The Life and Correspondence of John Foster Edited by J.E. Ryland Vol. 1

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The Life and Correspondence of John Foster Edited by J.E. Ryland Vol. 1 . # yV'iV^i m NAZIl NALE' J \ VITT. 40 p E $ STANDARD LIBRARY. Grf. -u Printed, and bound in Cloth , a? 8j. jw Vol. manuelf SuS WORKS AND REMAINS OF THE REV. ROBERT |.»» fioi»/*AUV in/1 I'sauv Kv InilM I'asI’H Pna/ a/ii J by lwDr.. Grkgoky, and Essay by John Foster. Portrait. £ JE AND PONTIFICATE OF LEO. X. Edited by bis Son, ^Notes, Documents, &c In 2 Vols, Portraits. ‘URES ON THE PHILOSOPHYJP_.OF HISTORY. Translated (9 ROMAn w in a e)Sljfy (j-jib a Memoir by J. ii. Robertson. Esq. Portrait. 6 & 6. SlSMONDi'S HISTORY OF THE LITERATURE OF THE SOUTH OF EUROPE. Translated by ItoscoE. In 2 Vols Portraits. 7. ROSCOE'S LIFE OF LORENZO DE MEDICI, with the Copyright Notes, &c. 8. SCHLEGELS LECTURES ON DRAMATIC LITERATURE. Portrait. 9 & 11. BECKMANNS HISTORY OF INVENTIONS. DISCOVERIES, AND ORIGINS. Fourth Edition, revised and enlarged. In 2 Vols. Portraits. 10. SCHILLER'S HISTORY OF THE THIRTY YEARS' WAR AND REVOLT OF THE NETHERLANDS. Translated by A. J. W. Morrison. Portrait. 12. SCHILLER'S WORKS. Vol. II. [Conclusion of “The Revolt of the Netherlands;” “Wallenstein’s Camp;” “The Piccolomini;" “The Death of Wallenstein;” and “ Wilhelm Tell.”] With Portrait of Wallenstein. 13. MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE OF COLONEL HUTCHINSON. By his Widow: with an “Account of the Siege of Lathom House.” Portrait. 14. MEMOIRS OF BENVENUTO CELLINI, by HIMSELF. By Roscoe. Portrait. 15. 18. & 22. COXES HISTORY OF THE HOUSE OF AUSTRIA, from the foundation of the Monarchy, 121S-M792. Complete in S vols. Portraits. 16. 19, &23. LANZI'S HISTORY OF PAINTING. By Roscoe. In3Vols. Portraits. 17. OCKLEY'S HISTORY OF THE SARACENS, Revised and Completed. Portrait. 20. SCHILLERS WORKS. Vol. III. [“Don Carlos,” “Mary Stuart,” “Maid of Orleans,” and “ Bride of Messina.”] Frontispiece. 21, 26, & 33. LAMARTINE'S HISTORY OF THE GIRONDISTS; or, Memoirs of the French Revolution, from unpublished sources. Iu 3 Vols. Portraits 24. MACHIAVELLI'S HISTORY OF FLORENCE, PRINCE, &.C. Portrait. 25. SCHLEGEL’S LECTURES ON THE PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF LANGUAGE. Translated by A. J. W\ Morrison. 27, 32, &. 36. RANKE’S HISTORY OF THE POPES. Translated by E. Foster. In S Vols. Portraits. (The only complete English translation.) 28, 30, & 34. COXES MEMOIRS OF THE DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH. In 8 Vols. Portraits. »,» Atlas, of 26 tine large Maps and Plans of Marlborough's Campaigns, (being all those published in the orlgiual edition at £12 12s.) 4to. 10s. Od. 29, SHERIDAN S DRAMATIC WORKS AND LIFE. Portrait. 31. GOETHE’S WORKS. Vol. I. [His Autobiography. 13 Books.) Portrait. 35. WHEATLEY C,N THE COMMON PRAYER. Frontispiece. 37. MILTON'S PROSE WORKS. Vol. I. Portrait. 3e, 41, & 46. MENZEL'S HISTORY OF GERMANY. Complete in S Vols. Portrait. 39. MILTON'S PROSE WORKS. Vol. II. Frontispiece. 40. MILTON'S PROSE WORKS. Vol. III. Portrait of Laud. 42. SCHLEGELS /ESTHETIC AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 43. GOETHE'S WORKS. Vol. II. [Remainder of his Autobiography, and Travels.] 44. SCHILLERS WORKS. Vol. IV. [“The Robbers,” “Fiesko,” “Lore and Intrigue," and “ The Ghost-Seer.”] Translated by Hekrt G. Bohn. 46. SCHLEGELS LECTURES ON MODERN HISTORY. 47. LAMARTINES HISTORY OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION OF 1848. 48 & 50. JUNIUS'S LETTERS, with Notes, Additions, Fssav, Index, Stc. 2 Vols. 49, 55, 60, 65, 71. VASARI S LIVES OF THE MOST CELEBRATED PAINTERS, SCULPTORS, AND ARCHITECTS. Translated by Mas. Foster, with Notes. Complete in 5 Vols., with Index. m • *7 /^'/i -N iJts. / y\ {Js v* v” v' )A' i C* v* 'irA 52. GOETHE'S WORKS. Vol. 1H. [“Faust,” "Tphigen a,” “Torquato Tasso,” and “Kgnvont.”] T—ikind by Miss Swanwick. With “Goetz von Ber- lichingen,” translated Ijt Sia Walter Scoxt. 63, 56, 68, 61, 66, 67, A 78. NEANDER'S CHURCH HISTORY. Carefully revised by the Rev. A. J. W. Morrison. 64. NEANDER'S LIFE OF CHRIST. 57,64. MEANDER'S PLANTING OF CHRISTIANITY, & ANTIGNOSTIKUS, 2 Vols. 59. GREGORY'S (DR.) LETTERS ON THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 62 It 63. JAMES' (G. P. R.) LOUIS XIV. Complete in 2 Vols. Portraits. with Memoir, 2 Vols. Port. 681. It 70. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS' LITERARY WORKS, 69. ANDREW FULLER'S PRINCIPAL WORKS. Portrait. 72. BUTLER'S ANALOGY OF RELIGION, AND SERMONS, with Notes, Ac. Port. 73. MISS BREMER’S WORKS. Translated by Mary IIowitt. New Edition, revised. Vol. I. [“The Neighbours,” and other Tales.] Post8vo. Portrait. Ss. 6J. 74. NEANDER'S MEMORIALS OF CHRISTIAN LIFE IN THE EARLY AND MIDDLE AGES (including his “Light in Dark Places”). Post 9vo. Hs.&J. Uniform with the Standard Librart, price Ss. 64., m BOHN S EXTRA VOLUMES. GRAMMONT'S MEMOIRS OF THE COURT OF CHARLES II. Portrait. ili 2 & 3. RABELAIS' WORKS. Complete in 2 Vote. Portrait. Iis 4. COUNT HAMILTON'S FAIRY TALES. Portrait. “ 1 Uniform with the Standard Librart, price 5». (excepting Cosmos," which ie only is. 64., §$ “ which is ts.), fM and StantcWe Petrifactions," BOHN’S SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY. mi 1. STAUNTON'S CHESS PLAYER'S HAND BOOK, with Diagrams. 2. LECTURES ON PAINTING, by THE ROYAL ACADEMICIANS. pi or. Sketch of a Physical Description of 3. 4, 8, It 16. HUMBOLDTS COSMOS; the Universe. Translated, with Notes, by E. C. Ottr. In 4 Vote., with tine Portrait. This Translation (though published at so low a price) is more complete than any other. The Notes are plurxd beneath the text. Humboldt's analytical summaries, and the passages hitherto suppressed, are included; and comprehensive Indices subjoined. 3i. 64. per Volume. 5. STAUNTON'S CHESS PLAYERS COMPANION, comprising a New Treatise tvoro* I ,'/vo i i v UNIFORM WITH THE STANDARD LIBRARY, f BARBAULDS (MRS.) SELECTIONS FROM THE SPECTATOR, TATLER, GUARDIAN, AND FREEHOLDER. In 2 Vola. 3r.«d. per Volume. « BRITISH POETS, from Milton to Kikke White, Cabinet Edition, comprising, in n very small hut remarkably clear type, ns much matter ns the sixty volumes ol 7M Johnson’s Poets. Complete in 4 Vols., with Frontispieces. 14r. Extra cloth. 7s. M. ‘ CARY'S TRANSLATION OF DANTE. 'o!v7 1 / V '/| on . £ 24 exquisite Engravings1 CATTERMOLE'Svlco cvtmnuoEVENINGS ATmi HADDONnHULiuii HALL.nnuu. 1 6 a It- Steel. front Designs by himself; the Letter-Press by the Baroness dk Cai.a- C, f.A. PrMlSvn 7* R.1 mm comprising The Vicar of Wakefield, Elizabeth, Paul and Virginia, CLASSIC TALES; Gulliver’s Travels, Sterne’s Sentimental Journey, Sorrows of Wetter, Theodosius and Conslautia, Castle of Otranto, and Rasselas. 12mo. 7 Portraits. 3j. 6d. DEMOSTHENES. Translated by Lixand. Portrait. 3 s. Ik CHILLINGWORTHS RELIGION OF PROTESTANTS. 3j. 6 d. ©7\v.-V'>' HORACE'S ODES AND EPODES, translated literally and rytlimically, by the Rev. mm W. Sewell. 3». 6d. IRVING'S (WASHINGTON) Complete in 10 Vols., £1 15r., or Si. 6i. per Vol. -'s'&jv; WORKS. SCIENTIFIC DIALOGUES. Greatly Improved Edition, with Questions, &c., nnock. (Upwards of 600 pages). Woodcuts. 6j. tiUTUtb INTRODUCTION TO THE ARTS AND SCIENCES. 5j. LAMARTINE'S THREE MONTHS IN Sewed, 2s. POWER. , x, LAMARTINE S POETICAL MEDITATIONS AND RELIGIOUS HARMONIES, vh'^.i with Biographical Sketch. Portrait. Cloth, 3j. 6d. g^^Ay. 1 ' Vf/JV' « LAWRENCE'S LECTURES ( ZOOLOGY, AND THE I LILLY'S INTRODUCTION TO Zadkikt,, with his Grammar of Astrology, and Tables of Nativities, oj. LOUDON'S (MRS.) ENTERTAING NATURALIST, a Popular Description Tales and Anecdotes of more than Vive Hundred Animals, with Indexes of Scientific and and Popular Names. With upwards of 500 beautiful Woodcuts, by BEWICK, 7'>', Harvey, Wiiimpkr, Sic. Revised and enlarged. 7s. Qd. l-fiJ&C THE HEBREWS. 3*.6<f. LOWTH'S LECTURES ON THE SACRED POETRY OF iy ".''x: , MAXWELL'S VICTORIES OF THE BRITISH ARMIES. New Edition, Kith highly <!/ 'kpy'ti finished Steel Portraits, extra gilt cloth. 7s. 6d. vvi>;- MICHELET'S HISTORY OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 4s. 3 . _ . 3ti MILLER'S PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY. Third Revised mid Improved Edition, 4 Volumes, at 3j. Gd. per Volume. MILNER'S HISTORY OF THE CHURCH OF CHRIST. 4 vols. 14i. MITFORD'S (MISS) OUR VILLAGE. 2 Vols., New Edition, tcilh Woodcuts and heau- tifal Frontispieces on Steel, gill cloth. Each Vol. 5s. tel> PAPKES' ELEMENTARY CHEMISTRY. New Edition, revised, 3r. > l'!^< /A">9 ROBINSON CRUSOE, including his further Adventures, wilh Life of Defoe. Sic. Upwards of 60 Jine Woodcuts, from designs by llan ey and Whimper. 4r. 6d. Sr. SCHILLER'S PHILOSOPHICAL Sc. ESTHETIC LETTERS AND ESSAYS, 6i SHAKSPEARE'S PLAYS AND POEMS, with Life, by CiiAl.MKgs. In 1 Vol. 3s. Si. Yfie'et'A STANDARD LIBRARY CYCLOPEDIA OF POLITICAL, CONSTITUTIONAL, 6i. each. Xv'TM STATISTICAL, AND FORENSIC KNOWLEDGE. 4 Vols. »j. \/'/s o'vV . This work contains as much as ebrht ordinary octavos. It was first published in another III shape by Mr. Charles Knight, under the title of Political Dictionary, at £l 16s. The Com- piler, Mr. Gkorge Long, Is one of the most competent Scholars of the day. STURM'S MORNING COMMUNINGS WITH GOD. New Edition. Sr. te THE LIFE AND CORRESPONDENCE or JOHN FOSTER. VOL. I. Digitized by Google Digitized by Google ' Digitized by Google THE LIFE AND CORRESPONDENCE HYLAND, A.M. WITH NOTICES OF MR. FOSTER, AS A PREACHER AND A COMPANION, BY JOHN SHEPPARD. IN TWO VOLUMES. YOL. I. LONDON: HENRY G. BOHN, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. M.DCCO.LII. Digitized by Google J. HADDON, PRINTER, CASTLE STREET, FIK8BURY. Digitized by Google PREFACE. It will gratify the readers of these volumes to find that the is chiefly compiled Letters so Memoir from Mr. Foster’s ; numerous, happily, are the references to himself and the subjects in which he took the deepest interest, that little more than a proper selection and arrangement has been requisite, in order to form them into a continuous narrative.
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