A Treatise on the Diseases Incident to the Horse
* ) . LIBRARY LINIVERSITYy^ PENNSYLVANIA j^ttrn/tause il^nriy GIFT OF FAIRMAN ROGERS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from Lyrasis IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/treatiseondiseasOOdunb (U^/^^c/^ i^^J-t^^-^t^^J-e^ A/ TREATISE ON THE ESPECIALLY TO THOSE OF THE FOOT, SHOWING THAT NEARLY EVERY SPECIES OF LAMENESS ARISES FROM CONTRACTION OF THE HOOF, WITH A PRESCRIBED REMEDY THEREFOR, DEMONSTRATED BY A MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE OF THE MOST CELEBRATED HORSEMEN IN THE UNITED STATES AND ENGLAND, / ALEXANDER DUNBAR, ORIGINATOR OF THE CELEBRATED "DUNBAR SYSTEM" FOR THE PREVENTION AND CURE OF CONTRACTION. WILMINGTON, DEL. : JAMES & WEBB, PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS, No, 224 Market Street. 187I. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, by Alkxanokb DcNBAR, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. 1 /1^ IftfDEX. .. PAGE. Introductory, ------- i CHAPTER I. Dunbar on the Horse, ------ g Instructions in Horse-Shoeing, - - - - - lo Testimonials in favor of Dunbar's system, - • - 1 " Lady Rysdyke" presented by Wm. M. Rysdyke, Esq., to Alexan- der Dunbar, - - - - - - - 15 Cut of Rysdyke's " Hambletonian," - - - - 17 Cut of portions of Hoof removed from "Old Hambletonian," - 17 CHAPTER n. Lady Rysdyke and Old Hambletonian, - - - - 19 CHAPTER HI. Testimonial of Robert Bonner in favor of the " Dunbar System," 25 How I obtained the knowledge of the "Dunbar" System, - 25 Letter of Hon. R. Stockett Matthews, - - - - 36 Letter of Lieut. General Grant, . ^6 First acquaintance with Messrs. Bruce, editors of "The Turf, Field and Farm," ------- 37 The Evils of Horse-Shoeing, or Difficulties of the Blacksmith, 38 Roberge's Patent Horse-Shoe, - - - - - 43 Dunbar's Objections to the "Rolling Motion Shoe," - - 44 CHAPTER IV.
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