, work force through practice should survive by gaining prof- Win Ko Ko Aung 12 SEPTEMBER 2018 10 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

Myanmar Post to launch free delivery service for books donated to libraries nationwide beginning 1 Oct

THE Myanmar Post of aiming at encouraging has also offered delivery the Ministry of Transport reading by the people, service at 10 per cent to and Communications has said an announcement 20 per cent discount to offered voluntary postal of the Myanmar Post. its customers, including service for delivering A total of 793 post publishing houses and on- books to libraries nation- offices nationwide un- line shopping businesses wide. der Myanmar Post will for sending 100 items and Despite facing looses launch its free postal ser- above at one time, accord- in business, the Myanmar vice on 1 October. ing to the Myanmar Post. Post launched the move The Myanmar Post MNA

Thura U Shwe Mann receives Turkish Ambassador Mr. Kerem Divanlioglu in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA Myanmar Global Investment Thura U Shwe Mann receives Forum held in Nay Pyi Taw Turkish Ambassador to Myanmar

CHAIRMAN of Py- ceived Turkish Ambas- ing. During the meeting idaungsu Hluttaw’s Legal sador to Myanmar H.E. they exchanged views on Affairs and Special Cases Mr. Kerem Divanlioglu at legal matters, bilateral re- Assessment Commission Hluttaw Building in Nay lations and cooperation.— Thura U Shwe Mann re- Pyi Taw yesterday morn- MNA

ANNOUNCEMENT OF CHANGING THE PESTIDE TRADE NAME The foreign manufacturer Chai Tai Co., Ltd will change the trade name and import and distribute the following insecticides which registered in Myanmar Pesticide Registration Board. New Old Trade Active Ingredient Registration Registration No Trade Name Name Type No Name Myanmar Investment Commission and Hong Kong-based Euromoney Institutional Investor (Asia) hold a forum in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MNA 1. Deca 40 EC Wondes Chlorpyrifos 40% EC Full F2015-960 Popok 2. Nocktrin 10 EC Cypermethrin 10% EC Full F2015-346 THE Myanmar Glob- in 2016, Myanmar Gov- velopment Institute, Spe- 10 EC al Investment Forum, ernment laid down the cial Economic Consultant It is therefore announced to come and reject within two weeks to Joint Secretary, Myanmar jointly-organised by the national economic policy to the State Counsellor, Pesticide Registration Board, Plant Protection Division, West Gyogone, Insein in wishing to Myanmar Investment which aims to foster sus- also delivered a key-note make any objection in respect of the said changing trade name of insecticide. Commission and Hong tainable development in address. Address – Charoen Pokphand Produce Myanmar Co., Ltd. Kong-based Euromoney Myanmar, which is inclu- Next, panel discus- 18/B, OakPonSeik Street, Quarter (8) Institutional Investor sive and people-centered. sions titled “Infrastruc- Mayangone Township, Yangon Division (Asia), was held at My- The new Investment ture — what role can Ph: 09-9627 59971, 09-9627 59972 anmar International Con- Law was enacted on 18 infrastructure develop- vention Centre-II, in Nay October, 2016 and its ments play in the wider Pyi Taw on 11 September. subsequent rules were Myanmar economy”, The forum was at- prescribed on 30 March “Banking, Finance and TRADEMARK CAUTION tended by Union Minis- 2017. Insurance-evolving to Naturegift Company Limited, a company incorporated and ters Dr. Pe Myint, U Win Together with the meet new challenges”, existing under the laws of Thailand, and having its registered office at Khaing, U Thant Sin new Myanmar Invest- “Doing Business in Myan- 35/6 Moo 12 Phuthamonthon Sai 5 Road, Raikhing, Sampran, Maung, U Han Zaw, Hlut- ment Law, the new Com- Nakhonpathom 73210, Thailand, hereby declares that the Company is mar- practical advice and the Owner and Sole Proprietor of the following Trademarks :- taw MPs, officials from panies Law represents an exploring current routes the related departments, attractive and effective into the market”, “Fin- representatives from platform on which foreign tech and Microfinance Republic of the Union of and local investors can — solutions for a digi- Myanmar Federation of develop new businesses, tizing economy”, “Trade Chambers of Commerce creat employment and finance and financing op- and Industry and Euro- contribute to Myanmar’s portunities in Myanmar”, money Institutional In- growing economy, said “Digital transformation Reg; No. IV/4597/2018 Reg; No. IV/4594/2018 vestor (Asia), local and the Union Minister. Since in Myanmar and how can foreign entrepreneurs 2016, the New Govern- the country leapfrog to The above Trademarks are used in respect of “Coffee with nutritional and officials. ment gave priority fast de- a ditital economy”, “Ag- additives; cocoa” and “Nutritional, vitamin and mineral supplements, Initially, Chief Ex- velopment infrastructure, riculture—reforming in dietary supplements for medical and non-medical use” in International ecutive Officer Mr. Tony especially roads and elec- the industry and growing Class 30 and Class 5, respecitively. Shale of Euromoney In- tricity, for both domestic production towards ex- Any fradulent imitation or unauthorized use of the above Trademarks or stitutional Investor (Asia) requirement and support port, “ Energy—harness- other infringements whatsoever thereto will be dealt with according to law. delivered an opening ad- investment needs, said U ing resources and im- U YE NOOS (Supreme Court Advocate) 5341 YE NOOS & ASSOCIATES ( Law Firm ) dress. Win Khaing. proving infrastructure” for Naturegift Company Limited Then, Union Minister Similarly, Dr. Sean were held. The two-day ( [email protected] ) for Electricity and Ener- Turnell, Director of re- forum continues today. gy U Win Khaing said search for Myanmar De- — MNA 12 SEPTEMBER 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 11

Republic of the Union of Myanmar Office of the President Press Release No. 14/2018 1st Waxing of Tawthalin, 1380 ME (10 September 2018) Additional statistical bulletin on drug seizures, acting on information

1. In order to prevent and eradicate the dangers of narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs, the Office of the President has formed the Drug Activity Special Complaint Department on 26 June 2018 to systematically accept and respond to reports on drug abuses and other related cases from the general public. 2. With orders from the Office of the President, the Drug Activity Special Complaint Department relayed information on reports on drug-related offenses up to 8 Sep- tember 2018 to the Ministry of Home Affairs to take action, as displayed below:

No Nature of report Details on seizure and legal action taken On 2-9-2018, local police entered the house of Kyar Maung, 32, in Htamanti Village, Homalin Twp, and ar- On 7-9-2018, local police staking out near Parami Information received of rested him together with heroin in his possession. A case Road on Ward 4, North Okkalap Twp, stopped and Daw Moe Moe San and U has been opened with NaMaSa (Htamanti) MaYa(Pa) Information received of searched a car driven by San Min, 35, from No. 89, Kyar Maung from Htaman- 16/2018 under Section 16-C of the Anti-Narcotic Drug San Min selling illegal Kaymar Street 7, Hta Ward, North Okkalapa Twp 6 ti Village, Homalin Twp, and Psychotropic Substances Law. 1 drugs in Hta Ward, North and arrested him after discovering WY psychotropic Khamti District, Sagaing Further investigation led to a search of Ma Moe Moe Okkalapa Twp, Yangon tablets and ICE in his possession. A case has been Region, selling and using San’s house in the same village. Police found her husband Region. opened with MaMaSa (North Okkalapa) MaYa(Pa) illegal drugs Myat Soe Win, 30, and arrested him together with heroin 47/2018 under Section 19-A of the Anti-Narcotic and in his possession. A case has been opened with NaMaSa Psychotropic Substances Law. (Htamanti) MaYa(Pa) 17/2018 under Section 16-C of the Anti-Narcotic Drug and Psychotropic Substances Law. Police have opened 19 cases and arrested 19 men and 1 woman together with heroin and psychotropic On 2-9-2018, local police searched the house of Soe Naing Information received of tablets in the past five weeks. (a) Phwe Lone, 30, in Ward 1, Letpan Village, Kyuakse groups of people selling On 7-9-2018, police continued investigations into Twp. Police did not find him but discovered a bag of illegal drugs daily on the related cases and searched the house of Rawsel (a) ‘88/1’ psychotropic tablets in his yard. A case has been 2 hilltop in Group 10, Ward La Mine Naw, 53, in Phaungsine Ywarthit Village, 38 opened with MaMaSa (Kyaukse) MaYa(Pa) 98/2018 under 4, Twp, mile, Kutkai Twp, and arrested him together with Section 19-A of the Anti-Narcotic Drug and Psychotropic (North). ’88/1’ psychotropic tablets in his possession. A case Substances Law. has been opened with MaMaSa (Kutkai) MaYa(Pa) Investigation into related cases led police to search the 99/2018 under Section 19-A of the Anti-Narcotic Drug house of Ma Sophia, 35, house in Ward 8 of the same and Psychotropic Substances Law. village. Police did not find her but discovered ‘88/1’ psy- chotropic tablets in her home. A case has been opened On 4-9-2018, local police entered the house of Myint with MaMaSa (Kyaukse) MaYa(Pa) 99/2018 under Sec- Htay, 42, of Manphar Village, Homalin Twp, and tion 19-A of the Anti-Narcotic Drug and Psychotropic arrested him and Zaw Oo, 40, together with opium Substances Law. Information received of and katpone in their possession. A case has been Investigation into related cases led police to search Myint Htay from Man- opened with NaMaSa (Htamanti) MaYa(Pa) 20/2018 Information received of the house of U Ko Lay and his wife Daw Khin May Win phar Village, Homaling under Section 16-C/21 of the Anti-Narcotic Drug and large-scale sales of illegal in Ward 7 of the same village. Police did not find Daw 3 Twp, Sagaing Region, and Psychotropic Substances Law. 7 drugs in Ward 1 and 7 of Khin May Win but arrested her husband U Ko Lay, 53, Yan Ko Say from Sawpaka Further investigation led to a search in the house Letpan Village, Kyaukse after discovering ‘88/1’ psychotropic tablets and crushed Village, distributing illegal of Yan Ko Say, 41, in Sawpakaka Village, Homalin Twp, Mandalay Region. stimulant tablet powder in their home. A case has been drugs via motorcycle. Twp. Police arrested him after discovering heroin opened with MaMaSa (Kyaukse) MaYa(Pa) 100/2018 and raw opium in his possession. A case has been under Section 16-C of the Anti-Narcotic Drug and Psy- opened with NaMaSa (Htamanti) MaYa(Pa) 21/2018 chotropic Substances Law. under Section 16-C/21 of the Anti-Narcotic Drug and Investigations into related cases led police to arrest My- Psychotropic Substances Law. int Lwin Oo, 20, together with ‘88/1’ psychotropic tablets, near Zawgyi ditch in Ward 7 of the same village. A case On 2-9-2018, police searched the house of Ma Thaw has been opened with MaMaSa (Kyaukse) MaYa(Pa) Information received of Su Kyi (a) Thae Su, 30, in No. 211, Zaingmyauk Street 101/2018 under Section 16-C of the Anti-Narcotic Drug Ma Thae Su from Zaing- 5, Zaingmyauk Ward, Bago Region, and arrested and Psychotropic Substances Law. myauk Street 5, Zaing- her after discovering WY psychotropic tablets in Investigations into related cases led police to search the 4 myuak Ward, Bago Twp, her possession. Police also confiscated her Honda house of Zaw Min Tun (a) Mohamed Ali, 34, in Ward 7 of Bago Region, distributing Scoopy I motorcucle. A case has been opened with the same village. He was arrested after discovering hero- illegal drugs via motor- NaMaSa (2) (Bago) MaYa(Pa) 5/2018 under Section in and ‘88/1’ psychotropic tablets in his possession. A case cycle. 19-A/20-A of the Anti-Narcotic Drug and Psychotropic has been opened with MaMaSa (Kyaukse) MaYa(Pa) Substances Law. 102/2018 under Section 19-A/20-A of the Anti-Narcotic Drug and Psychotropic Substances Law.

On 3-9-2018, local police entered the house of Pyae On 7-9-2018, police searched the house of Shalamudin Information received of Phyo Paing (a) Paing Gyi, 23, at No. 109, Thitsar- (a) Win Ko Ko, 42, in Mautaung Village, Kyunsu Twp, numerous illegal drug pan Street, Ward (Hta), North Okkalapa Twp, and Information received of but could not find him. Police arrested his son Maung 5 sales and young people arrested him after discovering WY psychotropic Shalamudin selling illegal Nay Thu Lwan (a) Silar, 20, together with WY psycho- using illegal drugs in tablets in his possession. A case has been opened 8 drugs on a large scale in tropic tablets and speciosa. Police were able to arrest Ward (Hta), North Okkal- with NaMaSa (Waibargi) MaYa(Pa) 48/2018 under Mautaung Village, Kyunsu Shalamudin (a) Win Ko Ko on 8-9-2018 and a case has apa Twp, Yangon Region. Section 16-C of the Anti-Narcotic Drug and Psycho- Twp, Taninthayi Region. been opened with NaMaSa (Shawtawmaw) MaYa(Pa) tropic Substances Law. 3/2018 under Section 19-A/21 of the Anti-Narcotic Drug and Psychotropic Substances Law. SEE PAGE-14 12 SEPTEMBER 2018 12 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker THE UNION OF MYANMAR MINISTRY OF ELECTRICITY AND ENERGY NATIONAL ELECTRIFICATION PROJECT SPECIFIC PROCUREMENT NOTICE receives Turkish Ambassador th Date : 12 September, 2018 Invitation for Bids IDA,Credit No : 5727-MM SPEAKER of Pyithu Contract Title : Installation of Distribution Lines and Hluttaw U T Khun Myat Transformers for Shan (East), Shan (South), received Ambassador of Shan (North) & Bago (East), Naypyitaw For Turkey to Myanmar Mr. National Electrification Project Reference No : MOEE-NEP/C1-W4/18&MOEE-NEP/C1- Kerem Divanlioglu at the W5/18 Pyithu Hluttaw building 1. The Republic of the Union of Myanmar has received financing in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. from the World Bank towards the cost of the National Electrification At the meeting, they Project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds towards payments under the contract for Installation of Distribution discussed matters on pro- Lines and Transformers MOEE-NEP/C1-W4/18for Shan(East), moting Turkey-Myanmar Shan(South), Shan(North) and MOEE-NEP/C1-W5/18 for relations, on friendship Bago(East), Naypyitaw. and cooperation between 2. The Ministry of Electricity and Energy now invites sealed the parliaments of the two bids from eligible bidders for Installation of Distribution Lines countries, reforms for de- and Transformers MOEE-NEP/C1-W4/18for Shan (East), Shan(South), Shan(North) and MOEE-NEP/C1-W5/18 for Bago mocracy, promoting rela- (East), Naypyitaw in the following locations. tions in economic, trade The number and identification of lots comprising this installation and tourism sectors. — Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat holds talks with Turkish Ambassador Mr. Kerem bidding MOEE-NEP/C1-W4 /18 process for Shan(East), MNA Divanlioglu in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA Shan(South), Shan(North) is: Lot 1: - 44villages Lot 2: Taunggyi District - 31villages Lot 3: Taunggyi District - 38villages Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker attends Development Lot 4:Taunggyi District - 45 villages Lot 5: Loilen/Langkho/ Works Central Committee meeting 1/2018 Monghsat/ District - 58villages Lot 6: District - 44villages Lot 7:Muse District - 33villages DEVELOPMENT Works carried out for more than Hluttaw Speaker Mahn ing an organisation setup Lot 8: - 42villages Central Committee meet- five years to reach the six Win Khaing Than then that is appropriate to the The number and identification of lots comprising this installation ing 1/2018 related to Py- year point and since the said development fund law present moment as well bidding MOEE-NEP/C1-W5/18 process for Bago (East), Naypyitaw idaungsu Hluttaw devel- beginning it was to con- and enacted procedures as amendments required is: Lot 1:Taungoo District - 94 villages opment fund was held at duct small regional devel- should be reviewed and for development fund law Lot 2: Taungoo District - 102 villages Zabuthiri meeting hall in opment works not includ- necessary instructions and enacted procedures. Lot 3: Taungoo District - 54 villages Hluttaw compound yes- ed in the major central should be clearly included Central Committee Lot 4: Taungoo District - 64 villages Lot 5: Det Khi Na and terday afternoon. and state/region projects. when the orders are is- Chairman and Vice Chair- Oke Ta Ra District - 70 villages The meeting was Hluttaw representatives sued for the development man then explained and 3. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive attended by Pyidaungsu are to select appropriate works to be successful. discussed on the discus- Bidding procedures as specified in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Hluttaw Speaker, Amyo- works in the region that Next, meeting at- sions made and the meet- Procurement of Goods, Works and Non-Consulting Services under tha Hluttaw Speaker, are beneficial for the tendees discussed the ing came to a close after IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers (“Procurement Guidelines”), and is open to all eligible bidders as Deputy Speakers of the people and are required pros and cons of works the concluding speech defined in the Procurement Guidelines. In addition, please refer to Hluttaws, chairmen, vice to conduct the works ac- conducted and establish- was delivered. — MNA paragraphs 1.6 and 1.7 setting forth the World Bank’s policy on chairmen and secretar- cording to relevant law, conflict of interest. ies of Joint Bill Committee rules, regulations and pro- 4. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from and Joint Public Accounts cedures. Discussions are ADVERTORIAL Project Management Office (National Electrification Project),Project Manager and [email protected]] and inspect the bidding Committee and officials to be made openly in order NTT Communications Yangon office had ICT documents during office hours [09:30 to 16:00 hours] at the address from the Hluttaw offices. to find ways for resolving knowledge sharing event with University of given below. In addressing the any problems encoun- Computer Studies,Yangon and University of 5. A complete set of bidding documents in English may be obtained meeting, Pyidaungsu tered said the Pyidaungsu Computer Studies, Mandalay free of charge by interested eligible bidders upon the submission of Hluttaw Speaker U T Hluttaw Speaker. a written application to the address below. The Bidding Documents will be issued through email only. Khun Myat said devel- Central Committee Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 29th opment fund works were Vice Chairman Amyotha 6. October, 2018, (10:00 A.M) - Myanmar Time. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the bidders’ designated representatives Constitutional Tribunal and anyone who choose to attend at the address below. Chairman U Myo Nyunt 7. All bids must be accompanied by “Bid-Security” 8. The address (es) referred to above is(are): receives Spanish Ambassador Attention: Project Manager Project Management Office (National Electrification Project) Office Building No.27,Ministry of Electricity and Energy Constitutional Tribunal between courts of the two NTT Communications Yangon Office had ICT City: Nay Pyi Taw ZIP Code: 095 Chairman U Myo Nyunt countries, protecting free- knowledge sharing event at University of Computer Studies, Country: The Republic of the Union of Myanmar th received Ambassador of dom and human rights and Yangon on the day of 5 September 2018, and at University Telephone: +95 67 3431175 Spain to Myanmar H.E Mr developing the capacity of of Computer Studies, Mandalay on the day of 30 August Facsimile number: +95 673431176 2018 to provide key-technology update session such as Electronic mail address: [email protected] Emilio De Miguel Calabia the staffs in Constitutional Internet exchange, Datacenter, Cloud technology. at the meeting hall of Con- Tribunal were discussed. In addition, NTT donated the network routers 20 units stitutional Tribunal Office The meeting was at- to the UCSY & UCSM so that University students can learn in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday tended by Constitutional effectively not only knowledge for function of the routers but afternoon. Tribunal members U Khin also practical skill enhancement. Mr Junpei Watanabe, Country Manager of NTT During the meeting, Maung Cho and Daw Hla Communications Yangon Office said, ‘‘NTT Communications present and future bilater- Myo Nwe, director gen- Yangon Office would like to contribute Myanmar ICT al relation, constitutional eral, head of office and development through providing valuable and innovated ICT and constitutional tribu- deputy director general. services in Myanmar market and sharing knowledge and nal matters, cooperation — MNA experience from business perspective.’’ 09251022355, 09974424848 12 SEPTEMBER 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 13 Sagaing Region development minister inspects road works

SAGAING Region Devel- Shwebo District yesterday. leaders and officials from 14 feet wide in the Myoma opment Minister U Myint At the meeting, the the development commit- Market. In addition, they Kyi and officials from the minister presented re- tee discussed the require- also inspected the con- regional development marks and chairman of ments of the town’s public struction of Padauk Road committee met members the township development works. which is 610 feet long and of regional Hluttaw and of- committee U Tin Aung In addition, officials 12 feet wide and a box cul- ficials from the township Tun explained about the conducted an inspection of vert which is 24 feet wide, Union Minister for Defence Lt.-Gen Sein Win development committee developmental tasks that progress on the construc- 3 feet long and 3 feet thick holds talks with Japanese Ambassador Mr. Ichiro at the office of the Khin-U are being undertaken. tion of a concrete road on the Padauk Road. — Maruyama. PHOTO: MNA development committee, Afterwards, community which is 260 feet long and MDN Union Minister for Defence TRADEMARK CAUTION Lt-Gen Sein Win receives Nihon Seimitsu Sokki Kabushiki Kaisha (also trading as Japan Precision Instruments, Inc.), a Japanese Ambassador company registered under the laws of Japan, which is located at 2508-13, Nakago, Shibukawa- Union Minister for De- to searching for remains shi, Gunma, Japan, is the sole owner of the fence Lt-Gen Sein Win of Japanese soldiers who following trademark: received Ambassador of fell in Myanmar during Japan to Myanmar H.E. World War II and Rakh-

Mr. Ichiro Maruyama at ine State matter. Reg. No. 13293/2015 the meeting hall of the Also present at the In respect of Class 10: Sphygmomanometers; ministry office yesterday meeting were Ministry heart rate monitors; pulse monitors; pulse afternoon. of Defence Permanent oximeters; electrocardiographs; sphygmomano- During the meet- Secretary Brig-Gen Aung meter cuffs; manometers for sphygmomanometer; ing, they openly dis- Kyaw Hoe and officials. sensors for pulse oximeter measuring amount of cussed matters related — MNA oxygen; massage apparatus; body-fat monitors; clinical thermometers; surveillance cameras for medical use; medical apparatus and instruments. Nihon Seimitsu Sokki Kabushiki Kaisha (also CLAIM’S DAY NOTICE trading as Japan Precision Instruments, Inc.) M.V OLYMPIA VOY. NO. (1821) claims the trademark rights and other relevant Consignees of cargo carried on M.V OLYMPIA intellectual property rights for the mark as VOY. NO. (1821) are hereby notified that the vessel will mentioned above. Nihon Seimitsu Sokki be arriving on 12-9-2018 and cargo will be discharged Kabushiki Kaisha (also trading as Japan Precision into the premises of M.I.T.T/T.M.T where it will lie at the Instruments, Inc.) reserves the rights to take legal consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws measures against any infringer who violates its and conditions of the Port of Yangon. intellectual property or other legal rights in Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am accordance with the concerned laws of the to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now Republic of the Union of Myanmar. declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo Daw May Thwe Hlaing, LL.B., LL.M., (H.G.P.) from the Vessel. For Nihon Seimitsu Sokki Kabushiki Kaisha (also trading as Japan Precision Instruments, No claims against this vessel will be admitted after Inc.) the Claims Day. Tilleke & Gibbins Myanmar Ltd. No. 1608, SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT 16th Floor, Sakura Tower, 339 Bogyoke Aung MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY San Road, Kyauktada Township, Yangon, AGENT FOR: M/S MCC TRANSPORT Myanmar (S’PORE) PTE LTD Email address: [email protected] CIRCULATION ORDER IS IN EASIER WAY. nd Phone No: 2301185 Hot Line -09974424114 Dated: 12 September 2018

CLAIM’S DAY NOTICE CLAIM’S DAY NOTICE CLAIM’S DAY NOTICE M.V SINAR BANDA VOY. NO. (105 N/S) M.V AS FRIDA VOY. NO. (003) M.V ALS SUZURAN VOY. NO. (014N/S) Consignees of cargo carried on M.V SINAR Consignees of cargo carried on M.V AS FRIDA Consignees of cargo carried on M.V ALS SUZURAN BANDA VOY. NO. (105 N/S) are hereby notified that VOY. NO. (003) are hereby notified that the vessel will be VOY. NO. (014N/S) are hereby notified that the vessel the vessel will be arriving on 12-9-2018 and cargo will arriving on 12-9-2018 and cargo will be discharged into the will be arriving on 12-9-2018 and cargo will be discharged be discharged into the premises of H.P.T where it will lie premises of H.P.T where it will lie at the consignee’s risk into the premises of A.W.P.T where it will lie at the at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the and expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions of consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. the Port of Yangon. and conditions of the Port of Yangon. Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo from the Vessel. declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo No claims against this vessel will be admitted after from the Vessel. from the Vessel. the Claims Day. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted after SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT the Claims Day. the Claims Day. MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT AGENT FOR: M/S SAMUDERA SHIPPING MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY LINE AGENT FOR: M/S NEW GOLDEN SEA LINES AGENT FOR: M/S INTERASIA LINES Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301185 12 SEPTEMBER 2018 14 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

FROM PAGE-11 3. Out of the information sent to the Ministry of Home Affairs, so far 232 cases On 3-9-2018, police discovered that Pyae Phyo Naing have been opened as of 8-9-2018, and 302 men and 55 women have been arrested Information received of (a) Nga Phyo, 23, from No. 428, Aleapaing Ward, with seizures of 2,519.26 g of heroin, 2.65 g of ICE, 31,828.85 g of opium, 329 g illegal drugs being sold Nyaunggone Village, has been selling illegal drugs in of low-quality opium, 27.50 g of opium residue, 5,752 g of powder opium, 3,266 in Tawgu Village, Thag- Tawgu, Thaguntaing and other surrounding villages g of speciosa, 122,564 stimulant tablets, 2,866.08 g of marijuana, 0.10 liters of 9 untaing Village and other in Mudon Twp. Police entered his house and arrest- opium tincture, 213.40 g of opium blocks, 60 g of poppy seeds, 1.65 g of crushed surrounding villages in ed him with stimulant tablets in his garage. A case stimulant tablet powder, 6 firearms, 179 different bullets, and one grenade. Mudon Twp, Mon State. has been opened with MaMaSa (Mudon) MaYa(Pa) Efforts for fighting the drug trafficking has been stepped up and the ministry 11/2018 under Section 19-A of the Anti-Narcotic Drug will report on further exposed cases. and Psychotropic Substances Law. 4. In addition to the investigations and arrests conducted on drug related com- plaints mentioned above, the Tatmadaw and Myanmar Police Force have also On 7-9-2018, police entered the house of San Win, 53, carried out separate investigations on drug complaints, search and arrests Information received of in Kinpunchone Village, Kalay Twp, and arrested at border gates, and searches of vehicles acting upon given information. 10 U San Win of Kinpun- him together with heroin in his possession. A case During the previous week, in Shan State, Mongyai Twp, Narli Village, police chone Village, Kalay Twp, has been opened with MaMaSa (Kalay) MaYa(Pa) arrested six men and confiscated 15,840 liters ethyl/ether, 225,000 g of caffeine, 3,240 Sagaing Region, 121/2018 under Section 16-C of the Anti-Narcotic liters of hydrochloric acid, 5 boiler pots, two pieces of equipment for concocting Drug and Psychotropic Substances Law. drugs, and 2 twenty-two-wheeler trucks. In Twp, Orium toll gate, two men were arrested with 2,541,000 stimulant tablets. In Lashio twp, Cornerstone On 3-9-2018, police travelling to Kunchaung Village Metal Cleansing Factory, two men were arrested with 2,400,000 g of caffeine, 2 in Twp stopped and searched a motorcycle liters of toluene, 4,000 g of chemical powder, 40 equipment used in concocting driven by two people near netween Alel Village drugs, and two dyna/kenta trucks. In Sisine Twp, Narkite-Phatnan highway, two and Pwemeik Village. The two suspects left their men were arrested with 54,500 stimulant tablets and a Hilux car. motorcycle behind and fled into the forests. Police In Kayin State, Myawady Twp, two men were arrested with 2,500,000 g of Information received discovered heroin and stimulant tablets in a bag on sodium cyanide and 1 light truck. of Myint Lwin form the motorcycle. case has been opened with MaMaSa In Rakhine State, Sittway Twp, two men were arrested with 140 stimulant 11 Kunchaung Village, Ma- (Mabein) MaYa(Pa) 80/2018 under Section 19-A of the tablets. There were four arrests made in Maungtaw Twp. In Maungni Village and bein Twp, Shan State Anti-Narcotic Drug and Psychotropic Substances Tuangyar Village, two women were arrested with 247 stimulant tablets and 1 g of (North). Law. marijuana. In Kyainchaung security checkpoint, one man was arrested with 32,080 Upon arriving in Kunchaung Village, police arrested stimulant tablets, 3 pieces of gold jewelry, and 1 CRV vehicle. In Kyaukpandu Vil- Myint Lwin, 40, after discovering heroin in his home. lage, one man was arrested with 1,950,000 stimulant tablets and a Parado vehicle. A case has been opened with MaMaSa (Mabein) There have been two arrests made involving foreigners. In Chin State, Reed- MaYa(Pa) 78/2018 under Section 16-C of the An- horda Sub-Twp, 3 men were arrested (2 Indian nationals and 1 Burmese) with ti-Narcotic Drug and Psychotropic Substances Law. 20.1 g of heroin. In Kayin State, Myawady Twp, 1 Thai man was arrested with 8 stimulant tablets and 0.78 g of ICE. Information received of On 3-9-2018, police searched the house of Kyaw There have been 6 cases of arrests involving firearms (in Kawthoung, Loi- Kyaw Nyunt (a) Kalar Nyunt (a) Kalar, 42, in Kunchaung Village, Mabein kaw, Sisine, Thanbyuzayat, Lewe Twps) where 7 men were arrested with 4,387 from Kunchaung Village, Twp, and arrested him after discovering heroin stimulant tablets, 0.1 g of ICE, 1 pistol, 5 bullets, 2 homemade guns, 3 air bullet 12 Mabein Twp, in his possession. A case has been opened with guns, 240 g of gunpowder, and 2 .22 bullets. In Myawady Twp, 3 men and 1 woman District, Shan State, sell- MaMaSa (Mabein) MaYa(Pa) 79/2018 under Section were arrested with 445 stimulant tablets, 20 .22 bullets, 1 grenade, 14 landmines, ing illegal drugs. 16-C of the Anti-Narcotic Drug and Psychotropic 2 remote controls, 15 cartridges lesser gunpowder, 20 detonators, and 1 fuse. In Substances Law. Yangon Region’s Central Post Office, two parcels designated for abroad were found containing 4,590 g of ketamine. On 7-9-2018, police searched the house of Ma Hnin Si There have been 322 cases being opened between 2-9-2018 and 8-9-2018, and (a) Mi Hnin Si, 24, in Ward 3 center, Heho Twp, and 368 men and 52 women have been arrested. Seizures of 749.39 g of heroin, 42.53 arrested her with WY psychotropic tablets in her g of ICE, 82,628.99 g of raw opium, 4,914.66 g of powder opium, 4,782,564 stimu- possession. A case has been opened with NaMaSa lant tablets, 10 g of crushed stimulant tablet powder, 356.11 g of marijuana, 1.5 Information received of Ma (Heho) MaYa(Pa) 3/2018 under Section 19-A/20-A g of opium blocks, 75 buprenorphine tablets, 5,590.04 g of ketamine, 262,500 g of Hnin Si (a) Mi Hnin Si from of the Anti-Narcotic Drug and Psychotropic Sub- caffeine, 3,240 liters of hydrochloric acid, 15,840 liters of ethy;/ether, 4,000 g of 13 Ward 3 center, Heho Twp, stances Law. chemical powder, 2,500,000 g of sodium cyanide, 6 firearms, 27 different bullets, Shan Staet (South), selling Further investigation led to the arrest of Hla Myo 240 g of gunpowder, 1 grenade, 14 landmines, 2 remote controllers, 15 cartridges illegal drugs. Aung, 28, in Ward 3 center, Heho Twp, together with of lesser gunpowder, 20 detonators, 1 fuse, 5 boiler pots, and 42 equipment used 15 WY psychotropic tablets in his possession. A case in concocting drugs. has been opened with NaMaSa (Heho) MaYa(Pa) 5. To seize further drugs and to arrest drugs dealers, people are urged to inform 4/2018 under Section 16-C of the Anti-Narcotic Drug the Ministry of Home Affairs, region and state governments and to inform and Psychotropic Substances Law. huge cases of drug trafficking and other suspicious cases directly to the Drug Activity Special Complaint Department of the Office of the President via the Information received of On 6-9-2018, arrested Ma Phyar San Mee (a) Ma Ar Sam following contact numbers: Ma Phyar San Mee from Mee, 32, after discovering ‘88/1’ psychotropic tablets 14 Area 7, Ward 3, in her home at Area 7, Ward 3, Theinni Twp. A case Contacts Twp, , has been opened with MaMaSa (Theinni) MaYa(Pa) Auto telephone No. — 067-590200 Shan State (North), sell- 42/2018 under Section 19-A of the Anti-Narcotic Drug Fax Phone No. — 067-590233 ing illegal drugs. and Psychotropic Substances Law. Email Address — [email protected]

Request for the voters check their names in the lists, will the lists be perfect. 3. Hence, voters are requested to add their names using Form -3 in the voter list if 1. The Union Election Commission has scrutinized and made the voter list based on they do not find their names in it, and they can make complaints to those who are the 2015 General Election Voter lists, at the respective sub-Commission Offices, not eligible in the list using Form – 4 , and the voters can submit a data correction aiming to get complete and accurate voter lists for the forthcoming by-election form using Form 4-c if their data are wrong. that will be held on November 3, 2018. 4. Voters are urged to note their registration number to ensure that they can save The voter list that have already scrutinized were made to public at the respective their time when they draw their ballots at offices on the election day. commission’s offices in the ward or village-tracts, and the eligible voters also 5. To get the perfect voters lists and easy voting on the Election Day, eligible voters carried out necessary amendents to the lists. are requested to cooperation with the election officials by sending at least one 2. The voters list will be made to public for the final time for 14 days, at the respective voter from each family, to offices to check their names in the lists without fail. commission’s offices in the ward or village-tract. Only when the eligible voters Union Election Commission (Unofficial Translation) 12 SEPTEMBER 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 15 Cosmonaut shows space station hole to calm public

Photos of the hole had not been officially made public al- though NASA briefly posted an image in a video before deleting it. The hole covered with dark sealant is hidden under a padded flap, Prokopyev showed in a video he said he had made to “dispel rumours.” Prokopyev described how the astronauts discovered Blood samples are stored before testing in Spain in June 2018. “a 2mm hole where our air was Researchers have designed a blood test that can measure a person’s going out” and covered it with inner body clock within 1.5 hours, an advance that may help personalize three layers of sealant. medical care. PHOTO: AFP “Please don’t worry we’re all right,” the smiling cosmonaut The head of the Russian space agency caused a sensation last week when Simple blood test he said a hole in the International Space Station may have been drilled said, reassuring viewers that the deliberately. PHOTO: AFP module is now “completely her- metically sealed”. may reveal your MOSCOW (Russia) — A cosmo- biting space station which is cur- “As you can see, we can easily naut on Monday showed off a hole rently home to astronauts from be in here without space helmets in the International Space Station Russia, the US and Germany. and no one is plugging the hole body’s inner clock that caused loss of oxygen after The head of the Russian with a finger as they write in the Russia suggested the leak could space agency Dmitry Rogozin media.” WASHINGTON (United States) ed to the possibility some med- have been caused deliberately. caused a sensation last week The Soyuz spacecraft is used — A team of researchers at ical interventions like chemo- Cosmonaut Sergei Prokopy- when he suggested the hole could to ferry astronauts to and from Northwestern University said therapy or blood pressure ev posted a video on social media have been drilled deliberately — the ISS. The hole is in a section on Monday they have designed drugs might be more effective where he shows the small sealed either back on Earth or in space. that will not be used for the return a blood test that can measure a if taken at a certain time. hole in the wall of a Russian-made A Russian MP who is a for- journey to Earth. Prokopyev’s vid- person’s inner body clock with- For the current study, re- Soyuz space capsule docked onto mer cosmonaut said that the eo prompted grateful comments in 1.5 hours, an advance that searchers took more than 1,100 the ISS. hole could have been drilled by on his social media page, with may help personalize medical blood samples from 73 people. “As you can see everything an astronaut who was mentally Diana Apalikova writing: “You are treatments in the future. Samples were taken about is calm on board, we are living in unbalanced. doing really well. Yes, people did The study was published every two hours, and gene ac- peace and friendship as always,” The Russian space agency worry too much.” Others joked in the Proceedings of the Na- tivity was tested at each inter- said the 43-year-old cosmonaut, has convened a commission to about the incident, such as Alexey tional Academy of Scienc- val to see how it changed over who is on his first space mission. investigate the incident which it Bolkisev, who wrote: “Next time es (PNAS), a peer-reviewed the course of a day. The hole was located on 30 said will present conclusions in try drilling holes when you’re so- US journal. The “circadian The research allowed sci- August after an air leak on the or- mid-September. ber.” —AFP rhythm” governs all cells in entists to decipher if a person’s the body, and is a burgeoning body clock was off, for example, field of research. by up to two hours. Unique ancient Greek altar discovered on Three US geneticists won All the data from the 73 the Nobel Prize for Medicine people studied was computer- Russia’s southern Taman Peninsula last year for discovering the ized, and it revealed a pattern. molecules that drive the pro- “What the algorithm told KRASNODAR (Russia) — An cess. us, is that there were a small ancient Greek altar untypical of This biological clock regu- set of about 40 markers that Greek colonies on the Black Sea lates “all sorts of biological pro- could predict the time of day coast has been unearthed at the cesses, when you feel sleepy, with great accuracy,” said site of the antique city of Phan- when you feel hungry, when Braun. agoria on the Taman Peninsula your immune system is active, Using this algorithm, sci- in Russia’s southern Krasnodar when your blood pressure is entists only need to take two Territory, Vladimir Kuznetsov, high, when your body temp blood draws to have enough in- who leads the Phanagoria archae- changes,” said lead author formation to decipher person’s ological expedition, told TASS on Rosemary Braun, assistant body clock. More research is Monday. “The complex is dated professor of biostatistics at needed before the test can be back to the mid-6th century BC, Northwestern University. made widely available. or the period when Phanagoria When the clock is not reg- It opens a “whole range was founded,” he said. The ancient city of Phanagoria was founded on the Taman Peninsula in ulated properly, research has of possibilities in terms of in- th “This rarest find is one of the the mid-6 century BC by the Greeks. PHOTO: TASS shown a link to diseases like vestigating how precisely the oldest and most unique ancient entrenched in the natural soil to understand how this structure Alzheimer’s, heart problems circadian clock is related to all Greek sanctuaries in Russia. As layer to a depth of two metres. A functioned,” Kuztensov said, add- and diabetes. sorts of health outcomes,” she far as I know, such complexes stairway leading from the vault ing that archaeologists believe the Other research has point- said. —AFP have not been found anywhere ended in a small platform in front building used to serve as a sanctu- else on the Black Sea coast. of a rectangular altar made of ary dedicated to gods associated Moreover, they are quite rare bricks. An 80 cm diameter bowl with the underworld. According for the Mediterranean region in was placed at the edge of the altar to archaeologists, the altar was general,” he said. “The layout of and a deep pit was dug near it, used to place a sacrifice on it, with this altar is absolutely unparal- with the altar’s surface and the the blood trickled to the bowl so leled - there have been found no pit’s verge showing traces of fire that it would not be sprinkled on other similar altars with so highly and ash. the altar. The pit, judging by the specific elements.” “The complex requires se- bone finds, was used to dispose The clay-brick building was rious study and our task is to try of flesh. — Tass 09251022355, 09974424848 12 SEPTEMBER 2018 16 WORLD THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR US threatens to arrest ICC judges who probe war crimes

WASHINGTON — The United rejection of many supranational States threatened on Monday to institutions and treaties the pres- arrest and sanction judges and ident does not believe benefit the other officials of the Internation- United States. al Criminal Court if it moves to Bolton also condemned charge any American who served the record of the court since it in Afghanistan with war crimes. formally started up in 2002, and White House National Secu- argued that most major nations rity Advisor John Bolton called had not joined. the Hague-based rights body He said it had attained just “unaccountable” and “outright eight convictions despite spend- dangerous” to the United States, ing more than $1.5 billion, and Israel and other allies, and said said that had not stemmed atroc- any probe of US service members ities around the world. would be “an utterly unfounded, “In fact, despite ongoing ICC unjustifiable investigation.” “If investigations, atrocities contin- the court comes after us, Israel ue to occur in the Democratic or other US allies, we will not sit Republic of the Congo, Sudan, quietly,” Bolton said. Libya, Syria, and many other He said the US was prepared nations.” he added. to slap financial sanctions and But Bolton said the main US National Security Advisor John Bolton, pictured in Jerusalem in August 2018, described the International criminal charges on officials of objection of the administration Criminal Court as ‘outright dangerous’. PHOTO: AFP the court if they proceed against of President Donald Trump is to any Americans. Federalist Society, a powerful as- Neither Afghanistan nor any our citizens and those of our al- the idea that the ICC could have “We will ban its judges and sociation of legal conservatives. other government party to the lies from unjust prosecution by higher authority than the US prosecutors from entering the ICC’s Rome Statute has request- this illegitimate court,” Bolton Constitution and US sovereignty. United States. We will sanction Investigation into detainee ed an investigation, Bolton said. said. “In secular terms we don’t their funds in the US financial abuse He said the ICC could for- “We will not cooperate with recognize any higher authority system, and we will prosecute Bolton pointed to an ICC mally open the investigation “any the ICC. We will provide no as- than the US constitution,” he them in the US criminal system,” prosecutor’s request in Novem- day now.” sistance to the ICC. We certainly said. he said. “We will do the same ber 2017 to open an investigation He also cited a recent move will not join the ICC. We will let “This president will not allow for any company or state that into alleged war crimes commit- by Palestinian leaders to have the ICC die on its own.” American citizens to be prosecut- assists an ICC investigation of ted by the US military and intel- Israeli officials prosecuted at the ed by foreign bureaucrats, and Americans,” he said. ligence officials in Afghanistan, ICC for human rights violations. ‘Threat’ to US sovereignty he will not allow other nations Bolton made the comments especially over the abuse of de- “The United States will use The condemnation of the to dictate our means of self de- in a speech in Washington to the tainees. any means necessary to protect ICC added to the White House’s fense.” —AFP

Body of former UN S Korea’s Moon urges ‘bold secretary general decision’ from Trump and Kim returned to Ghana SEOUL (South Korea) — South ACCRA (Ghana) — The body of Others included tradition- Korean President Moon Jae-in Kofi Annan was on Monday re- al leaders, senior members of called for a “bold decision” by turned to his native Ghana in a the clergy, the hierarchy of US President Donald Trump solemn ceremony marking the the Ghana armed forces and and North Korean leader Kim start of official mourning for politicians. Jong Un on denuclearisation on the former UN secretary-gen- His coffin was borne by six Tuesday as the White House said eral. Ghanaian soldiers and the Last it was planning another summit Annan’s wife Nane Maria Post played. The UN stand- with Pyongyang. Annan, his children and senior ard was then removed and “The complete denucleari- officials from the world body replaced with the red, yellow sation of the Korean peninsula accompanied the casket, which and green flag of Ghana. is an issue that should funda- was draped in the blue UN flag, “Our son” Annan, who mentally be resolved between as it arrived from Geneva. lived in Switzerland near the the US and North Korea through The career diplomat and UN European headquarters negotiation,” Moon told a cabinet Nobel peace laureate — the in Geneva, was now “at home”, meeting. South Korean President Moon Jae-in . PHOTO: AFP first UN leader from sub-Saha- those attending were told. “But until talks and commu- ran Africa — died on 18 August The public will get the nication between the North and the process of coordinating” an- third meeting with the North Ko- after a short illness at the age chance to pay its respects from the US become more active, we other summit between Trump rean leader this year. of 80. Tuesday while scores of world cannot but work to mediate be- and Kim, after Pyongyang pro- “A big vision and a bold Ghana’s President Nana leaders past and present as tween them,” he said, adding: posed a second meeting in a let- decision between the leaders Akufo-Addo, who has praised well as royalty are expected “President Trump and Chairman ter delivered to Trump. of North Korea and the US are Annan as “one of the most il- at Thursday’s state funeral. Kim have asked that I play this Moon, who brokered June’s needed again in order to advance lustrious people of this gener- A private burial service will role.” historic Singapore summit be- to a higher level in discarding ation”, was among the digni- then be held in Accra’s military His comments came after tween Trump and Kim, will fly Pyongyang’s existing nuclear taries at the arrival ceremony. cemetery.—AFP the White House said it was “in to Pyongyang next week for his weapons,” Moon said.—AFP