Stellar: Network Attack Mitigation Using Advanced Blackholing

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Stellar: Network Attack Mitigation Using Advanced Blackholing Christoph Dietzel, Matthias Wichtlhuber, Georgios Smaragdakis, Anja Feldmann Stellar: Network Attack Mitigation using Advanced Blackholing Conference paper | Accepted manuscript (Postprint) This version is available at © ACM 2018. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies - CoNEXT ’18, Dietzel, C., Smaragdakis, G., Wichtlhuber, M., & Feldmann, A. (2018). Stellar: Network Attack Mitigation using Advanced Blackholing. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies - CoNEXT ’18. Presented at the the 14th International Conference. https:// Terms of Use Copyright applies. A non-exclusive, non-transferable and limited right to use is granted. This document is intended solely for personal, non-commercial use. Stellar: Network Attack Mitigation using Advanced Blackholing Christoph Dietzel Matthias Wichtlhuber TU Berlin/DE-CIX DE-CIX [email protected] [email protected] Georgios Smaragdakis Anja Feldmann TU Berlin Max Planck Institute for Informatics [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT DDoS threats are continuously increasing in terms of volume, fre- Network attacks, including Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS), quency, and complexity. While the largest observed and publicly re- continuously increase in terms of bandwidth along with damage ported attacks were between 50 to 200 Gbps before 2015 [59, 60, 70], (recent attacks exceed 1:7 Tbps) and have a devastating impact on current peaks are an order of magnitude higher and exceeded 1 the targeted companies/governments. Over the years, mitigation Tbps [9, 48] in 2016, and 1:7 Tbps [57] in early 2018. We also ob- techniques, ranging from blackholing to policy-based filtering at serve a massive rise in the number of DDoS attacks. Jonker et routers, and on to traffic scrubbing, have been added to the network al. [41] report that a third of all active /24 networks were targeted operator’s toolbox. Even though these mitigation techniques pro- by DDoS attacks between 2016 and 2017. Similar observations are vide some protection, they either yield severe collateral damage, e.g., reported by the security industry [3, 19]. A particularly prominent dropping legitimate traffic (blackholing), are cost-intensive, ordo DDoS attack type is amplification attacks [64, 65]. They take advan- not scale well for Tbps level attacks (ACL filtering, traffic scrubbing), tage of protocol design flaws, whereby a relatively small request or require cooperation and sharing of resources (Flowspec). triggers a significantly larger response. With a spoofed source IP In this paper, we propose Advanced Blackholing and its system address [49] the response traffic is amplified and reflected tothe realization Stellar. Advanced blackholing builds upon the scalability target. Vulnerable protocols include classical protocols such as NTP, of blackholing while limiting collateral damage by increasing its DNS, and/or SNMP [20, 64], as well as relatively new protocols, e.g., granularity. Moreover, Stellar reduces the required level of coopera- DNSSEC [74] and memcached [5, 57]. Amplification factors of up tion to enhance mitigation effectiveness. We show that fine-grained to 50; 000× have been witnessed in the wild [73]. To exemplify, a blackholing can be realized, e.g., at a major IXP, by combining request of 15 bytes can trigger a 750 Kbytes response. available hardware filters with novel signaling mechanisms. We evaluate the scalability and performance of Stellar at a large IXP 1.1 DDoS Mitigation: State of the Art that interconnects more than 800 networks, exchanges more than This alarming increase in DDoS attacks and their sophistication 6 Tbps traffic, and witnesses many network attacks every day. Our and severity, e.g., see [56, 77], demands scalable yet cost-effective results show that network attacks, e.g., DDoS amplification attacks, countermeasures. However, at this point, we are left with various can be successfully mitigated while the networks and services under mitigation techniques and tools that can partially counteract the attack continue to operate untroubled. impact of the attacks. These include: (i) Traffic Scrubbing Services KEYWORDS (TSS), (ii) Router Access Control List Filters (ACL), (iii) Remotely Triggered Black Hole (RTBH), and (iv) BGP Flowspec. BGP; IXP; Blackholing; DDoS Mitigation. Traffic Scrubbing Services (TSS): offer all-round carefree ser- vices to their subscribers. They redirect the traffic of a service to 1 INTRODUCTION specialized hardware either via DNS redirection or BGP delega- The revolution of the digital age fueled by the Internet has attracted tion [43]. There they classify traffic as unwanted or benign and the good but the evil alike. While the threats executed over the In- send the benign “scrubbed” traffic to its original destination or move ternet are multifaceted from a criminalistics perspective, e.g., fraud, the destination to their network [4, 30, 43, 75]. The convenience and data and identity theft, espionage, or cyber terrorism, the dominant fine-grained filtering of TSS comes at significant recurring costs network threat is Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks [2]. The goal of and requires in-time subscription and setup. Moreover, it currently DoS attacks is to force a service or system to become unavailable has inherent limitations, e.g., per packet or per flow processing for by consuming crucial resources. These resources can be computing deep packet inspection, which can reduce effectiveness [75] and power at the servers or exploitation of application-layer vulnerabil- does not cope with Tbps-level attacks [48]. Moreover, it may reroute ities, i.e., semantic attacks, or network bandwidth, i.e., volumetric traffic and, thus, impose performance penalties, and is vulnerable attacks. To conduct such volumetric attacks, adversaries often use to evasion tactics [42]. Distributed DoS (DDoS). Traffic from numerous distributed sources ACL Filters: are often used by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) is generated and steered towards a target service to make it un- and Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) to overcome specific network available. Once the network links to the target are congested due problems. They deploy policy-based filters that drop unwanted traf- to the DDoS attack, legitimate traffic that traverses the same links fic at their AS border routers. The implementations and capabilities is also affected. depend on the vendor-specific hardware, e.g., ACL rules or QoS 1 classifiers. Such filters can work well if the hardware is homoge- TSS ACL RTBH Flowspec Advanced neous, the network engineers have sufficient expertise, and the filters Blackholing network management system supports the automated deployment Granularity 3 3 7 3 3 of filters. However, such systems typically do not scale well and, Signaling complexity 7 7 7 7 3 Cooperation •• 7 7 3 given that the filtering location is beyond the ingress points ofthe Resource sharing 3 3 3 7 3 network, the bandwidth to a neighbor AS can still be exhausted. Telemetry 3 7 7 • 3 Remotely Triggered Black Hole (RTBH): also referred to as Scalability 7 • 3 3 3 Resources 7 7 3 7 3 BGP Blackholing, is an operational DDoS mitigation technique [16]. Performance 7 3 3 3 3 ASes under attack can signal upstream ISPs [24, 40] or IXPs [22, 50] Reaction time 7 7 3 3 3 to drop traffic to specific IP prefixes. Using BGP to trigger blackhol- Costs 7 • 3 3 3 ing is simple to realize and lowers the entry barrier for ASes, but Table 1: Advanced Blackholing vs. DDoS mitigation solu- limits the level of granularity of the blackhole (to IP prefixes) and tions. 3: advantage, 7: disadvantage, •: neutral. the acceptance of neighboring ASes. Despite substantial growth of blackholing usage (it quadrupled between 2015 and 2017 [33]) 1.2 Advanced Blackholing in a Nutshell that is evidence of its effectiveness to drop large volumes of attack traffic [26], unfortunately, it is coarse-grained. BGP blackholing also In this paper, we propose another approach for attack mitigation, drops legitimate traffic to the prefix under attack and thereby causes called Advanced Blackholing (Advanced BH). Advanced Blackhol- collateral damage. Essentially, this makes the IP prefix partially un- ing does not require trust, cooperation, and sharing of resources reachable. For RTBH to be effective, cooperation between network among networks. It builds upon the excellent scalability of RTBH operators to act upon receiving a blackhole signal (typically, a BGP (to aggressively drop volumetric attack traffic) while incorporating community) is required, see Section 2. Namely, it requires that BGP the good properties of ACLs, Flowspec, and TSS (fine-granular fil- messages for prefixes more specific than /24 in IPv4 are propagated, tering) in a lightweight fashion. Thus, Advanced Blackholing offers thus, networks operators have to set up exceptions for blackholing a new service in between RTBH and TSS and, as we will show, it to accept BGP messages such prefixes, e.g., /32 in IPv4. can be deployed at scale, e.g., at IXPs. BGP Flowspec: the BGP flow specification feature, also referred IXPs offer an ideal deployment location for DDoS traffic mitiga- to as Flowspec, allows the deployment and propagation of more tion as many ISPs use them to exchange traffic, e.g., more than 800 fine-grained filters (compared to RTBH) across AS domain bor- networks and more than 6 Tbps at DE-CIX in Frankfurt or AMS-IX ders, e.g., to mitigate DDoS attacks [18]. Flow specifications can in Amsterdam. Notice that by enabling such a service in one of match a particular flow with a source, destination, layer-4 (L4) these large IXPs, hundreds of member networks (as well as their parameters, packet characteristics such as length and fragment, customers and peer networks) will immediately benefit without and allow to specify a drop rate limit.
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