Colgate Parish

HDC SHELAA Housing Land Report by Parish, December 2018

Colgate Parish

The following sites have been considered as part of the December 2018 SHELAA Housing Land Assessment for the Parish.

A map depicting the entire site area and summary of each site assessment is included on the following pages.

Please note that the classification of a site is based on the classification of the developable area within that site, therefore if part of a site is considered ‘developable’ 6‐10 years, the whole site would be coloured yellow, however in reality only part of that site may be considered suitable for development.

The outcome of the assessment for Colgate Parish is summarised as follows:

SHELAA Site Name Site Address Outcome of Total Reference Assessment Units SA007 Former Agates Sawmill, Lane, Faygate Green (1-5 Years 29 Faygate Deliverable) SA289 Land West of Green (1-5 Years 2,113 () Deliverable) and (6-10 Years and 11+ Years Developable) SA495 Durrants Village Faygate Lane Faygate Green (1-5 Years 17 Deliverable) SA033 Woodland adjacent East of Beedingwood Farm, Forest Not Currently Developable 0 Beedingwood Farm Road SA057 Land at Little Clovers Farm Crawley Road, Faygate Not Currently Developable 0

SA106 Land at Pine Cottage, Curtilage of Pine Cottage, Forest Not Currently Developable 0 Colgate Road SA107 Land North of Forest Land to the West of Forest Farm Not Currently Developable 0 Road, Colgate House, Forest Road SA295 Greater Faygate Strategic Site Not Currently Developable 0

SA334 Land at Buchan Hill Buchan Hill reservoir, Forest Road Not Currently Developable 0 Reservoir, Colgate SA341 Land west of Kilnwood and Colgate Not Currently Developable 0 Vale SA514 Cow Barn & Mid Benson's Wimland Farm, Faygate Not Currently Developable 0 Fields SA527 The Cherry Tree Cherry Tree PH, Crawley Road, Not Currently Developable 0 Faygate, SA552 Woodlands Farm Old Crawley Road, Faygate, Not Currently Developable 0 Horsham, West SA600 Wellsprings Blackhouse Road Colgate Not Currently Developable 0

SA667 Rookfield Crawley Road, Faygate Not Currently Developable 0

SA670 Land at Home Farm St Leonards Forest Colgate Not Currently Developable 0

HDC SHELAA Housing Land Report by Parish, December 2018

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Parish Colgate

SHLAA Reference SA007 Site Name Former Agates Sawmill, Faygate

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Faygate Lane, Faygate Years 6-10 Developable Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 12.32 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL PDL Available Site Total 29 Achievable

Justification The site has permission for 157 dwellings, including 148 retirement dwellings, via planning applications DC/08/0316 and DC/10/0088. Development is well underway and a large proportion of the dwellings are complete. Further development within the site has since been approved and this is assessed separately under SA495 and has not been included within this assessment. It is concluded the site is available, suitable, achievable and the remaining 29 dwellings are assessed to be deliverable in 1-5 years.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA - 007 : Former Agates Sawmill, Faygate Lane, Faygate

95.9m Meadow Court The Barn

Carylls Lea Farm Track


´ Kildare Drain



Deerswood Durrants Copse


Oakbridge 88.6m


Hunters Oak


15 2


19 26 20

Pond 1 12 32 Track 22 1 to 12 24 LB Ponds 34 Agates

Track Posts DURRANTS DRIVEHouse 21 El Sub Sta

14 Pond 40

13 85.1m Shelley 1 to 9 1 POPLAR COURT House Durrants 42 House

44 7 Robinia MP 34.75

3 El Sub Sta

1 to 12 Martlet 1 Oak Walk SL STATION APPROACH House Station 1 Cottages2

50 85.7m 46

62 ESS 1 Faygate


4 67 Mast (Telecommunication)


Drain The Holmbush Inn 55 Playing Field (PH) Pond Issues 10 11

Faygate Business Centre 22 28 82.7m 14 40

20 2 10

Track Pond 12 14 48 Pavilion

HALLS DRIVE Durrants 1 Hall 9 Garage 17

OLD FORGE CL Play Area LB Brockwell C ottages


MP 34.5 8 2 1 85.4m 2

3 7 4 GP Park Farriers

Path (um)

Bunglebee Hillbrow

Wellercots 11 12 10 PARK ROAD Ajax Merew orth Badger TCB Blackwood 5 Cottage

84.2m Ex The Old 1 Saddlers Police House LANE 1

Furze 5


1 Waverley Forest View Forest Faygate 9

Ash Copse St Francis Cottage 10 Clovers Cottages

13 Carylls

7 Cottages Built Up Area Boundary


TCB 21

Newtimber Excluded Land DesignationsHolmbush Forest

Mast (Telecommunication) SitesMS of Special Scientific Interest Sewage Works Special Protection Areas Scheduled Monuments Registered Parks and Gardens RAMSAR sites

Site Assessment RankingHooks Copse Track

Pond Little Clovers

Farm Deliverable85.8m

Track Developable

Path (um)

Dabsongill TOWER ROAD Scale : 1:5000 NotPond Currently DevelopablePath (um) CRAWLEY ROAD Little Clover

Paramount Cottage

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Council of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (2018). Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 RH12 1RL. Barbara Childs : Director of Place Parish Colgate

SHLAA Reference SA289 Site Name Land West of Bewbush (Kilnwood Vale)

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Crawley Road Years 6-10 Developable Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 117 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL Greenfield Available Site Total 2,113 Achievable

Justification The site has planning permission for 2,799 dwellings, via planning applications DC/10/1612, DC/15/2561 and DC/17/2481, following its allocation in Policy CP6 of the Core Strategy (2007). The majority of the site lies within the Parish of Colgate however the northern section, beyond the railway line, lies in the Parish of Rusper. Construction is now well underway and will span over a number of years.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA - 289 : Land West of Bewbush (Kilnwood Vale)

91 6 10 53 16 13 83 El Sub Sta

5 Be rrym ea de Wa lk 13 1


10 11 7 3 18 15 Pla ygro und 29 Pond 4


7 1 30

5 17 5 Pla y 8 16 32 6 12 13 14 Pla y Area 21 29 37 11 1 10 22

2 9 13 13 3

Bowness Bowness Close COMPASSI ON CLOSE


2 13 17 19 9

10 13 Def 1 26 7


BIT T ERN C TBIT ERN LOSE 7 17 8 6 1 5 7 4 5 15 1 MP 32 .5



6 5

1 28 Redsh ank Co urt Sto neyc roft Walk 1

16 2 FAIRWAY 8 BEHENNA CLOSE 7 1 AMBLESIDE CLOSE 1 7 38 STACKFIELD RO AD 4 10 15 12 16 21 15 19


Shear water Cou rt 12 THE ORCHARDS 20 20 1 Foo t

9 Pond 1 23 13 48

12 18 13 7

CB 23 25 5 7 22

ABBOT SF IELD RO AD 23 3 27 56 1 Sto neyc roft Walk

58 6 Pla yare a 20 17 5 5 9 11 Tra ck Pla y Area El Sub Sta 31


7 5 19

10 Pond Sto neyc roft Walk 17 6 WAYSIDE 1


1 1 12

25 16 11

12 FAIRWAY 16 3 21 13 20 2


1 12 1 17 16 COLLI NS ROAD

25 5 1 10 7 El 9 17 Ward Bdy FAIRWAY CR 17

´ 1 35 15 8 1 Pla y Area 13 15 25 1


7 Ye wlands

10 5 27 5 13 44 8 10 9 5 49 El Sub Sta 6 1 11 7 42 Pond 22 9 THIRL MERE ROAD1 40 KESWICK CLOSE 1 2 1 23 SAM ARIT AN CLO SE 1 5 8 38

16 6 12 35 Weir 5 12 19 4 16 Pla y Area 37

Pa th ( um) Bo ro Co nst Bd y 8 32 13 9 Def 34 15 13 WAT ERFIELD GARDENS Ward Bdy

15 CR 4 30 Path Tra ck Pla y Area 31 Tra ck 1 Tra ck 5 29 St Francis Wa lk 5

HARM ONY CLO SE 6 Upper Bewbu sh 17

Pond MP 32 .75 12 Und 8 24 18

10 Pond 22 Drain 91.9 m 8 Drain 11 FB

100. 1m Pa th ( um) FF 8 Oak Ho use House Copse Drain Map le Hou se Railway 11 Tra ck FB Beech Ho use 6 Drain 19 Path ( um) Path ( um) 16 KIL NWOOD L ANE Drain Pa th ( um) 15 WAT ERSID E CL OSE 2 1

5 3 1 Und SOANE CL OSE 9 7


Far m Co ttag es


Issues 14 102. 3m 15 13 CR

7 to 12 ANDRO MEDA CLOSE 7 to 12 17 2 1

Co Con st, CP & ED Bdy

1 to 6 73.7 m 29

1 to 6 9 NEPT UNE CLOSE 14

Bewbush Broo k 15 1 12 6 22 2 18 Sp ruce Hill Broo k 11 3 1 2 4 6 18 Aq uar ius Cou rt 49 to 71 11 1 52 Orion CAPRICOR N CLOSE 17 Drain Pa th um)( 49 14 Mira nda Walk Posts 12 FF 2 P SAT URN 15 13 19

Drain 1 8 8 7 10 MP 33 .0 HYPERION CO URT 22

Dione Walk Kilnwo od 1 5 2 6 27 to 32 45 to 48 GEMINI CL OSE 11 Far m

21 4 4 3

41 to 44 Ivory Walk

33 to 36 45 to 48 Area 23 to 26 37 to 40 Drain 41 to 44 Tra ck 1 to 4 Kilnwo od 16 Bunga low 37 to 40 Gard ene r's 12 13 5 to 8 Cottag e 10 13 LANE 9 9 to 12

14 KIL NWOOD 7 25 to 28

5 Ganym ed e 29 to 36 16 1 Drain 13 2 Tra ck

12 Kilnwo od House 18 to 21

ARCT URUS ROAD 1 9 Capon Gr ove

1 19 to 24

5 to 8 CALLISTO CLOSE Shelter



13 to 18

4 Bewbush Broo k The Gre en 1 MERCURY FF (Recn Gd)


Tra ck Tra ck 5


7 to 12


1 to 6 43



MP 33 .25 1 to 4 17

Drain 23

13 16to


Drain 1 to 12 Bewbush Broo k 10 Pavilion 12 to 15

9 12to

Pla y Area 13 Pa th ( um) Car Par k 9 13 to 20

4 27 BOOTH RO AD For d El Sub Sta 55 49 Mast (Teleco mm unica tion) RANSOM E 1 Issues 57 Sp ruce Hill Broo k 29 to 39 1 Ten nis 63 46 65 Cour t Bo ro Co nst Bd y 3 1 45 44 2 Co Con st, CP & ED Bdy 4 71 Sprea ds 4 6 50 4 1 73 5 30 to 40 77 5 75 14 Post 79 27 23 Wycliffe Co urt

Nesbit 12 26

FB 22 Tra ck 6 24

12 87 5 Pondta il Shaw 16 17 BARLO W ROAD 7 31

1 27 29 Pond 2

1 Calvin Walk

0.91 m RH 33 Drain BUNYAN CLO SE 12 to 17 10 9

23 Calvin Walk 21

7 25 37 22

27 9 10 11 1 38 8 11 35 17 Drain 17 46 39 42 MASEFIELD RO AD AL LCOT 44

35 19 40 18 to 34 Pond 48 1

26 WESLEY El Sub Sta 34

9 to 17 7 2 MP 33 .5 32 Post

53 15 MOL E CRESCENT 23 Be wbush 22 45 30 26 30 1 24 16 Br ook 28 29 CR 8 Pond 24 Posts 27 BRICKL AYER LANE FB Post 18 27 to 43 30 to 40 20 26 22 21 30 SUL LIVAN 21 20 9 11 to 25 16

Path 32 18 33 Pondta il Shaw 17 1 21 to 31 ROAD 5 18 22 CLOSE 37 4 20

33 to 43 1 17 2 43 Balancing Tra ck LB 13 6 15 9 8 Pla y Area Drain 10 15

12 Pond 7 Pe terle e Walk 13 9

22 11 El Sub Sta 19 NWOODKIL CL OSE Walk 13 20 23 8 FB 4 CORBY 17

2 18 17 9

6 Balancing 1 37 22

12 Pond 15 42 1 18 1 20

Tra ck 6 Hatfield Walk 35 15 Pe terle e Walk 34 11


3 Sp ruce Hill Broo k 1 43 WEL WYN Br ackne ll 2 51 3 13 to BASILDO N WAY BRICKYARD WAY 1 14 30 Wa lk WARRING TON CLOSE 1 45 2 49 30 1

7 5 43 32 2 26 31 91 1 38 25 41 85 46 4 21 2 36 50 6 37 10 2 9 8 22 10 MP 33 .75 MANORF IELDS 23 HOLM BUSH END 37 MANORF IELDS

24 Cumb ern auld Walk

7 33 7 34 17 4 16 1 RUNCORN CLO SE 8 17 18 28 21 1

15 27 23

1 21

17 22 BASILDO N WAY 4 10 108 5 11 35 8 5 RAINBOW FIELD 5 1 1 5 15 The tfor d Walk 4 10 24 7 16 10 17 13 Close

33 1 1 11 21 1 7 Skelmer sda le Walk 5


25 11 DRIVE Pla y Area 7 PO NDTAIL WAL K 1 46 WAY

56 53 REDDIT CH 22 21 14 24


23 25 6 7 1

16 WI LLOW ST REET 2 to 20 39 to 53

2 0.91RH m 16

Moa t


1 10

FRANCIS 24 to 40 31 43 13 27 4 Sports 19 1 1 11

Cour t 29 45 1 2 9 Path( um) CALVERTLINK ILLET T WAY 1 to 5 9 CLAY VALE

22 ED Bd y Bewbush Ma nor 19 1 2 1 to 13 19 12 to 22 12 18 PW

Hoppe r's Bro ok 16

1 67to

16 2 10 24 to 38 PO NDTAIL AVENUE 6 Tra ck 8 108

6 2 4 1 17 to 32 Co Con st, CP & 23 2

1 Boro Co nst Bdy 9 124

2 HOWARD ROAD ERSKINE CLO SE 35 Line El Sub Sta 5 1 of 1 1 to 12 116 3 1 Lodg e Ho use Posts CHETWOOD RO AD 11

19a 20 18 20 TURNPIKE LANE Drain 3 HORSHAM ROAD 13 19 1


90 69 513 to 17

4 7


1 to 16 18


100 12 16 27 7 7

18 9 21 13

BEECHES WAY Boro Co nst Bdy 13 8 Def

60 RH 10 52 10 32 2

28 68 Beaub ush Co ttag e



50 76 21 to 32 76a A 2 64 40 82 78 ESS's HORSHAM ROAD FF

33 to 44 70 Und 45 48 FF

St Leo nar d's Fo re st

Buchan Hill Fo rest

A 2 64

For est Cottag e

WEL LINGHAM WAY House Holmb ush Potter ies

Tra ck A 2 64 Tra ck


Indu strial BURNS WAY 1 Estate 1 5 2 Holmb ush 8 7 Far m 10 9 Cottag es

Sto ne


The Bung alow

Buchan Hill Fo rest Hoppe r F ar m Tan k Lay- by 2

Hoppe r's Bro ok 1 12 Built Up Area Boundary Holm F ar m Cottag es

Holmb ush Far m

Tra ck

Drain Tra ck FB

FB Excluded Land Designations

Pond St Leo nar d's Fo re st

Tra ck


Tra ck Path( um) Sites of Special Scientific Interest Holmb ush F or est Spruce Hill Spruce Hill

Buchan Coun try Park

St Leo nar d's Fo re st Special Protection Areas

Island Pond

Holmb ush Pa intba ll Scheduled Monuments Path ( um) Registered Parks and Gardens

Silve r Hill Tra ck RAMSAR sites

Issues Site Assessment Ranking

Tra ck Tra ck

1 Rose Path ( um) Deliverable Cottag e Far m Ho use

Tra ck

Developable Tra ck Tra ck

Tra ck

Ultimate Event s Activity Ce ntr

Pa th um) ( Scale : 1:10000 NotTra ck Currently Developable For d Pa th ( um)

Pa th um) ( Pa th ( um)

Holmb ush Tra ck

Path ( um)

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (2018). Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 West Sussex RH12 1RL. Barbara Childs : Director of Place Parish Colgate

SHLAA Reference SA495 Site Name Durrants Village

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Faygate Lane, Faygate, West Sussex Years 6-10 Developable Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 0.30 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL PDL Available Site Total 17 Achievable

Justification The site has planning permission for 17 retirement dwellings via planning application DC/14/1187. The site will provide additional development to that assessed under the wider site SA007 (within which this site lies). A scheme of this size would likely be delivered in a single phase. It is concluded the site is available, suitable, achievable and deliverable 1-5 years.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA-495 : Durrants Village Faygate Lane Faygate West Sussex ´

Hunters Oak



26 20

1 12 32

22 24 1 to 12 LB 34 Agates Posts House DURRANTS DRIVE El Sub Sta

1 to 12 85.1m 1 to 9 Shelley Durrants House House


El Sub Sta

STATION APPROACH 1 Oak Walk SL Station 1 Cottages 2


1 Faygate

Station Built Up Area Boundary

4 Excluded Land Designations Mast (Telecommunication) Sites of Special Scientific Interest 38 Special Protection Areas Scheduled Monuments The Holmbush Inn

Pond Registered Parks and Gardens Issues 10

11 RAMSAR sites Site Assessment Ranking Faygate Business Centre 22 Deliverable28 82.7m 14 40 Developable Not Currently Developable 2 Scale : 1:1250 20 Excluded10

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (2018). Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham West Sussex RH12 1RL. Date: 09/11/2015 Revision: Barbara Childs : Director of Place Parish Colgate

SHLAA Reference SA033 Site Name Woodland adjacent Beedingwood Farm

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address East of Beedingwood Farm, Forest Road Years 6-10 Developable Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 0.3547 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL Greenfield Available Site Total 0 Achievable

Justification The landowner has expressed an interest to develop the site meaning it is 'available'. The site lies outside any built up area boundaries in an isolated rural location and unrelated to a settlement edge. It is within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, an area of Ancient Woodland and an Archaeological Notification Area. The site is close to a Traditional Orchard and there is a veteran tree nearby. It is therefore assessed as 'Not Currently Developable'.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA - 033 : Woodland adjacent Beedingwood Farm, Colgate

´ Sand Plat


Tennis Court Rookfield Farm

130.9m Issues

126.0m White House Beedingwood Farm

Track Brickyard Copse

Rangers Lodge

Built Up Area Boundary The Minepits Excluded Land Designations Sites of Special Scientific Interest Special Protection Areas ScheduledWhite Monuments Herons Registered Parks and Gardens RAMSAR sites White Herons Farm Site Assessment Ranking Deliverable Developable Scale : 1:2500 Not Currently Developable

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (2018). Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 West Sussex RH12 1RL. Barbara Childs : Director of Place Parish Colgate

SHLAA Reference SA057 Site Name Land at Little Clovers Farm, Faygate

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Land at Little Clovers Farm, Crawley Road, Years 6-10 Developable Faygate Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 5.7 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL Greenfield Available Site Total 0 Achievable

Justification The landowner has expressed an interest to develop the site meaning it is 'available'. This site is in the countryside west of Faygate, which is an unclassified settlement as defined in Policy 3 of the Horsham District Planning Framework 2015 (HDPF) thus a settlement with few or no facilities or social networks and limited accessibility, and is reliant on other villages and towns to meet the needs of residents. Unless allocated for development through the review of the Horsham District Planning Framework (HDPF) or via a made Neighbourhood Plan, it is considered development would be contrary to Policies 1 to 4 and 26 of the HDPF. It would also conflict with Policy 27 of the HDPF which relates to settlement coalescence.

The Local Plan Review Issues & Options (April 2018) proposed Faygate as a secondary settlement with the eastern boundary of the site adjoining the western boundary of the proposed secondary settlement boundary. However the Issues & Options document is an early stage of the local plan review and holds little weight. Development of the whole site would double the size of the existing settlement south of the railway and could raise issues relating to the impact on landscape and the High Weald AONB which lies to the south of the site separated by the A264, perceived coalescence of Horsham and Crawley and impact on the existing road network. The site is therefore assessed as 'Not Currently Developable'.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA - 057 : Land at Little Clovers Farm, Crawley Road, Faygate

Durrants Copse Deerswood CR

Oakbridge 88.6m ´ View

Hunters Oak

15 2 7 16 19 26 20 Pond 1 32 12 22 Ponds 34 LB 21 Posts House Track El Sub Sta 14 40 13 85.1m 1 Shelley House 44 7 MP 34.75 3 El Sub Sta Martlet SL

50 46 Cottages 85.7m ESS 62

Station Path (um) 4 67 38 The Holmbush Inn Drain 55 Playing Field 11 10 Pond

40 22 28 82.7m 20 2 Faygate Business Centre 10

Track Pond 14 12 48 Pavilion Durrants 9 Garage Hall 17 LB Play Area Ash Copse

1 MP 34.5 8 1 85.4m 3 7 4 GP Farriers Hillbrow (um) 10 12 Ajax PARK ROAD TCB 5 84.2m Ex 1 1 Woodside Furze 5 1 Faygate 9 Waverley

Forest View Forest Ash Copse Clovers Cottages 10 Issues 7 Carylls

12 21 TCB Holmbush Forest Newtimber

MS Sewage

Hooks Copse Track Farm 85.8mExcluded Land Designations

Track TOWERSites ROAD of Special Scientific Interest Dabsongill Path (um) Track Special Protection Area Cottage CRAWLEY ROAD FBs Scheduled Monuments 81.7m RegisteredPool Parks102.7m and Gardens (PH) Frogmore Weir RAMSAR site Beechwood Built Up Area SeersBoundary Croft Tank 109.3m FB Path (um) SiteDabson Gill AssessmentHolmbush Ranking Hill

Path (um) Deliverable Pond Rookfield Developable Path (um) Not Currently Developable Middle Hill Scale : 1:5,000 Excluded

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (2018). Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 West Sussex RH12 1RL. Date: Revision: Barbara Childs : Director of Place Parish Colgate

SHLAA Reference SA106 Site Name Land at Pine Cottage, Colgate

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Pine Cottage, Forest Road, Colgate Years 6-10 Developable Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 0.26 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL Greenfield Available Site Total 0 Achievable

Justification It is unknown if the landowner still has an interest in developing this site therefore it is considered unavailable at the present time. The site is in the countryside east of Colgate, which is an unclassified settlement in Horsham District Planning Framework Policy 3 having a lack of services and facilities. It is also within the High Weald Area of Oustanding Natural Beauty which is a protected landscape in HDPF Policy 30. Unless allocated for development within the revised HDPF or a made Neighbourhood Plan, any development would be contrary to Policies 1 to 4 and 26 of the current HDPF. It is therefore assessed as Not Currently Developable.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA - 106: Land at Pine Cottage, Forest Road, Colgate

´ Track

Forest Cottages

1 2 Fir Cottages Pond




Oaks Pine Cottage


Lilac Cottage 3 St Saviours Chase 4

Fir Cottages



Box Tree Cott

Laurel Cottage

Lancers Cottages Bosc House Built Up Area Boundary

Excluded Land Designations Sites of Special Scientific Interest Special Protection Areas Scheduled Monuments Registered Parks and Gardens

Cottage RAMSAR sites Site Assessment Ranking


Colgate Apple Tree Developable Primary School Cottages Not Currently Developable Heather Cottage Scale : 1:1250 Excluded

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (2018). PParkside, Chart Way, Horsham Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 West Sussex RH12 1RL. Date: Revision: Barbara Childs : Director of Place Parish Colgate

SHLAA Reference SA107 Site Name Land North of Forest Road, Colgate

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Land to the West of Forest Farm House, Forest Years 6-10 Developable Road Years 11+ Site Area (ha) Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL Greenfield Available Site Total 0 Achievable

Justification It is unknown if the landowner still has an interest in developing this site therefore it is considered unavailable at the present time. The site is a wooded area in the countryside east of Colgate, which is an unclassified settlement in Horsham District Planning Framework Policy 3 having a lack of services and facilities. It is also within the High Weald Area of Oustanding Natural Beauty which is a protected landscape in HDPF Policy 30. Unless allocated for development within the revised HDPF or a made Neighbourhood Plan, any development would be contrary to Policies 1 to 4 and 26 of the current HDPF. It is therefore assessed as Not Currently Developable.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA - 107 : Land to the West of Forest Farm House, Colgate

Track ´

Path (um)


Mast (telecommunication)


Forest Farm


Issues FOREST ROAD 1 2 Fir Cottages Pond 121.9m 1 2

Oaks Pine Cottage

2 Lilac Cottage

1 3 4 St SavioursChase Fir Cottages

Church 2 1

Box Tree Cott

Laurel Cottage

Stone Cottage

Bosc House Lancers Built Up Area Boundary

Excluded Land Designations Sites of Special Scientific Interest Colgate Primary School Rainbow Special Protection Areas LB ScheduledMonuments Registered Parks and Gardens Cottages RAMSAR sites Heather Cottage 1 2 Site Assessment Ranking Well Springs Deliverable 1 Developable Not Currently Developable Scale : 1:2500 Excluded

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (2018). Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 West Sussex RH12 1RL. Date: Revision: Barbara Childs : Director of Place "NAME" = 'SA308' Parish Colgate

SHLAA Reference SA295 Site Name Greater Faygate

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Strategic Site Years 6-10 Developable Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 140 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL Greenfield Available Site Total 0 Achievable

Justification The availability of this site is uncertain due to a lack of an up to date expression of interest to develop from the landowner. The site surrounds the existing built form of Faygate, and would significantly expand the size of the current settlement. There is significant risk of coalescence between Horsham and Crawley, and adverse visual impact on the adjoining AONB. The site may also have an impact on the existing road network. The site is not being actively promoted by any developer, limiting availability of the site. Unless allocated for development through the review of the Horsham District Planning Framework 2015 (HDPF) it is considered development would be contrary to Policies 1 to 4 and 26 of the HDPF. The site is therefore assessed as 'Not Currently Developable'.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA - 295 : Greater Faygate

106. 1m

Issues Issues

96.4 m 107. 3m

Path ( um)

Tra ck


Ruspe r Cop se

Tra ck Keepe r's Cott age 107. 8m

2 ´ North Gra nge Fa rm hou se 1 KIL NWOOD L ANE

Pond Pa th um) (

109. 4m

106. 4m GP The Willows Bar n

Pond North Lod ge WIMLANDS LANE LB Ten nis Co urt Pond North Gra nge Fa rm

Hoppe r Culros s Lod ge

112. 8m The Willows

Carylls L ea Bunga low

WI MLAND RO AD Fayg ate Place Carylls L ea Culros s Bung alow Culros s 106. 1m Cottag e Fair holm e Co ttage Glenvic Lod ge Fayg ate 110. 9m Cottag e Drain Wim land Cor ner Culros s Gra nge

The Old 1 2 100. 7m Coach House

Tk Culros s Ma nor Pond

CG Pond South Lod ge


Fayg ate House

Bakeho use Barn

Drain Pond 95.9 m Mea dow Co urt The Barn

WIMLANDS LANE Carylls L ea Wim land s F arm Far m Tra ck 110. 8m Pond

CF Guide Post TB 108. 8m

Tra ck Kilda re Wim land s Hou se Pond

Wim land Cott ages

33 34 Mast (Teleco mm unica tion)

108. 3m Issues

Drain Pond CR

Path ( um)

Pond Issues CF Tra ck

91.6 m

Fulle rs Sha w


North land Copse

SP 93.9 m Tra ck Orch ard Copse MP 34 .0

Deer swood Path ( um) Durr ants Copse


Oakbr idge 88.6 m

Mea dow Vie w FAYGATE LANE

Hunte rs O ak


15 2 85.5 m

7 BIRCH COURT 16 26 19 20

Pond 1 12 32

Tra ck 22 1 to 12 24 Agates LB Ponds 34 CR

r ck Tra Posts DURRANT S DRIVEHouse 21 El Sub Sta Pond 14 40

13 85.1 m


1 Shelley POPLAR COURT Durr ants Budd's Co pse House 42 House 44 Robinia

Path ( um) 7 MP 34 .75 80.6 m Warr en 3 Wood El Sub Sta

1 to 12 Mar tlet 1 Oa k Walk SL House STATIO NSta APPROACH tion Ponds 1 Cottag2 es FB 50 85.7 m 46

62 Pond ESS 1 Fayg ate Pond Sta tion

4 67 Mast (Teleco mm unica tion)

Pa th um) ( 38

Drain The Holm bush Inn 55 Pla ying F ield (PH) Pond Pond Issues 10 Budds Co ttag e 11

Fayg ate Busines s Cent re 22 28 82.7 m 14 40

2 20 10

12 Tra ck Pond 14 48 Pavilion

HALLS DRIVE Durr ants 1 Hall 9 Gara ge 17

Budd's F ar m

OLD ORGEF CL 69.6 m Pla y Area LB Ash Cops e Br ockwell C ottag es 1 Budds F ar mh ouse MP 34 .5 8 2 1 85.4 m North Lod ge 2

3 Pond 7 4 GP Park Far rier s

Path (um )

69.4 m Bungleb ee Hillb row

12 Wellerco ts 11 Drain 10 Park Co ttag e PARK ROAD Path ( um) Aja x Mer ewor th Badge r TCB Bla ckwood Cottag e 5 70.3 m 84.2 m Ex The Old 1 Police Saddler s Woodsid e LANE 1 House Hooks Co pse

Fur ze 5

1 FAYGATE Waver ley For est Vie est For w Fayg ate 9

Ash Cops e St Fr ancis Co ttag e

Tra ck 10 Clover s Cotta ges

13 Issues Carylls 7 Cottag es

12 70.3 m TCB

21 Newtimb er Holmb ush F or est Benson 's House

Mast (Teleco mm unica tion) MS Fro g a nd Nig htgo wn Sewage (PH) Works


Royal O ak Cot tage

67.3 m

Gard en Cottag e

Hooks Co pse Path ( um)

Ten nis Co urt Tra ck Pond Little Clo ver s

Far m 85.8 m SP

Tra ck

Pa th ( um) Benson 's Tra ck Dabso ngill Far m TOWER ROAD Pa th ( um) Cottag es Pond MP 35 .0

66.3 m CRAWL EY RO AD Pond Little Clo ver Park Co ttag e

Param oun t Tra ck Cottag e Pond Pump House FBs

81.7 m Hooks Co pse

Pool 102. 7m The Cher ry Tre e


Fro gm ore Weir

Beechwo od

Seers Croft Tan k 109. 3m

FB Built Up Area Boundary Tra ck Holmb ush Hill

Pa th ( um) Chann ells Bro ok Dabso n Gill

Tra ck Rookfie ld

Pond Pa th um)( CR Rookfie ld Excluded Land Designations 118. 1m MP Pa th ( um) 35.2 5

Midd le Hill A 2 64

Pa th um)(

Br ook Lan e

Sites of Special Scientific Interest123. 6m

Tra ck

Jenn ers F irs

Clyst Haye s

BRO OK LANE Special Protection Areas


129. 9m

ScheduledFor d Monuments 77.8 m Rose Co ttag es Tre atm ent 6 Pla nt 7 Fayg ate Fo rest (disu sed) 9 Tra ck TOWER ROAD CRAWL EY RO AD 10 Ponds CLOVERS WAY

Tra ck Clover s Path ( um)

Pa th ( um) St Leo nar d's Fo re st Registered Parks and Gardens Tan ks 133. 8m RAMSAR sites Roffey Park

Tan k

Fayg ate Fo rest Tra ck

Roffey Pla ce Pond Site Assessment Ranking

(Chr istian T ra ining Cent re)



Dabso n Gill Tra ck Deliverable Sin ks Developable

Pa th ( um) Tra ck

Holly Wood

Berry Moss Issues

Tra ck

Pond Not Currently Developable Scale : 1:10000 Copleys Pond Pond Find on

Reser voir

Woodla nds

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (2018). Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 West Sussex RH12 1RL. Barbara Childs : Director of Place Parish Colgate

SHLAA Reference SA334 Site Name Land South of Buchan Hill Reservoir, Colgate

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Land South of Buchan Hill Reservoir, Buchan Years 6-10 Developable Hill, , West Sussex Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 1.6 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL Greenfield Available Site Total 0 Achievable

Justification The land owner has expressed an interest in developing the site meaning the site is considered ‘available’. The site is located in an isolated rural location and is unrelated to any settlement boundary. It is therefore assessed as ‘Not Currently Developable’.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA - 334: Land at Buchan Hill Reservoir, Colgate

´ Radar Station


Barbeeches El Sub Sta Silverbirches

South Lodge



Built Up Area Boundary

Excluded Land Designations Sites of Special Scientific Interest Special Protection Areas Scheduled Monuments Registered Parks and Gardens Mast RAMSAR sites Site Assessment Ranking

Deliverable 0.91m FB Developable Not Currently Developable Scale : 1:1500 140.6m Excluded

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council 8 of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (201 ). Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 West Sussex RH12 1RL. Date: Revision: Barbara Childs : Director of Place Parish Rusper

SHLAA Reference SA341 Site Name Land West of Kilnwood Vale

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Land West of Kilnwood Vale, Horsham Years 6-10 Developable Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 169 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL Greenfield Available Site Total 0 Achievable

Justification The land owner has expressed an interest to develop the site meaning it is ‘available for development’. The site has been proposed as an extension of aroun 750 homes to the Kilnwood Vale strategic development which is a strategic allocation of around 2,500 homes adjoining the existing administrative boundary of Crawley (see SA289) and for which development has commenced.

There are a number of environmental constraints including Ancient Woodland and Sites of Scientific Interest are present within the site boundary. There are also a number of infrastructure issues which would need to be addressed, including sewerage and impacts on the existing road infrastructure. Given the proximity of this site to Kilnwood Vale and the impact that development in this location could have on nearby Crawley joint working would be required to bring this site forward.

Unless allocated for development through the review of the Horsham District Planning Framework 2015 (HDPF) or via a made Neighbourhood Plan, it is considered development would be contrary to Policies 1 to 4 and 26 with some conflict to Policy 31 of the HDPF. It is therefore assessed as 'Not Currently Developable'.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA - 341: Land west of Kilnwood Vale

Axmas F ar m


77.4 m Tra ck Pond

Tra ck r ck Tra

r ck Tra Drain

Hyde Hill r ck Tra

Pa th um)( Old Che llows Tra ck Axmas Ho use


Tra ck


FB Pond Bay

Path ( um) Hill

Tra ck Co Con st, CP & Hyde Hill Br ook Bo ro Co nst Bd y Drain

89 Def

Drain CS Pond 18 17 15 19 73 81 16 6 55 57

20 9 8 11 23 20 15 13 11 5 47 1 37 63 65

Drain 25 21 10 HOYLAKE CL OSE 5 29 49 14 ´ CB 8 11 Drain 7 POYNING S ROAD

29 16 53 Path ( um) FB 4


30 2 17 3 1 32 TROO N CLOSE 2 26

40a 32 20 26 9

5 11 19



Def 48 16 14 51 1 Drain

2 13 8 FB 13 52 12 54 Tra ck 6 3 1 4 2 1 8c

37 3 40 45 Drain 17 2 13 8b 15 1 8 5 19

CB 7 3 For d 11 9 3 22 11 CS 8 MUIRF IELD CLO SE 2

Collects 20 BIRKDALE DRIVE29 Pond Und 11 9 19 10 7 19A El Sub Sta 19 4 12 PRESTWIC K CL OSE 2 42 8 1 20 12 17 Posts 1 17 5 18 33 6

Pa th 48 8 10 23 PARK 5 13 Area DOBBINS PL ACE 5


56 TCB 43 Sports Cour t PUF FI N ROAD 1 14 18 4

10 8 SM 29 20 1 26 Guillem ot Pat h 10

7 21 Tra ck 71 Centr e 18 1 FULM AR CLOSE 91 63 45 4 13 Post 53 83

5 13 7 1

10 11 3 18

Pond 4

1 6 TERN ROADTERN 7 1 21 20 Pla y 5 7 8 14 Pla y Area 21 29 13

9 22 2 14

Bowness Bowness Close TUNNM EADE

1 FAIRWAY 26 2 13 19 9

10 13

1 26


7 BIT T ERN C TBIT ERN LOSE 8 5 6 1 5 15 1


9 6

1 28 Redsh ank Co urt

16 FAIRWAY 7 1 38 1 7 AMBLESIDE CLOSE 4 10 15 12 STACKFIELD RO AD 16 15 19

11 Shear water Cou rt

12 20 THE ORCHARDS 20 9 Pond 1 23

12 48 18

CB 23 13 25 5 ABBOT SF IELD RO AD 22

23 3 56 27 58 1 Sto neyc roft Walk

6 Pla yare a 20 5 Tra ck Pla y Area El Sub Sta 9 11 8 31

7 5

10 Pond Sto neyc roft Walk 17

6 WAYSIDE 1 FF 7 12 18


25 16 11



21 20 13 2

1 12 SANDPIPERCLOSE 17 16 25 5 1 10 Pond El FAIRWAY 17

1 35 8 Tra ck FB Pla y Area 15 25 1 Pa th ( um) 18 33 1 1 1 RYDAL CLOSE WO ODCROF T RO AD



10 5 Wa lk 27

13 43 8

9 5 49 1 7 41 Pond 22 9 KESWICK CLOSE1 40 2 8 1 23

16 5 6 38 12 Pond 5 35 12 Tra ck 19 16 Tra ck Pla y Area 37 Pa th ( um) Bo ro Co nst Bd y 32 Def 12 13 34 15 Ward Bdy WAT ERFIELD GARDENS Tra ck 15 CR 3 30 Tra ck Pla y Area 31 Tra ck Tra ck 2 Burnt Stubb s 29 6

Tra ck Upper Bewbu sh HARM ONY CLO SE 7 Und MP 32 .75 16 Pond 11 8 24 18

9 23 91.9 m Drain 7 11 FB

100. 1m Pa th ( um) FF House Copse Drain Railway Tra ck FB Burnt Stubb s Path ( um) Path ( um) Drain Pa th ( um) For d KIL NWOOD L ANE

Und For d Far m Co ttag es

2 1 Issues 102. 3m Tra ck CR

17 Pond 73.7 m


Pond Bewbush Broo k

Sp ruce Hill Broo k 12

3 1 Fur ze F ield 4 6 Tra ck Orion Drain

Tra ck FF 2 PostsP

Drain 1 MP 33 .0

1 Tra ck Kilnwo od 5 Tra ck Far m GEMINI CL OSE 4

Tra ck

Drain Area

Tra ck

Bunga low Gard ene r's 12 Cottag e 10 LANE 8


5 1 Drain Issues 2 Tra ck

Kilnwo od House ARCT URUS ROAD

1 Capon Gr ove

Bewbush Broo k 1 FF

Tra ck Tra ck

CR FB 106. 1m


MP 33 .25 17 Drain

13 16to CLOSE


Bewbush Broo k 107. 3m 9 12to

Pa th ( um)

Path ( um)

For d 4

Mast (Teleco mm unica tion) Issues Sp ruce Hill Broo k Kilnwo od Copse

Bo ro Co nst Bd y Cour t Co Con st, CP & ED Bdy

Pond Sprea ds 1

Tra ck

Pondta il Shaw

Tra ck Keepe r's Cott age Pond 107. 8m 0.91 m RH



Pond Pa th um) ( 38 8

Drain 35 GP 106. 4m 39

18 to 34 Pond LB El Sub Sta 9 to 17 MP 33 .5


Be wbush 45 Br ook 1 CR Balancing 28 8 FB BRICKL AYER LANE 27 to 43 30 to 40

Carylls L ea Bunga low 11 to 25 16


17 Pondta il Shaw 1 21 to 31 Carylls L ea 22

33 to 43 Tra ck Drain Pond 13

Drain Pla y Area 10

100. 7m 12 Pond



17 9 South Lod ge Balancing

12 37 Pond 15 42


Tra ck 6

Pond 35 Sp ruce Hill Broo k

1 43 BRICKYARD WAY 3 13 to 2 51 1 45 14

49 30

32 2 43 Drain 91 95.9 m Mea dow Co urt 38 85 46 2 41 50 The Barn 6 37 36 8 2


MANORF IELDS 7 34 17 4 1 Far m 8 Tra ck 15

1 23 21

CF 17 108 RAINBOW FIELD 8 35 5 5


24 7 Kilda re 10 13 Close

33 1 Pond 11 1


25 11

Pla y Area 7 PO NDTAIL WAL K

46 WAY 1 21 14 24 56 53

23 44 6 7 WI LLOW ST REET 1 16 2 to 20 39 to 53 2

0.91RH m Moa t 16

11 Pond 1 CR 24 to 40 FRANCIS 13 27 31 43 4 Sports 19 1 1 11 Cour t 45 Path ( um) 29 2 9 1 ILLET T WAY Path( um) 1 to 5 9 CALVERTLINK CLAY VALE Pond 22 ED Bd y Bewbush Ma nor Tra ck 12 to 22 1 2 91.6 m 1 to 13 19 12 18 PW

1 67to Hoppe r's Bro ok Fulle rs Sha w PO NDTAIL AVENUE

16 2 10 24 to 38 Tra ck 6 8 108

17 to 32 1 6 2 4 23 1 Co Con st, CP & 2 9 124 Boro Co nst Bdy

2 35 5 El Sub Sta of 1 1 to 12 116 3 1


19a 18 20

13 3 19 1 SP 104

69 513 to 90 17 MILL POND LANE 4 Tra ck

1 to 16 18 BERKELEYCLOSE MP 34 .0

100 12 16

7 18 27 7 21 13 Path ( um) 9


BEECHES WAY 13 60 8 RH 10 52 10 32 2 88.6 m

28 68 Beaub ush Co ttag e


26 Vie w

42 50 76 76a A 2 64 21 to 32 40 82 78 ESS's HORSHAM ROAD FF

33 to 44 70 Und 45 48 FF


12 For est WEL LINGHAM WAY Cottag e House LB Holmb ush Potter ies

El Sub Sta Tra ck A 2 64 Tra ck

85.1 m


Robinia MP 34 .75 Indu strial BURNS WAY 1 Estate 1 2 5 8 7 Far m 10 9 1 Oa k Walk SL Sta tion STATIO N APPROACH1 2 85.7 m Sto ne Fayg ate Sta tion

Pa th um) ( 38 CRAWL EY RO AD The Bung alow The Holm bush Inn Pla ying F ield (PH) The Cour tyar d Pond Hoppe r F ar m

Lay- by 2

Hoppe r's Bro ok 22 28 82.7 m 1 40 12 Holm F ar m

20 2 Cottag es 10 Holmb ush Far m Built Up Area Boundary 12 14 48 Pavilion

HALLS DRIVE Drain FB 1 Hall Tra ck 9 Gara ge 17 FB

OLD ORGEF CL Pla y Area LB Ash Cops e


8 2 Pond 1 85.4 m North Lod ge Tra ck 2

3 7 4 FB GP Tra ck

Park Excluded Land Designations Path( um) Far rier s Holmb ush F or est Path Spruce Hill Spruce Hill (um ) Bungleb ee Hillb row

Wellerco ts 11 12 10 Drain Park Co ttag e PARK ROAD Path ( um) Aja x Mer ewor th Badge r TCB Bla ckwood 5 Cottag e St Leo nar d's Fo re st 84.2 m Ex 1 Saddler s Police Woodsid e Sites of Special Scientific Interest 1 LANE Hooks Co pse

Fur ze Island Pond 5

1 FAYGATE Waver ley Holmb ush Pa intba ll For est Vie est For w Fayg ate 9

St Fr ancis Co ttag e Ash Cops e

Tra ck 10 Special Protection Areas 13 Issues Path ( um) Carylls 7 Cottag es

Silve r Hill

TCB Tra ck 21 Holmb ush F or est Scheduled Monuments MS Registered Parks and Gardens

Issues Tra ck RAMSAR sitesTra ck Gard en 1 Rose Cottag e Path ( um) Cottag e Far m Ho use

Tra ck Hooks Co pse Path ( um)

Ten nis Co urt Tra ck

Tra ck 85.8 m

Tra ck

SiteUltimate Event s Activity Ce ntr Assessment Ranking Pa th um) ( Pa th ( um) Tra ck

Tra ck Dabso ngill TOWER ROAD Pond Pa th ( um)

Park Co ttag e For d

Tra ck Pa th um) ( Pa th ( um) Pump House Deliverable FBs Holmb ush Tra ck

Hooks Co pse Path ( um)

Pool 102. 7m

Foxh ole Po nd Weir Developable

Beechwo od Issues Towe r

Pa th ( um) Seers Croft Tan k 109. 3m Path ( um) Towe r Pa th um) ( Tra ck Tra ck Pond Tra ck Holmb ush Hill Tan k Not Currently Developable Scale : 1:12,500 Pa th ( um) Pa th ( um) Dabso n Gill

Tra ck Pa th ( um) Yew Tree Cottag e

Pa th um)(

Tra ck

118. 1m

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (2018). Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 West Sussex RH12 1RL. Barbara Childs : Director of Place Parish Colgate

SHLAA Reference SA514 Site Name Cow Barn & Mid Benson's Fields

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Wimland Farm, Faygate Years 6-10 Developable Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 32.21 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL Greenfield Available Site Total 0 Achievable

Justification The landowner has expressed an interest to develop the site meaning it is ‘available’. The site is in the countryside to the west and south west of the settlement of Faygate, which has been defined as an unclassified settlement in Policy 3 of the Horsham District Planning Framework (HDPF) due to its lack of services and facilities. There is an Archaeological Notification Area in the northern portion of the site and the Durrants Area of Ancient Woodland is also contained within this part of the site. The Budds Copse Area of Ancient Woodland lies to the west of the site. The Grade II listed Brook House and Brook House Barn are adjacent to the southernmost part of the site. The Land North of Horsham Strategic allocation lies to the west.

The Local Plan Review Issues & Options (April 2018) proposes Faygate as a secondary settlement although the site does not directly adjoin the proposed secondary settlement edge. Nevertheless, the Issues & Options document is an early stage of the local plan review and holds little weight. Development of this site is considered to have a significant urbanising effect and would lead to the coalescence of Horsham and Faygate, contrary to Policy 27 of the HDPF. Unless allocated for development or similar through the review of the HDPF or via a made Neighbourhood Plan, it is considered development would be contrary to Policies 1 to 4 and 26 of the HDPF. The site is therefore assessed as ‘Not Currently Developable’.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA-514 : Cow Barn & Mid Benson's Fields, Faygate



´ CR Ponds Pond Track Budd's Copse 80.6m

Path (um) Wood

Ponds FB Pond Pond

Budds Cottage


Durrants Greenbroom Copse Budd's Farm 69.6m Budds Farmhouse




70.3m Benson's House

Frog and Nightgown (PH) LB Benson's

FB 67.3m

Pond Farm SP

1 2 Cottages MP 35 Pond Cottage CRAWLEY ROAD Built Up Area Boundary 81.7m Excluded Land Designations FrogmorSitese o f Special Scientific Interest CR Tree Spec ial Protection Areas

Brook Scheduled Monuments FB Brook Barn Channells Brook Registered Parks and Gardens

RAMSAR sites Rookfield CR Site Assessment RankingRookfield MP Deliverable Path (um) Brook Lane A 264 Developable Not Currently Developable Clyst Hayes Scale : 1:5000 Excluded

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council 8 of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (201 ). Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 West Sussex RH12 1RL. Date: Revision: Barbara Childs : Director of Place

T h e C h e rry Parish Colgate

SHLAA Reference SA527 Site Name The Cherry Tree

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Cherry Tree PH, Years 6-10 Developable Crawley Road, Years 11+ Site Area (ha) Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL Both Available Site Total 0 Achievable

Justification The landowner has expressed an interest in developing the site meaning it is ‘available’. The public house contained within the site is Grade II listed and a public right of way lies on the northern boundary. The High Weald AONB lies to the south on the opposite side of the A264 Crawley Road. The site is located in an isolated rural location and unrelated to any settlement boundary. It is therefore assessed as ‘Not Currently Developable’.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA - 527: The Cherry Tree, Colgate ´

Little Clover





(PH) The Cherry Tree

Built Up Area Boundary

Excluded Land Designations Sites of Special Scientific Interest Special Protection Areas Scheduled Monuments Registered Parks and Gardens RAMSAR sites Site Assessment Ranking

RookfieldDeliverable Developable Not Currently Developable Scale : 1:1250 Excluded

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council 8 of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (201 ). Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 West Sussex RH12 1RL. Date: Revision: Barbara Childs : Director of Place Parish Colgate

SHLAA Reference SA552 Site Name Woodlands Farm

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Woodlands Farm, Old Crawley Road, Faygate, Years 6-10 Developable Horsham, West Sussex, Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 3.3 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL Both Available Site Total 0 Achievable

Justification The landowner has expressed an interest in developing the site meaning it is ‘available’. The site is located in an isolated rural location within the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and is unrelated to any settlement boundary. The site is therefore assessed as ‘Not Currently Developable’.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA - 552: Woodlands Farm, Faygate, Colgate


Pond Sinks

Def Def


Und Pond Pond

CB Track

Farm CB




Path (um)


ED & Ward Bdy

Built Up Area Boundary

Excluded Land Designations Sites of Special Scientific Interest Special Protection Areas Scheduled Monuments Path (um) Registered Parks and Gardens RAMSAR sites Site Assessment Ranking

Deliverable ´ Developable Not Currently Developable Scale : 1:2500 Excluded

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council 8 of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (201 ). Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 West Sussex RH12 1RL. Date: Revision: Barbara Childs : Director of Place Parish Colgate

SHLAA Reference SA600 Site Name Wellsprings Blackhouse Road Colgate

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Wellsprings, Blackhouse Road, Colgate Years 6-10 Developable Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 0.82 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL Both Available Site Total 0 Achievable

Justification The availability of this site is uncertain due to a lack of an up to date expression of interest to develop from the landowner. The site lies to the south of Colgate, which is an unclassified settlement as defined by Policy 3 of the Horsham District Planning Framework 2015 (HDPF) thus a settlement with few or no facilities or social networks and limited accessibility, and is reliant on other villages and towns to meet the needs of residents. The site is located within the High Weald AONB and there is a tree protected by TPO sited in the northernmost part of the site.

The Local Plan Review Issues & Options (April 2018) proposes a number of currently unclassified settlements to become secondary settlements where some residential infilling may be acceptable. Colgate is proposed as a secondary settlement, however the Issues & Options document is an early stage of the local plan review and holds little weight. Notwithstanding this, the site is located in a countryside location and unless allocated for development or similar through the review of the HDPF or via a neighbourhood plan, it is considered development would be contrary to Policies 1 to 4 and 26 of the HDPF. It is therefore assessed as ‘Not Currently Developable’.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA - 600 : Wellsprings Blackhouse Road, Colgate

Box Tree Cott

Laurel Cottage ´ 1 Stone Cottage

15 Bosc House GP


135.3m Mars Hill Villa


Rainbow Cottage

Old School Cottage LB 1 Foresters Alstons

Beech Cottage 4

The Winches

Meadow View

Well Springs




Built Up Area Boundary

Excluded Land Designations Sites of Special Scientific Interest Special Protection Areas Scheduled Monuments Registered Parks and Gardens RAMSAR sites Forest View Site Assessment Ranking


DevelopableWind Pump Not Currently(disused) Developable Scale : 1: 1,250 Excluded

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council 8 of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (201 ). Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 West Sussex RH12 1RL. Date: Revision: Barbara Childs : Director of Place Parish Colgate

SHLAA Reference SA667 Site Name Rookfield, Faygate

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Crawley Road, Faygate, Years 6-10 Developable Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 1.4 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL PDL Available Site Total 0 Achievable

Justification The landowner has expressed an interest to develop the site meaning it is 'available'. The site lies within the countryside to the west of but unrelated to the built up area boundary of Horsham. It lies within the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. As such it is considered development would be in conflict with the adopted development plan and is assessed to be 'Not Currently Developable'.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA - 667: Rookfield, Faygate, Colgate

Pond Little Clovers ´ Farm


Little Clover CRAWLEY ROAD



The Cherry Tree (PH)



Rookfield Pond Rookfield

Path (um)

Built Up Area Boundary

Excluded Land Designations Sites of Special Scientific Interest Special Protection Areas Plant Scheduled Monuments Ponds Track Registered Parks and Gardens RAMSAR sites

Tanks Site Assessment Ranking

Deliverable Developable Not Currently Developable Scale : 1:2500 Excluded

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (2018). Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 West Sussex RH12 1RL. Date: Revision: Barbara Childs : Director of Place Parish Colgate

SHLAA Reference SA670 Site Name Land at Home Farm, St Leonards Forest

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Home Farm St Leonards Forest Horsham Years 6-10 Developable Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 27.92 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL Greenfield Available Site Total 0 Achievable

Justification The landowner has expressed an interest to develop the site meaning it is 'available'. The site lies within the countryside to the west of but unrelated to the built up area boundary of Horsham. It lies within the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and adjoins a SSSI which is also an Ancient Woodland (St Leonards Forest). As such it is considered development would be in conflict with the adopted development plan and is assessed to be 'Not Currently Developable'.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA - 670: Land at Home Farm, St Leonards Forest, Colgate ´

Built Up Area Boundary

Excluded Land Designations Sites of Special Scientific Interest Special Protection Areas Scheduled Monuments Registered Parks and Gardens RAMSAR sites Site Assessment Ranking

Deliverable Developable Not Currently Developable Scale : 1:7,500 Excluded

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (2018). Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 West Sussex RH12 1RL. Date: Revision: Barbara Childs : Director of Place