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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 157, Pt. 7 June 16 June 16, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 157, Pt. 7 9439 On June 19, 1865, Union troops arrived the United States but abroad as well. 4 years ago to help players of all ages in Galveston, TX, to deliver freedom to He established the hallmark arguments participate and develop skills in the slaves still held in bondage. Because of that abolitionists would echo for years exciting sport of hockey. Camps are the amorphous period between the to come, until Emancipation was fi- held during the summer across Maine, Emancipation Proclamation and the nally proclaimed. New Hampshire, Vermont, and Massa- official implementation of freedom for Emancipation was not the end of the chusetts, and campers have expressed America’s slaves, Juneteenth is cele- struggle. Explicit laws and implicit as- tremendous appreciation of the dedica- brated not only on June 19, but the en- sociations would continue to create tion of the camps’ staff to teaching the tire month of June, to represent the and sustain dire inequalities in the Af- fundamentals of the game. Tim leads a slow spread of freedom during the war. rican-American community. Maryland team of 20 experienced staff members, The culminating reading of General passed 15 Jim Crow laws between 1870 from former National Hockey League Order No. 3 on June 19 sparked sponta- and 1957, laws that would meaningfully players to college standouts and coach- neous and jubilant celebration, and the segregate almost every area of public es, who impart their vast knowledge on spirit of that celebration has thrived in life, and would contribute to the man camp attendees. Aside from the tech- every African-American community who would later argue the landmark nical aspects of hockey, the camps also from that day forward. Brown v. Board of Education case, teach players about teamwork, cama- While Juneteenth represents an im- Thurgood Marshall, being denied ad- raderie, and the importance of a strong port phase in our history, it does not mission to the University of Maryland work ethic. Additionally, the Tim represent the end of discrimination and Law School. Marshall would go on to Thomas Foundation helps both hockey prejudice. African Americans would become the first Black Supreme Court players and organizations in need of as- continue to struggle to establish equal- Justice, and would help to safeguard sistance, and supports a number of ity as citizens, in education, profes- the rights and freedoms of all Ameri- groups and charities from the Greely sional careers and socioeconomic sta- cans, regardless of race. Hockey Boosters in Cumberland, ME, tus because of Jim Crow laws and other This Juneteenth, we must recommit to the Hunger Mountain Children’s ourselves to fighting racial disparity forms of insidious discrimination. Center in Waterbury, VT. In marking this occasion, it is appro- and prejudice. As we look back at the Tim’s desire to help others attain priate to reflect on what was respon- legacy of Juneteenth, and how the slow their goals in hockey comes from his sible for its creation. Millions of Afri- spread of the news of freedom brought own moving story, which is a case cans, kidnapped by traders or sold into forward a new era in our country’s his- study in hard work, patience and perse- tory, we must recommit ourselves to bondage by warring African kings, verance. A star goalie at the Univer- the hard work of ensuring that equal were ripped from their ancestral homes sity of Vermont, he was drafted 217th representation, equal opportunity, and and carried across the Atlantic Ocean overall in 1994 by the now-defunct Que- equal justice are spread everywhere as under hellish conditions known as the bec Nordiques. After spending several well. Though the progress and spread Middle Passage. While estimates vary, seasons in the minor leagues and in Eu- may be slow, it will reach every Amer- it is likely that as many as 2.5 million rope, Tim made his debut with the Bos- ican if we continue to vigilantly de- Africans died before ever reaching the ton Bruins when he was 28 years old mand equality to access to health care, shores of the ‘‘New World.’’ and became the team’s starting goal- equal treatment by financial institu- No comfort found them upon their tender 3 years later. Tim has racked up arrival, as they were treated as chattel tions, equal educational opportunities, and adherence to the words of our fore- numerous accolades and All Star Game and sold to merchants and farmers. fathers that ‘‘all men are created appearances over the course of his ca- Their daily lives included intense, equal.’’ reer, including winning the Vezina Tro- back-breaking physical labor for long We must continue to eliminate in- phy in 2009 as the NHL’s best goal- hours in poor conditions, with no hope equality so we can truly honor the tender. He is almost certainly a lock to of attaining freedom or economic ad- spirit of Juneteenth. win it again this year. Furthermore, vancement. Maryland was complicit in what makes this year’s accomplish- f this bondage, and at one point in the ment so special is that Tim had off-sea- late 16th century, slaves made up ap- RECOGNIZING TIM THOMAS son hip surgery last summer. proximately a third of the State’s pop- HOCKEY LLC Tim Thomas’ remarkable road to the ulation. Ms. SNOWE. Mr. President, last Stanley Cup is truly noteworthy for as- Maryland, however, helped to lead night, the Boston Bruins completed a piring hockey players across New Eng- the abolitionist movement as well. The stunning comeback to win the Stanley land, and indeed the country. To many, underground railroad, vital to the free- Cup for the first time since 1972. This he is a hero who helped bring the Cup dom of many slaves, ran through Mary- monumental victory is a testament to back to Boston for the first time in 39 land’s Eastern Shore and Chesapeake the team’s workmanlike approach to years. But to many more, Tim Thomas Bay. Its operation relied on the kind- the game, and there is much praise to is also a role model, who inspires chil- ness and secrecy of a vast network of go around. But one of the key players dren of all ages to pursue their goals often anonymous citizens, many who who contributed to the inspired game 7 and dreams in the hopes that, one day, lived in Maryland, all equally dedi- win was Tim Thomas, Boston’s fan- with hard work and resolve, they too cated to ferrying fleeing slaves to free- tastic goaltender. Winner of the Conn can attain the ultimate prize. I thank dom in New York, Massachusetts, and Smythe Trophy of Stanley Cup Final Tim Thomas and everyone who is a Canada. Most Valuable Player—at age 37, the part of the Tim Thomas Hockey Camps Indeed, determined slaves from oldest player to win this honor—Thom- for their superb work, and offer my Maryland would leave an indelible as posted a .967 save percentage in the congratulations to the Bruins organi- mark on our national landscape. Har- series, stopping 238 of 246 shots, and zation on its stellar victory! riet Tubman, a slave from Dorchester stopping a record 798 shots in the en- f County, MD, went on to guide her fam- tire playoffs. More than just a team ily as well as 300 other slaves over 19 player on the ice, Tim Thomas is also TRIBUTE TO GERRY COUNIHAN trips into the South out of slavery and involved in the community with his Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, today I into the North. During her clandestine Tim Thomas Hockey Camps. Today, I wish to pay tribute to a wonderful daring, she never lost a single ‘‘pas- rise to recognize Tim Thomas and his member of our Senate family. After 20 senger.’’ endeavors to promote both hockey and years of public service, Gerry Counihan Frederick Douglass, born in Talbot sportsmanship throughout New Eng- is retiring from his post as Senate ele- County, escaped northwards at age 20 land. vator operator. and began a long life of fiercely advo- Incorporated in Portland, ME, Tim In 1991, shortly after earning a degree cating for racial equality not only in Thomas Hockey Camps got their start from Franciscan University, Gerry VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:49 Jun 17, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR11\S16JN1.001 S16JN1 pmangrum on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 9440 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 157, Pt. 7 June 16, 2011 began his Capitol Hill journey working and honoring her commitments to She enjoyed an accomplished career as in the mailroom for Senator JOHN cheetah conservation. an author, playwright, photographer MCCAIN. Cathryn’s work with cheetahs began and journalist. Kathryn also dem- Gerry then moved on to become a in 1980, when she brought home a onstrated a fierce dedication to her Capitol tour guide in 1997, where he dis- young cheetah cub named Angel. Over community. I mourn her passing. tinguished himself with his enthusiasm the next 12 years, Cathryn and Angel Born on June 2, 1918, Kathryn spent and strong work ethic. Ted Daniel, toured the country, giving live presen- the majority of her childhood in Thom- former director for the Capitol’s visitor tations to more than 1 million people asville, AL, where she also began her services, hired Gerry, and remembers and appearing on hundreds of tele- career in writing and photography. She that on Gerry’s first day he came to vision news programs all around the graduated from Huntingdon College in work thoroughly prepared, standing world.
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