
EPISODE 3 Click on logo to learn more about the series.


V-o-c-a-b-u-l-a-r-y back light—the process of In , lights are hung over the heads intensity—the degree of strength, Spotlight illuminating the subject from behind. In of the audience and pointed at the , force, energy, or feeling a certain lighting theatre, lights are hung upstage (towards so the performers can be clearly visible instrument emits or projects. the rear of the stage) and shine back to the audience. side light—the process A creates towards the acting area. In other words, gel—also known as a or as of illuminating the subject from the side. the lighting concept and the lighting instrument and the a lighting gel, a gel is a transparent In theatre, lights are hung on the left and audience face each other, with the equipment requirements colored material that is used in theater to right sides of the stage, so performers performer in between. color light or to correct the color of are lit from the side. This type of lighting for a production. They or cyc—a seamless, existing light. is often used to highlight dance and work most closely with the white or natural panel that is hung at the —a stencil or template placed movement. very back of the stage and is used in a director and the technical inside or in front of a light source to texture—the feel, appearance, or variety of ways, including with traditional control the shape of the emitted light. consistency of a surface or substance. director and the scenic, to create special illusions. Lighting typically use them wash—a general “fill” of light and color , and projection focal point—the central or principal with stage lighting instruments to evenly distributed across the stage which designers to create a point of focus for the audience. manipulate the shape of the light cast is created using lighting fixtures and front light—the process over a or object—for example to colored gels. lighting concept that of illuminating the subject from the front. produce a pattern of leaves on a floor. communicates the feeling of the production and guides the audience’s More to Explore Extension Activity attention in specific Create a lighting for the ways throughout the https://careers.broadway/ following scene. Be sure to decide performance. http://www.stagelightingprimer.com what your focal point or points will be? What colors, shapes, and textures you http://www.theatrecrafts.com will use to create the mood? And, how https://www.usa829.org/ you will use the lighting to establish the https://www.forbes.com/sites/darrynking/2018/10/26/what-do-broad- scene’s time and place? ways-best-lighting-designers-actually-do/#390c98e78db2 On a boat stranded in the middle of the ocean, a group of six sailors frantically devise a rescue plan before the storm

clouds in the distance unleash This series is made possible through the generous support provided by: a massive storm.