FINAL INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2015/2016 1 | P a g e GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Executive committee members (i) Cllr RS Mamekoa Mayor (ii) Cllr PA Mohlala Head finance (iii) Cllr ME Mogofe Head corporate services (iv) Cllr PC Sekgobela Head technical services (v) Cllr NM Moropane Head community service (vi) Clle ML Mabilu Head ELD (vii) Cllr ME Makgoga Deputy Head ELD (viii) Cllr ND Mphethi Deputy Head technical services (ix) Cllr LD Moraba Deputy Head finance (x) Cllr JL Kgwedi Deputy Head community services 2. Address The Greater Tubatse municipality 01 Kastania Street, Burgersfort P.O.Box 206, Burgersfort 1150 Tel: (013) 231 1000 Fax: (013) 231 7467 Website: 3. Contacts MA Ramaipadi MM Mashigo Acting Municipal Manager IDP Manager Email:
[email protected] Email:
[email protected] 2 | P a g e Table of Contents 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 6 1.1. Municipal Vision ................................................................................................................... 6 1.2. Municipal Mission Statements........................................................................................... 6 1.3. Municipal Strategic Thrusts ............................................................................................... 6 1.4. Municipal Values .................................................................................................................. 6 1.5. GTM 2015/16 IDP process plan .......................................................................................