QUICK LINKS: NEWS > 2 OPINION > 5 FEATURES > 8 SPORTS > 13 Find out if ‘Shutter Island’ FEBRUARY 24, 2010 makes you shudder. VOLUME 8 • ISSUE 6 on Page 8 . VALENCIAVOICE.COM Official Student Media of Valencia Community College Courtesy Paramount Pictures Nikki Namdar / Valencia Voice Famed reporters speak at West Campus Marcelo Alves in November await- ing bond hearing. By Nelly Morales both realizing how much they had Alves released to
[email protected] experienced with politics and their views on the presidents that they home confinement How many people in their lifetime have encountered with. can say they have had the honor and “People are not open to learn,” By Nikki Namdar privilege to meet a few of the Unit- said Janet Bryant, who is a student
[email protected] ed States Presidents, quite a few but at Valencia and who believes that unlike many, Helene Thomas has there are many people who don’t re- After a bond hearing, Marcelo had the honor to have meet 10 out alize the importance of politics and Alves, alleged rapist and former Va- of the 44 presidents in her lifetime. the issues that are happening with lencia Community College employ- It’s always an honor to have dis- in the United States. ee, was released on Feb. 19 from jail tinctive guests appear at Valencia “It’s a great privilege to cover a to home confinement by judge Wal- ter Komanski. Community College, let alone have president,” said Thomas, now at age On Feb. 10, documents were made the honor to meet renowned jour- 90, has spent 60 of them reporting, with the details of his bond and nalists Helene Thomas and Craig having covered 10 presidents in her home confinement, signed by Kom- Crawford.