Scollege of Maryland
1 *£ f^TS** • .1, ,," &• "• •* ST. MARY'S COLLEGE OF MARYLAND GONE"GOOSE" The Mulberry Tree Papers he familiar "Blue Goose" that has ferried St. Vol. XII, No. 2 Mary's athletes, musicians, and other assorted Fall 1985 Saints and Seahawks since 1973 has lurched to a final stop. St. Mary's College of Maryland TThe old International bus was retired to State surplus in August, its odometer reading a respectable 176,000 miles. Word at press time was that Historic St. Mary's City might Contents acquire the vehicle for use on short runs around the mu College newsfront, 1 seum grounds. In its younger days, the "Goose" ranged afar. Bus driver MTP Album, 8 "Kelly" Cutchember recently recalled two trips to Florida, one with the College jazz ensemble to Disneyworld, an The Sotweed Legacy, 10 other with the lacrosse team. On the latter expedition, the two-speed axle acted up and the "Goose" crawled into a The Legacy of Southern Maryland, 18 truck stop in low gear for needed repairs. Other trips took the jazz group to Kansas City and the 1983 wind ensemble Students in the Workplace, 22 to Boston. Contributions Reach All-Time High, 24 "We had very little trouble with her, really," said Kelly. "A lot of little things, then she'd run fine for a long time. The Man Who Made a Difference, 32 The engine was rebuilt at 90,000 miles, and since then we've got almost another 90,000 out of her." That Old Debbil Deficit, 36 The College plans to use vans rather than buy another bus, renting busses should that become necessary.
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