Entomology Publications Entomology 12-20-2009 Amyris and Siam-wood Essential Oils: Insect Activity of Sesquiterpenes Gretchen E. Paluch Iowa State University Junwei Zhu United States Department of Agriculture Lyric Bartholomay Iowa State University,
[email protected] Joel R. Coats Iowa State University,
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[email protected]. Amyris and Siam-wood Essential Oils: Insect Activity of Sesquiterpenes Abstract Recent investigations on the sesquiterpene-rich Amyris (Amyris balsamifera L.) and Siam-wood (Fokienia hodginsii L.) essential oils revealed significant arthropod repellency and toxicity responses. Amyris essential oil and one of its major components, elemol, were evaluated in laboratory bioassays and identified as effective mosquito repellents, specifically characterized by high levels of contact and minimal spatial repellency. Mosquito responses to catnip (Nepeta cataria L.) essential oil are characterized with high spatial activity, but lack significant contact repellency. Sampling within the staticair bioassay chamber with solid-phase microextraction provided measurements of the relative concentration and distribution of volatiles.