TO THE INDUSTRIOUS PORTION OF THE Patrick M'Nu'ty, of Keady, County . Armagh , and MIDDLING CLASSES. his two respected ntiahbouTs, Mr. Smith, ot Uiiot-m- streefc , and Air. B. Magufre, of Nor'tii Aiiao-sircec. - LETIE B n. These two gentleman took twelve .- months Gestxehek.—I think that the public mind is the rules and objects of the Association t ami its f&irly made up upon two points, Firstly, that the objects and general tendency ; and aft -.-r tiic most they have come for ward ts j .in B proved & iaakrre , secondly, mature .consideration , " Reform Bill" has , and it, aud to give it every aid: in their power. Tueir that" do Government can represent this country in own words are that they never knew of any Associa- accordance with the public interest -which refuses to tion but this one establishment in Ireland, for trie rednee expenditure to the capahility of the nation to benefit of Jhe whols people, without rdki'-sus or sec- tarian distinction and one of the reasons w iich it. Under these circumstances we are to con- , bear AND GENERAL ADflROFISEm kept them back so Ion* from joining it, was entirely Eider how a Government, not acting upon the ahoTe owing to what Mr. O'Conijell so of :en said about it ? principle can hold office . ot illeg3lity~(hear, hear.) He pledged his professional Politically speaking, the Whig middle class voters reputation that it was a trau?portabie ofl«n?e to TOL. Y. NO. 241. SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1842. ,SS' ' belong t» it ; dlii not ar to be in a woeful minority, as compared with ™^S° but finding thas that pledga appe deter the people from jj ining, he then Had recwrso ory constituency ; and we must presume that the T wow, believe me, gentlemen, that all tariffs and Times, the Whi g Gua rdian , and the Whig-Radical Hull Additional nominations to the General Monday Evening.—The usual weekly meeting to personal abuse, calumny, and vitJiperawq 'n— (fy*ar , constituency are not in favour of Tory — ihe Whig income-taxes, and " will-o'-the-wisp speculations" to Advertiser would play the same destructive and Council :—^The Rev. William Hill ; Mr. William was held at the room in Aston-strebt, oii Monday hear.) Ye)r after all, the Society ; is proiperin^ : principles. Yet do ibe Whig voters remain a3 a Cheesman, joiner, Edgar-street Potteries ; Mr. Samuel evening last, Mr. Charles A&hton in the chair. The truta and justice will uhiraassiy prtvail over pp ju- keep our expenditure by taxation up to its present anti-Chartist game, if it did not exactly suit the , dead weight, exerting their influence no farther than Pulford, tailor, No. 2, Dagger-lane; Mr. George Barker, minutes of the council were U en read over, from dice and error. Th9 aeecssirw> of thoss gsntienieri amonnt, must and will fail' and then, instead of the classes for which they respectively write ! Now, passed a re- to our ranks aSords one proof to assist their fallen party now and then with a engine filter , Jessamine Cottages, English-street. which it appeared that the conncil had ac any rate—that of press of the country, the rulers of the country, the just answer that ; and allow me to remind you of a solution of resigning their offices. Mr. Bough the power of truth over falsehood and misreprs:- shore upon some not-yet-exploded crotchet. Beading. side leaders of sections, and the political spouters having few very striking facts. Clayton is dead; Hoey is —A publio lecture was delivered here on moved and Mr. Lynell seconded a motion, to rescind sentation. You are well aware that though comparatively Tuesday, by Mr. Wheeler, of Londen, on the '• Su- Mr. H; Clark secon ded prepared the public mind for the only change which a cripple for life ; Duffy is a dying man ; Holberry that part of the minutes, on the grounds of the whole the mo%». your union periority,of the Democratic form of Government." Mr. council not being unanimous on the subject. Mr. Mr.,Hudson sad that he wW. acquainteH widh anaihilated as & party, yet nevertheless can save U3, they will find society reduced to chaos dead, and his wife an idiot; Peddy still lingerB in James, at the conclusion of the lecture, addressed the White supported the motion, and affirmed that they hundreds in his ovro line of businessor trade (brick - with 4,000 ,000 of an organised body, would meeting in consequence of the complete and signal failure of his living tomb; Frost, Williams, and Jones are with groat ability. had no right to proceed in that manner; he moved layer) who were saost anxious to join thenj , fcu5 make the incorporated force cf industry too poTVfir- their artificial policy. bani &hed their native land, while every single soul London Delegate CouNCiL.-^Mr. J. Dowling in an addition to the motion, that each member of the who were deterred from doina no, text they would ful to be successfull y resisted by our oppressors. To council who wished to resign, should tender his be denounced by Mir. O'Conneil and h'ia tyYatiiibal Gentlemen, allow me, in conclusion, to submit a who led the brave into the pitfall , and then abandoned the chair. Tho Secretary reported from the Com- ¦ ' your inactivity, therefore, the people are justified in mittee fur dra wing up rules and regulationSj and resigna ion to the meetinc. After a long discussion satellites ; and thas f orce their ' einpioyc-rs to dis- simple proposition for y our consideration. I will them,areeitherskulkingat home,living happy abroad, charge thsm, lest by keeping them ascribing their every calamity and sufL-ricg ; while also from other parties with whom he was deputed in which the retiring members, Messrs. Williamson, th-sj would lose suppose society to be divided into one hundred or provided for by the Government they so faith- to correspond. Saunders, White, and others took part , the motion their business. The day way when the people wero the same cause justly deprives yon (in your jJresect Reports were received from various different classes, the labourers constituting one fully served ! Now, is that to bo denied ? The localities, and a resolution received from the Broinp- was carried almost unanimously. Messrs. Lindon, afraid of Tory tyranny, but there neverwas such an reduced state) of sympathy from any party. In of the one hundred. hero who would have recklessly sacrificed the whole ton and Kensington locality ; it was resolved that Fussell, Newhouwe, Welsford, and Stewart , then infamous system of tyranny practised % Whig- . or resigned, and Messri. White, Talbot Yaxdley, Tory, as that which is now UP.blushihg5j practised short, jou have forged your own chains, and wear It is admitted by all that of the West Riding of Yorkshire took shelter be- the Committee appointed to investigate the charge , " ihe people are the against one Ryan, Bough, and others, were nominated in their by file O'ComieLi party. H<; ( Mt. Hudson) them with a becoming obitquiesness. and fled J while the Editor of of its members be dissolved, and that legitimate source of all power " while it cannot be for hind a flour sack, the matter be investigated in open Council on Sunday places. Mr. White then gave a report of the proceed- was told in this very roos by an O'CouneUUe . thav saved J\ ow, gentlemen, with an infan t war in India, a moment denied that labsur is the foundation of all the Sta r, whose advice and prompt exertion next. The swia of 4s. 2d. was received from the ings of the directing couijoil, and afterwards moved the house they were i& ought to be burned, and every one in it who didi and another in China, both requiring expensive wealth. Now, my assertion is, that the ninety-nine the lives of thousands, and spared the carnago that Shoemakers, Foley Place. Credentials were received a vote of confidenuo With regard to tho political not a«ree with O'Connell. from Mr. honesty and integrity of the' . -retiring- councillors, (Hear, hear.) Was ever ¦ Tory tyianny equal to nursing ; with a staiving population in , classes (not including the labouring class) if enfran- ambition would have produced, is still at his post. Swatton, from Hammersmith, ' ¦ : - ¦ .: ¦ " ¦ ; which was unanimously agreed to. The caso of this '? • • - , - •• .;. . . . .; Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, all requiring force to chised to a man, woald not, nay could not, justly " These (indeed) are times to try men's souls." Queen's 'Head, Cambridge-road.—Mr. Duffield Messrs. Mason, Chance, and others, who have to Mr. H. Clark rose aiid raid that when bo joined , lectured at this place on Sunday evening last, fhe Irish Universal Suffrage Association keep them down j with a idle aristocracy increasing represent their unitedly enfranchised community ! No man has wisdom who would say " starve on" to appear at the and Worcester Sessions in a be little at a prodigious rate, whole all the land in the country Their interests would be antagonistic; they would to a goodly company, and gave great satisfac- few-days, was theti brought forward by Mr. White, expected trial any circumstance Bhould e?er arise tho starving man ; and no man has courage who tion ; Mr. Spencer in the chair. A vote of thanks to when a defoaoQ' ' which wonfd make him tee] so proud still remains in possession of heads of families, and endeavour to gain advantages the one over the other ; n«a paid by penny . sub- weather permits. scriptioas, and to help to make a couucillor of Tooi;. allow me to ask you if ever folly, childishness, and CHARTER," ever will, or ever can, produce an me, I go, because you demand my presence. I go, Mr. Britchart, by Ruffy Ridley..,...... 0 6 Walsall.— The members of this locality held Ray. Tom Reynolds ai.d Tom Arkins being now imbecility, was more forcibly poarcrayed than that equitable Reform satisfactory to all classes, or re- because I am resolved Mr. Dobsou of Hammersmith ..,...*.. 0 11 , come weal come woe, to their weekly meeting on Tuesday evening, when a provided for , it is quite natural tha,t the people which your desertion and denunciation of the peo- duce the amount of expenditure to the PEOPLE'S stand by the poorest of the poor. I go, because I Mr. Rogers, Lambeth 5 6 would \yitl\dvaw {Von\ a society thaV obt ained Mr. Lucus 0 6 liberal subscription was opened to defend Mr. Mason ple (by whose industry you live) present ? Sappose AND YOUR CAPABILITY TO BEAR IT. have hope that my council will save you and our and the others at the forthcoming sessions at Staf- £10,000 from theirt under tho false pretence of Repealing, the U:iion that I was the very worst of men ; would that furnish cause from those snares which ford. The prejudice of the Corn Law repealers , but for tha real purpose of Gentlemen, faction is so busy 71 applying it to ihnir own uses (hear, hear.) What a justifiable excuse for withholding your support againsc us is fast giving way, and a strong feeling I have the honour to remain, in setting for you. Let your resolutions be strong 1 VICTORIA THEATRE. exists in favour of Chartism. A visit from our noble has become of tho money I What was dona with, it? from the very best of principles ? and are you not Your obedient humble Servant, manly, and brave, but strictly legal. champion in the cause, Mr. O'Connor would produce Oh ! ihe people see clearly enough that it is money FINANCE SHEET. , taat is fully aware of the fact that the way to destroy Feabgvs O'Co.nnob While the poor Irish are starving, those who much good. wanted, and/not Repeal. Why not bring the question forward me, is by surpassing me in honest toil, by explod- have plundered them are comfortable Ca sh pai d at the Doors. in the House of Comtn' ns, and let —-"•"——a- , and absent ; £ s. d. Redditch.—On Sunday last, Mr. Peter Rigby de- the world judge of its ' merits by. the argunionts there. ing my fallacies, and developing the soundness of when poverty rages and threatens destruction , then 5 Box ... 0 10 0 livered two discourses to attentive audiences. He Oh no, that would uot do TO THE CHARTISTS OF NORTH LAN- ^ 'it must bs an open qv\es- yonr own views and principles, by attending all I choose to be a party to throw a protecting shield 3i a 4 0 gave very great satisfaction. We strongly recommend tion for the Irish people to agitato for. CASHIRE. H lf Box I 1 i th ti t h i ld " Was local meetings, (which cost yon nothing,) and over the destitute. 202 Pn ... 10 2 0 h m to e no ce of he C art st wor as a very there ever such barefaced delusion as this ?. Bus stasvisg talented but distressed man. especially those where I am present, and then and Mt deab TeorGH Fkiexds,—For some Bear in mind, that the magistrates 303 Gallery ...... 9 16 6 thank God, my ¦country men , tlie brave. Connaught of Stafford- men ar there b weeks past I have watched the proceedings of our FOLESHILI.. — We had a splendid meeting on .e beginning to see through if, aud the 'result, , y following me, arguing with me, and reason- shire have renewed the spirit of 1839. They have of their enlightenniftnt is body in North Lancashire with intense interest, Cash ... 22 2 G Monday, to hear Mr. John Siarkey preach a poli- the two huaiired and forty ing with me, court public approbation from your commenced the crusade against the Chartists, by Tickets and cross money 53 9 6 men whom I now uroposo to be admitted members I was aware that that district, being the former tical sermon. We expect to hivo a very flou- superior knowledge rather than from your superior apprehending Mason and others, and binding them rishing association in the course of a week or two. (treat cheering.) seat of the handloom weaver?, must suffer beyond fjre ei over to take their trial, when they sought £75 12 0 , OLDHAIYI — On Sunday last, Mr, Ross lectured Mr. O'Higgins, having been loudly called npon, justico at rose and in a You well know the great power which an honest most others from the devouring enemy, machinery. their hands for an outrage Number of to ah overflowing audience in tho Chartist Meeting clear and luminous speech, which offered to Mason by a persons in the house after half price : would not discredi t any man, 1 was right ; for machinery in the extreme north —Boxes, 236 ; Pit, 729 ; Gallery, 924. Room, Greaves-street. A great many strangers seconded the motion recruit has over a veteran politician. Be assured constable. Recollect that ¦ all the " Man ¦ ¦ of Authority ii - for the admission of the two hundred would, as a matter of course, affect the price of were present. He made a powerful appeal on the and forty Coa- thai the very novelty, added to the boldness of the will have to prove against Mason will be, firstly, Tickets taken at the Doors. naught men. ^ manual labour devoted to the same manufacture, necessity of union for obtaining the Charter, as the Mr. experiment, woald give to the experimentalist an that he is o Chartist, and consequently an outlaw; £ a. d. only means of destroying class monopolies. Pyptt rose to bring forward the addrcs3 of advantage of more than fifty per cent. ; and as to even in the extreme south. Nay, more : machinery secondly, 98 Box ... which he had given notice. He should not trouble that he, the Authority-man, has no doubt 9 16 0 Weekly Meeting.—At " in America would as much affect your wages, under 26 Pit in Box 1 6 0 the weekly meeting of the them with many observations, as the address in clamour, noise, confusion, snd rioi, it wonld be the on his lojal mind, that the speech of Mason was members which took place on Monday evening last, itself was lengthy, and would explain its 'own. very means of suppressingall and of rivitting atten- free trade, as machinery in Manchester would. 73 X to Box 3 13 6 calculated to lead to a riot. And he waa right, for 413 Pit the following resolutions were unanimously passed, objects. The pcciplo of Ireland were however slowly 20 13 0 lapsing back tion ; and as to partiality, where in the wide world It is true you are starving. I have watched it did lead to a riot, but the Authority-man was the 11 Box in Pit ... 1 2 0 after a spirited discussion :—" That this meeting into common sense. They saw that strongly censure Mr. O'Brien and Mr. H. Vincent repeal as at present is there a more splendid spectacle than that attentive yonr proceedings narrowly ; and from those pro- only rioter, while Mason and the Chartists were 53 Gallery in Pit ...... 1 6 6 , agitated, \vas a mere pTetext for tor their vile and malicious conduct towards Mr. extracting the pence of the poor. Men were gett ng British audience which fair discussion ever insures ? ceedings I learn two great and wholesome lessons. constables, and preserved the peace. It would 66 Pit ...... 1 13 0 Cash in Pit Box ... O'Connor, the Northern Star, and the National " sick" and " tired ," he quoted thoir own words; of Approbation is then expressed without clamour ; Firstly, that our great -union now teaches each be folly for me to do more than to remind 0 4 6 you 472 Gallery ... 11 16 0 Charter Association." "That a vote of thanks be being humbugged—(hear, hear, hear)—and at oaea deference is paid to honesty, thongh in error ; and locality, that it constitutes but a component part of that the Government is too strong to require given to Mr. Cooper, of Leicester, for the spirited allowed that tho obtaining of the Suffrage was the 39 Pit in Gallery ...... 1 19 0 onl judgment keeps firm hold of the reins of prejudice, society, and holds itself responsible in its every SEch a god-send as a physical force outbreak just manner in. which he que&ttoned, and the manly reply y thing worth contonding for—(hear.) The he made to the flimsy reasons why he (Mr. O'Brien) Corn Exchange Association was d ing passion, and personal attachment. act for the effect which that act may have upon society now. And that the parties who look £53 9 6 y of political upon such a was not a member of the National Charter Associa- atrophy ; its members were shrunk up, and its Gentlemen, the unfathomable question of " Free at large ; and that the strength which it derives calamity as a blessing are the Whigs, who would J. Lucas, Secretary. tion ; and that this resolution be sent to the Northern money exhausted. America wrs offen ded ar.d Trice" has been selected by a new school of " poli- from the fellowship of other districts makes it too then say to the middle cl asses, " Ah ! see how we put Star and Comrrionwealthsmunfor insertion.'' " That would send no more, as the provident Bank man Subscriptions received by Knffy Ridley, and paid one shilling be sent to tho Northern had been called tical pedlars " whereon to fl oat your shallow under- strong in hope, to be led by the spy, the coward, tie Chartists down, and how tho Tories have allowed into the hands of Mr. Rya.ll, on account of Mr. Chas. Star office, to " Mongul Mooney '' — (a laugh)— raise a fund to set up Mr. Duffy in some which was certainl or the traitor, into any acJ which would peril the them to meet and speak." I tell you that the Corn Southwell, late Socidl missionary :— kind of y a bad return for the dollars he stanctiDgs. This free trade means barter with all business, and we would recommend every town, had with such dexterity extracted from the pockets the wond at a disadvantage to all the nation save universal cause. Secondly, it convinces me that an Law Repealers will move heaven and earth to pro- s d age of the slave-holding, , Robert Poulton ...... 0 G vill , or hamlet, where there are any Chartists, to liberty- talking Yankees. In those portionswhich from their present position could indiscretion upon our part is the last remaining hope duce a revolution, from which they would hope do tho same." the address he had now to propose, they would find to reap the spoils J. Elston ... 0 3 an absence make fortunes during tie spirit of novelty and the ba- of faction. ; but I tell them that they SHALL J. Preece 1 ... 0 6 DU3LIIT. of nicknames or vituperation. It was rendered necessary, lancing of demand and supply. Can the mind of man And now, why ? Because For seven years we NOT. S. Gifford ... 0 4 lest Englishmen should suppose The Irish Universal Suffrage Association held all Irishmen were siavish enough to subscribo to have held our meetings, attended by thousands and My beloved Friends, I am now going B... P...... 0 4 ima^tae a grosser absurdity than the idea of a to make a their usual weekly meeting in the Great Rooms, the vile and foolish threat made by the Sylla of his l ens of thousands, and many sound, and good and vigorous and unceasing effort to cement the head and A Friend 0 6 No. 14, North Anne-street, on Sunday, the 19th , nation with three Kings and three Queens, an old T. D. 1 0 country against the liberties of the working classes nest of Royal Princesses, and Royal Dukes, as state able speeches have been made by handioonv weavers. tail of Chartism—the leaders and the people—in one Mr. Patrick Rafter in the ehair, Mr. W. H. Dybtt, of the sisier kingdom—(hear, hear)—and likewise Mr. Dron 0 6 Secretary. Nay, I am bold to assert that handloom-weavers firm union : and aiding as I shall, the efforts of the Ruffy Ridley 1 1 to deprecate the ill feeling with which their unfor- paupers ; with a debt (called national) of near The Chairman said, that in accordance with a good tunate countrymen have been the originators, the ornaments, the prop Executive of your choice, I have only Mr. Wheeler ... 0 6 might be otherwise naturilly a thousand millions sterling; with an overgrown now to im- old custom, he should call upon their talented, received on the neighbouring shores plore that henceforth all idea M. D. 0 6 , whither biting State Church Establishment ; with four millions per and support of the Chartist cause. Their interest of disunion and strife amiable, and excellent Secretary , whom he was distress aud rack-renting tyranny drove them to was first attacked by machinery ; and when in the may be buried and for ever, and that we glad to see in good health and spirits, to read the cam b annum (more than the rental of all Ireland, that may go 6 0 , y undcTworking the inhaSitant peasantry, outset they called for aid, bad their fellowmen flo wn with the head, heart, and body of one gi rules and objects of the association. It may appear the means of holding the miserable patch of ground fertile and lovely land,) going to pay an army and ant man At a Meeting of the Surrey council, on Sunday all would have been well. But no to the rescue of our tedious to those who are accustomed to listen to this from which they derived a mere existence— (cheers.) nary ; with a nseless legal and police establishment ; to the rescue, , the common country. last, reports of a flattering nature were received preliminary to their proceedings every Sunday, were laHghed at and derided in their Mr. Dyott then read the address. with oScea without duties, created for idiots to fill ; first victims I have to request that no carriages be provided for from the various localities. A report was received neverthelessf it is* right and proper to read the objects from the committee appointed to atteiid a public Mr. H. Clark seconded the address. He wa^ an with a Civil List of worn-out whores and bastards, sectional struggle against the monster in its infancy, me ; that no expense be incurred in the distressed and rules if it were for no other reason than meeting, at 69, Great Guildfprd-street , Porough;and that of showing even to a sing Irishman , a Catholic, and long an ardenc admirer until the assassin that slew them threatened also to district?, to mock poverty. I le stranger who and political prostitutes, and blood stained heroes ; can pay my own a local ity was formed to meet, at the Coff ee Rooms favours us with a-visit,, that we are not what others of Mr. O'Conneil, through all his devious turi.'ihys trita functionaries only rendered necessary to sup- slay every succeeding interest, and then self interest expenees, a3 I always have done ; and I can preach for the future, until further notice. represent us to be ; that we are not Orange men and wild inconsistencies. But : experience had , nor shown him that though the peop press the distemper which misrule has engendered ; rallied round the standard which the handloom - the gospel truth of Chartism, as I have often done Ribbon-men, that we are not Tories, nor are we le were madeabund- Surrey.—The committee for getting up tho tea ant use of by the so-called Liberator, their rights With laud held in sterility and barrenness in order weavers had raised. before, wherever a lew of the faithful shall be and concert at tho Moutpelior Tavern Whigs ; that we abhor the base, bloody, and brutal ' , , are earnestly authors of the Irish Coercion Act aud the and their wrongs were set aside and -di^regardt d-, thai political But that is not so much tee point. This is it. In gathered together. requested to attend on Sunday next, at three o'clock English power may be carved out of it3 vast Poor Law Amendment Act ; that wo are neither whiie the privileges of the wealthier and middle the press have allowed us to pass un- Brothers, every thing is precisely. allotments ; with a voluntary tax laid upon the our struggles working for the great end! O'Connorites nor O'Connellites, but we are Chartists, classes were fiercely contended for, and in s >uie dissenting mind, in consequence of the di?gu3t cre- noticed , "or has given us a destructive notoriety. In God's name, then , let us not aid tyrants in Mill Wall.—Mr. Frazer lectured on the princi- true lovers of geuuine unadulterated liberty ; that measure achieved. (ll«ar.) Mr. O'GoJiaell had never distinguished himseli' But now, we find the Manchester Guardian , here- theie endeavours to suuyert the will of ples of the People'd Charter at the Smith's Arms, our motto is " Peace, law, and order ;" that we are as the defender of labour; ated by a persecuting and unchristian Law Church: ^ on the contrary, he had made war on the tradesman. I ask, can the misd compass a wilder absurdity tofore silent upon meetings held within its town, that pbov1dence, wh1cu designs good fob all. on Monday eveniug. It is intended that another banded together like one man , lawfully and consti- lecture shall be delivered on Tuesday nex t tutionally, of Dublin, and had he not been viicorouslv con- nay under its very nose, running to North Lan- Ever your devoted Friend , when a for the purpose of obtaining Universal than the supposition that a state so oppressed can , new locality will be formed. Nino persons have Suffrage, Vote by Ballot , Annual Parliaments, the fronted by them, would have still fur:her curtailed trace upon tenna of equality with the free nations of cashire in quest of news to suit the palate of its Teargvs 0'Con.nok. already taken u p their cards. division of the Empire into equal electoral thtir ppwer of self-defence. (Hear, and cheers.) the world ! luscious readers. And the Times,that hellish organ, districts, each returning to Parliament an And he had now come out—the aristocratic cloven Queen's Head, Cambridge Road.—The Chartist 5? foot had agaia appeared—(laushtei)—with a threat Gentlemen, England ha3 been set mad in the days has been moving heaven and earth to dissati3tv equal number of representatives, thus doing MR. MASON, AND THE SEDGLY of this locality are requc&ted , tor the future, to meet equal justice to all parties ; the abolition to exurpate the starving artizans of England,, if gave you wuh your local leaders, for what the ruffian of her prosperity, when her infant inventions AUTHORITIES. at Mr. Palmer's, Su^ar Loaf, Church-st., Mile End, of the Property Qualification, i they laid .hands on the bread far lack ot" whic'ti calls their timidity. This is the first step in New Town. ¦ which w ll do away ' her an exclusive command of the markets of the with perjury in the highost; tribunal, or, at leastv the they were famishing. (Hear.) Tins address was The tyrant cause3 a sp t t TO EVERY MAN WHO LOVES JUSTICE, indispensable. "It was not to be supposed whole globe. England was the first among nations tyranny. li in he ranks BIRMINGHAM. People's Hall of next to the highest tribunal in the Jand; for the that Mr. by engendering suspicions and dissatisfaction be- WHETHER HE BE WHIG, TORY , OR payment of our representatives ; that is, for the O'Gonnell's 500.000 fi ghting men were to march to possess herself of the powers of artificial produc- Sciencu.— A meeting of influential working men en masse, ho ; they would in division. tween the leaders and the people. The leaders, if CHAKT1ST was held at the Publio Offise on Friday right to pay them , if we deem it proper so to do\ go ", and the tion ; and she had simulLaneously the advantage, if . evening last , English labourers might rationally suppose, on the Mr. Pa^o iu the chair. Tho meeting was convened Now, said the yfiierablo Chairman, we soek for tho aoTanrage it can be called, of throwing the hands of they are weak-minded and thin-skinned, lose all Lovess of Justice arrival or the.Tipperany men that they formed part ,—You will have learned that by circular, for the purpose o! ascertaining whether attainment of those great and glorious objects, by : nse selt-control , sacrifice judgment to zeal, and in their of the firs t brigade. (Hear.) .iiiiagii:ati'm mijiht other na'ions from pursuits of industry to the the authorities of Stafford have resolved upon put- tho working m!t>, and Mr. Jas. to the purcuits of 'industry; and, as a matter of Dofeuce Fund it-it mo between £500 and £(]00 out resolution. " That in the opinion of this meeting, u Armstrong. Mr. Coyuc like many others ness of hi;; views, and tn l^jvr'">s beass ,- so that in the and the meeting separated. ^^^^ &i=> country independent of all others, by the culti- might, and influence , " the bit of " Association Fund, and a subscription entered into for Mr. William Woodword seconded tho motion. The address, was then c^x^dJ^^aijJ^i^^x^ Tation of our own resources to an extent which will we receive them as deserters, without their arms. the use of the victims, Hines and Duffy, and agreed to AsTON-bTREET Meetings.—Mr. White addressed Jvlr. O'Higgins said he had very great pleasure ia tieut voice, and Mr. O'Conn^K^SCwfc^WsY. open for a week, vrhea the amount admission id their Association, Mr. chair thlM^dal^ render ihe whole people independent of the whole Now, my frien ds, just allow me to ask you a plain for the same to be a meeting in the Chartist Room, Aston-street, on proposing for , the; usual vote of WMm* between them. le, of Ballard, CouUty Wicklow, Mr. Rafter, g woiid. question ot two. Do you suppose that the Tory *m be divided Sunday evening last, Mr. Talbot in the chair. John Doy aad the meetin m*ffiw$! &Y&!ft?^Bt uyxs mmtj atOM ' ' : ¦ ,¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ : : ' ¦¦ 2 THE NO R T H E R N STAR. / . , .,/ ,;. . . ____ . ^ - : . . - __ ; .J

3; On Wednesday last I.EED3 BOItOUGH SESSIONS. EN EDWARDS'S BREAKFAST POWDER, SIX- € I) avif^t nt ^Kt snwe. CA2HPSIE.—Oa Friday otening, a public meeting BTJUTON-UPO N-TRENT.— , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV , PENCE PER POUND, ¦was held in the Chartist Mr. Robert Wingato in Dufiy, the victim of Whiggery, delivered a powerful Hall, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the next rflHAT by an Indenture hewing date the 29ih ' " ' ¦' " the chair. A remonstrance to the House of Commons, address in the ChartiBt Room, at the house of Mr. , of [ _ ;; ¦...... - \ AGENTS WANTED; . ;¦- . . . and on Thursday evening, GENER AL QUARTEa SESSIONS of the 1 Day of April, 1812, EDWARD KING CG^CFir.STin.—We presume Dr. Jr-Doaall and memorial to the Queen were unanimously sdopted. Philis Izaak, High-street, Peace for the Borough of Leed3, in the Couii y ©f Loeds^ in the county of York, Wools.apler, conveyed addresses that at Swadlingeote, in the Chartist rooji, and gave rTI HE rapidity with which this Article has found lcr.un-.: i:rj en W'. n:-e-d-:y, as we r. ceived a prospec- AJ r. Lower? d elivered ona ef tte best York, will be holden before Thomas EloffBH Ellis, and assigned all his Estate and Effects, whatsoever, in many Districts •ore hare heard s d Itfc a good impression on the eeneral aatUfaction ; and on Friday evening again at , A general Consumption , proves tive n-.: c- cr the lecture list Ssiarday, after all our last , the Younger^ E^qiura, Recorder of .-the 6aiir . C - .-T, for thtj brave msimer in -which be de- the evening spent in ciseable, nor do Agents require a License to vend it. -T-ci ¦s Were given, and the remainder of ing ground near the Market-place, in Biiston, on Mon- Police Officers , Prosecutora, Witnesses, Persons who shall exticuto the same within one Calendar ¦JtJic--.. <^ n^c-. iUi ilr. O'S.-ieD at L; iccster. dancing. The Chartist Societies are adopting its exclusive use ; day evening last. A commodious husVinas was erected bound by Recogniziuces, and others having Business Mimth after Notice thereof : and that the said In- Coffee , and its Cheapuess * required many prefer it to enables ICC'-? —• V.— On Sunday lust, ihree sermons were GLASGOW.— ANDERSTOS.—A public rowing of on tha occasion, which was ornamented in front with at tho said Sessions, are to attend. denture was duly executed by the said Edward a very: important Saving. , r:;- ? metting r->nm. ru said all to effect It Is jnor e pr, .., - -.i :n :..? Ci.^- Broofc.botto. — the inha v >i-auts of this iaipi>rtant district was btld in tho beautiful banner of the National Charter Associa- And Notice is he.rehy also Given, that all Appeals Kiog, on the said 29&ri Day of April, and by-.tha nutritious than either Tea or Coffee. ; : " R on Hi ti-t i: • -:.:r.i; bj ibc R--T. V> . V. J^ck on, of .Mai> the Chartist Hail , on Thursday evening, Mr. Harley in tion. Tne meeting was called fur the purpose of ena- not' previously disposed of will be heard at the Hermann Julius Marcus and Charles Bearilshaw, gents who are yet wanting for some gned the petition on Tnursdayj t):e Spvetith which A Town* will e}.'-£- - r; r.i ize if ia>cia End trtair? by the R v. the chair, to cons'dtr the propriety of forming an Asso- bling the rlre thousand, who si , to opening of tne Court, Day the 3rd day of May, 1842, the Execution of be allowed a liberal Discount. 1" rr..- - - cf B .ten T;.L,t tr>e alarming 'J , by the Hermann l.^-i- . -* . ^n evening •was a fa- ciation , to be called the Anderston Ciartor Association, hear and adopt, (in the present state of the of uly next.; &wl that all pr iceedinaa under the fa^d Indenture said Edward Kirigv Ed wards, Brothers,Manufacturers, 99, Blackfriars i.v -L- .--: : . m" r -be iatr Henry Frost remonstrance advised by the late Conven- High way Act will be taken on the First Day of the Julius Marcus, and Charles Beardshaw, is witnessed is-r n of the txiltd and to btar addresses from Messrs. Moir and Kid. On country,) the ¦ Road. London. ; ^ :¦:. : , J ^-. F."5t j on 'wl-:ch ''ccasion was sons; in a tion, and also to meniorfol-'zj the Quaen to dismisa her Sessions. .; • by Samuel CLAPUAM , of Leeds aforesaid , Solicitor. P v the motion of Mr. Gordon, it was unanimously agreed Ti: ,; -..ti* •?-_:! ::r -.z-r Lu'.tur's Hymn, by the present Ministers from office , and to call such men to * to form an Association to be calle.l tha Anderston Bj Order, THE MIND. s!l - ~:s if tLt G -r-irfgatk'^al Mcthodiht?. her councils as know how to legislate for the country. FOOD FOR Ctarter Association. Rules and Regulations similar J AMES RICHARDSON, Satisfy the mind f irst, before you dra w upon the to those of the Glasgow Association were then read and Mr. Richard Boglin was called to the chair. Excellent Just Published, Price Is., 4ih Edition in Cloth X' -TSf Or*.—1\Eadisg.—A public tea party ttcb speeches were made by Messrs. Jones, Linney, Soar, of Clerk of the Peace for the said Borough. poekett and you will neither be the dupe nor ^ L-;^ en Monday tvcEic:;, at, the school room. Hope agreed to. An interim csmmittee was appointed to . c^iTj the above resolutions into effect , and to call a Birmingham, Thomason, from tb.e Vale oi Leven, Leeds, 8ih Juno, 1842. victim of Professional or non-Professional HILL'S RATIONAL SCHOOL GRAMMAR, C? ~r?: :^ aiii •.£ ths leads o! the National Chart er quackery, Revised, Corrected, and Amended by ¦ ¦ m-eting ot the Association as soon R3 one hun- Cook , of Dudley, and others. The remonstrance and ¦ " the ii.-- . .,ii- -.?. T^y r.i:entree was very good , ind ucing " ¦ -' ' ¦ "' '• ¦: ; " ' ¦' ' ¦' ' memorial were unanimously passed, and the meeting , if you wish to understand tha natura Author. . ;. . - . , [: „ . • ,. . . . , • :¦ . -: .. ... I - - . • • ;-. . a r.r;: --; riu-.tcr cf the fa:.r s^x. The chair v*as cccu- dred nieinbtra were joined to appuint a committee of READER ' r- ir. to twenty for the ntxt six months, &c The tu-dness manifested a most enthusiastic spirit. LOVE OF COUNTRY. Muse and cm-e of disease, read and study Price 4iM or in two Nos. at 21. each, TWO pirn ^y ir. Mrj Mr. Parsons responded the MvDOUALL'S MEDICAL TRACT published F. O'Connor * *, oi the " showing bfcinc fi nished, ilr. Moir was cnlied on to at'.drtss tha BURY.—Mr. Jackson kctured on Monday in the can possibly prove an Individual's , LECTURES delivered by , E^q., in fi' e . 1^ .- "TLfe j-OTcie^ciiy p-iop.e, NOTHING by Cleave, London. Price One ester, on the Land i-_ r :1 ¦»bh : ¦ lidiiou to re power superior to ihe meeting. Ha said he was not come to piva thfin a Garden-Street room. Many of the middle class joined Patriotism more than t!v> tffjits he ismaking in 1, Shoe Lane, the Hall of Science, Manch , and lie i f spr-ech on the Chart- r. He wns rhere to fp°:;k to them Penny, the Union. ¦ o-^j-.-j.ii 1.1 ar,y si.::--..k-.;i'sd kins: ct to\t.nior. Dr. Perry us after the kcture. We are getting well on. behalf of his affl cted countrymen . The strength its capabilities; and Repeal of iu plain language as to the i;uty they oweu to theniselves If you wish to remove successfull y and naturally al .y .-rrr-n- f: !L:t'xist of " Ovii at -I Religious Li- and bulwark of any nation lies in the happy frames Price 4d. in Wrapper, or Cloth 6d., a Full and and thtir c .untry at this crisis. To be successful they PRESTOM.—At a rnetting of the Chartists in Pres- tho diseases therein described, purchase fc.-rn.3> >J r. G. U htcji r, in an sble mai-uer, proposed of her Sons and Daughters. CompTeta Exposure of the various Impositions' and of must be united ; they Hi us; do their own work , no other ton, instructions were given to the delegate appointed the "' N :i-.en-i] C^rttr Association .Great Britain ?'A bold Peasantry , our Country 's pride," one M'DOUALL'S FLORIDA MEDICINES, Schemes daiiy practiced by every description of o: man could do it for them. Mr. M. spolie at consider- to attend the meeting in Colne, on the 3rd of July, to su-i 1-e'^.c-i." 2:--j < :_t> red at eomeleEi^h itto its j -cts reduced io effi-mina ' sfan d a poor chance of suo- Vagrants in the Country, from the Lurker up to the , bring before the delegates the following proposition :— cy* Prepared by P. M. M'Douall, and Sold Whole- j i:.-i i'.s£, as a meiTis cf remedying tae present able length amidst the hearty plaudits of the meetinjf u cesbfully com peting with the encroachments of humble Thimble-rigger. By a Vagrant of Fifteeu On Mr K>d beirg cai'.c-d upon, he said, es the night Taat a Conference be caiied of representatives from sale and Retail, at 1, Shos Lane, London, to which tiij .-:. t'cf tccit ty. T-' r. Pi lrrini ia a i;iat address. Trades' Unions, anil Chartist bodies, to devise some foreign interferenfi ', or of domestic tyranny. In Years'Experience. rt.-prni;f i :o tie : ¦ .?.? ! cf tl.3 *' Ghartist Ftraales of was already far spent, ha wyuld not detain them with lanqmd invalid , there is seidom the place all applications for agency, &c., must be for- plan by which a fair and satisfactory mode can be the pale and warded. No family ought to be without this useM com- G:-2.t bii'clp..' Sir. Wheel r, cf Lgbcctj , rur-partcd any remarks of his. concurring in what had fallen from spirit to maiatain an independent :position when ' , adopted of electing a fixtd uuwiber of persons to sit as a N. B. Wholesale prices most liberal to all Asents. pendium of Tricks whjeh the honest and unsuspect- ti'tr luu.-t of " Tif U-in'C~ t ' c Press,'* ccti f=p ke in Mr. Moir and hoping he -would have an opportunity of assailed by tho insidious or threatening atcacks of addressing xht-ro on some future occasion ; he would sit permanent body for the protection of trade, and the Retail price, per Box of 36 Pills, One Shilling and ing mind are daily subject to. y bi»h !::s! i.f the 3f or.Le.-n Slar aa aa honest and con- securing to the workiDg classes their constitutional the Oppressor, but ho seeks rather to conciliate, or ' - ' down with wishing the >'tw Association every success. Three-halfpence, Stamp included. . • " ' • Price 2d., The Trial of John' Barleycorn, alia$ fcut' T:. r >>-?' ' « (f it? peojvs a right, and also tf the privilege, cf cxeuiption from taxation without repre- even concede a point, than io resist the infliction of a v;-" After a. vote of thanks to Messrs. Moir and Kid, and 1 any Strong Drink.¦ A Teetotal Drama. By the Rev. L. -£. ..-S lisi Circular , us capable cf brinz made (if wrong ; thus having once allowed the iron to enter, No connection with other Patent Medicine. ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ ' ' ' - the chairman, the meeting broke up, delighted at the sentation. That the persons so chosen be men belong- Beardsall. - ' . .,. . . ' pr.-; ;r;;- s-api <> nt i-j a j>< »rifui er.gme in the democratic ing to the working community, wholly unconnected with like a wedge, by slow degrees, it was dr von homo, at-sy muud up the proceedings %i prospect of establishing a spirited association in Ander- ation of the Middle and Work- Ci^li^ . Mr- Bvii tcn either ihe middle or upper classes." " That the work- and the tottering fabric of liberty comes to the Price 2d., Reconcili r- ntrcg upen the o -seiTa tiyr.s cf ston. of the Nonconformist. the feTcLin s y n niEi-. ing classes lay all their grievances though this body ground. Tho revolutions and fall of Empires prove ing Classes. By the Editor the T;r: 'j_s spriktrs, ana elici ted lucch applause ; an i Gor.mis.—Con Mnrmy lectured In the Chcrtist before the nation, aud all their appeals to Government thia to be correct, and the history of progressive in- Price Id., Rosa's Lecture oa the Evils of Class cceciC-C"! by iin^is.- the t-t onal EJithein ,, of '" Gi>d h^ll, Civdc-ter.ace, on Friday evening, to a crowded dependence, from the commencement of time, fur- ; 1 in the same way : which body shall be pledged on Legislation. . : ? KiYe itr pef-v-is/ Tiiie^ cL-.tra -were then Riven for audience. Tue lecturer dweii in severe ghty deeds of .terms on the taking office , never to dissolve till the two great nishes us with the tact, that those mi Price Id., Oh the NecesMty of Union throughout tte pi vi-ir , f o- tbs Charier, f.-r the chairman, &i, cud conduct of some of those who formerly wtre connected imperishable taine, which grace its pages, have been ' objects above named bo attained." We, the Chartitts THE N E\V* YORK LINE O F PACKETS the Empire. By Richard Gardner, Esq., B.A. tic ir.d •.:: s Li\ >.e np; taca iletennin-ed to rtnew his with ihe Gorbals Association , an:i adYi.^-jd the ptople of Preston earnestly entreat the attention of all Char- achieved only by the healthy and vigorous; the mind ter thv laT? of An Inquiry made as to the Ju^t'ce of fcis ii-cr iita uiiiil tLe Gi-S^ becoia e tLe asaiiiEt h Mr.g too much to do with parties connected tist Associations and Trades' Unions, to the considera- partaking of the nature of the body, glowing with Sail punctually on their regular days. Price Hd., with printing establishments. They bad seen the ii-uits rational enthusiasm , has assorted its right, and the the Demand of the People for Universal Sufi'rage. By tion of these objects. From LIVEIVPOOL, as follows, viz :— . Class Man. : Ar.BtlCATH.—Oa Ta?sd3y eTcniiir; -week/a pablic of this in t^e Gorbals, wh?n they were 1* d into -vast strong arm of daring achieved the victory. a Middle hel i.n tii;.t Tacanc space cf and u'-timatoly involved in debt, and ail NANTWXCH. —Mr. James Mitchell, of Stockport , In i^oiitics, every one secma to be well acquainted Price Id., Biology, or an Inquiry into the Cause of Eif^rirg -n^ib d Erv.und Echo, SriJ, .....1000 tons, 21st June. 5l-ua:trJ Id f.-j t of :be Abbey r^iiis, for the purpose o: through parties who were ready to seli t'lemstlvts to lectured here on Sunday evening last, in the open air ,, with the various evils that anTcfc fociety, and yet, Natural Death. By S. Rowbotham, the bi g The meeting was opened by Denmark, Frost...... 612 tons, 25th „ Enu;c.r..ili:-":: r krr ;¦::. ; ts'-y, and rc »aor.s:ratLi'.g tviih th.-- hts! bidder. Ha would appeal to those present, in Second Wood-street. but few are found sufficiently enlightened or bold Price 11., The Perfect Charter ; being the only cf * our friend Mr. Wm. Cooper offered S. Whitney, Thompson 1034 tons, 1st July. E^-2-5 C<. ir.;u. ns, i:: accc-rdaiics with the insTructiyn where were the men now who lea them into debt I In Bing ing a hymn, and . enough to prescribe a remedy. It is just so with the correct edition of the People's Charter published at i-j " the conclusion C'in appealed to Lis countrymen present to prayer. Unfortunately it began to rain just as Mr, Palmitra, Sampson, 691 tons, 7th „ . cf tL? l^ C---ii7;i;f o3. By the ?icnr of iBi-itin e diseases incident to the human ft amo ; all can talk so low a price with engravings. ^ txamine into the principles c^ntendtd f^r by the Mitchell commenced his lecture, which caused many , and yet few indeed Sheridan, Do Pcyster...... 1012 tons, 13th „ ccuid . Hvt h%Te been ifS= than 3 000 people present, ' of and lament their existence Price Id., The Speech of Robert Emme'.t, Esq., iy r- iubrr cf ths raid.iie class-s look-ug Chartist-0. If they wished f or R- pexl, the Cfcartifts persons to go away; bad it kept f air, wa should have can bo found to point ouc ths.- Eicanc, sufficiently \r.:h r. ^c-cd n on. who so nobly defended the cause of universal On t'.? mot'-on ot" Mr. A'rmm Dai:fan, Mr. AVssnJer vrere their best, their only frK-nds. Some parties were had an excellent meeting ; as it was, a considerable withiii the reach of all men, for obtaining their For PHILADELPHIA. ¦ now attempting to inipnse nnrubsr stood their ground, and desired Mr. M. to con- freedom. ; S:rc--han . tailur, tt^s TiE .B'.niously ca:!ed to t;= chair, on his couutrjmen , by pro- removal. The extensive use ofParrV Life Pills has, North Star..... — tons, 25th June •who, -_ftcr a few approo:;\to rernatlrs, read tbe ijaudbill fessing th-imselT8« friendly to Repeal , but who, a few tinue his lecture, which he did for more than an hour however, dispelled the mi6t of ignorance, and tons Published, and sold by Abel Heywood, £8 and 60, Mr. Ch3rles Just proposed th- months post raised opposition to the National Petition, to a very attentive audience, the rain coming down of thousands who have been cured of the most Oldham-street, Manchester; Cleave, Hetherington, callir g the- zn^ 'Aug. For BOSTON. London; Hobson, Star-office , Leeds; £m' rvioiu'.i n, -which embraced commercLil reform to bvcause the claims of the people of Ireland were recog- sharply all the time. Mr. Cooper closed the meeting io inveterate maladies are now gratefully employed in Soldan, tons, 25th June. and Watson, the fSx; :vf the rtiauTsl i-f all fiscal restrictions on nised in it. He iC. Murray) had too good an opinion a short address, and announced that he should preach recommending their more general adoption. Stewart, Liverpool; and all agents and venders of 1 ¦: '¦" " :y ' ' ¦ : ¦ : '¦ ¦ ; of the perception of his feilew countrymen to. suppose in tbs same place next Sunday evening at five o clock.— in the kingdota would keep a the Star. - .. . . - ':,/ . - . ¦ . t>r;-~ s:cr:s end trada. ¦srhieh "H-as secoa-ied by Mr. James If every family FOR QUEBEC, O-liie, v.ho spots at iTtat lergts on the es^raTa garjco that thty were to be duped by j-ucn truckling. At- Mr. Cooper has delivered a discourse on Scriptural supply of this incomparable Medicine! by them, pre- A. H. begs to annpuuee to his friends that he still cf tha arlitocricy si;d tte rresent Pjj .iament, in tempts wera made to prfjutiice his countrynitn c-ainst Chartism, on each of the preceding Sundays, on the mature old age would never happen, and seldom Catherine, Sco'.t, 1011 tons 21st June continues to carry on tha business of Printer, ia traiuii-g the ter-ple of tbi* country fur the d:abn!:ca! him, and to ?gV-ct this it v.-as said that ho bid attacked same spot, to very attentive hearers, the services com- indeed should wa behold in our streets the pale and addition to that of Bookseller, and trusts tl> at, from pBTpo^- of carrying on misTceroas "A"ai:5 in China arid the Catholic clersy of Irelan.1. He ctfitd any tf his mencing "with Binging and prayer. We shaU endeavour haggard look , the con^uinptive cheek, or totteriog These vessels are all first class, and have been the superior manner, and careful attention displayed cttcr var« of the mi-il. -Mr. Alexander Craightan trsOucers to prove where ever he had publicly or pri- to have similar meetings every Sunday (weather permit- debility ; we should rise as a people and improve as built expressly for the convenience and accommoda- in the office , he will still continue to meet a share of ¦ ¦ ¦¦ proposed the res'-.-t'-rn, that nothing k-sa tin vately spoktn disrespectfully of that venerable body, ting) during the summer. a nation. tion of Second Cabin, and Steerage Passen- their support , ' ¦ ' , ' ¦> ;.;¦ :¦. ' ¦: ;, ' . .: ' (the catholic ckrgy.i TtS' .OTe the H&ESs Of CjS:h:lTi3 to the COE&ot-EC? Of the He iC. Murray) lovod his native gers, who will be treated with every care and atten- He wishes it also to be remembered that his.'Office lava aa dear as any that ever left it, and he never would, Chartist Blacking.—Due to the Executive for pet^p'e thin the carryin g t;to lav the principles embo- the sale of William Brelsford'd blacking, No. 18, tion during the Passage by the officers of the ships. is not a knobstick one, as many othera are in the died m tli^ Pv-upV£ ; after vhich, Mr Abrsm while he had the power to do so, ce.ise from agi'.ating LETTER FROM MR. W. HICK, NORTHERN Fresh water is served out daily. Good conveaient loys none but those who belong what he knew " Koyle Road, Burnley. town, but that he emp Doncan ?pcie i:;vwar <3 s of an heer in his usual ej-^c- he knew to be the only means by wh'ch STaR OFFICE, LEEDS. apparatus for cooking is provided , and every neces- inter's Union, and to whom he pays the his unhappy country Mr. Edward Clayton , Huddersfiel d , ... 5s. Od. " to the Pr mrntativ^ rnd cuavinciiigmanner, on economical, finan- could be made happy and free. A sary suitable for the vpyage. As "these ships are rate of wages fixed by the working men them- ¦while discussion fjlloweu , which was adjourned to that Chartist Beverage.— The proceeds due to the " Northern Star Office , being celebrated for therr fortu- ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ cial- an 1 Pdxium'.ntary R Jorni; and he shewed decided fa,v>uriteR , selves. • ." ' . .• . " ' : " ' :> : ' '¦: -:- ; ' ' .'- . cc-mmerce.the tmeqnal laying night fortnight. Executive from the sale of Messrs. Crow and Tyrell's Leeds, March 17th v lo42. quick passages hence to America, it is ihe £T.!i of reitrlc.icns on nate and who desires to witness the elevation of the on cf ihz tiXilion of this countrv, he sJso pointed oat Chartist Beverage, from the 11th to the 18lh of ENTLEMEN,—You will oblige by forward- requested that all persons desirous of securing good As one K»LBAHCHAJJ.—We had a soul-stirring meeting June. << n aa labouring classes, he thinks he should be unworthy the o:.".y Tray cf havirg the maf.ers rightly adjusted. here on the 10th of Jane, in honour of the broad \X ing, at your earlieRt convenience, the same berths w.11 deposit, by poBt or otherwise, £1 each. ¦wr-ch by the carry;rg into law the ' £. s. d., passengers will not. require to of public coafidence if he did not detest that system i^as People s principles of deuiocrcy, and to show our esteem for quantity of PARR'S LiFE PILLS as last sent. early as possible ; and tended more than all others to destroy the which -was Mr. Joshua Hobson , Northern Star Liverpool more than one day before the day which has Cci-HT, ibe rreat hinoraiice of tie apathy one of those noble spirits of the age we live in, narnelj, While I am writing, I cannot refrai n from commu- bo in of the working man, by reducing-the value , La not c.min-? ft-rvraTd to Office , and wholesale agent for sailing.—Address. comforts of the voeple tfc tir.EtlTcs 3I r. Juhn iT Crae, of Beith, one who, we are prond to nicating the flattering intelligence of the great good named for of his labour. a£s"!>t in this grtr-t rr.t'.onzl nioTenient They it is -srho Yorkshire ...... 0 13 6 in Leeds and its neighbourhood. say, has opposed tyranny in every shape, from the M r. Mogg, wholesale a^ent for Shrop- your pills are doing P. W. Byrnes, 36, Waterloo-road. Liverpool; are both a':a7cs aad tyrants, by B-t enrolling thcaiselTes titled peer down to the sneaking; one who It is clearly a great error to find fault with a medi- in a Chartist Aiscciation. Mr. Jiois came tot- shire ...... 0 12 0 J-'hn has stood the persecutions cf open enemies, and the cine merely because ifc is a patent one ; and more THE WHOLE CHARTED FOB, ONE¦ HALF- V-2.T-1, xr-A spcis in fivour of the resolutions. Mr. Wai. Mr. Gillespie.BoHon-le-moor ... 0 3 0 its use has contributed so largely to ' ¦ ¦' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ " ' : calumny of false friends ; a man, in fact, whom the Chartists of Hull 0 2 3 especially since MEDIC AL ADVICE. . PENNY ! ! / : :: L;i£'?ic :_ -t: ci':.e f.-ryard, z\A proposed tLe renun- Chartist bod the public health. 'Tiie fact is, however, prejudice y may be proud to number a3 one of its Mr. Cooper, Leicester 0 2 3 WITH SCURVY , VENEREAL, OB GRAVING OF BALLOT BOX t"; ii.3 Hies- cf Ccniiii- us ; "ftei resting it, ha firmest supporters, is fast giving way, as it always must where the pills TO THE AFFLICTED WITH EN and ablest advocates. The cbair Mr. Jones, Northampton ...... 0 16 RHEUMATISM ASD NERVOUS the SCHEDULES, &.C. &C. hit it. to tLe E=ctiag fcr its a iop:i;n. Mr. Abrarc was cccupitd by Mr. Wm. Barr, and the meeting was are tried. A. few ca-ies in point may serve to con- SYPHILITIC DISEASES, , ; / also read the to tb? Mr. Tnomson , Stock-port 0 16 Oil SEXUAL DEBILITY. D^;ican Tic&ori-l Queen, and conducted in tte most harmonious manner to its close. firm and illustrate what I have asserted. " Every working man, for the charge of a half- itsalCLtija. ' :.Bj Ti rulariy ss-ccndid , 1 Mr. John Walker Jarvis, Stockport 0 16 family the mover. Tie Tth& c hi The eVL-mng's toasts were, " Tue people,' drank with young female came into the shop to-day for penny, can now procure for himself and •ssre to ihe nicclir.c car ua. -witfcmt a d:s- Mr. Saunders, Newark 0 1 6 "A MR. M. WILKINSON, above all-important document, and we sincerely ra- il r- ail the honours. Tne next toast Wis the " Charter," a box , who stated that they had done her immense neniLn^ voice, Al.-xandti C-inriit.-n proposed 2>Ir. hope the '.masses will now do Bi." —Nort}iorn Star. as fi spoken to by Mr. John M'Crae. The next was, £•1 19 0 good. She had been troubled wiih a hoarseness so SURGEON , &c. At-ra^a Danean a t and rT ~V"r p^soa to reprc- •' O'Connor, the Editur, and the Star," which was ably bad that no one could hear her speak ; but having Id , Trafal gar Street % Leeds. EMMETT'S SPEECH ! aect the inhabitants cf Arbroath in tha presentation of spoken to by Mr. Ror>srt Dyer, a promising yonng taken a few boxes of Parr's Life Pills,she was com- Now publishing,' Prioe One Penny, the splendid the -Ci-nisriil to tor hirj-siv, -wriicll "was seconded , a-d Chartist of the first order. Then came our immortal NOMINATIONS TO THE GENERAL , as was evident by the way she And every Thursday, at No. 4, George Street, un3niuixis:j.' ilr. Altsin.-'fr Coi:gov.>a also pletely restored speech of Robert Einmett, Esq., who was executed cairis-i " Frost, Williams, and Jones." tfext, " Mn.-M*Crae COUNCIL. spoke. Opposite East Brook Chapel, Bradford , in Dublin, for High Treason, in the twenty-second prop'-s---! t!. --t in the e-ter.t -f vh-3 Er.dlsh ExecutlTe and family." And lastly, though not least, Thomas ' " : Halifax. " Very many cases of oxtraordinary cures have ' year of his age. intcttrj; lL-.- Si^,ct ds : ^a:--s :n say plants trikhin:^l;t Daeconita, ard the oth«.r tapportera of th^ National HAVING devoted his studies for many years ex- tprrScBt ' occurred among the aged work-people, both male be a?~ved Uii-.ja , iir. A-jra: s D^uc-^i uo i ILn Petition,1' responded to by y.r. M'Crae in a most i Mr. Neal M'Leod , Ker^haw-croft. clusively to the various diseases of the genera- EM.VIETT AND IRELAND ! to- *-'., — cich ¦^as irconde i ry ilr. John R..c3, a:,d and female. In ono mill , an old pair, enfeebled by in the removal of those eluquect speech. After ci\-inz three cheers fct straisht- '. Mr. Isaac Crook, Chapel-town. I try a few boxes of PARR'S LIFE PILLS, and in cessful treatment of ' . '• ' restored and fctrengthened that they . Progress, arid disastrous Termination of the Irish f...r-t- J adhrr.ace Vj and ina:r.ft:n:jrca '. f tcc.princTplsa lYTAKCHESTSR.—Mr. BnoviiY lectured to the ! Mr. John Dennis, Upper Crib-lane, sub-Traasurer. i a wcok wore: so Chartist body, could pursue their employment with pleasure aud VENEREAL AND SYPHILITIC DISEASES, Insurrection, 1803, &c. Embellished with & fplendid of th^ Ch;Ttv?= anJ tr- "tba Pr^-fui t asd j«»p*Tiiit=r.cir!: cr. SurJny morning, in the halL Mr. Widiam Ilason, North-cate, sub-Secretary. I r.f f- -r ih-3 use ti ic-i. crvun-i ; s-J thnsc?ir i-rdit ' profit ; so much so, that from being unable to work from nine iu the morning steel engraved Portrait. This edition includes the po-ics . sii Lr ctcbe.—Mr. B.-.ipby kctursd to the Carpenter's Continues to be consulted " Lir^est n-osl mtctin^s i BRISTOL CHARTIST YOUTHS. at their calling more than two days in the week, and arid oh Sundays till two,—and Trial, celebrated Speech , &c. &c. one o; t^e ^r^trly htld body in the Carpenter's Hall, on Friday evening, June till ten at night, little work is calculated to keep in remem- in Arbrcatb. this with great physical difficulty and languor, they country patients requiring his assistance, by making .*' This the 17th. The attsrdance wa3 good, and the lecturer j Mr. William Davis, Horsefair. not only do a fuH week's work, but over- brance the name of one who felt, and felt deeply, EV7-.V.;srA—Tie 2-diis-t to~nope n a:r jnectinj of the gave general satisfaction. j Mr. Thomas Hainea , Maudlin-lane. can now only one personal visit, will receive such advice and tc-jk hours besides. Bad as trade is here, the old people them to obtain a permanent hia country 's wrongs ; a man who, in endeavouring Ch^r:;tt3 fc^er helsi i^ plao-j on Vr' ed- The Juvenile i Mr. Johu Morean, Ellbroad street. medicines as will enable of Chartists of Brown-street, Man- being favourites with the mill owner, are enabled to effectual cure, when all other means have failed. to redress them, fell a sacrifice to the schemes of the nesdnT last, Trhfeii Mr S^Eif-on, Bristol, addrefscd chester, held a concert ; Mr. William Wil.iams, Cross-street. and faction that ever governed, or and ball in the Association " get as much employment as they can do, which has most ^lood-shirsty the s::--t!^i.'. ticre being upnrar_'3 cf 40-J O persons pr^ - ll-.'om, on S.i£urday evening, June tha lS'.h, when the ! Mr. William Edwards, Stapieton-road . exoited the envy of . those- younger persons who had In recent cases of a certain disorder a perfect cure rather misgoverned Ireland. We hope the book «-ir t. Mr. Donald j dathi-^soa T=as casi^d to the chair, auditnee was entertained with a numbtr of patriotic j Mr. Frederick Gibson , Earl-street, sub-Treasurer. their absenco ; and it is a laugh- is completed in one week, or no charge made for may have an extended circulation."— Weekly Dis~ ¦ been employed in ' ' ' " ¦ " ' ¦ ¦ : ¦ ' - ¦ • ¦ " ¦' ' ¦ ' " ¦ " ' op>ac-i ths busin??3 cf the meetinz. - ; ¦ • ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ • ¦ ¦ who in a short Mr. Thomas Whiting, Michael's-hill, sub-Secre- ; ¦ , . . , . songs and recitations. The youths of Brown-Etmt will j 1 able fact, that Parr's Pills come in for a share of medicine after that period , and in those cases where patch. . . . . ; rpeetii, tsrlainicg the objects of the meeting. Mr. H. open their room every Saturday night, at seyen o'clock, i tary. theiir, rancour. The old people continue to take tho other practititionors have failed , a perseverance in Sloore ca-:is forward and proposed the remonstrance, , ASK FOR THE ENGLISH CHARTIST r fur the rational eutertainmeut of the youths of both I QriCK-STAVERS IJ» SOWEHBT. pills regularly in email quantities, and find them as his plan, without restraint in diet or hindrance CIRCULAR ! sad ic h s Fpeech noticed ins combination cf pjirti?s sexes, being desirous not only of lending a helping hand health and prosperity as their from business, will ensure to the patient a perma- arrayed sgain^t the Caarter. He then called ths atten- Mr. Nathan Farrar, dogger and patten maker. necessary to their TPRIOE ONE HALFPENNY ! to destroy class legislation, but to amend the moral con- j daily food . nent and radical cure. tion i'f the meeting to the (ii*treis--d itaU; of the eonctry dition of the peoii.'e. j Mr. Eli Crosdcy, weaver. " This noble, though humble, ally in the glorious find showed tLe enonnons tsp^nditnre of t' .e Qjvern- Mr. Abraham Hanson, weaver. " The next and last case which I 9hall mention at It fre quently happens that in moments of thought- cause of the People is, we are nappy to perceive, ¦m-zni, an-i then cppealed to the mtetir.g to come for- BIRMINGHAM.— Ma.Vs Charter As- Mr. James Hillawell , cottton twister. this time, is one of a most extraordinary nature. I lessness a person imbibes a disease where suspicion pursuing its onward march, and, if properly en- but I shall give ia least likely to be excited ; this state of security -svard M cue am and support the Cnr.rter.—Mr. T. socution.— At tLd vrcrLiy nut-ting, htid on Wednes- : Mr. Char!e3 Smith, woolcomber. have not seen the individual myself * couraged, cannot fail most efficiently to aid in the day in las: week, ;ir. Xl 'Ar Kclvred on the ancient you the fact as -I . have received it from his employer, leads to a want of caution which aggravates the SI organ seconded :he remoiiitr^, and u-xelLat some j Mr. John Smith , farmer, sub-Treasurer. nature of the complaint. But where immediate cause of right and justice. The number before U8 length en the cenenst sf the Whigs -s-hile in orBcs and history of Pcrcia, and drew a parallel between the ¦ Mr. Job Whitely, sub-Secretary. and- fro.m Mr. J. Hobson, who has frequently seen (25), besides other highly interestingmatter contains « state cf thinsrs in that ancient country prior to its him since his coavalescence. The man is a working application is made, the Corrodingit poison is checked working t-a: of enke, and concluded by sc=:.: se7cr= Teaaiks on smothered ere takes root, and de- the * People's Charter' entire. Thus every tlis Frc; Trace prirc:pie3 cf the T^ri-.s. Tiich -sras re- downfall, and tha state of things bow existing in Eng- | LEWES. mechanic and had spent about thirty pounds last in its infancy^ man, for the charge" of a single halfpenny, can pro- and, of -Man and stroyed; before its venom can effect a perceptible cfiTcd iritii Kicch cheering.—Mr. Jeriin TLees, of l calculated to evince the absolute necessity of the Mr. Edward Gate?, Bootmaker. year on the doctor, in going to the Isle cure for himself and family an authentic copy of Ab"Ci5:re. p-rcp-jsed the memorial to tb^ Qieen, and enactment of tae People's Charter, to prevent perfect J other places, for the benefit of his health, but to no appearance in the system.—Where the disease has this most—this all-iiaportant document ; and we | | Mr. John Rider, ditto. a long time of been allowed to exist and remain, the more cause scircissd the rri!.ctb:5 in Wolch at 8orse lttgth.—^J«. iuln to all the great interests uf our country. j Mr, EJward Collius, bruBhmaker. purpose. His food .had consisted for sincerely trust tbst the whole Of the massea will iEcLc- then stepped for , nothing but rice milk, the stomach refusing -to take have we to fear tho uadernxiuing influence of this P^ ward and in h:a nsaal style NEWCASTLE.—On Tuesday the lith, Mr. Cock- ' Mr. John Easter, d yer, sub-Treasurer, a' gladly avail th&mselves of the opportunity. We !.drrS£C-d the me-ting ¦npvrzr'is of half an. hour, and anything stronger. His body was greatly emaciated, poison, and a mere removal of its external ppear- perceive that the whole of the back numbers are in a' burn lectured to a large meeting in the Forth. Other i Mr. John Harris, sub-Secretary. j with a mind arioe is not to be depended upon ; a thorougk cure sst down anadst mnch cheering.—Mr. P. Simeon then speeches were made after and his temporal prospects clouded print, and can be obtained for one shilling ; a work the lecture, and the memorial LYJfN REGIS. melancholy forbodings for the future, ho must be achieved to prevent a return of the disease, addressed t':e meeiing, and ira3 received "irith iinmecse and remonstrance were unanimously adopted. filled with at the price, containing no large an an> ^'»ut of really c"ls?:-;s. With considerable ability he explained the returned to his friends at Leeds, where he was told and leave the sy stem free from all infection. useful information, we are uot aaquainted with ; : of I Mr. Henry Brown , coalheaver. adviser that should he be reBtored a pricc pl^s ths Charter, and answered rc"ny of the EAKLE7.—On Monday evening, June 13tk, a I Mr: Robert Tilton , ditto. by his medical A complete knowledge of the symptoms and treat- and we hope that every Chartist will aid in its o5-.v~-iii-~n3 broncht against it, acd "with great- srirnni n- public meeting was held in the Market-place, Hanley, little, his disorder would have its periodical return ; ment of these in3idiou3 and dangerous diseases, can circulation."—Northern Slar. | | Mr. John Hard y, ditto. try Parr's Life Pills, lie bought t f-Td fjrie tT- os=il tho abuses of the " Church and to adopt measures for the relief of the Loughten coiliers, Mr. William H irdy, ditto. but being advised to only be acquired by those who are in daily practice, ii:\ :. *. He ttos list-ned ta ¦ff ita breathk** s:hnce now on strike, when upwards of 2 000 persons attended a few boxes, which have completely removed his and have previously gone through a regular course The work can be had in Monthly Parts 6d. each. ; cf i Mr. Henrj Rubens, publican . to his work, tiir~c--Ti r ^t ilia speech, trhub Listed tpTrn?'!^ ati The m efeting was addressed by Messrs. Robinson, Old- disease, and enabled him to return of Medical Instruction ; for, unfortunately, there THE LABOURERS' LIBRARY, ha:n , j Mr. William Price, Bricklayer, few days ago by Mr. Hobson, who annually fall viotims to the hour, i- ' .-l etneiaded aniit^ st tremtEC.ius ch^prirj. — , Ellis and JJnyor, when tae following res^ution Mr. Thomas Johnson slater. where ho was seen a are ' 'hundred^ igno- Containing fhe Remedy for National Poverty and v -wero V.'iViniis was adopted without one | , (it dinner'hour) eating beef-steaks with great dangerous remedies T; T--e > -i€r3 then cirt n f r F/. st, , dissentient.—" Tuafc this Mr. Clements, Hallbnck , clockmaker. being rant use of Mercury and other ^ Impending National Ruin : or the only safe way of ;.na J - .•-. a. A Tv ie of thanks ycis thtr. given meeting y:«tt3 with d:E,;u.^ ai; i indication, the j gusto ; and to whoui ho recited with pleasuvo- and administered by illiterate men, who ruin the consti- attempt of Messrs. - ; Mr. Edward Scat, shoemaker. his then healthy condition , Repealing the Corn Laws, by enabling ea«h Work- to V.i Cnilrman, a::d the matins; sjpririt-.d in So;itro «, to reduce Uio wages of : Mr. William Prjcter, ditto. gratitude the cause of tution by Buffering disease to get into the system, ing Family in Britain to produce a "CHEAP pe-a: -ab'? c-rder , c^r tniry to the •.sp-it-.'.icn ; f 5or::s of their workman , and pl.-uges itsdi to b-pport the work- ! together with a long history of his past affliction. which being carried by tha circulation of the blood 1 iu " Mr. Robert B2iloamber9, tailor, sub-Treasurer. LOAF" and a " BIG LOAF" for themselves at Cu rvirt!: ?-, -^ho cad g'_>: the £j '.t:i£rs uad^r tnna in men with Eli the m^ss tbeir power, in their strug- "Should tho above throe cases of cures bo consi- into all parts of the body, the whole frame becomes gle of right against ! Mr. Cnristopher Galvin, hatter, sub-Seoretarv. Home ! By F. O'CONNOR, Esq., Barriiter-at- the bsTrJcka. migtr." dered worthy of your notice, you are at perfect liber- tainted with venereal poison , and most unhappy cpn- Law, and late Prisoner for Libel in York Castle. 55o:tP.iiTO"nw.—A me?Mrg ;f tie Char;lit* uus held SOUTH NORMANTON .; OLD BASFORD. them you think proper. sequenoes ensue, at one time affeoting the skin, " (Derbyshire.) In ty to make what use of Addressed to the Landlords of Ireland. en Ttursi-y. f-T the first ti:ne, there bfcin .7 sb .it 2, 00 accordance with the announcement in tbd Star , Mr. J. i Mr. R. M'oore, framework-knitter, Parson's Flatt, particularly the head and face, with eruptions and •k'j .i - | I am, Gentlemen, yours, respectfull y. ulcers, closely resembling, and often treated as scurvy, jHrs-in^ r-r.-stat. Tdo m-itis^ n.d- res?sJ J.y Mt. Sirumons visited the above place, on Sunday, the lOLh Mr. J. Johnson, ditto, Parson's Flatt. Every Young Man should read the Drama of J-z\':r- R.'ss, of Abrrdare, in \~ i?.:h , ana " r. S;me- -n. ics-ai- t; but in conseqaance «f the heavy rain 'which : Mr. J. Uickl-.n , ditto, Dobb Park. "WILLIAM HICK. at another period producing the most violent pains ;. -. tli -ario sp:.ko r.s.arl ;?ro >"^rs, Ar. cefcende in the limbs and bones, which are frequentl y mis- WAT TYLER ; price Twopence (originally la Z - . y Associa ^ almoit without intermission the whole of tae : Mr. James Whittle, ditto. Southrick. 9 Crane Court tion ii^ c-izi f-.-rtniJ h=rs and £S7crai ctic: afternoon, it was mora "To Messrs. T. Roberta arid Co., , , taken for rheumatism ; thus the whole frame becomes publishing at 4s. 6d.), by Robert Southey, Poet ' places ad- 'ly impossible to deliver the Mr. George Spray, uiito, Wh.temoor Place. London. . jacent tj S .Tiii~_a. intend-d lecture ; but so anxious were the people for '• Mr. George Ii-ing, ditto . Parson's Flatt. Fleet-street, debilitated and decayed, and a lingering death puts Laureate to her Majesty. a period to their dreadful sufferings. IiilTil .—Tae Co-operation S:cre whlta "K-.13openei political information, tl>at not-svithstandi:;g the unfa- : Mr. E. Tjsvlson , ditto, Pardon 's FLatt. The following letter affords another convincing "Every lover of his species should make an effort lu t^is tu~n <_e ths 1st cf Jane, with good Etttk or" vourable Btate of the weather, they would not reat ; Mr. James Iiolroyd, ditto, Parson 's Flatt. proof of tho almost miraculous power of the far- What a grief for a young person in the very prime to circulate this splendid and truly invaluable ^ iarisneJ ; grxcz' .ss aai piuTisious, is 'ing on pra^pertu^ly. . unless he gave them a short address ; he Mr. W. Fear.:, ditto, Dobo Park. famed remedy of Old Parr. of life, to bo snatched out of time, and from all the poem."—-Patri ot. s- therefore twyo'ia thi n;v:; sangntns expscutir.n. I; has r.-een spoke to them for a short time, and was iia- ' Mr. Thomas Scott, sirker-maker, David Lane, sub- To the Proprietors of PARR'S LIFE PILLS. enjoyments of life, by a disease always local at first, act trn-^d to with breathless attention by Treasurer. up txci:u'STc' y by hoiking men, in shares of nve Ehil- a large aud , ' and which never proves fatal if properly treated, as Price twopence. ths tom famishing audience. j Mr W. Brown, framework-knitter Gentlemen —I .have -the- utmost pleasure in for- liiii.8 each, and h.^s be^n cause of e pen>ecu- Tb8 meeting thtn adjourned nntil . , Parson's Flatt, all its fatal results are owing either to negleet or DISSERTATION ON THE PRIN- to of Sunday next, and Mr. , snb-Secretarv. warding you this my own case of cure, effected solely FIRST fi^ii sosib lLa ehirtholu=rs, by ih-. - u;idu:= clas.? 8immon3 announced that he by the' -persevering use of PARR'S LIFE PILLS. ignorance. CIPLES. OF GOyERNMENT ; by Thqs. Paink. 'n^ thenj eithir to cr- it' u'd tht-n (if the vreather reriuittei) deliver a Jeo- tj/a-ft c^njp^I. p c-.iin- sioa with ture np;n LOKDON— qUEENSHEAD LCCAL1TY. Before having recourso to them, I had been for Mr. W.'s invariable rule is to give a Card to each This Pamphlet is a masterly defence of ihe right of the ttcre or :e^ =? thrir employn-eat; ha', tfcia has oaiy the first priacipiea of Government, the I causes of the 1 upwards of five years afflicted with a distressing of his Patients as a guarantee for cure, which he every man to the possession¦ of tho Elective Fran- g ".~ri ua . •^j/ii us to thi ciuss, for a ?it".t i^a:sy arc now unprecedented distress which rjo-cy pre- M^r. John Shaw, 24, Gloucester-street, Commercial ' '¦ ' '¦'¦ ' ¦ " ' ¦ ' ;¦¦' ¦ '¦ '¦¦ Kl malady, which the different eminent medical men pledges himself to perform, or return his fee. chise. . :. . .. . ' . ' . - : . - . c- niln fors.: s.i:d taking out share?, wa-j vails " through iue length ami breadth of tho land," Road . ^ btfor • si-d the r-. who attended me all pronunced to be a serious case " V7e beg each and all of our friends to aid in ¦would c.j v< .-:li i^ tjTirus its enpp .it ; thus the in-jr-i -meJy. The distress ia thh YlLlage is rapid'.y Mr, James Blight, 6, Norman Buildings, Cannon- For the accommodation of either sex, where : of hydrocele (or dropsy, of the scrotum), and declared circulating tliig invaluable tract. . ". th' Chartist thry ptT3^5U -j, t_o uora d.Unaiccd tL^; j^cvla increasing. street Road. distance or dciicacy prevents a personal visit, his —E*- -wil! there was no other etuuee of either relief or cure than Circular. bf-COil.'! ESyiEY.—At a Ki6et'j}g held on Sunday night, the Ur. Thomas Harris, 24, Back Church Lane, Com- undergoing a surgical operation. I was thus driven PURIFYING DROPS, 7iI 5 LriTH CHAR-I2K A3S5DtI .lTJS.V , L-:M th< 57 fono^ir.giesoiution was carrie unanl.natuj ly mercial Road. to despair r.y : d :— " That , and cpasulted the treatise written by Sir 4s. 6d. can bo had of any This day is published, price Twopence, :i=!ii: Tr^ iii-eting ^a T51--3 '.i.v. tJ:^ I-i t i <¦: Ju ;; yre., x' i.a Chartists of Mr. Charles Johns, 15, Fieldgata-streefc. Conper, price of the followr D^rby, pltige outsulves lo support Astley wherein ho states that the operation ing agents, with printed directions so plain, that ' General t-> ot-r v.t:Tiost that persecnta .l maa, Ja :nes Daffy, and Mr. James Ili;ng>vorih , 9, Epping Place, Mile is geuerally attended with considerable danger. 1. AN ADDRESS on the Benefits of i- ;-s.s:3. S:n;v..:. V xi\v,nvl J :Ln T_nk:held.:d thv ; ata :^.tt^r^, ct E>i^jbi,T ^a . ;y. t-t^ him in a ikua -bri, Mr. William Htt'ieriiigton , 8, Ropsmakor-Btrcet. uncertain an experiment, but alogy. Geology, Botauy, and Entomology. By tha •jj M_;.-Liy, ¦ J0;a jjiit., - ii: " ' that he may bd abls rather chose to leave ' ' ¦ ti tir. riicir rt; an v; tae : ^n.>ii«uln himself. A resolution wai carried— Mr. Henry BaiJdrte, Jubilce-stree ", Mile End the .result to naturo and Prbvidonco. Fortunately, They ara particularly recommended to be taken late Rowland Detrosier. Third Edition. : <- : ";;: s-iv! , "sriicb ¦"!> r? " That . boos X'ix'Cjs ' 3 of tt- niectis'' am ..;^ <*f -^~ C^v.-ii'.tr bs appointed trtasurer, and to receive , Road . I heard of the great fame of PARR'S LIFE PILLS, before persons enter into the matrimonial state, Ieat "We most earnestly recommend this littlo aLCl ".: "• i'.iJ T .t- d :. ¦ . .i3 dr ic^iito f"JI IC-ir i-_ rTi^ri. c;-;^ ¦ Joseph Sarr, Queen's Head, to every body. —hammer, ^1 !< ¦' Mr. Duffy 's fuud ;" when ail moneys >'r. Cambridge Road, and resolved to ^ive them a fair trial. I consequently the indiscretions oi a parent are tho source of vexa- " ft VTI. 'O.'-iG SSIL^. —A- :ii.--;t ":r.; tv-k t>'.::vr. E. Kith e : : to v» m. Chandl-r, sub-Treasurer. tion to him the remainder of his existence - zj b-t .:- ribbon-weaver, .Monday-strait, took them for borne lima without perceiving any , by affliet- Important Work by the same Author. ton p i, 1^' \ U t tv!:^ ^ovn S.O/j r,-: 400 s,,-. -- .-;- . Ojrby, vrili be duly ackuowledsed throaeh the Sdcr. Mr. William Lawrence, 5, Rutland-street, Bedford bfnefit , but still kept persevering ; and I have now iug his innocent but unfortunate offspring with the ¦¦ -ys aad * Square, sub-Secretary. Now on Sale; price Threepence, Sixth Edition, trerc - . .-vrit. M ^.iii. J Atisda Lvi-ir-^is-.- ^ t--_ :n a s 'Ui-etirriag dlscouxie f i-vrj. Mr. Duffy, tc\> I taken twelve boxes, and to my great joy, 1 am per- evil eruptions of the malignant tendenoy, and a fcr -r-,T- -r. 5 uf t - _¦ b :n tting It- ka up. ' variety of other complainta, that are moat AN ADDRESS on the Necessity of an Exten- .^rs. Sis shilling and five-^enca vas BATH. fectly well ; tbo dropsy is entirely reniered., together assuredly the ?ur.,i-y : ejected kr Mr. Daff ; 'a faad. with a scorbutic affection , which I had been much introduced by the same neglect and imprudence, sion of Moral and Political Instruction amoug SO^^X >iG'^ro~r>.—Oi r2->rn ':s last , Mr. Working Classes. By the late Rowland Detroaier. " fl Mr. George Morse Bartlttt, boot-maker Glouces- troubled with since my return from In'dia in ' 1827 Willb'a BiLith c.:' N^wt .n-Hrt-L-, dcirJc-ri-.l a. 1-c'u--.- i>i..2IIK GTON' cQnforra' , . . ; AGENTS. in _> c-p^n sir. ««r> .—In ty -sitb the prs-yk-ua ter Road Buildings. and now there is not a vestige of disease left in my With a memoir of the Author. t:i' Eitt- r Grsen , t? r. rather nu-^.rous auuonnccmeDt . two Iccture3 were tha a.ti;'i¦..:¦ !-"r. Jav:-^ Curtis- ge cf Wan shsitv dciivered in this town Mr. Alfred Mox!ey,tai!pr, 3, Galloway's Buildings. whole system, as I am now in batter health and Hull—At the Adverliser Office , Lowgate, and Mr. " Thia is the best piece of composition on '' - r, was to oa the evenicrs. respectively, of Wcdnt-Eday languages h«e ]- .^i.-.- -l jn ibs e7.iL*.? in .;n and Thurs- Mr. Henry Pa^e, boot-maker, Margaret Buildings. spirits than I have been for fourteen ycara. I feel Noble's Bookseller, Market-place. subject to which it refers in the English *ia Chsr'Ut ro-. , day list, fcy Mr. Bairstowcf Leicester, and on the laUer surpassing Kilph Ci--..-i. bat he ntitlitr .'.e-_d. i hiniiilf Mr. James Chew, tailor, Galloway's Buildings. certain you would have accounts of far more cures, Leeds.—At the Times Office , and of Mr. Heaton, written by a man of unconquerable zeal : a' nor-pr-^- evening the names of several individuals, talent, ^ him3?" ¦side \ a siiV»-..'.n:o . in cjn?- q-;L,co rf wiiich- rj as members Mr. John Hopkin?, cabinet-maker, Lark's Plaoe. if people Would persevere in the use of the pills a 7, Briggate- and true patriotism ; who raised u nibers of the Associatio-i, were enrolled by the sub-Secretary. , Bookseller. from among working men. to the admiration, of tha hid to so a-sy d:s^?pcint-.?. Mr. Kiohard Lv.t'er of On each occisiun Mr. Anthony Phillips, tiler, Dill's Court. proper length of time, as I have done. I give you Wakefield—Mr. Hurst on- , an earnest and unbroken attention ; Mr. Abram Miner, mason , Boiling's Buildings. ' my heartfelt thanks, and auihority to publish Halifax—Mr, Hartley j Bookseller. . , good and intellectually great throughout the fang; Saiford, I-iVarea L-^3 Sunday cT-r '.ng next, at sis was given t-3 the excellent orations of tha tvlen this or o"clock- Mr. Jossp!: R3ynor of Kilvh (ire^ ted and Mr. Hugh Bartletf , boot-msker, Gloucester Build- - letter, and will gladly aasvyer any applications, Huddersfield—Mr. Dewhiret, 39, New-street. dom, and who devoted his life to the improvement n, fca? kindly gentroris-hcarled katirvr ; axd we doubt not ¦ ¦ • t ed to become c-,;* for that the ings. . . . - . - • either personally or by letter, Xondon—No. 4, Cheapside, his kind. Wo man can know his duty to niaiseij consen a-. Crow E ni TyTrel'a breaX- b=nefit conferred on our Association by Mr. Bairsto ' i and remain your £ast bevara«, aad trill gire the -wh w s Mr. Charles Bolwell, boot-maker, Galloway's grateful and obliged esrvant, Barnsloy—Mr. Harnson, BookBeller, Markot-pl. and his children who has not read this powerful 'Te of ibe profits to brief visit to Leamington will prove to be as permanent ' -rMai ¦ ' the Ralph. Gcten ChirtlBi Association, as it is at present Buildings. York—Mr. Hargrove's Library, 6, Coney-8tre«t; ti3At " dsto7ie• Gazette. ../ gratifying and satisfactory. : Mr. (Signed) W. MOAT. Ripon—Mr. Harrison IrOKG- SUCS^?.—On S"=jay rTening a John Lomax, engineer, Monmouth Place. , BooksoUer, Market place. Chartist DUKINFISM— On Thursday Mr. Moses Young, plumber, Philip-street. Knaresboro' and High C--vmp Mtettng ^ra^ ht.-ld at a rises call d T3-ckly Folly, evening week, a pub- ' 3, Cobbett-Strepf , Shaws-brow, Salford. Harrogate—Mr. Langdale Now Publishing in Weekly Numbers, at Thrfl«- ' ' ' lic mseting was held Bookseller. " ¦ ¦' ' ¦ ' ¦ ' in the Mr. William ¦ ' - ¦ ¦ ¦ ~ " : of Chartist room Bere, boot-maker, Galloway - ¦: ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦• ee.i , Hall Green I 's - . - . ¦ - th^ tr= fST-.-rsl popalv-Ui Tir.ists , pence, - n- ; about 2 000 but in of the crowded ; Buildings. Witness-JOHN HOUGH, Cheadle Carrier. ¦ Manchester—Mr.Watkinson ataie of the ¦ ¦ , Druggist people £tt--Hded, a;:d list room, ¦ ¦ ' • ¦ ¦ , 6.¦ Market-- - ¦ OF «r.rd wita t£v r vattst -: • - - ¦; ¦ - ¦ ¦ ' - A VINDICATION OF THE RIGHTS atten- . . . . they adjourned from thence Mr. Thomas Bolwell place. ; . . . : ; . : ,.; . . . . tion to sn tlcqient r.:i?s£3 vicliviiu : f Mr. Biirsto-w into the open air, where i , boot-maker, Galloway's ManohesteTj Fob. 7, 1£42. WOMAN ; by Mary Woolstoncraffc. Revised an* r , Mr. Divid Ross of Manchester, delivered j Buildings. Beverley—Mr. Johnson, ¦ a very - - Bookseller. arid on Tnwsdsy ev~T,irz, soul- j. - ~ . . - - - - ' the !U:b. 2-lr.-TJ. .•]...'ivered a ...... Re-Edited. 11 i .ej:e3' stirring and el-jquentaU dress. i Mr. James Chappell, tailor, Philip-street, sub- Bostonr-Mr. Noble, Bookseller. s*eoscc^n'n-: ' '.uri-ari crsen thaits r:ircioli3rnrcipUa of thetie II' ..- -.pie.- -;«'•s.« Charfho-rter.^i. | Secretary. CAUTION.—Purohasers will please to observe, Louth—Mr. " If women are to be excluded, without ^l ?,* Tnor^TGX.—A public lecture was delivered in Hurtonj Bookseller. ngW» KAMsSDiTCtl.-:.'J Wcdr-i^T £Vrr.5ajz "sreek , ! Mr. Joseph Twite, boot-maker, Philip-street, that none are genuine without the words " PARR'S voice, from a participation of the natural ¦p-os the Ci-artSi- i's Room, on Monday night, June 13th, by sub- ' 1 1 Office 25 I charge Jnne 3 3:h , a large nu-t:2g held :u the Maiket- i Treasurer. LIFE PILLS" are engraved on- the . 'Government . ^SSS^wohemeld—At^ the ! ^Iris » **a-Btreet of mankind, prove first , to ward off the placfi. to heir a lictar -- the Rev. W. V. Jackson, of Manchester. The audience ?^Office. ' want rea- - from Mr. Th—. T^iU-rerJl, Stamp, (which is pasted round the sides of each box) of injustice aud¦ inconsistency, that they ¦ ¦ seemed highly gratified, ana some ; KIRK H£AT0N. " ' • ¦• ' ' : ' ¦:¦' ¦ ¦;- ¦ ' ¦' • ' • ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦¦: ' from B2ml8y, -who -was rc-r-ived -with rn^ri.s of addition was made in WHITE LETTIiBS ON A BED GKOUND. Persons residing in *he most remote part3 can have son." . - :. - , • :. : . .- -: - - .: : . .: ¦ ' -: .. to the Chartist renk1:. Mr. John Armitage. the^ drops influent approbaSsn, .and deliTLi- >I a Itsg sr.i cs. -.f.tat ad- ; Proprietors—T, Roberts and Co., 9, Crane Court, _ transmitted to them by post (pre-paid,* " ThiBhigh-mindcd woman has created an dress. VAiE CF JL2V£2\.~AH communications for the i Mr. John Dyson. caretuliy Becared from observation by which defies calculation ; she produced that inipw*» Floct-streot. Wholesale Agents— E. Edwarda, 67, ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ remitting¦¦ 5e. Mr. John in & letter. • ¦' - : ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ ^ . ¦:.¦ . . . KOR ^BWXCa.—^Te h-vi a ilorlcu? n-r-rvg Yfil-3 of Leven Chartists aro to be addressed to i Jessop...... towards the education and independence of here J^hn Mr. David St. Paul's ; Barclays, 95j Farringdon-sU'eet ; Suttou j wpm^ on Fridi y Bigat b^, held in the- r.jn -:r: :-i r. ^lixbell Millar, boekseller, Lonhili, -who is elected correspond- ! Broadbent. and retail b which Other writers hare developed."— WestmuM" " ' ing secretary for th, ! Mr. William Sykes. and Co., Bow Churchyard ; y moat ' Mr. W., is to be consulted every day at hia from Stockpozi,'dall72Kd at* able s-'-o :rj r,-; .; -.j^a ensuing eix months. ! vendors, at 1?. l^J.. .2a. 9i,f and Us. per box. The Resi- Rexiev}s April, 1841. v 1 nd •itr^i.i - ^ Mr. John Jeesop, jun . dence, from Nine in the Morniae till Ten at Night ^ " ca tha trtils of royalty,' ^ iL-. p- -^le to A Mefti:-g of the Vsie of Ltvai Y iAvertol Suf- Life of Old"P-arr, v?i:h tine ongravinga, may be bad ] London : Cleave, Shoe-lane; Hobson^ NorlhernSW join Uia" Charter Aesoc::: - 3!- j-- : r y -v - Mr. Wiliiam Hepworth. and on Sundays from Nine tUl Two. -^. chLnss fice Assoeii-joi! took place in the Djmoeratic sem- ¦ Mr. ll^nry Jes?op. GRATis of agents. ; Office , Leeds ; Hey wood, Oldham Street, W& - wai in thc riair ; he w~, -iulLI L" -:y. ;{;¦' r viJfaf/ zi^ oppa.: iio. was 3ddxc&rtS$ do a pistol at him. and wounded him seriously. You tht-a court f ull F earless, firm, and faithful, too, This is a faithful, earnest, and respectful admo- was , but not over-crowded.- Caief Justice would -be rrade out;. . so in the other Hs-tSen airudi'd to tSe slieist pronfg fit 'empt'-dto cecap;?. but bdna; overtaken and si:rr u i>i- d E Ttr -watchful , ever true, nition to parties by whom we fear it will be but Tin al, Mr. Baron Gurney, and Jnstico Pa-t-son , Tho Jury retired at twenty minutes to foar o'clock. of insanity tbat: had been admitted and act;d upon in ei by the pir'.ios who fallowed yc-u aTiongst vr?:o:n -^.is A ccept tiiis meed of praise from me, little heeded. took their seats at ten o'clock. The Attcrney- They returned into court at five minutes past fivo ; several cases wnere Commissions ' of Lunacy had been the nufof tunata ricceiised, you fired two pistols. wi*a R icb in ita pure sincerity; GeneTal, the Solicitor-General, Mr. Adolphus, and and the foreinan stated that they fcuod the prisoner issued, and said that he was prepared in the present one of- which you severely wocuded an jad ividua-, aw(i Mr. Waddmgton , wtre counsel lor the Crown ; Mr. *V Guilty " as "to D:':y Ciad. G real, grand, and good, let one and all THE STATE OF THE COUNTRY on the second and third counts ; not that case with mnl-h stronger evid"nee the insanity of with the -, ether you deii-jeraSdy shot , AS THE Ciarkxon lor the prisoner. Colonel Arluthnot, tha pistol was loaded the prisoner. Tite Learned C -unsol then went through on tlio bar and TJ nite to stand, or by him fall ! EFl-E.T OF CLASS LEGISLATION, with a bullet, but that it was The cu l prit, wlio h;id btwr leani.'is . AND Colouel W y ldf , and some other officers of the- House- loadfd with 60me the evidence adduced on the part of the prosecu'.ion, 'oke-u/round -tLa court, mid g ons of toil, and Tract, and tree, THE CHARTER AS THE REMEDY. A destructive substance besides tho scowling at the-jutiee, -fera 'l'. hold, had sea'-s on the Bench. Fraccis was respect- wadamg and powder. nnd said that the conduct attributed t;>' the 'prisoner- by seeing -inspsttor Pency s andiij i,* near tbo witntss-b Vs.. •with yeur Lectn re delivered in the Chartisc R.>om ' 0 inrard champion go ; s , Mati- ably dressed in a dark trock coat and troubtrs. He When he heard that statement, Francis turned the several witnesses showed more claarly that he was just under tha uock, he su-Mfeiily Varied over tva far. ease not Mil Truth and ohester, April lOsh , 1842, by Mr. David , C Justice roams R^ss was dejected , and much altered since his examina- very pale. Being asked what he had to eay why not in a sound state of mind. After , sonia further Penny.- howove?, vmsout of his . aad thotu-ukey, O '«" oar land and in cue homes ; Lec-urer ou Elocution, etc. Repor ed by Win. tion at the Home Office. The indictment charged sentence should, general remarks wnole case the Learned who hal beta ' insmeniiUly cl^i' i'd Griffi n , Repomr not be pronounced upon him, ho upon the , btaiifiin^ Vehind l:i;n , 2f cV.j on yonr chieftain smile, to the Star. Manchester : him wi'h shooting at the Queen with a pistol loaded made no reply. Ooncsel rjiiW'il. up, and laid th«ir hands upon him at earn siitv . A. Heywood, 58 and 60 Oldham-street. Jla N dblj share his glorions toil ; , with gunpowder aad a bullet ; and other counts put Chief Justice Tindal, after a brief address to the Mis. Cooper, the prisoner's mother, who deposed to give tha inspector a moit ferocious loos, ami shock "sriih him ycur righis to tdaim O n , An energetic and eloquent defence of the Charter, the cr-arae in various ways,—such as, t-i at the pistol prisoner, pronounced the followiag sentence—•" That Various acU on the part of the prisoner, ¦which indi- his fist violently ;;t.liim. B tjcidag in his honoured name. worthy of universal was loaded with 'gunpowder and certain oiher de- you, J ohn Francis, be taken fro m hence to the place cated tbat the prisoner was insane, but a3 b«r relation Mr. Juttii-e P.itiison rnz^rl at the prisontr. for a reading. jrom F. G., SiorBBBiDGE. structive materials unknown, and umply that the whence you camei that you be dristv^d from to the prisoner might be supposed to itifluenee her evi- moment in silerce, ruu -then said. pistol was tii^cnarged hi an attfmpt on the life of thence on a hurdle to the plaoe of exeoution, and dence, we prefer giving that of other witnesses, by You liad tt'ttcr .listen to ma. You ,lia>l bttter listen TOBACCO AND SNUFF : Medical TesUmonies the Queen. He pleaded "Not Guilty," in. a very that you be hanged by the neck until you be dead ; whom it was confirrokd. t.v me, prisoner, t of slialcing your tiit « :uiy one , TO MY IJvFANT DAWHTER. and Essays shewing their Injurious kff-cts and feeble voice. t hat your head be afterwards Bevered from your Hannah Southttll stated that she had lodged wifb.the thuv, As.I b»>c? bi> ' i/i-3 . s.ji'.l, y«u woiituied oiaj . wf-tiie ' Demoralising Tendencies on rhe Health and Tho Attornny-General opened the case, laying bod jr , and that your prisontr's mother about eighteen month?. He was of a prrsor.s v,:boatttinjittd They say that then art li e me—if't be bo, body be divided into four quar- to ap^eht-iiil viui, and jv .-u suit Jlorals of the Public. London : J. H. Starie, down the Jaw on the subject, and brkfly stating tl»e ters, to be dispose strange behaviour at times, the polisenun, Duly, tut <;f -sr ' :::;t-ja Pt-rcfcsBce so much the worse for thee, my child I d of in such manner as to her and did not act at all lifefi a tho ur.U oii a i'u . . 166, High Holborn. facts to be provtd in eviaeiice. Ho uinierstood that M ajesty shall eens\W« joung nsaii. He had many childish ways with unpeapartid to intvt his Ma c- "Umtss *-by fate be different ; for defiled seem fit. And the Lord have mevcy ker. The aotjou /iav^ »rc.r no plt-a of insanity wouid be set up ; but that the oh your soul !" • him. She ha't frequently heard him csmplnin that Vie na;tte:i. wad one of j»i-.- at ntrocily, oiie to the dim .iiiusion Jly mvnd has been by sins that rise from "woe : A work which we very cordially recommend to tho prisoner wouid be admitted to havo bu-(- n in ihe full .At tho conclusion of the was weary if his life. She kntsw of his hnvijig taken of VToich you have been ltd by c(.u.-se liii;- J5at these ihou fcnew'st not—may'st ihou n-cver knoir ! reading and serious attention of eve -y membjr of sentence the prisoner fell a ions; cf pos-^-ioH of his facuitu s a*, the time. The purcha-e fainting into the I;mJanum {<>t the purpose of destroying- himself -mid Siiliite h:i!^;t3, auil you rtih it with the initiation TViiUul thy loots &re,"artless, bright, jet mild -, society. We are tjuite &ure that if its various and arms of the gaolers ; aiid he was . of the of the pistol, aud a previous iutentiun of employing led away Bobbing pitcousiy. saw his mother give him some castor oil and wa'k him resisung the effic^-.'s of jn.^iaov.heu they vi-i rt; -iib And soaietiiEeSj like a little wave, thy glee weiti 'my reas.ns a^ain^t iiijurious, extravagant, uut-to if , would be proved : but me A't^rncy G^ntra : ac- about the room, for the purpoue o:' take you into cu-tociy. Y«u- .; Maiea thee all noise acd motion—now they ga ! an o filth y habits of BawkiBg, che-wiug tebicco, and he recovering him. H* &A<1 to y>. u? ui«'li';r,when knowl'ifij^td th;it c->ulii not prove the purchase Saturday, June 18. was ill for a fortnight after. When the prises or h:id sue told- you ' pray Arcs. Irgs, and eyea all dancing merrily, snuSug were duly weighed and appreciated , an to t> G .d to paulon your S'.ul , ol a ballet ; u«r, as it bad been fired U wards an any money hs spent it foolishly in pastry and carcs/acd ' " ' . that .you cJi' i iiot wane to be bothered Avith ai-.y nwra In tune to tby g?ad heart—End! come to me, intelligent people would at once discouuieuance these TRIAL OF THOMAS COOPER , FOR THE MUR- . open Ep^cc, ci'uid ii be rouLd. But there were tbou- siii^h things, aud not us a sensible person* would do. He preacjiing ; yr. st'jid of iiiiu.-l sir.c-j tha ' I Or would st thou rather ride ? wny, then, my knee ¦ y . . a buliet ,—as a pebble a ehila 's loarblo , or any irre- This being pieces, 6old it to a Jew for Is, ¦ (i o i:i.tkno^; f uz 1 recommend' you,- dating the short Shall be iLy horse.—Behold tby mother, there, the day-appointed for the trial of Thomas FINANCIAL REFORM. A Digest of the Reasons gular piece of lead. If H were argued that that gave Cooper, wno time jou have i;0-.? to live, to do no— to nd.iifcBS Gaz.s Trith v:>y on thee, e'en mia'c; her household care stands charged with the wilful murder ef Eiiza Llfyd sa'd she hid known the prisoner's mothe* ¦¦ ior ana a*amss a Tax upon Permanent Pro- tnc prison -r the benefit of a doubt, neither the lii'e Timothy D-.Iey, yourself¦ ¦t o- fervvnt prayer, and ' .to try to¦ -ob'biia - a policeman of the N Division, the for about eight years. Had lodged in the same house ¦ My classic babe, "wordless as yet art thou, per:y, 'n litu of some of the present Tax^ . of the Sovereign nor that o. ai>y one elea wouid be Court was crowded long before tho usual hour of com- wit'i her two years; that mercy aud . piirUon . from Gort , thv-nrb. the c.-p.-c;all was aWut four years »:?<>. ¦ ' Bat words are wanted not 'iwixt thee and me ; - y tbuso on comuiodiues. By TL. TV. safc. It was, he understood, to be dllt'geii . in defence, mencing proceedings. Knew on one occasion Uie prisouor tried to ' s niei 'ts of our: L :r. i o-k\ Savi'.vir. Your life Las .bien Rlsslll. huiis hviu .ulf. » For, in thy every look and act, I &re rh;.t the act was a mere frolic : bur, t!w prisoner was Precisely at ten o'clock the Learned Judge3, Mr. Witness ufCer wards SiW jiim lying on his motUcr's bed, forf«.ed to jotirountry, acd I' would n<;t be d.rinij my A meaning more than language e'er could show. arfn?!t:-td to be f-ane ; anil iio ?aua person could be Justice Putteson and Mr. Baron Gurney took their seats duty were I. ii-.>« to ttll jon thit thdre.isii.) hopv for uu A modtra'c-ly wtll-rea?onpd argument froin favoursojj ! and quit?) biack in the fa«e. He was insensible for a Thou try'si to-tptai my name, as on thy brow, property tax. Dis3t:ntm^ auijty of s ch heanltss wiekediu-.-s fi-r the &ako of on the bench, and the prisoner was immediately placed long tiin-3. When hy l'cx'ofurcd, er.d was .jw of r ceivin^ pird-jn, I t'.iiivk r? tight to tcil you of an¦ ^elusive m o a*kal h- he ' I print the kiss of my paternity, of the auvhor 's vcsiiions very decdeaiy. wo yev a j'-ka ; while to admit the plea would destroy all at the bar .} . came t-> do it, he said that he was- 'weary of his lif-j. aid havo not tDe¦slL-hbst. hope if pwdon. I fe;;r you are i' Xu« in thy grasp I feel my fingers press'd. iind much to praise ; and recjmmtud the book as a sat- iy f> >r p eople's href. He appeared to be still very weak from the effects of wished. ' to . - destroy hiiiis'ilt'. .he prisoner was much not n a proper ."-tate of miiid .at- present : !;tn I tiust ri)]pn c '- - Ah, littla reai'st thou, my young Alice .' how whole. Th? first witness was Colonel Charle James the poisoa which he hail takeu. Hie countenance was affected on the death of Lis fathar. Ou heating of tkut tsi at you .w-'i! try to obtain, by fervent prayer, the p..r- Thy sire is exil'd, outlaWd, and proscribed, Arbu;!>not, one of the Q iecn'a KqutTries. He tave very p;tle, and on hie first entering the Dock, he looked evunthe fainted , and Wti3inscn3ib!e for sevtral micute.s. d«D of your Creator in anoiiiar world I tarni stiy- en- lives unbrii'd ; the most distinct accouuir that has ye>, appeared of rather anxiously round tfie Court. He sat His prestnt an-J some pre- comes to husn fcee to thy sleep,— scouTg:iij£ s- ' we left dis Palace on Monday, I hau received an imtictnients. : cxstles which had been entruste. to him to deftml. and for me to pnss upon you tfv.j avrful senvonca uf the.iii'w, Thy mother ceciisji uunibtrs be'ni devott d to a cons:dirjtioii ol One kiss !—no w ge—"while I—no, tyrants ! I'll nol intimation which induced me to riu'e as close to her The first indictment on which the prisoner was that he would ni.t allow niiy one to jippro?.ch thtm. which mast uK'touble-lly will ba carried ir.ta i ffsct. It Sir Rulen Peel's tariff ; he has been led uuo a ~:,s- js ' ' "Wfctp. >ibj-t.' y 1 could ; and Colonel Wy lde, Prince arraigned -was the one which "cbaTged him -vvhh having, Witness -said that if sho Were, his mother she w uld not 13 that you be takrii back to the place from whence yen , strtaticn on tne Unueucy ana t ffec t of tree iraat- . ' ' Aiuer V Equorry, rode in the sime po.-ition on the on the Ch of May last, in the parish of Sc. Majy^ permit him to be at large. Ha-1 ¦ heard him say that Lo canifl , and'that' you ba ' taken . tht nea to the place of Batlersea. J. W. principlt-5. He fhews mosi ch ariy that th»-ir m- other Md<- . Heiwcn six and .«ewn o'clock, we Were Islington, feloniously discharged: a loaded pistol at had been converted , and th: t ho M-as a child of God. public execution, thcra t<> be hanged by tits' Ev-ck until o evit-sil e it no. ncy is to maku honest n.en nuo thieves. ( ' comint; down on^M'u '.it-u Hill ; when , abont half- Charles Moss, a policeman , with intent to kill ard Cros;-examine<1—Did . not know of his goincf to any you sure riotid ; tbat your b'»iy b-j -buried -within ttio prs- W e sia o the cute ro.iher more b.mui ,- ONE AND ^LL. y irna .e does, way down hiil, I ot> erved i)te priswner ; and on muvder him. Tbere was'a second count, which chareed chapel. He was an industrious young man c:nct3'(-f the gaoi ; ana may the L'jrti have mercy on bui such is the fact. Mr , and wou¦ ld . O-isilcr atiUuccs s^m o the cnrrhn- rtachintr him , he took a pistol from his the prisoner's intent to ha to prevent his lawful apprv;- work when ho could got it ti do. ' •¦ ¦ ' " your soul." " One ard all," is Corn-wall's cry— pretty aceccotes of xniiivile ciaas " nunesty " hnd side and find it in iho direennn of th>' Q ieen. As i.en^ioa. To this indictment the prisoner pleaded not Mrs. Sarah Bowdlur stated that sho had lodged at the The livher rt'plicf. , " Amea " One and all, let us rtply ; ' ¦ tcli ibii "* as iiiuiiraiious of his argumems. We : fe quick y as I could , I puiled up my hcrse and #ave guilty." house of tbe prisoner's mother, and that, on orb occasV.m At (ho sout:-i of ths " .naen," the prisop^r, with a Hasd to ha^d, and heart to heart, give one or two of them :— the pn. ->uer into custod y. The prisoner had before look ia -vhich tbe most dt;iH>nf3B:i3 rai^e and fiTocUy Irii us act a nation's part ; -. He was nexVarraigned on a similar indiclment, wh!ch tfi9 prieorjer tokt her that ho wouid hang hunhelf. thi^ c ai' tiM my auentiuii, as app arin# anxious to FeeHi ed to bfc .cwicpntratfd..£ra.«vori thu lar^e mefal iplc- L-t us free our Eative isle " Tbus for ban I -written , when I was jnterrapt^j charged him with having feloniously discharged a She rep li ed, ?' Wby, you mu.vt ba out of -y< uv mind tj ?t-e h>-r Majesty." The Colonel wvm on to say, ih at ) bottle . .which js>cre".ved upo-'v tha bar of the rii;ck< nr,d Prcia lie rule of despots vile ; by s. vaiucd and Cnristian friend. I re^tl the l oregoing ; loaded pistol at Charles Mott (th e baker , to whJch he think uf .sutih a thiD^." He said , " Never you mind if the u.-rnost distance from the carrij^e when Fra:;c s alss) pleaded Not Guilty. He was then arraigned on an 1 am." He on luio'htr occasion asked h&r to ierd him m M'ti an tffirt to wrench it ofr. What his orj*-ct co'.-M An-'- sirnl apostles o'er the world to hini. TTheu he Fai4, ' How contrary are tha-e p:i!:- v c pies to the Truths ot &od. TVuat huv>.>c do such fired was seven feet. Tne pTheistol wa=i fired just as indictment, wnich charged him with the wilful murder sixpence to purchase smne arsenic, in order tbat ho have been , we are/ fcrtmi'itely, una le to t-^11 ; ior, T."i-h the Chartist S_;£ nnfmrd. the carna^a was pass-in^. ' had luckily for ' 'pt;r-:onal Lfa;:ned ;'l g tu^oriv-s protiucd in evtry Civristia.i cburth !' cor.e.^ e beta of Timothy Diley, a policeman, by firing a pistol at n;ife ht make-away with himself. Witctsd refused to lit th'i safety of t'le .Ju i;e. , by k'lnrnj at tne rate of eleven m hyur ' or whoever elsH nv.iy havrt biM.-ri destir.e'i'f'jrthu sali.ite One £.nd all, let us proclaim " Hr? tt;*;n.txenipHflsii liicauin^ iwo acscdotts, le- au ; but the him loaded with ball, anil /.thereby inflicting a mortal him have tho money, up-.>n -which he Baid that h;s . , in>( ¦ the inkbo ¦was , the lv.rr:keya Be who bears a bondman's came, which arc so Ttty much to the p-npo^e, tha1; Co !on»-1 had jjiven rue ions at this spot to no w<,und , of which he afterwards died. The prisoner would get it fr.);>i somebody e se. She h;\d fiequpntly '-tle securely fastened .awl- 1 must taster, who liad •¦ And seeketh not to cleanse its shame detain you -whilu 1 rdi-.e them. and the pos-tilions were driving as fast as the again pleaded Not Guilt'y j and lastly, he was arraigned heard him say that ho wus weuty of his life. .- Ooce, kept close to the prisoner irom moui' t purchase arsenic lor Mr. Justin Patt/.Kon , after "the prisoner - ha d ecu Earth will curse the dast jq grave ness wita a perst n who bad foimtrJy been out cf cur ness us being pointed in the direct line of htr Ala- dictment proceeded with was that which charged the him, but he r&fuswd. to do so. Oa odo occasion he pro- . '' remove!, iJit'niatsd to the coUDst1! "tr ?he jirc -pr^ntioH, Oi the mean and cringicg sbve. m«-i^"t--f. \Yhen we had settl-.d our , j">ty ; he he;ird tho repoTt . and saw tho smoke and prisone.- with the wilful murder of Timothy Daley, the duced a pistol, and. asked- witness to ltth.m shooc at bu^at-w te tire, that .hy a rect-nt Act rf P.u-haniest, the Jart.-ex wrro pt-intyd to a piie of riDl-on-b' Xf-s, a^<•t;t a jard hi emit'ed from tho DWol. A policeman stood poiieeman. him. He was frightened, and run away, on which the ' Oce asd all ! let tyrants qcail g£i . ; enabled to awiird a &urn vf rinjrifcy' to tbfc ' wiiVow tv.A ai-d toUi Hie, ' Ti->ie bests cunt.iih rib. f^i ivl iuh we wi:h .n three yur-Js of Francis ; the Coli:;~l ex- The prisoner, after having been given in cbargo to the prisoner said, " I thought you was not game euou b to Nv-tv that Ecund is on the esle. - ' p 3 persons -ho ", sell from oca shilling and three-pence to two sh-iiinrs laimed , " Secure him !" wi .ith was done ; and he Jury, was allowed to resume his seat. let me do it." ' orphans of v. had lost their-lives in tne }>er- VTio care luect a ration's fro"*-n ? formanco their public duties. They would therefore a yard. \Ve gtneraiiy give from, one RbilliiJ g to out palKipvd on and resumed his post at the Quen's Mr. Bodkin then rpaa, and stated the case on the Cross-examined—I never saw the play of William ot Who can keep a nation do wn ? tide. order the sum ' of; 50 to be civen to the widow cf Daly. »BiViiit huve known ' Guar- 's, said tha: he was twelvo or fi'tetn paces ¦whicli they might have previously heard or read res- u candle with a pistol loaded with powder only. , liiinons shout, from K.a to sea, behind thn carringp. nutho:ity for tho arrest of Cooper in tie fiVst instance. coctinuco my fritnd, • That no man conid ^ff.'ru tL«=ui on He had sofa the prison' r pecting the case on which it /would that dny be their Eilward Cooper, a brother of the prisoner, s#ed " 02z a2-& ail ," ve iei:! bcfrce.' lrar^ri the pump jus: fora However,' the great courage asMi praiseworthy c«!:riuct at tha'- "price, :aid feat ho was. ia tff^ct, t^j nii fculcii ,^ b ; af."i as the carriage duty to decide, and to be guided only by tke evid^iice eleven jear a, proved that the prisoner had attempted F. Cjme which' . fc«j "an d- -t:.o hat.-jr Mott had both exhibited gccd«.' I f loo m-Aiiy ribbons, unier the circjra.- , uphesaiv him tup forward aud present a pistol whicii it wouW be hU duty to lay btfore them. TiiQ to destroy Liuitel by tukirig arsenic about four : ^ at t.K,e wfre such tha t h<3 (tha iiim&l ige) l;ad no doubt had not been produced , such a r- tberj couid n^t h-^ve carrir^ /,'>> ; he h-arJ the report and saivnj the Learutd Counatl then stated the facts of tho case at mon;hs befovo he vras apyruheaded on the present ¦ Ju/ ih onth but tL-at an¦ ai-p.Hcatlp to tho proper quarter wou'd 3IE B ENGLAN been commuted ui.dtr the pita of trade. flash. He ha'i b?en *-he Array ei^hieen -, fi fcat length , and said he had reason to believe that charge. R Y D I - have the eP.ect' of procuri-i; them c-asb. a liaivi.mme " .My in^nd a^so said, • 1 rememt-er, that or.e of our and had experience in firing v.ith bail and blank there was no intention on the part of: the priftoner 's James Cooper, anoth&r . brother, eiatal that the wi- cartr.dge j rtward, which w:is *-'.u i to thria both for tln-ir aiiniirabla Octe thou ttert " -Jerry England;" and, "when Provi- members, -»£¦_> wjis sfcopmaa to a auiu 'icr of vut sochty. ; and he shcu-d say that the. pistol was Counsel to dispute any one of tboso facts, but tbat the S'j;;er Bad onc t .'ittemptad to aiiuinip suicMa by hanging ' conduct,- and f jr the ' sevora . aad tedious KUiTjrlngs they dscce did feless, c-cce told ma, ihat ' he shoayeil, Here Colonel Arbuthnot was xveaUed and exam- assertion, but must, in order to have any weight with brother gave him some cjaio? oil, which prevented this THE VIS!OX OF MYCKENOK. And the shouts of " Merry Esgland" did resound from cftvr the sbt-p is c'.osed, to los^k over tha iiiV. -i c.a of ined by the Boach as :o tho sound of tho report—'¦ Tne th-! Jury, bo clearly and satisfactorily proved"by wit- poison from taking tfi'act. Had frequently seen him .•with ' In (Ad'.tplcd from ihe French .) coast 10 coast. goods -winch a: e not psid ior, aud Wtj de -.i-et, from rf-port wa.--sharp and loud , but I did not hear the n^ s8t¦9. conc'uiion, tho Learned Gintlemnn said he pistols in hla possession. He has dten threatened to Wd up wert tr..em, for jhurt ltv^tiis. until have warfe wh'i: wh z of a ball , in con?> qat-nrij of the noise of xhn had heard thiit the part of the defence intended to be shoot witnt-83 without any pvovocatiun. * * * * Oppressed with the laboivrs and faiisues O^ce thou " jlerry England," but thy dioss Wi3 »et our m.s' *-.r charting ai a liir sum for ihe pr. 3: un t*it cai na«e ann ei ht hoTfes. My opinion is that, the up on tho part of the pri.-oner was, that the deceased Mr. Bodkin replied upon this evidence, and con- of U;e day, I ttir'tw ihyst-lf rTown to rtst, and bchaid ! lal* aside, ^ cjtist'tble was not authorised to tak« thu prisoner into tended at great lfcug who once sang cf thee sought another amount ve ara short in th= ilay 'a sal-js. W ntn ttis i' av pir- 'ol was lojct-ii with something more than the th, that there waa nothing in it whiia yes slteping, tuo failoviug vision appeared And the bard - custody at the time he attc.-mp t.ed to do eo , on a m«ra th-j source of pride ; is vtry r*iny, and we have no customers, we m.t oniy p.'w d-r and wadding, from the hharpnes3 and loud- that wcfald warrant the Jury in coming to conc'u- unto me :— ; n-ss of the r^pvif a, rumour Uiat the prisoner had fired at a pclicinian. He sioh that the prisoner w»s insane ? hut in. addition to Methcuj;ht I stood oy a vrido extended pla.n, g d And the million/who delightrd thy illustrious fame to deduct ;or ator: Jecijtha, but we mato abaitm-rnu for . That is mi:re matter of opinion. ' thron e faulta which EcVtr txisted in the goods, until the I do not think tnat powder oniy would made such a (Mr. Boine at the time of the corri- &rey with ase, fitfipiin^, a jesr, wera EaTe left ud objection. After some further observations the niis^ion of the oSenc« chaigfed a»a!nst-hini, but tent he there ; and''f cu-m of tLe dead. " 1 remarfet-d , • X>j not the seliers of the goort as the carriage came up, he c-aw the prisoner I, The blighting gusts of poverty and want were then un- " I ha.\d eijjce seen a very rtspcctablo London ehop- pri-oiitr his ri^ht arm, point a p puld Bfsls, chain &c. Ha was followed by the , prt'.x'iited a piitj . at them, and demanded their money . wherefore, tether,>^id l ? Do thoy weep for a chieftaia.- or And the peasant seemed as happy as the monarch on np profits by tu;h deductions is very common inne^d.' it was his i tention to rob the pfcutieinaD , aud ho was of insanity. conqueror ? But the old mau Bhook his hoary loeko, and heard the report. ana raising his band his tLrcne. Trie rttital of tiiis fact will explain to maisv a poor ' the mere induced to do this in cause he had received Mr. Macmurno, the surceon of KTewcate. stated tbat , pointed towards the south. And Colonel W y lde, J- qiif-rry to Prin.-e Albert, cor- information that some gc-ntlcmen had very recently he ba-.l attended the prisoner cJaily since his commit* behold ! a mist, as ifc were, fell from my eyes ; aiut weavei lie i cason why hia master u so often tnniged * : Once then wert " Merry England," tut that time is • robora tes Colonel Arbutl'uoiV statement. He stattd been stopped in tbat . neighbourhood , and robbed by a meni to that prison foe trial. He had watched his con- afa* off , -I beheld a inichty Po:m Btanairg bftfoie 3 -ray and ttuTnang about the inipoasioiiUy of ohLiiuicg a that the Q. ieen al ways «its on the saine, the riqh? p=as"d a ; profit,' a;ia urging his taktrs-in 'to ictre ^sr abau- pt- r.son ansffLTint;the dtscriDtion of the prisoner. Tho duct narrowly, and had never observed any syuiptoms mountain; and tau Form 's height was even front tho A'nd wcr? it not that history rtTtals a happier day, - sit:e of lie carriage. lie .sionped his l-.orse wtien j^ribioner made no attempt to rob the, but of insanity about him. He had no reason whatever for nitnta .and fcitA' This kciiV^ry in the roguish shop- hlod saw him in foot to tbe summit: tbunx-f. Aiid pawing through tb.3 "We "S'-uid not lor ones imagine thtu wdt an jthing Francis fir..d , and ali ; ciiF^'dy, went into an adjoining field , and witness followed him, supposing that the prisoner wai a person of unsound crowd , Jrirew near uuto it, that I might look up ^n the btiptja nul t>njy prevents tneir Lwiieii neighbours t.-om au d uriiered him to be^ taken to the b-lo s, feeliju Palace Lnil^e. and seeing that he bad a pistol; asked what lie was mind. Ciiufio of the people's aorrowing. And I saw tho Form jnoital emporium of thriving, bus it Uestreys all proper Itt^teu the There the p:stol was shown to the witness— Sit an iilj cf "ffictchedceEs—an manufac'.ure.s anil their work-pt.^ple, anii rt-Lf:er3 thb "It was doing '.here ? to whicli he -replied, nothina; ¦DaTticular. Cross-examined—Had watched the prisoner more wai huuiaa, ami had feiituies like unto man ; aad be taki.ii from the prisoner in my presence and I am ' whole system one of unblu?hiijj ; vuiany and of crud , Witiitsa told him that un.k-ss he could givo a more particularly Binea be knew that his tit-fence was to be woru au ixon crown ; and on his forehead was -written, abie to recognise- it. I nm of opinion , from my biins>!if he should, ftel it to be ihat he was ii sane. Slerry England"— tairest island ef ©pprtasfi'.on , for sse, Sir, how the mi;nuiacturtrs con- satitfactory account of " G JVeiuBieiit ;" and his eyes shot fire ; and ; in his Ihcu'rt no longer " kniuvkdno of fire-arms, that ic weu'd carry fifty or his duty to toRe hiin int ) custody. Upon which the Mr. Cope, tht Governor cf Newgate, stated that by haaiis he held ft whip of scorpi.jna, on which v/ao th= earth, trive to throw the frail of this taieviih system of the sixry pace?. 6o good an aim could not be ' London bLupkeepfcrs upenthe pour optrativc: WiavtrB. taken prisont-r prest-nted a pistol at him and which, on wit- Lii-1 \i8iied th.e t>vLici^«:i:. daiiy . lia had been its vaitten .** lj-iws;" and his aspttt wua terrible to look Bu.t a Vy-word to the children to whom thou giTtst with ii as with a iar^r pistol , but at a short distaiuv - '•it is a singular fact, but it is true, thut a fr.i!r wrts placed uniitr his care when apprehendt'fl on bf holj, in the mountain top were gathered together to pfcr^on p.: whom it was discharged. From tho report " TTith t!s y bosem left uECOTc^d endure the piercing .ic "Ubtiurtr was inteuuing to emigrate, being sick pistol, nnd sai.i hu would shoot witness dead if he tLo present cbargr. H« wna very talkative to ¦witness. a few. - men and a few womtn, and a sumptuous repast cra' th?re mu^t have been in it some very t-trontj wadding % ' EU'nn ; of Vbe oppressions and vilianifes of the manufdCvurera. followed him any further. N«twitbstandi.riu this thveat an'd' w'r.en witn«r88 vemarked that t^w present "was a ,va3 spread/before them • and plenty:^eenicd to abound TVhile chills of want and misery are breathed in erery to com rts-> the puwdsr or a ouilet. Th?it of cours witness followed him acroba tlio nMds as fast as ho ba>i j >b , and the worst th« prisoner had ever been en- with th*m ; each was dressed in purple ar.d fins linen* He infewiit-.i me, ' that he had hit bib last p-ac^, whert is omy a mat- t-r of opini n. " **¦ If it had not been gale— he was a tdkir-iu, [ whose occupation is to ixamine thi was able, and the prisoner thereupon drew a larije {4ni,td in, the prisoiier . r^plii-d' it was, but that if he neither seemed there any end of their diamonds and 'd and the fatherless their hapless lot he- a bul.'et, but merely an irrevcular pieco of lead carving knife apparently from his trowsers, and said (witness) bud 'attempted'to take him into curtjdy, he juvptls, aud 1 heavd uo groans or lamentations from The wiuow coit-jQ ca.icoes as vtwy come in fruin the weavers 3 He or a .-tuue, won. that be Ciiiciilafed to do equal •waiL •was wad required to make up, in abatements, a car. 'd he wcutd do for witness if he followed him any further. would-have shot him at once. He afterwards said that them. mjsc j>tf?"—'• Certai.'jJy ; mor> perhaps, than a to call for and tain suui per week. HLs conseienca would n.>t allow ^ \ VVicn^ss continued assistance.: followed i:a wished that it had been the Inspector Fenny he £ia« Ami ninthoueht. seeing these things, I was pczz!e>\ longer "Merry England;" for tby merry bu let. " Francis app. a red firm ; there was onl y a ' ¦¦ ' Thcu'rt ro tie so. His master expostulated with niai, nnd the prisoner until hts. 'cxcvssiye-wcakuesa prevented him shot instead cf Daley, tha policeman, because he and astonishment kirpt me silent. And teboid, . «?:' him t-> ali^h\ 9g'iation about his nose and lip. When the the osjs are flsd ; urged upon him the necessity of comphance, sayiag, asked from going tiny furthur. S >me peisoiis. however, heard (Petiny) 'had once clono his (prisoner's) mother an ii^aiu upon muititude upon plain . I eaw all «vero That cry is weak and pow'rlfcss while tby children call hin naoie, he Wjs silent. : ; ' Tiiat before he cume, tha bate-books, of which he hau liis cries, and wenc in pursuit - of tiie t>r;soner, Several it-jury. Witness on a subsequentoccasion told .binr tbat not prostrate ami keeping, s:.nie here and tht-ro were for " bread;" witnta-ws were, then called, who proved that, on htafiiig iiulx, had suffered much fiom a qu3n;ity of grass together into gr.)u 3, and oignuizlv.s; thtnt- niany, were always, on aa average, nine shiiHue'S a William Trounce, a Police constable of the A &!iitlierin>; ^ And t-f ugh employed, as God directs, six days out of division , had seen Francis ]o;r..-rujj; about for half the ;ilarin giv..n by Mobs,, and tteipg the prisoijtr remainiDsj on his wound, ou which tue prisoner said 3elv*>s. r. d thryKshyut the w-holo extauo ff ibis pla-!n wetik mure titan Be iray Lnforaianq had made hi3." " . an to the seTen, ho-ir before the occurrence. Ho fch>ervtd that as he a ^fiiy without a hat, they wt>ct in of tliiit he was obli^fcd luad the piatol with grass instead wera signa -of u iiii«bty raovf>r;;e:it. . Acd looking, i aitv? Th'-y ciEiot get thai G.d's retrard—the food allow'd Such are the evidences of sympathy with poverty— locked at him, FiauciS went bdhiua a tree. Trounce him across the fluids, a distance of htarly two miks. of wadding, 'because ho had got no paper about him. a grtat; river runsjing by."tho - Bide of the nion;:tain, proofs of high-mindedness and principi- by fceavsn. Euch the } was uot mor« than ene ya.r»l ivom the prisoner when anil that whi <; bo fillowing him , they saw the prisoner The prisoner's mother was pre?6.;;t at this time, and ami uiany ia-len ships vrere, on it, and the people looked given by the partie3 to whom tne " in telk-c:uai' he heard the report of a pUtoi ; ho looked rouml stop and re-lnad one ot hiB pistp:a , after which he c>>u- Biie ' aO.vistd him to pray to God for forgive ess of his anxiously towards thttii , but - tha river was chaiued. Tbou'rt do loEzer " 2denjEng land;™ who would £are brawSerd ior union are so anxious to hauci over the and .-aw Fiaiicid in the act of presenting it. He tiuui d h:s fl ^ht , and ih« y nt lenuth isiunc viu with bun sins, upon which he said to her " Don't'.', 1 a urit&s . and the Form took h;i.f rf all t'aat tasaed. to call thee so, people a;id their movement that, for very tpl en , '' - : "Would but mock thy painful EcfTrings, add thereto ^ s-e z d hi iu at once. at a place called Highbury Park South. \Tu\s portiou have had preaching enough already."- - . Cross-txitniued A!idxsz ng more attentively. -I perceived that tha nonets because not ai;owed to do it—they move heaven and Mi-< Laviiiia Blauchard , of Uiiion Place, Lambeth , (.f the evidence it is unnecesrnry to «tve at leugt'i.) The — When the prisoner was in the lock-up he euiiea- of the Form were iron , and its ft-et day. I saw another three ; earth io >pht up the union already subsisting umon^ # t«8tiiuon.y was that relative to vvhat do-?;n Yet thy sens, though toiling fruitless, would conceal saw Fruueis about a quarter .»f an hour before in next-important vuurcd to take a awor.1, but witness prevented written on its breast in blooil . "Class LecialA.t> .on!" the people ! earnest <-onversatiun with a yi.ii h ff man. William occurred at Highbury Park South; on arrival at ¦which him, and asked him afterwaruB wbat he intended doing Aiid behold, iu a short time, tho features of the" -Form the gloomy tiuth, ;ts Lu- Whilst thy daughter in the fact'ries spsnd for nought Richards, a shoemaker, al.-^o saw the prisoner in place, and wh»-n nearly opposite the house of a genUi:- with it, when he replied, that he intended to rtestvoy were con'sulsed With agony ; and foita from aiit man Warren the pti.soncr placed hinij -elf with himself, adding, Z would have killud you , George, arose an infant child, ami it Ptood on the iron crown, the hours of youth. ARGUME NTS IN FAVOUR OF THE IMMOR- convtriation ; but was not 6ur« that he said any , " TALITY UF THE BODY ; pro-nnj- ihat Man t hi.-s. his back -against .s>nie pailings, anil pulling out u brace if you had tried to pr«rent mo." Mr. Horry repliua and its appearance -was h;;ileit vritli joy from tho ' i 0i£3 thou wert " ilerry Eogland"—would that thou ia jiyvsreed by his ovra 2Va.iurat LaiV~ o' Ac::o:j James R-iusseli of pistols. anil holdihg one in each, baud, dared any ol upon this evideiico, afu r wliiulj, Mr. Justice Pjtteaon rapuntaia , but from thfi plain no sound of joy arose. upon uidj , tho inspector of police, searched •siri so ro"s y j auu Reaction, depjnoln^ ti.eir c iou the prihoner : on fim Wtrr iound an his pursui rs to approach him. proct"/ dt>d to sum vp the whole of the case, ami in- doii^ apii the Form teeing this wused f uriom, and bran- and the aid memoian- That the danspmg storms -srere past away, and tne subiiances in esi.-t-joee that will accord dum-booR , a pen ny, and a litt.e gunpowder. The John W. Youug, a waiur at Hornr.oy Wood House, to his Lordship sasd, tbat the facts of the case"wtre dishing his whip, ho spoko, " Slaves, behold your clou?; s from eff thy brow ; vriin those Laws etornahy, i; they arc not pistil was still warm. Mated that on hpuring 'the aluriu givt-n, he and others very sh—l-t. The tnain question for the consideration cf future kiu.jj, fejl down and worship him." . . A-riiJ,;behold Then wcaid^t once more robe thy gay dress—be again o-j.i;> i^eii by other substances that have rv.cHv<:d a fj .-lowed thtt priaontr, and ut lepci'n cume up with hnu the Jury ¦was, the .&t >u e ( f the crisoner's mind &t tb'e suddenly I heard from one tx^remity of the plain the p<*rfs boast, diiiertni constiiuuon. Bradford : B. Walker, Ocaer evidence related to the previous movements at Highburj-park S mth. Among/ the pursuers Vfaie time when he cowinittfcd the offence imputed to him, even unto tbe other one ' loud Isugb. of e' erisien, £snd AnI tie ih'juts of "ilerry England" would be heard of tiie . pns-ouer. Genr^e Peatsi-n, a wood-engraver, Howard , a hakc-r fllot t, anotlitr bakerj Turnbull aud an'd on that point they had btfore them Iha evidenceof turning, I beheld the -whole people gathered together saw Jum pre«t-z.t a piziol a* the Q,u> en on ths buiHiiiy, froiii co-ast to coast. r.m ihr, Smith, two gurdt-re a, employed in the neighbouvhood ; '.he prisoner s motherl and several othtr persous -who and eczing.-"with Iot.k 3 of ha'-red and contempt upon The genius of this author has chosen a field of js J-he was r^turi.-ii.^ t Chapel Hoyai ; P alleged di?c-jTerses bore an air of plausibility ana cam—1 was a fool 1 ina not hhoot her I" Joseph elsghtcat degree, -was to this itlttt that after the pri- hitiit-iri upon the various portions of it as he proceeded. this, rrenibled, and taht within iteclf; " If tiie p8'p!a ?>r aeucab:]Uy. This they do not, in our e tiiaation. Robert b r» et, shepman to Mr. Ravener, a pawii - Sdiier hnd put hie back to the paiings: a,ud piiHe d out And, with regnal to a, remarfe that the prisoner 'a Coun- c«uti'nue thus / amuodece, I muaS divert tboir cues llis tr ai, secret—his principle of material inj nr-r- broker in T.>tl:i)l Street, sold to t he prisoner 'he the p!6ti>i8, D-lt-v , the dtc< ahedi calltid u^ion him ti> sel ba-i made, that the very act which the prisoner from my own depravity. " Saying this, the Form sent on-: of not eating ' JUSTICE TO THE PF.ODUCER THE ONLY talny, serms to be tne negative any pistoi tna' had be> n produced in court , on the 27;li ^uritn dtjr, but which, however, lie refused to no. I'-bat had committed was a proof pi" iDssnity, his Lord.'-hJp cunning insn amongst the people to shew them tbe .ME -vNS OF RE&T0111NG THE PKOS- thiuK calculated to precipr.ate phospha to of lime, or >l av , u% thtn think the raid that it would be a most dangerous* thing to sociciy cause of thtir miiery ; and they lectured them, and COUNTRY. in oihrr woras to eat nothing winch wiJ create bone ; p'e^es, a bixpence, and the re?t in copper. Richard the prisoner h;ul in h!s hahda were loaned , on. which to infer insanity from the atrocity of msn's. . actione. strove to inako them believe that totf many people 1 ER1IY OF THE ritcnard an oilnt in Lower Eaton S'veet , printed by Wrigley, he says— t' ,. 'm t<:e prisone said th;.t ihey were, and tbat if any i orRon His Lorvfifcip then adverted to the mauner in which liyod in the laud ; v.nA they . published booki, uv.i A 3k;ie tract of eight pagcc, " Fimiio-j, si>)d him a fl in on tiie s»me day. Thomas contents. Tbat ' the volumes of elaborated " It is a well-known f..ct that if fowls are fed on t'luc&ed >.im they should Imvo the tha prisoner had conducted hinisc.f throughout , the en- taiked pf ^as, and emigration. Bat the people bootod. R iicJe, in which all G-j aid , of York tetn er , Westminster, s-l d him a , stoiipad down, a: d rusheu upon the tiro transaction, apii asked if there was any thing in them out from the miost of ¦ "them,, and .' would not £&;i->:ry s-poutsd uud voxnhed forth by the ' free substance:* tLa: cjntim no impurities, and in a place Molt - the baker, calcareous that, tb^y will lay half peui.y'WOi th of KUiijiowJer oil ihe 27^ ; and prisoner. 5ii>jp;irtntiy with the inttntion of k^Zir.R biin that conduct indicative cf insatiity. His Lo'dsbip con- ; evim so Jnuch 83 listen unto them. Then tlie Form 7 y answered in a f ew Lnes. where tbere is no In trace ' a ca are tfeciuJul withorft shells. the same msnner, if a Aniio Brian* sold him an ounce on tho 30th, in by the legs anv. r feaiale lifter conception was to subsist upon substances Bre r S.n-et : he pa'd twopence Fur it withou- si:ocatdea in I»ying hold of him the . prisoner fiie him, wlu-n tho guilty. They said it was sinful, a:id wicked, to complain; and t';:ut B^-iE, sad ihe United States of Nurih fiilc-i with a flaid substance, called bloucl ; and so long '21 h May ; havai^ boea out of wotk for tomo tiaio p.'isu/u .-r de-J s bfcrat- ly ;iinitd another pistul - .-st him, ana irlr. HarJr er, the usher of the Court;, Living in the " lbs powers tliat ba, are c-rrfaiued of God." Sat the b.-f. -re. y America. .-is iLe cbild continued to sul-sist upf.u those sub- ahct hi iu through thy bony. Tliat the pojicei) -i;n fell usual' jnainitr i.aid , "Coi. .Uh.v your vt-niict, gcntJenifJi," peoplescoiTrid &i ii;is-i thioRa, and made reply, •' Jf 79 ¦Wiinam Gore one of the Q ipen 'p Grooms who ' sracc^s, &¦> loce would tbe bloou counuua to circuiate , , and died ami.>t iNiintdritely, and -that :'.a sy on :is tho the jury rose, grouped together for an instant, and then think pevfity such a beuear t<:oine thare it frith \u, This Javcr.::-ia is 3 srstera hy -srhich— of ha-J been summoned but imtexdmuicd by ihe coui;st-i st ihruu^ii t.;e vaiious rauaincaiioiia ike sjstc-m, supply- prisoner h^U tlrtr d tr.e coud p'stol tro .h^.".t;tiv.i«rs rt-s-umed rhtir seats. why ti ress ye in purple ami tine linen, and fare suinp- 1- O\.e man is enabled to xr.znagotte sails in an easy, t'ov tte Crow/i wu.scru.-^ txam.nta by Mr. (Jlarki-on ; ¦ ' ' lus tKa waste toi'Dg on in every part of ti.e bi>ciy ; eve:-y , cipsed ia upon him and sc-.t urtrd him.- Having ' iloue so The cltrk »f f t»3 nr?ai .—.9 s.ikl, " Gentlemen, are you tuou3]y tvery tiay, whiisl wo are starving1. : Ya ara qu: J;, and ceitain nude, on aay vessel, by ti.e he said that lie was riding six or seven yards behind y ' ' teacht-rd all. Dopiu t out.frcra of £fcL's;t:ve fet-iing w-u!J rtiain its capubilities ; its per- ' they took tmm hnu larvo cwving knito . which he had agreed ?'' The foreman sn'3wtred •• Ytjs/' and delivered h vpocitcs and ialse v^jiftr the wind itself. Colonel ArbuthiiOt. Tne pist ol was disclutrged i " " Saj this the pesple united more ,' powds -woul a convey ev«.rs object tbat &t;eJ iu hin troustrs. On being disai'tiiBU, tht prifli.mur Biv.d averoijct-of Gnilty."' aiiior.gst us. in? 2. Tie w ^ves propel tha Tcwtl, puwp ont the -W2ter .wten them ; and it seemed to him to be pointed the Form, ble .with jdismay, land upcii t^em, with such faciiity and accuracy to the rtfisc- be' " now you have taken all my weapons from nisi , I will The prisoner was then ordered to rise and stand at clost ly. Then dul trem . i-:.d do tfcs other htivy y?ois.s(a new motive at the hmu-whet-1 of tiie cairiatie. ' . for lost, and in hia peril he took coun- tive p-j --crs, so as to give ihtm every upportunit> oi intkeKo fuither resistance. I burrcnriir liijSfclf , but the bar. . .,. , gave himself up j,o»c much superior ts any cf steam), requiring Fjr the fleftnee commented on the ¦ piountaiu top, and beholtl in a bhcrfe r, ate-Jitaimiig tteir nattire and qualities, in order to place , Mr. Ciarksun don't use me ill." ' 'After l;utig s-ecured and tied in a He diS so with a lounging swing, "nd Icclxed towards Kftl of those in the iir. a cheap and siiLp', j macuiscry, and no fuel, evi ci .\ee with a view to prove it iiH-oiiciusive of iIih time I heard a voice frnm the top, saying, '¦DNitia the tlifc'.n in hiimony with them ; and , bo long as i; con - ' manuer that prevented all possibility of escape, the the bench v/ith a savwge eoowi. further attantiuace of man beyond that cf c]:ari;e. He expressed some iud-gnatiou that he om le :. sprwid disunion , aud yea wiU'carquer." And ?-r tinued to supply the system with materials that wouid prisoner Wjs conveytit to the >ttition-hous^. Islington When nsted by the. clerk of the arraigns, in the usual peop ibe man at the helm,—r.pplicabieto the smalieit fhould have bbcix suppo.-ed iapab:e of - suggesting green , being askfcd by Tuiubuil form, wliat he bad to say why sentence cf death should presently I behrld nidiij weli-fed men goinii smoBKsfc eltmei;ate fmnj every part of tbe body ia tbe forms as and on the wfty t^eie, as stU as the grfcitcst vesi>el. that ihe p'^tol had been fired a uii-rts feu-de-joie : how be came to cio-such : ni th i ng, he SiM. •• I wuitl not be passed up'on .iiim according to lap ? he niatio no the people aud striving to direct their atteEtion to tea of fiulii , vapour, and gaa, .taring no imcuntka behind, " ' ¦ to thosa of wind " ' ' ',, ' ' ¦ river Tuke that ehion 3. TLe siine po"w«r mij be j-iined was not the easH ci.-gusiiiig and abhor. ent' eiiuugii have strvtfd you tho same." The evidence cf Mr. I>rury, reply. . , . . . . : : ; .. - . chain acro£8 the , and tbey said, " at then li's itight truly be calied aa unresistsd ^heiio- . 2bd of steam, aa-J vesi=l3 may be propelled without that ! Francis's previous uistress, and his a surgeon, who¦' ¦fxainlhed . tlio - ' - 'dtsceiised, and who The judges tben put on the black -sap s' , and Mr, Har- off our trade and all wiiV ho well." But tho people the lowest average rate or twenty miles per mecon. courting dtuction afit-r the -attempt , - would -.prove returned, "What will be the use of taking off iho .chain the labours and also attended the wounded pe>sons, Mott and ker civ'.o ihe proclamation ti joining silence upon all fconr. to He f orgets, however, to tell as how h\* in cut, Had the pistol been loaded with any Moss, concluded the case on the ' .part Of the . prosecu- perapiis in the court -while i>i death Wiis pas- Haa not the Form power to put it oh again ? We •wiil 4. Tee same po^er is au infallible msans prevent uses of Me are to be performed withouS bones, or destrucave mi:-sle, ii wa-j lniputi-ible that it could tion. ain-; upon tho prisoner. deatrox the Forni." Then did the roultiVadea f ood is to b9 had. The - >L:p-*Tccks, by drivin;: tas vessel from dange- whence thin pure elemenaiing have been discharged without injuring the Qvivcn, Mr. Horry then rose, and addressed the Jury on the •Mr. Justice P.ittispn then, addressing the prisoner, advance with palm branch.69 in 'their- hands, aud singing rous places under any circumstancv-s. pamphlet alu/gether «ives evidence of a raind con- Colonel Arbutnnot, or his horre. Two years ago tlic after 's iinc preliminary rt;- aaid :—.Tboisjas Cooper, the jury, after a long and songs ard hymns of jubilation, and at their head -wera for iis part of the prisoner, arid ' power (which eosta tenuiiig -H-ith a tubjeot altogether too vast morbid feeling and v&uiiy ot another person hud marba, Eaia that the defence fce had to urge on his patient invest-cation ci youir coae, have found that you five men, and the/ .tramping of tlieir fett shook the 5. Is nff>rded a new motive of which us knowledge scarcely deserves ie coauivance), of any amount capacity, and induced him to C-mmit the desperate act of firing behalf was that le vyas insnne at the time he com- wvre in a sound state of mind when you deprived the earth, arid their cheers re£0UD , , Rad- demasocucs ?" He -was himself a cowardly and malig- them to go to W. S., L. T. Clancsy , Thos. sel-res. makinesuch a charge, and then retreat- what will be the result ! But " no mobs !" no great discount, when the Criminal Court cannot be in their hands that which will enable cliffe Colliery, Gibbon, -was ' nant fellow for Tbe mect'ra fixed for twelve o clock on Monday ing from the responsibility of slandering h's superiors noises ! no acting in concert. Go each one for food work at once. If they are crippled at starting, they Ponty Rhyn, and a great number of " Constant snd s.-ms time before that hour filled upon so interesting an occasion as the trial Is't. seme hundreds —(cheers). All the arguments of Peel and Russell were you from stabvation ; go ask for it from will feel the disheartening effects through all the Readers," who have added their individual testi- to save of an ignorant youth who hoped to gain a livelihood ¦ ' ¦ Bg«J assembled in Paracis-3 Sauare. " ¦ ¦ ¦ " ¦ It was such men ¦ ¦ ¦ • ; : ' ¦ ¦ • drawn from the speech of R^buck, . ' : . mony to the general voice. Alt breathe the aame Mr. Biirsto-s had been invited, and -was met at the the officer appointed by the law to give it you. Go by firing a bulletless pistol at the hind wheel race. as these th;:t the people had good cause to stand most in spirit ; all speak the same language ; all tell U3 that railway rts-ion by a considerable body of the forking dread of—hypocrites, "who -wore the cloak of patriotism ask him properly and rightly. Put it not in Queen On Wednesday last, a gentleman called at our men, -with banTn rs, ¦whom of the ' s carnage ! miscalculated in supposing the great bod &c, by he was loudly only that under its folds they might conceal the the power of any unfeeling monster to get rid of office ; a middle-clasa man, but one of the very best we have not y ilKsreo ; in t>e mean ti:aa the Square continned fi ling, The youth, however, for his indiscretion, has been public able to estimate fully poisoned dagger with which to assassinate liberty, the application by trumping up a charge of friends to the cause of Chartism that we know ; one of the Chartist and ir.d by one o'cioefc. at which hour business commenced, adoration—(loud cheers). The your con- sentenced. " The Court," through the mouth of bright goddess of our 1 fairly the public acts of public men. ; mc o: ite roost numerous meetings tre have seen in rain for some time bad been frlling in torrents, yet the spiracy . Chief Juttico Tindal, has adjudged him " to be whose purse ia ever ready, and whose money ia con- Siii SUlil had assembled to g;?e thtir sanction to the people stood it well ; at length himself wet to the skin, Should the application, or applications, to the^Over- stantly given, to advance the " ultra" movement. important 'documents left for the cpprovnl of the peo- hanged by the neck till he be dead ; then to be THE VOTING FOR THE NEW EXECUTIVE Mr. Bairstow gave tbe signal for retrcatine, and an ad- seer fa il, go, each one, to the nearest Magistrate. Tell In the course of a conversation had with Mr.-Hob- ple by the late Convention. journment to the Association Toom in Fig Tree-lane, beheaded ; and his body cur into four quarters, ' each and every one, separately, your prospects of Char- The voting for the new Executive Committee is On ths mot.on of Mr. Harney, seconded by Mr. took place. Hera not a tithe of the meeting could gain him, case. Tell AND disposed OF as her Majesty shall direct " A son on the present position and Ciaj t ^n, Mr. Jchr.K 'llv -was cal'td to the chair. • and a tabular statement of the places froia admission : these who were first, speedily crammed the him what your sufferings and endurings are. Tell him savage inhuman sentence ! and a barbarous law that tism, he proposed, as the best means of inducting over ; The Chairnjas rend the pin card calling tie meeting, room. the New Executive into office, which votes have been received, and of the number &n-' after few observations called upon Mr. Harrier. how often you have been to tha Overseer. Tell him imposes it!! Mr. G. J. Harney lectured on Sunday evening, in tbe of votes, in each place, for eac^ candidate, has been Mr. Harrey said he had great pleasure m appearing what answer you have received. Ask him for his His life is to be forfeited ! The Bloody old A NATIONAL TRIBUTE, rosin, Fig Tree-lane i the unpropitious state of the ^ handed to us by the General Secretary. We cannot before so large a meeting to propose for aJ^ption the weather preventing the holding of the out-door meetings assistance, Ask for his advice. If ho say he can- Times" has sounded the note of blood ! It has been to enable iis members.' to adopt decisive measures to rcinr-nstranee allu Vi to in ths bills calling the meeting. publish the document as we received it, for this announced in Jast SaturJa> 's Siar. not aid you, or that he has no power; tell him that labouring hard to prepare the public mind for the advance the cause of the People' 1>-Ir. H. LsieTcaA the xemonstnJEce, which iris unneces- s Charter ; and he reason : there are not half enough of figures in our sary to inser:}. Tw rcmosiiracce stated first, " that he has a direct channel of communication open with awful and astounding fact, that a life is to be further proposed to head it with his subscri ption, offic e to " set" it. We are compelled therefore to Lfc e people of this c-uutry Were sufferin g destitution and the Queen, through her representative, and 7m supe- taken, as a warning to others not to attempt to shoot adding that if more was wanted, he was ready. misery to an extent almost hitherto unknown." This "was THE iXOUTHEUN 8TAU . content ourselves with giving merely the names of rior, the Lord Lieutenant. Desire him to at the Queen's carriage wheel ! A youth is to be In three minutes a list was prepared, and the fol- now too notorious to be denied by TV big or Tory. The , 1342. the respective candidates, and the total number of SATURDAY , JUNE 25 do hia duty, by forwarding to the Lord Lieutenant strangled and beheaded for high treason, because he lowing sums set down :— ncwsprptis, day after any, -week after week, gave the votes ibr each. They are as follows :— oiobt n.-rrovring accounts of the misery of the- people a statement of your case ; that you are starving for fired a bulletless pistol in the direction of the £. b. d. throughout Esgland, JrJand , and Scotland. ' Famine STATE OF THE WORKING PEOPLE. want of food ; that you have repeatedly applied to Queen A. Londsdale, Manchester...... 110 P M. Brophy ... 1656 W. D. Taylor ... 784 's carriage ! And yet we are a Christian " 10830 M. Williams ... 4410 &tr.lkc>3 abroad, &tir?aiion howled its agenies, and the Overseer, and cannot obtain relief ; that you - J. Leach ...... tversprcad the land. Tsough in Sheffield NECESSITY FOR CAUTION AND people ! and the Queen herself is " Head of the William Hill... 2 2 0 J. Campbell ... 9712 R. Ridley ... 833 blacX despair ' tcej h:.-i lot as 5 el tiociitectd distress to the tame PRUDENCE. have applied to the Justice of the Peace, and he Church, tinder Christ" !!! Joshua Hobson...... ~...... 1 10 P.- M. M'Douall... 11221 W. Jones ... 1072 fearful extent tbe ps-iyle cf other districts had, Btill if has no power to aid you ; that it is right the Query,—It we hang, behead, and quarter young John Ardill 1 10 C. Doyle ...... 1239 J. Fussell ... 82 Evert week adds to the horrible destitution T. Cooper...... 2454 J. W. Parker ... 231 a change came not speedily, the lot of the men of Lei- Queen knew of your condition , that she may take Francis for shooting at the Queen's carriage wheel ^ould assuredly be the lot of the people of Shef- endured by the producers of the nation's -wealth 1 Now then, Chartists, what say you I Wilt you J. H. R. Bairstow 4611 J. Mason ...... 860 cester the necessary steps to afford relief. De8ire the ,979 field— ihsar, hear). Hundreds upon hundreds were Evidence of this meets tho eye and ear at every with a pistol * in which there is no evidence to prove " go and do likewise" in accordance with your J. West ...... 1537 G. White...... parish rdit-f , and many a child cried for Magistrate to do his duty by communicating these there was a bullet, and from which Bhooting neither R. K. Philp ... 2656 B. M'Cartney ... 165 subsisting upon turu. Whole districts aro enduring the torment? respective means ! Let the next Northern V.Jackson ... 1005 braad. zvd thfra was no uai to administer to its -ss-ants. things to his Lord Lieutenant ; and then it is his the Queen, her carriage, nor any of her attendants, W. Beesly ... 17 25 W. and horrors of hunger and starvation ! S/ar that wo publish shew the sum total on the E. Stallwood ... 299 R. Marsden ... 941 Strange it ^as, but y=t most rrue, that while the middle duty to communicate them to the Queen herself , classes were fast basttning to tlie same ruin as had The griping system of taxation , with its concomi- nor any mortal breathing, sustainedany, the slightest, list swelled to a considerable amount. Let J. Skevington ... 445 E. Clayton ... 250 in her own proper person, and not through the already overtaken tbe working c!ass«3, still they ob- tant , the unrestrained and unregulated use of machi- injury ; what should wo have done to him had he every one do his best. There are our middle- It will be seen, thereforej that the election has ttinattly acii -wic&titly held aloof and -would not ja:n Secretary of State. . head¦ ' nery, have done their work ! The one has stripped shot a bullet through the Queen's '.?. - . class friends ; those of that class whom we know to' fallen upon Messrs. M'Douall, Leach, Campbell, the psople in thvir struggle for justice. A meeting of When these steps are taken, and still no relief the homestead of the labourer of the property he Talk not to us of " the Queen's magnanimity"! be our friends ; let them be waited Morgan, and Bairstow. the Manchtster shopkeepers had lately been held, at afforded , get up a requisition to the Mayor or Con- upon by the ¦which roe-rtiaj one and ail bad dec-Lired either that they ha4 ; the other has taken out of his hands the power If fho permit the life of Francis to be taken for propier officers in every locality. Proper attention ¦vfert mined or vrere fast hastcnine to destruc- stable of your Borough or Township, to call ilreadv of accumulating more ! this shooting-at-her-c&rriage-affiur, the bloody deed and exertion in this respect, will do mueh towards The following was sent by Mr. Campbell, to tion ; and though the Sheffield shopocracy had not lustde a public meeting for the purpose of publicly To raise the £GO,0003000 a-year, necessary for the will stick to her name through life, and blot her the end in view. One hundred friends subscribing follow the tabular statement above referred to :— this opes cjnftsiion , yet he knew that hundreds of them addressing the Lord Lieutenant of the County. ¦¦ ¦Were in the same situation as the Mar.chestir shop- maintenance of the hordes of pensioners, sinecurists, escutcheon in death ! If ehe allow him to be £1 Is. each—and surely that number can be found " It will be seen that 205 places have voted, and in Shosld he call the meeting, well and good : hanged and quartered, dispos these places, in many instances, not ; one half of the keepers. Yet were they at that meeting ? Were there dead-weight ratn, and the salaried Officers of State ; she may " e" of his —will give the Executive one hundred guineas at fifty in tLa* meeting ? Were there Iventy ?' He should he refuse, let twenty inhabitant house- cut-up bod members have polled. The following places are enrolled necessary for the payment of the interest of the y as she may please, even to the serving- once. in the association, but have not returned their votes. doubted if there -we e tin—only tin, to save their order holders call it themselves. At the meeting agree up of the joints we:! merited infamy which "was attached to National Debt , and for the keeping up of the army at her own table, without adding to To work, then, Chartists ! Let Llanlidoes Howden from the upon a Memorial to the Lord Lieutenant ; let it set every locality .fix them, for their opposition to the just rights of the to force the taxe3 out of the people ; necessary to tho horror and detestation which the act of stran- for itself a certain sum, and take the necessary steps Liversedge Shelton forth the facts as they stand in your locality ; let it ghton Holy well people ; thongh the present system. w:is-rnining them, maintain an extravagant Covbt : to raite the gulation will excite amongst " her" people ! to raise it. Let this be a sacred duty. Market Wei Etiii they "would support tbe aristocracy against the set forth the efforts made, individually, to obtaiu The Execu- Midgley Hazle Grove ,£60,000,00 a-year, necessary f or the support of tive have been chosen by the people people s hear, hear.) D.i not this piove ih±\ much as relief ; let it call upon him to make the condition of to perform the Morley Ipswich they prtteided to liberality of sentiment, that they, these thing?, every means that earth and hell could people s work : the people Newport, Monmouthshire Kendal the Memorialists known to her Majesty; let a depu- ANOTHER VI CTIM TO THE FJELL ' are bound to accord them nevertheless, luted nothing so much as thai the toiling devise have been employed. The consequences "have MONSTER. support ! Wellington Lancaster classes should be tlaccd" on political tqua'itv with tation of shrewd, intelligent, discreet men be Nuoeaton Longtoa ¦ , This is a good opportunity, themselves—preferring tie rale of the devil himself to been that property has been silently, but surely, appointed to wait upon the Lord Lieutenant in Poor Holberry is gone ! He has escaped the too, of testing in some Open«haw Shaw degree the; value of general middle-class Penzince Hahhaw Moor the rule of tha i&EJ:>:-i;y—the E uvcrcign dems>cracy ? transferred from one possessor to another ; that tho person with such Memorial ; and let them com- ruffian fang of class despotism through the deathly sympathy ! (cheers, j This ) emonstrance resiinded the Hoase of middling classes have been reduced to beggary ; and They pretend to be converts to ChartiBm, and Preston youths Chatham municate to an adjourned meeting the answer they portal. Another is added to the long catalogue of to wish RedruthL Maltoa Commonsthat three times had the people petitioned to aid in the dissemination of Chartist principles. that House, and three times their prayer had been the labourers brought to starve all of a heap. receive ! Whig-made widows, whoso occupation it must bo to Rotherham Knaresbro' To raise that £60,000,000 (made, in reality, by TRY THEM ! Heie is an opportunity of their Southampton Ripon iBiultingly if}-'CteiL Three millions and & half of the Now, this a perfectly legal but an effectual way weep over the ashes of the dead ; and surely another peaple of this country petitioned only for a hearing at the alteration in the value of money, by Peel's employing some portion of their wealth to a good Stockton Oakhampton * of bringing the sufferings of the starving poor into and a powerful incentive is afforded to his brethren Sittingbourne Totness the bar cf the House, and not content "with denying Bill, £120,000,000 '.) it was necessary that " the purpose ; a righteous Chartist purpose. See that thai which was prayed for, the Honourable Members public notice ; and will assuredly compel relief . to call forth all the energies and exercise all the Sunderland Shaftesbury resonrces" of the country (a3 they have it) should ' they miss it not ! Wait on them ; present them with must needs shower calumny, falsehood and slander Should it not do so,—THEN seek out for food ! determined perseverahoe of men, who have resolved Skipton Porty Glo' tipsn such an immense body of their countrymen ; be developed. Hence tbe immense introduction the subscription list ; ask them for their contribu- Spilsby North Shields " Self-preservation is the first law of nature. that the system which originates these horrid charging upon them that they meditated the and employment of machinery ; hence the engen- " tion ; and^-—— take what you can gel ! Sianningly Winchcomb destruction of property, tad the producing Preserve yourselves ! The law awards you relief : blotches on the escutcheon of humanity shall be an- Stroud water Gainsborough d ering, promulgation, and adoption of the suicidal To work, then, every one ! We hope for a good ¦ ' cf a state of anarchy and spoliation. Such take ai.l legal means of getting what the law nihilated. Sheerness Ouseburn . .• calumnies cf ilr principles of " free-trade" ; hence the cheapening list next week. Those of our monied friends who Sheffield youths Hatbern were tha lyin? . Bob Macaul»y. awards : if it be refused or withheld—SEEK OUT ! On Tuesday morning a letter was received at this His " E.courable Friend." as tha . gentlemen of of all articles of produce, and the glutting of read this, and are anxious to aid the good work, will Truro Bradford, Wilts All the writers on jurisprudence hold that a office , informing us that an order for his liberation, Tunstall Chalford the Westminster tax-trap •Kcul l say, his Hon- the market, until produce is a drug, and employ- do well to send their contributions to our publisher, enrable Friend, Mr. Biirs:ow, had just corrected him, on finding satisfactory bail for five years, had been Vintnor Alfreton ment at an end. Hence the difficulty ; the con- man is not guilty of theft or larceny who takes direct. He has offered to become treasurer for this it was not B.'b, b^t Tom Macauiay ; well, the meeting received from the Home Secretary ; and stating that Wortley Newark ¦would fusion ; the distress ; the famine ; the deaths, for food to keep himself from starving to death. Such fund . They need not Btay till they are waited Wingate Grange Colliery Hucknall Torkard excuse him. ?s o wonder tist he confounded the York Chartists were unable to furnish the csmas wbea there "was so liiti© - diffsreaca be- want of the necessaries of life ! has been held to be the case by Gkotius and Puf- upon ; font send at once. Warwick Beverley amount required, being all poor working men. Wigan Heckmondwike fcwetn the liberal Tom 3Jscauley and Sir Eiiding-scale Here is the cause of it all ! The Government fesdorf ; and the only writers who have denied Let us see, then, what can be done ! •lippary B >b, tf Tamworth. Of the two factions it that that principle applies to England , have done so They requested that Mr. O'Connor might be in- Warminster Duncaster must have, if they continue the system , the Silsden Hatters, London wight indeed be said Tfiih strict truth and propriety, on the ground that u by the law sufficient provision formed of the matter, and their letter was accord- ** tau-ta-ra-ra rogues aT'—ilond cheers.) He indig- £60,000,000 a year (nominally, but £120,0&0,e00 Wednesbury ManchesterFustianGatters is made for the Bnppl ingly forwarded to that gentleman. In the mean- THE NORTHERN STAR AND THE Wigton Bo. caativ <'.em«d that roch "were the cr-jrtU contemplated reelf a). To have that £60,000,000, without re- y of the necessitous by collec- Blacksmiths fcy the pec-p;a, on the contrarv it was the t^aducers of tions for the poor and by the power of the civil ma- time, that no delay might take place, arrangements " DENUNCIATORS." Wplverhampton Dawgreeh ¦were ducing the strength of the nation to beggary West the people tsemselvts who ti>« spoiiatora and gistrate " If, therefore, there be not " svfficien t were instantly made for tendering the bail of Messrs. Thb universality and unanimity of opinion Auckland Birstal plunderers—:lond cheers ) Tfie fault of the people and want, is us impossible as it 13 to hare Birfeenhead Littleborough or ; Hill aad IIoihon to the acceptance of the York expressed by the whole people from one end of •was cot that they ware prone to vi^ience, did not vegetation without light and warmth. The provision " or if " the power of the civil magistrate" Tonbridge Middleton Magistrates. Mr. Hoihon was at Huddersfield , but the kingdom to the other upon this subject, is not Matlock Newtowri, Montgomsry- UsemselTes respect the propaity of otbers; no, their one is necessary to the other ! In strug- be abrogated, then the law of nature returns in full fad: -was that tb*y were nat suScitntly ready to pro- returned that night, and he and Mr. Hill were less gratifying to us than valuable as evidence of the Bonssall shire gling to get tha amount the tax-gatherer lays force ; and a man, according to reason and to t£az themselves from violence, acd their own property instantly to go off together to York next morning; pedples's capability of judging and estimating Wimslow Birmingham Shoemakers fro m the spoliatioa of the ¦weaUhy—¦;cheers. ) The hi3 desolating paw 011 every producer of wealth. nature, is not guilty of theft or larcency who takes Pontypool Hucknall-under-Huth- when a second letter arrived apprising that death men's actions by the only just standard—that of men -who Toted for this remonstrence "would piedi-e He strips the cottage, pulls down the mansion , food to keep himself from pining to death ! Abardare ^waite themeelves to take such steps to remedy their condition had already put in all the bail that could be now truth and reason. It was stated in our last that the Abergaveny Heanor empties the till, sweeps up the profits, and carries all Again do we implore of the people to be cautious S3 the present circumstances of the country required ; and prudent ! Spies are abroad ! given ! The poor fellow had expired about half-past deliberations of the London Delegate Meeting Almondbury Denholme be trusted they would not idly pledge themselves to into the Jap of the debt-annuitant , the army-pay- They will Babnry Wilsden eo four o'clock on Tuesday morning. upon this matter were adjourned, at the instance of this, bat having do^e would show their sincerity master, the ,." steward of the household ," the pen- entrap, if not minded. Avoid all secret meetings ! Bury St. Edmonds West Ardsley unjtin- under the cause of The letter of the Chartists of York was simply Dootor M'Douall. We attach to the deci- Bacup East Mid prove their honesty by sioner, the placeman, and the dead-weight man ! all conspiracies ! all plottings ! Every thing you Ardsley the Xstioual Charter Association, and theieby prove to sent, without comment or observation, to Mr. O'Con. sion of this meeting, given under such circumstances, Bunataple Northampton Shoemakers To ezpec: any other result than that which now say and do on such occasions in known to the magis- the Governmeiifc that the demand for th-j Charter wis nor, from whom, on Thursday morning—as early as no small importance. The delegates are picked men ; Bristol youths Peterlow not made by a few demagogues, but by a people irresis- presents itself as the consequence of these doings is to tracy and the Government ! Look at the " little'' Bristol trades Pittsford it could be—the following was addressed to Mr. picked for their intelligence and honesty, from all table in their numbers, mighty ix their nnign, deter- be criminally simple ! debate in the House of Lords on Tuesday night. Blackburne Yoxhall the localities of the Metropolis ; they bad had the Bath minf«i not t-o Eubmit through f ctnre ages as they have And yet when are these thing3 to have an end \ Wellington could not give Kinnaird information Hobson :— Oaken Gates done through past to the oppression of the few, and the Denham Cottage, June 22nd, 1842. advantage of a week's deliberation and thought Burton-on-Trent Oadley Who amongst our State doctors dare prescribe the respecting some places in North Lancashire, because ' " Boston tyranny of those •who trampled alike upon the laws of »My dear Hobson ,—Nothing would give me greater upon the subject; they had had the benefit of all the Beeston nature and of nature's God. remedy ? Who amongst them dare propose to reduce that would defeat the ends of justice, as Govern- Bridport Borslem pleasure or do us more service, than if you and Ardill Doctor's statements and arguments ; they had had Brideford Mr. Edwin Gill s&conded the adoption of the remoa- our espenditure to £-1,000,000 per annum 1 Who ment had information affecting indi viduals. Just would proceed at once to York and give bail for poor Sodom st anca—in so doing he ceuW not help stating his con- ^ the opportunity of consulting with and receiving the Berry Brew Ettinshall Lane amongst them dare propose to equitably ad- so ! Wherever there are plottings, there are spies ! Holberry ; and let this Undertaking upon my part be Kidderminster viction that in all probability the fate of this remon- your guarantee. instructions of their constituents ; they may, there- Diventry strance -would be toat of the nntional petition. (Hear ¦ jcst the Debt, disband the Army, burn and all is known ! Whoever is a party to a plot Kingston Thurmaston - " I do hereby undertake to hold J. Hobson and John fore, with the most perfect propriety, be said to Chowbent Bat knowing thai this was tho only meaas left of the Pension List, chop down Royal ex- in England, either to upset Government or to destroy , or pecuniary Wigston const:tutionaliy prottsstln e against the Ardill harmless from any injury, damage have represented all the Chartists of the Metropolis, Congletdn peacefully and . property, ia a ninny, or something far worse ! -which may be made upon them, if they become , Whitney tyranny of ths Parliament, be touk upon himself with peuces, reduce tha salaries, diicoaUime the demand and their opinion to be the opinion of London* We Canterbury Brosely Plotting always defeats itself ! It must, inevitably, security for Holberry 'a keeping the peace, and that I pleasure the task if seconding it, belitviDg that i«s half-pay, and remove the dead weicht ? Who therefore , with some pleasure to the following Cambridge Cleckheaton " will pay all such sums, costs, and legal espences aB refer, Cardiff adoption wou'd tend to open the eyes of the people amongst them all dare propose, this ? Not one !.' do so. Every man, in such circumstances, is in every entail upon them. Shelton the viilany of their ruiers. No man his violation of the bond shall account, given by our reporter of the meeting .— Cwyden more aad more to And what would be the use of any measures, unless other man's power. The more there are of the ' Feargus O'Connor." Princes' End could have read the debates cf the present session with- " " Mr. Ferguson moved the following resolution, Caruborne Willenhall out feeling the utmost disgust and cc-ntf-mpt f-jr the these formed a part ? When maa can alter the plotters, the greater is the individual danger, and This may serve to shew his disconsolate widow which had been proposed at the preceding meeting :— C-ickhermouth Brocbmore " honaurable members" es they were cillei. Hardly nature of water, and make it not to seek its level, the probability of the success of the plot lessened. that what his friends the Chartists could do for him, ¦That this meeting have full Confidence in Mr. Hill, the Coalbrook Dale O«ett one among them could , or durst take the test proposed No man who has an Editor of the Northern Star, and Will support him Chickenly Balwell (h en, but not till then, can we raise £120,000,000 act of that nature to perform is all were aliko prompt and ready to do. But it is by .Mr Panc-jinbe, declaratory that they ha4 not eaiced safe if he entrust even his thoughts to any one bo long as they find him acting justly in support of Cumstail Bridge Selby their seats by bribery and corruption. It was for the a-year in taxation without producing want and done, poor fellow ! All is over, and he has escaped. the people's rights, and that this meeting look upon Darleston Swiafcoa people to say ho-w much longer they -would allow them- starvation amongst the very producers of wealth ! else. Avoid, then, all plotlings ! Avoid all " secret And we fear that even. now thousands of honest, all those who try to destroy the iStar, or its pro- Exeter Tipton R-lve? to be plundered and trampied upon by those their meetings," as they are called ; but which are not prietor, in the manner that some have lately done Failsworth. Oar Government BECjmBEs tbe £G0,O00,O00 a-year. good, virtuous Englishmen are almost ready to , Overton lu:s-rei>rfcS2ntritivt.E—he ardently hoped that those to secret from the magistracy ! Avoid all breaches of without first making a direct charge, and proving Greenwich Great Gun ¦whom be had the honour to address hitustlf , would To keep up the present system they cannot do with onvy the condition of the cold lump of clay which , as enemies to the people Gloucester ? the Bame to be trao , Anstey : swell ih 1.: ranks of oixnti 2id CbaitLsm. asd thas-rendtr less ! They cannot afford a single million back law or order ; take all necessary legal steps to once was the athletic form of James Holberry ! and the cause of freedom; as men who have entered our Huuslet Great Glenn. brethren stmes^ing for the estab- bring your case ifnc send agitators into districts where fcr by the fact that the few have usurped all tLe struction ; and i3 taking all proper means to effect Northern Star before the General Council of the t»w*r cf the itate, and by class legislation have baiU Perish the thought J and blistered be the lips that wo think it right to state, that at a meeting of our principles have not as yet found footing. , it ! or a fool , whose counsels, if sincere, will not National Charter Association and the public.' Mr. The result of the poll is now before yeu, and for my tip their own a;«andisement en tfce ruii! and misery of would give utterance to it in the way of advice ! ! the Association held immediately after the close of Fussell stated that at the previous meeting " their f-How-creatures— cheers). This memorial states the less surely bring you to destruction, if you trust part I feel proud of the confidence reposed in me by my f > Eng.ishmeii' quietly, lie dowu, and die for want of the inquest, a vote of thanks was moved and car- Doctor M'Douall had stated that the Executive brother Chartists ; and I Lope, by pursuing the saine that three times tbe pr >pleh-»Yi petitioned f..rjussic«, and act on them. Scout all such advisers from intended to call three Conferences—one acd taeh tir-:e tfceir petitions have been treated -with food ! Pensh England first 1 Englishmen quietly you, ried unanimousl y, to George Leeman, Esq., soli- at Man- undeviating course for the future, as I have done fot should they appear ! chester, one at Birmingham, and one at London. the past, still to merit the confidence which must b9 scorn and contempt. iCow the ptopla would apptal to starve to death ! Sink her beneath the sea first ! ) citor, for his generous conduct in attending gra- He thought that this would be the best plan to tbe monarch : hs fcoi ed. for the peace cf society and No J no ! no righting with the soldiers ! no firing- gratifying to every good Chartifet. ENGLISHMEN die of hunger ! and that tuitously at tho Coroner's investigation on behalf adopt.. - - He had perfect confidence in Mr. Hill and "I am authorised to call the new together the happiness of all cla"-s-s, hethat ce tie aj-peal-hr vr-i'-ild upon them ; or firing by them upon the people ! No the Executive not be ni&ce in vain, thsu^h nfesswi ha'l l:.tU-.- qciltly too ! Bum England up first ! Come plague ; the Chartists of York. This gentleman, from all . Star; but ho thought the Conferences would do on Monday, the 4th day of July next, to meet at Mr. such firing as that ! It would be the height of much good. If the Executive would not call these Leach's, at ten o b<>pe of sntCMJ in thst qaarter. If 4.hey'-^e:e desir^ua come pestilence ; come fire ; come sword ; come that we can learn, has acquitted himself bo as to Conferences 'clock iii the forenoon. re-mainiRZ slaves—if they would not 11 -ke an tS'ort combined foll y and treachery , the General Council could. Mr. Ridley of wuter ; come invasion ; come civil war : come all ! deserve the esteem of all good men. seconded the amendment. For the amendment " I remain, to r-dtem thtruf'-lves and ih-.-ir children frun? bondage , Again we repeat, beware of spies " " Your brother democrat, vote against the memorial ; r-at-jf these things a thousand times o'er ; but come not 1—they are The Chartists of York also acquitted themselves three hands were held up, and the whole of tfctn lrt them ttey abroad ! They meeting, including the mover and seconder " John Campbell, Secretary. •wouid snap the galling links ¦wb.'.ch boun i thun , and the cay when ENGLISHMEN will qu\etly starve to are seeking blood ! Diappoint like men on the melancholy occasion ; they did all of the amendment, for tho original vote of confidence in " Haworth, June 21st, 1842." lir-nibibte for ev-.r ths odiou3 distinction of f-e tyraLt death 1 them I that men could do to have the last remains of the few iud tfce tns^Tid miny, they wcn'ii give iteir Mr. Hill and the SlarJ ' What, then victim conveyed to their resting place in. a creditable " P. S. The towns' names which have not voted hava seppo-t t'j the-'incHioiial , acd tell tte in.iEa.rth that , are the people to do ? Break the law MOST ABOMINABLE. Votes and assurances of confidence , equally strongly been written at Haworth." it wa> iastice they -wanted , and justice they would hive and commit outrages on person and manner.i A handsome coffin was furnished out of ' property ? NO ! Read the following nauseous and disgusting spe- and satisfactorily worded, have been received from —(cbc- rsi. c thou=.and times NO i The their slender resources, and by their own exertions. erby " Mr. Lu ilam, a veteran in the cause, seconded the kw of England is, cimen of exuberant and bursting loyalty with which D , from the Bhietoi. Chartist Youths, from dT and from therefore necessary to be prompt communi* several other places. " ¦ in ' your ¦¦ ' that the prisoner and the world miglrt know Resolutions of a ¦ ¦ ; ¦ - ¦ ¦: ¦ -• • ' : • ¦ ' . - : . - - Pctiiion. O; course k was in the Jat'.er dtbate he felt to do so in his hands. If he refuses you once, go that the , it is necessary different cations. : . . . ; " V . . . . moft interest. Upon the occasion of Mr. Don- detestation of his crime and him was not confined to a To give effect to their labours character have been received from the ag&in , if your necessities continue. If you are with- few, All matters of news, reports of meetings, &c, &o 8 motion, he p-ttecded to hear -whti -would be tte but was general, nay, universal throughout the they should have suppobt. Without means, their Clitheroe, and from the score of referring combe' out food on the Monday, and you apply to him, and whole country. I Chartista *t to occurrences on Friday, Saturday? reasons that VFonld be EUTanced for "witl hoi ding from he arrangements for admission to-day hands are tied. With means, they are in a posi- Wqttpn-under-Edge or Sunday,; post ; appeared to be of an excellent order , the parties whom Mr.O^Bri en should reach us by Monday's the people their- inalienable rights. And what did he refuse to give you any, go to him again on the , and thongh the opportunity that such as refer sday Court was nearly filled , it was at no time crowded to tion to take advantage of every represented at the Sturge Conference. to Monday's occurrences by Tue be bear ? Wby, ona Honourable ilember Tuesday. If he again refuses, go to him on the evening's post ; Wednesday T^ura- cf tbe principles of Char- such inconvenient excess as on the oecasion of Good's offers itself to forward and strengthen the Chartist It is 's occurrences by dtctaring that the adoption Wednesday, impossible to devote the necessary space to day's post ; and Thursday H news by Friday morn- wide-spread scene of should you still be without food. It trial." movement. ' tism wi uld be the prelude to one the insertion of all these resolutions in full. ing's post, for second edition. Any deviationfrom , anarchy, bloodshed, and mtrder ; to he again refuse, go the next day : and so on, from There's a specimen of the loyalty of this great rapine, plunder Look at what has been effeoted by the late They would drive out much valuable this order of supply will necessarily subject tb» ¦which, ihs bloodiest and mQEt im d ttty.-W&ws-would day to day, till you get relief. two-fi3ted adulator mat- rejec- ! ISo, miDgled feelings of Executive ; and remember that they have, all ter from the ater; aud matters so received to the almost certainty of we have had already to put tion or serieus curtailment,andtfe lakenoblamefof^ ¦• ' _ THE N ORTHER N STAR. . : , *> _ personal correspondence, poetry, literary com- Mb, vg All Nat Morli. of Brighton, xcriies in contradic- earned unanimously, amid the tbunderiDg applause of " Whene Newcastle.—The Chartists of Delegate meeting. munications., and articles of comment to be here tion of our 'er I take my walks abroad, Newcastle held their South — statement in last week's Star. And a people who are determined to be free. On the How many poor { weekly business meeting on Monday held at CoseJy,on Sunday afternoon, by Tassday, or their chance of insertion for that the discu I see evening last as This meeting was ssion"! on Mr. O'Brien ' s " vindica - original motion being put tbe meeting, the Chairman What shall I usual, in the Chartists'.. Hall, - Goat Inn, and numerously attended. A variety of resolutions; ¦week -will be Tery small indeed ,; if not here ^1 render to iny Cfod . Cloth Market. by tion ' pa mphlet. He says there were no blows declared that thtre was not more than six hands held For all his gif ta to me ? On the motion of Mr. Cockburn, Mr. Dees was unani- affectingiocai matters, were passed, after which' it was Wednesday we don't hold ourselves bound even to struck and no police called in. Other parti es up for it, and a forest to the contrary. This made mously called to tbe chair ; upon which, the Secretary resolved : —" That we the delegates of South Stafford- notice them. who were present say as positively that there Not more than others I 4esire, the last meeting, assigning shire after deliberating on the facts of the late affait -we ' them chop-fallen. There were other resolutions that read the minutes of the , 7. Finally, remember that have only forty-eight were Hows struck, and that the poli ce were called Yet God has given me more, reason why a report of last week's proceedings did not which lately took place in Sedgelcy, we solemnly de- weekly for all Eng they had prepared for the occasion, one of which was For I columns land, Scotland, in, and thai when the resolution was passed, there have foed while others starve, appear in the Star of last Saturday. Mr. S. likewise clare ouropinion, for the satisfaction of our ' brotriej Wales, and Ireland ; " That a deputation be sent to London to lay the de- Or beg from that m haTe no. interest were not a dozen p ersons present ; all decent men cision of this meeting ," but the door to door. read in the Star the address of Hunt's Monument Com- Chartists throughout the country, that the conduct'of in preferring one town or placs to another before the Government , be- having been driven out. There we learn the mat- liberty-loving gentlemen, when the Charter was carried How many people in tke streets mittee in Manchester, which met the approbation of the law officer in this case, committed a moBt illegal cause ours is not a local but a national paper ; ter. It is a question of fact f or the Brighton Half naked I behold and it is anticipated that, notwithstanding and unwarrantable outrage upon Mr. Mason ; and that we are bound wanted to know where the money was to come . all present, that , therefore, in dealing -with the ChartisU to decide at home. Mr. Morling seems not While I . ftih clothed from head to foot , the unparalleled depression of trade here at present, Mr. Mason's conduct lead to the meeting being held by masses of matter whick come to us from to pay them with, and if the deputation waa , to hold the vrry angry that any attention should be paid to received, and their prayer answered, that they would And covered from the cold !" something will be done by the Chartists of this district special invitation, and we hereby declare that we havei scales of Justice evenly—our first 6bject being the any statements but his own ; and somewhat inso- object ; as an earnest of which, full confidence in the prudence of orir worthy lecturer, promotion and enhancement, call upon the people to make a stand against tbe Taat person isa Bishop. > Mr. Bailey, in an able manner, towards that laudable according to our oven lently commands us to erase his name fro m the Government. several sums were paid in to Mr. Sinclair, as collector having .served the cause with the greatest satisfaction Itsl j udgment, ef the success of the great and good list of our volujttary end exposed the fallacy of the arguments made use of by Mr. unpaid correspondents. Bircb ana for this district. and benefit ever since he has been retained as a lecturer cause ; and our second, the distribution of our time We cannot oblige him in that The Adjourned Meeting of the Shopkeef- , in a clear, concise manner proved to the meet- particular. His ing that nothing Todmorden.——According to notice there was a in this district" Thei meeting¦ was adjourned till Sun- and space so as to give least cause of complaint ; name was never on our list of ers.—The walls c>f our town have been covered with less than the enactment of the People's day next, to-morrow correspondents. Charter would benefit either thb . shopkeepers or the camp meeting on Highland Green, on Sunday last, , at three p.m. Mr. MaaoiB that we are alike bound to this course of ac.ion by The only connection Mr. M&rling has ever had the following placard, to tbe great surprise of the preached in the evening to a numerous audience. inclination, interest, and duty ; and that, there- with thus paper , is , Thursday night:— working classes ; ahdj bb a shopkeeper , he appealed to when Mr. Wheelwright and Mr. Shaw addressed the that which every other man Chartists after the triumph of , fore, ii is nsrfessand senseless for individuals to in England has. He Meeting of shopkeepers, &c.—In consequence of tbe his brethren present, it it Was not a t&ci, tint just in people ; there ware about 1,500 persons present IiBICKSTER.—Tae rainy weather has, in some has sent occasionally such " proportion although: the rain descended in torrents nearly the fume and fret , and think themselves ill nsed be- matters either of news or sentiment adjourned meeting, on Thursday evening, from the as the working man's wages were reduced , degree, checked the steam rate, at which out Biiakspe- as he was in the same proportion were their recei whole of the day. After the speakers had occupied eanse their communications may not always be in- anxious to have pub lished ; we have considered Town Hall to Stevenson 's Square, and the consequent pts diminished ; reans wete proceeding. We could hold but two open- and until the labour of the working man had the about quarter of an hour each the meetiDg was adjourned air meetings last Sunday ; and serted, or for societies to trouble their heads and them, and have pub lished as much and as many of change in the character of the meeting, the committee that in the morning •waste their time in passing votes of ceasure upon them as we thought ' appointed on Monday evening have resolved upon hold- same protection under the law as the property produced to the Odd Fellows' Hall, to commence at six o'clock. was terminated before Mr. Cooper could ask - for a likely to serve the cause, or by that labour Mr. Clayton spoke firat, and gave great satisfaction. us for devoting too much space to this, or too little {having room f or them) to obli ing another meeting, and as it is desirable to give par- , we should remain in our present depls- single additional name by the rain. Spite cf disadvan- ge Mr. Morling. rable condition. He concluded by seconding Mr. Mr. Wheelwright next came forward arid entertained tages we go on augmenting at the to that, or for inserting this thing which they think We cannot consent to exclzide him from this pri- ties an opportunity of giving information with respect ; rate of from twenty should have been omitted, or for omitting the other vilege, which every to the depression of trade in each of their branches ; Cooper's amendment. On the amendment being put the meeting by dwelling upon machinery ; he traced to thirty per day ; but we dont think much of that ia working man in England from the chair the distress of the country to the wrong direction of thing which they think should have appeared. All enjoys, of using the columns of the meeting will be composed of shopkeepers, traders, , it waa carried by an overwhelming Leicester. The progress of Chartism in the county our paper so far majority, amid rapturous man's inventive faculties ; he impressed very emphati- these are matters for our consideration, and for the as the space allows, for all good innkeepers, cottage owners, and retail dealers exclu- cheering, clapping ot bauds, becomes mpie and more interesting. Mr. Beedham is , worthy and waving of hats, Sio., which was responded cally the necessity of all becoming united. Mr. Shaw exercise of our discretion and judgment, which, patriotic purposes. Whenever Mr. Morling sively. To be admitted by ticket The meeting will to by the unriilaxing in his efforts ; be formed another new may assembled thousands outside who - could not get ad- wound up the proceedings in a speech that went to the society of fifty, last week, at Kibworth we assure all parties, shall be always used, bo far eho ose to send any thing here, it shall have our be held on Tuesday evening, June 21st, at six o'clock, Beauchnmp; mission, with three hearty cheers for O'Connor. The hearts of all present He concluded by calling upon and, the other, day, commenced another at Syston, as we are able to perceive, honestly for the public, best attention , and , if worthy of insertion, and in the Town Hall, King-Etreet Tickets may be had by ¦without fear or favour to any one, and without the space read any of the above classes, at Mr. Gadsby'a, Market- Chairman declared both, the motion and the amend all to come forward and enrol themselves. At the con- which • already reaches the same number. Ere the y, it shall appear ; but we cannot ment carried. No clusion there were fourteen members enrolled. being allowed to be turned for one instant from its consent to consider the attention street, &c. By order of the committee, J. H. Winder, sooner did he make the annouce- season be closed, we trust to see the great bulk of Lei- we have hereto- ment than the groans of the people made course by ill-natured snarls or bickerings. fore given to Mr. M or ling' s s h s r chairman." On the motion of Mr. Abel Heywood, Mr. 1 the hall shake LONGTON, Staffordshire.—The following reso- cestershire filled with soundly organised and fl urisiung s wi he in t i espect with loud calls of Put them again." At this time Chartist localities^ A delegate meeting for South CHabtisi Addresses.— The General Secretary— as i-uvolvwg' any obligation on our part G. H. Winder was called to the chair, who opened the " lution has been passed here':—" Before any person can . ilr. , or as all was confusion arid uproar, and little Bailey was Leicestershire is to be held at Mr. Cooper's coffee John Campbell, 18, giving Mr. Morling any ri business sf tbe meeting by reading the placard. Gen- lecture . in this Association, he shall fi»t correspond Adderley-Btreet, Shaw's Bro *. . ght to throw his making hia way to get upon the platform to support rooms ntxt Monday, at two o'clock in/the after- Manchester. Chartist Blacking Manufacturer — " f avours" in our teeth. tlemen, I will just remark, before I sit down, the with the Secretary to ascertain whether they can re- Mr. Cooper in his demands for justfee, and as ne was fn 1 noon. Mr. Roger Pinder, Edward's-square, Edward"s- Has Mr. Bernard McCartney received a number reason of calling this meeting. In consequence of the ceive him, and that he bring proper credentials from change of the nature of the meeting in Stevenson's the act of rising upon the platform, those moral-force the Association of which he is a member, CLOSSOP,—The Chartists of Glossop have re- place, Pottery, Hull. Secretary to the Frest , Wil- of Stars for Ireland, sent by Mr. F. Corbett of gentlemen threw or from the Birmingham? Square, and tbe meeting is a meeting of shopkeepers him off into the body ot the hall, Executive." We have enrolled upwards of 120 mem- solved " That before any person can lecture in this dis- liams, and Jones Restoration Committee—3.Wil- and we are sorry to say that he te severely hurt, : kinson, 5, Cregoe Terrace, Bell's Barn Road," Mr. Wright of Dudley,will feel obliged to the per- only, and I have to request that you will give to the bers within the last fortnight. trict, he shall first correspond with the respective Bir- being quite lame on one leg. But no sooner did secretaries, minghanL—J. T. Smith, Chartist Blacking Maker, son who got the book of heraldry fr om him. to speakers a calm and attentive hearing. The object of to ascertain whether they can receive him ; this meeting is to make known that distress which is the people see their little Bailey thus treatedi Gorbals.—Mr. Con Murray has been lecturing here and that he bring proper credentials from the locality TavistDck-strett, Plymouth- return it immediately, as he must have it. with the happiest results, on the past history, present Wm. Dugdale. at the present bo keenly felt by the shopkeepers and than they made one simultaneous move to the in which he residis, or from the Executive." Suffsagk —The lawyers would call his letter a platform, the front of which ;waa partly pulled position, and future prospects of Chartism. The people Isish Usiveesal Association—We are libel. the -working classes. There are, in this town, families EDINBURGH.—On Monday week, a meeting of requested by the President of this Association to ¦which, a few years ago, were in comfortable ciTcum- down before you could turn round. In; fact, "we are becoming mare united, and the cause, despite of the James Dodd, Portsmouth , writes to inform us, that must say that we enj oyed the spree of seeing the ruffians opposition of interested parties, is satisfactorily pro- delegates, from all the localities in the district, wag state that B. F. Dempsey is not Secretary to the " all the members who usually attend" tcere pre- atancea , that at the present bare nothing bat ruin and / held in WhfteHeld Chapel, Irish Universal Suffrage Association, nor wasiie coward-like, running away, from the storm that their gressing. High-street, Edinburgh, for sent at the passing of the resolution published in beggary staring them in the face. Our object is to make the purpose of considering the best means of carrying ever elected in the room of Mr. P. M. Brophy. Mr. last week's Star . This ice may not known to the world the distresses and privations we otu want of courtesy had created. In less than one Lane Head, near Newton.—Mr. Bell, , printer, bookseller, , ! o. guestion ; but the South into effect the plan of organisation adopted at the Con- TV. H. Dyott and stationer N tee should like to know how many usually are suffering, to speak in language that cannot be mis- minute they were off down stairs, many of them head Lancashire missionary, 26, 2» ortb King-street, Dublin, is the Secretary to attend ? lectured here on Wednesday vention of delegates, held in Glasgow, in the month ^li Mr. Dodd forgets to tell us. understood, and to give expression boldly to our feel- first Ina short time everything of this nature was at last. - • - . - . .. .¦ - the Irish Universal Suffrage Association, to whom We leg to inform of January last. The following delegates were present : h\m, thai no words were left out of the resolu- inqs, and perhaps something more ; to mako the an end, and after a short consults ion between Mr, —Leith, ;Messrs. John all Papers and Communications should be ad- Heywood, Mr. Cooper, the Chairman PRESCOT.—Thia: place was visited by Mr. Bell, on Tankard and Samuel Clarke ; tion, it uas published precisely as we received it. Government understand what we mean. I might enter , and some other KifJraldy, Mr. Thomas Brown ; Kettle, Mr. Alexander dressed. gentlemen whose names we could not learn, it was Friday evening, who delivered a lecture in tho Associa- W, S. Leicester.—Thanks for his kindly information. into details of the sufferings ef the people that would tion Chapel, to an attentive audience. Durme ; Lasswade, Mr, John Stewart ; pa keith, -Mr. ilCCTJT Obdebs to this Office.—Our Cashier is keep you all night ; but it is not my intention to do agreed to merge the two resolutions into one. When William Taylor ; Galashiels It may be usefu ' ; though we do not at pres ent this was mentioned to the meeting, , Mr. William Sanderson ; frequently made to endure an amount of inconve- so, as the committee are collecting evidence upon the they would not St. Helens.—The first Chartist lecture ever de- Masselbtirgb, Mr. Alexander Kirke; Preston Pans and , publish it, we are desirous, as far as possible, io hear of it, but demanded the amendment to be put nience utterly inconceivable by those who have_not , avoid every appearance of every thing offensive subject, and will make the same public as soon as it is livered in this town waa given on Saturday evening Tranent, Mr. William Anderson ; Edinburgh, Messrs. multifirious transactions like his to attend to] by in their power, I have received a few statements separately. Mr. Heywood got upon the table amidst last, on the Town Moor Flat, by Mr. Bell. John Watson and Thomas Blackie. On the Diction and to assume a defensive position no further the greatest confusion, and it was some time before he of the negli gence of parties not attending to the plain 'than we arc absolutely compelled. from various shopkeepers. A provision dealer in the Orjiskirk.—Mr. Bell, the South Lancashire lec- Mr. Watson, Mr. S. Clarke was elected Chairman, and instructions so often given, to make all money neighbourhoodf of Miles Platting, in January, 1841, hiB could get a hearing, the people were so much afraid o in the balance sheet of the Middlesex Delegate turer, visited this place on Monday, and was highly Mr. Thomas Blackie Secretary. Letters were read from orders sent here payable to Mr. Johs Abdu l. Err r receipts were £67 per week ; at the present tbey are of being jewed by the middle elass. Order being re- Markfnch, Council. , successful. Haddington, and Peebles, approving of the Some orders are made payable to Mr. O'Connor— about £37. A respectable grocer, in a principal street, stored Mr. Heywood said, Men of Manchester, have meeting. ' All the delegates £ «. d. not I sprung from your ranks ? nay, Lamberhead Gbeen.—Mr. Bell delivered a lec- - , in rotation, gave their some to Jlr. Hobson—some to Mr. Hill—some to kept an account of the number of customers that came am I not one of opinion of tbe prospects of tbe cause, and reported the .Sixr-office : all these require the signature ef the Oaiitted Camberwell 0 3 8 to his shop, yourselves ? My greatest happiness would be to be ture in this place on Tuesday evening, in the open air. — and the amount of cash received yester- At the conclusion , twenty-seven working men enrolled state of the district which they represented. All agreed person in "whose favour they are drawn before the Star, G ulden Lane 10 0 day ; the number of persons that visited hia shop waa instrumental in ameliorating your condition, and when Bricklayers'Arms 0 7 4 I cease to hold these opinions' themselves in the Association. as to the great depression of trade and scarcity of money can be obtained. This causes an attendance two hundred and forty ; and the money taken between may I cease to live. work, and consequent distress and poverty, at the post-offica of, sometimes, several hours, when Three Doves 0 3 0 four and five pounds ; and suppose he had ten per cent, Have you not said that you want a union with the Westminster 6 15 0 StAFFORD.—PUBtiC Meeting.—On Monday last, among the. working classes, yet spoke of tbe a few minutes might suffice if all were rightly profit , and we know that grocers' profits are notse much, middle class ? It ia now within your grasp ; stretch a public meeting, convened by requisition, was held in desire which existed among many to see the ignorance given—no% to mention the most vexatious delays it would mako about ten ehllltngs, and he has to keep out your arm and take it O how that sterling pa- Market Place , £2 9 0 , the , to take into consideration the cause and prejudice which existed in reference to our prin- of payment sometimes caused by it. Several old two or three young men to attend to the shop, and triot, your own O'Connor would rejojee, were he here pf the great amount of distress which ciples removed, to-night The mentioning of Mr. 0 now prevails in and stated that, considering the con- Agents—who certainly ought to know better—have therefore it would be better for him to shut up his shop Conner's namo waa this country. At the time appointed for the meeting, dition of the people, iuueh willingness was shewn sufficient to command the most rapturous to often thus needlessly incovenienced us ; we there- Norton Norwich.—An answer has been twice sent- and keep the little capital he has than continue to sink cheering, a great number of persons had assembled. Mr. William support a proper system of organisation that would have which continued for several minutes. Mr. Cooper read fore beg that all parties having money to send to FOB MRS. WILLIAMS , AND MRS JONES. to bankruptcy. I will nut take up mere »f your time, Halden, a working man, was unanimously called to the this effect, by securing a regular attendance of lecturers . the following resolution, " That it is inion of this the Star-office for Papers, by order, will make s. d. but call upon Mr. Abel Heywood to move tbe first reso- the op chair, and opened the meeting by reading the requi- in each locality. The delegates then proceeded to take meeting that nothing Jess than an extension of political their orders payable to Mr. John Abdill. If they From Mr. Hemming, Csmberweil ... 10 lution. Mr. Heywood said, the resolution I hold in sition convening it, and called on Mr. William Peplow into consideration the plan of organisation adopted at neglect this, we shall not hold ourselves bound to my band states that the traders and shopkeepers of power by the enactment of the People's Charter, together to propose the first resolution. Mr; 'Peplow came for- Glasgow, in January last, which plan was published FOB JAMES DUFFY. Manchester, with a repeal of those restrictive laws which prohibit attend to them : if, therefore, they find their neg- From the Camberwell burial scciety ... 10 in public meeting assembled, on this the ward, und at some length dilated on the causes of the in the Chartist Circular of January 29th, 1842. The lect to produce inconvenience to themselves let 21st day of June, state that their trade is declining and the free exchange of our goods with other nations; will distress which prevailed, shewing that ifc was not for rules for the districts being read , some discussion ensued Chartist Association of Colne ... 1 2 their prospects remove those evils which are now pressing upon ua, them not blame ub. Chartists of Derby, being a collection greatly reduced, and the taxes both 1 the want of means to supply its population that such as to whether places in Roxburghshire and Selkirk- local and general are greatly increased. But -previous and driving the nation to irretrievable ruin.' Mr. distress existed, we possessing aproductive power equal shire, which were nearer Edinburgh than Dumfries Dssbt .—The friends of this neighbourhood hawing at the association room on Sunday last 6 5 Cooper moved the reBolutlon , to my commencing I wish to make a few remarks upon , which being seconded, to 600,000,000 of human beings, and a soil fqual to the should be considered as in this district. It was stated communications for the Star, or otherwise affecting Oldham, per Wm. Hamer 1 0 was put to the meeeing and carried. The thanks of the the meeting on last Thursday night There are few support of 160,000,000, while our present population that it was understood by those who drew out the Chartist movement, are requested to send te me The Chartist meeting in Bear-lane Chapel, meeting were given to the Chairman, and cheers for the to Mr. Thomas Briggs, care of Mr. John Moss, here but know that I have been the advocate of free- only amounted to 27,000,000 ; but that it was the result plan, and the Convention that adopted it, that each Bristol 2 0 dom ever since I was O'Connor, the Northern Star , Frost, Williams, and shoemaker, Plumtree-square, Darley-lane, Derby. do Staleybridge ... 4 0 capable of thinking upon the sub- of class legislation, and concluded by proposing the place should act with the centre nearest or most con- ject, but when the Charter was brought forward I ob- Jones. Mr. R R. R. More addressed the meeting for following resolution :— That it is the opinion of this venient to it This was agreed to by the meeting. Mir. Co-respondents of the Northern Stab. a abort time, and advised the Chartists not to enlist " — FOB JOHN H1NDES. jected to it, and 1 do so still, and why ? because it was or meeting that the causes of the present unparalleled Watson moved, instead of a Committee of ten, that ifc London—T. M. Whee'er, 7, Mills Buildings, From the Chartists of Shorebam ... 3 6 tbe request of the committee net to introduce politics ; join the police foree, or drink intoxicating drinks, or —George amount of distress which now prevails in this country should consist of fifteen, and that five should act in Kni^htsbridge. Birmingham White, The National Tribute to the new Executive to in fact it was a meeting of shopkeepers to make known nse any Exciseable articles, for if they were for accom- , five in Edinburgh plisbiug arises not from the want of means, . hor from the Fife , and five in the south. Mr. 29, Bromsgrove-street. Newcastle—Mr. J. Sinclair, enable its members to adopt decisive measures to the distress of themselves and the working classes. At their liberty, they must be prepared to make inability of the nation to support itself Taylor seconded the motion. Mr. Tankard spoke Suxderiand—Mr. J. Williams, Messrs. sacrifices. , but from Gatesbead. forward the cause of the people's Charter. tbe last meeting I made a statement concerning the The meeting broke up at nearly eleven the existence of class legislation, which pro- in favour of the original plan, and moved Williams and Binns, booksellers. Shield—Mr. o'clock. ¦ millwrights having to subscribe large sums of money ¦ tects class interests alone that it be adhered to, £ s- d. I . . . , to the injury of the and that there be G. J- H.imey, news agent, 33, Campo-lane- Bath A. Lonsdale to transport a great number of . their fellow-workmen interest of the unrepresented millions, and therefore but one " Committee, to consist of nine M, , , Manchester ... 1 1 0 mem- —Sir. G. Bartlett, 19 Gloucester Road BuLd- William Hill 2 2 0 from the land of their birth. I fiaid this not out of the condition of the industrious classes never can. be bers, to correspond with all the localities; Mr. ings, Swanswick, Bath. Glasgow.—J. Golquhoun, Joshua Hobson ... 110 any disrespect to them as working men, but to the made permanently better until class legislation is abro- Watson withdrew bis motion, and Mr. Tankard ' , Bumside. Manchester—William Dixon, €f) &t; U&t $nteXii&ence. s was Xo. 53 . John Ardill 110 Government, that allows such a system to continue ; gated, and universal interest represented by the enact- agreed tp. On the second rule being read, Mr. Watson at Mr. John Bailey's, shopkeeper, Ka 7, Edward- and I have learned since that the mechanics have had to ment of the People's Charter as the law of these moved that it bo adhered to, and that the election ©f street, Oldham-street. - follow the same plan, and if there is a class of men that Coalsnaughton.—Important Meeting of Dele- realms ; and this meeting therefore pledges itself to the committee be in accordance with the plan set down BB.ADFOE.D.—Aman n amed Bastow, a quack I respect more than another it is tbe mechanics, for gates.— A numerous meeting of dolegates, represent- agitate for nothing short of the People's Charter." in the rule. Seconded by Mf. Anderson and carried ' the amount of intelligence and moral, worth which they Mr. Thornhill A.Pcsseix ef Birmingham Tias received one shilling doctor and fortune-teller, fifty years of age, was, ing the various Associations in the west midland seconded it in a lucli and elegant Unanimously. The rules for the guidanco of the com- on Tuesday commuted to x orK cas'.ie, on a charge possess. At the last meeting I read to you statements of district of Scotland, was held in the Chartist Hall speech, showing how those who created all wealth mittee were then considered. Rule first was read, and from Mr. Clark of Blay don , near Bristol, for great distress, of rape, commuted on Mary Cowling, a young girl, and I have learned since that eight shops in of this place, on the 18th inst., for the purpose of Were driven to satisfy the pangs of hunger from the on toe motion of Mr. Watson was adopted. Role the funds of the N.C-A. Jlr. C. requests any Great Ancoats-street have not been able to take aa : may be going into that part of the under fourteen year3 of age, having been assisted in devising a plan for the better organization of the refuse of the hog-tub, or the dog-kennel , while those second read and adopted on the motion of Mr, Tan- lecturer that much money as would support their families ; and in kard. Rule country, to call at the above place to deliver a the perpetration of the offence by the girl's own district. Mr. Wm. M'Laren, of TilliceuUry, was who never created a morsel of wealth, rolled in luxury third being read, Mr. Brown, of Kirfcaldy, mother, whom he had persuaded that if the girl were Oldham-street there are many that do not draw suffi- elected chairman. The minutes of the last meeting and splendour. Mr. J. Mason, Chartist lecturer, then and Mr. Anderson/of Preston Pans, stated that their hcture. cient to pay rent intimate with him, she would be marrried to a rich and taxes ; and Oldham-street is a being read and approved, the delegates proceeded to came forward to support it, which he did in a powerful constituents were of opinion that 809. with travelling J. Watri>'5, in answer to several enquiries as to his good place, yet in that street there are tan shops to let trill visit Yorkshire his gentleman, and would have no children, and it seems giva in the instructions of their respective Associa- a;d argumentative speech, in which he shivered to the expences was too much to pay weekly for a lecturer. rente, stales that h-e , at present, and two years ago there was not one. In the first, going by a sea-voyage to that the ignorant woman, not only consented to the tions, relative to the object of the meeting ; and winds the hollow sophistry of Babbington Macaulay, Mr. Tankard and Mr. Stewatt spoke of the smallnesaof native county, Swan-street, Shude Hill, and Thomas's-street, they are and the other miscalled representatives the sum, and Mr. Sanderson Hull thence to York , and making York his cen- proposals of the hoary villain , but actually aided although from the varied natnre of these instruc- of tbe people, thought that the sam , not able to clear the taxes they have to pay, and the and in a forcible manner exposed the brutal treatment should not be mentioned. Mr. Taylor moved tral point, or starting post to the various towns, and assisted him in effectin g his diabolical purpose. tions/ considerable difficulties appeared to present that the The details of this disgusting affair are, of course, taxes are increasing. The poor rate for this year is themselves in the way of coming to a unanimous con- he had been subjected to, at Sedgely, by a petty con- rule be adopted, and the motion was seconded by Mr. but cannot name dates as yet. three shillings and fourpence in the pound ; last year N£wcASTLE-upON-Tr.vE.—The cost of his unfit for pnbiication. The mother was fully com- clusion on the subject, yet after a lively discussion , stable, and concluded with a powerful appeal to the Stewart, and carried by six to four. Rules four, five, J. H. Eid, it was only two. It was with heart-felt sorrow that I people to stand firm to the Charter, and six, were all carried without pamphlet would depend entirely on the number of mitted to trial also ; they were sent eff by the coach carried on in the most friendly and Chartist spirit., amidst the cheers opposition. Mr. beheld the two large pawnshops, for the labour of the of the meeting. At this stage of the proceedings, a Watson moved that all the recommendations attached the impression. Our opinion is, that he tcould amidst the execrations of the populace. apian was ultimately proposed which, except in poor in going down Strangeways. Here some one some trifling matters, embraced the views of all pro • ruffian named Charlesworth commenced to pull the to the rules be approved of; seconded by Mr. Taylor and make ivathing by it. Z>EED3.—Testimony of Respect.—On Monday interrupted Mr. Heywood. If tbe gentleman will allow platform from, under the speakers, but ha was sopn agreed to. * Mdvod by Mr. Watson and Beconded by Mr. E. Staxxtv oold.—His letter shall appear ', but tee sent, and which was therefore unanimously approved evening last, June 20th, a deputation from the me the same amount of independence that be claims for of. AccordinK to this plan the west midland dis- stopt in his mad caree* by the interference of some Stewart, tfiat the various localities in the district be have not room this week. ¦workmen of tbe Airedale Foundry, presented their himsel f , it would look more manly on Ms part. The determined friends, who made him heaittiy ashamed requested to send to the secretaiy before the 1st of Wat DorGLis, of Radclitf Coiliert, neabWabl- trict is now divided into four divisions, each division late employer, B. Laird, E?q., vrho ha3 recently resolution states that the confidence between man and having a centre of its own for managing its own of himself. Order being restored, the resolution was July, a list of the persons nominated for the Com- wosth, trrites its that they are in great need retired from business, with an elegant Silver Snuff man is nearly destroyed ; and I am sure that you put and carried without one dissentient. Mr. Peplow mittee, and that the election take place before the that part. affairs. The management of the general business of 1st of a speaker in Box with an appropriate Inscription , in testimeny know it as well as I do that when the wholesale again came forward and proposed the remonstrance of August"—carried. Moved by Mr. Wataon A Chaktist of Wed>"esbl"et writes to inquire , the district to be committed to a central committee, ^ " , se- of the esteem in which they hold that gentleman, dealer or his traveller comes his rounds, and you can- to the House of Commons, which being seconded by conded by Mr. Tankard, " Tfaat the local secretaries be how it is (hat in all the speeches and lectures oj to be composed of a member from each of the Asso- ' who, we understand , assiduously laboured for the nct meet your creditors, that that confidence in you , placed in the most central division of the Mr. J. Peafee, Jun.,: was also carried unanimously. The requested to send with the list of nominationa a state- Mr. Henry Vincent, the name of John Frost , is destroyed. ciations well being of those in his employ. The present was Gentlemen, in appealing to the legisla- district. This committee (who along with the rain now descended in torrents, and the chairman dis- ment of the amount of funds they may have available who was expatriated on account of his sympathy accompanied with an address expressive of the tion ©f the country, »nd if it confess that it is unable solved the meeting, after a vote of thanks had been for the .object for which the Committee is to be ap- with Mr. Vincent while suffering in Monmouth general secretary and treasurer, are to be elected gratitude and affection of the workmen towards a to remove the distress which we are sufftrinir, It is with the approbation of the whole district) to be awarded him, and cheers for the Charter given. The pointed."—Carried. Moved by Mr. Taylor, and se- Castle, is never once mentioned 1 master from whom they have experienced the utmost time that we united to remove it, and make room for beneficial results of the Town Hall proceedings were conded by Mr," Stewart—,' That a report of the meet- Salfobd Chabtist Yovths.— We have no room for recognised aa the grand centre of the whole, and kindness. The worthy gentleman acknowledged those that will amend our condition ; and If the evils t e p p c sp d visible in the increased numbers at this meeting, it being ing be sent to the Northern. Star and True Scotsman, their address. arise from bad laws h refore as the ro er channel of orre on ence the compliment paid him in a brief but feeling , we are determined to make a with other ' democratic bodies. This plan being by far the largest tneeting we have had. With a request for insertion." Moved by Mr. Taylor, Glasgow Chabtists.—Their address is necessarily strong movement to remove those laws that make our . seconded by Mr. Anderson— reply. unanimously agreed to, the meeting then proceeded [Erratum in the report of the Town Hall meeting of " That this meeting cannot emitted furlac. -:, of room. working men unwilling idlers, and shopkeepers bank- separate without expressing their sympathy with the Ceristop&eb Wood.— We are most happy to CTJXiIjEN.—The Teetotalers of this place held to oaTty it so far into effect , by dividing the district last week—it should have been Earl Dartmouth, Ms. rupts. Mr. Heywood conclnded by reading the reso- and electing a general society and ; tr" Rev. Patrick Brewster, who is being persecuted by the learn that this victim ef middle class sympathy their second annual festival on Monday, when they lution. M. Peat i asurer. Fal- instead of Earl St. Vincent, that mov6d the address to beconded the resolution, and in doing kirk Stirling, Kinross, and Coalsnaughten, were dominant faction in the Established Chureh, for preach- with Chartism—who has p assed fourteen weeks of paraded the town with a band , and flags with ap- so, it was not hU intention to enter into an explanation ^ the Queen.] ing doctrines which we believe to be in strict accord- f as near as his middle class friends propriate mottos. In the evening 350 attended a fixed on as the respective centres of the four divi- starvation of the distress that at present existed. As that part of being the- most central Bath.—On Monday a public meeting took placo at ance with the spirit of the gospel ; and we are of could manage,) in the gaol at Hothwell, for the soiree in the Trades Hall, which was kept up with the sub sions. Coalsnaughton divi- No. 3, Galloway BuildingBj ject had been so ably gone into by Mr. Hey- sion was fixed on as the place of rjuceting for the at which meeting the opinion that he is persecuted on account of his stand- crime of proposing Pitkethly as a candidate for great Bpirit nntil half past twelve. The society is wood , and the statements that he iMr. Peat ) had made , following resolution was unanimously passed :— That ' grand centre, and Mr. Thos. Roberts was elected as " ing forward in defenie of the rights of the people."-— the W. R. in Parliamen t,has obtained that favour composed wholly of the working class, and tas had on a former occasion. Not that he was unwilling to a vote of thanks is due, and is hereby given to Mr. T. Carried. Moved by Mr. Watson, seconded by Mr. ^ with great opposition, yet it has wrought general secretary, and Mr, Thos. Hall, as treasurer, from the insolvent debtors' court , which he could to contend take part in anything that would remove that distress Cooper, of Leicester, for his manly conduct ou the Tankard—" That T. Biackie be^ secretary pro tern." honour or sympathy", great good. for the ensuing three months. All communications not have from middle class which pressed so heavily upon theui; but that other , occasion of his putting questions to Mr. J. O'Brien ; Thanks Having been voted to the Chairman and Ss- thefavour of being permitted to starve outside to the west midland district of Scotland to be ad- and for his judicious defence gentleman might have the opportunity of addressing dressed to Thos. Roberts, CoaJsnaugh teu, by Tllli- of the present system of ctetajjy, th© «i6etlag broke up. • the gaol instead of inside. We are requested by MA2SCBESTBR. Meeting of Shopkeep- the meeting. We stand here to make known that national: organisation." dis- coultry. . Mr. Wood to acknowledge gratefully the asstit- ers. The time bo long foretold by the Chart- tress ; and if any person disputes our statements, we Chelsea—Mr. Balls lectured here on class legisla- ^rm his incarce-^ aiid distress aiice of his Chartist friends during ists has arrived, that the poverty are prepared to prove their correctness. But our dis- Mavningham.—On Monday evening last, a public tion on Monday last. TO THE EDITOR OF THE NORTHER N STAR. ration : and we sincerely hope that he will now which the working elasses were enduring would, in the tress is admitted by the Legislature, and the begging meeting was held at this place, at half-past seven Chester.—- Mr.: James Mitchell, of Stockpoit , be enabled to live in defiance of middle class per* end, fall upon the Bhopkeepers, publicans and traders. letter of the Queen at once admits that wo have be- constable ; Mr. Joseph Sir,—I deem ifc necessary for the satisfaction of the they are clamourous for o'clock, called by the Ham- lectured here on Monday. sedition. And now their tills are empty, come a pauperised and impoverished people ; and is it mond was called, to the chair, who opened the meet- delegates that authorized me to write to the different BraMisGHAx Yovng Men's Charter Association.— a change ; and, in accordance with this, they convened not true that that Queen, who governs one of the ing with a short but excellent address, and called Calverion.—At the usual weekly meeting, f arther Sub-Secretaries of the Charter Association in the county We cannot hisert locil addresses. a public meeting to take into consideration their pre- wealthiest countries in the world, is likely to sway the on Mr. Robert SutoLffe to move tho address of the preparations were made for the tea party, on the last of Durham aud borders of Yorkshire, that I have ful- His remedy to remove the Monday in July. Four hundred John Bbt;ce, Walteb's Wt*d, Hawick.— sent condition, and the best sceptre oveT a nation of paupers ? We could have been Convention , which he read at length from the more tickets were filled, my port, and that only five places have responded expression of a l.. nre to hear of or from his distress that is afflicting the trading and working happy and comfortable if we had been free ; but we &nd made a few pithy remarks on the ordered to be issued. Four shillings were voted to the to the call in connection with raising their quota to pay requisition in the Northern Siar, brother James Bruce, is an advertisement. classes. The meeting was called by are in a worse than Egyptian bondage. Englishmen subject. Mr. Isaac Kitchen seconded it, aud said he Missionary Fund, and one shilling to Mr. Duffy. the expeneea of a county lecturer, nameiy, Darlington, Thursday evening, June 16th. The Fbancis Hands.—His letter next week. Town Hall, on do not want the bread of charity ; tbey want justice, was placed ia a situation he was never placed in TONBRiDGE , Kent.—Mr, Bishop A ucklaiid, Barnard Castle, Stockton, Northal- . men of Manchester attended in their thou- L. Sculling lectured here * The Peop.le's Charter" shall appeal working and the Tight to live by honest industry. Give the before. He said he was thinking of a passage of on Monday last. Tbe following resolution was unani- lerton, and Brompton joined. B Cambosne Chabtists."— We cannot publish things sands to witness the proceedings, and to learn the people this, and they wanted no bishsps to beg for I wish also to stata«f or the satisfaction of the dele- Scripture which &aid " these men that turn the world mously carried :—V That the thanks of thia meeting of of this sgrt. They must write to Mr. P., and if remedy the shopkeepers considered adequate to the them. (Here some one said the Charters Yes, and I upside down arei come hore also." He said he gates, that it , is io ^nlt mine, that the delegate commence the are given to the Executive ef the National Charter they think it necessary, to the Secretary and emergency. At the time appointed to say the Charter, too ! I am a Universal Suffrage man , thought it wanted turning the other way up, for it Association for the manner in meeting which was to take place on the 19th June, waa the ball was crowded to suffocation, and believing that nothing which they have per- ' Treasurer ef the Convention. business short of giving political power was either wrong way up, or tho wrong end first, formed the duties connected with their office. " not announced in the 'St ar t inasmuch as I posted a H. S.—A woman having married again during the thousands outside that could not get admittance. Mr. to the people will overthrow the aristocracy of this letter to the Editor of the Star, on Monday, 13th June, for the distress of the country was so great, it was Denholme.—Mr. Doyle lectured lifetime of her husband, is equally liable to pro- 6. H. Winder was called to toe chair. Mr. Abel Hey- country. I will not trespass longer, but second the re- impossible for an honest nan to live as he ought to on Monday even- calling the meeting. Very probably it has been an over- ; and ing, to a large audience, and gave great satisfaction. secution for bigamy, after the death of her second wood and others spoke to the distress that existed solution. Mr. Birch moved a resolution in favour of the do. Mr. Brook supported the motion, which was sight of Mr.-Hiil. : husband as before. two resolutions were put to the meeting declaratory of Repeal of the Corn Laws, in a speech of the old stamp, ed Mr. Thomas Mcrcor moved RICHMOND. —Mr. Williams lectured on Monday Sir, by inserting this in the Starat Saturday, you will very the meeting was in great k carri unanimously. , and A Constant Readeb has stated his question that distress. At this time amid cries of ' Sit down, Bircb, we have bad enough and Mr. James Howarth seconded the memo- Tuesday evenluga, with much effect oblige, as well as exonerate me from any blame. be wilRng for his wife to live confusion, owing to the crowded condition of the of thce, we won 1 indistinctly. If he 't listen to such a fellow, ' &c. tto: rial to her Majesty. Mr. j . W. Smyth ably Keighley. Yours, truly, to do so, she has no claim building and the extreme heat, and a motion was made Mr. Meal,—I as a shopkeeper have come here to —Mr. Campbell lectured on Tuesday u-ith him and she refuse advo- supported it, and Baid ho had no hope that we should evening, After the lecture, a strong vote of confidence c. Connor. on him for a maintenance : but if on the other to adjourn the meeting to Scevenson-sqnare, but this cate the rights of man. The shopkeepers are depend- fare better with her Majesty than we had done Bishop Auckland, June 20tn, 1842. . his part , purpose, they wished to gull the ent upon the working men for in O'Connor, and in the Editor of tae «$W, was passed hand ,the unwillingness to cohabit be on did not suit their their livings. They with the Commons : ho had do hopes that tho Queen unanimously* [ A ll we ca n say is, that Mr. Connor's letter came here ly to the parish officers, who people, and therefore were afraid to come out. The cannot exist witbeut their assistance, and I am glad to the wife may app would dismiss her Ministers ; but there wore Wadsworih.—At tbe delegate meeting, on Saturday.— Ed.] take her into his home business was put a stop to by the cries to adjourn. The see them beginning to open their eyes to toe fact that and Queens, b neglecting on Sund.iy, vUlcompel him either to instances where Kings y it was resolved :— That Mr. Bushton, from Halifax, or allow her a reasonab le maintenance. Chairman, after consulting with his brother shop- has been told them again and again, that if they did tho petitions of the people, and refusiug to redress " Ing shall appear. keepers, said if they would allow the resolutions to not aelp the workiDg men, that their ruin was certain. Mr. Leah, from MjiUoImrosd, and Mr. Tattersall, from MARRIAGES StSAT^AH e.—Her address their grievances, had lost both their crowns and Burnley, be invited to preach at the Chartist camp . A tecs writes us in cerroboraiion of pass, they would adjourn the meeting until to-morrow But notwithstanding the working men have warned ub their heads into the bargain. Ifc was the only legal Democrat do, the meeting, to be holden at Mount Skip, and if the wea- Lately, -at Woodhouse church, Mr. George Mr. Marsden' s letter in our last. He speaks evening in the Square; but this wonld not of this state of things, we have disregarded their and constitutional means they had left to appeal manner, ther prove unfavourable, that the meeting be adjourned Holmes, to Miss Mary ¦ Ann Field, both of this not to be led by the nose in this wholesome advice, until poverty, distress, and ruin has ¦ ' ' ; ¦ ' '¦ ' very hi My of Mr. M. people were to the throne. Mr. Smyth went hack iuto the ¦: ' • " ¦ - - ¦ - ¦ ' ¦ " s . - . . . , : . , Liverpool — We can- but demanded an adjournment then. The next dodgo come upon us as a body. I have a statement here of a to the Lane-side Clul> Koom. town. . . . . : . A "Worshipper of Chartism, ancient records of England and contrasted the com- On Thursday last letter might pro- to pass the other resolutions, and then they would shopkeeper paying £-2i per year rent, who last week with^ the misery which the Coventry.—Mr. Bairatow lectured, on Friday, to , at the parish chu-rch, Hud- not delrrmine on the effect his wa= forts of our forefathers dersfield , by the ; Henry Windsor parties to whom it aijourn ; but the Hall rang with " adjourn, aojuurn." took five shillings and sixpence, and for the last three people of this country endured at the present day, an ovatflowing and enthusiastic audience, who were. Rev , M.A., in- duce on the minds of the u?j»urned to cumbent of Lockwood , Bantley, eldest son of the relates but we can tell him wha t it weu*d most The Cnairman than said this meeting is months all that bis family have had to exist upon was though we had greater facilities for producing com- also ably addressed by Mr. Peter Hoey, an 4 other par- ; announcement was received ten shillings per week for himself, his wife, and three late William Sh aw, Esq., of Woodfiel d Hou se, likiiydo if we were silly enough to print it, pro- Stephcnson's f quare. This forts than our ancestors had. Ho concluded his able ties. It was resolved that no lecturer be received here to does cheering. When the people assem- children- He was compelled to pay poor rates and who does not produce his card of membership front Jane Elizabeth, only daughter, of John Lancaier, cure for us a prosecution jor libel ; while he with tremendous speech by exhorting them to become united, and • : address as an the square, there ceuld not be less than 10,000 taxes, and the consequence was th&t his stock was the National Charter Association, aud credentials froai Esq., of the former place. not even give us his name and bled in join the National Charter Association. The memo- ¦* " y t s gd members of the or 12;00ft persons present; and now came the tug of wetkiy en the decrease. Another which he would his own locality. . Same a ; a Ha hn en church, by the Rev. T. authori ty for thefacts. If " the rial was unanimously passed. Mr. Wood Lovve ir.curabent of St. Paul's Warrington Law Association, be war between principle and expediency. Mr. Birch relate to them was that of a person who had been a Jason seconded , the re- Foleshili,. ,_ , , John Liverpool Operative Corn moved, and jMr. -—An out-door meeting was held in this Clegg," Et-q'., of Mill Hill, near Blackbnrn , us, only wiling an brought forward a motion to remedy our evils, which shopkeeper for the last fourteen years, and his receipts monstrance to tho House of Commons. Mr. , on Monday eveuing, and of all ready and willing to join laws place for the purpose of arousing Rio de Janeiro, merchant, to Harriet, daug their actions, it is was to extend our commerce, and repeal those for twelve years of that time had been from £20 to H; Hodgsou supported the remonstrance, and the inhabitants of that populous neighbourhood hter of invitatio n as a plea for Birch's , to a George Greenup, jun., Esq., son of the late George our corresponde nt, who that prevent the importation ef food Mr. £3o per week but for the last two years they went at great length into the titles of some of the sense of their duty. The meeting waa addressed snrdy in the power of regular cut and dry. had scarcely been as many shilling3. And during , at Greepup, Esq., of Darcey Hey, near Halifax. states have personal knowledge of the speech was one of the eld sort—a present landowners, and pointed them to Fair- great length, by Mr. John Starkie, and Mr. himself to the Corn Laws, than the this time be bad been for weeks together and bad not Peter On Tuesday la> t, at the Parish Church, Leeds, fact to giie them sitch an invitation through But he no sooner mentioned weather Green for a coufirmatiou of what he said , Hoey, on the principles of Chartism. , treat to one universal taken one penny. Mr. Mead seconded the resolution. Mr. Henry Stubbins, accountant, to Miss Martha iome lc» objectionable medium. assembled thousands gave him a where an Act of Parliament had recently passed and would not hear another word Mr. G. H. Smith wanted to know how they intended to Bury.— The Rer. W. V. Jackson delivered a lecture Ann Graven, daughter of Robert Craven, Esq., of iliDDLE Class Consideration for the Foob.— n e peal of indignation, the Legislature to enclose that common land and , Mr. James Leach came forward to remove those evils, so long as tbe cause of them existed, ' upon the principles of the People's Charter on Monday Springfield, on the Ohio United States. give the following letter jus t as we received U; from him, until give it to those who had property ' adjoining it, On VVedue3day, at the Friends' Meeting House think it hearing. When Mr. Leach made his ap- namely, Class Legislation ; and in his opinion it was all the rich. Mr. Hodgson evening last, in the Working Men's Hall, Garden- , leaving comment upon it to those who get him a robbing the poor to give to street. The audience was large and respectable Castlegate, Mr. Abraham Sewell, grocer, Maiton, pearance at the window, the cheering rent the air. He a farce to talk about remedying the evil without concluded an able address by exhorting them to , and at needs it :— give every man they went to the root of the matter. Mr. the close of the lecture twenty-one new members joined to Miss Hannah Brady, of York. u parish, from said, Fellow-:ownsmen, I hepe you will union. Tho remonstrance was agreed to and Sir,—I tm a native of Howarth and 1 pledge myseU that the Coeper moved an amendment to Mr. Birch's resolu- tho Association. Same day, at the Registrar's Office , before Henry name is John Harueal, a fair and patient hearing, ordered to be signed by the Chairman. A collec- Esq., «uperiritendant registrar of the dis- *bom I receive some relief , my I are contending for shall neither tion, for the Charter, amid the cheers of the meeting. Merthyr Tydvil.—An excellent meeting took Breary, sad , near the sign of the principles that you and tion was made to defray oxpences. A vote of thanks trict of York, Mr. Thomas Buckle, bricklayer am residing in Great Horton go undefended, so far as I am concerned. Mr. Cooper said—Fellow Townsmen, it ia not from a place on the Hill Side, on Sunday night last : there , to Pour to mate mj parish relief be injured no was given to the Chairman, when the meeting Miss Ann Pattison, all of York. , Ashes, and in order was recBived with repeated rounds of applause. factious motive, as a Chartist, that I appear before were four or five thousand persona present. Mr. keep me, I am obligated to beg from door to door, and This separated. On Sunday last, at St. Cuthbert's church, York, Mr. Birch thanked Mr. Leach for hifl kindness in yon, but, as a shopkeeper of Manchester, I claim the Williama apok« strongly about the odlouSness of the ay only lodgings are straw ; 1 am a widower, Beventy- Bowling.—On Thursday evening week, a public by the Rev. C. Rose, Mr. William; Ryder, to Miss setting him a bearing, and addressed the meeting for a right of speaking my mind upon the subject-matter spy system; and painted the character of a spy in °» years of age, and have not been able to work tne» V. Jackson before us. We want a renwdy for an evil—that evil meeting called by requisition, was held in front of Harriet Land, all of the above place. all my poverty Sort time, and retired. The Rev. W- glowinjg terms. There -were two or three persons •sreralyears past j and notwithstanding favour of the Charter, .amid is bad Government ; and, in my opinion, the resolu- the Barley Mow, at half-past seven o'clock, for the present to whom the observations of the speaker were of moved an amendment in ¦ ¦ ¦ ' «ad , the parish officer* dismiss her " ¦ ¦ ' : /:' : ' distress caused fey old age amendment was seconded tion which baa been moved will not effectually re- purpose of memorialising her Majesty to • - ;- deaths. -, . ;• ¦ ¦; rommonBed me lately the cheers -of tbe people. The thoroughly applicable. Th« meeting at the room was . . feat Horton, near Bradford, hare his usual convincing man- move the evils we complain of; and, therefore, I pro- ministers, and call to her councils such men as will well attended on Monday ni tat rate, which I think by Mr. James Leach in pht : On Sunday last, aged 83, Mr-John Green, of Leeds tha non-payment of a highway (Mr. Leach ) want to know if the repeal pose this amendment. What is the use of asking Sir make the Charter the law of the land, and also to *ery uamsonab'e ; so I beg that you "will commen t ner He Peel to do that which he has already told us agree to a remonstrance to the House of Commons. Wakefield.—At a delegate meeting, held on Road , Bradford. . V : V j nines of the Corn Laws took place to-morrow what power Robert last, aged 15 BPon it in jour widely circulating paper. The clais he cannot do ? Is it not better to ask for that which Mr. Ellis was called to tfie chair, who briefly opened Sunday, present, delegates from Dewsbuiy, Dawgreen, On Friday , Rachel Gledhow, fourth Thomas had the people to protect themselves from daughter of Mr. Kitchiogmanjof Welliugton-etreet tf the parish Horton, are meeting and called upon Mr. Horbury, Wakefleld , Birstal, Batley Carr, Earlsheaton, ' , officers of Great now ? Mr. will enable ns to send those to Parliament that will the business of the ¦ ¦ : " ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' " ' ¦ ' ' ' " any more than they have ¦;¦;. -\ ¦ ¦ ¦: ' : •;. • ¦:; ¦/¦; and Samuel legislation, received and read from Leeds. , . .. ., . ( . - . : SKers, John Jtnnings. Samuel lumley, bard to convince you that remove those grievances of which we eomplain ? The Warreuer to move the memorial to the Queen, which and Pot oven s. Letters were Birch had endeavoured Oddy, and ably supported by LUtletoWn arid Cleckheaton. The account given in Same day in his 81sfc year, Mr. Geo. Mason, clerk aud tbe interests of the middle classes Bishops hate been referred to by some of the previous was seconded by Mr. YoursrespectMly, John Hah*eai~ vour interest* I ask, have we anything to expect Messrs. Hutchen and Hodgson, aud unanimously by the various delegates weie truly cheering, as far as of Atmlcy coach for 17 years. . - Jv . . :; " same, well. I will irant him that for the speakers ; and, me, Wiiliam Seed, were the who sit in the House of Lords, and if carried. Mr. John Hifd moved and Mr. Moore regards the good feeling and strict union which are now Qh the 10th instant, at Auchterarder, from the " The above is a fact known to present Then I want to know what is the reason they from fellows No- 21 -Manchester-road, Bradford." ey, if for bread, or change in the system, they seconded the remonstrance. Mr. Smith supported it prevailing throughout the district. The meeting re- bursting of a blood vessel, which carried him; off in , Croft-street, w-m not give you tbe same rights that they enj the people aak Sarah Bbadlet KnoUuigUy —We know nothing of Mr. Leaca's speech was have the impudence to tell them that such a state of in an able speech of considerable length, and showed solved to suspend the engaging of a lecturer for one a quarter of an hour, Mr. Alexander Fife* of that , your interests are identical ? month, and then adjourned for one month, to be holden place ¦- -;';. her son, she will be most likely to hear of mm at we ever heard him make. The things ever was, and always will be? For my part that they had nothing to hope or expect, from the , surgeon. • ? - the most powerful one in the world that can House of Common?, constituted as it was. The at Littletown, at one o'clock in the afternoon. Five On Sanday laBt; aged four years and nine months, Ihe war effite. Scholfleld supported the amendment in a short I think if there is a psrson James n, Irelan d. Rev ' Mr poet to himself when be memorial was unanimously carried. Thanks were shillings were subscribed by the above delegates present, Sarah Ann, daughter of Mr. Benjamin Stott, autlior Baylis, Kilkeel, County Dow -- telling speech. The Chairman then took the sense apply the language of the neighbours would be and was given to the chairman wheu the meeting separated^ for the benefit of Christopher Wood, of Honley. of " Songs for the Millions," &c. ; WriKs us that many of his of the meeting upon the amendment, and it Bays— very thankful^ for a little Star light, ¦ ¦ • ' - - " ' '- ¦ • ' - - ¦ ¦ ¦ . THE - ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ - ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - NORTHERN- STAR.- ¦ ¦ - - ¦ . . - . - .,. ¦:. r>a r> ...... : . : . . Massacre. INSTITUTION AlsD tual resources of the other ; and these intellectual BELIEF OF THE UXEilPLOYED POOR BY LABOURERS' FRIEND SOCIETY, The Glake — The Coroner's Ipqiiest aiECHANIGS' , iloral antt -^tncvat JSn Uuuxcnc e on toe bodies of Miehael M'Namara rtsourcts, though remaining the same in themselves ALLOTMENTS OF LAND AND BENEFIT For disseminating artd Thomas LITERARY SOCIETY. are available for Information on the Advantages Daioy, which commenced on Tuesdayj become doubly valnable, becausetbey LOANS. • was brought last, was held the first the benefit of double numbers. Still further, by com- of Allotmentsof Land to the Labouring Classes, to a conclusion oa Friday. Several witnesses were On" Monday evening CAB-LISLE. —The coinctl held their recnlar amongst; them two of general snceiing of the members of the United Me- bining our libraries, our subscriptions, and our talents, . on Loati Ftifidsy and on other means df- Jm ' John- produced, tho policemen who far greater TO THE EDITGB OF TUB N0RTHEUN STAR. weekly meeting at th councvl room, No. 6^. were on duty on the fatal evening, chanics' Lisilttmon and Literary Soc-je;y- Tbs we o£sr to thg great population around us proving their Condition. sieet, Caldergato. Mr. John Arrostrong in the and who swore the Saloon of the Mechanics' attractions than either could offer Bingly. We may, positively that the word " fire" was given by Capt. meeting was held in Gextlemes:—When I suggested at a late meeting, Under the patronage of Her Most Gracious Ma- chair. Tiie HtGcei&ry-nod ovei* the inintites of the by the at naif-past seven o'clock ; there was a very therefore, hope to gain more accessions than the two alleviatien of the existing distress Ds Ruvynes, echoed County InspectorVand Hall, so, tbat a most effectual jesty the Queen, and Her Mnjesty the Q ieen Da wager. last meeting, after which several sums were paid in ¦followed by Mr. Fitz>imon large attendance. On the motion of ilr. WiHi»,m Institutions- could have gained separately: and if would be found in affording fco our unemployed .ns up with the 'expression principal objec-B artiz' riw-PresidenU —Duke of Beufard, Marquises of Buto to the treasurer fro m various districts.: Letters " fire, fire.?' Independently of this West, seconded by the Rev. Charles Wicksteed, we answer more effectually one of the and operatives the means of raising a portion of their and Bristol ; Earls of were read by ths secrewry, to Sir James Grahatn, testimony, ihe c»ik*d vo the cha;r . like ours are formed— that of Slirewsbury, MiiuBfleld , Chi- broad features of the case wore the eame John Eope Saaw , Esq. was for wMch. Institutions subsistence by spade husbandry, Bonie gentlemen seem- chestsr, Euston, M.P. ; and Jermyn, M.p. ; Lords Mor- Secretary of State^ for tne Home Departmejif;. and as have tie grathuce he fdt for moral and intellectual influence the aireay at the consumma- tions prior to tfce-ir uni<-n , showing tha; myself convinced that aucb an tindertakingi , efiUctai of a leg, inflicted on to exptnd in Though dale. Nugent, and Mountsandford ; Sir William Pole, slaug hter of"the lato Thomas Jirdirte, police < filler the night of the> 6-h June instant, by tion - o; i-- .fi union—a joy which was. materially soaiVly calculate uson having £100 a year being fouuded on sound principles, would, if well Bait., &o. &c.-- &-0.... at the la te election for the borough, when Se; j ;ant one of a party which had been put, }.2.rci,2S3 of new bo.-ks, ar.j £bO a year in lectures. ¦ of poiice, consisting of sixteen mea. stationed damped by a bom into his the manaeed, be attended with considerable benefit, I was This Society was eatabliahed in the year 1830, umier Gmlbourn , P. H. Howard, and William Marshall, on the s aa ir he bad entered the iv om , e nd wh:ch If the iiH-iiiben and suDscrib ra bh'ould increase still Mill-road , for the protection of Mr. Bahnatyno's han- not aware, whilst list?uing to the above objections, to the patronace of hi3 late Majesty j William the Fourth, E?qn-a:*;ce of ilr. Bai-ie?, jarger sums may be afforded. It mil be tbe duty of the ¦what an extent the experiment had already been tried, patrick, which was passed by Lord Chief Justice property .there assembled with the bebt works aud Her Majesty, tho Queen Djwager ; the nuaiber of night, but by whom of said ©n account of a suuden avacl; of illness,, , under Conjuiirtee to tnrich the library and what encouraging amount of success bad attended Penman, was considered a very severe one, under on said party said shot ' ' ¦ its members has gradually increased in ail parts of the from that way be published, both in tae departments ol : "' - ¦ " was fired there was no evidence ; we also find that which hi? medical man had debarred him it . :. . : country, amongst whom are many of the Nobility, the cireumstahces, which were not of an ajigravattd takicg part in their procced;i,g-. The Chuirmau and literature; and it is worthy of consideration the of the people were in the act of retiriag when said shot I bave great pleasure m requesting tbe attention of Bishops, Clergy, and large landed Proprietors. charact'-. r, haviti transpired during heat a necessity then entered felly into the advantages which would vrfc-thtr your Committee, instead v of merely selecting to the facts which have since come ^ was tired, and that no exiated for firing • , my feJlow-townsmen It is instituted for the purpose of ameliorating the coiittsied eieccion. It appeared from the facts that, that the, word ' fire * be saeuted by their union, and ihen called upon iir. from tbe •iorks entei-ed in the Recommending Book ge ccnSuing myself f jr the we further find was given to the , to my knowled , -present to condition of the labourer; and proposes to feffect its after the nomination was ov. r, the pi-ople assembled, Mr; 32. Ba:nc-a, Junior. should eoS appoint a small sub-Committee "whose tx- object , the prospect of finding remunera- police by Mr. Brown and fitzjimon, imaiedi. the reviews and tbe tbe principal object chiefly by disseminating infotmation on the ad- followed the two Whis; candidates, Messrs. Marshall Captain Ruvynes said ¦>if Mr. K. Baixe3, jun. read an elaborate report, press iluty it should be to examine tive- labour for tho unemployed, and reserving the and Howard to the CroWu and Alitre Inn at.iy after D* , you don't for tbe purpose of recom- vantages of the Allotment and Ciittage-GardeB System, , , hi^sin« inusfc fire ;' bat Which &t the request of the Commits bv had drawn lists of n-.w publications, subject of the economy of manures' , to •which I alluded and hooting them in a very unruly aa diepcr8e the men we consider his 1 must valuable and interestint; to consists in letting to the labourer, at a fair rer.t, manner ; that jusi/ifioatiou for the up, J; was of Tery cossiaerabk krg h, of which n-.eiidiu? montbiy the the other day, to be treated of with otber details in a tliey entered tho Inn , soon sticka n.nd stones saying so no order so given.' Committee. Tlii6 wonld not inteifere with such a quantity of land as he (with the help of his This -verdict piaces Mr. Brown and MK we give t".e luost important parts. A:ar some in- fin g^rers.1 future communication. family) can were t h rown, when Air. Grahamej the superin- Fi;ziimon every member to recommend but tu give an cultivate by spado husbandry, without in rather an unpleasant predicament. The trodnt-iefy matter it proceeded io consider— the mht of In pursuing my inquiries, my first attention was nettlecting his ordinary employment tendent of police, who tvaa in front of tho ..Inn, with Coroner adriini-ujl f-*- cunty tbat no books of orst-rate character given to what appears to be considered aa having been was applied to to issue a warrant for their capvion "I. THE PRESEXI STAT2 CF THH TVi' O 1>'ST1TU- Wherever this system has been fairly and judiciously a number of his men; ordtred them io charge- the • ¦' were otei looked. a previous trial ana failure of this mode of" affording and cummitta!, •but declined to do so ; but stated 'ilOSS AT lilElR. VISION. tried, it has produced the most benefluial results ; the people and drive them back; (a most unfortunate that he woulsi reporD the verdict to the Government. " The r.dvar.tagea which the ' Mechanics' Institution reiief , made at LeedB, during tha distress of 1819. I means of subsifitonct) and the comforfs of the labourer circiiiastance, for had ho forborne for a few minutus, " The Mechanics' Institution has . at this time on its and L-t. rary S icuty " will offer to its members may be obtained , through tbe kindness of Mr. Baines and of have been greatly increased, - hia tbaracter has been Wti'fi'.&l. couviucci ihe peypie would have all "quietly Welsh Okatoiiy.—At a late meeting of the New- boots— thus br< .-fly enumerated :— Mr. Cawood, such Information as remains concerning raised, and he has become more industrious, contented, dispersed ;) when the ia,fe Jardiue ru -hed port Viechariic's iustitutei for the election of officers , and comprising ' , 77 Proprietary members. " 1. A Hall, very eligibly situated the result ef inquiries made by the Committee then and peaceable ; the ties of mutual goad-will between among ih& people, striking \i hvjn violently in all the Mayor of Newport, Lewis: Edwavds, E-q;, gave t-7 Yearly and Half-yearly subscribers. ai txceiient Lecture Room and Liorary, a Newsroom, appointed , and by the deputation who visited New. him and hia employer have been drawn more closely directions; indoid , to -brutal and itidi.scriannase was the following account of a late interview with Lord ana gooa C!i-''S Rooms. Lanark to examine the system at work there, and also together, and the labourer he, as to \\\x- m he struck , with his bludgeon , that Brougham—1' I did go to London, (said his honour , has become tha protector, ,) -J';4 Total. •• 2. A Library of literary and scientific works con- respt-cting tbe results of a consequent experiment in instead of the destroyer, of property. lie knocked down one woman, and struck' another as you do all know, for the purpose of the address ; tainir.i? upwards of five tnous md volumes, purchased spado husbandry made here under tbe management of with a child in htr arms; that ho aW struck a little and I did haye with me our young frien d Mr. Simeon " It :» found that the number of subscribers fluc- f evryears, aud including the best works SOME OF THE PLACES , the attractions ¦which vrithiu the Jast the parish officers. boy, who fell from his-blow; and when dovyii, the Evans, the yountr artist, who did go with me to the tuates c- - .^.'ierably. according to in fcv i-ry nepittmfcnt of English liteiatuie. Tbe library fi - :Lne to time bb prtsrr.:c-.i, in Itc'.nr.-s and It is uTmacesaary to detail tbe particular circum- Where the system of allotting land to labourers ha3 eamy in a mos-t- -brutal levee in my coach. (Cheers.) A fine carnage it maf .i" ) avs the d.m Mh advaiitage of being a Ciiculalvig tnj.nuor. " Othir^L- A: present, the nau;::- r is n.j :e th^n twice *ii stances which prt-vsnt&d a tucctssful result to the ex- been tried, and the reaulta that have followed. Ho ulst> aimed two violent blows at the was (a laugh), with such a * paair ' of grajs ! and & Libia-y and Reading Room, bu'h of which wiil bi open ertions then made. Those p-oceedings prove the said Jiihn Kirkp.a trie.k-, who warded them off; fine coachhiaii, tall, stout, as you ever see. ( Laugb> as grv v; i? b Ibr« the new hall w.%s yurrhaied. It Hiay MIDS0J!EU NQRTON , HIGH LITTLETON , STONE at the 7 r irc.ih vine in tbe morning till ten o'clock at ni«ht, with interest then taken in the matter, and the zaal with but who, frocu an obullttion ot" fee>i'n^ i.ivage ter.) And s>nch a * fu man. ( Bravo.) Well, I t>e hov i tnat the inertase is Let in =U)y considerable afternoon , which is a EASTON , E&iBivRROW , Clotton, and eishteeu ' an inierval cf throe hours in the which all tho informatien then accessible was collected. other adjoining and ftrociaus conduct of tho policeman , strmk him was dress-ed so finr ; you would like to see ms in my deyc-c t-j W 23cri"-Bil to the Bot e ty of po3><-s;in;; this few men of bu-rine^s would parishes. c bat tha i« ratrser owing £o tbe £nb- perio.i of ihe day when very The subject , however, was at tbat time comparatively a blow in return , with a s'ick , wiiich knocked him court dress ; then I thought I must see my Lord exeeli -- ru-iding; * it be sV>ie to at'eni Grants —In these twenty-three contiguous parishes, (o cj v =a»antasea offered > y t-^ Institution , esp&eia^y new ; and though the priccipio involved wis then down, anil was said (lavw .usfd his. death,: These Brougham ; aud when could I see him better than stanti. * '• 3. Lfdiires on the most useful branches of experi- there bave been appropriated one hundred s«7(;J)ty-Sve of in its "til-coa-'J ucted classes. T^osi classes contain the perceived to be valuable, tho best means of carrying 'it are the simple aud undisguised facts the case ; then ? 1 did call. (Hean) Such a beautiful room, in«.~a! scienie and literature. It is believed that the the three acres of land to. nlue hundred faniilieB, by the izwiloius th ' fellow, oi' fo'Jowinc numbers of pupils : — into effect had not been ascertained. Darin" for which, is poor has bcrn deprived iiia I never did see before. It was a great room, it was. Corumittte will be able to engage lecturers of the first and twenty years that hava since elapsed, the system and indo/atiifaWe cjrrespoiideni ot the aeowty,' Cuptam liborty, - leaving a .poor " old fa?her. wlio wholly de- I did sit, as may be, there. Lord Brougham came The D a«i=g CL1S3, under the cire o* Mr. fcnr.neuee. Papers will also bs read by the members at haB net only been i-tudied, and its principles become Scobell, of Hich Littleton, noar Bath, and bthta land- pended on him for a sub.dai;c-^. be flourishing state ; Results—In the division of SornerBetshire containinij afier passing addres3«-s of con^rarulatiou "to, the ' Accommodation tiiec, and tht> tvro fomer aie in a It now appears proved by experience tbat the allot- Well, what do you want. ? said he { anything I can snppo>rd is by no me-uis bo large. immediate measures the hundreds of Chow and Chewton, there are tweiity- Queen and Priuo j Aibart on her Majesty's happy ' iy. en ni3U9 by the Cjnxnv'rtee for a Chemical class ; and the Ccinmittee wiil will take ment sj stem is tho uiotie in which spade, husbandry do for you I shall be most happy. I said, my 16rd, tas for the formation of chuses for tbe study of Chi nrstry six parishes, having 40 000 acres, and 17,000 iuhabi- escape from rh.j hauds of th« a-isa^m Francis, Air* bat, cwku: to various circunistajjcea, that class, which can be rendered most benetirial to ihe working classes. we have at Newport a Mechanio's Institute, and the and of tbe principles of Mechai.ics. It is also highiy This systt-ni cinsists in the allotment to u lubourer taiite. Seven years ago/ in this space and population , J. Steel moved , " That the Major make a respect- young men of Newpori aro very anxioua to have existed t* -he signal advantage of its memb-rs in the not one rood wia let to the labouring ful .application to the prop' tTauciiorifctus for a por;ion prsba '^ .'e tbat other classes will be formed, fur the itujy or art;zin and his family of a small plot of land to be poor on thu aliot- your lo'.dship ; nobo iy respects your lordship more old li->v. n.ion, has not yet b---«n re-open-d in the sew. montsy8tem. Tho txperiment that has been made has of the mouey eolltctuul ia coastquouco of ihe Queen's f as f -he Committee to of Irjjgu.ites, music, in. cultivated as earrien ground, en which he raise-s veget- than . the men of Newport. (Loud cheers.) -' .I-have It "will b-. use cf first dtKi- -* Apparatus , resulted in most complete success ; the rents have bten letter, 'tor Carlisle, as the di;,Lrnris is very f;reai.." t-d this evt ninir, t-.> f-rra a Chemical ciass. '• 5 An tx- enBive and valnable appli- able produce for his own use or for sale, and generally 1 brought with me a young artist, one of Newport, fee ape*-!' in E^ctricuy, GUivauism regularly paid to the uttermost farthing ; the crojis We consider this a. very proper auu judicious pro- - " and a' ?r> a ti"^s for teaching tfe principles of Mechanics. cable to experiments . rears a pig. The extent of land so alloted is most for . they are very anxious to have your loraship Optics, and other departments should huve b^en good ; tho altered looks of iho peasantry ceeding, for mncii has ulready been duno by volun- The iiitcroU of the tewn. •wfcich is so dependant for Ctrtaistiy, Pnuematiis, commonly from a quarter to half an acre. It to harix up in the Mechanics' Institute. Yes, he Ol FCif Trie. vary with the numbers and circumstances of each show thtm to bb contented and happy, and they testif y tary subscri ption , for the purpose of relieving thft did say, I ' wiU sit. Tnank you, said I. (Thunders its pr.i¦:= --ri ty upon 1\3 minn 'jctnres and its dyeing, their gratitude to their benefactora by occasional great Miffi.-r.inK which has existed for some nine iu imr*-Ta:rr-'.j cali f sr the ee"a>" ".i?anient of these classes, " 6. A Newswomia contemplated , wiiere tbe Daily family , b<-h;g sufficient to employ their spare time of applause.) And I'll give you some books for your , London and Provincial , will them dependant on presents of vegetables, some of them of the fines t Carlisle, and novy tlK-ro is a public fmid ib r.u-li evd and U >ruiiT :.Tt; y rcqaire it and Wfctklj." Xewspapers d uring the year, but still leaviDg iustifcute toi», sa'.d he. (Paafenihg cheisrd.— Mori ' be tjken : the terms of subscription to be six shillings their uBual employments for the larger portion of their deacriptioD. th« mauufkciurhit; distrcfcS , there is no placo more " T£- propertj of the Mec^iani-.V Iusntut^on coriifts, mouthihire Merlin . ¦y a-)3ar to the members and subscribers of the Inititu- maintenance. The rent ought to be the same which EICHMOND , SUR REV. deserving of a portion of that fund than the suffer- pjist. hi .t» frill , hich was pwrchut-e-1 f- -r £2250, and ing aud diritit-s.sed poor of tbi.s--. -'district, wnose d -o the purposes In*utn.ion at an tuuon , and ten BiiUlings a-year to otfiera. Tbu NewB- would be paid by a farmer, with the addition only of a adapte of t e ' Graj ils.—Land in the neighbourhood of a place .con- suffsrinfcshave f»r some time beeii taost acuie ;.yei they additions: ; cost of £5;: —Seccrd. in its Library, ro-->m will bo open the whole day, till ten o clock at ium to cover rites, tithes, and taxes, as these should be , - 3$&nl\vxwt0f 0- ^hJcb fundamental tuIcb that taining 7 200~ inhabitants is in great request, and is i avo borne tht m with most exemplary pa'.ienca and &c. consists : f between 1300 and l-5 .'O voluuitis, of "which night ; but it is one of the paid by tbe landlord. The plot of land Bfcould be with (Jifiicu ' tcitlier the Institution nor the Newsroom shall be open 's resi- ity obtained for letting in small allotmfcnttj; forbearance. VVc rrav.ons on tho future prospects ot the cultivated, and the rent. regularly, and thankfully paitl. ruptisy. Solicitors, Messrs. Stevens, Wilkinson,; and eons'" iirr-.^3 annual ch---Tge, relics upon tb* resource « ached In-titutions, and was received with loud bas been in surc=ssful operation for that period l:c cheers The next business was the election , of office- in the hands cf eonie of its earliest promoters allotme'its, could any more land be obtained for that gresses hero ac more than railway speed. The Mi-. VVhitmore, Baaiogbalt-street. : - '" Bishop of Bath auu WelJs, and others, amongst whom ¦ exhibit:!?:! m3y ere long be b.;i;. aud ¦wiib. turSiiitnt suc- bearers, and Messrs. Haigh , Naylor, Tilney, and purpose.' ' . ¦ operatives-arc tarnishing ec.'x?arii-s of hie. it vraH a favourite ar#u- alley, Cornliiil, merchants, June 28,:at one, -July 29 , at and assistance in promoting its extension to Lieds and KEDUCTION OF POOR RATES. " Ta- ma-ail iaooma of the Insti tution nearly equib u-e voltes; Whilist this was proceeding, M r. Wm. mont with Mr. O'Connell that all he wanted was:to haif-past one, at the Court of Bankruptcy. Solicitor, j other manufacturing towns. level with England. Our is aanu v SDjnlitu.ra, but v?r.n ri . ailowin j more Wett uovrd the first resolution, as follows :— In one parish in Wilts, tha poor rates WLro £2,074 see Ireland on a . Mr. Eliis, Cowper's-court, Cornhill ; official assignee, now be The Labourers' Friend Society was established in gracious rulers are determined to save that, ¦VVhitraora,: Bisinghail-atreeV tJiss a vTvr, small snm for 7-:ctnrtSif- .r for tbe purchase " That the Ri-p-^rt read adopted , printed, and 2a". 8il. ; tko Allotment System was introduced , and in a Hr. is. The inad» qu_cy -he innrfs would : , aud 1830. for prumotiug the extension of' the allotment &emlt-man some trouble by roducing Efigland Henry English, New Broad-street, printer, June Of Es^ c rcnlitfd , under the direction -f the Comuiittee 'Family, of few years tboy were diminished £6iO. In asitiull parish 24, not E3v-^ K-^a relieTcd, if th-r n:--a wiin the Liteiary th- very graUfnl thanks of tha mefcti:ig be pre- system , under patronage of the Koyal /and to a level wnh Jrr-laud. Your corresponde«i Juiy 2.9; at eleven, at the Cturt of Bankruptcy. of th-t tbe leading characters of all parties in the kingdom. 1 in the same county, the poor rates were reduced from Soii- InEtitu-5'P ba-i tuien place • n t'-^ tt-Tins subscrip- senied to Mr. E. Baini.'8, Jun., for bis kindness in has. this day cony«T8ed with a man who is citor, Mr. Megey, Great Tower-street ; official assignee, : annex the prc^p |.¦ctus of tbat Society, as tbe best expla- £ 206 8s. to £i 123. M. ' I 'he tion or^'--: ' .y pr- po^sd. Tc s app-.--Tci t o tt- nu mbtrs pre]'aiij-g a document so very appropriate and likely In a large pariah in Essex, tbe poor rates amounted in in the habit of tet d^ng .piji'8 i coueequemly . . is Mr. Johnson, Basimrhall street. : ; : Mid so'- -ti . .jwrs of the ilocharics' Jr-tituti-m so serious to promote tbe objects and interests of tbe "United nation of Us objects, referring with great pleasure to ' obligt-d to gather swill to fatten tticia oni This John Stdggall, -Guild; ird-street, bookseller, June 28 ing itateiuents that paper contains one year to £3,2'' ,)0 ; by the. adoption of the systom they , an evii :::tt they recently—verj rs-uuh to their honour " the *ery encourag Bvviil he kc. ps in a back yard , locked up in a lar^e at half-past eleven, July 29 , at twelve, at the Court of SuC!tt:cS. respectiug the results of tbe allotment system. From were diminished, in the course of the following year, to —resjlre • t-> raise the annual sru ->cr;ption ; tc whicb 2 000. hoKshead. During the last fourteen flay s the lock Binkruptcy. . Solicitor, Mr. Norcutt, Q ieen-fquare, rit «is. the Tha resolution was s?conded by Mr. J. D. Luc- these statements it appears, that the system has ex- £ pertup - xhe most pt>werfu! irdnc-'-i^ pros- At the Bath meeting, the R )V. Thomas Spencer, of has been four times broken off , and all the musty Blooui8l»ury ; official assignee, bit. Q-ibaon, IJasinghall- and carried unauinicurlj. The balloting : " ¦ ' ¦ ¦ " : ¦ coek , tende d more or less into tairty-six counties, and that by : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦- ¦ uf :: - r-ewadTsiitacf-s tfcty vrou? =i ->y crusts of bread , and anyth n^ el«e, that even pigs 8Ereet. - - > . . . . . \: -; . pect «nj- when "the ).ar were then handed in by the Secretaries. It Hinton Parsonage, reported that s'.xty teuants had a > library ».f tts Liierary institution was aiiaed to their its means seventy thousand families have been raised (iF could devour was stolen. He,, however, was dctsr- Jame8 Alfred and Bavid Webb; Great Marlew, siioulu be mentioned that, as u was natural to sap- from waut tiiui unatry to a state of independence, quarter an acre each, that the poor ratts b:id been : CWB. reduced from <£700 to £200 per annum, -Wiiich. could miued to watch. About- three; o'clock iu the morn farmt-rs, June 24, Juiy 29, at eleven, at the Court of tta: many of the numbers of the united Insti- aud happy erg jjment of tht> fruits of their own indus- he espied a palo haggard o&re-worn IookiiiK Thd Literary Institution has E.t this time-on its not have been tfl'eeteci but for the allotments. ing, , , Bankrupticy. Solicitor, Mr. Waller, jun., Finsbury- " iut;on would be imperfectly acquainted vnth -gcntle- try and economy. man, go to the tub, tako a hammi- afad larue va.\\ books— 'r circus ; official assignee, Mr. Xackicgton, Cpleman- ictti vrho took an active part in the separate lustitu- The progress of the allotment system had been, until ADDITIONAL FACTS. from out of his pocket, and bre-jk the staple off , 5 Life Meinbir.3. , without any street-buildiiigs. . : :; :/ .;: t:ons prior io the union, the committee recently, chit fly confined to the agricultural districts. It pick the best of the swill, nuoh as broken, bread , 2 S3 ilembers. ciesire to interfere wiih the free choice of officers , The Association at Deviz^a state that, fn that town John Bruitargb, Pendleton, LancaaMre, timber and ie now, however, attracting much attention amongst tbe potatoes, &c, and put them in a tiu can , and coal merchant, Juae 20, July 10 , at ten, at the Gornmia- had on ".lie preeeLt occasion furnished each member manufacturing population cf-Nottingham and Leicester: and neighbourhood , there are thirty-four parishes and marched off. The man waited uniil he had got a 2SS Total r.E entering, the room with a printed list of twenty hamlets in which the Allotment System has been sioners' Kuorus, ^iancbestBr. Solicitors, Sir. Nether- a t ranch seckty of tbe same character as that just men- little way from tho premises, when he followed and sole, Esaex-streot, Strand ¦ ; ¦ and Mr.' - Foster,¦ " ' ' Man-' ' four vl- mbers selected nearly in tqaal numbers from adopted ; and that the total quivotity of laud allotted ' " ' : ' ¦ ¦ " ' ¦ '' ¦ - ' ' Of 'Which numasr, however, thirly-twe are also mem- ¦ " ¦ ¦¦ ': ¦: ¦-: ¦; tioned , was instituted lest year in tho former of these stopped him, and charged him with stealing hia cliestir. ¦: ). :¦ . Very lar^e and whom they considered the has beon 90:i acres, threo roods, and twenty-nine poles, bers oi ".lie Mechanics' I^stinitioa. A pro each ln-tuution , towns, and from the latter I bavo recoivod a most en- swill. The poor fallow, without .. hesitation, coiiftssed porti-ja u! ihe members LaTb a=i£ated u> tbo union, n oet likel y to fill office wi;a advantage to the amongst 1 1)53 tenants. Joshua Cattell, Yorkshire, clothier. July 1, at two couraging report of tbe . interest there tftken in the plan , that io was ho t'.-at had broken tho lo.:k four tim^3 J uly 29, at tsn, at the G^org- Hotel, Huddersfieldi ami deci^rf i their intention to jjia me united b©Jy. uuiied body. These were all unanimously e.ectcd, The DuVe ftf Uuilford has GOO allotment tenants on his . m fj ;e tbpecially wnongst the working classes, who bave before ; buc acuial want forcud him to do it. Hfii Solicitors, . Mr. Corntawaite, Daau's-couvt, Doetora' : and were as follows :— ' estate in Bedfordshire. S;r if you I will " Ih * property of the L terarf 1 fistitntion consi.'-t^ Bjunes, Esq. formed aD aasoci.-tion amongst themselves for- promot- said ," , aH'JW mo to lake it home, Cominons ; arid Mr. J. Cornthwaite, Livfcrpopl. . hcost t -: y in its library, a "wril seltcttd and Tsit:- President— Edward and bave issued an address to the laud- Tbe Marquis of Landstfowne has grautt'd allotments -willingl ¦ vi ith you to for then I i *vr=i West Esq., and the Rev. C ing the system, then y »? <* priionv RyOert Kpberts, Nowtown, Montgomeryshire, procer, abla c-'-n»!i.nrs, purchased within *>e last eicht years, assistance towards their ol-ject. and hapt>y. lio'hing.'' lie asked if his parish would hot relieve Treasurer—Mr. W. B. Holdswobth. The Bishop of .'Bath'- and Wells has promoted the al- Solicitots, Mr. Weeks, Cook's- coartj Iiincoln't-inn- and at a c -si «>f not less than £1 L-iO. laik'inzerery allow- A very ei-seiitial auxiliary to the allotment system, him I He answered he had never tried' them , Mtjsers. Drew andWoosnam, Newtown. ;¦: '!': Secrttarits—Mr. J. KlTSO.v , acd Mr. H. J. MaHCUS lotment Bystem for thirty years, and has now above 700 " . ance for ilepreciat'on , arisinz f'o;n wtar and tear, the is the system of Bunt fit- 'Loan Funds, and the two nor would he; as he was sure he Should William Smith, Leeds, dealer and chapman, June 28, alue of the Iteij COMMITTEE small tenants enjoying the fruits of hia baaghUnbd a-tuil ."-f- ' -iii^ T rc^T, it is presumed , , systems suould be combined in order %o secure the have to go into the Bastile, and t»at, says at four, July 29, at ten, at the ; Commissionera': Rooms, be Ei<'<'-'-a Mly estimated at £3i.u ; but-fi.r the use of B^nent Load Fund Sjcio- phiianthrupy. ho I never wjil do. The roan then went ' Mr. E. Baines, Jun. Mr. Caoke. beat chance of success. The . Earl Iitzwi'liam has now between 400 and 500allot- , Leeds. Solicitora.,. Messrs. Sharpi Field, and JacfcBori, the Ikv. '.lion its value binst far roors nearly approach Mr. Comha. Mr. Dresser. l u-B , by making small loaua upon proper security, to be home wirh him, and , oh God! what a bight pre- Beiiford-r6w ; Mr. Foden, Lberts;¦¦; and Messrs. Wag- to its rr;g:nal The Institution also possesses a , Kivo almost invaluable assist- ii\e:Vt ttinants on his extensive estates, and they ?t6 still sented itself to his view !—a mother and two little Mr. F.etcher. Mr. England. paid off by instalments increasing, particularly in the neighbourhood of Shef- staff, Son, aad aiarsli. Warrington. poiFfrfu M icro5cop5. Mr. T. Harvey. Mr. Hkld. ance to the industrious art z iu, in thu first arduous children lying on the bara board-, wiUi nothing' to Joseph and .' Kaipii Bradbury^ Oldham, Lancashire, «• T-^e income ol tfce Institntion n>>t haTin? of late attempt to establish his independence. U>»der good fl-ld and Rotberfcain. cover their nakedness save the.tattered ratswora by ¦ Mr Killas. Mr.Holme?. At W»tt.on-under-Edge and Horsley, both manufac- cottjn-spiuners, Juiy 4, at Un, July 29, at twelve, at eqnalie-i :s expendimre, a d-A-l • •{ £- 'J0 bas accoisu- >!r. Huggou. Mr. I kin. luaDageiueiit, thtsd loans have been fuuxid of the liiojf them during ihe day ; tho mother, too, wry- f ur tue Couimissiouers' Iijoms, Maucheater. Solicitors, lated. l~ \-i hoped that this debt wul be considers'Sy turing districts. land has been let to 13& teuants, chit ay advanced in a btato of pregnancy. The hither had .Vr. K-rr. Mr. Loe. important strvice. mechanics, employed in the cibth factories. The aluvt- ;Me8sr3. Johiiaou, Son, aud vyeath^raU, Teiayle; and Tedncffi >t the 3rrar:Eeinect iEa4v tL-: tneb rasHibeTs tf K^v. T. Scales. Mr. J. H. Sbaw. These two, then , the Allotment, and the Benefit beau be the meaas, of which and bad on y i witneea of' = - the utiliry is b«st rstab'ished by experienca , for finding h' ramble he met ouo -of- .our . great Liberals, whom 29, at one, at the Town Hall, BrigbtoiL ' Solicitor, ilr, jests, 2->riQeir proprietary feirsi. It roiy perhaps hr Some objection rras raised to ibis moie of pro - the gladness of part that has been diffused through s» he craved charity : the gentleman Vc-ry kinuly coa- remunerative labour for our unemployed operatives and hear the grateful language of WiUiama, Aifred-place, Bedford-square. desirar-. 'i n explain the reasons which^h'owid jnducr CP'idiuff , by Mr. Heaps, but he expressed his ei.t re many households," "to ¦ desended to Itciure him on tae conduct of the And I would observe that they pessess the great ad- the tenants." . ths men-.--rs of the Literary Institution to become pro- san-faci:on, after being told by ibe chairman that it pimple, and founded upon the com- worKing uirtn 'refusing " cheap broad/' and ended a PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. cou 'l (he vantage of being prietary n;«rsjber3. not oranr again, because in aKOther year mon principles which itjgulate the dealings of indivi- Crown Lands.—Government have made four srants very eloquent anu patriotic address by assuring him n;f mber? would have become perfectly acquainted Land for the purpose of being divided , on ' By water and Iugham. Birstal and Batley, Yorkflhire, " lu .h- first place, they wul tin:'.oubt- »lly wish to duals wnfa each other, in which men are left to act for of Crown that they (the intelligent, midulo me».) would stai. ve -\r acirssioa to the ¦unitr-i 1 taiion as great wi;£i all t hose who took an active part , and were reasonable terms, into allotments for labourem), j ij In-.3 "ffcnld be gla^i to jo>n it witbout-^rinsing lur^t meeiiug benefit to all at Hilsea, near Portsmouth ; and one at Chelsea, for the young men like him to go to India/ to put dewii as far aa regards ibe fullovving resolution :— nquired. Tney are ovhtetus of mutual Howard. Atherton aud Watson, Manchester, flint- any de'r---. f that eould be do e. Tiey will also be quite cunceruehert H rd, who has faltLfaily and zealously filled the purpose. Ihe labourer, who, working independently allotments, and has been thus occupied for a period of htavings of the bosom of his emaciated wife, and at ¦ of to the for shire, coaimou brewers. J. LabreyV and Co , Hudders- UXrz- .*«• :-:^,tita rion who this time avaiis himself of fS^e Librarian Literary Institution more uj-'on his own allotment cf laud, is secure of the whole twelve years. By this means,.thirty families, which, heard hia innocent- little one cry for bread , contem- cr :- \ " ins of union, may obt-jn for £l tbe ticket than Ee-»en yeaia during which ptriod he has not been plated putting a period to their misery by destroying fliild , tea-Hierchants. Watsons and Frankland, Wnitby, the benefi t of liis skill , indust ry, and economy, is stimu- including parents and children, aniouut to 176 indivi- yoikshire of a Pr : : t ,ry >Jember, *foT ¦wbi i:-b tbe existing mem- on* day absent from the duties cf his office That a dualH, have lieen kopt free from parish relicf-^are ren- them , and then destroying himself. This is only , linen-drapers, as far as regards R. S. Wat- ¦ ¦ lated to exertion that he will never make for wages son. . . - - . :¦ bers of ¦"." .• Metiaiiics* Instituiio.-i uavw paid ^2. e2ch, union f tho two Institutions having taken place, it is only. dered' respectable, happy, bonest; and useful members of one of thousands of similar and many worse cases. «t in the Trbolt the op'nion of this meeting that the tffice of Librarian , and 'h - "1 will entitle him to a -ir- of It may still , however, be that to render society free from offenceB airainst the law. They have a The shopkeepers are oh their last legs ; not a day -is property of the Instirction—the building, ourht do-» to be vacant, so as to give both tbe Libia- onJ3Cted,- passes without three or foar public auctions of their From the Gazette of Tuesday, Junei 21. tb.e t_v^- thi* plan efficient for a lurzo town like Leads, a quan- stake in tba country, and ara anxious ta promote tho libra-y..-:»! : apparatus. With<_ -ai t "J2S t;cket h« -wcuM be ri-:- s a chince of re-election ; and as the ruleB of the welfare of the whole community. goods. At the last term for granting licenses, many - Iii-t'tution give the Committee power to elect that tity of land weuld be required which could not be BANKRUPTS. Eieielv ^ -.znual subscriber, aud -wvuid have no abare in obtained even under favourable circumstances. I think Since the esfc-iblisbHien t of the Society, tbirty-six landlords were obl iged to advance money to pay tbe p- -p^ r*.y, nor, accordicg to the 3a ts. any right to .'¦nicer, this meeting recommends Mr. Hird , ashls knovr- counties have been visited; eighty public meetings have for licenses for their tenants or lose them, and if they July in that on examination this difficulty will be found by no John Ormrod, builder, RIanchester, to surrender Tct^ • <- t?iticm a2=cting the property. The prop-i- ledre cf tbe business pre eminently qualifies him to be beenheld ; and , atamodbratecomputaUon, nearlyhaventy lose a tenant now there ia every probability of 2, August , at fWeive , at the Commissioners Rooms, be or It i3 means insuperable. Tt.e supeificies of the parish of 2 7 etary • • ' ^ l m^y sold beqnsatbt-a. a iun^a- Librarian to this united Institution." thousand families have had allotments of land granted, their houses remaining empty icr years ; or if they Manchester. Howartbi Manchester ; Apply, Alder- Leeds cannot, on a rou-^h fcitiuiate, be much less than ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦¦ ' ' ' ¦ : ' ' ' - my tjl i-riciple of the Inatitutu-n that the property either directly or indirectly, through the agency of the arn let at all, it must be at a reduction of perhaps bury, London. ;; . -; - . .-, /" ; . . . .. : : , . Trha Mr. Wm. Copleston seconded the resolution , 1S.0 to hava a prucrittary t ckei jiinit obtaiu it It is quite clear, however, that upon the plan of allott- of space, in any section of iirae, let there be a living colbshire, June 28, August 2. at eleven, at Mtan'dwelW witoK, : -ru months tbt 4 fe tf Jaae, oiberwise he Thf R«v. Charles Wicbsteed then moved, and the ¦ ¦ inc small portions if Jam! to the unemployed labourers, Man ; aud there is aa infinitude above him and be^ TtOSINS OF THE InDFPENDENX W EST MlDDLESFX Hotel, Stamford^ Atkinson and Jenkins, Peterb o- ¦v iii ., : e aMe to obtain it f jr J«i than tvro pcuad?. Rev . Ti-oaias Scales seconded , the concludjng reso- ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦ : ; ¦ neaih him, and an Eternity encompassea him Oh thih Opti - ' : ¦ ' ¦; ¦ " • " ¦ • - ¦¦ : ' ' ¦ " ' ' ' ¦ ; ' " ¦ jution ; both gentlemen briefly addressed tho meet- who have no sdt quite means of subsistence until the .CB.—The principal cilice of this estaoliMhirieut rough. ^ . ; - : • . .' . v - . . - ' - - . ' ' Ti.e ;- :c!.t terms arts one piuu-i piid noif, or tis crop can bo securod , asssiBtanca hand and on that ; and tones of Sohere Music, and has been closed without any notification ou the , , innkeeper Manchester, Jnlj 2, Ehiii; j uiju in. , winch btgan to exhibit t>ymptoir a of a wish to will be necessary, in door Margaret Themas , - -i year bejond th-i u il subscr.,tun for f ^ur tha ships of loans, to bo repaid by instalments bw.-ot tidings from loftier worlds, will flit around him, it of the .business-haying been removed. August 2, at eleven at tue Commi«sioners' Rmuis, j-s^5 -, X> doubt, tbe cyni Hiit-. >-: wi.i j; :-te Eirange- brea k up. The resolution was put and unanimously , ;o Jj,f thfe proceeds of the following crops. To meet this he can but listen , aiid visit him with holy influences, MancUesttr. J»qucs; Batcye, and Edwatdi, Els-plaCfli • • .- -tf^ring fcViry lEfciii ' i, t r-ry Insti- carried ; it was as follows :— in tho thickest press Some ptrsons toil all their lives, and refaso .the ^^ emergency, a Byntfit Lviiin Fund, of adequate extent, ev*n of trivialities, or the din ciij yments which can only be relished when life is Hoiborn ; and Heatn, Swan-street, Manchtater. tut-- •. " ¦¦ - .)DPoitur.iry o£ tskiiiii u tro-^rir-iury ticket. " Tnis meeting would earnestly call upon those of of busiest life.— T. Carlule. .Aogi 2, - ; it wouiil be rtq-iired. A provision would aiso be neces- iu its prime, that they may be rich wheu the power John S wann, Cnrrier. Luu^hborougb, July 7. *' i • :• 'irn froin th s diirti^i^n E^uiiia be Slated its iri. ruoers who have le-sure. to aid its o'r-jects by the sary for defrttyn.g tbe expanses of printing, and for s Head Inn, LoUjjaboroutk tbat T it: L t=rary Iuatitu-.oa L^» bo1, ljij classes f..r ts-- The, Univehsal Panacea.—It is astonishing, of enjoyment is ovw. at eleven, at the King' . c:»- of their various ta'ests in preparing essajs, paying the saiary of a SH.cre t iry, King'a-b<3i;cii-waiJf » ev < r ^; .ruction, Lut tuat it baa ^-j lu^u/.tmts of its , and of a fkilful prac- indeed , with what exciusivtueaa of understandiDji Johnson, Son. and Weiti.arall, t' or li-cturta , on appropriate topics and strongly urges all tical agricuU'iri8i to sap^rint.-nd operations, give in? There are mauy evils inseparable from position, owl; i:. -t. ris ttpt np fur vfcs: j a jzo..• of suDJ.'cts, cIi.rE., Lterur^ , wtich hav«r h\ es -i;;)g their icflueEce to increase the numoer of its grand solatium or panacea for all the pains and large portioa of man's misery is traceable to his Jauies At vii^i tc&iy to portion it eut in small allotments, and otill more to irouoles which afflict Mm young. J uly 22 , at one. at tae G.)iden Lion, Settle, and *.«?• bt^a i a . ^fc iiit--tt.ut.o-o* vbt Institution, uiMi. "t« and BubscribeiB." If a. child fnlla making other men indexable." at >8 and l-. -.r vsa !-jUc?t: U a;-cu-si- ns. Tncrc the artisans and labourers who would occupy su-.h over a stoue and bruises its leg, its ones aro imme- 2, at oue^ 03© New inn, Gis&urn. :Rus3, Sj-moiia !'y can bu TSiaii ka were thtn voted TiitRK are chords iu the humau heart—strange : Do d u t th^t tae praclic-i of Ttij»i£4 papers to the chair man by ailotmtnts. diately arrested by a, sug'ir-biscuit stufftsd into its- , Inn , Chancery-ianB ; Hod^sun, Gis&unv wiil be acf.aautuon, and the meetic^ broke up at varying string's—which aro OHly struck by accident; Giouceatey-stieet, kej i s -u the united 2c-i.uti--u a.itl tta.t the Coni- ten For these purposts, assrciations would be requisite, open niouth. If its - tem per is discomposed by tho Je»hn Jame3 Grant, a!e merchant,/ _ o'clock. that ail which will r< maiii mute and senseless to appeals the Qdeen's square. Biocmabury, Juno 28; at oiie, Aucusf -¦ Biit r- ^ ..; provide fui ioi a-Aiiui:t'ire o: ocivuufic -with to which it mus: bu hup^d connected with the loss of a toy it is forthwith eooihed by an ofL-r of must passionate aiid earnest t>;i rouj(b, whether by sweaf meats the ultiruate effect of which is to excite , and tespond at last to at eleven at the Court of Bunkruptcy. NGrrabaiiroiticial liters r/ ?u. j--CtS. iaud or by trade, would give a tho BJigiite-it casual touch, , cheerful support. colicky pains in us bowels which are worso than the la the most inseusiblo assignee, Baslnghall-strefct ; Hillearj, LeadenhaJ* TunitB are a Trinity of Devils walking ; ' ' ' ¦ the earth " ' - ¦ ¦ - ; ' ¦ ¦ • ¦ - ¦ ¦ ' ¦:¦' ' II. T'li iDTASTAGES WHICH THE U5IIED I5SII1C- or childish minus, there is some tram of rtflestion - - ¦: . ¦ ¦ .- . ¦ -. - . . —prir-terati, war, aud intt rup^ rauce. In this- short and imperfect sketch, I have jjiven a origina l evi', for which, in thoir turn , it is pre=ei.ted yirhich art can seldom atrtet . . - . . 3I--»" Will O?F£H IO 17a HillBEilS. * uico pt ppermiut somif had, or ^kili assist, but which John Horatio Clark and HenrV Charles Fdrrbw, wine a GrfASD jury very inadequate deicriptiou of what I think and trust with drvpsS or other equall y will reveal itself its in Pennsylvania hare presented to will prove to be a ntw pleasant antiuote. Because the mouth open When , groat truths hayo done, by merchants King Wiliiani-strtet, Juiy 5i at twel«« 1: ia ohviena , tiie C> ,r. if and valuable element about to is . " to remark thattfwr a 1 the advantages te Eutj ct ol drunkenness, hoping that, it be very generally introduced ing, ohance, and when the discoverer has the jslainefct A«gUbt 2. at 'eleven, at theCourt of Baufcrcptoy. E; made a into the social economy of the child is cry and the mouth leads to the and eimpletit cud iu view. .etnt- ihe sepa- criminal act, by a law of the state.— our country, as well in our , parents jump to tbo conclusion that it is wardSi official assignee. Frederick'a-placd, O;d Jew//; xav- .y, ..i henceforth t^; eiijuy^' i by mt-aibfcrs of IViihumburph Democrat. niauufacturing towns as in stomach * thu agricuiiural dintricts. I contemplate tbe admission opcii : for t.ho ' purpose of being filled, and proceed to Fatal CuEiosnv.—On Saturday a yourig man Helhy, Sergeant's lun Fleet-street. : be*':. >-abtr of the unitiag d>xsh-3 pjrts witn any- A W umab's Reasoa'8.—A woman's reasons are Harjoed 'Phomas Preston, residing at Wednesfield , Richard Cockrill ^ , Kirtoa-in-Lindsey, hiu«; iiijt orlcngs- rs o.ny < f the working class tu a fair participation of the com* cram it accordiiTgly ; furgettihg all the while that , grocer 1^' t .d to it, not r^ff aiiainisbeii said la be three : tbej are past, present, and to forts and ei.jvymenta " dtrived slid down the pit rupp to the oottom of the shaft, at colnshire, July 5, and August 2, at twelve, et the Wiuw ¦q>c ri j '\iatiit of its priTiifrgca whiift to be . from tbe employ- the mouth leads also to the windpipe, and may open ; \'t , shdring tliem come ; aid are aa follows :—" Because 1 did "— mtnt cf lanu aud capital fur iheir for the admission of air to the jun^a as well as ol Bowman's Harbour Colliery , near Wolyerhampton, Hart inn, G^hfbarough. Bdll, &dfo:d-row London ¦wiVi liic iivucr. Nc-Jhing ia mituatcG, nuthiug im- " Ls. u»e will own benefit, aa cal- ' ¦- > ^ 1 "—acd •' Because I should like." culated to effect a great and progressive iaiprovemtnt food to the 8t6mach--and that if they etuff it with with the intention of seeing the colliers ai work. Bellamy, Gains:;erough; ¦} . ' - .. ; ' !V p»rr«i- Wjiea (ta lilUsUttj suiali iLiEgs by great) t»o The iirtt iv is impossible to gel over ; the second is lie had not been down five minutes before a large timberi?"* x, -i in their contlition. By very much alleviating, if it can- cake or puddiiig; when it is open only for the recep- Pbiliip Walters and Morgan Llewellyn/ »«ig*ii 'U- r.g Btatea arc unitt*! togttjer ui^uer oiii aluio^i a hopeless case ; and a man must be a brute stone from the roof or one of the gate roads fell upon July 12, August 3, al gpvfcnoii- not reutuve, tbe hardships which are now pressing so tion of air, they run the risk ot siifll/cating the lirfrle chants, Neath. GramorgaReh're, -5t—tor example—Euglaad aud Sc-t5and— i ndeed , if he can for a moment object to the tbird. hoaviiy upeo them, and by spreading innocent when their only wish is to sooth him: him, crushing him, in 60 dreadful .a ", manner.-as to eleven at the Bush Inn Swunsea. Wattew, S*fft^8»i taaicw.-s are not j esKaied, tcoimi tl.o fcoundiry bt- Then tiie way ia universally a , . is which they bring ihe reasons to bear fctling that all are be-tfittt-d by the institutions under Everybody must have seen fits of cotiyuisiye cough cause hi3 instantaneous death. The stone is sup- Rowland un(i Young, "White Lion coxat, Coinbtil, w?" turm " ' " ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ¦ " ¦ t«e^w oblit«a- - ¦ ¦ ¦ " ' v ¦ Bach obtainB a wiuer ¦ ¦ : ' *tfcd. ' is eYtrj thing. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - -¦• A man would - • ¦ ¦ - - ¦ • . .;• kmt . • . posed to be three tons weight. . :• his brow surlil ., , . Two . . y, which we live, especially by the manner induced b fragments of food being other men were don. . . ; ^ : : rang;1, a.ui^..l3r tcepe ior comnisice aDd tnterpiiee, a ana sav ia a deep repulsive in which the y drawn into the voice, if he like-not the fundamental institution of propel ty is practically worked wiudpipe in euch circumstances. To confound hurt, but uot BeriouHlyy It is a remarkable cireum- Walter James Barge, caTpetite?i B"er-lsne, Tower- freer c^ '-;.ujunion, and a iuora powe.iul guvernment. ur^t interrogation, " Because I did !'' Iv'ot bo with Qo(1 siance that ,although the . « luettaa t f being jialous this system aay prove, under b blessing, the means cryiiug aud the expression of pain with the craving work hxt beea carried on street, July 1, at twelve, August 2, at haif-pastrtw* ccmpctitois, tucj bc-cume bre- a womau ; she would put on one t>f her sweetest of restoring b&rmony and good will " Eoine years, very few accidents had Birohm-lin*!« B' ttreb; instead of -w fciik.rajig amongst all classes of hung - r, is far (rpm being a matter of indifference previously the Court of Bankrcptcy. Alsager, each other, ttaty iook^, 3'id half tmiiiug, eay, " Why my dear, because of the community, t« a degrte scarcely occurred , and those of -a-trifling '-- nature.--2?»mi»o- 's Court Poultry. ¦- xavcziDru eaah other ; inttrnaliy united, aud having I flia, to be hoped for to the child. If foo d be given when it wisbes only cial assignee; Scott, St Mildred . —avsd you know my love, that's a woman's from any other measure wh^cii all parties are yet to be relieved from suffering, the offending cause is hatn Advertiser. . carpenter, Wellington-K'rreW' aacriiiteii nothing buc tneir civisions/ they resscm for everything." To tbe secoad a pre- John Gaorge Bourne, man would parea to ¦uuiw in carrvine into tffeet. leftvin activity, aiid its effcots aggravated by the A Tkuism-t-Were half the July 1, at eleven, August 2, at two,vat the Court * Ti&ti iii the Bcaie of nations, and become reply, Because I will : and it" I don't why "—and he labour exerted to place greau-r and more flourishing as ove than Eotieating your attentive consideration of the follow- additional ill-timed distension of its stomach* buj so woman in her proper station that there is to lift her Banktuutcy. ; Green, offieMaasignee, AldermanW"/' they e?« woula be within a shade of swearing. But, a woman ing paper, more especially in reference : eoaia oe aa tuv. In our humbie nidssure/ we may would te the system, as far is this importaut truth from beiug sufficiently out of it, cases of seduotioB, desertion, or tyranny Gregory and Cook, Swithin's-laue. : - - -:- \ shake her prttty ii .tle head, " Because I will ; be-ariug upon the Poor-rates (an important that - ' Mariow. Ba<»» xeaiu-cot:::iiar advantagesfrom our present union. It ana you know my aarlmg, part of the impressed on the minds of parents and nurses, would almost never occur. It is the theatrical, George Edmund Cartwrighti chenufit ,. , when I say a thing, I subject into whicb 1 have not space to enter,) noihiBg when the child refuses to 2, -at-one Tr? l-«c ;" thing of our separate cossessions, and none aiwajs do it; aed I never do oikerwise than please is more common, apart from the real, idea of her excellence' yvhuch inghamsnire, June 28. at eleven, August ,^ ujr I remain .? wallow more, but still continues to cry, than to toss induces alike the the Court of Bankruptcy. Lackingtbn, official aiffl !^ of our meters, -we gain grtatiy in moiai force ; for ' as you, ao I my love V As to the third, n does every- , Gentlemen, your obedient Servant, fopperieB of ga,llaiitry and crutlties 6 iron ^ii jpcnctbirtin, jso tiie ctiontecence of a man his it in the nurse's arms, as if on purpose to shake down of neglect ; it is because- woman has been decked Coleman-street-buildings: Marsden, Watting- ** *' thing ; lor who can refuse them " What they would James Garth Marshall. its food , and then resume the feeding. And in such fxisiiii/ ii we acquired ns.< tiling from uur combination like." Trae enough, it has brought man to the gai- Headingley, June 15, 1842. with foreign instead of native witcheries thav tho i-nrrm rayniMit and augmented spirit, attempts it is too true that the preservanca of the apex of her influence' has been reao Edwin Twiz 11 Gough, patent agent, Strand, J^8^« bet tbat alone iows ; yet who ever could grumble at so trilling a P.S. A few copies of some of the publications of the ed during the of troul-l bs a valuable scquiiiuan. , Bnt we gain far trial—» thing ¥ nurse bitun gets the better of the child, and forces it honey-moon ; it is beeause woman lends herself to at two, August 2, at twelve, at the Court ^., that can but happen once in a man's/ Labourers' Friend Society may be seen at all the News- at last to receive the food at whioh it really loathes. the deceit BaBingnaU-SJo* morei each InstituUon has added to ii all tbe intellec- life when it shows his attachment to the sex ? paper Offices in Leeds. that the punishment has Becuifcly ct fiie ruptcy. Johnson, official assignee, — Witliqmsburgh Democrat. and been severely feh.—Chaml/ers' s London Jour. Ashley, Shoreditchr^ : ; _. _____ '__Jl] ^ ''non ______Wl ADDRESS OF THE OPERATIVE STONE the j surrounding districts t be placarded, on tae walls DELEGATE MEETING OFgTHE COUNTIES OF a common tBrramoa the town, and that General Johnson said the working of the present over railway companies having MASONS' ASSOCIATION TO THE TBADES *f a number of copies be distributed 3Hm ^nat ^a^ttwwt. so that nnfair aclvautaga at the lowest possible charge. SALOP AND STAFFORD. law wa« very defective. There was no distinction be- or using rails in common, GENERALLY. tween good and bad ; for, by whatever means a man abpald not be taki»nv or; given by 'one company to tho Fifthly.- That csnvivial tea parties be held in the " We adviss the party who sent the announcement Brethren,—We, & portion of the trade, Btruzglin? room as frequently as would be HOUSE OP LORDS-i* was madei a paupeir, be was equally; a pauper. The prejudice of another. . advantageous, for the not to attempt another hsax upen us.—Ed. N. S. r«tey, June 17. a majority of 1. Mr. GiAtiSTpHE for that political protection -which has been hitherto interest of the cause, in engendering a good Lord CtONcuRRY amount of the rate3 bad diminished before the Act was This was losi by ^ feeling, inquired \t any portion of the money last three years, they had mar , promiised to make suggestions to tks cont^ •withheld from the Industrious portion of the population amonest the member?. That inttractien TO THE EDITOR OP THE NORTHERN STAR. collected by virtue passed ; but, within the however ¦ classes be of the Queers letter would be difltri- Btrongly objected to tbe Com- panies On the subject.: • - : : V v . ; -" - ' of t2ii» country, fee] it to be our duty to call year atten- formed , and every comp. tent member bnt«d among the people terially increased. He * - : v • is especially Sir,—In your paper, of yesterday , of Ireland ? missloners being in power fiveyeara longer, as the Bill The Customs: Act Bill (the New Ta'-iflF Bill) was Head . organization -which is desired by this 's date I find the The Duke ' ' tion to an beins effec+ed, -with a conference to aid this desirabla nnder- of Wellington said he would make ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ '' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' "' ; : unite the energies and consolidate taking. above quotation appended to a letter signed Frederick inquiry, and proposed. Our forefathers took care of themselves and a second time. .- . : . _ . ¦ [ : . . - . >v, -...... /. -; view to the means of inform¦ ¦ the¦ Noble Lord on the next¦ day the , ¦ ¦ ' ; ¦ ¦ ¦¦ " " ' Macklin Newport, Salop. House met. . /- ;. . . ¦ - • ¦ ¦:' '" ; . ;¦/¦ . of half the poor ill tbe parish j and why should we ' J une 2p- _ -: [ ' the labouring classes, for the purpose of endeavouring Sixthly. That as soon as a proper room is ob- ; : : . Mondayt r v- the enactment of the People tained, a B-.-nefls With refereBce to the above meeting, I will explain, Lord not do so top? W'ages were depressed by the poor law. to ottain 's Charter, by Society ba formed in conjunction FirzGERAto and Vesci said it wbnia be as ;-—of the Sir J. Graham intimated that it was not the inten- yourselves as members wi-h our organ^zition. in as brief a manner as I can, all tha circumstances con- well if the Noble He would exclude the Bystem Of workhouses enroliinc of the National Charter nected with the Lord would well consider his question not above one tion of Gsvernment, diiTing the present year, of inter- Assocurion, and, as a trade, lending your inSuenca Havfng submitted these , case, and as I felt compelled, last before he save workhouso test—for, formerly, there was ar.d means we may state that week, to record a notice of his intention to put it; he fering with the present system of \Enelish registra- support in conjunction •with other trades and runted we have our orgar.'z it ion now vote of thanks to you, for ycur im- would be aware that the money Workhouse to a hundred parishes. would skater than ever has partial line ef conduct, I trust the same impartial collected was by virtue Colonel SiBTHORFE highly respected the present tion of Parlianientary voters, bat that they bodies throughout ths empire, for the attainment of so been-sine*, the Biriniuijhim Political Union. Taat «?e of a letter read in the churches of England , Wales, anil introduce si- bill before the close of tae pi-csent spirit will impel you t» allow me a place in your Scotland, Government ; but yet he did not believe the New Poor desirable ao object are capiblo of carrying out the complete organ'z^tion of and not in Ireland, Did the Noble Lord wish session in the hope of carr ying it ear ly in the n^sfc ses- columns of next week, for the following explanation to , therefore, felt it to , ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ It is a source of regret to Binuinyham. if aided by to know if any of Law had benefited the poor. He * ' " ¦* '• '" . '; ¦ - ' ' ' • " ' ¦' ¦ " ' ¦ " " ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' " •¦ - • ; ¦ • ' ;• U3 that circumstances y^ur powerful exertions. As the money collected in thifl country was He shoulcl think sion...... - . . . , .- . : . •'. . • loudly calling for our attention should for month's Patriois we are read y " put the saddle on the right horse." to be sent to Ireland be his duty to oppose the measure. ' to perform our share. The facts of the case are these :— ? upon the Sir Robert PeEl, in reply to Lord John Russell, past hzn fo fir ¦withheld us from this subject, yet we Lord Cloncurb y said the it his duty to take the sense of the House Oa Monday, the 30th of May last, at oar weekly letter had been read in some subject ; and should support the motion of the Hon. said that Government did not at present intend io inter- have fcad sufficient time to observe, that notwithstand- of the churches in Ireland ; and he wished to knowif the ' ¦ * ¦ ' ' ' meeting, I proposed a resolution to Member. - . ¦ .; . - > . . -. - ¦ .; fore with the question of Iriau registration. ing fiie distressed state of the country, and the the following Irish people would be participators . _ . pro- - TO THE BIGHT HON. THE SECRETARY OF effect , ^bich -was carried Dnanimoosly:— That it Is ? Mr. Grimsditch said the present measure was Mr. Charles Buller called the attention of tha Biinett manner it has been laid before the legislature, " The conversation then dropped. , STATE. the opinion of this meeting, that a Delegate meeting of The Earl condemneti by the great mass of the people. He ob- House to the subject of the gold coinage,. He -irgued they have evinced no disposition to enact anything in of Radnor wished to ask what was the improper and unjust that, a sudden the Counties of Salop and Stafford should be held im- reason of the jected strongly to the duration of five years ; for, if the that it was b7 the shape of relief ; in fact, they have completely Right Honourable Sia,—At a meeting of the distribution of 23d. in the pound of movement of the Governmeut, the accidental holders ot every hope from our minds of mediately, to devise means for the better organization the proposed tax in Gornmibionera retained their offices for five years eradicated the exisfeg inhabit-.nts cf FailswMti, convened by the Constables of the two Comities, and to consider the necessity of Scotland, while it was 3AcLJ in He reprobated gold coin should be sul'jecteti to the loS3 o£ the appre- burdens that press bo heavily on the ¦working of England ? longer, the country would be in arms. com- at the n-qa sition of s^iue tha principal rat* p.iyers appointing a lecturer, &c, and that all the localities of tyranny, prac- ciation of .tbe coin ; and showed by various precedents munity being by them removed. That the exist'i)? of the township, The Earl of Ripon said that the system of intimation of terror, and and held en Monday, the 6th iautant , the two counties are requested to correspond with _ in former Income Tax tised in workhouses at present; and he hoped the Ri ht in our history that the public had not, in the case of laws of this country are bad , -we thirt. few of you -will lor Vne purpose Bnls the tenant was charged upon g of considering whether a memorial Wm. Peplow, Stafford, as to the practicability of two-thirda of his rent, Hen. Baronet, at the head of the Government, would gold coinage,; been compelled to hear tho Ios3 of the deny. And what is the remedy to be applied ?—TVe fchocM be sent to you in constquence but it was found that this operated unequally upon the of a stattmrDt of holding such meeting at Newport, Salop, on Sunday, Scottish apply the efforts of his gigantio mind to some remedial depreciation, though he aiimitfcd that they h.vl been say, " The Charter," in its true form , is the only one ; lately made by you in the House of Commons tenantry, whbpaid higher rents in proportion " that Jane 19th." thon the English. measure—(hearr.) He would compel the Comrais- compellpd to bear the loas in the casts of re-ixanea «f and in order to do onr share in obtaining' it, we have the New Poor Liw vrurked well in the out-townships I sent a copy of this resolution to : the silver coiriagp. The conduct of the Gaveraraent . formed an Association of cur Mr. Child, of Coal- The Earl of Ripon sipnera to make returns to the Secretary b?-; State for trade in order to carry out of the Manchester Union ," it was agreed tbat a letter brookdale, with a request that he would communicate then moved the third reading of the Home Department He read fieyeral extraeta from had been equivocal and absurd ; by a sudden nroolania- the principles of that document : and "while -we earnestl y be Srnt to you denjing the correctness of the Bill. In doing so, the Noble Earl observed that the above- it through the Salop districts, and having received nothing bnt ancient statutes to show the inefficiency of every suc- tion they bad depreciated the entire gold coiaage of invite those of our own trade to come forward that mention&d Btat-iment, and expressive of our decided the most urgent necessity could justify the ' while they themselves, through theis communications from Coalbrookdale through our New- introduction of such cessive Poor Law down to the present, and he con- the country, have not yet done so, and assist us in this good cause, oJ j-ction to the NcrPoor Law. po frie ds a measure. He then entered into a agenta> had l»een guilty of issuing light coinage after, rt n , 1 expected they would have been apprised financial statement, in order to tended that Lord Brougham bud owned that it had ire think, if every trade -were to take up the question We ol-jrct to it, tecanss we consider that it is un- of it through thac medium. prove tbo necessity for never been intended to apply it to the manufacturing the issue of {fee proclamation. The period, too, which in a similar manner, it would mate such an impression natural and up resorting to such an extraordinary measure for the pur- just; that it is an enqine designed to I also sent a co> y of the resolution to the Pottery pose of t districts ; nor did he believe the patience of the people the goyernmBnt had chosen was exceedingly uypropi- on the publie mind as -would go a great -way in obtain- foster despotism. qualising the income arid expenditure of the injury We think that nearly all the ills district Secretary, and Mr. Ward, of Stafford , com- (country upon would lonjg endure it in the agricultural districts. Now, tious—a period of great public distress ; the the object There is one thing in particular that stimu- which cfflict fimilies or nations proceed . -a sound and proper footing. public by this measure would la pro- primarily from municated it to Mr. Wilcox, of Wolverhampton, with The Marquis of sometimes temporary; relief-for a week, nay, for a day, inflicted on the lates us at this time te call upon yc u to examine the miF^ovemment; con&.qn3Dtiy "we do not call for the Lansdowne did net wish to ob- ductive of more damage in a fortnight than the tariff a like request. struct the Bill, for he admitted would enable the poor man to regain his. independence, merits of the Charter, which is our late strike. We enactment of Poor La -cs, t>at for the prevention of I likewise sent the resolution with other correspon- the necessity of raising to remain bis own master; but in order to qualify him could compensate in a year. a revenue • his objection was rb to the means. He think it is clearly proved, that however far trades' poverty by equitable Jt-gisiation, that a sybttm of go- dence to the Star for insertion ; but upon reading the for beiug an inmate of a workhouse^ bia goods were of the Exchequer depTecated •anion'B are calculated to warned their Lordships that in agreeing to an income The CnANCELtoR better our condition, yet thtre vernment possessing far more and greater advantages, Star of the -4th instant, I found that some of your sub- sold oft , and he was brought to a state of utL-r det>ti- this mode ef bringing on important qnestions. The law is too great & lack of protection, for any permanent evfin to the most wealthyand powerful tax they might be laying the foundation , for good or ' ¦ ¦ , than ours nii *ht alterns (for I cannot believe that you would do it) had tution. ' . '. " .. • ...... ; - authorised all individuals to refuse gold coin which waa good to ba derived from them as at present be adopted. evil, of an entire change in the system of our taxation. constituted ; transformed the resolution to the following, which ap- He opposed the Sir C. Napieb. could not Bee the ub© of appointing below the weight; required as a legal tender. He adV feat do noi think for one moment thst we imagine We oppose the New Poor Law too,and desire a return pears in the Star of that date :— details of the Bill; with its inquisitorial Poor Law Commissioners at exhorbitant salariea. The pow er, ou the hypothetical ground that the bill was mittod that it wuld have been better if the public had trades' unions -would becoms useless if the C—vrter were to tie 43d of Elizibsth, until aa equitable and just state Stafforb and Salop. union had done a great deal of good in the district been more frequently warned of the effeot and opuration they -would Btill, -we think, of society be instituted, because, without augmenting " —A delegate meeting of necessary ; but he denied that necessity, required aa it gained ; but on the contrary, tbe counties of Su-fivrd and Salop will be held -where he had officiated ; and if all the unions in England of the law • •.but passing over this, be declared that the continue to be necessary, and -with the protection we the comfort3 of the poor, it is more expensive, having at New- was to make up between two an4 three millions of a from port, Salop; on Saaday, June 19th." deficiency. Asa were upon bo small a scale they would be a bleesirig intimimations which the present Government had re- mi^ht expect a good government, would render cost this township £167. 10s. 9d., during the last twa tax, it was essentially unjust ; and all , its injustice and inequalities instead of a curse to the country. In his district old ceived of the evil of the depreciation of tiie present them more effective and nstf al. years, btsidts iho sa.arics cf tLe ovirsver and the col- I read the altered announcement in the Sta r to the might have been avoided people of sixty; years of age had received three shilliiigs members of our Association on the by resorting to tha resources of the gold coinage required some executive intevforenee, and The causes of strike are daily increasing, -while the lector,-above £3S6, the average year y amount. following Monday country, such as by per week, and why should they be deprived of a com- moment night, and received orders, by a resolution to that effect an alteration of the Corn Laws, timber, and sugar the Goverument liad selecfced that seasonable means of securing the o>j *ct struck for are daily deceas- The union of parishes appears to us to be bad, not fortable home? They were people of good character, , which they believed, if neglected, ing. The reason 13 obvious: the present therefrom, to continue tbe announcement. Accordingly duties. He concluded with a motioa embodying his far interference >ystem has only to ths poor but the guar.iia-us, a3 many tf the and he Bhould like to break the law for their benefits- would not occur again. : The Government find made the supply of labour entirely to exceed the I sent tke second announcement which appeared in the views. soon latter have t:> go a considerable distance to the Union Star of Jane 11th, daughter). Now, if a man with fire or six children adopted this measure;with a view of relieving thy pres- demand ; the effect of which is. first , to prevent num- meetings, expense. The which has called forth Mr. Macklin's Lord COLCHESTER said that the deficiency in the and to be at ^reat former have weak invention supplies cf sugar a, finds his 12% per week not sufficient to main tain his smo on the monetary interests, which were ultimately bers obtaining employment, and thus depriving tbein to tell their tales to " " letter. had bten only caused by series of family, strangers, who will prohably neglect droughts, and that under ordinary he must now sell his goods and csrae into the the interests ; of the whole community. of the meau3 vf subsistence; and, secondly, giving the them unless ttey pit ad their -wants iervtntly, I must confess that I hava taken liberties with Mr. circumstances onr poor-houses. Workhouses ought to be more liko Cael- employers ctmplete control over the which colonies would supply our demandk without any altera- Sir Robert Peel produced proof of tbe dsniand labour market, the most worthy are often ucabls to do. ii.'s nan;e; but when I consider that he was the only sea or Greenwich hospital than that which they are for a rectification of the gold currency which had boett thereby enabling them to exact the greatest possible individual in Newport connected with the Chartists tion in the duties. To give you some idea of tba aversion manifested present He would), in the event of a man having a pressed on the Government;, and contended that, under amount of work for the least amount of -wages. There ¦whose name had been published, I cannot conceive, Lord Brougham, while denouncing the income tax, i; towards the New Poor Law in this township, wo need admitted its necessity, large family, agree to take one or two of hia family existing circumstances, no other course was open to thai never -was, the history of our country such an im- with the above explanation, that I have done much and at the same time candemned into the house and educate them, upon the understand- only to state that out of twelve townships included in the opposition which had been raised against the executive* Any other course taken to remedy such an portant period as the present ; hundreds of thousands wrong. ing that they should be remunerated for it afterwards. actual evil wbuid have led to a positive depreciation of ef our countrymen are iciuaUy Btarving, walking the union the inhabitants of three have unanimously Trusting I have now said enough measure, which he conceived to have been the result refnsed t», elect a guardian for to set the matter In cases of bastardy also, he disliked the idea of tke the coinage more severe than that which now existed, throughout the manufacturing and agricultural districts the present year. F&ils- at rest, and that Mr. Macklin's weak invention" letter of mere tactic?. There was but a, choice of evils, woith never elected one. " national insolvency, or an reputed father not being obliged to support the child. and which, by proviug a market for " clipper^" and like shadows of men gliding to their gmres ; 3nd will not have foiled the delegate meeting, and that Mr. Income tax. The pecuniary He did not believe that tho morals of females -were one measures suggested by the Marquis of Liinsdowne other depteoiators of the coinage, would have materially poverty occasioned by ethers is punished as a crime. I am. Right Hon. Sir, M. will xabour in " pursuit cf justice," would whit better for it; for generally speaking the girl could publia. : prove utterly ineffectual or mischievous, for th bear.) It had been repre- measure ; and, in Bupporting it in.this matter, he had Birmingham.) to request that you will give a place in terested working men have given up sented that the manufacturers in the nort of England Robin Hill pits, nor even twt any other pits under the their claims for The Marquis of Lansdowne replied ; the Earl of seen notlilng to chaage his opinion during tao inteivaL your columns to their address and propositions, herewith the good of the nation." O.fital delusion I but you have hod entered into a conspiracy with the Poor Law Com- old system—the your Birmingham same firm, or Dry Ciough Company. It would not be Ripon explained. Wo ffinst not forget the facts of the enclosed. As they ars anxious that seen your error ; therefore be on your guard ; be not missioners to absorb the surplus labourers of the south indecency, the idleness, the want of moral f&eiiag, readers, cumbers of whom were not present at the possible to wind them over the beam—our engine is so Upon a division thero appeared, for the original mo- and constructed as to stap before the waggon could reach deceived by smooth soft insinuations against the North- tion, 112; against it, 52. of England, by kidnapping the poor of the eouth .' Mr. moral courage, ifc'c It would be easy to gain a ehorfr Conference, should see that their only otyect in caume era Star , whose rays are penetrating into the dark re- Chadwick, a qnaker gentleman, bad been instrumental lived popularity by opposing the New Poor LW, h\A them together was te elicit by a friendly discussion, the the beam. Likewise it is said bojs of eight or nine After somo further discussion , their Lordships ad- in absorbing the surplus population of tbe south. It years -cf age conduct the engines,—i^ever such thing is cesses of corruption and draggicg the hideous monster journed the debate at three o'clock. believing that no psriod short of fiva years would serve best mode of disciplining and extending the organ5zi- before the noon-day sun, exposing its deformity to tho was ene of the moat disgraceful scenes of tyranny and to enable tbem/ to underatand the operation of the tion of the National Charter Association throuizhoat practised under this firm , but good and experienced slavery ever exhibited in any civilised country. Man men condnct the engine. public. SaturdoyApnl\$. Poor Law oomraission, and convinced that the vices of tie town and its environs They think this, in jsstice, Rally round your tried friend who came to your under this system becomes brutal and reckless ; he I hope in your next you will correct this error as well The royal assent was given by commtabioa to various the old system were too inveterate to be otherwise is due to them, as the very party which caused tfleia to rescue when you lay at the feet of your worst enemies bills, mostly of a private nature. toils, like Sisyphus at bis wheel, with no other prospect rooted out, he gave his cordial suppoit to tha bill before ¦ ' ¦ ' " ¦ simply abridged would as you can. The said firm fiDd themselves aggrieved at unmitigated Irtbtmr ; • ¦ ¦ " ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' • ¦ ' ¦ • ¦ ¦ be cashiered on charges which, , —tbe speculators in your blood and bone?. than a Constant repetition of his . - .- - - ¦ ¦ the House...... ; -;. . ; . . • : . but bad lawyers, in the publication treating upon tbem, and being constant his habita are debased,—his morals are contaminated . be that they were good Chartista. , On a division, the amendment waB rejected by 218 ' ' " ' ' ' ' ¦ ' ' the same breath. As anomalously ss the verdict of an readers of your valuable paper, wish you not to let go An Observer. he becomes sullen and ferocious, and an easy prey to ¦ - ¦ ¦ : - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ - ' HOUSE OF COMMONS, Friday, to 48. . ^ . . ; - . -:- .- ¦ sight of making it appear; whatever may be the Newton-Heath, Manchester, June 17, , English clod-poled jury, claimed from the meeting a the arts of designing demagogues^-(hear hear.) Hon. Mr. Ferrand, after some observations, moved tbe , practice with other firms ire have nothing nothing to June 20th, 1812. Tho Speaker tpofc the chair at the usual hour. Gentlemen might say Hear, hear;" but he could point vote of thanks for them in consideration of the prompt- Mr. Fox Maulk presented a petitiuu from the Gene- " adjournment of the debaite for a week, - ' ness, aptitude, and decision they had shown in all offer. out some of tfaem. WH1 gentlemen ttive thair sanction Mr. FlELPEN seconded the motion ; warning the I am, ral Assembly of the Church of Scotland, ou the state of Will they place fearful eases of emergency. p-ay to this measure ? tbia power House against granting the unconstitutional powers Yours most respectfully, TO THE KEY. WILLIAM HILL, EDITOR OF TBE ChurcU patronage in that couotry, ing for the repeal into the bands cf these Poor Law CbmmJssioners You will see then, Sir, that as a measure of justice to of the Act of Queen Anue having reforfence to this proposed to be perpetuated by the Bill to the Com- ar.d sub- (Loud ¦ ¦ these young men, that the insertion of their address Eyaks NORTHERN STAR. for five years ? cries of Ob, no, no) "¦ ' ¦ " ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ; ; John , 'Underiooker. (Mr. Maule), " missianers. . ¦ • . : . - • • :" ¦ .• ¦ • • • , - ;¦ • • : . - . - V" and ject. Ha Fox further considering the bible is trampled under foot ! The laws : . . propositions would be both pleasing to themselves Oldfeam , June IS, 1S42. motion for an address to the throne Tke of God Mr. Mark Philips supported the Bill in a speeoli as they would learn that what- Sir,—It is a pleasing duty I have to perform in testi- , of which be had ore scoffe d at! For we are enjoined to feed tbe poor ! encouraging to ot&ere, given notice for Tuesday next, of seme length. : ever was desired in a friendly and patriotic spirit was fying, amonfst your numerous readers, to tbe perfect bad resolved not tp Yet they are sacrif iced;— f or what ? To swell the r proceed further with that motion ; at the same time neither disregarded- nor considered useless by tfie satisfaction I have ever received in yonr conducting such enormous wealth cf their masters, ; and to save the Sir James: Graham called in question some state- THE CASE OF DUFFF. a journal as the Northern Star, with all tbo difficulties reserving to himsslf the powtr of taking up the matter ments by Mr. Ferrand, which be was quite williug la Chartist body. rates. This Jias been avowed. Ilad the poor-law com- ¦¦ and importance attached to it should he deem tit in another session, if the¦ ¦Government missioners been able to carry oat this law in the north ? submit to the inveatigatibn of aelect coniniUt- I hare the honour to be, Sir, did not do so. : ¦ ¦ " • ¦ * You have used the rein and spur with judgment and No, they had not Men bad been incarcerated in Afier some debate, a division took piaca ; Your obedient servant, TO THE EDITOB OP TUB >'OBTH£BN STAB, , Sir Bobbrt Pbel said he would have acceded to the when John So ah, discrimination and whea imperious necessity demanded county gaols, becanse they could not pay the 2a, M poor there appeared 18 to 255. ' Sib., trust you will allow ms through the medium it, you have not hesitated to ply tho whip, and lay Right Hon. Qentlenian's motion had he brought it for- Preipect Row, Birmingham, June, 15, 1342. —I rates. He knew a poor man out of work, who had Ss. Some furLher debate tjok place, and than th9 BHI of yonr paper to appeal to my brother Chartists on it oh "pretty thick" on every "boiter" from th« straight- ward, and availed himself of the oppor tunity it afforded allowed him by the poor-law guardians, in his union, behalf of James Duffy. I think a plain statement of forward course; but you have never been wantonly or of stating the reasons why the Goveiniuen^, for the pre- went into .committse pro forma, and the House ad- Reportof the Delegate Committee of the National Charier to maintain bis wife iantl family, but he was stcpr ert journed. his case will be sufficient to call forth your sympathy unnecessarily severe. In short, I have sometimes sent, bad given up interference in this question. He left 2s. 6(1. out of it for poor rates. It was dreadful that Jssodaticm, resided in Sirmirjham, held al the and Eupp&rt on his behalf. thought you too feelingly alive to tbe sensibilities of it to tbe good Beaae and moderation of the people of Scot- aged people, who had paid the rates, fihould be torn Black Horse, Jiaie 7th, 1S42. I have no need to remind you of his Bufferings in others, who did not merit such tenderness at your land to afford the means of a proper understanding on a from their homes, and immured in Bifetiiea ! If we BALANCE SHEET OF THE O'CONNOR Northallertonhell for your cause ; ef his breaking up hands. subject of so much importance. , Having been deputed by you fulfil but ene-twentieth part of our promises, that bill DE&rGNSTRATiON COMMITTEE* Fellow Patkiois — a once happy and comfortable home, and being thrown As a correspondent of yonr paper, you have withheld Lord John Russell was ready to leave the ques- will never be read a second time. as an Executive Council, to take the most efficient ; pennyless with hi* constitution destroyed upon an un- several communications of mine, and used the rein tion with perfect satisfaction in the hands of tho MAY 22. I842. measures to promote the organisation, harmony, and for advocating the when you thought my zaal outstripped my judgment. I Government. Sir J. Graham vindicated Dr. Kay from the asper- relenting and and persecuting world, sions of the Hon. Member who bad just sat down. The activity cf our union, we have felt it our duty to call ¦ ¦ RECEIPTS. ¦ bowed to your decision, and generally I found your deci- Mr. C. Buller called the attention of the House to • ¦ ' cause of suffering humanity. to ¦ ¦ ¦ * poor bad no ri^bt a maintenance without working. - - £.-b. d. yon together, for the purpose of considering—first, our yon see a man like unto Daffy sion to be just and proper. the recent proclamation relative to ,the. -gold coinage. He . My dear friends can This was a doctrine subversive of all the ri?,ht3 of pro- present position. - and, secondly, to ascertain how far dying for want of snppurt. and not rousa yonrselves to On the demise of the t indicator I addressed tho thought it a case of such urgent importance, that he was Longton ...... ¦•*. 2 15 71 you are prepared to aid in consummating the liberty of Derby, Star, and congratulated all real Chartists en its txtinc- prepared to proceed now, or, ii" the Goyernment objected perty, and most mischievous to the working classes Stoke ...... 1 10 7i do something for him. "We, tho Chartists of themselves. our beloved country. To us it was a matter cf serious protection. We contr mplate tioa. I was very aDgry with "Vincent and Philp, and to his proceedings at present, lie would postpone hia Hanley and Shelton •.. ... 2 12 i> have taken him under our Mr. STUART ¦WORTLEy deprecated the use of str< n« responsibility in accepting the tmsistnre of the Ex&cu- establishing him as a hawker and general dealer, and said, amorg many things, " that they were \>laying motion till Monday. Upper Hanley, a.nd Smallthorne 4 11 lOi Uve Council, yet as patriot! it was onr duty, and so far Chartists, to assist the very devil." I spoke of their pettishnes3, waspish- Sir R. Peel complained thnt no notice had b?en given or barsh language with respect to tbo poor-bw conuuia- Newcastle ...... - ... 0 13 Ii we confidently appeal to onr brother sion. Condemning the powers given to thut conimis- es we have been enabled, we have arduously sought us in this laucLible undertaking. Ramember that many ness, and want of judgment and self-controul, and of this aul-ject.:¦,' the Government had come down gre- ...... 1 1 10^ to fulfil the object of our mission ; "we have laboured to their leaning to the middle classes ; but I gave them pared to discuss another question. sion, he did not, nevertheless, ask for its instant Collections at differe nt meetings 6 15 3| can help one when one eant help many. Hoping you abrogation, but cautioned tbe House against its per- effect a complete co-operation of the varicus localities of will see it your duty to do something, credit for honesty, and thought that age aud time would Mr. BullejR then gave notice that he shiiuld bring this town, and we forward his motion petuation, believing that, under proper training, the £20 0 11 the National Charter Association of , do much for tbem. as an amendment on the order for I remain, yours your notices t» reading the fitst order of tho dny on Monday. local authorities were the best administrators of the have been EuccessfoL In the cause of justice, You did not iasert ray letter, and in \ EXPENDITURE.¦ all our The order of the day for the second reading of the pqor-law. ' ¦ ¦ " - There is but on& sentiment has pervaded correspondents appeared this—" Woolwich Cadet Poor v . . . ' Bettings—that , to achieve freedom we Biust be THOMAS BEJGGS. Law Bill was then read, after whick, Colonel Wood (Brecon ) supported the second . . £., s. d. is must excuse us, it appears too much like kicking a d«vd To John Richards ham onittd. To accomplish this grand work of moral Derby, June 2lst, 1842. herse." Yon bad no wish in this either to lash or Several Hon. Members, on both sides of the House, reading of the bill, though ho wished it bad been divid- * to Birming , have called you presented petitions against the Bill itself and various of ed into two parts ; and saw defects in the working of to the Sturge Conference ... 2 7 6 power, is the etgect for which we denounce; but I sometimes imigine that by sparing , ... 1 16 6 together. As patriots—as saviours of your country, the rod, you have spoiled the child ! its provisions. tha law. H.lioatb, to Helper ... "we wereaware lhat to establish confidence, it was neces- TO THE EDITOR OF THE WORTBERS STAR. I was deeply grieved at the conduct of O"Brien, but On the motion that the Bill be read a second time, Mr. Liddell said he would support the second Coach and four, postilions, and mar- shall's horses ...... 4 2 9 sary yon fchould assemble. Many of you are unknown I attributed it, as I do now, to illness. Let O'Brien's Sharman Crawford rose to move an amendment, reading ofthe bill, but should oppose the third reading, intimacy SiB,— In a preceding number of the Star you very if certain, imperfections which to pointed but out were Printhig bills and cards ...... 1 7 0 to each other. This will tend to extend your properly cautioned the people against any inducement health be completely re-established, and we shall see that it be read a Bscohd time that day three months. exalt your sentiments— The object of the old Poor Law waa eiiiployment or amended ; the bastardy clauses, yarticnlarly, working Music, and carriages for do. ... 70 0 —to inspire you with zeal—to held out to tbem to violate the law. 1 participate in him tke " Bronterre O'Brien" as formerly, menssana , ... 0 8 2 to exrit-j mntnal respect—to a-»6ken your energies, snd in corpore sano ! The O'Brien I met here can never Bubsistenc? for the destitute poor. The new Poor Law very ill ; and' he certainly should oppose the arbitrary Mr, French, to Manchester now the advice given at thifl particular crisis, believinjt, as dissolution of the Gilbert nniocs. Iiicklehtal expenses ...... 3 8 3 to confirm your patriotism. The real patriot must Char- become a tool for middle class schemers. I, for one, did not give relief till they arrived at that point of des- sacred cause I do, that one false step on the part of the The House then divided, 171160 there were Paper and postage ...... 0 3 3i be distinguished by bis devotion to the tiBts would throw them into the arms of their enemies, will not listen to it. titution which the law ought to prevent, and not create. ^— For the second¦ reading, 260 ,- against it, 61; majority, cf liberty pseudo-patriot will soon abandon a Continue , Sir, in your path of righteousness, and you On that principle he founded hits opposition to the mea- ' ¦ * ¦' * ' ' ; i The »nd damage the very important position they now - ¦;. : - - £20 13 cause he is unworthy to aid. Every man, however must ever command tbe aid and approbation of all sure. There bad been little or no iucrease in the rates 199. . . . ;. . . . : . C^ , every hold. from the year 1760 till the Act was altered. The Gil- The third reading of the I>aan FoieBt Poor Bill humble, has great jduties to perform. Xst, then honest men and women, and the Star, under your ; Receipts ...... £20 0 U I am led to these remarks from the fact that mysel! was resisted, but was carried¦ on' a.division by 81 to ese to contribute his share of guidance, will lead to the regeneration of your country, bert Acts and select vestries left the management of ¦ ' - ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ consider that, in failing - • . . : . exertion country, he is aa acces- and "others were requested to attend a meeting in the civilization of the laws, and tbe happiness and tho poir in the hands of strangt-ra, while under the old to ii. .; ,. . . . : , , .. . for the salvation of his arter Association in The otlier orders of the day being then dis- Dus to Treasurer .- £0 12 CJ sory to the crimes of despotism ; that tho*e who tolerate a new locality of the National Ch prosperity of tbe people ! lawtho parishioners had the management of their own Great Guildford-street, Southvrark, on Thursday even- officers. He maintaiaed th^t tho coiit'.tuance of the posed of, the House adjourned at half-past twelve ; ' Thomas SrARKEVv Treasurer. the outrages on suffering humanity are as guilty as those Nothing leas than " Universal Suffrage, and no sur- unfit to exer- ing last. , After having carried a resolution in favour of present law would be an ait of great injustice to the o'clock. Wm. Gabratt, Ciiaii-isan. »ho commit them. In a word, they are room, render," will meet approbation from ' to struggle for its the Charter, thera were three individuals in the p^or 'nun. He did not tbink that relief sb"ould be given Saturday, May lath. 'Audited and found correct, cise liberty who are not prepared well educated, got up and Your devoted Servant, cbtunnsent. one of whom, apparently td able-bodied men without their giving their labour in addressed the meetiDg in the most rohid style, advisin? A Woolwich Cadet exohanse. V The House was occupied in considering the Railways' JaMCS LlVESLEY , \aAuduor8 jjfflT.fl Oar peaition at present a3 a great class cf Reformers : , John Richards,j ' con- the-peopler when hungry, to ke zn food from the baker's Cbichester, June 20th, 1842. Capiam Pecuell seconded the motion of his Hon. Bill in committee. is n-oit critical. The Government is in principle a Tae first amendment of ^importance waa one propose«i the course of ai.d cook-shops ; denounced the Chartists for their Friend. He should oppose the csntinuancie of tbe law, federacy of rich usurpers, who have in tha by Mr. Stafford O Brien, ta prevent the luckiug faction in the cowardiee ; recommended assassination, and caUed t became it Interfered so much with. Ipea! acts. Gilbert emits, placed a powerful and inhuman and children of the doors of passenger carriages nix tbe side neartat A proclamation annouuoiirg the issue of ?. roin of suprem thrragh the exer- man a fool who -would deeUoy himself TO THE DIFFERENT SUB-SECRETARIES OF unions found Work f jr able-bodied paupers instead of farthings, was e Efinanistration of authority, instead of destroy ing the to the sJatipas. This, of course, raised a discusaion on s unknown before, namely, half cise of which they may conserve the existing brigand from the fear of poverty, THE NATIONAL CHARTER ASSOCIATION sending th«m to the workhoase. The poor in the pubhohed on Friday. To merchants oj#>t3 of a authors if his misery : all of which, from the vehement GUbert unions are much better provided for ; and one the subject of *' locking-up" oh railways. f iEstitBtioi.8, and with absolute majorities, in the Legis- in it OF DEVON AND CORNWALL. penny have been loDg famiiar in their dealing ; but cisni^r which was delivered, was much applauded million and a half of the inhabitants of thia Gountry are Jtr. C. Ri-SSELt (tbo chairmanof of the Great Western lature, cm perpetuate the &trocion3 order of things. said th^t the whole the carriages in how shopkeepers may like this new moBev is proble- , by the meeting. Fellow Democrats,—I have just received a letter now enj'->ylny " liberty under these acta. His great Ob- Railway) the Ye», fellow patriots', a crisis ia approachinr when case of the lamentable accident en the Paris aud Ver- matical. Hi chert o a large proportion at v profit, has unless -we grapple with the iloaBter- Messrs. Biackmors, Maynard, and myself brought from oar persevering friend, Mr. Campbell, in answer jection to tbe measure waa that it proposed a continu- been made out of fractious,: which 'never.have been are prepared to ance of the system yoars sailles Ritiiway were second-class carriages, of . -which Vsnrpsiion, not «ily will your condition be rendered the meeting back to their original position ; and in- to a letter I sent ten days since, requesting .him to tot five , and that it interfered. given in favour of the buyeri and which will now be individuals urge the necessity of a good and efficient lecturer ao many ways with the' . Gilbert unions. The Hon the top and Bides were «peu, and from which the paa- irredeemable; but we may by onr criminal apathy, con- stanced the fact, that we have already 500 aengers could have escaped as easily as if ended, and therefore by so inuck will it be bcnefieial treated, through the instru- being sent amongst us to awnken this apathetic region Member here read some documents to show the intffi- . the doors sign our posterity to eternal slavery. incarctratfcd and cruelly had been unlocked. He was opposed, on principle, to to the poorer classes. . : do onr duty; of Whig spies, and that we were not yet to to a sense of their dnfy, and fco lay our case before the cient working of the new Poor Law. He would never L=t v& then so far as we are concerned, mentality .•illpwing: the doors to remain unlocked, as being far eep " Nothing has such a tendency to restore Ut Birmingham is a be caught by Tory spieB, which wa« appreciated, and New Executive when chosen. Mr. Campbell assures consent to the dissolution of ths Gilbert unions. Sl .— us Bet an example to the country, Mr. Pakington more likely to produce accidents than the practice of the system as sound and refreshing sleep; a popular town what iB Btill more gra- the iuflutnee of tne individuals in question set aside. me and you all, every one of yon, that if we do our would give his cordial support to of immense population, End the measure introduced lpcklng np. ; writer beautifully remarks—--• Allrheaiing sleep tifying, Great events are asso- L was struck on. entering the meeting at finding a duty, by trying to supply the ready, be doubts not but by her Majesty's Government. the people are dsmocrat. supplied with a There bad been attempts made to excito ths Mr. GtADSTONE opposed the amendment, consider- neutralizsa tho corroding csmatio of care, and blunts ciated with , let us hope they are worthy of policeman at the door; a rather unusual »ccurrence at tbat Devon and Cornwall will ba ba4 pas- the riame will go the whole hog. sions of the people on e subject of the Ne^ Poor ing tbat tbe question should be left open, and that it even tho barbed arrows of the marble hearted fiend— ft Their energies Lave hitherto betn ever ready at the London meetings of late. It must also be borne in lecturer of talent, and one that th to the Up, then, at once ; call your different committees Law. He was convinced that by thus giving his vote was not judicious to arm the Board of Trade with com- Iugratitude ;' and by a well-known pott it" -.i9 de- ecffiniaEci of iheir country when any great measure of mind, that Chartism is triumphant in Southwark * desire to create together and let a general fond be raised of the two to the meajrare, he was promoting the inte rests of the pulsory powers on the subject scribed as * Nature's sweet restorer r yet there ire Sefcm has been submitted to the Government All chagrin of both factions. I have no After some d&nyersation, minds cf any one ; but we counties, every loom set to work, and every band working classes themselves. He thought ifc impossible JhoasandS: who pass woary and sleepless nights den that is necessary is to concentrate their moral an unnecessary alarm in the Sir R. Peel expressed hia opinion, that the public without taking the trouble to ascertain the eaose ; plan of our time; and as eventa are fast crowding active, tbat we may weave a good web of sound that the affairs of the poor could be managed without Power for great practical purposes, the present must bide some central were tbe best guardians of their own safety, which, many resort to opiates, and thus aggravate the evil. Union this essential object round us, I firmly believe the people will, ere long, Chartism, before the short days come on, for if we controlling authority. He thought the , is capable of aceomplisbiBS giving tbe wheel of guardians Bhbuld. not be removed every year ; Irat that also, would be best ensured by giving to the Board of Parr's Life Pills will be found to soothe the irritated fc? aarp&ig the most judicious amngemeiits for its have an opportunity of evincing their adherence to the allow the winter to come without necessity of corruption a thrnsfc, we are hardly worth the same of they should bo continued tor five years. The Hon. Trade a discretionaryrather than a comjoisory power. state of the nerves, and soon to bring the whole fcficient application. As such we now submit to your principle* of the Charter, and hence the The amendment was ultimately carried to a division, system into that cool and healthy state as will induce sectional squabbles with the law. I respec- Chartists. Member defended the proceedings of the t>6dy of guar- ¦ deliberation the following Eieans cf vigorously organis- avoiding dians that had been and rejected by 92 \6 69. .^ ponnd and refreshing sleep,and thus fit the mind and fcg from Mr. O'Connor in his last letter to the Mr. Smith, of Plymouth, has suggested the holding uttaekwl by the Hon. Member who the working men of this locality:— fully differ for tbe better had brought forward bis aniendment. No class of peo- Mr. PtuMPTRE then proposed an amesdment that body for the varied duties pi life, which hencefor- First and respect- imperial Chartists, where he says :— a delegate meeting of the two counties, , "We propose that a commodious step is ple were more wretched and miserable than the inmates " no railway shall be used on any part of the Lord's ward will bo performed with e&se and satisfaction." able lecture should it be impossible The Tories are too strong t» nse spies or hirelings to organisation of the different localities. Such a in cases of end room, be taken, and " essentiallynecesssary, and I hope that every committee of the poor houses formerly^ were. Men and women Day," except^' charity necessity." is in to obtain , thit steps be immediately destroy us;" for 1 think/ although strong in power, they ^ * of legislation Blackbv^—Trade hero a fearfully; de- rcch a place may immediately take the snbjeet into consideration, were huddled together promiscuously, In dirty apart- Mr. MACAVtAV ;opposed this kind kien, either to purchase a piece of property to b? have not left off their old tricks, and would gladly Snnday tiaveiiiDg, and asked who wtie presstd (jonxiiUou. The poor baud-loom "weaver!} have , and correspond with Mr. Smith, Plymouth, and say ments; and in one instance a lunatic had been chained with respect to^ r converted, into such a meeting room, or to erect s st'Z3 the opportunity, through spies and agents of *f to be empowered to judge and decide oo these cases of a.',ain had to sobmit to lower wages. Factory ' likely to hnrl them how and when. Let tbe subject be immediately up in the same room with the other inmates. Now, in Sill. » putting down Chartism, which ia charity and necessity ?" .. ' He thought that the House operatives also suffer extreme distress. The condi- proceed at the pace it has entered into with a spirit tbat becomes men worthy order to put down those , abuses, we muat have a regu- " tion of operatives just now is truly distresi-ing. ; StcoEdly, That a meetirg of the members be held from power, if suffered to lated workhouse. would be placed in a most ludicrous situation if it last two or three years. of liberty. If this Act passed, such abuses as *6fck!y, foi -Q~ e transaction of business, and that each been going at the hints may be the means of those lately practised at Bridgwater and Seven Oaks adopted bo extravagant and monatrousa proposition. ; THE iEtflStATORE NEMIIER pfiMrs NOR DEPKRS ^sniber is as frequently in submitting this statement to your con- Hoping tbe above few , specially rtqueBted to attend My object 's power by strengthening the could not ag.iin cccui. He, however, disapproved ef Lord Sanpon, Mr. Gladstone, and Sir H. right f—Such is the power and activity :of the class » Possible. sideration ia to put my I rother Chartist* on their guard weaken ing the oppressor working man's cause of equal justice, that part of the Bill relating to tho educational dis- INGUS, entreated Mr. Plnmptre to withdraw his intoresti in the House of Commons, ttet the law 3tlrdiy. That open air meetings be held every axainst the infiammalcry harangues cf persons they (apparently wish of yonrs, tricts. He contended that the amount of tho rates amendment ; but, after Borne conyersetipn, it weut to a branch of thoae interests is cndeavouiin? *eek for the purpose of diffusing gut principles, and injw coining of. Is the sincere p ilotingof th» papsw, in under tbe old law bsd been nnncu?. and a great saving division, when it was supported ¦ by eight,¦ and opposed with saccessl, to preyent the ' ¦ ' ¦ * ' ¦ ' ' ' ' ' * ' : ' * ¦ extending our crjaalzition. e, Persevering in the cause of * * ¦ ¦ ' ¦ : ' ;;; "' : ;; ; ¦ • I am i ours, in tt c cau had been efifoctsd. But the great object of the bill waa by lOB. .: ...... v - 5Ir. Gordon's case" of complaint against the Irish Court Pomthly. Th-t a general Cosferercs of all the J, W. Pakker Political Emancipation, to restore habita of industry &ad independence to the Lord Robert Grosvenor proposed a clausei the of Caancery. It is thei nei?ht of fo»y to expect any. Member an address s be feel d once in each month; that lUdrath, Jane 15, l?42. Benrt Ha.ncqck, peor man'; obieat of wh!-5b waa vo gecn!e ef BimLcgbim and 2 , Oi'ord-itmt, Waterloo-roc ' . ' : ¦ ' ' g THE NOR THE RN STAR. : . : . ; . ,.;. ; : ; ¦;, .] , :v . /.; ': /;.: - : ^A

turer, property, without first having held in A; , #$rt T?«»muts (Efyavt tist: ¦$8U*Unt& DISTRESS OF THE COUNTRY. his obtained C^art wii BtACKBURN.—At a delegate meeting and CLARKSO^J beg to inform their his consent, and knowing that Dowling was so em- Sn^Uts^nc^ this town, on Sunday, the 12th June, the fojl owing M• Friends and the Public that they have tatm In the Born e of Commons, on Thursday ovening, ployed. Porter (a regular victim of the arbitrary resolutions were unanimously carried :-~l , " That it a HOUSE IN AN ELIGIBLE SITUAT ION Bi>glet District.—The next delegate meeting Mr. Ferrand rose to bring forward the motion of laws) was oh the present occasion taken by surprise, ItEEDS. —At the weekly meeting of the Loeda is thei opinion of tbiei meeting, that for the further ad- with Garden attached, near the - Ch urch, LOW of ibe Biogley District will be held on Sunday, the which he had given notice, respecting a grant of and bad no opportunity of preparing his defence, Chartists held on Tuesday jaight,; June 14th, after vancement of the Chartist cause, and for the purpose HARROGATE, lat.dy occupied by th^ Rev. Mr. 3rd of Jnly, at ten o'clock in the forenoon , in the money to the distressed manufacturers. He Baid haying (contrary to the repeated general directions considerable discussion; the following resolution was of checking the growth of that misery which has flo Holmes, Which they have fitted up for the reception Foresters' Court, York-street, Bindley. It is particu- that, in rising to submit his motion to the House, of the Magistrates) only been warned immediately come to,—"That thw maeting thus expresses its long overshadowed the land; a delegate meeting be of VISITORS desiring to be iaccomaodated with larly requested thai all localities within the distriot oveiflowing as its benches were (there were barely Srevious to appearing ; but, fortunately for him, high opinion of the retiring • Executive Committee,' holden in Colhe, on Sunday, the 3rd \f July, for Comfortable Privata Apartments. ' :¦' yrQl send a delegate. forty members present), he was prepared to offer Ir. Clarkoon, his attorney, happened to be in Court, as having, so far as means would permit, performed North and South Lancashire, including the whole of in the heart of extricating his client COKVBNIENT BATHS FOR BATHERS , The Members of the monthly delegate meeting hi3 testimony, residing as he did, and succeeded in from the their duty as faithful servants of tho people ; and we Yorkshire, and that we earnestly urge every Asso^ Good Acoommodatiori for Carriage will assemble on Sunday morning, at ten o'clock the manufacturing districts, and having means of precipitate charge. The Worsted Inspectors con- hereby record the confid ence we possess in the up* ciation to take the subject into their most serious and Horses. precisely, at the Star Coffee House, Golden-lane, to ascertaining the truth, not only from what he ducted the prosecution, and called Mr. Smith who rigfitnesa of that body, from the beginning of their consideration. The meeting to take place in the Harlow Ville, Low Harrogate; June 20 1842. hear the report of their committee. • himself saw, but from the best authority , of proved that in April last ho delivered two quanti- labours until the conclusion of their term of office, Chartist Room, Windy-bank, at one o'clock in the the fact that distress of the most fearful descrip- ties of wool to Dowling to comb, who had n Bchy.—A public meeting will be a d we hope their jud icious, well-meaning course: ef afternoon." 2. " That we deeply regret to observe PUBLIC NOTIC E. held at this tion was now raging in every quarter. He not returned bis work, and had absconded. business will be pursued by their Buooossors, as the manner in which the report of the Enfi^ld -meet- place on Saturday evening next at seven o'clock, in must appeal to the House to do their utmost to re- Dowling (who had been fetched from Ireland by we have no TISJHEREAS Hannah the Wife of me, the Working Men's Hall, for the pnrpo3e doubt it will tend speedily to allay all ing was given in by the Clitheroe reporter, and the under- of memo- lieve the poor industrious classes in the manufac- direction of the worsted committee) was then pro- feelings of animosity existing among the members think that the language used at t hat meeting did no VY signed Georob Ibbotsoii, late of Charlestown rialising her Majesty to dismiss her Ministers, and turing disiricts, and save them from starvation. He duced to prove the alleged sale, and his brother Northowram, near Halifax, in the County also agree to a remonstrance to Of the Association." justify the reprehensive remarks made use of at the of York! the House of Com- believed that there was no one in. that House who called in corroboration ; neither of whom proved the close of the report. We also wish further to' state, previously Hannah Brooke, Spinster, now ia her mons. Mr. Henry Horridge and Mr. "Michael and declare that the labourers in RoTHWELL , near Leeds.—A public meeting was would stand up fact, but rather contradicted each other in details. held at this place evening, that the advice said to have been given by Marsden 59th Year, one of the Daughters of the late Mr. Roberts, of Bnry, will take part in the proceedings, manufacturing districts were not suffering the Mr. Clarkson on behalf of the defendant on Friday the lti;h Rochdale, the , , reviewed June, at half-past seven o'c about tho people arming themselves and making up Charles Brooke, of Lancashire, and of and Mr. David Ross, of Manchester, has promised most fearful dibtress, aud the House had it on the e , and contended that the lock, when a number of Hightown the evid nce prosecutor, rrenda from Leeds attended^ and there was a to Buckingham Palace, and which has been so largely the Upper House, , in Liversedge, in tho to attend. highest authority that they had born e this distress backed by a powerful committee and assistance Birstal in the County of Ybrkj of glorious gathering of' the town's people. Mr.Dixon, commented on by the Stdri never was, we empha- Parish of , aforesaid. Mr. William Bell, of Heywood , will lecture with a patient endurance which claimed irom their their experienced officers, had failed both in law Holbeck, addressed the people tically assert, uttered ; and that Messrs. Marsden, Butcher, did abscondof from me without any ju st on Monday next only respect, but an earnest desire to re- and face to make out a case, the alleged ait considerable , in Garden-street lecture room, hands not sale not length, on the d ifferent points of the Charter ; Tattersal, and Swindlehurst possess the confidence cause on the25i;h D^y July, 1840, and took with her Bury, at eight o'clock in the evening. lieve them. The Hon . Member then referred to the being proved ; and presuming that it had, no evi- of ourselves and also the places which we severally mv youngest Sun, Edward, who is now nearly Seven- •' igration" system pursued in 1839, for the removal after whom the meeting was addressed by Mr. A Public Meeting takes places here on Saturday, imm dence ivas adduced to show that Porter knew that Fraaer, of Leeds explaining the causes of the represent.''—J. Thornton, Chairman. P.S. it must teen Years of Age, is rather Tall, arid has Carrotty of labourers from tiie Southern disiricts to the North. Dowling was in Smith's employ, , pre^ learning a the 2o;h instant, Mr. David Ross will be invited. and had no autho- sent distress—showing the power capital pos- be particularly remembered that Colne is the most Hair, and it is said be is Trade ; and on After the poor people had been removed according rity to dispose of the wool, consequently the charge central place which could be pointed out and also the 24th July, 1841, George, my third Son left me • Mr. Mead's Route for the ensuing week, Sun- to this plan from the rural districts of the south ot sesses over labour—and how the labourer , must be dismissed ; in which the Magistrates, after must always be a wealth^creating slave under that every Association is particularly requested to he was Twenty m March last, is a Stout Young day, Ilkiiton; Monday, OM Basford ; Tn-sday, England iuto the manufacturing districts a stimulus a short consultation, concurred. furnish their delegates with credentials. ' Man, with dark, Hair, and was, some months ago, Beestcn ; Wednesday, Bui well ; ana the Noah's was given for a time to trade and things wett on the present system, fini shing by presenting to , the meeting the People's Charter, as the only means seen near Halifax, and it is supposed they are at, or Ark on Saturday night. with apparent prosperity. During that time be Sending Cattle to Grass.— g At a meeting held iu the Music Hall, this even- Some weeks a o, Mr. through which the working population may be in the Neighbourhood of one of the Places under* Marvlebdse.—Mr. A. Cook, of London, will lec- found that the House of Commons voted £20,000,000 Matthew Booth , Inn-keeper, ..'Little Horton, an- ing, it was uiiauimously agreed that a vote of confi- mentioned, viz: at No. 59, Cobourg-street, or No. pation of the blact slaves elevated to the rank of independent human beings ; dence be given to Mr. Richard Marsden of Preaton ture at the Working Men's Hall, 5, Circus Street , of money lor the emanci nounced by placards, that persons keeping cattle lorious result of this and previous , , 56, Albion-street, Leeds, (the Tenants of which two of the West Indies—men who he was prepared to and the g meetings Mr. Mopney, of Colne, Mr. Tattersall,,of Burnley, N ew-road,Marylebone, on Sunday next, Jane 2G:h, at , might be accommodated with grass, in the Park, oa 'was, that eightyythree came forward and enrolled houses are nay Wife's Sisters), Leeds, Sowerby half-past seven o'clock. Also, Mr, Jones, the West- prove, were a thousand times happier, and more reasonable terms. A . number of persons, nearly a and Mr. Oldham, of Frestou, for their Btraight-ior- bridge, Hebdenbridge, Cross-Stones, Todmorden, themselves as members of the National Charter Asso- yrard conduct at . . 'the Enfiyld rueeting, and that we riding lecturer, at the Working Men's Hall, on contented, more prosperous, and better provided score, availed themselves of the opportunity and ciation. Thus are our principles spreading and fix- . . Manchester, Altrincham^ Bolton, Liverpool, or Monday evening next, at half-past seven o'clock, in for, than the workmen of the manufacturing dis- placed their cattle under his care. On Tuesday fl ing back in the teeth of the base calumniator, the Bootle, which Place is about Two Miles from Liver- ing themselves. We have only to carry the " glad Manchester Guardian , its wilful and base liea (viz; aid of the funds of the above hall. tricts of England were at the present time. morning last the bailiffs marked all the beasts they tidings" to these country villages, and hundreds pool ; at Bootle, Mrs. Dorothy Finlow, (who is my Ho stated what he knew to be true, that there were found in the said Park, for reut and arrears, and that he would do any thing to injure ihe people's Wifo's own Cousin,) the Widow and Executrix of Loxdon.—A public meeting will be held at the will flock around tho standard of freedom. Let leaders), for there wag never Such language Hit or M»i3,79, West-street, Globe Fields, thousands of the working classes, those who had been when the owners went to milk them they were pre- ought made the late Mr. Richard Finlow, Solicitor, of Liver- ou Sun- now actually us all work, then ; no idlers to be among use of. • day evening next, at seven o'clock, to elect a dele- induced to migrate from the South, vented from doing so until the rent was paid ; and us. Men and brethren, bo but energetic, bold, pool, her Trustee, resides, and although she waa gate to the Middlesex County Coancil; the lmng on boiled nettles, arinkmg the water in which thus the affair stands. and we will have a magnificent Ackworth.—At the fi rst weekl some time ago served with a Written Notice from col- beverage aud and determined, y meeting of the lectors are requested to call the attendance of the tne uetiies i a-d been boiled as a , reward. Ackworth Chartibts, held on Monday last, at the me riot to Pay my Wife any more Interest until she lying in bed dunug tne day for the purpose of saving Suspected Child Murder at Shelf ,—Circum- returned to me and her family, I am told she con- members. near Bradford LONDON.— Balance Sheet of festival held at house of Mr. Allen Mason, Low Ackwrorth, after the their Dodies Irom the exhaustion of walking about. stances have occurred at Shelf, , which business ef tinues to Pay it. But if she Pays to her, or for her Mr Abeam Duncas intends lecturing in the fol- leave but little doubt that a murder of an uncommon the Social Hall, John-street, Tottenham-court-road, the meeting had been gone through, it The Queen had done her duty in the matter; but was resolved, " That a vote of confidence be use, any more Interest after the Date hereof with- lowing places next forsnighs, namely:—Falkirk, an obatdole svood in the way, or she would have re- character has been perpetrated. At present the Jan, 6th, 1842. passed out my leave in Writing, she will be called upon to Tuesday 28;h tost.; Tullibody, Wednesday, 29;h; RECEIPTS. in the Rev. William Hill, for his able and manly lieved them long ago. That impediment was the state of the inquiry, and the evidence collected, is advocacy of the people Pay it over again. ; ^: : Alva, Thursday, 30ih, Dollar, Friday, 1st J u.-y ; such that it would be premature to enter intominute £. s. d. 's cause during the time that . British House of Commons. With deep humility he has edited the Northern Star." 1 paid about £14 ont of my own Money previoaB Blairiiigone, Saturday, 2nd ; Alloa, Monday, 4th ; he suggested a response to the wishes of Her Ma- details. The facts as they appear at - present, are as By sale of tickets as per last balance to Marriage, to secure the Interest of her Fortune Bannockburn, Tuesday, oJh ; Danny,- Wednesday, jes ;y ; and , in the name of the distressed among follow :—On Saturday last, about four o'clock, a sheet ...... ••• — — 19 2 0 to her for Life, but hot to abscond from me, and the 6th ; ani Stirling, Thursday, 7th. Mr. Duncan in- the workiog classes, he called upon that House, in female named Caroline Pollard, who resides at the EXPENDITURE. Principal to be divided amongst her Children after ' tends to stand a3 a candidate to be delegated to meet whose hands alone were the means of saving them junction of the old road to Halifax over Wibsey Rent of Hall ...... 33 0 TO THE EDITOR «F tH S NORTHER N STAR. her Death. She has had Six Childreu to me, Four with the English Executive in Scotland. The elec- from aestitiuion and death, to relieve their dread- Slack and the new road , having occasion to visit an Sous and Two Daughters, all living. tion to take place at the close of each of the public to Teas ...... 5 15 11 Sir,—It is agreed on all hands that great distress ful necessities. He be^yed leave may & " that the out office belonging to tho house, discovered in the ' Itt&etui23 abova mentioned. dung, y under the seat what she sup- Baud and refreshment ...... 0 19 0 at present exists throughout the trading world. Of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, House will, on Tuesday,me 21>t of this instant June, immediatel , Postage, paper omnibus fart it posed to be a human body. She left the place, and , , , &.C.. 0 2 7 s cause, a multiplicity of opinions are afloat. Thit I will not be answerable for any Debts which Locghbokocgh District Camp Mectixg.—A resolve itself into a committee of the whole Printing bills and cards ...... 2 3 6 Perhaps, amongst the many,, camp meeting is to be held near the .Lower Mill, House, for the purpose ot taking into consideration related what she had seen to the neighbour!?. Several you will allow me to she, the said Hannah Ibbotsbn, may contract whilst persons immediately ran to the place, and, with a give mine. living apart from me, and that whoever harbours the Isonghborough, commonly called Boots ilill, on the following resoiucion :—" Tnac ic is the opinion of Total Expenditure ...... £12 4 0 It is well known that during Sunday, the 26:h of June, at three o'clock in the tnis Houso that immediate measures be taken to littl« exertion, the body, which was nearly buried the protracted war said Hannah Ibbotson, George Ibbotson , and Ed- (nothing more than the lower part of the back boisg Total sale of tickets 19 2 0 with France, underor the reign of Bonaparte, the ward I bbotson, or any of them, after this Notice, afterxoon, when Messrs. Harrison . of Calrerton, ailtsvutu ;he deplorable distress and destitution -. landed interest aristocracy of visible) got out, and after a short time, was Total expenditure ...... 12 4 0 England," pledged without my written Consent, will be prosecuted with Beedham of Leicester; and Eairstow, Skevingion, which now afflict many of the working classes in the was thoir lives and ^fortunes " in support of our Govern- Pepper, and Jarrot are expected to attend". A camp manufacturing districts, and tha: an address be pre- washed and conveyed to the Shoulder .of Mutton the utmost seveniy of the Law ; and whoever is meeting will also be held at Mount Sorrell public-house, where it remained until the assistance Profit ...... £ 6 18 0 ment. How was this pledge fulfilled I Why, they acquainted with their Place or Places of Abode, are ,on Sunday, sented to Her Majesty to employ for their temporary created a fictitious capital, whioh said fictitious July 10th , at eleven o'clock in the forenoon ; to aa- relief a sum not exceeding £l,0U0,000 sterling, and of Mr. M'Lachen,' aurgeou, was procured. It was desired immediately to inform me by Letter, by the when taken out, but warm, and had Paid into the hands of the Treasurer 5 15 0 capital enabled them to double, yea, treble their Post thereof, directed Mr. George Ibbotson, Brad- jonrn at one, and meet again at half-past two in that this House will provide for the same." quite dead Due from Mr. Gobdlellow ...... 0 18 0 rentals. At the conclusion of the war the afternoon ; and a delegate meeting will evidently been in but a very short time. It was also , they pro- ford, Yorkshire. 4be held Mr. Johnston seconded the motion. Mr. Cameron ...... 0 5 0 cured the enactment of the Com La-ws, by the opera- at Mount Sorrel], f or the county, the same day after Sir R PtEL, feeling deeply for the distress of the divested of clothing. There were no mark9 of vio- GEORGE IBBOTSON. ^ parts of the tion of which they have contrived to retain those dinner. " That a district fund be made to defray people, yet could not consent to the dangerous pre- lence to be observed on the external Trttnl ...... iPd 18 n ¦ ¦' ¦ '• .- Bradford, 21st June, 1842. was evident tbat it had died from suf? rents to this day. : the €xpeiices, and the accounts be examined every cedent which this motion would establisn. Nothing body, and it But ile they passed the among the matter in the privy, and not Provisional Committee.—--There was a full wh Corn Laws to protect delegate meeting—that another delegate meeting be could be more subversive of general principle than focation themselves, they abo passed measures to held at Loughborongh, on Sunday, July 3rd, to ar- from any other cause- This discovery, of course, attendance of the committee, at the Craven Head, restore the More Middle Class Sympathy.—Oa Sunday, to tax the wnole people for the relief of a part, Drury-lane old standard of money: or, in other words, to greatly range for the Mount Sorrell meeting—that any lec- and to exonerate those districts on which the duty excited the greatest wonder ; and after the body , on Tuesday evening, to hear the report the 19th instant, a placard was stuck up in the posed of the course of conver- of the xeceiptB aad expenditure of the Theatre, to curtail what they afterward a called that * fictitious School Room window of the Baptist Chapel turer wishing to visitLoughborough,correspond *iih and the legal burden lay of providing for their had been decently de , capital"' , Cul- upon the question, to whom did the return the unsold tickets, the cash, &o. The which had trebled their rents, and affec ted lingworth announcing the Sunday school arini- the Secretary, and wait for an answer before he be own poor. sation turned the prices of produce and all existing , belong, and who had put it. there V As the expenditure was stated to be about £46.15s. 2d., and contracts to verfcaTy in the Working Men's Hall, Keighley. A received, and bring his credentials with him from Mr. Fox Maule concurred in the opinions ex- child an alinost incalculable extent. If the landed interest hi3 own locality." news of the discovery spread rapidly, the attention the recdipjs, money, and tioktt3, £75 12s; 6d. ; but brainless political nondescript went, and in a pressed by Sir R. Peel ; he deprecated the lan- until the accounts are all received the exact amount would not be selrish, there would be no complaint CAMBEi.-H- £LL Buslal Societt. guage used by Mr. Ferrand. of persons at a distance was called to it, and among , paroxism, ot rage pulled it down, and to pieces, taking —Mr. Larkins, of Rhodah Barraclough, who cannot be ascertained. After the transaction of against Government, do what they niight. Could good care to prevent the dozen hearers of this place Wai worth, will address the members of this society Ward Yillk-rs, Mr. Heathcote, Mr. others, a woman named operauves get sufficient at present; there Mr. , Mr. Wibsey Slack, at the desire of her hus- considerable bnainees, and the payment of the loan would be a from being tainted with truth. on Monday evening next. Wallace, Mr. Escott, Mr. Ainsworth, Mr. William*, resided at good trade in England, iridependent of any foreign band , went to view the body, and recognised it. Her from the Convention Fund, and from Mr. Ridley, Hallfax.—A public meeting of this district will and Mr. Cobden, all followed in opposition. two in the after- Mr. Nogle moved, and Mr. Davies seconded, the trade. I would recommend Governmen t to suppJy vote f or this motion, of statement is, tbat between odo and the wants of the needy until my new be held at skireoat Moor, on Monday, June 27tb, to Mr. T. Dvscombs would Saturday, Bhe was passing a similar place following resolution ;— " That this committee Bhall manufacture which the fault was only that it proposed but one noon of gets into operation, arid then the cry against our LOCAL MARKETS take i&ta consideration the propriety of remonstrat- to that in which the child was found , and hearing not dissolve, but continue in existence, for the pur- ing whn the Legislature on their refusal to listen to million, when it ought to have proposed five. This pose of getting up another play, in order to raise rulers will be at an end, and plenty once more appear the cries of an infant, her curiosity was ex- in the land. . the prayers of three and a half millions of people, House had voted money for Irish clergy, for she saw a woman funds to be banked, aud be the property of the Leeds Corn Market, June 21st —The supply and for many other classes cited, and on looking in, Now, what effect had those measures and to memorialize the Queen on doing justice to a Polish refugees, who had rested at her house twice before in the Metropolitan localities, as a contingency fund, for upon the of Wheat to this day's market ib smaller than laat starring and insulted people. F. O'Connor, Esq. of the distressed ; so that the grant now desired with a child on any purposes which may arise at any future manufacturing and commercial interest ! for, mark, week, but a good Bhow from vessels near at hand, believed the course of a fortnight, sitting the landed interest, i. «., the landlords and Mr. John West have kindly promised to attend. would make no new precedent. He and a bundle beside her. Thinking that a period." Oa a suggestion of Mr. Wheeler, the , had pro- which have been detained by contrary winds. Oats dulv sensible of the evil, her knee, tected themselves from the consequences of their Mr. W. Beesley has been invited and is expected to House would never be very unfit building for a resting place, and having a motion was withdrawn, with the understanding in good supply. There has been a very limited de- attend also. Chair to be taken st half-past two until 400,000 or 500,000 men should marcfc from that the subject should be taken up by the dolegate own acts by tho Corn Bill of 1815 , enacted for the mand for W heat; the best fresh qualities have been knowledge of the woman before, Mrs. Barraclough purpose of keeping up the o'clock, when every lover of freedom is expected to the manufacturing districts to London. Even her cottage, and gave her a seat. or monthly council. The members of the commit- produce of the land to drill sale at last week's price; in other descriptions repealed , this tooney asked her to go to war prices. What e ffect had their measures upon be at hi3 post.—A lectnre will be delivered in * ihe if the Corn Laws were to be She put several questions te her, but received yerv tee are desired to attend on Tuesday, the 21st inst., nothing doing. Oats have been very heavy sale, evening by F. O'Cennor, Esq. in the Hall of Science, onght to be granted in the meantime. But the House appearing to be very much at the Craven Head, to obtain a final settlement of me for instance ! for my case was the case of thou- and lull a halfpenny per stone lower. Beans scarcely refusal of relief to the few answers, the woman sands, aud it will fully illustrate the confiscating Gibbet-lane, to commence at eight o'clock. had begun the evening with a " down" in spirit?) and not at all inclined.'ta'talk. the Theatre accounts. All parties having money in so well sold. Dissenters, and were now concluding it with a open the hand, or tickets, must, positively settle for them on, nature of the measure then passed. I had at the Foleshill. —Mr. Hartopp will lecture at the While she remained she had occasion to time theso measures were THE AVERAG E PBICES OT WHEAT FOR THE WEEK refusal of relief to the working classes. her Side, to obtain some or previous, to that evening. determined on upwards Adam and Eve public, house, Paradise-lane, Foles- bundle which r< mained at of £120,000 value in manufactured ENDING JUNE 21, 1842. hill, on Monday evening Oa a division six voted for the motion, and 106 hild , which was at that time Mr. J. Dowling lectured on Sunday evehing, cloth arid in next, June 27th ; lecture to useful articles for her c , to wool, while I had another £80 00 sunk in mills Wheat. Barley. Oats. Rye, Beans. ¦eommence at eight o' against it. , sitting some time she left the g i e at the Hit or Miss, Globe Fields, ^0 and Peas. elock. On the following Mon- in good health. After a ood aud enc , machinery. What did all this property sell , Qrs. Qrs. Qrs. Qrs. Qrs. Qre. ¦ for ! - » - - - Lr» 'VU Lj- Ljr -^ J J J rf-rf- *^^^-*»^* LJ >-l J U l* - »l I I " 'I^^ ^ ^^ ^ M ^V to Shelf. At about half-past lauded. day, July 4th, Mr. John Starkey and Mr. Peter house, taking the road and was much app Less than £80iane, by Mr. Robinson, and eeconded by Mr. Coffay. night; arid after the business of the Association sold at an advanced price ; but in other kinds there another person, who ran off with it. The case took do to sympathise with its victim. Remember Spitalfielda. place in York-street, and is one of frequent occur- " That we, the smiths of Manchester^ was done, a committee waa appointed to make the is little change. \ forthwith join the National Charter Association, necessary arrangements for the tea party, which is that Powell, the reporter of the Times,; boasted in Calvbston.—Mr. Morrison will "preach on the rence in that part of the town. The prisoner denied at Liverpool Cattle Market. Wfow DAY, June 20.— Forest oa Sunday, and that there be a committee of cine chosen, with to be held on the last Monday in July, when Mr my presence^ the Beaufort Arms, Monmouth, having any thing to do with the affair, but the wit- for the carrying out We have had a fair supply of Cattle at market to- nesses being positive that they saw him strike power to add to their number, O'Connor will attend. Near 500 tickets have that he had paid ten pounds for the Times, tot Opei>shaw.—Mr. J. Bailey, of Manchester; will the the above object." Tho resolution was passed day, with a numerous attendance of buy ers. The best prosecutor, the magistrates fined him 20s. and costs already been issued , and the other 500 will be issued the indictment whioh quali lecture next Ssnday evening, at six o'clock precisely, unanimously, amidst loud cheerb. The following in- was sworn to have been y eagerly sought after. Beefv 6d. to 7dM for the assault. in the course of a week or ten days. Ptrsons are Mutton 6|d. to at Upenshaw. dividuals were appointed on the General Council :— requested to communicate with Mr. Gep. Harrison, served on Frost. Remember that, and remember 7d., Lamb 6Jd. to7id. per 1b. Num- ber of Cattle at market j—BeaatB 813, Sheep and Sheffield.—Mr. Clark, of Stockport, will address Soiree Mxjsicale.—Mr. A. Ormonde gave his Wm. Robinson , George Stott, Henry Coffeyi James from Radford , Hyson-green, New Basford and Car- how delightfully it would be to Old M other Walter, -¦ ' ' ' r second musical entertainment to & numerous audi- Lambs 9,153> ; -; - .; . 'r r- - the Sntffiiid Chartists on Sunday, (to-morrow,^ on Heywood, Daniel M'Millan, Alexander Hutchiuson, rington, as agents of those places for the sale jo f to find me in Lancaster Castle, instead of on the site of the Old Sugar Houses, top of Sheffield tory, at the Meohanics' Saloon, on Monday evening. Thomas Bennett, Richard Byrom, John Bail sub- Manchester Corn Market, Saturday e 18. y, tickets. A booth will be ereoted for the accommo- the hustings at Npttingham, where with God' , Jun Moor, at half-past two o'clock ; and in the Bay- We are sorry we cannot speak of it in su-h favour- Secretary. The cub-Secretary was ordered to apply dation of all friends; and all the tickets must be s —There was but little inquiry for Wheat, at our maTket, at seven ©'clock. If the weather is. unfa- able terms as of his former effort ; it failed to give to Mr. Campbell for cards of membership. Mr. sold a clear week previous to tho day of tea. Mr. help, he shall meet me. Remember that the market this morning, and no alteration can be noted vourable, the meetings will be holden in the Fig- satisfaction. Miss L. Bruce it is true, sung most Hutchinson, late editor of the Trades Journa l, ad- O'Conner will proceed on the Tuesday to Mansfield men who recommend you to a physical outbreak will, oh the currency of this day se'nnight. The business tree-3aue room. delightfully, in some of her songs; of Mr. King we dressed the meeting, in a speech replete with good and Sutton, to visit the good and true of oaoli upon the day of trial, be absent. done in F. our was likewise of a very-limited charaft- ¦ ' ' ' ' ¦ ¦¦ Remember that - ¦ - ' ¦ ' - ' ¦ - ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ say nothing. There was also some very injudicious sense, on the necessity of union to obtain the Char- :¦ ...... • . - :...... ter, arid to effect saleB a reduction; - of 6d. to Is. per Bardlet.—Mr. Clark, of Stock port , will deliver plaoe. .;. . . North Lancashire is not England ,arid that the Times departures from the songs of the programme, and ter. A vote of thanks was moved to the lecturer and Sack was submitted to. For pats and Oatmeal there a lecture to the Chaxiists of Barnsley, on Tuesday Derby.—The following resolution has been passed: is not ourjriend. Remember that the is evening next. why " Johnny Cope" wa« read instead of beinp sung, chairman, and the meeting separated} highly gra- Times , out was scarcely any inquiry ; 3s. 5d. per 451bs. for the we are at a loss to imagine. " A night wi' Burns" '--" That before any person can lecture in any of of all comparison, the moat vile, corrupt, and black- Wcbki-ng Mejj's Hall, 5, Circus-street, New tified. the Associations in this; county, he^hall first cor- former and 31s. per load for the latter are exwemo i3 far superior to the " adventures of Prince to ascer- guard print published in the whole world. Remem- quotations. . : Road.—A lecture on Chartism will be delivered on Charlie." Brown-Street, Manchester.—A general meet- respond with the respective secretaries, Moiiday next, by Mr. Jone3, West-Riding lecturer, ing of fustian-cutters, called by placard, to take tain whether they can receive him ; and that he ber that old Walter and tho Times hallooed the jury . Liverpool. Corn Market, Monday, June 2O.r- in aid of the funds of the above hall. Admission As I.vcobbigible.—On Monday morning, Mat- into consideration the principles of the People's bring proper credentials from the Association to clas3 and the nation upon Frost, and hunted him Since this day so'nnight we have had a moderata l one penny, to commence at half-past seven o'clock thew Storm , who contributes largely to the borough Charter, was held in the Brown-street Roomj on which he is a member, or from the Exeoutive. Mr. down ; that old Walter afterwards began, like a supp y of Wheat, Oats and Malt, coastwise and evening. fund, made his appearance in the dock at the Coui t Mead^ from Birmiugham, delivered a lecture in the from Ireland, but little of any other article of the in the Wi dnesday evening, June 15th. There was a hypoorite, to praise Frost; to serve bis own base pur- Hou^e, on the usual charge—drunk and disordfrly ; numerous attendance of the trade. Mr. J. O'Connor Market-place, to a large concourse of people, on trade. The imports from abroad comprise 20,344 '.qrt. RocHDAiB.—There will be a Chartist camp meet- poses. In short, Chartists, don't play the game of the of Whea , ing oii Suncay (to-morrow), weather permitting, on on this occasion, however, he departed from his was called to the chair. Excellent speeches were Monday night; and Mr. Duffy, from Sheffield , ad- ts 740 qrs. of Barleyv 3,130 qrs. ot Beans uleborough usual practice, and instead of kicking up a row in made by various parties, and the following resolu- dressed a crowded audience on Tuesday night, in Times; for if you do, it will be "hea d you lose^harp the 887 qrs. of Peas, and 1,301 brig, oi Flour. The Calderbrook Moor, near Li , to comzneace the street duties on forei at twj o'clock. Mr. Gr foii, of Manchesier is ex- , he went to the police office and caused a tions were agreed to :—" That this meeting is of the Association Room, Willow-row. At the close, Tinies wins." See what a triumph you would give gn produce have uudergone no change. v disturbance there. It appearing that he had not Mr. Duffy recei ved an invitation to visit us again Throughout the week the Wheat trade has ruled pected to attend, and other speakers from Rochdale opinion that the alarming distress and low wages the intellectual Chartists t and those very fellows and Toamorden. - paid the previous week's fine and cost3, he was existing amongBt the f usuan-cutters can be traced ou hext Sunday, when he will deliver a Becon d dis- dull : the sales effected have been limited to tba . ordered either to pay them directly or to sit fire ' have their emissaries, under the mask ot Chartists, immediate wants Bairstaw, the celebrated to political causes ; and further consider, that good course b t 6ix o clock, in the Association Room, of the town arid heigbourhood, and Bristol.—Mr. J. R. H. hours in the stocks. He raised the wind, and was Willoir-row. trying to damn your cause, and sow the seed haye generally- been at a reduction bushel Chartist lecturer, will deliver his first lecture in the wages and permanent employment can never again of of 2d. a then discharged ; promising not to offend again. be enjoyed by the fustian-cutters generally, until SwirrtoN.—Mr. Linley, of Rotherham, lectured disseasion among you. Yos, it is the moral force from the qaotationa given in our last report. Flour west of England, at Bear-lane Chapel, Temple- has sold slowl " Bone Grubbers again. that document, called the People's Charter, becomes here on Tufsday evening. Five members were en- Sturgites, some of whom were the most violent y, and on scarcely so good terinH- Btreet, Bristol, on Monday evening, J une 27th, at " — On Monday last, two of Tbe demand for Iad3 of this description, who seldom a legislative enactment " " That it is the opinion rolled; Other lectures will bo delivered here on Ireland having ceased, Oxtnieal lias eight o'clock. Any Chartist society, or associa ion, miss any thing the physical foroe men iu 1839, who would glory in again met a languid vend valnfl in the Wes-t of England, or Wales, who may requ i re vtithin th sir reach, which is not t e t of this meeting, that it is the paramount duty of Tuesday evening and on Thursday evening. ; ; , and has receded in ei h r too ho or your madness. . 6d. to Is. per load. Oats ited the &erriee3 of Mr. Bairsiow, will correspond with too heavy fer them, were charged before the ma- every cuiter to immediately join the National Char- Ec«LE8.—Oii Monday evening laBt, a public meet^ , too| upon a very lim gistrates, ter Association, for the avowed purpose of causing As Beesly says, show me 100, inquiry., musi; be noted rather cheaper. In Barley Mr. Onion. at the Court House, with having entered ing was held in the Market-place, when the follow- 000 men, of twenty- and Peas the cellar of Mr. Beevors the People's Charter to become the law of these1 age, no alteration. Egyptian Beans are held for , in Hanover-place, from ing resolution was unanimously carried;—'' That, in one years of aud all armed, and then we?ll be Is. jptr qr. in ' whecce they stole a quantity of bntier realms." " That ihu fustian-cutters of Manchester meeting, l g distress advance. The principal . - transactions Dreadful Explosion. Sevet Pkssoss Killed. , cheese, the opinion, of this the a armin talking to the bloody Old Times. Don't get shot in bond have been eral — and bread, which were found in their bags, on will not acknowledge any person as a pubho lecturer which prevailsj and the high price of prpyisibns, in the last-named article, sev —An explosion, in consequence of the accumulation being stopped after or leader of the people, or a delegate to any Char- without the honour of returning ihe compliment, thousand qrs. of which have so changed hands at 223.J , they had been seen to leave render it absolutely necesBary that the working ~ holders of foul air in the shaft, took place on Monday at an the premises. They gave their names John Marran tist meeting, unless the same be a member of the lower the priceo however : the Times and your zsal may make now are pretty generally asking 24*. pe* iron-stone mine in the Cleveland colliery, situated lasses should adopt some means to wa ;¦ ¦ ¦ 4801bs. A parcel and John Wallace, and were sent to Waktfield for Charter Association." We have only to add, that and milk." ^he resblutipa s you mad for a moment. or two of Peas have been sold »' on the Toad to Willennall, near Wolveihampton, of beet, butter, 32s. to 33s. per qr,, 28* two months. after a vote of thanks to the Chairman, the mooting moved and seconded by working men who professed arid a f ew bris. of Fiour at ¦ belonging to Messrs. Bradley, Barrow , and Hall, God knows I ana astonished how you have borne 6d.per brU ^ -- - : - ' . - ¦ ' separated. We have every reason to suspect there pt of good wages, and was sup- by which seven men and boys have been killed, and Assault.—Oa TueBd&y to be in the recei oppression so long and so tamely; last, James Firth was was a government spy in the room. A person who ported by Mr. James Cartledge, of Manchester, yet, wilM hot six drr^adfully burned and mutilated. The sufferers brought up by warrant at the Court House, on a was unknown was taking notes ; and, from a con- council you to jump " who are dead are as follows :—James Love aged 46 who, in a lengthy speech, clearly showed Up the out of the frying pan into the Lbbds : — Printed for the Proprietor FJEABttUS , , charge of having assaulted Mr. BeDjamin Barton, versation which took place between him and one and '^ Believe me and his son, aged 14—this poor man leaves behind monstrous system of monopoly that existed, fire. , that in liBss than two months, O'C constable of Wortley. Mr. Barton stated that about of our men that we can place confidence in, we have ' ter ONNOR, Esq., of Hammersmith, Conaflr iim a wife and six email children, who were entirely exhorted his hearers to Becure- the People s Char the shopkeepers will be talking about physical by midnight on Saturday, the defendant, with some been led to the conclusion that bia business there Other Bpeakers addressed force, MiddleBe^ JOSHUA HOBS6N, at blB Print dependent upon their father and brother for their others to protect themselves. and so will the landlords ; then it , commenced gambling under a lamp opposite was for no good to the Chartists. The conversation wiere not less will be fashionable ' snpport ; Walter Marshall, a boy about 15 years of to his house; he was annoyed the meeting. The numbers of¦ which ¦ Ing Offices , Nea. 12 and 13, Market-street; Brl? by them for some was as follows :—Would it not be a good plan to ,;/ - ¦ ;¦; ::,- . >: ;. . - - ¦: but should you begin it, it would be age ; Win, Smith, aged twenty-seven years, leaving thau 1,500.. : :;: .. ; .; ; . ;vv. ,;¦ . :.; : ^/ thought gate; and HobsoMj time, and about two o'clock in the morning he organize to resist the Government, and he thought vulgar, arid all would Published by the 8aidTJoshua a wife and one child ; Edward Dawson, aged 16 ; went out and desired them to go away. the colliers were a likely set ot men Blackshawhead.—Messrs. HorBfailjGeo. Beack- joiu to put ybtm physical Instead of to take the front force down. : / . "< ¦ -: (for the said Feakgus O'Conn6r,) »t'/niii Dy* W. Duud , aged 17, and W. Jones, aged 11. The this they attacked him, and the defendant Btruck of the battle, and that he was quite willing to do oroft, Wm. HelHwell, and Richard Wheelwright individ uals injured are :—Charles Evans, aged 11 addressed an out-do6r meeting here on Sunday last, ling-house, No. iB, Marketstreet, Bri^te ; « him two or three times. . He was fined 20s. and all he could for the object, in getting money to cover The Times knows that the tariff jears ; Thomas Evans, aged 14; Joseph Aston, costs, or in default of payment sent to Wakefield the expences, and iu any other way aad gave great satisfaction. It is likely there will must fail, iaternal Commuaicatioh existing between tfce a»M that he could and that Peel must thea either aged 11; Stephen Yaughan, aged 50 ; who has a for a month. > assist privately, but he could not take pare publicly, be a society formed here before long. reduce the expendi- No. 5, Market-atreet, and the said Nos. 1? ai^ wife and ax children ; W. Hope, married, aged and he had do objections to lay down six or seven -^-Mr. Brophv delivered a lecture in ture, or 8aspend the Habeas Corpus Act; not that he Edwin Jones, aged U. ToDMORDEN. 13, Marketstreet, Briggate, thus constituting tb« 30 j and Little hope, we BRADFORD . Coubt House. -Woested pounds to commence with. Our friend , as soon as the Odd Fellows' Hall, op Tuesday night, to a nu- would desire it, but his party will ferce him into . regret to state, is entertained of the recovery of Acts again.—Wb. Porter, of Bradford, worsted- the gave great satis- whole of the said Printing and Publishing O®8* meeting had thinned, called a few of the friends merous and attentive audience, ana revolution before they will ¦ recovery of either Charles or Thomas Evans, top maker allow him to lessen the ¦ ¦> ' ¦;. ¦ ¦ :-yV" ' .;¦ -; - . . -. the , appeared before the Magistrates on together, and gave them this information, that they faction. At the close of the meetings the following : one Premises. , . ;¦ - ^ ' ; / : . injuries of the others are unusually severe. Wednesday last, upon an information charging him mess for the idle paupers. and the might be on their guard. He also gave his address. vote of confidence was unanimously passed:— That U> . They have been eonveyed to Portobello. The acci- with having, in April last, purchased a quantity of We send this All CommunlcationB must be addresaed, iPdst-paid) to put the Chartists on their guard, the Eoitor of the Northern Star is worthy of a vote Your affectionate Friend dent is attributable to the adoption of common wool, from one Edward Dowling, a comber, then in as we have every reason to believe that the of confidence for bis manly conduct, in supporting * T&OBSOH,Northern Star Office; Leedfc candles in place of the Baiety-lamp. the employ of William Smith, of Bradford, manufac- harp^s are abroad.—ManchesterCorrespondent. , the.prinoiple3 of ihe People's Charter." Fergus O'Cownob. Saturday, June 25. 1842. } [