Baseball Myths and Confusing Rules
Baseball Myths and Confusing Rules 2015 Myth: The hands are part of the bat • The hands are not part of the bat • If the ball hits the baer’s hand, he or she is a hit batsmen, as long as the baer is not making an aempt to hit the ball when struck. • If the ball first hits the bat, and then the hand, then the ball is foul – Rule 6.08 b Myth: “He turned into fair territory, tag him!” • In order to become liable to be put out aer running through first base, the runner must make an a'empt to advance to second base. • A>empOng to avoid a tag aer running through first base is not considered an aempt to advance – Rule 7.07 c Myth: “It hit the plate, it’s foul!” • The plate is in fair territory, and any ball that contacts the plate is a live ball, as the plate is part of the field – Rule 2.00 Myth: “He’s in the box, how can that be interference?” • If the baer interferes with a fielder who is aempOng to make a play on a runner, it is interference, regardless of posiOon. • If he makes an aempt to get out of the way, interference should not be called • Rule 7.09 Myth: A foul Op is a dead ball • Any pitch that is Opped directly into the catchers hand is a foul Op. A foul Op that is not caught does not exist. If dropped, this is just a foul ball. • Always a live ball (this means that a runner can steal, be picked off, etc.) • If there are already two strikes on the baer, the foul Op is strike three Bang out of order • This one seems complicated, its really pre>y simple • First, you need to understand the appeal process: – The appeal must be made before a pitch is delivered to the next baer – The coach of the defensive team will call Ome, and both teams scorekeepers and the umpires will determine whether or not there was an infracOon.
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