6 UNIQUE www.skiwelt.at THEME PARKS IN THE REGION WILDER KAISER - BRIXENTAL P TOURS 2013 linz vienna h AND GROU munich COAC Salzburg innsbruck klagenfurt bozen 6 THEME PARKS Salzburg approx. 80 km Rosenheim Vienna approx. 350 km 12 CABLE CARS Munich approx. 120 km (MAY – oCTOBER) Exit “Kufstein-Süd“ KUFSTEIN St. Johann i.T. from Germany – B178 take the Kufstein Süd B173 Going motorway exit WILDEREllmau KAISER SPeCIAL COACh AND GROUP TARIFFS no motorway tolls A12 Scheau Söll 8 direCt ENTRANCe PLACeS Reith b.K. FASt and TOLL-free ATTAINABLE Exit “Wörgl-Ost Itter Brixen im Thale Kitzbühel WÖRGL Hopfgarten Kirchberg B170 brixen im thale • ellmau • going • hopfgarten Innsbruck approx. 80 km Kelchsau Westendorf itter • kelchsau • Scheffau • Söll • Westendorf BRIXENT AL Felbertauern approx. 40 km IDEAL FOR DAY AND MULTI-DAY EXCURSIONS www.skiwelt.at Seminar and inCentive PossibilitieS LAKE FILZALM SEMINARS AT HOCHBRIXEN Special features of Lake Filzalm seminars at Hochbrixen Traditional mountain hut setting 2-storey seminar block Latest seminar technology Biotope and wading area Up to 40 persons near the seminar block Contact: Tourismusverband Kitzbüheler Alpen - Brixental Dorfstraße 93, AT-6364 Brixen im Thale TEL +43 2000-200 • e-mail
[email protected] restaurant Bergkaiser Ellmau Special features of restaurant Bergkaiser Ellmau Kaiserstube: 150 seats Sun terrace: 500 seats Restaurant: 300 seats Latest seminar technology Contact: bergbahnen ellmau-going gmbh & Co. hartkaiserbahn KG Weissachgraben 5, AT-6352 Ellmau tel +43 5358 23 20-0 • e-mail
[email protected] Simonalm Söll Special features of the Simonalm Söll: Screen and projector Creative rooms: kitchen with wood stove Ground floor room- 36 m² Tasting cellar: 18 m² 1st floor room - 20m² Contact: berg- & Skilift hochsöll gmbh & Co KG Stampfanger 21, AT-6306 Söll tel +43 5333 5260 • e-mail
[email protected] enjoy the CountrySide With no obStaCleS SPORT AND EXERCISE OUTDOORS – DISABLED INCLUDED Enjoy many obstacle-free walks with the help of Wilder Kaiser−Brixental cable cars.