Lateral Logic Puzzle Your Way to Smart Thinking Gareth Moore

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Lateral Logic Puzzle Your Way to Smart Thinking Gareth Moore M I C H A E L O ’ M A R A T I T L E I N F O R M A T I O N M I C H A E L O ' M A R A Lateral Logic Puzzle Your Way to Smart Thinking Gareth Moore Keynote Learn to open your mind and unlock your natural abilities to solve all kinds of real-life conundrums with this programme designed to improve your lateral thinking, from bestselling brain-training and puzzle book author Gareth Moore. Description Learn to open your mind and unlock your natural abilities to solve all kinds of Publication date Thursday, April 28, real-life conundrums with this programme designed to improve your lateral 2016 thinking, from bestselling brain-training and puzzle book author Gareth Moore. Price £6.99 Sideways thinking; moving away from traditional modes of thought; discarding the ISBN-13 9781782435792 obvious: lateral thinking is an effective, alternative approach to problem-solving. Binding Paperback Showing you how to tackle problems creatively and solve brain-teasers by thinking Format Other outside the box, Lateral Logic will help you develop useful problem-solving skills for all Extent 192 pages areas of your everyday life. Word Count Illustrations Black-and-white This is not a regular puzzle book, but a specially developed programme to help you puzzles improve your mental agility as you enjoy the challenging puzzles. Territorial Rights World In-House Editor Louise Dixon With 90 puzzles, including creative visualization, logic teasers and fill-in-the-blanks, providing handy hints along the way, this helpful book will help you to open your mind and become more productive. Sales Points Lateral thinking is a popular concept of approaching problems using your imagination and creativity, and ‘thinking outside the box’ Includes 90 puzzles and tasks to improve your ability to tackle real-life puzzles This programme has been developed by Dr Gareth Moore for you to work through from start to finish From the author and publishers of Anti-Stress Puzzles, Clever Commuter and Fast Brain Workouts Author Biography Dr Gareth Moore (B.Sc (Hons) M.Phil Ph.D) is the author of a wide range of brain-training and puzzle books for both children and adults, including Anti-stress Puzzles, Ultimate Dot to Dot, Brain Games for Clever Kids, Lateral Logic and Extreme Mazes. He is also the creator of online brain training site, and runs daily puzzle site Michael O’Mara. Sales Office: 9 Lion Yard, Tremadoc Road, London, SW4 7NQ Orders to: Faraday Close, Durrington, Worthing, West Sussex, BN13 3RB Tel: 01903 828 800 Fax: 01903 828 802 International Tel: +44 1903 828500.
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