The Contribution of Media in Disseminating Religious Intolerance in West

Deni Miharja1, Sahya Anggara2 and Muhlas1 1Faculty of Ushuluddin, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jalan A H Nasution 105 Bandung, 2Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung, Indonesia

Keywords: Media; Online, Intolerance, Religious, .

Abstract: A research conducted by SETARA Institute reported that West Java is considered to be one of the with the highest level of religious intolerance. These religious intolerances include interference to places of worship in various forms: assault, sealing, rejection, destruction of houses of worship, and the prohibition of the construction of houses of worship, the prohibition of worship activities, and others. The intolerance acts were recorded in news published in various online media so that the information immediately spread and read by the public. This research aims to determine the contribution of online media in conveying the news of religious intolerance that occurred in West Java in 2017. This study used content analysis to analyze some news delivered in online media in disseminating religious intolerance that occurred in West Java in 2017 in Kompas Com. and Tribun News. The result of this study shows that online media specifically in Kompas Com. and Tribun News contributed to disseminating news content of religious intolerance in West Java during 2017. This contribution shows in the form of reports of incidents of attacks, sealing, rejection, destruction of houses of worship, restrictions on the construction of houses of worship, and the prohibition of worship activities.

1 INTRODUCTION Wahid Foundation the practice of Freedom of Religion and Belief (KBB) in West Java is fairly Indonesia is a plural country with various cultures, poor. In line with Wahid Foundation, SETARA ethnic, and religions. Indonesia contains cultural, Institute reported that most of the abuses occurred in ethnic, and religious diversity but unified as the and on the outskirts of Jakarta such as State of the Republic of Indonesia with the slogan of , , , and , and other the unity in diversity (Bhinneka Tunggal Ika) areas of West Java. (Casram, 2016; Miharja, 2016). The most serious social tensions and violations There are several types of diversity of of freedom of religion/belief are primarily related to Indonesian society namely: (1) Indonesia is the places of worship of minority religious groups, Muslim majority country in the world; however, (2) criminalization of Ahmadiyya congregations, hate Indonesia recognizes six religion and protect their speeches, including statements or sayings of adherents; (3) Indonesia contains many different government officials / public figures that incite ethnic groups; (4) Indonesia consist of thousands (condoning), all of which are classified in the island that called archipelago. category of intolerances. In reality, there are several conflicts occurred Reports from Wahid Institute that examine related to ethnic and even religious differences. religious harmony from year to year until 2011 Indonesia is also seen as more and more adapts to showed thatmore intolerance occurred in recent curving freedom of expression include in term of years than in previous years.These intolerance religious freedom. Hamayotsu reports that this is behaviors occurred in the name of religious violence related also to the representation of more such as against Ahmadiyyahmember. The Wahid conservative and radical Islamic elements in Institute also reported that West Java is the governmental representatives (Hamayotsu, 2013). In with the highest rates of violations from year to the last five years, based on data released by the year(The Wahid Institute, 2011). Nowadays, these


Miharja, D., Anggara, S. and Muhlas, . The Contribution of Media in Disseminating Religious Intolerance in West Java. DOI: 10.5220/0009936918881895 In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 1888-1895 ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9 Copyright c 2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved

The Contribution of Media in Disseminating Religious Intolerance in West Java

religious intolerances that occur in some areas of appreciation of the rich diversity of any world's West Java are easily accessible and well known due cultures, forms of expression and ways of being to electronic media news presentation. Derived from human. It is fostered by knowledge, openness, theses news are several comments from the communication, and freedom of thought, conscience community related to that events as they were spread and belief.(Michael Walzer, On Tolerantion Castle quickly. Lectures in Rtchics, Politics, and Economics (New According to Antony Mayfield(Mayfield, 2008), York: Yale University Press, 1997), 56. social media is a medium that users can easily In the case of religious intolerance means any participate and create various roles especially related conduct that one religious group having prejudices to blogs, social networks, wikis / online to other religious groups in term of practices, encyclopedias, virtual forums, including virtual adherents and believes. Intolerance is an attitude of worlds (with avatars / 3D characters)(McQuail, disrespect to the belief system of other religion. 1987). (Wikipedia, Ensiklodeia Bebas). The presence of social media has made easier Previous studies by Georgene Suryani’s reported access to various public spaces than before. There is the objectivity of media coverage specifically in no more barriers and limitations in obtaining any related to the rejection of Ahok news occurs ineveryday life (Eriyanto, 2001; (previous governor of Jakarta) during the period Ghifari, 2017). Thus,social media has an important September-October 2014. This study shows that the contribution in disseminating news content including content of is dominated by the news related to religious intolerance. People can psychological inclusion facts (72.9%). This study read the e news version of immediate events also provides complete and clear incident with occurred everywhere and at anytime(Furqon and qualified and valued sources of information Busro, 2017). (Suryani, 2015; Rumata, 2016). Several publishing and media companies that Furthermore, Jordie Yonatan Susilo wrote a specialized in reporting news transform their news Thesis on "The Objection of Online Media presentation by accommodating technology. They Reporting Republika and SuaraPembaruan on provide the presentation of their news not only in Mosque Burning Issues in Tolikara, Papua: A printing but also in electronic version. This paper Quantitative Content Analysis". The conclusion aims to uncover and determine the contribution of states that in general, the online media Republika online media in conveying the news of religious and SuaraPembaruan have not met the objectivity intolerance which occurred in West Java through category in disseminatingnews about the burning of Kompas.Com and Tribune News in 2017. the Mosque in Tolikara, Papua. Both online media are contradicted to each other in providing the news. But both online media is trying to be objective. This 2 METHOD can be seen from the suitability of the title and the content of the news, clear attribution, the inclusion The method used in this study is qualitative with of the time of the occurrence of the event, and news created containing news value(Susilo, 2016). content analysis to analyze a variety of news related to religious intolerance that occurred in West Java FeryRohmadi, et al., also wrote about, "Framing published by and Tribun News Analysis of Cases of Alleged Blasphemy of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama in Kompas Online Media.Com and throughout 2017." He reported that framed the case of alleged blasphemy against the non-active Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnamathat he 3 RESULT AND DISCUSSION is innocent in that case and concluded that he is in fact a tolerant person. The news also reported the It is important to firstly discus the meaning of background of Ahok who were hosted in Muslim tolerance. Tolerance originated from Latin, family and he has learnt about diversity. tolerantia, meansendure, forbearance or explains the news using syntactic, patience[Hornby AS, Oxford Advanced Learner`s script, thematic, and rhetorical structure to build Dictionary (Oxford: University Printing House, public opinion. also provided 1995), 67]. Generally, tolerance refers to willingness arguments by displaying support of their opinion to accept with open minded. According to from experts who argue that Ahok’s speech is not UNESCO, tolerance meansrespect, acceptance and contain of defamation(Rohmadi and Siswanta, 2017).


ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation

On the contrary, the report presented in and Garis (Islamic Reformist movement). These framed that the case of Basuki organizations objected to GKI Kemah Injil Tjahaja Purnama is the act of blasphemy and Indonesia because they use regular house to perform therefore should be sentenced. The analysis for this their religious rituals. In addition, the sealing also news is using syntactic, script, thematic, and occurred to the church of HKBP Betania, GKII rhetorical structure. In the news Jemaat Filadelfia, Gereja Pantekosta Jemaat fill with argument related to the interpretation of Immanuel, gereja DPdl, gereja Pantekosta surah Al-Maidah verse 51. The verse according to Tebernakel Jemaat Maranatha, and Gereja Katolik this report has been used to deceive people and to Stasi Rancaekek, Paroki Santa Odillia Cicadas. Most disgrace Islam. framed the issue of the incident related to misuse of personal resident mentioning that Ahok is a person who humiliated to be a place to perform religious ritual that invited Islamic religion and thus he is intolerant. many people(Center for Religous & Cross-Cultural Many intolerance incidents have been reported Studies, 2010). occurred in several places in West Java, Indonesia. The study related to disharmony that occurred in Wahid Institute conducted a research related to Bandung, West Java showed that the factors leading religious tolerance and reported that the act of to disharmony are various and not necessarily intolerance increased every year simultaneously. religious alone. Other factors contribute to This intolerance mostly related to religious intolerance behavior are: different interest in intolerance against Ahmadiyah and West java was politics, different of economic and legal access as reported the highest province to have this intolerance well as social problems(Center for Religous & behavior toward other minority religious groups. Cross-Cultural Studies, 2010).Many cases related to This intolerance behavior among West java society the sealing of the church as stated above are related occurred every year(The Wahid Institute, 2011). to the difficulty in gaining permit from the Several intolerance incident happened in government on the establishment of the church. As a Bandung. For example in 2011the incident in Buni result, there are many churches that have not have a Jaya, GunungHalu district, as reported by permission document not only because of the CRCS(Center for Religious and Cross Cultural document preparation but also because too many Studies, UGM), the Muslim community dismantled intimidation from the community who most of them the grave of deceased Ahmadiyah adherent. Before are Muslim and they are rejected to the the funeral took place the day before, the community establishment of the church around them. In fact, do the protest to reject Ahmadiyah adherent to have daily social interaction as a member of the the body being buried in their village(Center for community are going well, however, it is a third Religious & Cross-Cultural Studies, 2011).Other party interest who usually provoke the community to incident took place in Perum Kencana, reject the development of the church(Center for Desa Nagrak, Kecamatan , Bandung Religous & Cross-Cultural Studies, 2010). where the fundamental Islamic group protested Apart from Bandung, Bekasi is also a place against the members of Kelompok Amanah where religious intolerance behavior found in Keagungan Illahi (AKI) in 2009. They accused AKI several cases targeted the religious minority groups. as tarnished Islamic doctrine and troubling for the Bekasi is located in the outskirt of Jakarta as an community. This incident is mediated by the local urban community and heterogenic people who come Indonesian Ulama Council by signing an agreement from different areas of Indonesia. Different ethnics, between the parties mentioning that AKI will not religions and characters of individuals resulted in continue their activities that could trigger further disharmony among the community and could trigger conflict among the community. In the same year, conflict(Ahnaf et al., 2015). intolerance behavior occurred in Ciparay, Bandung Several incidents that occurred related to where the adherents of Aa Cucu the leader of a sect religious violent in the case of Huria Kristen were reported to the police for having unusual Protestan (HKBP) Filadelfia adherents and activities and rituals that disturb the Ahmadiyah followers. Violent behavior in the name community(Center for Religious & Cross-Cultural of religious intolerance in the case of Studies, 2009). HKBPFiladelfia was the sealing and preventing In 2010 intolerance took place in Bandung as them from accessing their church. In the case of well related to the sealing of GKI church by the Ahmadiyah followers, they were attack physically Government. The government received a report from and also sealing of the mosque they usually used for Islamic defend Front (FPI), Muslim Forum (FUI) religious activity. Intimidation was also often


The Contribution of Media in Disseminating Religious Intolerance in West Java

directed to the religious minority in their daily on" }(Ahnaf et al., 2015) .Lodging the life(Ahnaf et al., 2015).Lodging the document for widely to the society. licensing of the place of worship is among many Other issues related to religious disharmony is cases found in Bekasi. the case of the permission of the development of the Besides, intolerance behavior also directed to the house of worship for the Christian of Santa Klara groups considered by the community as astray to the Bekasi. Forum of religious Harmony of Bekasi main believe system. In Indonesia there are six (FKUB) through its head Abdul Manan stated that it religion recognized by the government, namely: is already decided in accordance with the Islam, Protestant, Catholic, Buddha, Hindu and recommendation as lodged by the head of the district Konghucu. Any religious group other than those six of Bekasi. He mentioned further that as a citizen, it categories is considered astray. Bekasi is the region is normal that the protest to annul this permit of the that people comes from many different religious church development. He explained that the permit groups as it is usually can be seen from blank for the development of Santa Carla Church is identity related to religion. already followed all the regulation needed and Based on the report from Department of recommended to be approved. This process of demographic in Bekasi stated that many identity submission for the Church development is also cards remain blank in the column of religion. Almost reviewed for the second time and verified until it is 1.609 people unsure about filling their religious given a decision to be accepted. In the plenary affiliation as many of them belong tounregistered meeting of 17 members of FKUB, Bekasi mostly religious groups. Most of them reside in the village agreed to accept the permit document. of Jatiranggon and Kranggan of Jatisampurta district At this plenary meeting of the members of of Bekasi. Alexander Zulkarnain as the head of the FKUB, out of 17 members, 12 of them are Muslim department stated that “these people are not belong and they were agreed to give permission on the to any registered , therefore, development of Santa Carla Church. The permit they leave their column for religion blank in their process is actually has been lodged by the adherents identity cards (KTP)” (16/5/2016). Alex further since 2014 and they received the permission in 2015 explained that based on the national regulation where the protest blast. number 23/2006 related to demographic Based on the joint regulation between the administration stated that for those who belong to ministry of Religious Affairs and the Ministry of the belief system other than registered religion in Home Affairs no. 9 and Nomor 8 year 2006 about Indonesia, they should put the cilumn blank. the establishment of house of worship, the church of Meanwhile, their data were restored only in Santa Carla has followed all the requirements stated databases not in the ID card. in the regulation. Based on their report, there are 172 Alex emphasized that regardless of differences members of Santa Clara adherents that live in the related to religious affiliation, the government never village ofHarapanbaru, district of North Bekasi. differentiate in terms of service as they are all citizen Thus, the regulation that stated to establish the house of Indonesia. The government try to give the best of worship it need at least 90 members of the service and facilitate the citizens to get their rights adherents should live nearby and they has exceeded and in this context to have citizens Identity cards. the requirements. Other requirement is that it should The head of National Unity and Politics of have at least 60 consent signatures of the residents Bekasi, MomonSulaiman) stated that these people around the proposed building. Even more, the who chose to have their religion blank in their ID church of Santa Carla has proven has all the card means that they belongs to one of religious signatures of consent together with copy of their ID groups that unrecognized by the government. Thus, card and verified by the local government officers. it is their choice and they did not want to change These documents are verified by the FKUB their religious affiliation to any religion that before lodged it to the head of Bekasi district. The admitted by the government. head of FKUB Bekasi stated that this document is Momon further explained that this kind of belief also studied by FKUB members intensively before system are found in any regions in Indonesia as it is giving recommendation to be approved. Thus, it is the belief system that adhered by the ancestor of based on formal procedures and no bribes or Indonesian. Thus, it can still be found until today as manipulation the data in the process.Verification of it is transferred from generation to generation. This data in the field was also monitored so there was no generation preserved what their ancestor have in forced in the process of consenting to the building of term of rituals and doctrines. Some of them even the church.


ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation

Besides, the Ministry of Religious Affairs also they should be aware and do not give trust to the added that they department has given the permit to people surround them(Kusumah, 2016). the church of Santa Carla to be built and give It is ironic to see that West Java people are recommendation to the government of Bekasi to intolerant for Sundanese is famous with solidarity issue the permit for the establishment of the church. and religious and respect ancestors’ cultural Thus, there is nothing wrong in the issue of values. bond together by the permission to build Santa Carla church and in reality traditional saying silihasah, silihasih and silihasuh no need to be protested when that happened. meaning that Sundanese should take care of each All the procedures have been followed by the other. The of lives among Sundanese church of Santa Carla from the very beginning as are to live in harmony. Sundanese proverb says required. Every step is passed in accordance with all “herangcaina, beunanglaukna” which means that we the requirements. Thus whenever there is a protest to should solve the problem without taking a risk of annul the establishment of the church it is having another problem through win win solution. unrecognized and difficult to accept. The force to Sundanese people respect for one another annulment of the permission to the church came following the proverb: “UlahUnggutKalinduan, from outsiders who provoke the community to reject UlahgedagKaanginan”; This proverb means to be it. It needs open mindfulness from all the member of consistent to do good deeds and synchronize it with the community to respect all the adherents of the hearth and saying and rationality. Other proverb religious groups for harmony and be aware of ant also mentions “Sing KatepikuAti Sing Kahontalku propaganda or provocative messages to act violet Akal”, meaning think first before act otherwise you against other religion. will regret for what you do.1 These traditional Whenever there is a protest to annul the permit sayings are very useful to maintain harmony among letter, the governmental office of Bekasi is ready to community members. However, it seems that these be questioned or ready to the court because there is proverbs no longer being internalized in many nothing wrong in the process. Thus, the mayor Sundanese people. Perhaps, many of them even no of Bekasi still hold to the decision of giving longer know with all of these ancestors’ permission to the establishment of church until philosophical messages as it can beseen from the further notice if any. report of high intolerant incident in West Java Other story of intolerance came from This research investigates the role of Media in , West Java where conflict of spreading Religious Intolerance in West Java Ahmadiyyah with other Muslim community arose. through their news content specificlyally in Kompas. The conflict related to Ahmadiyyah is the most cases Com and Tribun News during the period of 2017. happened in many areas in West Java. Ahmadiyyah Data gathered from analyzing the news content in is considered a sect that humiliates the true doctrine both media related to several incidents such as: of Islam as their ritual and belief system is differ attacks, sealing, rejection of the worship houses, and significantly from that of Muslim. Many the prohibition of the construction of houses of Ahmadiyyah members experienced intimidation and worship, and the banned activity of worship. Details even violent from other religious groups. The explanation showed in table below: conflict aroused since 2000 and gain intense conflict recently. Religious intolerance became attention of all No Media Date News Event elementsfrom organization, individual as well as Tittle institution. Many researchhave been conducted to 1 Kompas March Prohibitio GKI Yasmin analyze these intolerance behavior among religious Com 11, n of congregation adherents and the background behind it. For 2017 Worshipin and HKBP example research by PPIM (Center for the study of g Filadelfiacann Chronolog ot worship in Islam and Society) UIN Jakarta reported that more y at 3 their church than half (about 67%) of Indonesian is intolerant. Churches because they The report further mentioned that the reason for their in Parung are rejected by intolerant behavior is discontented to live with Panjang the people who have different social, political and community religious affiliation. Besides, the research also 1 showed that about 29% stated that they trust each BukuProfil Selayang Pandang Jawa Barat other in their community, but 86% mentioned that


The Contribution of Media in Disseminating Religious Intolerance in West Java

2 Kompas March Establish The protest Strike case of Al- Com 24, ment of against the Sealing Hidayah 2017 the establishment Ahmadiyy Mosque Church of Santa Clara a Mosque Rallies church in 8 Tribun May Hundreds Hundreds of Held Bekasi was News 21, of People people on chaotic chaotic 2017 Protest behalf of Rejection The Muslim 3 Kompas March Mayor of Bekasi Mayor, Presence Parungpanjang Com 24, Bekasi Rahmat of Three protest against 2017 Asks Effendi Churches the existence Rejection opened the in Bogor of three of Church opportunity churches in Establish for the parties GriyaParungp ment Files objected to the anjang Lawsuit issuance of the Housing, license for the Bogor, West establishment Java of the Catholic 9 Tribun June Ahmadiyy Minister of Church of News 9, a Mosque Religious Santa Clara to 2017 Sealed by Affairs, take a claim to Depok Lukman court. City Hakim 4 Kompas March Mayor of The Mayor of Governme Saifudin asked Com 16, Bekasi: Bekasi nt, all parties to 2017 Better affirmed his Minister re-refer to the shoot my commitment of Joint Decree head to ensuring all Religious (SKB) rather citizens of Affairs: Minister of than pull Bekasi get the Please See Religious the IMB rights of Contents Affairs, Church Religious of LC 3 Minister of Freedom and Ministers Home Affairs, Belief and the 5 Kompas June Ahmadiyy JAI Attorney Com 5, a questioned the General in 2017 Questioni attitude of view sealing ng Reason Depok event Al- of Depok Government Hidayah Governme which Mosque in nt prohibited the Sawangan, Prohibits activities held Depok. activity at at the home of 10 Tribun June Replace- Ahmadiyya House of an Ahmadiyya News 20, Load the mosque in Jemaah congregation 2017 seal of Depok, West in Depok Ahmadiyy Java, re-sealed 6 Kompas June Depok Depok City a Mosque for the eighth Com 5, City Government Depok time during 2017 Governme sealed Al- the year 2012 nt re-seal Hidayah until now. Ahmadiyy Mosque which Basic sealing a Mosque is located on was not based Jl. Moehtar, on law, but Sawangan only fatwa Depok. The Indonesian sealing of the Ulema Ahmadiyya Council mosque was (MUI), which known for the calls seventh time misguided. in 2011-2017 11 Tribun June Ahmadiyy The mosque, 7 Kompas April Komnas Komnas HAM News 4, a Mosque founded by Com 25, HAM: confirmed that 2017 in Ahmadiyya 2017 Depok it has sent a Sawangan Jamaat in Governme reprimand to , Depok, Sawangan nt did not the Mayor of Back Depok, West ignore Depok related Sealed Java, was Related to the sealing again sealed


ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation

by Depok City Tribun News reported these events as natural as Government, possible without provocative aim. Tribun also assisted by Depok provided the real time event clearly, and the content Police of the news has a news value element. Department. Both media are disseminating religious 12 TribunN Augus Wow! West Java intolerance with a distinctive style of news that ews t 3, West Java seems to get a 2017 is the red light in the characterizes each of its mediums. Then, both are Province case of very responsive media related incidents or events With the intolerance in that appear in the society, especially related to the Case of Indonesia. problem of religious intolerance which occurred in Highest Because of the Intoleranc various West Java, so that every event immediately reported. e in provinces in Through media language, the head news in these Indonesia Indonesia, media could be provoking to attract the readers. This West Java actually for better or worse give significant influence topped the list 13 Tribun March Demo As many as in directing the readers to intolerant behaviour. Both News 24, Reject two out of of these media are widely read in the community and 2017 Establish three victims give significant influence to the opinion of ment of the chaos community related to the issues discussed above. Places of demonstration Worship establishment Thus, counter narrative of such issues related to in Bekasi of places of intolerant incidents reported in these news media Tightenin worship in online should also display to educate people g Clash, Bekasi, West concerning respect to religious members other than Three Java, had to People undergo themselves. Injured treatment at the Emergency Room (ER) of 4 CONCLUSIONS the hospital. 14 Tribun March This is the Mayor of The presentation of the media above related to News 25, Reason of Bekasi, 2017 the Mayor Rahmat intolerant behaviour among people of West Java is of Bekasi Effendi ironic. This reflected that Sundanese people no to Defend affirmed his longer hold of the traditional proverb of taking care the commitment each other and should maintain harmony in live. The Church of to ensuring all Santa citizens of report above showed the intolerant behaviour related Clara Bekasi get the mostly about religious objection of other religion to right to live and perform ritual among their neighborhood. freedom of As many report stated that the intolerant activities religion and belief. mostly related to sealing the house of worship among minority. The analysis related to the reporting of religious Thus, it is very reasonable if various agencies intolerance as reported by Kompas.Com above can present the results of research and studies related to be classified as follows: first, the event of a sealing the life of religion and belief, which states that the nature, the prohibition reported during the year 2017 West Java province still ranks first in the issue of has a clear object of the Ahmadiyya congregation religious intolerance affecting religious minorities. and Jemaah Gereja. Second, the obvious headline This is in line with the news delivered by the two proclaimed it happened, when it happened and online media, Kompas.Com and Tribun News, contains elements of religious intolerance which which convey news related to sealing, banning, afflict Ahmadis and Christians, as well as Catholic. rejecting houses of worship establishment that are Third, the news delivered contains the element of still happening in some areas in West Java news value. throughout 2017. It is suggested that more news Furthermore, the news submitted by Tribun should be directed as counter narrative of religious News has similarities to that reported by Kompas intolerance in media Com. However, the Tribun News revealed the news of religious more natural than that of


The Contribution of Media in Disseminating Religious Intolerance in West Java

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