Congressional Record—House H11329
December 8, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H11329 H.R. 4099: Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. W. Meeks, Dale E. Kildee, Donald M. Payne, signed by the following Member: Neil Aber- f Major R. Owens, Chaka Fattah, and Mark crombie, Henry A. Waxman, William D. Udall. Delahunt, Martin T. Meehan, James P. DISCHARGE PETITIONS Petition 5, December 6, 2005, by Mr. WAX- McGovern, John Conyers, Jr., Alcee L. MAN on House Resolution 537, was signed by Under clause 2 of rule XV, the fol- Hastings, Lynn C. Woolsey, Barbara Lee, the following Members: Henry A. Waxman, Dennis J. Kucinich, Michael R. McNulty, lowing discharge petition was filed: Neil Abercrombie, Alcee L. Hastings, Bar- James P. Moran, George Miller, Nancy Petition 4, December 6, 2005, by Ms. bara Lee, Lynn C. Woolsey, Michael R. Pelosi, Leonard L. Boswell, Raul M. Grijalva, SLAUGHTER on House Resolution 460, was McNulty, James P. Moran, Leonard L. Bos- Danny K. Davis, Lois Capps, Tammy Bald- signed by the following Members: Louis M. well, Raul M. Grijalva, Danny K. Davis, win, Patrick J. Kennedy, Cynthia McKinney, Slaughter, Neil Abercrombie, Alcee L. Steny H. Hoyer, James R. Langevin, Lois Hilda L. Solis, John W. Olver, Jesse L. Jack- Hastings, Barbara Lee, Lynn C. Woolsey, Mi- Capps, Tammy Baldwin, James P. McGovern, son, Jr., Kendrick B. Meek, Gwen Moore, Mi- chael R. McNulty, James P. Moran, George Patrick J. Kennedy, Cynthia McKinney, chael F. Doyle, Joseph Crowley, Sheila Jack- Miller, Leonard L. Boswell, Raul M. Grijalva, Hilda L. Solis, Loretta Sanchez, Doris O. son-Lee, Barney Frank, Carolyn B. Maloney, Danny K.
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