Wisconsin Magazine of History
(ISSN 0043-6534) WISCONSIN MAGAZINE OF HISTORY The State Historical Society of Wisconsin • Vol. 76, No. 4 • Summer, 1993 *:>^ w. ^^*y^ ^» fW^7. '.•' \ \ •^ V . ' 'IT"".- «'?^ >''":'f^ |-«> n% f ^ I ^j'^V f ^'! ffl THE STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN H. NICHOLAS MULLER III, Director Officers FANNIE E. HICKLIN, President GERALD D, VISTE, Treasurer GLENN R. COATES, First Vice-President H. NICHOIJVS MULLER III, Secretary JANE BERNHARDT, Second Vice-President THE STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN is both a state agency and a private membership organization. Founded in 1846—two years before statehood—and chartered in 1853, it is the oldest American historical society to receive continuous public funding. By statute, it is charged with collecting, advancing, and dissemi nating knowledge of Wisconsin and of the trans-Allegheny West. The Society serves as the archive of the State of Wisconsin; it collects all manner of books, periodicals, maps, manuscripts, relics, newspapers, and aural and graphic materials as they re late to North America; it maintains a museum, library, and research facility in Mad ison as well as a statewide system of historic sites, school services, area research centers, and affiliated local societies; it administers a broad program of historic preservation; and publishes a wide variety of historical materials, both scholarly and popular. MEMBERSHIP in the Society is open to the public. Individual memhershvp (one per son) is $25. Senior Citizen Individual membership is $20. Family membership is $30. Senior Citizen Family membership is $25. Supporting vnemher^Yivp is $100. Sustaining membership is $250. A Patron contributes $500 or more. Life membership (one person) is $1,000.
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