Bay Area Reporter, Volume 29, Number 15, 15
Serving the Gay & Lesbian Community for more than 28 years V OHMY! Current, former SFAF Queer workers allege bias by Cynthia Laird Among Dubdn’s charges in his HRC complaint are that he was paid a much lads in lower salary than other managers with the t least 12 complaints of alleged em¬ same level of responsibilities; that he was A treated differently than any other manager ployment discrimination by current and former workers at the San Fran¬ when SFAF reorganized and created the town! cisco AIDS Foundation (SFAF) have HIV Services and Treatment Support been filed with federal, state, and local agen¬ (HSTS) division; and that he was given con¬ by Cynthia Laird cies, alleging a pattern of lower pay for Lati¬ flicting information from upper manage¬ no/a employees as well as hardball tactics by ment about his future with the foundation top administrators in dealing with the after Vida folded. undreds of lesbian, gay, bisex¬ H workers. Apparently, things came to a head last ual, transgender (LGBT), and Foundation officials and their attorneys July, as the Vida program was in its last days. straight high school students from Morrison & Foerster had until Tuesday, Dubon wanted the job of team leader in will come together to take a April 13 to respond to several of the com¬ housing operations rather than director of stand against homophobic violence plaints filed with the San Francisco Human information, referral, and volunteer services and intolerance, promote unity, and Rights Commission (HRC). Additionally, because, he stated, he was told by SFAF Di¬ empower themselves at the third an¬ the HRC convened a mediation hearing rector of Programs Rene Durazzo that he nual Overcoming Homophobia Tuesday afternoon in an effort to settle a would have to deal with “difficult personnel Meeting for Youth (OHMY) Confer¬ complaint by Erik Dubon, the former man¬ issues” involving “troublesome employees.” ence at the Urban School in San Fran¬ ager of SFAF’s Vida y Movimiento program, “All these complaints were of discrimina¬ cisco this Saturday, April 17.
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