Pots in the Garden, Expert Design and Planting Techniques {Ray Rogers
$29.95 Lifelong gardener Ray Rogers is a garden Container gardening has grown up! editor and writer, working on more than 40 No longer a technique just for apartment garden titles. He has written for The American in the dwellers or novice gardeners, the use of Gardener magazine, Green Scene, and American ornamental containers on decks, patios, Cottage Gardening and is coauthor of The terraces, and in the garden itself can save time, pot pots garden Philadelphia Flower Show: Celebrating 175 space, and money. More importantly, it offers Years. Ray has appeared on a variety of radio expert design and experienced home gardeners unique creative and TV programs, including Martha Stewart challenges, site fl exibility, and experimental Living, and has taught in the George s fun. In fact, it’s no exaggeration to say that Washington University Horticulture Program. attractive, well-planted containers are an i planting techniques Currently a consultant for a specialty nursery, n essential component of today’s gardens. he continues to pursue his horticultural th Pots in the Garden: Expert Design and interests as a home gardener, as an amateur Planting Techniques presents a fresh approach e hybridizer of Hippeastrum (amaryllis), and as to container plantings and design. Author an award-winning horticultural exhibitor. g and award-winning horticulturist Ray Rogers He lives in North Brunswick, New Jersey. ard doesn’t simply provide a fi nite number of Photographer Richard Hartlage is an “recipes” for specifi c planting combinations. associate principal at AHBL, Inc., managing Rather, he takes you on an engaging the landscape architecture division and exploration into basic design principles, e working with private and public clients around including how to use color, mass, texture, the country.
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